Exercises to strengthen problem areas in women. Training in parts. Exercises for problem areas. Yoga for weight loss

Did you get the breeches on your hips? Can't button your jeans? Does a heavy butt poison your existence? Do not give up! “Problem areas” are not hopeless! The main thing is to know. Which side should you take them from?

"breeches"? As easy as pie!

Where do "breeches" come from? The solution is simple. Fat molecules are like sand in the bloodstream. Where the “flow” is fast, the bottom of the bloodstream is clean. Well, there. Where blood stagnates, fat molecules precipitate. Here you go body fat! You make all movements with your legs back and forth. Blood circulates vigorously in the same direction. Because on the front surface of the legs, above the knees, there is no trace of fat. There’s no way he can resist here! But the “sides” of your hips are a quiet whirlpool. The blood stagnates and fatty molecules settle out like sludge. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to understand what the solution is. Right! It is necessary to direct the blood into these same “breeches” and thoroughly rinse the tissues from fatty deposits! Traditional leg exercises are not suitable. This is again a back and forth movement. What then? Here's what!

Has your stomach fallen out? Pull it in!

The talk that “I trained my abs with all my might, but I just don’t have a six-pack” is a lie! Means. I didn’t train enough! World fitness experience says: you get as much as you work! If you're serious about getting a flat stomach, get ready to do some killer work! First, remember, this is work from home. You go to the fitness club two or three times a week, but that’s not enough for your abs. The press needs daily loads! Well, this is only possible at home. But! Never train your abs in the morning! The ligaments in the spine have softened overnight, and an unfortunate injury is possible. Best time- in the evening, an hour and a half after dinner. Second - without training ball there's no way around it! I'll have to buy it.


And further. Immediately after sleep, stand in front of the mirror and do “vacuumization”. Place your hands on your sides as if you are about to squat and draw in your stomach. Very very! Let go. Do this 50-100 times. Then switch to delays: pull in and hold until the count of ten! Do this exercise throughout the day. We need to get up to 600 “vacuumizations”!

“There should be a lot of good people” - how wonderful it would be to stick to this statement and not worry about those extra pounds. But the “breeches” on the hips, the rapidly shrinking waist and the “fifth point” that refuses to fit into your favorite jeans are the bane of existence. There is no need to despair; for any “problem area” there is a solution in the form of intensive training.

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A set of exercises for problem areas

Problem area – “breeches”

“Braids” are formed due to insufficient blood flow. Think of fat molecules as small grains of sand. They do not settle in areas with good blood circulation. Where the blood stagnates, a sediment similar to silt is formed, only from fat. When walking and running, the legs move back and forth in amplitude, so fat deposits do not form above the knees. The lateral part of the thighs is a zone of stagnation with slow blood flow. To disperse the blood and “wash” fatty layers from the tissues, you need special exercises, such as:

Taking the leg to the side

Standing straight with a straight back, grab a support with your hand (window sill, cabinet handle, back of a chair...). Move the leg opposite to the involved arm to the side. At first, you will not be able to lift your leg high and for long, because the muscles and hip joints We are not used to such a load and work in this plane. Nothing, start with 10 times, then 50, 100... Thanks to this simple, but popular movement in ballet, not a single ballerina knows what the problem area “breeches” is!

Side lunges

Spread your legs wider, take dumbbells in your hands (ordinary half-liter bottles of water will do for a start, then you can take one heavier dumbbell and hold it with with bent arms in front of). Keeping your hands on your hips, do side lunges, alternating approaches on one leg, then the other. Try to go as low as possible into the squat, so the effectiveness of the exercise for the problem area will be higher.

Plie squats

Starting position – legs wider than shoulders, feet turned toes outward. Squat down slowly, bringing your hips until they are parallel to the floor, keeping your back straight. Stand up just as slowly, without fully extending your knees. At first, you can hold on to the top of the gymnastic stick with both hands, this will make it easier not to bend your back. When the muscles gain strength, take dumbbells to weigh them down.

Side jumps

As a guide, mark a vertical line on the floor, place your feet on either side of it, lower yourself into a low squat and jump straight out to the side. Jump like this 25-40 times in each direction. If your problem area is the breeches zone, then kick aerobic exercises or tai bo exercises are suitable for you.

