Varieties of running with intermediate hand positions. Types of running. Which ones are there? Changes on site

Walking is one of the fundamentals of human existence. It is akin to movement, because every day, hour, minute we are in a moving state. Thanks to this, it is maintained in the body, processes associated with metabolism are stimulated, and the cardiovascular and muscular system is simply strengthened. Over time, people have turned walking into something more than just a walk in the park. Many means have been invented to diversify the seemingly monotonous, but healthy walking. Scientists began to conduct experiments and found that you can walk not only for health benefits, but also to strengthen and even improve it appearance bodies.

Today there are dozens of programs for people who want to get rid of extra pounds. Wherever you look, no matter what program you choose, there will be exercises that include various types of walking and running. Running is a metabolic accelerator. It is easy to notice that after 30-60 minutes of intense running, a feeling of thirst and then hunger arises. And all because the blood begins to circulate throughout the body faster than usual, and the process of oxygen supply occurs, accordingly, faster. But there is very little oxygen from the environment, so the body begins to process secretion products into oxygen. Due to this, metabolism is accelerated and the feelings described above are enhanced.

This article will focus on types of walking. We will also look at how much weight you can lose by walking and how to do it correctly.

Types of walking

In general, six types are distinguished. So, let's list them:

  • walking (usually less than 2 km per hour);
  • walking at an average pace (with this type of movement you can walk 1 km in 10 minutes);
  • nordic walking with specialized sticks;
  • energy-consuming walking;
  • race walking (you can cover 1 km in 6-8 minutes);
  • very fast walking (the speed of this type is more than 8 km per hour; such results can only be achieved through constant training).

Race walking technique

Did you think walking was that easy? If you really caught yourself thinking this way, then get ready to find out that everything is not as simple as it seems. Sports or physical training type of walking is the most difficult of all.

The main feature of race walking is the fixation of a two-support position. Many are now asking the question: “What does this mean?” This means that when walking, the swing leg, which is carried forward, must step on the ground earlier than the toe supporting leg will come off the surface. And the second important principle is that with each step, the leg on which the emphasis is placed must be straightened at the knee joint.

This looks more like a cross between walking and running.

The speed that can be achieved through race walking may vary. It all depends on the frequency and length of steps.

When walking, carry the entire weight of your body with the least effort. To do this, you need to straighten your back and lower your shoulders (that is, relax them). The legs should not be too tense, but use the joints fully.

As for the position of the arms, they need to be bent at the elbow joints and moved parallel to the body. This is very important aspect, since with the help of your hands you can add greater speed to your steps. Do not strain your brushes too much. If you want to give maximum speed your movement, bend your elbows more.

Don't forget about your torso, which should be straight, chest straightened, and lower abdomen tucked.

What are the benefits of walking?

Everyone knows that walking is not only a way to maintain vital activity and tone the body as a whole, it is also a way to lose weight. No matter what type of walking you do, any type of walking helps develop a good respiratory system. It is important not to forget to breathe correctly, because a lot depends on it. For example, how the metabolism will proceed, quickly or slowly, with or without failures. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of walking and list some aspects of what exactly walking helps with.

Strengthening the respiratory system

This is the first thing that we are considering today that can help. We present a series of very important rules breathing while walking.

  • When playing sports, you need to breathe through your nose. Try to develop your steps, combining them with inhalation.
  • It is best to carry out physical exercise away from roads.
  • When the temperature outside is below zero degrees, exhalation after inhalation should be done after 2-3 steps in order to avoid respiratory diseases.
  • In order to quickly get used to the rhythm of your movements, you can use a music player as an assistant.
  • Don't forget to monitor your pulse. 10 minutes after stopping intense walking, do not forget to feel for it. The heart rate should be fully restored by this time period.

This kind of walking is a universal type of load. Healthy walking People of any age can practice, even children. But depending on the same indicators, there are certain conditions for each group.

Varieties of tempos

The degree of stress on the body depends on the pace of running, so you should pay attention to the following classification:

  • Slow pace. This is how sick people and those recovering from surgery or the same illness are advised to walk. Typically, the pace of such a group varies from 60 to 70 steps per minute.
  • Average temp. It is typical for beginners, 70-90 steps per minute and is the very indicator that you should stick to if you are one of this type of people.
  • Fast walking is recommended for all healthy people. It is believed that 90-110 steps is the optimal indicator.
  • For those who exercise daily for a long time, there is a very fast type of walking. At this pace, people walk 110-130 steps per minute.
  • The fastest pace is over 130 steps per minute; it is very difficult to adapt your body to such loads.

