How to make a heavy hit. Exercises to develop punching power. Generating explosive energy, speed and strength


On what nuances does the force of impact depend? How can you train her? What exercises are suitable for this?

Many people wonder how to increase punching power. At the same time, one can increasingly hear the stereotype that speed is the key factor. But this is not true at all.

The main thing is technique and the ability to put mass into the hand heading towards the opponent. But keep in mind that full straightening of the limb at the moment of impact can lead to serious injury, so it is advisable to hit without full extension. Adds effectiveness by striking from different angles.


So how can you increase your punching power? There are several answers here. The first one is strict adherence to technique. Pay special attention to your feet. When moving your hand, the latter should be at shoulder level. The heels are lifted first, the foot turns in the direction of the impact. Please note that the movements should not be of a cross nature. For example, if you strike with your right limb, then you also need to tear off your heel with right side. Wherein left leg should fit tightly on the surface.

The remaining nuances are as follows:

  • Rotate your hips towards your opponent. In this case, the punch and the turn should be carried out simultaneously (this allows you to increase the level of impact);
  • move your body at the moment of striking (especially if we are talking about fighting at a short distance);
  • bend your knees and move your torso slightly forward;
  • You can’t reach for your hand, just rotate your body. Otherwise, you can quickly lose your balance;
  • at the moment of the swing, try not to move your hand back too much - this way you give away your intentions and allow your opponent to prepare;
  • at the moment of impact it is necessary to release air;
  • watch your fist - your fingers should be clenched with maximum force.

Best exercises

Now let's look at how to develop punching power with the help of special training. Here are the following exercises:

  • Try to carry a wrist expander with you at all times and practice with it. In this case, give preference to the toughest option. Proper execution exercise involves squeezing a projectile with maximum force. Thanks to this training, you can significantly strengthen your fist and make it more powerful.
  • Train with a jump rope every day, making sure to raise your hips to their maximum height. The ideal option is to touch the femoral part of the chest.
  • Use a sledgehammer as a practice tool. Take it and hit the tires with all your might (you can do this in the garage). The peculiarity of the exercise is that those muscle groups that are involved in the impact are involved in the work.
  • Use a helper to hold the paws. Hit as if the target were slightly above the set paws. At the same time, set the task not just to hit the projectile, but to penetrate it. In this case, you can develop maximum strength.
  • Organize a “fight” with an imaginary opponent every day. This will allow you to develop the reaction and speed of the “shot” of your hand. Please note that a blow that is unexpected for the enemy is effective.

Fast and swipe punching is a basic skill needed to become a good boxer. Mastering such a strike begins with improving physical fitness and learning to strike in such a way that the source of force is not only the arm, but the whole body. By learning how to properly aim and hit within striking distance, you can give your punches more speed, and by using training techniques that help you instantly increase muscle mass, you can build strength. If you're ready to take your punching skill to the next level new level, then proceed to the first step.


Working on your physical fitness

    Take the correct stance. For good hit With a fist, the placement of the feet and legs is of great importance, since such a blow requires the work of the whole body. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart so you can easily pivot toward your target and throw your weight behind the punch.

    Keep your eyes on the target. Your concentration should not leave your target. Never close your eyes or look away; In order to aim correctly and strike with power and precision, maintain concentration. Tuck your chin in slightly so that it is protected by the striking hand during the strike.

    Generate power through your hips and core. As you kick, rotate your hips and body toward the target. Try to position yourself so that the rotation is as complete as possible, even if you are very close to the target. Your punch will be stronger if you can turn completely instead of just shifting slightly. When throwing a punch, you should really feel the weight of your body.

    • When practicing punching, pay attention to your hips. Rotate them quickly and forcefully towards the target, as if you were about to strike it with your hips rather than with your fist. This will help you develop the power needed to hit hard and quickly.
    • While spinning, you should not have to lean forward or try to reach the target. If you have to reach towards the target in order to hit it, you will lose power.
  1. Throw your hand forward. Your shoulders should be free until you are ready to strike. When ready, throw your arm forward to easily reach the person you are hitting. While your hand isn't moving, keep it relaxed and then make a fist to throw a heavy punch.

