Fitness slim figure in 30 days. Jillian Michaels training programs: a complete list and review of effective ones. Barbell Curl

Among all the programs, Gillian stands out " Ideal figure in 30 days." It is designed in such a way that a woman can lose the maximum possible number of kilograms without putting her body in danger. The program lasts 30 days and consists of 3 levels that last 10 days. After each level, you must take a one-day break to give the body a chance to rest and adjust to new loads.

The effectiveness of the course is due not only to hard work on your body, but also to well-planned classes. So 3 minutes should be devoted to strength training, 2 minutes to exercises to maintain proper functioning of the heart, and 1 minute to training the abdominal area. This division allows you to use everything during each workout. necessary muscles and speed up combustion subcutaneous fat. You won’t even notice how you will become 1-2 sizes smaller, tighten your muscles and strengthen your heart! A unique set of exercises from Jillian Michaels will help you get beautiful figure in 30 days!

Inventory for the program

For classes you will need:

  • two dumbbells (instead of dumbbells, you can use ones filled with water plastic bottles volume 0.5 l.);
  • sports uniform (pants should be elastic and not restrict movement);
  • sneakers (you can’t exercise barefoot, as this can lead to ankle and foot injuries).

Level 1 of the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program

The first part of the course involves active work on losing body weight. The right psychological attitude is important - you must be prepared for the fact that the classes will be intense and quite difficult. The first few days of training you will physically feel every cell of your body, but this pain will most likely be pleasant, because you will realize that you have taken the 1st step towards perfection. On the 5th day, the exercises will no longer seem so difficult to you, as the body will begin to get used to systematic loads, and you will feel that you are going in the right direction.

The first level of the complex includes the following exercises: push-ups, squats, jumping, weighted lunges, a set of exercises abdominal Press.

The second level of the “Slim figure in 30 days” program

The first day of Level 2 classes may seem incredibly difficult to you, even though your body is already tuned to daily intense exercise. All women who have completed the program consider the second level to be the most difficult part of the course.

This stage of the program involves intensive training aimed at top part torso. You'll perform exercises like hobo push-ups, deep lunges, planks, and jumping jacks, and you'll see first-hand that Jillian Michaels makes sure none of your muscles are left idle. You can't just squat or press dumbbells - you have to learn how to do both at the same time.

Level 3 of the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program

You will most likely associate this part of the course with the most intensive training. However, you will be pleasantly surprised, since in fact this stage will turn out to be much simpler than the previous two, and you will pass it with ease, due to the fact that by this moment your body will be sufficiently trained. New exercises will be quite easy and will not cause any particular difficulties. The last 10 days of the program will seem easy and enjoyable to you, first of all, due to the fact that you will see the result of your labors.

The third level involves daily performance of the following exercises: jumping, push-ups in a plank, squats, running in a plank, jumping on spread legs, running with dumbbells, side plank, etc.


After 30 days of intense training, your weight may fluctuate, misleading you. Trained muscles will swell due to increased exercise, retaining water, which can lead to weight gain. But don't panic! Take measurements using a measuring tape, not a scale.

All obese people dream of losing excess weight without harming their health. Proper weight loss in 30 days is a course of an adjusted diet and exercise system - losing weight with this approach is not so difficult, the main thing is that your figure will become ideal. If you don’t have time for sports, then you can focus on nutrition. At the same time, keep in mind that without physical activity, at least in the form of exercise, it is unlikely that you will be able to make your body attractive and sculpted.

How much weight can you lose in 30 days?

Get rid of excess weight in one month or significantly reduce it for men and women with the help of well-chosen low-calorie nutrition. True, losing 10-20 kg in such a short period of time can only be done in unsafe and unhealthy ways, for example, with all kinds of starvation diets. Any person working in the field of fitness will tell you that by burning fat in 30 days you can lose from 2 to 2.5 kg.

How to lose weight in a month

Safe weight loss involves combining a healthy diet with physical activity. For example, you can lose weight by 1-2 kg per week (depending on the characteristics of your body) if you eliminate unnecessary snacks and stop eating sweets every day. Your daily diet should include a healthy breakfast, lunch (full) and a modest but protein-rich dinner. You can introduce a couple of snacks with vegetables or fruits that are rich in vitamins. Besides this, do it at home special exercises or do:

  • light jogging;
  • swimming;
  • tennis;
  • race walking;
  • cycling;
  • dancing;
  • gymnastics;
  • skiing, etc.