Having become familiar with various types walking, you can choose the type and pace of exercise that suits you.

The main principle will be systematics. Monitor your pace and heart rate. helps improve performance of cardio-vascular system, prevents oncological diseases, increases the performance and level of a person’s psycho-emotional background.

"Why exactly Scandinavian?" - this question can be heard quite often. And all because this type of transportation was invented in the Scandinavian countries. Most of us know why countries near the Arctic Ocean are primarily popular. This ski race and walking on them. But how to ski in the summer, that’s the rub, but even here the descendants of the Vikings found a way out - they were taken ski poles with rubber tips.

The essence of walking is that the arms move alternately with the legs. With the help of sticks it is strongly worked out top part body, unlike normal walking. This type can most likely be included in the category of “weight loss exercises”, because in an hour of such training you can lose about 400 kcal. It improves the functioning of the heart muscle, lungs and strengthens the whole body.

Walking poles are not made from ordinary materials. Fiberglass coupled with carbon are the main components of this piece of equipment. The handles follow the anatomy of the palm and allow you to move without discomfort, and carbon makes the poles elastic. It is this elasticity that allows you to absorb most impacts on your hands. To choose sticks, you need to use one simple formula: “human height” * 0.68.

What type of walking will help you lose weight, read below.

Let us warn you right away that to achieve any results you will need maximum effort. Every day, a person trying to lose 2-3 extra pounds needs to walk at least 10,000 steps at a high pace. It should take approximately 12 minutes to walk 1 km.

To see the result in the mirror, you need to walk 12 km every day. Equip yourself with full program- wear weights on your feet and clothes that keep you hot. If you want to diversify your workout, you can climb up the stairs, as this process also burns a sufficient amount of calories.

When you walk, you think little about what you are doing, what your actions are aimed at, what you want to achieve. Energy walking is just a meaningful and systematic movement of the body. During such loads, you should be as focused as possible on the result and tell yourself a goal. Feel the surge of energy, direct it in the right direction and focus as much as possible on what is happening.

We looked at all the walks and their features. Don't forget that movement is life, and you need to live healthy.


technique, types and benefits

Running is one of the ways a person moves. It differs from walking in the presence of the so-called “flight phase” - at a certain point in time, both legs do not touch the ground.

Running is an easy, natural form physical exercise, this is a unique type of physical activity that does not require special equipment, equipment, sports facilities. In order to reach treadmill stadium or just on a country road, you don’t need to take special lessons, you only need to have one thing - desire.

Running is a purely individual activity. It's either a long run at a slow pace just for the joy of movement, or competing with yourself when you cover a distance at a certain speed. There is nothing more natural than running - it is one of the most effective exercises which allows a person to maintain himself in good physical fitness.


To avoid excessive stress on the joints, it is necessary to follow the correct running technique, which consists of rational movements of the legs, arms and body of the runner. Here are the main components correct technique running on long distances:
1. Correct positioning legs are one of the most important components of running. The foot begins contact with the ground from the heel and then rolls to the toe. In this case, the heel does not need to be “slammed” into the ground. The push-off should be carried out with the main load on the foot, while the knee should be fully straightened.
2. Your back should be kept straight, not slouched, slightly tilted in the direction of movement. No need to sway from side to side. The shoulders should be lowered, as when walking. The head should be raised, looking 20 - 30 meters ahead.
3. Arms should be bent at the elbows less than 90 degrees and, if possible, slightly pressed (without effort) to the body. The hands are slightly clenched into fists (also effortlessly). A slight movement of the arms should be parallel to the direction of running.
4. The step width should not be large.
5. The main rule is a positive attitude. Run correctly and with pleasure, then the result will not be long in coming.

The goal of proper running technique is: smooth movement and economy of movement.


Breathing is the foundation of running training. Breathing that makes it easy for a runner to talk is called aerobic breathing. Breathing that makes it difficult to talk is called breathing with oxygen starvation. When running at an easy pace, 16 breaths per minute is optimal. Inhalation, as a rule, takes longer than exhalation, so you need to breathe something like this: inhale for 3-4 steps and exhale for 2-3 steps.