    • When making a fist, clench all four fingers except the thumb and wrap them last. Check that thumb bent behind, otherwise he will be hit by you.
    • Pre-bandaging your hand will allow you to avoid injury and make the blow more powerful.
    • Don't plan your punch before throwing a punch, or your opponent will figure out your plan before you even try to punch. This is called "wiring" and results in lost matches.
  2. Make contact and exhale. Once you have made contact with the target, exhale. It will likely take some practice to be able to time your breathing so that you exhale with each beat, but getting into the correct breathing rhythm is well worth the effort. Inhale before the blow and exhale as it lands, putting every ounce of your energy into the blow.

    • After landing a strike, jump back to your starting position to prepare for the next strike.
    • Remember to tuck your chin in so you are ready for a counterpunch if one comes.

    Increased speed and strength

    1. When throwing a fist, consider the distance. You should only throw a punch if you are at the ideal distance to deliver it with maximum force. This means being close enough to hit without deflecting or leaning forward. You should be able to deliver the punch with your arm extended, but not too extended.

      • If you have to lean forward to make a shot, a lot of the power in your shot will be lost.
      • Practice on the punching bag until you understand how far away you need to be from the target when hitting. This distance depends on the length of your arm and your range of motion.
    2. Move your whole body. The importance of using your entire body, not just your arm, to throw a punch cannot be overstated. Even if you can move your arm quickly, without rotating your entire body, your punch will be less powerful when moving just your arm.

      • Using your leg muscles will allow you to generate power and speed when hitting. The leg muscles are the largest and strong muscles bodies, and they must stand behind every punch.
      • Remember that during the impact you cannot lift your feet off the floor, as this will throw you off balance and take away some of your strength. Keep your feet quick, but keep them close to the floor.
    3. Hit from different angles. In combat, you won't hit the same way every time. Learn to determine which type of strike will be most powerful in each specific situation. To improve your fighting prowess, work on mastering your strikes from the following basic angles:

      Choose the right moment. Since distance is very important when you want to punch with the most force, it is important to understand that not every punch will be the hardest. If you are slightly outside the optimal distance, the shot will be slightly weaker due to the fact that you will try to take correct position for a more powerful blow. A good moment to deliver the strongest blow comes when the following conditions are met:

      • If your opponent is in the process of striking, as he will be less focused on what you are doing.
      • If he let his guard down. You can create this situation by throwing irregular strikes or attacking from unexpected angles.
      • If he is stunned by a previous blow. To prepare for a powerful right cross, try starting with a quick jab.

    Training to Improve Your Punch

    1. Practice hitting slowly. The hardest hits aren't really the fastest. Your arm may be moving faster than the rest of your body, so waiting for your body to catch up with your arm slows down the strike. Even though a strong strike is typically a slow one, there will be times when you have just the right amount of time to land a slow but exceptional a strong beat. It's worth practicing punching at a slow speed so you can feel the force that comes from giving your body time to become the support of your fist.

      • During training, try hitting twice as slow. Force yourself to slow down and concentrate on using your leg and core muscles to maximize the power of your punch.
      • When you hit at full speed, don't forget where the power to hit comes from. While you won't be punching at half the normal speed in the ring, you can still focus on using your legs and core to generate as much power as possible.
    2. Train on a pneumatic bag. Speed ​​is just as important as strength - if you are too slow, your opponent will have time to throw many more punches. Train with a pneumatic bag and pay attention to how fast your arms move. Maintain proper training form and remember to move your thumb away from the knuckles during impact.

      Do strength training. A little strength training - great way keeping your body in the best shape possible, but it alone will not make you a stronger or faster boxer. You need to train your punching muscles, hitting rather than lifting weights. Therefore, a strength training regimen that strengthens your legs and core to throw maximum power punches is a great idea.

      Do cardio exercises. The best types of cardio you need to get what you need good boxer forms are swimming and jumping rope. When you need a break from regular exercise, consider these types of exercise as an alternative. Running, cycling, and other types of cardio are beneficial, but they don't provide the strength gains that specifically help your body perform hard in the boxing ring.

    3. Don't exercise in casual shoes. Regular everyday shoes will chafe your feet.
    4. Try the left-right combination.
    5. Don't forget to protect yourself, otherwise you may get hit.
    6. Hide thumbs in your fists, you don't want to break them.
    7. Warnings

    • Never train in front of people - you could injure them or yourself.
    • Don't hit the bag with bare hands, otherwise you risk damaging your wrists and knuckles. If you injure your hands, they will need to heal before you can resume training.
    • Always take into account the height difference between you and your opponent.
    • Don't hit people without good reason. Beating is not a productive solution to any problem.