Exercises for the problem area of ​​the abdomen

Let's reduce the “fifth point” with special exercises

We have already talked about poor blood flow and what it leads to. Without sufficient load, the gluteal muscles risk hiding under a layer of fat deposits. It’s a paradox, but the muscles of the “fifth point” actively work even with normal walking, but a car, an elevator and a sofa will inevitably make your butt a problem area. To prevent this, you should revive the blood flow, and special exercises for this will help you. problem areas buttocks

1. Do squats. Stand straight, spread your legs wider than your shoulders, turn your feet toes outward, squat as low as possible, almost to the floor (squats to parallel will not help here).

2. Do deep lunges, preferably while walking. When the muscles get used to the load, perform exercises with weights.

3. Make it a rule to statically tense your gluteal muscles when standing or performing any leg exercise, keeping your buttocks tight until the end of the set.

4. Perform several approaches of moving the leg straight back, without weights and on the lower block.

Problem areas and nutrition

It has long been no secret that any, even the most intense exercise will not bring the desired result if you do not watch what you put into your mouth. The explanation is simple: every time you eat something sweet or fatty, the hormone insulin is released into the blood, which is responsible for the formation of fats in the body. It’s not difficult to build a logical chain: more food - more insulin, more insulin - more fat.

A properly designed diet and nutrition regimen will help break this vicious circle. Eat in small portions, but often - every 2.5 - 3 hours, remove fatty, starchy and sweet foods from the menu. Such measures lead to a decrease in insulin secretion.

According to an online survey by Cosmo.ru, most girls would like to tone their thigh muscles, tighten their buttocks and reduce their waist. Nothing could be simpler. Do these problem area exercises three times a week and your problem areas will turn into problem-free ones!



Initial position: lying on your back, feet shoulder-width apart. Only by tensing your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders and left leg off the floor (toes extended). The left hand is behind the head, the right hand is raised up.

On account RAZ: Bend your left leg at the knee and pull it towards your stomach. At the same time, with your right hand, reach outside left thigh.

On the count of TWO

Repeat 30 times in each direction.


Starting position: lying on your left side. Legs are bent at the knees, the right leg is brought forward. Place your right palm on the floor (your fingertips point toward your chest), and support your head with your left hand.

On account RAZ: Rise up using your right arm: your torso and left arm should come off the floor. At the same time, place your right leg on top of your left. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

On the count of TWO: Return to starting position.

Do 30 repetitions in each direction.

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Working out the back of the thigh

Starting position: standing on all fours, feet together, resting on your palms. Lift your right knee off the floor.

On account RAZ: Extend your right leg back, foot turned to the side, toes pointed out. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

On the count of TWO: Return to starting position. Repeat 30 times on each leg.

We are working on inner surface hips

Starting position: standing on all fours, resting on your palms. The right palm lies on top of the left. Shift your body weight to your left leg and arm.

On account RAZ: Raise your right leg so that it is parallel to the floor. Bend it slightly at the knee and move it to the side. Right hand up.

On the count of TWO: return to IP.

Do 30 reps on each leg..

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PROBLEM AREA 3: Buttocks

Bow and arrows

IP: lying on your stomach, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, bend your knees. Grab your feet with your hands. Important: the chest is lifted off the floor.

On account RAZ: straighten your left leg and fix it a few centimeters from the floor. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

On the count of TWO: Return to starting position. This is one repetition.

Do 30 on each side.


IP: lying down, this is a slightly modified plank position. Legs are spread shoulder-width apart, resting on the elbows. The right knee and toe of the left foot are on the floor.

On account RAZ: bend your left leg too and lift it 9-15 cm from the floor, toes extended. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

On the count of TWO: Return to starting position.

Repeat 30 times. Now on the other foot

Ecology of life: Fitness and sport. AnySports 10 exercises that will help you cope with “problem areas” female body, even if they are difficult to change after your morning runs or squats in the gym.

A set of effective exercises

10 exercises that will help you cope with the “problem areas” of the female body, even if they are difficult to change after your morning runs or squats in the gym.

Raising one leg with body tilted forward

This exercise perfectly tones and tightens the gluteal muscles, uses all the core muscles, which helps prevent back pain.

How to do it: Take a pair of dumbbells. Stand up straight, transfer your body weight to your left leg, and lift your right leg off the floor, slightly bending the knee. Extend your right leg back so that it is parallel to the floor. At the same time, tilt your body forward and try to reach your toes with your hands. supporting leg. Imagine that your extended leg and body are one straight line. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position.