Losing weight with Jillian Michaels

The “lose weight in 30 days” program from Jillian Michaels, which consists of 3 courses, each lasting 10 days. It will be possible to achieve maximum results only with an integrated approach consisting of proper nutrition and exercise. This fitness program is based on "irritation" of the muscles, which helps to reduce volume and tone all muscles. The program itself is primarily designed for beginners, because... It's not that hard to get through half an hour of practice.

Under proper nutrition does not mean any protein diet or a diet based on carbohydrates, but a four-course menu consisting of healthy and natural products. Fast food with soda is completely prohibited. For classes, you will need to purchase a gymnastics mat and dumbbells weighing 1.4-2.3 kg. Before starting the course, it is advisable to keep a weight loss diary, where you will need to record your weight, volume, and diet.

30 day weight loss program

Remember that the “lose weight in 30 days” program includes healthy eating, and training. Physical activity should be daily: pump up your abdominal muscles, run, do push-ups, etc. Additionally, take up badminton, table tennis, swimming. It is advisable to have meals in fractions, for example, 4-5 times a day. You can alternate one day of eating only plant foods with one day of dry fasting. To ensure that food does not harm the body, it must include the required amount of nutrients:

  • Breakfast should be rich in whole grains and protein: an omelet with vegetables, a serving of oatmeal, a glass of low-fat milk, etc.
  • Lunch should include a light salad, proteins in the form of low-fat cheese/chicken.
  • The dinner menu should consist of all food groups, for example, fish, lean beef/chicken with vegetables, etc. Try not to eat pasta.


To lose weight in a month without harming your health, choose a suitable diet. The daily diet should be light, but do not abuse fatty and floury foods, and do not overeat. By adding to it, you can lose not 2-3 kg, but 4-5 in a month, without feeling much hunger. Try to limit salt and sugar. You can consume up to 150-200 g of baked/stewed/boiled meat and 200-300 g of fruit per day, except grapes and bananas. The amount of vegetables per day should be 300-400 g - minimize the consumption of potatoes and legumes.


With regular training, you can significantly speed up your metabolism, making fat burning more intense. During the entire training period, it will be possible to remove fat from problem areas such as the stomach and sides. In addition to visiting the pool, tennis court

  • or cycling, use the following exercises known to everyone:
  • running in place;
  • squats;
  • twisting;
  • pushups;

exercises with dumbbells.


It stands out from other methods due to its effectiveness. Many women around the world use it and get excellent results. We will tell you about all the advantages and disadvantages of this technique, because a slim figure in 30 days is the dream of a large number of women.

Biography of Jillian Michaels Today, the name Gillian Michael is well known to many women on the planet. She is a professional fitness trainer and also a fashion model. Jill was born in the City of Angels in 1974. Only the mother, who worked as a psychotherapist, was involved in raising her daughter. As a child, Jill had serious problems with overweight

Jill's parents divorced when she was barely 12 years old, and this was very stressful for the teenager. Perhaps this fact also affected the increase in body weight. In the eighth grade, with a height of 158 centimeters, Gillian weighed 80 kilograms. For this reason, she was constantly attacked by her peers at school. However, at the age of 14, everything changed after her mother sent her daughter to the martial arts section. It was there that the coach was able to convey to her the idea that until you begin to respect yourself, others will not.

Jill's parents continued to be on very bad terms after the divorce, and at the age of 17 the girl stopped communicating with her father. At the same time, she enters university and leaves home. Unfortunately, the girl was unable to combine her studies with active sports, and she made a choice in favor of sports. At the same time, she gets a job as a bartender in one of the local bars.

In 2002, Jill and her friend opened their own gym. Three years later, she presented a fake ID higher education, gets a job at one of the agencies searching for young talents. This is how she ends up on a TV show, which in many ways made her a popular person all over the world.

As part of this show, a group of young people with problems with excess weight competed in the speed of losing weight. Jill was one of the coaches and earned a reputation as a “tough” mentor, demanding “military discipline” from her players. Gillian herself says that in life she is completely different and that the core that viewers of the show observed, she does not have. Be that as it may, after this television program, Michaels becomes known throughout America.

In 2010, she decided to leave the show as she was going to start a family. However, Jill did not leave television and created her own show. In addition, she was invited to act as a presenter in a very popular program in the United States, which discusses issues of excess weight and the fight against it. During all the time that Michaels spent on television, she was able to create a real fitness empire, releasing books and video lessons. It was at this stage that the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” method was created, which we will now discuss.

Benefits of the Slim figure in 30 days program

According to the method developed by Jill, you have a choice of the type of activity. You can work on the most problem areas, and the whole body at once. The high effectiveness of this program is eloquently demonstrated by the experience of millions of women who achieved their goal - a slim figure in 30 days. There are several levels of the program, depending on your initial physical fitness.