Tired of useless guides on how to increase arm speed written by people who have no experience in boxing? This guide is a real topic!

Ok, hit faster, hand speed, quick reflexes. All these things are connected. They are not difficult to do or practice, but they are certainly difficult to learn. From what I've seen, most people hit slowly because they have the wrong attitude and training. Even most of the fast guys I see in the gym don't do anything. special exercises to increase the speed of strikes.

I don't need to tell you how important it is to have speed in boxing. Look at Muhammad Ali. Look at Roy Jones. Look at Pernell Whitaker. Look at Floyd Mayweather Jr. Not only do they win, but no one can touch them. There are very few things that can match hand speed. No matter how strong you are, if your opponent's punch hits you first every time, he will easily defeat you!

Ready to Start Training for Fast Punching?

Follow the striking techniques below to increase your hand speed!

Mental Quickness Training for Quick Strikes

Everything you do starts with your mind. Before you blame your poor hand speed on genetics, undeveloped muscles, or unknown hitting secrets, you need to examine your mindset. The first question is, “Am I consciously doing anything to increase my hand speed when throwing punches?” If you've never asked yourself this question, the answer is most likely NO.

The most important mental attitude you must have in order to hit faster is to focus on alertness. Your eyes must be trained to quickly identify the target and then transmit a signal to your hands, telling them to hit. Forget about speed for now, I'm talking about quickness of mind. The one who recognizes the striking opportunities will strike first and make a leap forward in striking, gaining a large advantage.

Now you understand that the first step to hitting faster is to start hitting faster, let's work on your mental speed. You will ask how to do this. Damn easy, everyday practice of quickly striking moving targets. The pneumatic bag and the stretching bag are your friends. They will train your eyes and mind to track moving targets and strike when openings appear. When you're working on the stretch bag, don't worry about throwing fast combinations. Instead, keep your eyes on the bag and throw 1 or 2 punches here and there very quickly and accurately. Even when you're not hitting, you're still keeping your eye on the bag. Don't take your eyes off her! Once again, the first step in mastering fast strikes is to train your mental speed!

The Right Mindset to Hit Faster

Having the right mindset is extremely important in order to develop fast strokes. I always see guys trying to destroy the punching bag when I tell them to punch faster. When I say faster, I don't mean hit harder. Charging your hits for more power and more damage probably won't make them faster. Quite often, this mindset only makes you swing wider, longer and with more body investment.

Hitting faster does not mean that you are putting all your effort and strength into the punch. This does not mean that you clench your fist even tighter and try to inflict more damage on your opponent. Having the right mindset to hit faster means you focus on speed and nothing else. Don't focus on strength and accuracy. Only at pure speed.

Instead of imagining that you are hitting your opponent, imagine that you are trying to touch him without him seeing it. Imagine moving so fast that he doesn't even see the blow. You're not trying to damage him, you're trying to surprise him! Now apply this mindset when you shadow box and when you work the bag. You will find that this one change in attitude can increase the speed of your shots. You're no longer thinking about breaking his jaw—you're trying to steal his mouthguard!

Quick Strike Relaxation

This is something I have understood for a long long time. This principle holds true for any sport or athletic endeavor you pursue. The ONLY way to move on the most fast speed is to be RELAXED! The most relaxed muscles have the greatest potential to move. maximum speed. In every sport you follow, you will see that the most relaxed athletes outperform their competitors. I used to be a sprinter and I will tell you that the most relaxed runners do the best sprints.

Keep in mind that there is a fine line between relaxed movements and lazy movements. To be RELAXED in your movements means that you move in a flow that allows your movements to be expressed freely without tension or stress, while to be LAZY in your movements means that you move without control or purpose.

So how do you “relax” for a quick strike? For starters, don't clench your fist all the time. Instead, keep your hands relaxed and form fists as you touch the target. When in doubt, relax your hands even more. Keep your shoulders loose, not tight. Don't flex your biceps or squeeze any part of your body before impact. A relaxed body will beat faster!

