Drawing up an individual complex of hygienic gymnastics. The essence of morning hygienic exercises. The following exercise options are possible:

Hygienic requirements to organize morning exercises

Hygiene is the science of creating conditions for maintaining human health.

For morning exercises, it is preferable to wear clothes made from natural materials (for example, cotton fabrics). Natural materials do not impede the process of evaporation of sweat from the surface of the skin, and at the same time ensure the retention of heat generated by the body, helping to warm it up after sleep.

In addition, clothing for classes should be loose, comfortable, light, and not restrict movement. It’s good when clothing for activities meets aesthetic requirements in addition to hygienic ones. It is more pleasant to exercise in beautiful clothes, and it improves your mood to a greater extent.

If the lesson takes place outdoors, similar requirements apply to shoes. When exercising indoors on a warm, clean floor, you do not need to wear shoes.

The training room should be relatively spacious, well ventilated, clean, good lighting.

During the warm season, charging can be done outdoors. In this case, the body experiences only the effect physical exercise, but natural factors - sun, air - which have a hardening effect.

Healthy people who tolerate morning exercise well can exercise in the fresh air not only in the warm season, but in almost any weather. It is especially convenient to do exercises on the street for those who keep dogs at home - you can combine morning walking of the animal with hygienic gymnastics.

Morning exercises are best done to rhythmic, cheerful music.

The volume of the music should not be too low, but also should not be too high, since excessively loud music causes the development of protective inhibition in the nervous system.

Cheerful, rhythmic, cheerful music increases the tone of the nervous system, lifts your mood, and makes you want to move. It significantly facilitates the awakening process, reducing lethargy after sleep.

You should avoid using music containing intense, frightening sounds, since after sleep, being in a lethargic state, the body is extremely sensitive to such influences at the level of subconscious perception.

To maintain interest in classes, the musical accompaniment should be changed periodically.

Individual approach to the selection of physical activity for morning exercises

Each organism is characterized by a complex of specific properties inherent only to it. There are no two identical organisms on earth; moreover, in one multicellular organism there are no two identical cells - each cell is unique and different from the others.

Therefore, along with general principles building a complex of morning exercises, when developing it, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

When developing a complex of morning exercises, the following most important factors must be taken into account:

State of health of the body

General physical fitness body

Individual biological rhythms of the body

The state of health of the body should largely determine which exercises to include in the complex of morning exercises, with what intensity and duration they should be performed. In some cases, morning exercises are contraindicated. However, contraindications are most often temporary. Usually, the presence and nature of a particular disease does not indicate the need to abandon morning exercises, but requires adjustments to the complex of means used.

Temporary contraindications for performing morning exercises:

Increased body temperature above 380 C

Acute periods of inflammatory diseases

Internal bleeding

Diseases accompanied by a severe condition of the body and severe pain

Other contraindications determined by the attending physician or physical therapy physician.

In other cases, do morning exercises not only possible, but also useful. Sick people can include therapeutic physical exercises in their morning exercise routine, which greatly facilitates the healing process.

Persons who have recently suffered from certain types of diseases (colds, infectious diseases, etc.) should refrain from using hardening cold procedures in exercise for some time (from two weeks to two months, depending on the nature of the disease and its severity).

People suffering from heart disease, hypertension, certain blood diseases (thrombophlebitis), vascular diseases, etc. should avoid sudden movements, bending down from a standing position, jumping, and perform deep squats with caution. Running exercises better to replace various types walking and low-intensity dance moves.

In general, before developing a complex of morning exercises, it is advisable for people suffering from certain diseases to consult with their doctor, as well as with a doctor of physical therapy. In this case, morning exercises will not only contribute to effective awakening, but also serve good remedy treatment.

A trained person is shown more physical activity than an untrained person. This is due to the fact that the same load in a trained body causes less physiological changes than in an untrained one.

Exercise for a trained person should last longer and include exercise of greater intensity than exercise for an untrained person.

If morning exercise is well tolerated, a trained person can exercise by running and even strength exercises(pull-ups on the bar, push-ups, exercises with weights and others). However, one should not allow the development of excessive fatigue. Even a trained person should not consider exercise as a means of developing endurance or strength.

For each person, you can allocate a certain period of time in the day when his physiological systems provide the greatest mental and physical performance. This is achieved by the optimal level of performance of individual body systems and their most rational interaction with each other.

Depending on what time of day the physiological systems of the body are most active, people can be divided into three biorhythmic types:

Morning type people are “larks”

Daytime people - “pigeons”

Evening people are night owls

People whose physiological functions peak in the morning are called “larks.”

“Larks” wake up easily and early, feel good in the morning, and in the morning hours they experience the best physical and mental performance for their body.

In the evening, such people feel lethargic, tired, drowsiness, and a desire to sleep. Mental and physical performance is noticeably reduced. When working night or evening shifts, early risers make a large number of mistakes; during these hours their ability to make correct decisions is reduced.

From the above it follows that the morning exercises of “larks” can be longer and more intense than that of “pigeons” and especially “owls”. They are shown classes on outdoors, using hardening procedures (cold or contrast douches and others). Early morning exercisers can include jogging and even strength exercises.

People whose peak activity of physiological functions occurs in the evening or night hours are called “night owls.”

“Owls” have difficulty getting up early and often feel exhausted, lethargic, and in a bad mood in the morning. Their mental and physical performance in the morning is low.

In the evening hours, owls often feel a surge of strength, good health, activity, and a desire to act. Athletes - "owls" show their top scores, if the competition takes place in the afternoon.

Objectively, in the morning hours, “owls” exhibit low functional indicators of physiological systems, including reduced body resistance to adverse factors.

Consequently, the morning exercises of “night owls” should be less intense and longer than that of “larks”. It is not advisable to use more or less long running, jumping, or strength exercises in exercise.

Night owls should be especially careful about hardening procedures in the morning, since their body’s resistance during this period of time is lower than in the evening hours. In view of this, it is more advisable to postpone the hardening procedures to the evening.

People whose physiological functions peak during the day are called “pigeons.”

"Doves" occupy intermediate position between early birds and night owls. Accordingly, physical activity during exercise for “pigeons” should be slightly less than for “larks”, but more than for “owls”.

As already mentioned, the simplest and at the same time sufficient effective way assessing the adequacy of the load is how you feel after charging.

It should be noted that the belonging of an organism to one or another biological type is determined genetically and cannot be corrected by any external influences.

Of course, you can train the “night owl” body to wake up early and work intensively in the morning, and the “lark” body to go to bed late and work in the evenings, but it is impossible to change the time of peak activity of physiological functions.

Numerous studies conducted on operators working night shifts have shown that “larks” and “pigeons” cope poorly with professional duties during these hours, make many mistakes, and are more susceptible to developing various diseases, they are more likely to develop physical and nervous strain.

While owls feel great when working night shifts, they cope well with professional duties during these hours, make few mistakes, and show a high level of mental and physical performance.

In developed countries, only night owls are hired for responsible jobs that require high performance at night.