Michaels pays a lot of attention to motivation in his classes. If you started training using her video lessons, it will be much more difficult to quit them than to continue training. This is very important, because sometimes people do not bring the work they start to its logical conclusion.

Gillian's training program is based on interval training, and classes are conducted at high intensity. Until there is no more effective way fight fat than interval training. Also, you do not have to independently select exercises and compose them. effective complexes. All this work has already been done by Jill and all you have to do is follow her recommendations.

Basic principles of the program Slim figure in 30 days

Classes using the Michaels method consist of two stages, each lasting three weeks. 21 days is enough for you to get excellent results from your training and move to the next level. If the first phase involves working on the whole body, then in the second phase special attention is paid to problem areas.

Before we look at the program itself, it is necessary to talk separately about the diet. Without following several nutritional principles, a slim figure in 30 days will become an unattainable goal for you.

  1. According to the first principle, you must take an individual approach to composing your diet. This is quite understandable, because each person’s body is individual and universal nutrition programs simply do not exist. It is very important to correctly assess your physique, because the speed of metabolic processes is related to this. Thin people have a high metabolism, while obese people, on the contrary, have a slow metabolism. For the first body type, Gillian recommends eating more complex carbohydrates. If you have a slow metabolism, then the emphasis in food should be on protein compounds.
  2. The second principle of the diet is control over energy intake and expenditure. Using special tables, you need to evaluate the energy value of the foods you eat and then determine the daily calorie content of food. You will also have to use special calculators that will help you determine the amount of energy you spend every day. So, you need to achieve a calorie deficit of 400 to 600 every day.
  3. The third principle of nutrition states that you need to eat four times throughout the day. It is quite clear that these should be only useful and healthy products; the basis of the diet consists of fruits and vegetables. It is also necessary to include lean meat, seafood, fish and dairy products. To exclude the option of overeating, you should keep a diary, in which you should constantly enter the quantity and names of foods consumed. Everything is quite simple and if you follow all these principles in your diet, then a slim figure will become a reality for you in 30 days.
You should start your path to a slim figure with a program for beginners. It is suitable for girls who have never played sports before or have done it for a long time. Everything you need to carry out effective training- mat and dumbbells. The weight of sports equipment must be selected according to individually, but for most girls it will be enough to use dumbbells weighing from 0.5 to 1 kilogram.

Training should be carried out six times throughout the week. In total, the program for beginners involves three levels of difficulty, each of which takes 10 days to overcome. One lesson consists of three segments, including five exercises. They must be performed twice in a circular mode with high intensity.

This is a very easy program and is suitable only for beginners. All the exercises are very simple and it won’t be difficult for you to master them. This is one of the main distinguishing features Michaels programs, since many techniques involve performing quite complex exercises. Without sufficient experience, they can cause damage. In this case this is excluded.

When you have completed the first stage of the program designed for beginners, you can move on to the next level. If you have sufficient experience in other types of spots, it makes sense for you to immediately start training from the second stage.

You will have to study a more complex program designed for 90 days. The total number of classes per week is six, four of which are strength training, and two involve cardio exercise. The load in strength training should be progressed every 14 days. Cardio loads should be increased every three weeks.

Program strength training is a two-day split, and you must alternate working specific muscles each session. In total, the intermediate level training program consists of three phases, each lasting one month (four full weeks).

If the first stage may seem easy for you, then already at the second you will change your point of view. We do not recommend skipping the first phase due to its apparent ease. The main task at this stage is to prepare the body.

Gillian recommends accelerating your metabolism during the first week of classes and gives practical advice towards achieving this goal. Two workouts should be done daily. The morning session is a strength session, and in the evening there is a cardio session. Let us remind you that you should start training according to this program only if you have sufficient physical training. If you don't have it, then go back to the beginner program. Although two classes should be held throughout the day, their total duration will be only half an hour. Surely you will be able to find that much time, because a slim figure in 30 days is the dream of many women.

Level 1 workouts for weight loss according to the Jillian Michaels program in this video.

Training program: Three levels are designed for 30 days.

Duration of each level: 30 minutes

Necessary equipment for classes: mat, dumbbells, drinking water

Description of the complex “30 days shred” (“Slim body in 30 days”)

There are many good programs, but Jillian Michaels' Slim Body in 30 Days isn't like most of them. A huge number of Jill’s fans began their journey to a slim figure with this unique workout.

The “30 day shred” program (in fan circles just SHREDS) is designed for 30 days. 3 levels. Each level lasts 10 days, then a break for one day, and then the next level. The workout lasts approximately 30 minutes. But this is quite enough to feel all the pressure of Gillian and feel the strength throughout the body.