Throwing a Quick Strike

Clear your mind when you throw fast punches. Don't think about destroying your opponent. This mindset keeps tension in your arms and tightens your entire body, slowing down your swing and wasting your energy. This constant tension also wears out your body faster. When you throw a punch, exhale sharply, releasing your arm freely into the punch and allowing your body to move freely into the punch. Once the punch is out, quickly exhale again, bringing your fist back while throwing your next punch. The most common mistake I see in new boxers is that they pull their arm back a little to prime the punch before throwing it. This slows down the timing of the shot as it moves backward before going forward. This also proves that they think too much about hitting harder rather than hitting faster. Don't think about strength, think about touching it quickly.

Fast Breathing for Fast Strikes

This is another thing that many athletes don't understand about speed. Fast breathing equals fast movement. Explosive breathing equals explosive movement. If you've never heard of this before, try this: try to breathe slowly but hit quickly. I bet you can't do this. Notice how your body movement is synchronized with your breathing? Now work on breathing, not just fast, but sharp and sharp. Listen to professional boxers. When they do a 5-hit combo very quickly, they exhale 5 times very quickly. Sometimes when you watch professional boxers shadowbox, they don't throw full punches. They throw very short and half-length punches so they can work on breathing faster and hitting faster. If you need the ability to hit fast, then you need to breathe fast.

Breaking Quick Combinations

Let your punches connect as you throw out your fists and you'll punch faster. Always keep your mind focused on entire combinations rather than individual strikes and you will see your combinations fly out, punching through at blinding speed! Don't go at your opponent with step by step plan what kind of punches you will throw. Approach your opponent with a combination in mind and just let it fly out. With time and practice, your mind will naturally adjust your combinations during exchanges to counter your opponent's punches.

Best Hand Speed ​​Training Videos:

If you want to develop solid hand speed to hit faster, follow the tips above. Don't be lazy, don't skimp on time, and don't try to invent your own own exercises. The simpler the better and once you have that hand speed you can be as creative as you want and work towards it. Be alert, be relaxed, breathe faster and hit faster!

2 More Boxing Guides On Increasing Hand Speed:

  • - Learn how to throw punches with speed and power!



A quick and strong punch is a skill that will come in handy in difficult and extreme moments of life. How to punch hard? How to take your punching skill to a professional level?

Punching fast and hard is a basic skill. Mastering such a strike begins with improving physical fitness and learning to perform a strike in such a way that the source of force is not only the arm, but the whole body. By learning how to properly aim and hit within striking distance, you'll be able to add more speed to your punches, and by using training techniques that help you instantly increase muscle mass, you'll be able to build strength. If you're ready to take your punching skill to the next level, then move on to step one.

1. Work on physical fitness

1.1 Take the correct stance. For a good punch, the placement of the feet and legs is of great importance, since such a punch requires the work of the entire body. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart so you can easily pivot toward your target and throw your weight behind the punch.

If you beat right hand, your right leg should be slightly back and your heel should be raised.

During the impact, your legs will tend to move in the direction of the impact. When you strike hard, they should not leave the ground. If you elevate your feet, you take some of your body weight out of the equation and your punch won't be as powerful.

1.2 Keep your eyes on the target. Your concentration should not leave your target. Never close your eyes or look away; In order to aim correctly and strike with power and precision, maintain concentration. Tuck your chin in slightly so that it is protected by the striking hand during the strike.

1.3 Generate force through your hips and core. As you kick, rotate your hips and body toward the target. Try to position yourself so that the rotation is as complete as possible, even if you are very close to the target. Your punch will be stronger if you can turn completely instead of just shifting slightly. When throwing a punch, you should really feel the weight of your body.

When practicing punching, pay attention to your hips. Rotate them quickly and forcefully towards the target, as if you were about to strike it with your hips rather than with your fist. This will help you develop the power needed to hit hard and quickly.

While spinning, you should not have to lean forward or try to reach the target. If you have to reach towards the target in order to hit it, you will lose power.

1.4 Throw your hand forward. Your shoulders should be free until you are ready to strike. When ready, throw your arm forward to easily reach the person you are hitting. While your hand isn't moving, keep it relaxed and then make a fist to throw a heavy punch.

When making a fist, clench all four fingers except the thumb and wrap them last. Make sure your thumb is bent behind you, otherwise it will get caught in your strike.