The above indicates that you should not try to remake your body, but should take into account its individual characteristics in the best possible way.

You can independently determine whether your body belongs to one or another biological type by performing simple tests.

Pronounced “larks” or “night owls”, who show a large and stable spread between the indicators of maximum and minimum performance depending on the time of day, usually know themselves which biorhythmic type they belong to.

A test to verify belonging to a particular biorhythmological type should include determination of indicators of several physiological systems, carried out during the entire period of wakefulness after a certain period of time (for example, every hour). Then a graph of physiological parameters versus time is plotted. The schedule determines the hours when all or most of the measured physiological functions are optimal to ensure high performance of the body.


Physiological changes in the body during and after sleep

Physical exercises used in morning exercises

Hygienic requirements for organizing morning exercises

Individual approach to the selection of physical activity for morning exercises


List of used literature

physical exercise morning exercises


In modern society, a person experiences a whole range of unfavorable factors: emotional stress, information overload, poor environmental conditions. These factors are very often combined with insufficient physical activity. The combined effect of unfavorable environmental factors and a sedentary lifestyle has an extremely negative impact on the body, disrupting its normal functioning and contributing to the development of various diseases.

In such conditions, it is very important to use a complex of various means that help maintain and strengthen the health of the body. A healthy person is a full-fledged member of society who is different high level physical and mental performance, good health, inner spiritual comfort.

One of the activities that has a beneficial effect on the health of the body is morning hygienic exercises. In addition to the specific effect that facilitates the process of transition from a state of rest to a state of active wakefulness, performing morning exercises increases the level of a person’s overall physical activity. For the majority of the urban population, morning exercises are often the only specially organized physical exercise.

Like most effects on the body, morning exercises are useful only if they are used correctly, which takes into account the specifics of the body’s functioning after sleep, as well as the individual characteristics of a particular person.

1. Physiological changes in the body during and after sleep

Sleep is a special state of the body, during which restoration processes occur in tissues.

Sleep is a vital biological need. Sleep deprivation kills the body faster than food deprivation. If a person can go without food for several weeks, then deprived of sleep, the body dies within a few days.

Each species has a different need for sleep. So, domestic cats require 14-16 hours of sleep per day.

A person spends about a third of his life sleeping. A child’s body needs longer sleep than an adult; as they age, the need for sleep decreases. The average adult needs 8 hours of sleep. However, this value is very individual. For some people, 5-6 (or even 4) hours of sleep is enough, for others this need is increased to 9 hours. It is known that Thomas Addisson, Jack London, Catherine II slept no more than 4-5 hours a day.

During sleep, the intensity of many physiological processes decreases. First of all, the activity of the nervous system, in particular the cerebral cortex, decreases, consciousness turns off, and muscle tone decreases. Metabolism becomes less intense (processes of synthesis and decay occurring in cells), body temperature and blood pressure decrease somewhat, and breathing and heart rate rhythms become more rare. The circulation of interstitial fluid in the tissues is weakened, the speed of lymph flow decreases, as a result of which stagnation sometimes develops, manifested in the form of swelling.

Inhibition processes predominate in the nervous system during sleep. It is in the inhibited state of the nervous system that restoration processes can occur. Inhibition is necessary for recovery processes to occur not only in the cells of the brain and spinal cord, but also in the cells of all other organs.

During sleep, the excitability of nerve centers to the action of light, sound, tactile, temperature, olfactory and even pain signals is significantly reduced.

Despite the switching off of consciousness, during sleep the connection with the outside world is maintained. Strong signals (loud sound, bright light, etc.) lead to the awakening of the body. Some types of stimuli, even without great strength, can also become wake-up signals if they are biologically or socially significant for a person. For example, a mother may be awakened by the baby's soft crying, but not respond to other more intense sounds.

Sleep cannot be called a break in brain function. In addition to the recovery processes during sleep, the brain processes information received during the waking period, organizes it in a unique way and compares it with information already in memory. At a subconscious level (that is, without the participation of consciousness) during sleep, the search for solutions to problems that are most relevant to a person in a given period of time continues. Many scientists for a long time Those who were looking for an answer to this or that question found it during sleep. Many composers composed their best musical works in their sleep. Everyone knows that the famous periodic system of chemical elements was born by D.I. Mendeleev precisely in a dream.

The transition from the sleep state to the waking state occurs gradually.

Immediately after awakening, the predominance of inhibitory processes remains in the nervous system; a person’s mental and physical performance is reduced, almost all types of sensitivity are reduced, and the speed of reactions is significantly reduced.

The inhibited state of the central nervous system can persist for several tens of minutes or even several hours. This largely depends on the quality of sleep and the degree general fatigue body.

Such a long transition from the state of sleep to the state of wakefulness is not only inconvenient in modern life, but also harmful to the health of the body, which, after waking up, is subject to significant mental and intellectual stress, when the nervous system is not yet ready to perceive them.

Therefore, activities that help facilitate the transition to a state of wakefulness after sleep are extremely important.

The rate of transition from a state of rest to a state of active wakefulness can be significantly influenced. The most effective acceleration of this process is those influences that stimulate excitation processes in the nervous system. In turn, excitation processes in the central nervous system are stimulated by various external signals entering the nervous system both from the environment and from various organs of the body. The more of these signals and the more intense they are, the more the activity of the nervous system increases.

To facilitate the transition from a state of rest after waking up to a state of active wakefulness, you can turn on cheerful rhythmic music, bright light, open the window to ensure the flow of cold air into the room, perform a set of physical exercises on the main muscle groups and, finally, take water procedures using or cold water, or alternating cold and warm water.

2. Physical exercises used in morning exercises

Since the body after sleep has not yet completely transitioned to a state of active wakefulness, the use of intense loads in morning exercises is not indicated, at least at the beginning of the lesson. It is not advisable to bring the body to a state of severe fatigue through morning exercises, as this will negatively affect mental and physical performance during the day.

The main tasks solved with the help of morning exercises

Eliminate some consequences of sleep (swelling, lethargy, drowsiness, etc.)

Increase the tone of the nervous system

Strengthen the work of the main body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine gland system and others).

Solving these problems allows you to smoothly and at the same time quickly increase the mental and physical performance of the body and prepare it to perceive significant physical and mental stress, often encountered in the life of a modern person.

As a result of competent implementation of the morning exercise complex, optimal excitability of the nervous system is created, heart function improves, blood circulation and breathing increase, which ensures increased delivery nutrients and oxygen to cells. After a good exercise, the feeling of drowsiness, lethargy, weakness disappears, mental and physical performance, activity, mood and well-being increase.

Physical exercises of morning exercises help to increase lymph flow, enhance the circulation of interstitial fluid, and increase venous blood flow. This ensures the elimination of congestion and swelling that often develops during sleep, especially in middle-aged and elderly people.