If you start training today, you won't want to stop. Therefore, your everyday life will turn into cheerful and joyful days. You won't notice how you'll become a couple of sizes smaller. Naturally, this applies to those of us with fat deposits, but even if you're on the skinny side, try Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred - this workout will give you a boost and help tone your muscles and strengthen your heart.

Inventory for this program:

Sports uniform (sport pants should be elastic, stretch easily and not restrict movement!);

Sneakers (Do not exercise barefoot!!! This can lead to foot and ankle injuries);

A pair of dumbbells (If you don’t have dumbbells, you can use 0.5 liter plastic bottles filled with water).

How to make Shreds?

Shreds can be performed in the morning, or in the evening, a couple of hours after a light dinner. The technique of performing the exercises is very important, so we recommend that everyone who is planning to do this program review the entire complex. This way you can do the exercises you already know without any problems.

Turn on the video louder and go ahead to meet a slender, toned body!

Level 1 “Slim body in 30 days”

So, let us remind you once again that the duration of each lesson is approximately 30 minutes. The main part of the workout takes just over 20 minutes. The rest of the time is warm-up and stretching.

A truly uncompromising struggle for a slim body awaits you with Jill. In this complex, Gillian is helped by two girls: on the left is Natalie, she performs complex variations of exercises for advanced ones; and on the right is Anita - she performs variations of exercises for beginners.

In the first level of shreds, the complex consists of exercises such as squats, push-ups, lunges with weights, jumps, a killer set of abdominal exercises, and this is not all that the first level of the 30 day shred course will delight you with.

At the beginning you will think that this is not for you. That you can't. The next day you will feel sore muscles, but don't give up! With each new workout your body will be filled with pleasant sensations. You will wake him up with daily training and you will be surprised how every day you can more and more easily perform this complex, which you thought was not easy for you.

Level 2 “Slim body in 30 days”

Everyone who has completed this level considers it the most difficult of the entire complex. And again you will feel like you are in a meat grinder.

All those vagabond push-ups, jumping jacks, deep lunges, and you'll learn the hard way that Jillian hates it when any of your muscles are left idle. You can't just bench press dumbbells or just squat. You must do both at the same time.

Jillian Michaels' second secret weapon is the plank exercise. You will become acquainted with it at the second level of shreds (both the static version and plank jumps). This seemingly simple exercise perfectly works the muscles of the shoulders, arms and especially the abs.

Among those who complete 30 days shred for the first time, very few people are able to enjoy the second level of the program. For most, it is difficult from the first to the tenth day. But if on your first day with Gillian you were not even sure that you could make it to the end of the training, now, despite all the difficulties, you have a stubborn confidence that you will go through this hell to the end. You can!

Level 3 (“Slim body in 30 days”)

One day of rest between levels and off we go! Like the previous levels, the third one is also frightening with its uncertainty. But the training is doing its job, your endurance by this moment has already increased by 200% compared to the original. And let the sweat flow in three streams, but your breathing no longer falters and the work of all muscles gives tremendous pleasure.

Superman, plank push-ups, squat jumps, plank runs, jumping jacks, side planks, dumbbell runs and squats.

30 day shred. Results.

Forget about scales! At this stage, the weight may fluctuate and mislead you and thereby scare you away. Overworked muscles may swell unusual load, retaining water, so weight may increase. Measurements should only be made using a measuring tape. Before starting the program, take all the necessary measurements: chest volume, underbust volume, waist, abdomen, hips and legs. Write down your parameters and compare them after completing each level. You will see an amazing picture of how your hated centimeters melt before your eyes. The body will tighten and acquire relief.

So! You did it! You did it! Your figure has already changed noticeably and these changes are noticeable not only to you. Now you can be proud of yourself. I think you can't be stopped now. Has training become a lifestyle for you now? Then Gillian has many more different workouts to suit every taste. Make your choice and don't stop!

Full training video "30 day shred» Jillian Michaels

P.S. So that you can celebrate your success, we have prepared a training calendar for you. Celebrate your achievements in it and go all the way to a slim and toned body!

Jillian Michaels is a famous developer of proprietary weight loss systems. The success story of this attractive woman begins with the fact that at a young age she was unhappy with her figure and dreamed of making it perfect. In addition, the girl really wanted to open her own gym, where everyone could do fitness.

Gillian's dreams came true - from a chubby girl weighing 70 kg and height 150 cm, she turned into a fit person with attractive shapes. As for gym, the girl conducted her first classes as a trainer in 2012. The fitness room was opened using the savings of Gillian herself and her companions.