Breathe as you feel comfortable. There are several options: inhale and exhale through the nose; inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth; inhale and exhale through your mouth. The first option is the most optimal, the latter is undesirable in cold weather.

Breathe rhythmically and freely. You need to train yourself to breathe evenly, inhaling or exhaling for a certain number of steps. It is better to master proper breathing while running slowly. Gradually, the body itself will find the best option. The need for oxygen depends on the chosen pace. The slower the run, the shallower the breathing; the faster, the deeper.

If you are not good at physical education, do not run for the first ten days, but simply walk for half an hour to an hour. Choose a fast pace, but not exhausting, but enjoyable. But after such preparation you can already run.

Running should be done under self-control or medical supervision if you have any medical conditions. Self-control is quite simple. At first, you should definitely breathe through your nose when running. If you start breathing through your mouth while running, then the load is excessive and you should reduce its intensity.

If you suddenly get a twinge in your side, don't stop. Slow down slightly, take a deep breath and exhale slowly, calmly. The cause of tingling in the side is cramps in the diaphragm, which is unaccustomed to such loads. At regular classes run, such pains go away very quickly.
If you get sick while running, your shin bones or shins “ache,” go to running on your toes.

Slow down gradually for the last 50 meters. After running, you also need to walk quietly for 10-15 minutes until your breathing is restored. You can’t stop right away, much less sit on a bench or grass. After this, perform muscle stretching exercises for 4 to 5 minutes.
Running at temperatures below minus 20 degrees is completely unacceptable.


Before you start running, you should do a light warm-up for 10-15 minutes to warm up your muscles and prepare your body for the stress of running. To do this, do simple exercises like squats, leg swings, calf stretches, etc.

Along with simple exercises it is necessary to include in the warm-up special ones aimed at working out the feet - walking on toes, outside feet, lateral movement on two feet simultaneously to the right to the left, etc.

The distance should begin with walking for 5 - 7 minutes, gradually increasing the pace and switching to running.


On initial stage It is very important not to overdo the load. A lot is not always good. The main thing is the quality and regularity of training. Wellness running doesn't have to be intense. Breathing should be free and continuous, so that you can communicate calmly while running. The pulse rate is no higher than 180 beats per minute until the age of 30 and no more than 180 beats minus age for people over 30. It is also important that after running the pulse returns to its original state after about 5 to 10 minutes. Slower heart rate recovery indicates excessive exercise.

In order for the circulatory system to start working normally, it is enough to jog every other day or even 3 times a week. Such a schedule will allow you to give the body the necessary shake-up and at the same time avoid excessive stress. Start running 3-4 times a week, for 15-20 minutes. Gradually increase the amount to 5 times a week, evenly distributing rest days, and running duration up to 30 - 60 minutes.


It is best to run in the morning or evening time, depending on your daily routine. Morning jogging helps to awaken the body and introduces it into a working rhythm. Evening relieves physical and mental stress. If you live in the city center, then run in the early morning - at this time there is less gas pollution and there are much fewer people on the streets. You should not run in hot weather conditions during the daytime, or later than 21:00.


Running on a full stomach is uncomfortable. A full stomach strains the pancreas and can contribute to side pain. The best thing to do is run empty stomach, planning your meals in such a way that by the start of training it will be empty. Therefore, you should not eat anything one and a half to two hours and drink nothing 30 to 60 minutes before class.

After classes, it is not recommended to eat for two hours. You can take fluids right away, but drink a little, in small sips. It is better to drink regular water or mineral water (necessarily without gas). Under no circumstances should you drink very cold liquids or in large volumes after running - this is harmful to the heart.


Clothing should be light and not restrict movement when running. In the warm season, you can get by with a T-shirt and shorts. In cool weather, you need underwear that absorbs sweat well. To protect from wind, rain and snow, you need to wear a windbreaker-type jacket over your sweater. In cold weather, a hat and gloves are also necessary. Do not get carried away with clothes made of synthetic and rubberized materials, they cause severe sweating and overheating of the body.

Choose shoes specifically designed for running. It has a special sole design with a built-in shock absorption system. The main criterion is that the shoes should be comfortable and suitable for weather conditions. Do not run in casual or walking shoes - they are not designed for jogging and can cause injury.


There are many types of running. In sports practice, it is divided depending on the length of the distance. For health purposes, the following types of running are distinguished: light, medium, standing still, barefoot, jogging, for weight loss.