Since the execution of any physical movements accompanied by increased heat release, morning exercises lead to a moderate increase in body temperature. Within certain physiological limits, an increase in body temperature is a positive factor. As the temperature rises, metabolic processes accelerate and the activity of all organs intensifies. In particular, the speed of transmission of nerve impulses increases, which, together with other changes, facilitates the processes of control by the nervous system of various functions of the body, increases the speed and accuracy of reactions, coordination of movements, increases all types of sensitivity, and improves mental performance.

The most suitable exercises for morning exercises:

Stretching exercises

Different types of walking

General developmental exercises (bends, turns, squats, lunges, joint rotations, etc.)

Stretching exercises (to develop flexibility)

Dance moves

Jogging and light jumping

Breathing exercises.

For persons suffering from certain types of diseases, it is advisable to include special exercises therapeutic physical culture. These exercises should be performed after the general part of the lesson. A healthy person can start a gymnastics complex with stretching exercises, then perform various types of walking, then general developmental exercises for the main muscle groups, which can be completed with light running or jumping. It is useful to complete the gymnastics complex with breathing exercises.

3. Hygienic requirements for organizing morning exercise classes

Hygiene is the science of creating conditions for maintaining human health.

For morning exercises, it is preferable to wear clothes made from natural materials (for example, cotton fabrics). Natural materials do not impede the process of evaporation of sweat from the surface of the skin, and at the same time ensure the retention of heat generated by the body, helping to warm it up after sleep.

In addition, clothing for classes should be loose, comfortable, light, and not restrict movement. It’s good when clothing for activities meets aesthetic requirements in addition to hygienic ones. It is more pleasant to exercise in beautiful clothes, and it improves your mood to a greater extent.

If the lesson takes place outdoors, similar requirements apply to shoes. When exercising indoors on a warm, clean floor, you do not need to wear shoes.

The training room should be relatively spacious, well ventilated, clean, and well lit.

During the warm season, charging can be done outdoors. In this case, the body experiences not only the effects of physical exercise, but also natural factors - sun, air - which have a hardening effect.

Healthy people who tolerate morning exercise well can exercise in the fresh air not only in the warm season, but in almost any weather. It is especially convenient to do exercises on the street for those who keep dogs at home - you can combine morning walking of the animal with hygienic gymnastics.

Morning exercises are best done to rhythmic, cheerful music.

The volume of the music should not be too low, but also should not be too high, since excessively loud music causes the development of protective inhibition in the nervous system.

Cheerful, rhythmic, cheerful music increases the tone of the nervous system, lifts your mood, and makes you want to move. It significantly facilitates the awakening process, reducing lethargy after sleep.

You should avoid using music containing intense, frightening sounds, since after sleep, being in a lethargic state, the body is extremely sensitive to such influences at the level of subconscious perception.

To maintain interest in classes, the musical accompaniment should be changed periodically.

4. Individual approach to the selection of physical activity for morning exercises

Each organism is characterized by a complex of specific properties inherent only to it. There are no two identical organisms on earth; moreover, in one multicellular organism there are no two identical cells - each cell is unique and different from the others.

Therefore, along with the general principles of constructing a complex of morning exercises, when developing it, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

When developing a complex of morning exercises, the following most important factors must be taken into account:

State of health of the body

General physical fitness of the body

Individual biological rhythms of the body

The state of health of the body should largely determine which exercises to include in the complex of morning exercises, with what intensity and duration they should be performed. In some cases, morning exercises are contraindicated. However, contraindications are most often temporary. Usually, the presence and nature of a particular disease does not indicate the need to abandon morning exercises, but requires adjustments to the complex of means used.

Temporary contraindications for performing morning exercises:

Increased body temperature above 380 C

Acute periods of inflammatory diseases

Internal bleeding

Diseases accompanied by a severe condition of the body and severe pain

Other contraindications determined by the attending physician or physical therapy physician.

In other cases, doing morning exercises is not only possible, but also useful. Sick people can include therapeutic physical exercises in their morning exercise routine, which greatly facilitates the healing process.

Persons who have recently suffered from certain types of diseases (colds, infectious diseases, etc.) should refrain from using hardening cold procedures in exercise for some time (from two weeks to two months, depending on the nature of the disease and its severity).

People suffering from heart disease, hypertension, certain blood diseases (thrombophlebitis), vascular diseases, etc. should avoid sudden movements, bending down from a standing position, jumping, and perform deep squats with caution. It is better to replace running exercises with various types of walking and low-intensity dance movements.

In general, before developing a complex of morning exercises, it is advisable for people suffering from certain diseases to consult with their doctor, as well as with a doctor of physical therapy. In this case, morning exercises will not only contribute to effective awakening, but also serve as a good treatment.

A trained person is shown more physical activity than an untrained person. This is due to the fact that the same load in a trained body causes less physiological changes than in an untrained one.

Exercise for a trained person should last longer and include exercise of greater intensity than exercise for an untrained person.

If morning stress is well tolerated, a trained person can use running and even strength exercises (pull-ups, push-ups, weight exercises, etc.) for exercise. However, one should not allow the development of excessive fatigue. Even a trained person should not consider exercise as a means of developing endurance or strength.

For each person, a certain period of time in a day can be allocated when his physiological systems provide the greatest mental and physical performance. This is achieved by the optimal level of performance of individual body systems and their most rational interaction with each other.

Depending on what time of day the physiological systems of the body are most active, people can be divided into three biorhythmic types:

morning type people are “larks”

daytime people - “pigeons”

evening type people - “night owls”

People whose physiological functions peak in the morning are called “larks.”

“Larks” wake up easily and early, feel good in the morning, and in the morning hours they experience the best physical and mental performance for their body.

In the evening, such people feel lethargic, tired, drowsiness, and a desire to sleep. Mental and physical performance is noticeably reduced. When working night or evening shifts, early risers make a large number of mistakes; during these hours their ability to make correct decisions is reduced.

From the above it follows that the morning exercises of “larks” can be longer and more intense than that of “pigeons” and especially “owls”. They are recommended to exercise outdoors, using hardening procedures (cold or contrast douches and others). Early morning exercisers can include jogging and even strength exercises.

People whose peak activity of physiological functions occurs in the evening or night hours are called “night owls.”

“Owls” have difficulty getting up early and often feel exhausted, lethargic, and in a bad mood in the morning. Their mental and physical performance in the morning is low.

In the evening hours, owls often feel a surge of strength, good health, activity, and a desire to act. Night owl athletes show their best results if competitions take place in the afternoon.

Objectively, in the morning hours, “owls” exhibit low functional indicators of physiological systems, including reduced body resistance to adverse factors.

Consequently, the morning exercises of “night owls” should be less intense and longer than that of “larks”. It is not advisable to use more or less long running, jumping, or strength exercises in exercise.

Night owls should be especially careful about hardening procedures in the morning, since their body’s resistance during this period of time is lower than in the evening hours. In view of this, it is more advisable to postpone the hardening procedures to the evening.

People whose physiological functions peak during the day are called “pigeons.”

“Pigeons” occupy an intermediate position between “larks” and “owls”. Accordingly, physical activity during exercise for “pigeons” should be slightly less than for “larks”, but more than for “owls”.

