Sports for fat people to lose weight. Gymnastics for overweight people at home. Contraindications, basic principles of organization and technology of gymnastics for obese people. Abdominal exercise

It so happened that in communication on this resource, as well as on wellvideo and in mail replies, I constantly come across people weighing 90 kilograms or more who do not know how to lose weight and think that with such weight it is generally impossible. I could never walk past someone asking for help. It’s especially pity for 12-18 year old girls who weigh 100 kilograms, become depressed, give up, spoil their health with starvation diets, or ruin their backs and joints by trying to lift their torso to pump up their abs or do squats. Yesterday I answered a girl who in one fitness club was forced to squat with 3-kilogram dumbbells, which caused her back to hurt badly, and in another they told her to first lose weight and then come back, because “pump up muscles for fat.” it makes no sense".

Therefore, I am writing for people with great overweight this note from tips and links to videos for plus size- maybe it will be useful to someone.


1. People lose weight from any weight - 100, 120, 130 kg - it doesn’t matter! The main thing is patience and faith in success! If this helps you in any way, look at the story of Ekaterina Mirimanova - who became famous for losing 60 kg on her own in 1.5 years, the information is on the Internet.

2. It is IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY to exercise when you are overweight., do not listen to those who say that you first need to lose weight (by going on a diet), and then take up sports. Muscles help speed up the metabolism - that is, they help you lose weight faster and wean the body from storing everything in fat. If you lose weight only on a diet without exercise, you will further slow down your metabolism, which is already slow in overweight people - and at one point weight loss may stop altogether. The only BUT: some exercises cannot be done very completely - see point 3

3. Overweight It is undesirable to squat, run and jump, as well as lift the body while lying down from the floor entirely to pump up the abs - this can lead to diseases of the joints, spine and back muscles, because the load on them when heavy weight too big.

4. Best views sports that you should start with with very heavy weights - yoga, Pilates, Yogalates, stretching, dance aerobics, race walking in place (for example, from), as well as standing - without squatting or bending the body. It is more difficult and dangerous to pump legs with a large weight; you can try simply lifting them to the sides to 45 degrees, 10-20 times to begin with, at a slow pace. If some specific exercises cause pain in the lower back or knees, don’t do them, replace them with others. It is also necessary to do morning exercises 15 minutes EVERY DAY - this will help you stay in good shape, speed up your metabolism and curb your appetite a little. It is better to do exercises outside or with an open window. After you manage to lose weight to 70-80 kg and slightly improve your physical fitness, you will be able to take on more complex and intense classes - Gym, video complexes from, etc. If you have the opportunity to go to the gym from the first days of losing weight - that is, there is a trainer who is ready to work with you - go boldly. If good coach-there is no adviser, it’s better not to try it on your own if you don’t know the technique, but to do yoga and Pilates with a good trainer.

5. It is advisable to visit a competent nutritionist who will tell you what and how much to eat, and calculate all the details based on your height and weight, and your state of health. If it is not possible to go to a nutritionist, choose a diet, or, as well as the Montignac method or diet for. You can read, especially valuable are “Spacesuit for the Soul” by Oleg Tern and “Theory and Practice of Fat Burning” by Filatov

6. You definitely need to consult a doctor and find out the reasons for such strong weight gain - most often the reason is some kind of disease and hormonal imbalances- these reasons need to be treated, then it will be easier to lose weight, and you won’t harm yourself with diets.