What to pay attention to: When returning to the starting position, try to tense your buttocks - this will allow you to work them better and also avoid unnecessary stress on your back. During the exercise, the core muscles should be tense and the chest should be straightened.

Side plank

This exercise is your secret weapon! It allows you to quickly and effectively work out your waist, which will visually make you slimmer. Plank engages deep muscles core, which remain undeveloped during regular abdominal exercises.

How to do it: Lie on your left side, legs extended. Lean on left hand, bent at the elbow and lift your body up, lifting it off the floor. The body should form a straight line from feet to shoulders. Hold the top position for 30 seconds, then lower your body to the floor. Repeat the same on the right side.

Push ups

Push-ups - a universal calorie burner, as well as an excellent strengthener of the whole body, especially the muscles of the arms and chest.

How to do it: Get on all fours, place your hands on the same line, slightly wider than your shoulders. Stretch your legs, rest on your toes. Lower your body down, bending your arms at an angle of 90 degrees. At the lowest point, the chest should almost touch the floor. Then straighten your arms and return to the starting position.

What to pay attention to: Make sure that you do not have a arch in your lower back, and that your pelvis does not go up. The core muscles should remain tense at all times.

Plie from second position

This ballet movement strengthens the inner thighs and also tones the small muscles. gluteal muscle. The result is slender and strong legs like a professional dancer.

How to do it: Place your feet wider than your shoulders. The toes of the feet are turned outward. Squat down, bending your knees so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight. Having reached the bottom point, carefully straighten your legs and return to the starting position.

Interval Cardio

Add some interval training to your workout to burn more calories in less time.

How to do it: Choose any type of interval training (elliptical training, jumping rope, treadmill running) and alternate the load as follows at least 10 times:

    Exercise at half your maximum strength for 3 minutes

    20 seconds use 75% of your maximum

    Give it your all for 10 seconds.

Straightening the arm back with a dumbbell while standing at an angle

This exercise tones the back of the shoulder and triceps.

How to do it: Take the dumbbell in your left hand. Place your right leg forward with a slight bend at the knee. Fix your left leg firmly on the floor - the heel should not come off. Tilt your body slightly forward. Bend the arm with the dumbbell at the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees, lift it parallel to the body so that the elbow is slightly higher than the body. Straighten your arm with the dumbbell back - in the extended position it should be parallel to the floor. Repeat the lifts 25-30 times with each arm.

What to pay attention to: In this exercise, do not chase big scales. It’s better to take a lighter dumbbell, but perform more approaches.

Climbing a step

Muscles involved back surface hips, due to which the legs become slimmer and stronger, and the buttocks become stronger and look toned.

How to do it: This exercise also works great on the quadriceps femoris muscle. Stand in front of a bench, low chair, or hard sofa. Place your left foot on the platform, push off the floor with your right and lift your body until left leg

What to pay attention to: won't straighten up on the step. Lower yourself down until your right foot is back on the floor. Do it all over again.

During the exercise, do not hunch over - your chest should be straightened, your core muscles should be tense. Maintain your balance - do not lean to the side, forward or backward.

Gluteal bridge

How to do it: Lie on your back on a gymnastics mat. Bend your legs at the knees, press your feet firmly to the floor, placing them parallel to each other. Stretch your arms along your body. Raise your pelvis up so that your body from your knees to your shoulders forms a straight line at the top. Hold in the top position, then smoothly lower your pelvis down to the starting position.

Plank with arm raise

Another one The problem area for women is the stomach. By adding one-arm raises to a traditional plank exercise, you're killing two birds with one stone—building your strength and endurance while also strengthening your core. As a result, you “pump up” your strength and become more confident.

How to do it: Stand in the classic plank position - lean on your arms, bent at the elbows and on the toes of your outstretched legs. The body should form a straight line from the crown to the heels. Slowly lift your right arm off the floor and extend it forward. Try to keep your hips still by tightening your core muscles. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds, then switch hands.


This exercise is excellent prevention of cellulite, and also helps to get rid of congestion in the lower part of the body. It can be performed without support or against a wall.