As already mentioned, the simplest and at the same time quite effective way to assess the adequacy of the load is how you feel after charging.

It should be noted that the belonging of an organism to one or another biological type is determined genetically and cannot be corrected by any external influences.

Of course, you can train the “night owl” body to wake up early and work intensively in the morning, and the “lark” body to go to bed late and work in the evenings, but it is impossible to change the time of peak activity of physiological functions.

Numerous studies conducted on operators working on night shifts have shown that “larks” and “pigeons” do not cope well with professional duties during these hours, make many mistakes, are more susceptible to developing various diseases, and are more likely to develop physical and nervous strain.

While owls feel great when working night shifts, they cope well with professional duties during these hours, make few mistakes, and show a high level of mental and physical performance.

In developed countries, only night owls are hired for responsible jobs that require high performance at night.

The above indicates that you should not try to remake your body, but should take into account its individual characteristics in the best possible way.

You can independently determine whether your body belongs to one or another biological type by performing simple tests.

Pronounced “larks” or “night owls”, who show a large and stable spread between the indicators of maximum and minimum performance depending on the time of day, usually know themselves which biorhythmic type they belong to.

A test to verify belonging to a particular biorhythmological type should include determination of indicators of several physiological systems, carried out during the entire period of wakefulness after a certain period of time (for example, every hour). Then a graph of physiological parameters versus time is plotted. The schedule determines the hours when all or most of the measured physiological functions are optimal to ensure high performance of the body.


Thus, daily performance of a complex of morning exercises, developed taking into account the patterns of functioning of the body after sleep and the individual characteristics of a particular person, allows you to prepare the body for the upcoming mental, physical and emotional stress, is a good means of preserving and strengthening health, prevention and, in some cases, treatment diseases, provides high mental and physical performance throughout the day.

Charging increases the overall level motor activity person, reducing the adverse effects of a sedentary lifestyle. A well-designed set of morning exercises does not cause negative emotions, while simultaneously increasing a person’s mood, well-being and activity.

List of used literature

1.Ananyev V.A. and others. General valeology: Lecture notes / Ed. Petlenko V.P. - St. Petersburg: Baltic Pedagogical Academy, 2000. - 163 p.

2.Bloom F., Leiserson A., Hofstadter L. Brain, mind and behavior: Trans. from English - M.: Mir, 1988. - 248 p.

.Solodkov A.S., Sologub E.B. Physiology of sports: Tutorial/SPbGAFK im. P.F. Lesgafta. - St. Petersburg, 1999. - 231 p.

.Instructor's textbook on therapeutic physical culture: Textbook for institutes of physical culture / Ed. Dobrovolsky V.K. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1974. - 480 p.

.Physiology muscle activity: Textbook for institutes of physical culture / Ed. Kotsa Ya.M. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1982. - 347 p.

.Human physiology: Textbook for institutes of physical culture / Ed. Zimkina N.V. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1975. - 496 p.

.Human physiology: A textbook for students of medical institutes / Ed. Kositsky G.I. - M.: Medicine, 1985. - 544 p.

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Federal Agency for Education

Federal state budget educational institution higher professional education

"Lipetsk State Technical University"

Abstract on the topic:

Drawing up and using a complex of morning hygienic gymnastics

Is done by a student:

Popov S.S.

Group: OZEP-13-1

Accepted by professor, Ph.D.:

Perov A.P.

Lipetsk 2014





In modern society, a person experiences a whole range of unfavorable factors: emotional stress, information overload, poor environmental conditions. These factors are very often combined with insufficient physical activity. The combined effect of unfavorable environmental factors and a sedentary lifestyle has an extremely negative impact on the body, disrupting its normal functioning and contributing to the development of various diseases.

In such conditions, it is very important to use a complex of various means that help maintain and strengthen the health of the body. A healthy person is a full-fledged member of society, who is distinguished by a high level of physical and mental performance, good health, and inner spiritual comfort.

One of the activities that has a beneficial effect on the health of the body is morning hygienic exercises. In addition to the specific effect that facilitates the process of transition from a state of rest to a state of active wakefulness, performing morning exercises increases the level of a person’s overall physical activity. For the majority of the urban population, morning exercises are often the only specially organized physical exercise.

Like most effects on the body, morning exercises are useful only if they are used correctly, which takes into account the specifics of the body’s functioning after sleep, as well as the individual characteristics of a particular person.

The fact is that during sleep, blood circulates in our body more slowly than during wakefulness, the heartbeat becomes slower and the blood thickens. The nervous system, like the entire body, also rests and, after awakening, the inhibitory process continues to operate in the human body, physical and mental performance, reaction speed, and sensitivity are reduced. Moreover, the state of normalization of the body can last quite a long time, about two to three hours. But, sadly, many of us cannot afford to go back to bed and allow the body to calmly transition to a state of wakefulness. You have to get to work or school half asleep, nodding off all the way and unsuccessfully trying to concentrate. “They woke me up, but forgot to wake me up,” we joke, looking at each other at the beginning of the working day.

But thanks to morning exercises, which can take only 10-15 minutes, the body is completely normalized, and sleep goes away. And when regular classes By exercising at least five days a week, the overall tone of the human body increases, the aging process slows down, metabolism is also normalized, which means the risk of obesity is reduced. You will significantly save on medications if you spend 15 minutes daily on morning exercises. Thanks to it, the body’s defense processes are strengthened, the immune system is strengthened, and colds are much less common. Adopting a healthy lifestyle by doing exercises in the morning is beneficial for absolutely everyone, and your own health will thank you for it.

The first thing a person who is just starting to do morning exercises should know is that under no circumstances should a set of serious exercises be carried out at this time. After waking up, our body is not inclined to heavy loads, and the main task of morning exercises is not pumping up muscles and increasing sports uniform. We will leave this for those who are seriously passionate about sports, engage in special programs and receive sports nutrition. Our task is to overcome our own laziness, join sports, bring the body to normal performance and get a cheerful energy charge for the whole day. According to professional fitness instructors, you need to prepare for morning exercises in the evening. For example, when going to bed, try to imagine how good your awakening will be, how you get up on time, open the curtains, and the bright sun will begin to shine through the windows. You turn on your favorite music, leisurely wash your face, and then do a series of exercises. And then you go about your business with a positive charge of energy and a smile. It is thanks to such thoughts that the brain, programmed for action in the evening, will push you to carry them out in the morning.

1. Guidelines for the use of physical exercises in morning hygienic gymnastics complexes

Charging should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, and if conditions permit, in the fresh air. The exercises should be performed in light clothing that does not restrict movement. After charging, water procedures are recommended - wet wiping, washing, showering, and in summer - swimming. When performing exercises, you must monitor your well-being and correct breathing during exercise. Elderly people, as well as people with any health problems, should consult a doctor before starting exercises and carry out exercises under his supervision. To regulate the load during exercise, self-control is important - monitoring your physical condition (counting your pulse, periodically weighing yourself).