7. Under no circumstances should you go on starvation or mono-diets - this always leads to breakdowns, and even if there were no breakdowns, but you managed to lose weight, the weight may return and become even more than before losing weight! With an initial weight of 90-100 kg, this is already dangerous to health! Therefore, do not reduce your caloric intake below 1200 kcal and below 30% of your caloric intake. EE can be calculated based on caloric intake. The diet should be balanced - that is, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates should be in the diet in an approximate proportion of plus or minus 40-50% (carbohydrates) - 35-50% (protein) - 10-15% (fats). The basis of nutrition is chicken and turkey breast, fish, vegetables, cottage cheese, eggs, cereals and fruits with berries and herbs. Nuts, milk, mushrooms, beef - also include 2-3 times a week. 2 tablespoons of vegetable oils or fish oil per day is a must (in a salad or separately). No sugar, mayonnaise, ketchup, sausages and dumplings, store-bought juices or processed foods - it is advisable to give up all of this for life. And from frying too - bake everything, simmer without oil, on the grill, in a double boiler. Add oil only to the finished dish. Eat less salt, sometimes you can use soy sauce, lemon juice, garlic and dried herbs with tomatoes, tomato paste instead. Learn to cook in a new way - without chemicals, sugar and MSG. If you decide to count calories, don’t go crazy about them and don’t weigh yourself every day, just estimate approximate diets and portions for the day, count the calories for a week or two, and then it’s better to eyeball them, otherwise calorie counting can become addictive and cause addiction and hysterics after each extra portion of fruit that does not fit into the calorie range - this is harmful to the psyche and leads to breakdowns.

Fitness is considered one of the most effective ways lose weight. Therefore, it seems logical that the more a woman has extra pounds, the more often and more intensely she needs to train. However, some doctors believe that sport is contraindicated for overweight people. So where is the truth?

The number of permitted activities for fat people yoga included

The truth is that overweight people cannot refuse sports: physical activity is beneficial not only for the figure, but also for the functioning of internal organs. However, if you have a lot of extra pounds, some activities can really harm your health - for example, incapacitate cardiovascular system or lead to joint problems. What should I do? First, understand how much more your weight is than normal, and then choose the safest types of activities for yourself.

Assess your waist size: if it is more than 80 centimeters, you have at least 5-6 extra pounds. Is your waist circumference greater than 87 cm? There are all signs of obesity; urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

More accurate figures about the number of unnecessary kilograms can be found using simple arithmetic. For women up to 165 cm tall, normal weight is calculated using the formula height in cm minus 100. For women with a height from 166 to 175 cm - height minus 105, and for those above 175 cm: height minus 110. For example, a lady with a height of 168 cm and weighing 79 kg, there are 16 extra kilos.

Are you 12-13 kilograms overweight? Do not forget about the rules of sports for overweight people, in this case you will lose weight effectively and without harm to your health.

Excess weight is not a hindrance to fitness, but an indication for it

Rule #1: Start easy

The first mistake that many people make when they decide to lose weight is to start training intensively and a lot: if they decide to go for a run, then by all means a five-kilometer run. If you go to the gym, then definitely for 2-3 hours a day. This path is ineffective (such a fuse will not last long) and unsafe (excessive loads will lead to health problems). Trainers recommend getting used to it gradually. Start with something easy, something that brings you joy (say, brisk walking or dancing, rather than running or aerobics) - this way you will quickly gain satisfaction from the work done and prepare your body for heavier loads. By the way, they should be gradually increased only after the first 12 weeks of classes.

Rule #2: Don't skip workouts

Most overweight people are not friends with sports, this is a fact. Therefore, too frequent exercise (even your favorite type of fitness) will do more harm than good. The optimal schedule is two workouts per week. It makes no sense for overweight people to exercise less often: only regularity brings results. Do not forget that you should train in fat burning mode (60-75% of the maximum heart rate - such a pulse rhythm at which you are already sweaty and tired, but you can talk and not get out of breath).

Rule #3: Eliminate shock loads

For obese people, impact loads on the spine and major joints, including running and jumping, are strictly contraindicated. “Because the body weighs more than the musculoskeletal system is designed to handle, high-intensity impact exercises—step aerobics, interval training, or heavy weight lifting—can lead to injury.”, - warns Ruslan Panov, coordinator group programs federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit.

Rule #4: Don't be afraid of strength training

Standard strength training is generally not contraindicated for obese women. Therefore, when working out on exercise machines or doing exercises, focus on your heart rate and general well-being. By developing muscles, you will lose weight faster. “Muscles are a universal, round-the-clock energy consumer. After one good workout, muscles recover up to 48 hours. At this time, the body consumes more energy than usual. No muscles - no additional energy consumption, the weight loss process is slower", - says Ekaterina Soboleva, personal trainer, fitness director of the ZUPRE club.

Strength training helps us lose weight even after the workout is over.