Pre-bandaging your hand will help you avoid injury and make the blow more powerful.

Don't plan your punch before throwing a punch - this will allow your opponent to figure out your plan before you try to punch. This is called "wiring" and results in lost matches.

1.5 Make contact and exhale. Once you have made contact with the target, exhale. It may take practice to time your breathing so that you exhale with each beat, but getting into the correct breathing rhythm is well worth the effort. Inhale before the strike and exhale as it strikes, putting every ounce of your energy into the strike.

After landing a strike, jump back to your starting position to prepare for the next strike.

Remember to tuck your chin in so you are ready for a counterpunch if one comes.

2. Increased speed and strength

2.1 When throwing a fist, consider the distance. You should only throw a punch if you are at the ideal distance to deliver it with maximum force. This means being close enough to hit without deflecting or leaning forward. You should be able to deliver the punch with your arm extended, but not too extended.

If you have to lean forward to make a shot, a lot of the power in your shot will be lost.

Practice on the punching bag until you understand how far away you should be from the target when hitting. This distance will depend on the length of your arm and your range of motion.

2.2 Move your whole body. The importance of using your entire body, not just your arm, to throw a punch cannot be overstated. Even if you can move your arm quickly, without rotating your entire body, your punch will be less powerful when moving just your arm.

Using your leg muscles will allow you to generate power and speed when hitting. The leg muscles are the largest and strongest muscles in the body and must be behind every punch.

Remember not to lift your feet off the floor during the impact, as this will throw you off balance and take away some of your power. Keep your feet quick, but keep them close to the floor.

2.3 Hit from different angles. In combat, you won't hit the same way every time. Learn to determine which type of strike will be most powerful in each specific situation. To improve your fighting prowess, work on mastering your strikes from the following basic angles:

Right or left cross: This is one of the strongest shots. If you punch with your right hand, your left leg should be behind you. Conversely, step your right foot back if you are punching with your left hand. Turn your body sharply during impact.

Jab or straight punch: To initiate this punch, move the foot on the side of your throwing hand forward. If you hit with your right hand, then your right foot should be in front, and if you hit with your left, then your left. As you execute the punch, shift your weight slightly forward and rotate your arm slightly inward. Make sure you don't have to reach the target.

Left or Right Hook: If you throw a left hook, your entire body should turn to the right during the strike. As you throw your arm forward, your right heel goes down and your left heel goes up. For a right hook, take the opposite approach.

Uppercut: When throwing a punch, rotate your fist so that your palm is facing up and strike from your hip diagonally. A strike made in a diagonal direction will be more powerful.

Choose the right moment. Since distance is very important when you want to punch with the most force, it is important to understand that not every punch will be the strongest. If you're a little out of optimal range, your shot will be a little weaker due to the fact that you'll be trying to get into the right position for a more powerful shot. A good moment to deliver the strongest blow comes when the following conditions are met:

If your opponent is in the process of striking, as he will be less focused on what you are doing.

If he let his guard down. You can create this situation by throwing irregular strikes or attacking from unexpected angles.

If he is stunned by a previous blow. To prepare for a powerful right cross, try starting with a quick jab.

3. Training to Improve Your Punch

3.1 Practice hitting slowly. The hardest hits aren't really the fastest. Your arm may be moving faster than the rest of your body, so waiting for your body to catch up with your arm slows down the strike. Even though a strong punch is generally slow, there will be times when you have just the right amount of time to land a slow but extremely powerful punch. It's worth practicing punching at a slow speed so you can feel the force that comes from giving your body time to become the support of your fist.

During training, try hitting twice as slow. Force yourself to slow down and concentrate on using your leg and core muscles to maximize the power of your punch.

When you hit at full speed, don't forget where the force for the hit comes from. While you won't be punching at half the normal speed in the ring, you can still focus on using your legs and core to generate as much power as possible.

3.2 Train on a pneumatic bag. Speed ​​is just as important as strength because if you are too slow your opponent will have time to throw a lot more punches. Train with a pneumatic bag and pay attention to how fast your arms move. Maintain proper training form and remember to move your thumb away from the knuckles during impact.

The pneumatic bulb should be suspended so that its largest part, the belly, is located at the level of your nose. If you hang it too high, you will perform the wrong workout form.