Today, thanks to another development by Jillian Michaels, both women and men can become owners of a slim figure in just 30 days. The main principles of the program are not to miss classes, to take physical activity and eat rationally.

Slim figure in 30 days

If you're new to losing weight, Jillian Michaels's program will help you get up to speed quickly. The duration of each lesson is 30 minutes, so the body does not have time to get tired and perceives all actions in the best possible way. But Jill is not limited to only light loads; her programs always include both simplified and more complex exercise options. If you like the system, you can always go to a difficult level and achieve perfect results. Thus, the load will continue for another 30 days.

Program description

Strength training is a three-level system, each stage of which is designed for 10 days. At each level, the body receives a load for all muscle groups. But adaptation to the load is not observed, since the exercises change. This approach enhances the fat-burning effect and has a beneficial effect on the figure. Between levels you are allowed to take a day off, after which you must immediately move on to the next level.

First level

So, level 1 of fitness loads will make the body feel absolutely all the muscles. If you are not used to it, exercise may cause muscle pain, but these sensations will be light and pleasant. Pain symbolizes the first steps on the path to beauty and harmony.

How the first level of the “30 days in pursuit of slimness with Jillian Michaels” program is performed is clearly shown in the video. It is very easy to understand the coach, since the broadcast takes place in Russian.

Second level

By the end of the 10th day, level 1 loads will become commonplace for you, but you can’t relax. The thing is that at level 2 of her unique program, Jill demonstrates the features of new classes. All exercises become noticeably more complicated, and the main load now falls on the chest and arms. At level 1, these parts of the body were practically resting.

Third level

The beginning of level 3 brings from Jillian Michaels the simplicity of the actions performed. Compared to the previous stages, the third step does not seem too difficult. Its completion is designed to consolidate the achieved results.

Diet Jillian

The Michaels nutrition system is based on strict calorie counting. The fitness trainer suggests systematically reducing the amount of calories consumed so that their deficiency provokes the body to lose excess body weight. But the Jillian Michaels diet has its own characteristics - if the lack of calories is significant, the body will begin to experience hunger and block the processes leading to weight loss.

We also want to draw your attention to the fact that Jill’s weight loss system is not designed to get rid of excessive excess weight. By reducing the number of calories day by day, you can achieve maximum results minus 10 kg in 1 month.

Authorized Products

The menu offered by Lady Michaels contains a list of food products familiar to everyone. Their “zest” is the ability to burn body fat reserves. In addition to eating the right foods, you should also drink 2 liters of sodium-free water every day. Pure liquid perfectly drives toxins out of the body.

What can you eat for 30 days following Jillian Michaels' weight loss program:

  • Seeds.
  • Fruits.
  • Spices.
  • Vinegar.
  • Grains and beans.
  • Seafood.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Fish and meat of lean varieties.
  • Low fat dairy products.
  • Vegetable oils produced using cold-pressed technology.

Prohibited Products

Naturally, any diet menu contains prohibited products. Coach Michaels' system is no exception. When deciding on a monthly weight loss course, you should know in advance what you will have to give up.

What not to eat while following the Jillian Michaels diet:

  • Fast foods.
  • Store-bought juices and drinks.
  • Baked goods and confectionery delicacies.
  • Transformed fats.
  • Seasonings with flavor enhancers.
  • Caffeine-containing and alcoholic products.

It is allowed to eat sausages, pickles, mayonnaise, canned food, and ketchup in small portions. Keep in mind that if your metabolism is slow, your diet should be rich in complex carbohydrates. If your metabolism is fast, it will be preferable to eat protein foods.

When compiling your daily menu, focus on the option suggested by Jill herself:

  • Breakfast – scrambled eggs with green tea.
  • Lunch – fruit slices.
  • Lunch – grilled meat, boiled or fresh vegetables, tea.
  • Dinner – a couple of spoons of beans, a spoonful of porridge and a small portion of vegetable salad.

Yoga by Jillian Michaels

Yoga, as represented by Jillian Michaels, is far from the principles of classical practice. What the fitness trainer offers is yoga for weight loss, unique power load. The course, called Yoga Meltdown, is a 2-level system with each level lasting 30 minutes.

The benefits of classes are significant improvement stretching and coordination of movements. This complex will enhance the effectiveness heavy exercise, taken from other systems. But we remind you that you will not burn more than 10 kg of fat.

It’s interesting that Jill doesn’t set the time for Level 1 classes. When to switch to new level, you decide for yourself, taking into account the impressions of the loads initial stage. If level 1 power yoga is easy for you, feel free to master the level 2 technique. You don't need anything other than a yoga mat and a comfortable suit.

We wish you to successfully overcome the path to an ideal figure!