Rule #5: Choose relaxed workouts

Walking, cycling, swimming, and various strengthening programs are ideal for obese women. muscle corset, as well as neat individual sessions With personal trainer. Edward Kazaryan, an instructor of group programs at X-Fit fitness clubs, recommends starting with corrective classes - yoga, Pilates, stretching. Take a few yoga exercises (asanas) and work with them for a certain time.

Combining safety and high efficiency, functional training is suitable for obese people - a set of exercises for flexibility, strength, coordination and balance. In a global sense, it can be compared to what we do every day - climbing stairs, swimming, gardening, playing with children, cleaning, etc. Functional training is very varied - there are cardio exercises, strength training, work with balance and the inclusion of deep muscles, in total this increases the body's energy metabolism.

In general, chubby girls will feel comfortable in absolutely all types of “light fitness”: after all, a physiological feature of overweight people is greater mobility of the joints. “Many thin, wiry people will envy the ease with which you can do the splits! There are no exercises in either yoga or Pilates that are contraindicated for overweight women. There are exercises that are difficult or uncomfortable to do, but it’s up to you to decide whether to train your body or give up.”, - adds Ekaterina Soboleva.

Rule #6: Eat Healthy

No type of fitness will help you lose weight if you continue to indulge in buns or overeat: all the calories spent in the gym will very quickly return due to the wrong food. To ensure that your workouts are not in vain, your diet should be balanced, with a minimum of fats (or better yet, eliminate them altogether), without flour and sweets.

Rule #7: Find your motivation

You must understand that only regular work on yourself will help bring you closer to ideal weight. A lot depends on personal motivation, and even how quickly you can lose weight. If you try, the result will please you long years: you will not only lose kilos, but also strengthen ligaments and joints, form a muscle corset, improve posture and improve your well-being. And in order to visualize your goal, hang photographs of slender girls on the refrigerator. Or, conversely, find on the Internet and print out a photo of the most terrible, in your opinion, fat woman. This can also be motivating.

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By asking themselves a similar question, many prematurely write themselves down into a more severe situation. weight category. Fitness professionals recommend exercises for the very obese only if there is a risk of damaging joints under the weight of the body or when fat deposits in the center of the body make it difficult to move the body. Simply put, all this is usually characteristic of people diagnosed with 2-3 degree obesity, but not those who have 10 or even 12 kg excess weight.

There are a great many exercises that are safe for joints and activate metabolism. Some of them can be done at home yourself, if you wish. In addition, gymnastics not only activates your metabolism, but also improves your mood. And it is the main component of good health.

Physical activity for overweight people: general rules

In medicine, only grade 4 obesity is a contraindication for physical education. Apart from this condition, you should not exercise if:

  • a pulse that is too rare (less than 60 beats/min) regularly appears;

  • blood pressure rises beyond 200/120 mmHg more than 1-2 times a month, and there are cardiac problems.

These two conditions are reasons to seek medical help, and immediately. But shortness of breath during physical work, profuse sweating and the inability, for example, to bend forward, are not contraindications.

Fitness for overweight people eliminates significant axial loads on the spine and shock loads on the joints. However, in the USA they believe that morbid obesity is a more serious threat to life and health, and they allow jumping and heavy lifting. power training even with obesity of 2-3 degrees.

Of the common common species physical activity Outside the fitness club, very overweight people are recommended to:

  • swimming - especially long, more than 30 minutes per session, can be repeated at least every day, because in the water the bones and joints are not overloaded. In general, everything that is done in water and increases the pulse - best sport for those who are very plump, because overcoming the resistance of water, a person receives not only physical activity, but also a massage, which means rapid drainage even with active fat burning and a rapid decrease in volume ;

  • excellent fitness for very obese people is the usual and. In this case, heart rate monitoring using a heart monitor with an under-chest sensor is mandatory, and step frequency monitoring using a pedometer is highly desirable. If there is a risk of problems with the knees, use joint fixators, they can be bought at any sports store. And one more thing - walking is almost the only type of activity when a “miracle belt” for weight loss can be useful. Oddly enough, it fixes the lower back well and prevents the stomach from “pulling” the body forward, thereby saving it from sprains. However, any elastic bodysuit can play a similar role;