Each organism is characterized by a complex of specific properties inherent only to it. There are no two identical organisms on earth; moreover, in one multicellular organism there are no two identical cells - each cell is unique and different from the others. Therefore, along with the general principles of constructing a complex of morning exercises, when developing it, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. When developing a complex of morning exercises, it is necessary to take into account the following most important factors - State of health of the body - General physical fitness of the body - Individual biological rhythms of the body

I offer a set of exercises that are as close to universal as possible.

2. Structure and content of morning hygienic exercises

2.1 A set of exercises for morning hygienic gymnastics

1.Walking in place, average pace, 30 - 40 seconds.

2. From the starting position, legs together, arms down, raise both arms, simultaneously moving your leg back, and return to the starting position.

Then do the same, moving the other leg back.

3. Starting position: main stance, hands on the belt. Rotate your head at a slow pace to the right and left.

4. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Circular rotations hands alternately forward and backward.

5. Standing, legs apart, hands on the belt; tilts forward, backward, left, right. Breathing is uniform, pace is average.

6.Standing, legs apart, arms along the body. Bend over (exhale), reaching your toes with your hands. The pace is average.

7.Standing, feet hip-width apart, hands on the waist. Squat as you exhale, arms forward, while lifting, inhale. The pace is average.

8.Standing, hands on your belt. Jumps alternately on the right, left and two legs at once. Breathing is voluntary. The pace is average.

9. Breathing exercise. Inhale. Raise your arms up, stand on your toes, and stretch. Exhalation. Lower your entire foot, lean forward a little, lower and relax your arms.

10.Walking in place, average pace, 30 - 40 seconds.

2.2 Self-control for those doing morning hygienic exercises

morning hygienic gymnastics sports

Self-control is required when performing physical exercises. The load must be given in such a way that the number of heart contractions does not exceed 110-120 per minute. After finishing charging, the pulse should be 120 - 150% of the initial level. The load should be increased gradually. The pulse value may fluctuate slightly in each part of the exercise, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. In addition, it is necessary to remember that when performing morning exercise there should be no excessive sweating, severe redness of the face, or frequent shortness of breath. Exercise should cause moderate physiological changes

Thus, with a serious and thoughtful attitude to the organization and conduct of morning physical exercises, you can achieve a significant increase in its effectiveness, and therefore an improvement in physical condition, well-being and increased performance - one of the main conditions for the growth of professional skill and flight longevity.

Mandatory conditions, the fulfillment of which is absolutely necessary to obtain an effect when using physical exercises, are systematic and regular exercise. Systematicity is expressed in the selection of individual exercises and their combination, and regularity is expressed in daily exercises.


Thus, daily performance of a complex of morning exercises, developed taking into account the patterns of functioning of the body after sleep and the individual characteristics of a particular person, allows you to prepare the body for the upcoming mental, physical and emotional stress, is a good means of preserving and strengthening health, prevention and, in some cases, treatment diseases, provides high mental and physical performance throughout the day.

Exercise increases a person's overall level of physical activity, reducing the adverse effects of a sedentary lifestyle. A well-designed set of morning exercises does not cause negative emotions, while simultaneously increasing a person’s mood, well-being and activity. Morning physical exercise is necessary for every person to improve and maintain normal health. It is especially relevant for urban residents, as well as for those whose work involves staying in one position for a long time, the so-called “sedentary work”.


1. Popular medical encyclopedia, Ch. ed. Pokrovsky V.I., 1991

2. Utkin V.L., Bondin V.I., “Atlas of physical exercises for beauty and health”, M.: Physical culture and sport, 1990.

3. Mikulich P.V., Orlov L.P., “Gymnastics”, M.: Physical culture and sport, 1959.

4. Kutsenko G.I., “Book about a healthy lifestyle”, M.: Profizdat, 1987.

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Morning hygienic exercises are physical exercises performed in the morning after sleep and contribute to an accelerated transition of the body to a vigorous working state. During sleep, the human central nervous system is in a state of peculiar rest from daytime activity. At the same time, the intensity of physiological processes in the body decreases. After motivation, the excitability of the central nervous system and the functional activity of various organs gradually increases, but this process can be quite long, which affects performance, which remains reduced compared to normal and on well-being: a person feels drowsiness, lethargy, and sometimes shows causeless irritability.

Performing physical exercises causes flows of nerve impulses from working muscles and joints and brings the central nervous system into an active, active state. Accordingly, the work of internal organs is also activated, providing a person with high performance, giving him a noticeable surge of vigor.

Exercise should not be confused with physical training, the purpose of which is to obtain a more or less significant load, as well as to develop necessary for a person physical qualities.

Some exercises help prevent and treat chronic disorders of the internal organs and musculoskeletal system. When doing physical education, it is necessary to take into account deviations in physical development person.

The sequence of physical exercises during exercise must be structured in such a way that the body gradually starts working. You should start your morning exercises with breathing exercises.

Exercises should affect all important muscle groups and joints. Physical activity is determined by the complexity of the exercises, their number, number of repetitions and pace of execution. Optimal time classes are 10-15 minutes, the number of repetitions of exercises is 8-12 times. Men are recommended to strength and static exercises using equipment, for example, dumbbells, weights. Women are more suitable for exercises that develop flexibility and strengthen muscles. abdominals and hip area.

There are various options for morning exercises. This includes the so-called “gymnastics under the blanket,” that is, those exercises that are performed while lying in bed. As well as exercises from a sitting position and from a standing position. It is best to combine these types, moving from lying exercises to sitting exercises, etc.

It is important to monitor the state of the body during morning exercises. The load on muscle work during exercise should be moderate: heart rate and blood pressure should recover after 3-5 minutes of rest. With a properly selected set of exercises there should be no shortness of breath or weakness. This is not a type of physical activity that should be done “for wear and tear”; exercise should rather bring pleasure.

Morning exercises (exercises) are performed daily at home (with the window open) or in the fresh air. Daily morning exercises foster the habit of systematic physical exercise. It consists of general developmental exercises that can be performed without objects or with objects (rubber bandages, dumbbells, expanders, jump ropes). Approximate duration of classes: for students in grades 1-4 - 8-10 minutes, grades 5-9 - 11-15 minutes. Morning exercises are performed in a certain sequence. First, stretching, which improves breathing and blood circulation. Then exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, torso and legs. Next, running and jumping are performed, which have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. Morning exercises end with exercises that normalize the activity of the respiratory and circulatory organs. After morning exercises, you need to take a shower. Exercise sets need to be changed regularly. In this case, you should gradually increase the load, complicating the exercises, increasing their number and pace of execution. The dosage of the load should be such that the exercisers experience vigor and not fatigue. The approximate duration of use of the same complex is 12-15 days.

When performing morning exercises, self-control is necessary. Particular attention should be paid to correct breathing, which should be deep and rhythmic. Morning complex or individual exercises can be repeated throughout the day to relieve fatigue, especially during prolonged mental activity, office work, to relieve nervous tension or in the evening to improve sleep.