Light is a health-strengthening type of running, which can rather be attributed to race walking. This type is also called footing - walking at a high pace. Easy running, perfect for obese people.

Intermediate is the most common type of running, it is healthy and is in demand among most non-professional athletes, as well as among retirees. Millions of people all over the world run in the mornings and evenings in this way.

Running in place is practically in no way inferior to other types, and can be done at home. His technique is elementary. You make the same movements as during normal running, only in one place, without moving horizontally, only vertical movements. At the same time, the arms actively work back and forth, and the knees rise up or overwhelm the shins back.

Running barefoot feels amazingly good. The soles of your feet are almost as sensitive as the palms of your hands. The grassy meadows and sandy beaches will seem softer than silk and corduroy. You should not run barefoot until your feet are accustomed to walking barefoot and your ankles are sufficiently strong. When running barefoot on sand, the extra work you do pushing off will give more strength to your leg muscles.

If you want to run along the shore of a reservoir, then run along the edge of the surf, where the sand is hard, compressed and at the same time quite soft. Dry sand is too soft, your heels will sink into it, and you may overwork your Achilles tendons or twist your ankle.

Jogging is running at a very slow pace, approximately one kilometer in 6 minutes. This pace can be recommended for beginner runners. Experienced runners also use jogging, but usually during warm-up, recovery phases or rehabilitation after injury.

Jogging differs from regular jogging in its movement technique, which is aimed at reducing the load on joints, ligaments and the cardiovascular system. It has a much shorter flight phase: as soon as one leg pushes off the ground and the period of an unsupported state begins, the second leg immediately lowers to the ground. Characteristic features of the technique: “spanking” with a relaxed foot and sometimes a hard blow with the heel on the support as a result of “bumping”; the speed of movement is slightly higher than with fast walking.

US experts have scientifically substantiated the fact that jogging significantly accelerates the growth of human brain cells, and in the area where the processes of memorization and learning occur.

Running for weight loss is one of the easiest and most effective ways to lose weight. It's very easy to get rid of extra pounds. Half an hour of light jogging burns an average of 300 calories. But fat burning occurs unevenly and does not begin immediately, but after 30 minutes of continuous muscle work. Before this, the reserves of ATP (nucleotide, a universal source of energy) and glycogen in the liver are consumed.

Running for weight loss should be practiced 5 times a week. The duration of each lesson is 40 - 60 minutes. Preference should be given to morning jogging. This is due to the peculiarities of fat breakdown and city air, which is several times cleaner in the morning than in the evening. Run naturally, the way your body tells you.


A lot can be said about this, because positive sides runs significantly outweigh the negative ones. The main benefit of running is that it prolongs life.

Healthy running “works wonders” for the heart, increases oxygen consumption by the lungs and the capabilities of the cardiovascular system as a whole, and burns calories faster than most other sports.

Running helps cleanse the body. During training, blood moves through the vessels in an intense flow, collects everything unnecessary, and through sweat, all this crap is removed from the body. Slow, long running helps normalize lipid metabolism and reduces bad cholesterol levels.

Running improves the rhythmic functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems. During running, when a person jumps up and down in a vertical position, the blood flow in the vessels resonates with the vibrations of the body, and previously unused capillaries are activated.

Running has a positive effect on the immune system and improves skin tone. Strengthening the leg muscles and improving metabolism helps prevent and eliminate cellulite.

Healthy running has a positive effect on all parts of the musculoskeletal system, preventing the development of degenerative changes associated with age and physical inactivity.

Running has a positive effect on liver and intestinal functions. When breathing deeply while running, the liver is massaged with the diaphragm, which improves the outflow of bile and the function of the bile ducts, normalizing their tone. As a result of vibration internal organs, which occurs during running, increases intestinal motility and its drainage function.

Running means the absence of sexual problems. A sedentary lifestyle has a bad effect on the blood supply to the pelvic organs. Stagnation of blood in the pelvis leads to erectile dysfunction in men and many problems in women. A person who runs not only normalizes blood circulation, but also increases the level of sex hormones, which causes an increase in potency and makes it possible to have a more active sex life.

Running is disease prevention. Active running is a serious opponent of atherosclerosis, hypertension and obesity. It helps replace fat tissue with lean muscle mass.