  • winter views sports can also become in a good way get physical activity for the very overweight. Preferred cross-country skiing V classical technique when the load on the joints is not very significant, and the training effect is great. In this style you don’t have to run very fast; the classic style is suitable for long walks through a snowy forest and is an excellent form of leisure for the whole family;

  • a bicycle is recommended for those who already know how to ride; a mountain bike is preferable rather than a road bike - with a large number of gears it is easier to adapt to the individual characteristics of the body;

  • Belly dancing can be considered as an exercise for very plump women - there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, given the plastic forms of this dance, it is easier to “fit” the movements of the body, and soft steps do not threaten the knees;

  • Hatha yoga and body balance are also safe, especially if you have a competent trainer. Before breathing exercises It is advisable to measure your blood pressure and stop exercising if it increases.

Examples of exercises for people with heavy weights

This is normal hygienic gymnastics for very fat people plus some of the best practices modern fitness. It is necessary to perform gymnastics for overweight people 2-3 times a week, alternating training days with rest days. On your days off, go for a cardio walk.

A set of exercises for very obese people: cardio

Workout 1

Warm-up – walking in place, deep breathing, rotations and “scissors” with your arms at a comfortable rhythm (10 min).

Then follows the main walk - 2-3 km in a calm but fast pace to start sweating.

To cool down, walk slowly for 10 minutes.

Workout 2

Warm up – walking around the room, deep breathing.

The main part is to set the average resistance on any home cardio machine and work for 30-40 minutes at an average pace. Being overweight is not an obstacle to exercise on a bicycle ergometer, treadmill, stepper, climber and elliptical trainer.

Cool down - walking again.

Gymnastics complex for very fat people

Warm-up – walking in place, circular rotations head, arms, hips, walking with high knees (10 min).

1. Spinal traction

Stand with your back to the wall, draw in your stomach and take a few breaths in chest. Now stretch your arms up and stretch your shoulders towards the ceiling, as if “rolling” your spine along the wall, while simultaneously drawing in your stomach. The purpose of the exercise is to unload the spinal column and work the abdominal muscles. Hold for 10-20 seconds, repeat 2-3 times.

2. Hand movements

Pick up dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg, or even bottles of water. Perform forward rotations with your arms, scissors in front of your chest, side raises to the head, imitation of forward punches with dumbbells. Repeat the entire set 2-3 times.

3. Push-ups

Place your palms on the bench, toes on the floor and smoothly push up 4-5 times. If you find it difficult to breathe with a bench, do it from the wall, but not from the floor from your knees.

4. Light squats

Take a long belt and thread it under the sofa leg. Step back until the belt is taut in your hands. Perform slow ones while holding the “reins” to maintain balance and give your arms extra work.

5. Lightweight lunges

Holding onto the strap (as in the previous movement), step your left foot back and lower into a lunge. The right knee should not bend at an acute angle. Work at a comfortable depth, performing all repetitions on one leg first, then on the other.

6. Lightweight “swimmer”

Lie face down on your stomach, pull your abs in, lift your chest off the floor, stretch your arms to the sides, lift your legs too, but try not to “break” your lower back. Imitate the movements of a swimmer with your hands and feet, start with 30 seconds per approach, gradually increase the time to 2-3 minutes.

7. Easier press lift

Sit on the floor on your buttocks, pull in your stomach and lean back, straining and rounding your back. Hold for 30-90 seconds, repeat 2-3 times.

Finish the mini-complex by walking in place and using stretching movements available to you.

As you can see, these are very accessible and safe exercises for very obese people, which can be performed to the best of your ability. In combination with balanced diet, they will help you quickly lose weight and improve your health, which has deteriorated over the years of carrying a lot of weight.

Elena Selivanova, fitness trainer

It so happens that online and in life I constantly come across people who weigh 90 kilograms or more, who do not know how to lose weight, and think that with such a weight it is generally impossible. I could never walk past someone asking for help. It’s especially pity for 12-18 year old girls who weigh 100 kilograms, become depressed, give up, spoil their health with starvation diets, or ruin their backs and joints by trying to lift their torso to pump up their abs or do squats. Yesterday I tried to give advice to one girl who in one fitness club was forced to squat with 3-kilogram dumbbells, which caused her back to really hurt, and in another they told her to first lose weight and then come because “to pump up muscles fat makes no sense."