1. Starting position: legs apart, hands to shoulders. As you inhale, raise your arms up, stretching well, and as you exhale, lower your arms down.

2. Starting position: legs together, hands in front of the chest, fingers should be connected in a “lock”. Straighten your arms to the left and turn them to the right, palms up. Make sure that the “lock” does not open. Repeat the same exercise on the other side. When performing the exercise, breathing is voluntary.

3. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread to the sides. With your arms straight, perform circular movements, simultaneously squeeze and unclench your fingers with force. Breathing during the exercise is voluntary.

4. Starting position: toes apart, heels together, arms hanging freely along the body. As you exhale, tilt to the right, while right hand slide along your thigh and place the left one behind your head. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the same exercise on the other side.

5. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the back of the chair. Perform circular movements with your lower torso as if you were spinning a hoop. Perform the exercise first in one direction, then in the other. Breathe freely.

6. Starting position: standing straight, hands on the back of the chair. Direct left leg move it to the side as high as possible. Return to the starting position. Do the exercise with the other leg. During runtime this exercise breathing is voluntary.

7. Starting position: sitting, hands behind your back. Take turns raising and lowering your straight legs. Breathe randomly while doing the exercise.

8. Starting position: lying down, arms along the body. Use your hands to sit up, then return to the starting position. Breathe randomly while doing the exercise.

Repeat each exercise eight to twelve times. Increase the number of repetitions gradually.

Daily will help strengthen the immune system, improve physical fitness, and will also provide a boost of energy and vigor for the whole day.

Walk in place, raising your hips high, for 60–90 s.

Starting position – main stance. On the count of 1-4 - take a deep breath, 5-8 - exhale.

Starting position – main stance. 1 – hands forward; 2 – hands up; look at hands; 3 – arms to the sides; 4 – hands down. Repeat 8-10 times.

Starting position – hands on the belt. 1 – head tilt back, 2 – forward, 3 – left; 4 – forward. Repeat 6 times.

Starting position – arms forward to the sides. 1 – swing your right leg to reach the fingers of your left hand, 2 – take the starting position, 3 – swing your left leg to reach the fingers of your right hand, 4 – return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

Starting position – main stance. Bend the body forward and backward 16-20 times. Bend the body to the sides 16-18 times.

Starting position – hands on the belt. 1 – turn the body to the right, arms to the sides; 2 – take the starting position, 3 – turn the body to the left, arms to the sides, 4 – return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

Squats – 2 series of 10 times.

Bending and extension of the arms in support on the floor - 2 series to failure.

Slow 6eg in place alternating with walking: 60 s running + 30 s walking. Repeat 3 times.

Jumping in place – 2 times for 30 s.

Walking – 60-90 s.

Morning exercise complex

1. We walk in place, raising our knees high; stopped; take a deep breath and exhale, then jump on the spot: first on two legs, then on one leg, then on the other; deep breath - exhale. Now we're walking again.

2. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist. We bend to the sides, right - left, 10 times. Then 10 bends forward and backward.

3. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. We perform circular movements with straight arms: first forward, then backward, 10 times.

4. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist, squatted slightly to feel the tension in the muscles, straightened up. Repeat 10 times.

5. Now you will need some kind of support, such as a wall. Leaning your right hand on the wall, we swing your left leg five times forward, backward and to the side. Then we change position, lean with our left hand, and swing with our right foot.

6. Stand straight along the wall. Be sure to feel the contact of the back of your head, shoulders, calves, and heels with the wall. We stand like this for one minute.

7. Stand up straight, raise your hands up, take a deep breath, lower them - exhale. We repeat three times.


Description of the exercise



Medium tempo

I.P. - O.S.Walking (can be done on site)

1-1.5 min.

Breathing is even, back straight, do not tilt your head


I.P. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Circular movements of the head left and right

5-left 5-right

The exercise is performed smoothly without jerking



I.P. - O.S.

Raise your hands in the following sequence:


Per head;

one hand up, the other to the side, then vice versa;

return to starting position

5-7 times

You need to pull your shoulders and head back and tense all the muscles of your body; if one or two hands are up, look at their hands.

Medium tempo

The starting position too.

Hands clenched into fists, circular movements with forearms

5 times in one direction and 5 times in the other direction

Watch your posture.

Vigorous hand movements.

Arms bent, hands at chest level. Movements with bent and straight arms:

to the sides - straight

back - bent

5-7 repetitions

Don't give up, keep your hands on the same line



Medium tempo

Circular movements of the arms forward and backward

5 times in each direction

Do not tilt your head, keep your back straight.

From the “one arm up” position, move your arms back and change the position of your arms:

right up, left down

vice versa

3-4 times

Vigorous hand movements.



Feet shoulder-width apart, arms forward. Torso bends:

To the left leg


To the right leg

5-7 tilts

Try to touch the floor with your hands.

Lie on the floor, put your feet under support, hands behind your head.

Raise your torso to a sitting position

Hygienic gymnastics (“H.G.”) is a system of simple exercises aimed at ensuring the optimal current state of the human body. Can be used in almost all age periods and with any readiness for physical activity.

The need to use G.G. V Everyday life dictate the same conditions that are mentioned above more than once.

A wide range of problems that can be solved with its help determine the place of G.G. in the system of physical education and popularity among the population. Probably its main distinguishing feature should be its accessibility to the general public.

During classes G.G.:

Prevention of adverse environmental effects on the body is carried out;

The operation of the main functional systems is normalized;

The body's performance improves;

Basic motor skills are formed;

A culture of movement and behavior is fostered;

A “personal Physical Culture“and the need for regular physical exercise, the “craving” for improvement.

One of the main distinguishing features of G.G. is an organic combination of the exercises used in it with hygienic and hardening factors.

In the classes of G.G. They try to provide comfort that significantly contributes not only to the emotional mood, but also to the quality of health-improving effects. And they are very diverse: from light stretches to relatively difficult “push-ups” while lying down, from gentle sunbathing to invigorating douches with cold water.

G.G. has deep historical roots. Exercise systems that do not require special devices and equipment appeared in the 19th century. These exercises were called “room gymnastics”; in a relatively short time they “gave the body a uniform and fairly intense load and cultivated willpower.”

G.G. past centuries is characterized by the presence of various complexes that were private versions of national gymnastic systems. For example, the “system of bodily development” (Attila, Saidov, Debonnet) consisted of exercises for developing strength, for “pleasure” and “free movements”. These home exercises included free movement without weights, gentle movements and plastic postures, and exercises with dumbbells. It should be noted that the choice of exercises was scrupulous, since it was believed that “not every exercise is useful.” The systems of D. Schreber, I. Müller and I. Proshek were most widespread at that time.