How to do it: Lie on the floor on your back and lift your legs straight up, lifting your buttocks and thighs off the floor until your toes touch the floor behind your head. Bend your arms at the elbows and place them behind your back, creating support for yourself. Then extend your legs up so that you get a straight line from your toes to your shoulders. Try to stay in this position for 1 minute and then return to the starting position.

What to pay attention to: Do not strain your neck while performing the exercise. Perform all movements smoothly, and at the slightest discomfort, lower your legs and relax.

How to perform a set of exercises

If you want to do a quick workout, choose any 5 exercises and perform them in a circle 3 times, repeating each movement 10 times (unless otherwise stated in the description). The next day, do 3 circuits of the other 5 exercises. For the greatest effect, try to include more cardio exercise in your daily program.

For a complete workout, perform all exercises in random order, adjust the number of circles depending on your physical fitness and goals.

If you want to work on a specific problem area, choose exercises that will specifically target that area. Don't forget to increase the number of sets or weight. Over time, you will feel an increase in strength; your body will need more load to effective training not only problem areas, but also for building muscle mass.published

Many women have “problem areas,” or places in the body where more fat is stored and is difficult to get rid of. In most women these areas are usually the thighs, buttocks, in some women the triceps (back of the arm), and deposits on the waist. After dieting for weight loss and toning those problem areas, the last thing you want to do is gain excess fat back. If you don't support proper diet- you will gain excess fat again and, most likely, in these areas. We'll tell you why these areas exist and then lay out a plan for keeping these areas toned and sexy while adding muscle mass.

Just accept that some areas of the body have more receptors that block fat processing than receptors that stimulate it. In men, these areas are: lower press and waist. For women, these are the thighs and abdomen. We'll discuss the physiological factors that control fat loss and then introduce a cardio protocol for hard-to-burn fat, as well as beneficial supplements for fat loss.

Although all cells contain fat, it is primarily stored in muscle (intramuscular triglycerides) and adipose tissue (body fat). Adipose tissue is the main location of fat in the body and the fat that we strive to lose. Adipose tissue divided into individual cells is called an adibocyte. These adipocytes hold accumulated triglyceride droplets (1 molecule of glycerol bound to 3 fatty acids), which serve as a source of energy for the body. These drops are 95% adibocytes. In order to use this stored potential energy (60,00 – 100,000 kcal) and lose fat, lipolysis must be mobilized - the breakdown of fat (the breakdown of triglycerides).

Lipolysis breaks down triglycerides into a glycerol molecule and 3 separate fatty acids. Fatty acids are released from adipocytes and bind to plasma albumin (a protein in the blood) to travel to active tissues where they can be burned. To lose body fat, fatty acids must be burned!

Transporting fatty acids for burning!

Blood flow is important for transporting fatty acids from adipocytes to active tissues, where they can be burned. This is especially important during exercise when the amount of energy required increases.

Low blood flow can cause fatty acids to accumulate in adipose tissue, which reduces the amount of fatty acids available for oxidation and increases the chances that fatty acids will be converted back into triglycerides. Areas with hard-to-burn fat (thighs and buttocks) have been found to have poor blood flow. For this reason, we need to increase blood flow to get rid of these areas. So which one The best way improve blood flow? Exercises! In addition to this, some supplements may also increase blood flow (more on this below). Increased blood flow promotes weight loss by transporting fatty acids to places where they can be burned.

Fatty acid oxidation – burning body fat

When fatty acids enter muscle tissue, they move into muscle cells. In muscle cells, they can bind again to glycerol to form triglycerides and be deposited in the muscles, or they can bind to intramuscular protein and be used to create energy in the mitochondria. In mitochondria, fatty acids undergo beta-oxidation, which means they are burned to produce energy.

We want fatty acids to be burned in the mitochondria. Increasing your energy requirement during exercise is the best way to see results, but there are also supplements that can provide you with additional support.

Let's summarize

  • Areas of difficult-to-burn fat are due to a high density of Alpha-2 receptors and poor blood flow
  • Lipolysis must be increased to burn fatty acids
  • Blood flow to adipose tissue and transport of fatty acids from adipose tissue are essential for fat loss
  • Fatty acids must be burned for body fat loss to occur.
  • Exercise is the best way to increase blood flow to fat tissue, transport fatty acids and oxidize them

This knowledge allows us to choose supplements that help burn hard-to-burn fat. The next section will talk about how to help you burn hard-to-burn fat and then highlight some supplements that can help you burn fat in problem areas.