I also often meet women over 30 years old who look older only due to a lot of excess weight, but try in vain to get rid of a double chin and “terrible aging of the face” with the help of facial gymnastics, without thinking about the fact that they can look 10 years younger with the help of banal weight loss (smoothly, of course, otherwise their face may “float”).

Therefore, I am writing this note for people with significant excess weight. tips and links to videos for plus size- maybe it will be useful to someone.


1. People lose weight from any weight- 100, 120, 130 kg - it doesn’t matter! The main thing is patience and faith in success! If this helps you in any way, look at the story of Ekaterina Mirimanova - who became famous for losing 60 kg on her own in 1.5 years, the information is on the Internet.

2. It is IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY to exercise when you are overweight., do not listen to those who say that you first need to lose weight (by going on a diet), and then take up sports. Muscles help speed up metabolism - that is, they help you lose weight faster and wean your body off storing everything that gets into your mouth as fat. If you lose weight only on a diet without exercise, you will further slow down your metabolism, which is already slow in overweight people - and at one point weight loss may stop altogether. The only BUT: some exercises cannot be done very completely - see point 3

3. Overweight it is undesirable to squat, run and jump, as well as liftbody lying down from the floor entirely to pump up the abs - this can lead to diseases of the joints, spine and back muscles, because the load on them with a lot of weight is too great.

4. The best sports to start with very heavy weights - yoga, Pilates, Yogalates, stretching, dance aerobics, race walking on the spot (for example, fromLeslie Sanz), andexercises for arms with dumbbellsstanding- without squats and body bends. It is more difficult and dangerous to pump legs with a large weight; you can try simply lifting them to the sides to an angle of 45 degrees 10-20 times, for starters, at a slow pace. If some specific exercises cause pain in the lower back or knees, don’t do them, replace them with others. It is also necessary to do morning exercises EVERY DAY 15 minutes each - this will help you stay in good shape, speed up your metabolism and curb your appetite a little. It is better to do exercises outside or with an open window. After you manage to lose weight to 70-80 kg and improve your physical fitness a little, you can take on more complex and intense classes - the gym, video complexes from Jillian Michaels, etc. If you have the opportunity to go to the gym gym from the first days of losing weight - that is, there is a trainer who is ready to work with you on strength training - go boldly. If there is no good trainer-advisor and you do not know the rules of execution and safety precautions, it is better not to handle exercise machines and dumbbells with barbells on your own. In this case, it is better to start with yoga and Pilates.

5. It is advisable to visit competent nutritionist, which will tell you what and how much to eat, and will calculate all the details of your diet based on your height and weight, and your state of health. If it is not possible to go to a nutritionist, choose the "Tag" diet from Oleg Tern, or a fitness diet, as well as the Montignac method or diets for normalizing carbohydrate metabolism.

You can read books about dietetics and weight loss, “Spacesuit for the Soul” by Oleg Tern and “Theory and Practice of Fat Burning” by Filatov are especially valuable for beginners.

6. A must consult a doctor and find out the reasons for such strong weight gain - most often the reason is some diseases and hormonal imbalances- these reasons need to be treated, then it will be easier to lose weight, and you won’t harm yourself with diets.

7.Under no circumstances should you go on starvation or mono-diets.- this always leads to breakdowns, and even if there were no breakdowns, and you managed to lose weight, the weight can return and become even greater than before losing weight! With an initial weight of 90-100 kg, this is already dangerous to health! Therefore, do not reduce your caloric intake below 1200 kcal and below 30% of your caloric intake.