During intense training, the content of pituitary hormones (endorphins) in the blood increases 5 times compared to the resting level and is maintained in increased concentration for several hours. Endorphins cause a state of peculiar euphoria, a feeling of causeless joy, physical and mental well-being, suppress feelings of hunger and pain, resulting in a sharp improvement in mood.


When running, during landing, the spine and leg joints experience a certain load, which is several times greater than the person’s weight. The impact force upon landing increases many times over if you are running on a paved road. As doctors and trainers say, running on asphalt can turn a healthy person into a disabled person in a couple of months.

When running, the load on bones and joints is 5 to 10 times higher than when walking, which increases the risk of injury. Also, significantly greater efforts are required from the stabilizing muscles. Both factors entail a high likelihood of knee damage and lower sections spine. Ankle sprains are also very common.

To prevent running for health from turning into running from it, several conditions must be met:
1. Run strictly in accordance with the technique developed by Lydiard (jogging).
2. For health jogging there are strict restrictions on intensity and duration.
3. Particular attention should be paid to sports shoes and underwear (especially for women).
4. Approach the running surface strictly.
5. People with problems with the spine and leg joints, as well as with noticeable excess weight, are contraindicated in running.


No matter what kind of physical shape you are in, running places serious demands on the body. You should not run if:
- recently suffered a stroke or heart attack;
- have a congenital heart defect;
- you have arrhythmia or insufficient blood circulation;
- you have chronic hypertension (high blood pressure);
- you have a high percentage of cholesterol;
- you have poor vision or a disease related to the retina;
- there was an aggravation chronic disease;
- you are very overweight;
- your knees or lower back hurt.

Before starting jogging, you should consult with your doctor. He will be able to recommend optimal time and the pace of your workouts, and perhaps recommend swimming, cycling or walking instead of running.

Running, despite its apparent simplicity in terms of the technique of its implementation, is one of those sports that has one of the largest numbers of disciplines and varieties, starting with cross-country running.

Moreover, running is an inseparable part of many sports, such as basketball, acrobatics and other disciplines where speed and precision are required. About what kind of sport running is, what types of running there are, distances, as well as basic standards, all of which will be discussed in this article.

Running, what types exist and what are their differences?

Types of running in athletics can be divided into basic disciplines and running sports such as:


This running discipline is characterized by overcoming from to, on a flat surface, with maximum acceleration. It is worth keeping in mind that it requires huge energy costs, healthy and respiratory system, which makes it relevant only for competitive athletes and various lovers of an active lifestyle. However, it is categorically not recommended for people who want to gain endurance, and also, regardless of the trimester of pregnancy!

Obstacle running

It also has short running distances, usually not exceeding 400-500 meters, with locations whose height can vary from 35 to 95 cm or more, depending on the gender of the athletes, their skill, age, and weather conditions. Obstacle running is traumatic discipline, since there are often cases of a runner colliding with an obstacle, or unsuccessfully overcoming it, which leads to falls, which are aggravated when approaching a sprint!

Cross running

A rather controversial running discipline, which, despite all its entertainment, is not an Olympic sport. involves covering up to 12 km over difficult terrain, such as forest paths, dirt roads, and even deserts. Cross running requires covering distances at low speeds, with rare passage of steep climbs and jumping over road irregularities. Cross-country running is recommended for both beginners and experienced athletes during the period of preparation for performances, since, subject to all safety rules, cross-country running perfectly trains endurance, strength and breathing, without actually loading it due to the absence of hard.

Marathon running

A running discipline that requires athletes to have the maximum possible endurance as a result incredibly long tracks, the duration of which can reach up to 42 km. To cover such extremely long distances, runners stick to low speeds close to . Marathon running is a fairly popular discipline that has earned honor not only at the Olympic Games, but also among amateur enthusiasts, as well as at large-scale events dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, where a huge number of volunteers overcome marathon and urban conditions, thereby bearing sports ideology to the broad masses!

Middle and long distance running

Very common types of running, which have gained particular popularity in physical education classes in various educational institutions, as well as among ordinary fans healthy image life. This discipline involves completing routes ranging from to , which is the best option both for people who want to lose weight and for experienced athletes who want to maintain their e.

Interval running

A rather unique running variety that requires athletes to periodically speed changes from slow to fast, in single run conditions. Thanks to this change of speed, it effectively improves not only endurance, but also, however, due to its specifications, such running is recommended only for professional athletes who can control their breathing rhythm. Beginners and amateurs can also try to master interval running, the types and varieties of which are not of fundamental importance, however, without proper preparation of the respiratory system, they will get tired quite quickly, without realizing all the necessary load on the lower limbs.