Concentrate on keeping the bag in constant motion and in control at all times. Begin slow alternating strikes with your right and left hands. Once you have control of the bag, speed up your punches.

3.3 Do strength training. A little strength training is a great way to keep your body in the best shape possible, but it alone will not make you a stronger or faster boxer. You need to train your punching muscles by hitting, not by lifting weights. Therefore, a strength training regimen that strengthens your legs and core to throw maximum power punches is a great idea.

Try doing deadlift to build overall strength in your legs, core, and arms.

Squats, push-ups, and pull-ups are good exercises for building strength, which corresponds to improving your punching.

3.4 Do cardio exercises. The best types of cardio to get into the shape a good boxer needs are swimming and jumping rope. When you need a break from regular exercise, consider these types of exercise as an alternative. Running, cycling, and other types of cardio are beneficial, but they don't provide the strength gains that specifically help your body perform hard in the boxing ring.

3.5 Try isometric training. Isometric contraction muscle contraction occurs when muscles contract without changing their length. You can train this type of contraction by pushing as hard as you can on a stationary object, such as a wall. Using isometric arm training will teach your body to build strength that can be quickly released with maximum energy. Try the following arm training regimen:

Make a fist and press it against the wall as hard as possible. Rest your entire body against the wall for ten seconds, and then repeat the exercise on the other arm.

Try to do 3 sets of 15 sets per workout. Daily execution this exercise will strengthen your muscles.


Study anatomy so you know which spots will cause more damage when hitting them.
Remember that balance is the key to striking quickly.
Try the left-right combination.
Don't exercise in your everyday shoes. Regular everyday shoes will chafe your feet.
Don't hit the punching bag with your bare hands; you risk damaging your wrists and knuckles. If you injure your hands, they will need to heal before you can resume training.
Always take into account the height difference between you and your opponent.
Don't hit people without good reason. Beating is not a productive solution to any problem.

Jet Li fight video


In most cases, the force of a blow depends on the technique of the blow, the condition of the muscles, and genes. The first step is to at least learn the basics of technique, striking, so that it makes sense to increase the speed and force of the strike. So, let's start with a warm-up. We stretch our arms, shoulders, chest, back, and leg muscles. As you know, strength direct blow comes from the triceps. But depending on how the blow changes, other muscles are also involved. Let's take the side kick as an example: it mainly involves the triceps and chest muscles. And, let’s say, in the lower blow - the biceps, triceps, chest muscles, as well as the back muscles and muscles are involved. The entire force of the blow depends on the legs, and only then the muscles of the arms are involved.

After this short excursion into theory, we can move directly to the exercises. Let's proceed to the first exercise for a direct strike - push-ups on the palms, narrow position. This exercise uses the triceps muscles, which are part of the core muscle group for punching speed and power. You need to place your palms in such a way that a triangle is formed between them. In this case, the palms should be parallel to the chin. When we touch the triangle area with our forehead.

Now we move on to the second exercise - push-ups on fists, narrow position. In this exercise, we again work the triceps. Place your fists together, parallel to the middle of the chest area. In this way, we do push-ups, while spreading our legs shoulder-width apart.

Next, we perform push-ups on fists in a wide position. In this exercise, in addition to the arm muscles, the chest muscles are also used. By pumping up the chest muscles, we increase strength and speed accordingly. side impact. We spread our hands as wide as possible, place them on fists and begin. Push-ups need to be as deep as possible so that the muscles work optimally. The best way perform deep push-ups - using three chairs. We place 2 chairs parallel to each other for the arms and 1 for the legs. And thus we do push-ups, lowering the torso as deeply as possible.

Now take dumbbells weighing 2-3 kilograms. You don't need to take it to begin with. more weight to avoid damaging your joints. And we fight with a shadow, 200 blows of straight, side and uppercuts.

Then we take a jump rope and start jumping as quickly as possible, preferably for at least 3 minutes. By performing this exercise, we pump up the calves and feet, from which the impact force directly comes. If you don’t have one, you can jump without it, steps forward, backward, right and left.

Push-ups must be performed smoothly, at an even pace and to the limit, until your hands tremble from overload. As you know, in all forms, doing something beyond their capabilities, thereby expanding. So we did several sets of push-ups plus jumping rope. After this, be sure to spend 20-25 minutes hitting the bag. Moreover, working with a pear should also be smooth. It’s not worth hitting it with all your might and as quickly as possible. To relax the worked muscles, you need to do a couple of rounds with the punching bag.