The diet should be balanced - that is, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates should be in the diet in an approximate proportion of plus or minus 40-50% (carbohydrates) - 35-50% (protein) - 10-15% (fats). The basis of nutrition is chicken and turkey breast, fish, vegetables, cottage cheese, eggs, cereals and fruits with berries and herbs. Nuts, milk, mushrooms, beef should also be included in the diet 2-3 times a week. 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oils or fish oil per day are a must (in a salad or separately). No sugar, mayonnaise, ketchup, sausages and dumplings, store-bought juices and processed foods - it is advisable to give up all of this for life. And from frying too - all foods can be baked, stewed without oil, grilled, or in a double boiler. Add oil only to the finished dish. Eat less salt, sometimes you can use soy sauce, lemon juice, garlic and dried herbs with tomatoes, tomato paste instead. Learn to cook in a new way - without chemicals, sugar and MSG. If you decide to count calories, don’t go crazy about them and don’t weigh yourself every day, just estimate approximate diets and portions for the day, count the calories for a week or two - and then it’s better to estimate by eye - because it often happens that calorie counting takes too long , causes addiction and hysterics after every extra portion of fruit eaten that does not fit into the calorie range - this is harmful to the psyche and leads to breakdowns.

8. Weight loss should be very smooth, preferably no more than 4 kg in the first month and no more than 2-3 kg in subsequent months. Too much fast weight loss can become stressful for the body and cause disruptions in its functioning or lead to breakdowns. The rule is especially relevant SMOOTH weight loss for women over 30 years old - because a sharp decrease in body fat can lead to sagging skin on the face- after all, subcutaneous fat tissue will leave the face, and the skin will not have time to “tighten” to the new size. Only gradual weight loss will give a rejuvenating effect on the face and help maintain skin elasticity and clarity of the oval!

9. Believing in yourself is a must! You can do it! Many people succeed! The only people who fail are those who whine, are lazy, do not exercise, and are on starvation and mono-diets.

10. If you do fitness at home, you can use the fitness site or find exercise therapy exercises on YouTube - usually they are gentle, do not give much stress, but, nevertheless, allow you to do at least some kind of sports.

Good luck and success on your path to a slim figure!

Physical activity helps normalize metabolism, increases blood circulation and muscle tone. Regular physical activity is especially important for obese people: in combination with proper nutrition It will help you get rid of excess weight, which means it will improve your mood, vitality and improve the health of your entire body.

For whom exercise can be dangerous?

Reasonable physical activity not only has a beneficial effect on your figure, but also allows you to work well internal organs and body systems. Some doctors believe that sports are contraindicated for overweight people, but not for everyone. First you need to determine how much your weight is above normal and select the appropriate set of exercises.

Gymnastics is contraindicated for overweight people in the following conditions:

Obesity 4 degrees;

The manifestation of a rare pulse, less than 60 beats per minute;

Increased blood pressure more than 1 - 2 times a month above 200 to 120, presence of heart problems.

People with grade 2 - 3 obesity need to choose gymnastics that does not put a lot of stress on the spine and joints in order to avoid injuries. If during exercise you experience shortness of breath, increased sweating, or the inability to perform any exercises, this is not a reason to stop exercising.

7 rules for starting a useful workout

1. Decide on motivation. It is very important to answer the question: why do I need this? The goal of gymnastics for overweight people is to gain a dream figure, get rid of a serious illness, find a new job or life partner, as well as other reasons. If motivation is weak, you can hang a photo of a beautiful slender girl or, conversely, an unsightly fat girl on the refrigerator. Along with motivation, you need strong willpower. It’s better to start training her with little things. When motivation is high, volitional reserves are activated full force and help you achieve your goal.

2. Start classes gradually. When the understanding came that physical exercise needed like air. You need to start with a low load, gradually increasing the intensity and time of work. The ideal option would be to consult with a professional instructor who will help you choose exercises depending on the degree of obesity, the presence chronic diseases, time for training. You can practice at home or in gym. Each method has its pros and cons.

3. Exercise regularly. Exercise stress from time to time it will not bring any benefit or the desired result. The best option to start with would be to train 2 times a week until you feel slightly pleasantly tired and sweaty. In the future, you can increase the load to 3-4 times a week.

4. Avoid heavy loads. Running, jumping, strength training, high-intensity exercise with heavy weights can cause injuries.

5. Moderate strength training promotes rapid fat burning. During training, muscles consume a large amount of energy and recover up to 48 hours; even after the end of the work, weight loss occurs.

6. Choose suitable species sports: walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, Pilates, stretching, functional training.

7. Eat right. Gymnastics for overweight people must be combined with a diet. Otherwise, all the calories burned will come back. Fatty, floury, and sweet foods are prohibited. After an intense workout, a brutal appetite may awaken, which needs to be tamed with water and low-calorie food in small quantities.