Sports directly related to running

Various types of running are one of the training sessions for most sports, except probably chess, powerlifting, sumo and ballroom dancing.

However, if in some types of sports, running training has only an auxiliary function for the general strengthening of the body, in some other sports, running is their integral part, to such sports disciplines include such categories as:

  • Running long jump. Here running plays a key role in achieving maximum results, and athletes spend months honing their technique with maximum acceleration for a short period of time.
  • Pole vaulting. An incredibly spectacular sport that also requires the athlete to thoroughly master the running technique, while maintaining the correct breathing rhythm to produce a powerful push with the help of a pole.
  • Jumping over the bar. To carry out a correct and safe jump, it is necessary to perform a well-calibrated acceleration, where it is simply impossible to do without a proven running technique.
  • Various relay races. are one of the few team disciplines in athletics where running over a distance of 5- is important. In addition, relay races are an integral part of many school competitions for more short distances, where the main key to victory is running.
  • Football. This sport also directly depends on the football player’s ability to cover long distances while maintaining correct breathing. It is worth noting that interval running is very relevant for football players, which allows them to quickly accelerate, slow down and at the same time maintain clear self-control regarding the situation on the field, with the least amount of physical effort.

What type of running is best for you?

It is impossible to find an affirmative answer to such a question, since each of the running disciplines is suitable for people with specific goals. However, there are categories of people who should give preference to only one of the types of running described above, which useful for such population groups as:

  • People who want to keep their body in good shape, and who also set goals for themselves. This category of athletes should give preference to jogging at a moderate pace.
  • who want to increase overall endurance in general and strengthen the respiratory system in particular. Such people need to focus on marathon running, with a gradual increase in the distances covered.
  • Beginners who want to comprehensively increase both endurance and leg strength can easily master the cross-country running technique, which is also least traumatic in terms of wear and tear knee joints. Also, any other variety, light physical education and other general strengthening activities are suitable for such people.
  • Athletes playing football, hockey, and basketball need to focus on interval running.

Running is a compulsory discipline in many educational institutions, so each of us is familiar with it. It rarely happens that a novice athlete carefully studies the theory. Still, this is necessary, because by studying the theory, we get an idea of ​​how our body works while running and what processes occur. Of course, each type of running has different effects.

Initially, all types of running can be divided into amateur and professional. It is clear that a beginner is unlikely to be able to run a marathon, and an athlete rarely uses lung technique running. Therefore, you need to choose the type you need depending on your body type, physical training, age. You definitely need to listen to your body.

Anaerobic and aerobic running

Before proceeding with the main classification, let's clearly separate the concepts of aerobic and anaerobic running. Aerobic exercise is physical activity in which the body does not lack oxygen. During anaerobic exercise, we spend much more oxygen than we receive when inhaling.

Anaerobic running is more typical for professional sports. In conditions of severe loads, you can only run a short distance. Typically this is an 800 meter race.

Now let's look at the description of each type of running. Among them:

  • Easy
  • Average
  • jogging
  • Fast
  • With obstacles
  • Shuttle
  • Relay
  • On the spot
  • For medium distances
  • For long distances
  • Marathon


Light running is a lot like race walking. Such loads are also recommended for people who have excess weight. Light jogging promotes a smooth transition to active image life.


This type is the most common. Almost all non-professionals use it. Most people jog at a moderate pace in the morning. allows you to keep yourself in shape and gives you a boost of energy for the whole day.



Fast running is anaerobic exercise. Races are carried out exclusively over short distances, which the athlete must run in a minimum amount of time. Despite the short distance, the body gets tired quickly, so this type is used only in competitions.

With obstacles

Steeplechase or steeplechase is one of the Olympic events sports.


It includes all kinds of obstacles, including a water hole. Of course, you can only train in this type of running in specially equipped summer stadiums. Shuttle running is well known to us from school physical education lessons. Although speed plays a big role here, it is mainly agility that is trained. For shuttle race

characterized by fast starts and sharp turns, so injuries are not uncommon. To do it, you must have good physical fitness.