“Home gymnastics for every gender and age” by D. Schreber was aimed at using “free body movements” in order to prevent various diseases and developmental disabilities. The complex included 45 exercises, selected according to anatomical characteristics (for all muscle groups). The exercises were performed smoothly, in at a relaxed pace, but with sufficient muscle tension. Pauses to restore breathing and pulse after each exercise were considered a necessary element of the training. The dosage was determined by how you felt and by taking into account a certain amount

repetitions of the exercise. The following regimen was suggested: 1-2 times a day for 15-30 minutes. Such conditions for the use of exercises had to be combined with hygienic factors: a clean, ventilated room, healthy habits.

I. Muller's system - “15 minutes of daily work for health” - was aimed at preventing diseases, maintaining good health and a healthy lifestyle. After just 10 days of classes it was expected positive effect effects of exercise. The complex included 18 movements for various joints: fast flexion-extension movements, body turns - aimed at improving mobility in the joints and increasing joint amplitudes of movement. A distinctive feature of this system was the “scheme” of sequence and alternation of exercises: movements of a general developmental nature - water procedures - self-massage of the arms and legs. In addition, it was proposed additional exercises"for beauty and good posture." To regulate the exercises, a table was proposed to compare the duration and number of repetitions of each exercise, as well as taking into account the state of breathing and pulse. Traditional hygiene requirements were also maintained.

“The system of gymnastics of coordinated muscle groups” by I. Proshek was considered by the author as independent exercises for body development and as additional among other types of physical exercise. A typical complex included: 14 exercises for various parts of the body, 3 breathing exercises against the background of relaxed muscles and water procedures. The system was offered to everyone, but was especially recommended for people with a sedentary lifestyle. At the same time, the principle of “simultaneous and equal development of strength and “willpower” was considered basic.

The training regimen involved a consistent increase in the number of exercises over 6 weeks, and the duration of the training should have increased accordingly. The maximum load was considered to be holding the force tension for 5-6 seconds with 10 repetitions. The effect of such isometric training should have appeared after 1-2 months of training, after which the set of exercises should have been changed. When done

Breathing control was required during exercise; in this case, the movement (or tension) was performed while taking a deep breath through the nose and the next emphasis in breathing was on exhalation.

Despite the fact that the described systems had their own characteristics, they were united by the following characteristics:

1) a combination of exercise and compliance with hygiene standards;

2) a combination of exercise movements with “correct” breathing with different emphasis on inhalation or exhalation;

3) the use of a fairly strict dosage of the load and monitoring the body’s reaction to it;

4) the use of various combinations of exercises and patterns of their alternation depending on the stage (period) of training.

From the standpoint of modern science and methodology, these systems to a certain extent look naive. However, even in our time, their use basic principles for the purpose of health improvement - it is quite acceptable, and experience is certainly important and useful.

In modern G.G. The following types are distinguished:

1) morning exercises (exercises);

2) gymnastics during the working day (introductory, physical education break);

3) evening exercises (before bedtime).

They are characterized by general requirements and rules of the organization:

Preliminary familiarization or learning of exercises - depending on the degree of their novelty and the motor experience of the student;

Accurate targeting of the exercise (to whom, why) requires individual determination current state, as well as physical, motor and functional capabilities of the body. This is important both for healthy people and for those who have any health problems;

The selection of exercises should always be based on the principle of availability; at the same time, they must be quite complex and varied, covering all parts of the body with load;

It is advisable to accompany the exercises

"hint" of the best execution options - for

why, if possible, use video equipment, or a visual demonstration of the exercise by the instructor; It is especially important to convey to the student the correct image before he studies independently;

Comfortable conditions for exercise should be created: sufficient size of the area for exercise, appropriate clothing - not restricting movement and heat exchange, musical accompaniment - as a pleasant background or as a leader in tempo and rhythm;

When performing exercises, you should avoid long breath holds, exclude significant power stresses, limit the number of positions and movements associated with “upside down” actions.

Features of classes in various forms of G.G.

Morning exercises. Used during the transition from a passive state (sleep) to active work. During sleep, when the main functional systems are in a state of minimal arousal (or inhibited) and due to their inertia, the transition from physiological rest to an alert state should proceed, on the one hand, calmly, but, on the other hand, with the active inclusion of all systems This is facilitated by the “soft” activation of functional systems, which is provided by appropriate physical exercises. At the same time, typically different people (some are slow, others are hasty) are “balanced” in these exercises.

Daily independent exercises with accessible and varied exercises, performed in the morning, usually last 10-15 minutes, although an individual duration is quite possible. The exercise includes 8-10 exercises covering all parts of the body, alternating easy and relatively more difficult (but again, without much stress) movements and body postures.

A set of basic exercises may be preceded by several “bed” movements and actions. For example: stretching the body with arms raised up and holding this position for 3-4 seconds, without holding your breath, or: 5-7 bendings (alternate or simultaneous) of the legs, or: 5-7 tensing and relaxing the buttocks; or (but very carefully!) bending your legs, turning them to the sides; and so on.

Basic exercises can be aimed at developing correct posture or ability to control breathing; let's say light jumps and dance elements; balance exercises and even stretching exercises. But there is one rule for them - the load is minimal, the person is not engaged in the development of functions and abilities, but in their awakening.

An important requirement of G.G. is the use of water procedures. They can be different: a shower, swimming in a river or dousing with water. It all depends on the initial state of a person’s health and his preparedness for one or another type of “water” hardening. By the way, there are many people who really don’t like taking a cold shower or being doused with ice water, and they just can’t get used to it. This means you need to use warm or slightly cool water, and use air procedures as the main hardening agent. Introductory gymnastics, in contrast to morning exercises (at home), is performed for immediate preparation for educational or professional activities before it begins, as a rule, near one’s workplace.

In this regard, the main focus of introductory gymnastics is the preparation of the leading functional systems of the body for the peculiarities of the upcoming work, psychophysical training.

In terms of volume, content and duration, the exercises of introductory gymnastics are similar to exercises, but at the same time they have a greater degree of intensity, although shorter duration, more rhythmic accents (versus smooth ones in exercises), and to a lesser extent involve those muscle groups that are not leading in the upcoming professional activity. Therefore, the number of exercises may be small, the number of repetitions in this case will increase, but again not to such an extent that the exercises become similar to training ones, with the goal of increasing physical potential.

Physical education pause is the main form of G.G. during working hours. The main functional goal is to distract from the main activity, switch to a different nature, give a little rest to the nervous system and muscle groups (or organs, for example, eyes) exposed to professional stress.

Performing exercises that are “antagonists” to the main work actions (bending instead of basic bending or holding a bent posture, squats instead of standing for a long time on “straight legs” and tensely straightening the body, “clapping” the eyes instead of intense concentration on the subject of work, etc., etc.) helps restore the level of functioning of organs and systems of the body that decreases during work, restore efficiency and, as a result, reduce the number of errors in professional actions, reduce injuries, improve the quality of work, and most importantly: the body performs work with less nervous and physical energy, with less “wear and tear”, with less (possible) negative assessments of various incoming factors with which work is associated.

Various forms of industrial gymnastics have been introduced into the lives of Russians for more than 80 years. It is very important that this implementation is accompanied by fundamental scientific research on the impact of physical exercises used in the work regime, both on the body of workers and on the results of work.