Important! If your weight exceeds the norm by more than 20 kg, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting training.

It is useful to start playing sports with Have a good mood with a high degree of motivation and self-discipline. Training “through force” will not be effective and will not contribute to weight loss. Optimal time for gymnastics the period is from 11.00 to 13.00 and from 17.00 to 19.00. Positive dynamics from training are observed during the first month, then the body gets used to the stress and weight loss does not occur. This means that you need to increase the intensity and change the set of exercises.

Important point - fight a sedentary lifestyle. In addition to training at home or in the gym, you need to organize your schedule with the involvement of outdoor games: in winter - skiing, skating, in summer - walking, swimming, cycling. For overweight women, an alternative to monotonous power loads will be a belly dance. Its smooth movements will not create a large load on the body, and the high intensity of execution will ensure uniform training of the muscle corset and active combustion fat

Gymnastics for overweight people: technology for training at home

If the choice fell on home exercises, then you need to remember that you need to train in natural clothes that do not restrict movement, and put on sneakers on your feet. Carry out the load at least 2 hours after eating. Be sure to start with a short warm-up of 10-15 minutes, as a result of which the muscles warm up and prepare for further work.

Warm-up usually consists of:

Walking in place with high rise legs;

Rotations of arms, hands, shoulders, head;

Tilts and rotations of the body.

Next, move on to the main set of exercises. A great variety of them have been developed. Since excess weight is usually deposited on the stomach, hips, and shoulders, it is very important to carry out the load specifically on problem areas. Here are some exercises for different muscle groups.

Complex for pectoral muscles:

1. Sitting on your knees, smoothly raise your straight arms up, and while lowering, hold them horizontally with your palms facing up. You can use dumbbells.

2. At chest height, place your palms together and press firmly, elbows parallel to the floor.

3. Standing straight or sitting on your knees, spread your arms to the sides, as far as possible behind your back, and swing them slightly. Good with dumbbells.

If you have varicose veins 1 and 3, perform the exercise while standing. Repeat each up to 10 times.

Waist complex:

1. In a standing position, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt, bend to the sides, alternately changing hands. Up to 10 times.

2. Standing, feet apart, hands on the back of the head, elbows to the sides, bend down, touching the left knee with the right elbow and vice versa. Do up to 10 times.

3. Sitting on the mat, hands behind your head, bend down, touching your elbows to your knees. Swing in this position up to 15 times.

4. Standing, legs apart, hands behind your head. Calm turns right and left. Do up to 15 times.

Complex for the belly

1. Lying flat on your back, slowly raise your straight legs, lower them, then bent legs pull it to your stomach, lift it up and lower it. Do up to 10 times.

2. Exercise “Riding a bicycle.”

3. Lying on your back, fix your hands on the back of your head, legs bent, tear off top part body up to 10 times.

4. Wheel. Lying on your stomach, grab your ankles, lift your torso with your head thrown back, sway in this position up to 15 times.

5. Sitting with your hands behind your back, legs straight, hold the ball between your feet and lift your legs off the floor up to 20 times.

Gymnastics for full hips

1. Sitting on the floor, one leg bent and fixed with hands, raise the second straight leg up to 10 times. And with the other leg.

2. Sitting on your knees, take turns moving your pelvis to the right, left, and straight arms reverse side up to 15 times.

3. Sitting on the floor, lean on your hands from behind, raise your straight legs up, spread them to the sides, connect them and lower them again 10 times.

4. Standing on your knees slightly apart, lower your torso back 10 times.

One of unique exercises Without active movements, a plank is considered, during the execution of which all muscle groups intensively function. Take a position similar to a push-up from the floor, back straight, stomach tense, stand on straight arms for 30 seconds, gradually adding time up to 5 minutes. Experts recommend finishing your workout by walking in place and doing some stretching exercises.

To maintain a positive attitude towards training, perform exercises in several sets throughout the day if possible.

It makes sense to do gymnastics for overweight people at home using ready-made videos - lessons, of which there are a lot on the Internet. The choice is made in accordance with taste preferences, level physical fitness and opportunities to perform specific exercises.