Relay race Relay is a team running event. An unlimited number of people can participate. The classic relay race takes place in a stadium; one athlete must run a distance from 100 to 400 meters. It's interesting that in mixed relays

There can be both men and women on the team. In general, a relay race can be called any sport's event

, where participants pass a relay baton or an object that replaces it to each other. It can be held both at the stadium and on the streets of the city, timed to coincide with any city event.

On the spot

The good thing about running in place is that you can train in any conditions and anywhere. You perform the same movements as during normal running. However, this technique has disadvantages. Firstly, the load on the body is much less. Secondly, the lack of fresh air affects the quality of running.

For medium distances

In professional sports, the average distance is considered to be a distance from 800 meters to 2 miles. The pace remains quite fast, so beginners rarely take on such workouts.

For long distances

Such loads are colossal for the body, so only people run long distances. professional athletes. The distance starts from 3000 km. and is theoretically limited only by human capabilities. There are a huge number of running technique rules that must be followed throughout the race. In such races, the leaders are Kenyan and Ethiopian athletes.


The marathon is the most difficult type of running. This is a race over a distance of 40 km. Only well-trained athletes can run a marathon.

Among the marathons, the most famous are Kosice (Slovakia), Boston (USA) and Berlin (Germany).

Boston Marathon in the USA in 2014


Since running is considered one of the most widespread and accessible sports, hundreds of competitions are held around the world every year.

The largest competition is Olympic Games. They include several types of running, including middle distance, long distance, marathon, steeplechase and fast running.

Recently, the colorful race has become very popular. This is a 5 kilometer running competition. They are notable for the fact that participants are sprinkled with dry paints throughout the entire race.

Watch a video about how the Moscow Marathon took place in 2014, which attracted 100,000 participants

Subject: Gymnastics. Types of movement: walking, running. Jumping up-

sights near gymnastics shops. Combination on low

deck. Valeopause No. 2 “Good Forest”.Corrective exercises

to form correct posture.

Lesson objectives:

1. Practice execution:

Exercises for balance;

Formation from a line of one to a line of twos and threes;

Closing and opening of the system;

Corrective exercises to form correct posture.

2. Learn the combination on a low deck.

3. Introduce jumping near the gymnastics bench.

4. Foster a positive attitude towards physical education.

Place of classes: gym.

Inventory: gymnastic benches, low deck, weight bags.

During the classes:

1. Preparatory part.

    Organized transition to the gym.

    Formation, report, greeting. Setting lesson objectives.

    Rearrangement from a line of one to a line of twos and threes.

    The drill step is in place.

    Organizing exercises (movement exercises)

* hands to shoulders, circular movements back and forth;

* attention exercises.

2. Main part.

A) Corrective exercises:

Walking with weight bags on your head;

Squats with weight bags on the head;

Clasping your hands behind your back.

b) Types of movement: (rules of behavior while walking and running)

Walking on toes;

Walking on your heels

Walking with stops at a signal;

Running while maintaining correct posture;

Zigzag running (running around the pins; running diagonally).

Running with a change of direction (right - left), length (small,

medium, wide) and frequencies (slow, accelerated, fast);

c) Jumping:

Both feet alternately on opposite sides of the zigzag line.

With alternating legs, hands on the waist.

From a lying position, hands on a gymnastic bench - jump, bending your knees into a squat and back.

* Breathing exercises:

Hands up - inhale

Circular movements with arms to the right

Tilt to the right - exhale.

Repeat the exercise 3 – 4 times.

d) Equilibrium. Low deck combination:

Enter the deck from the right foot, resting on the edge of the deck;

Step with your left foot.

Arms to the sides - step with the right foot.

Hands down - step with your left foot, turn to the right.

Hands to the sides - turn to the right.

Swing with your left leg - lunge.

Swing with the right leg - turn to the left into a “legs apart” stance.

Hands back - down.

Dismount, bending over.

d). Valeological pause No. 2 “Good forest”.

e) Relay race. Team game:

Crawl under arches;

Sliding along gymnastic benches, pulling yourself up with your arms.

3. Final part.

a) Exercises to restore breathing:

Exercise No. 1. Inhale deeply, protruding your stomach as much as possible. Lifting and expanding chest, exhale. Complete the exercise 3 – 4 times.

Exercise No. 2. Squatting, clasp your knees tightly with your hands, slowly exhaling, squeezing the air out of yourself. Straighten up while inhaling. Exercise

perform 4 – 8 times.

b) Construction. Summing up the lesson. Assessing students' work in class.

c) Organized transition of students to the classroom.