At the same time, the basis of the physiological justification for the effectiveness of their use lies in the works of outstanding domestic scientists: Vvedensky N. E., Vinogradov M. P., Krestovnikov A. N., Marshak I. E., Pavlov I. P., Sechenov I. M. , Ukhtomsky A.A. and many others. In the works of physiologists, psychologists and teachers, it was determined that prolonged excitation of different parts of the brain, constant tension of the musculoskeletal system, monotony of motor acts and their monotony lead to a decrease in overall performance. At the same time, a relatively uniform distribution and ratio of the processes of excitation and inhibition, or their redistribution between parts of the cerebral cortex, normalizes the body's response to the work being performed. This redistribution is achieved by introducing new (different) stimuli, which are physical exercises. In the process of their implementation, among production operations (at allotted moments of time), the excitation process moves to areas of the brain not associated with work activity, as a result of which “production” managers

areas are restored and can even “over-recover” due to the so-called mutual induction, i.e. gain a “second freshness”. At the same time, it is active, rather than passive, rest that promotes the restoration of working muscle groups not only due to central control mechanisms, but also due to a more intense elimination of metabolic products than during inactivity.

It is natural, therefore, that the performance of both the control and executive apparatuses of the body increases, which results in the preservation of high quality of activity.

“Physical break” is a form of GG, used during special breaks 1-2 times during the working day, one and a half to two hours before the lunch break or before the end of work. At these moments, the greatest fatigue and dissipation of attention are observed. Therefore, within usually five minutes, 6-8 exercises of a kneading and distracting nature are performed, stretching the muscles that performed the power load.

Conventionally, there are two types of physical training pause: active - with a fairly high pace of exercises, their variety, wide amplitude, and passive - with limited movements and movements of a more relaxing nature. The choice of one option or another is determined by the characteristics of work activity and the person’s condition in this moment. Moreover, if a relatively high degree of fatigue is observed, this does not mean that the passive option should be used. It is quite possible that recovery will occur precisely due to the use of active exercises. But it should be borne in mind that it can be achieved by turning on the reserve capabilities of the body, and therefore the improvement will be short-term, and then a rather sharp and significant decrease in performance will occur; recovery will require quite a long time and the use of a set of measures. Therefore, you should not be tempted by this possibility of quick recovery during the working day.

Various forms of G.G. during the working day are focused on the conditions and nature of work activity. Therefore, scientists have made a conditional grouping of professions:

With a predominance of nervous tension with a low level of physical activity and relatively monotonous movements (for example, seamstresses-machine operators, assemblers of precision mechanisms, etc.);

With a combination of physical and mental activity with average physical activity (machine operators, assembly line assemblers);

Diverse operations with significant physical activity(builders, miners, etc.);

With a predominance of mental activity (doctors, dispatchers, etc.). It is clear that the dynamics of the functional state of the body proceeds in accordance with such characteristic features. Therefore, sets of exercises should take into account both the content of the work and the moments of expedient application. They are determined by: the general curve of physiological load, temperature conditions, motor rhythms (their one or variety, change, combinations), mental tension, physical difficulty, etc., IT. d.

“Evening gymnastics” is a form of G.G., used to prepare for the transition to sleep. It is used in cases of residual mental stress or persistent fatigue that arose during work, as well as local muscle strains and sore throat.

When determining the content of exercises, it is very important to take into account the typological features of the individual’s higher nervous activity: his excitability and balance, the strength of his typical nervous processes, general health and the presence of any deviations, perception of certain types of physical exercises and related means (massage, stretching). , type of water procedures and their temperature conditions), as well as psychological and methodological preparedness for the use of evening classes. Of course, all this must be taken into account when using any forms of GG, but in this case this requirement takes on special importance, since inadequate use of physical exercises, their incorrect selection and untimely use (for example, shortly before bedtime) can simply excite a person instead of calming him down , deprive him of sleep and, in the end, not allow him to recover for the next work

day, increase psychophysical overstrain and (which is very important!) psychologically negative perception of both one’s activities and the surrounding reality.

The success of using the forms described above by G.G. depends on compliance with certain general conditions:

1) the need for preparatory work, which consists in collecting initial information about the rules for constructing a lesson, the conditions for conducting a set of exercises, assessing one’s own capabilities, and self-preparation for the lesson;

2) a mandatory combination of classes by G.G. with self-massage techniques, water procedures, hardening, compliance with hygiene standards;

3) constant ongoing monitoring of health status and reactions to stress;

4) constant assessment of the effectiveness of classes and satisfaction with them.

Recently, various private methods of a narrow focus have appeared, having some features similar to traditional types health-improving gymnastics: gymnastics for nerves, gymnastics for blood vessels, anti-stress gymnastics, restorative static gymnastics, etc.

It is very difficult to determine the effectiveness of most of them, since no significant studies have been conducted. However, some are worthy of attention. For example, “the method of forming rational posture (V. Khistal and N. Ponomarev), which implies the cultivation of a culture of “sitting, standing and other motor stereotypes,” i.e. maintaining a person’s “physical status” through motor and functional improvement.

Among the large number of non-traditional hygienic exercise methods, “restorative static gymnastics” (I. Reif), which has sufficient physiological justification, is worthy of mention. This is home hygienic gymnastics that complements various forms of physical recreation. Its meaning is as follows.

In a situation of monotonous, monotonous and long-term work, fatigue of a neuropsychic nature usually occurs. Moreover, in the first period after work, the processes of fatigue are easily leveled out, but then the functional

mental changes reach the “upper threshold”, and simple passive rest for recovery is no longer enough. Then activation of central inhibition processes is required due to a certain physical effect, i.e. artificial stimulation of restoration of dynamic balance of brain processes. At the same time, a relatively weak and moderate effect on the body and central nervous system is sufficient for a noticeable effect.

The author believes that one should not rush to the stadium and gym right after a busy day at work, and that physical activity should be commensurate with the share of “physical rest”. For this purpose, a set of specially selected static poses (12-15 positions) is offered, designed for a 30-40-minute lesson. More than 100 poses are combined into four groups: kneeling or sitting with bent legs, standing on all fours with emphasis on the elbows or straight arms, lying on the stomach or side, lying on the back or sitting with straight or bent legs.

The main feature of the pose is “maintaining unstable balance.” Performing this type of motor tasks is possible both in free conditions and with additional support, special stands.

The characteristic features of static gymnastics are:

1) absence of loading and technically difficult poses;

2) special “internal stability” and balance of poses;

3) an appropriate combination of relaxation of some muscle groups with moderate static voltage others;

4) individual “adjustment” of the posture using the correction method until a feeling of convenience and comfort;

5) focus on the overall restorative effect - which significantly distinguishes this system from others (for example, hatha yoga), where each pose (asana) has its own address: “for pressure”, “for stomach diseases”, etc.

Thus, the variety of traditional and non-traditional forms and methods of training by G.G. already indicates their wide availability and probable effectiveness.