  • boxing blog
  • boxing power punches

Protect your ligaments during training fist and from sprains at using strips of cotton fabric. Such windings are sold in sports stores. Each such bandage is about 2.5 meters long and 3 cm thick. You can also at change the elastic bandage to secure it. This will allow your fist we are in the right and much less dangerous position at striking. In the end you will at learn how your hands are positioned and then learn to automatically squeeze and hold fist and rightly so.

Force A legs– an important quality for martial artists and football players. It depends on several factors: body weight, speed blow, correct technique and the ability to concentrate when striking. The comprehensive development of all physical characteristics will help increase force blow legs.


Building Strength blow start by mastering the correct technique. The more economical and thoughtful the trajectory of the strike, the more force you can put into it. It takes more than one lesson to develop the right one. Professional athletes They hone their technical skills constantly, year after year. How to check the effectiveness of technology? Performing a shot with the same force, but with different trajectories, see how far the ball flew or how much it swayed after blow. Include your entire body in the blow, not just legs And. Master the technique in the usual way, without the use of weights and additional legs about projectile resistance.

In the second stage, increase the speed blow. According to the laws of physics, force blow equals mass times acceleration. Excessive weight gain makes the athlete less mobile. With a large mass, sharpness may also decrease blow, therefore speed should be developed along with strength abilities. Speed blow can be increased by m legs ocrate legs o repetition legs o the same movement with maximum acceleration. To achieve good sharpness blow The ability to tense and relax muscles in a timely manner is important, so it is useful to perform relaxation exercises.

The power of a blow is imparted by an increase in body weight, as well as by the development of the athlete’s strength indicators. For development speed-strength qualities perform strikes legs s with weights weighing from 0.5 to 3 kg attached to them. The weight of the load is selected so that the movement technique is not disrupted in the event of an impact. To develop strength and increase body weight, train with a barbell and on machines. Do squats, lunges and presses legs ami. Increase the weight gradually. Don’t forget about training your back and abdominal muscles, as they are also involved when applying blow. Eat well.

Many novice fighters want to know the answer to the sacramental question - how to pump up your hit and make it lightning fast. Force hit a depends on the speed multiplied by the mass. This can also be called power hit A. What steps do you need to take to make your hit sharp and strong?

You will need

  • - Gloves;
  • - punching bag;
  • - boxing paws;
  • - cloth or towel;
  • - coach or sparring partner.


Train your tendons hit s. They will be the most effective in your arsenal. Start the movement not from your legs, shoulders or body, but rather from your fingers: throw your arms sharply and relaxed towards the target. At the moment of contact with the object, transfer all the force and rigidity. After this, return your hands to the starting position and be ready to apply the next hit. Use your entire body during hit A.

Use more relaxed hands and feet, and, at a minimum, the muscular system. The tendons of the body will give rigidity and tension. hit A. Form your hit sequentially. Start by working on a towel or any other fabric. Apply more hit ov with withdrawal.

Create your own training system for building strong hit A. In general, it should include all types hit with your feet and hands, knees and elbows. All this should last about three to five three minutes. Pay attention not only to the physical side of the work, but also to the technical side.

Increase your speed gradually hit A. Concentrate on the center of the target and turn on the wave amplification. Make full use of all your limbs.

Don't just work alone hit ami, but also in series of 2-5 hit ov. Naturally, apply maximum effort when hit e in every round.

Move a little away from the striking hit ov on fabric to work on punching bags and paws. Plan to do this in a couple of months hit ov by a towel. Add new exercises to practice hit Oh, and, of course, don’t forget about the ones you’ve already completed.

Write down a training plan for 1 year and follow it! This period is exactly what is needed to make it pretty good hit. Once you have set a clear hit on pears and paws, add hit with legs, knees, elbows, hands. And as you progress, increase the speed and severity. After completing all the steps described above, you will be able to short term pump up your strength hit A.


Having a clear training plan and sparring partner. You need someone who can give you tips and help during the round.

Helpful advice

Begin to gradually strengthen your hands, do not hit too hard right away. The injuries can be very painful.

It is important for novice athletes to understand that to strengthen blow not only body mass is important, but also the inertia that occurs at the moment blow. This is a key point in the combat direction, which will help us make the blow more powerful. There are also a number of other important rules to enhance power blow.

You will need

  • - Gym;
  • - trainer;
  • - gloves;
  • - dumbbells and barbell.


Put your full body weight into the punch. The blow will be much more powerful than you expect. No matter how trained you are or not. If you are familiar with , then you have probably heard the concept of “an athlete pushing with his hand.” This means that this person, when delivering blows, does not put the weight of his body into them. Of course, such blows cannot knock out an opponent. Therefore, when applying any blow continue the forward movement of your entire body. Take a step forward or rotate your entire body around your foot.

Rely not only on your muscles when hitting, but also train your tendons! Many people think that the bigger the muscles, the stronger the blow. Just the opposite - if you pump up your biceps, they will not be able to straighten up sharply and make a whipping movement. Therefore, pay great attention not only to pumping up muscles, but also to cool-downs, stretches and dumbbell tendon. Recommended to do tendon exercises according to the A. Zass system.

Start your punches from the lower part of your body. When we get tired, we often feel our legs lag. It is extremely important to work on your leg strength. We just need them to send things forward. If you strike from the upper part of the body, then you will not be able to strengthen the blow, since the lower part will lag behind and interfere.

Incorporate movement upon impact. This will increase them many times force. But remember that when you start moving any object and then try to slow it down, you inevitably fight against its inertia. You don't need to do this when hitting! Don't fight inertia. This means that when applying blow continue moving through the target, without stopping at intermediate stages. Follow up your blow and you will see how much its power will increase!


Half-bent position of the legs while striking with advancement.

Helpful advice

Don't hit with all your might at first. Let your priority be speed and technique, and then only strength.


  • How to increase your punching power

Strong hands are a sign of a real man. The ability to deliver strong blows is valued not only in boxing or any other martial arts. You cannot put an equal sign between the expressions " Strong arms" And " big muscles" As a rule, exercises aimed at developing arm strength and punching power will not add inches to the size of your biceps. But it is still necessary to carry them out. Add some exercises to your training program, and the result will not be long in coming.

You will need

  • - barbell or dumbbells with a thick bar;
  • - a small all-rubber ball;
  • - gymnastic mat.


Take a barbell with a bar. Stand up straight with your shins almost touching the bar. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip. Slowly straighten up, lifting the barbell with straight arms. As you lift your hips, lean forward slightly. Then slowly lower the projectile to the floor. Perform 3-5 repetitions with maximum weight.

Perform a heavy barbell deadlift with one arm. Use an overhand grip. Do 3-5 repetitions with maximum weight and change hands.

Stand up straight. Take a barbell or dumbbells with a thick bar in your hands. The arms with the projectile are freely lowered along the body. Palms turned outward. Quickly jerk, using the force of inertia, throw the projectile to your shoulders. Hold the position for one to two seconds. Slowly lower the barbell down, straightening your elbows. Negative lifts put much more stress on the biceps and forearm muscles.

Take a thick barbell with an overhand grip. Stand up straight, arms down, back straight, look ahead. Hold the weight as long as you have enough strength in your hands. This holding exercise is essential for developing the muscles of the wrist and hand. The heavier your fist, the sharper the blow will be.

Take a small rubber ball. With force, squeeze it sharply. Try to crush the ball in your palm. Work alternately with both hands. Do this exercise every day, every free minute.

Hang from a thick bar. It is convenient to use the upper rod in this capacity. Bend your legs slightly and cross them at the ankles. The exercise is performed for the duration of the hold. Try to increase the time you can hang on the bar with each workout.

Take the position “lying on your fists.” Slowly bend your elbows and lower your body down. When is breast? touches the floor, sharply push yourself up so that you have time to clap your hands. Land lightly bent arms to avoid damaging the elbow joint. Do push-ups on a gymnastics mat to avoid injuring your knuckles when landing on your fists.

Helpful advice

Experienced athletes advise performing deadlifts in shoes with thin soles or even barefoot.

Physical strength and strong hit not identical concepts. Properly placed hit may be in a completely inconspicuous-looking athlete. The main thing is good hit e is correct technique. And you need to work long and carefully on this technique.