Diet on proper nutrition. Diet for weight loss - rules and daily routine. Basic principles of PP

Which he is simply unable to remove while the “wrong” food is supplied in large quantities. As soon as the diet changes towards foods that are natural for a living organism, metabolism accelerates!!!

Junk food

Let's start with what is important to exclude from the diet. These are any purchased sausages and frankfurters, confectionery and flour products, mayonnaise, sugar, alcohol, chocolate (except bitter, from 70%), fast foods, premium bread, juices in tetra packs. Salt consumption should be reduced to 4 grams per day, but not eliminated completely.

The right foods for weight loss

  • fish must definitely be included in healthy nutrition menu: these are trout, horse mackerel, chum salmon, pink salmon. The fish you choose should be fresh, young and medium-sized;
  • birdcomplements the list of basic healthy products: this is chicken (breasts and wings, without skin), as well as turkey;
  • meat: veal, beef. But the most correct product is liver;
  • fruits(about 5 pieces per day);
  • dried fruits(almost any of them has healing properties). Prunes have a good effect on digestion and are useful for people with hypertension and heart problems, and dried apricots are a simple preventive measure oncological diseases;
  • : everything except salty, sweet and fried.
  • vegetables: better raw or steamed, stewed or baked in the oven, up to 400 grams per day. Best Recipes - ;
  • cereals;
  • bread;
  • dairy products:, natural yoghurts.
  • cheese natural: Dutch, Adyghe, mozzarella, gouda. It is better to choose non-spicy varieties of cheese and eat up to 100 grams of it per day.

Golden Rule: It’s better to eat more often, but in small portions than twice a day and “to the fullest.” Following this rule, we offer this proper nutrition regimen.

Sample menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for every day

Breakfast should be high in calories and satisfying. Sample menu the following: oatmeal or any other cereal with milk, dried fruits, cheese, muesli, fruits, fresh juices, tea without sugar. Of course, you need to select a couple of items from this list; you don’t need to eat everything at once).

Snack. 1 fruit or yogurt.

Dinner. Steamed meat or fish, baked or stewed. Garnish: rice, vegetables, buckwheat, coarse wheat pasta. You can cook light or.
You can add flavor to the dish using a bay leaf or a small pinch of any other seasonings: basil, oregano, marjoram.

Afternoon snack. 1 fruit, kefir, yogurt, several nuts or dried fruits (to choose from);

Dinner should be no later than three hours before bedtime. The menu is the same as for lunch, only slightly reducing the portion, the best option- for example, Greek.

During the day, do not forget to drink healthy drinks and clean water 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after them.

A proper nutrition menu for weight loss will be very useful for beautiful ladies who are always striving for ideal forms. This healthy eating menu is designed to give you a light and toned body.

Principles of proper nutrition to lose weight

  • To lose weight with proper nutrition, breakfast is a must. Even if you indulge in excess during breakfast, during the work day there are many opportunities to burn off excess calories. As a rule, they do not turn into fat, which cannot be said in the case of the habit of large lunches or dinners.

  • It is necessary to set aside special time and devote it exclusively to eating. Only focused on this lesson the body can effectively digest and absorb it. If the brain is busy solving some other problems, it is much more likely that part of the food will turn into fat for absorption later, if hunger suddenly sets in, accumulating a reserve “just in case.”
  • For more, you shouldn’t rush while eating, since this is a kind of protection against overeating, because the signal about the onset of satiety always reaches the brain a little later. If you eat slowly, it arrives just in time.
  • Eating slowly allows you to digest food better - your stomach will be grateful for it. After eating, it is useful to sit for at least five minutes, giving the stomach the opportunity to really “get involved” in its work.
  • You need to get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger that you can eat a little more.

To lose weight, you need to eat less sugar, using honey instead, but also in small quantities.

It is better to eat no later than two hours before bedtime, and dinner should not be heavy. There are two reasons for this:

  • It’s hard to sleep with a full stomach;
  • there is a possibility that the stomach will “cheat” and process some of the food “in reserve”, creating fat deposits.

To effectively lose weight with a healthy diet, of course, taking into account the time of year. The body needs water for internal self-cleaning, because dishes are washed with water, and not with tea, milk or compote.

If you are actively involved in sports and want to create an athletic figure, then the healthy nutrition menu can be supplemented with sports nutrition, for example, Weider fat burners. The substances contained in the capsules activate metabolism and promote accelerated utilization of fat from the body. However, before consuming any kind sports nutrition You should definitely consult a specialist.

In conclusion - how to organize a healthy diet for weight loss

To lose weight with a healthy diet, you should eliminate the psychological stress caused by following a particular diet. You need to eat throughout the day, but in such a way that you don’t feel hungry. Hunger causes stress and has a negative impact on the psyche.

Properly organized nutrition helps to effectively get rid of extra pounds, promoting weight loss only if you spend more calories than you get from food. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the nutritional value of foods and the balance of the daily diet.

You need to start eating right by giving up junk food, and not food that contains a lot of calories. It is this feature that distinguishes the principles of healthy eating from all kinds of weight loss diets.

Scroll harmful products known: excessively sweet, fatty, high in calories, a lot of coffee, .

Eating in fits and starts during the day, eating large lunches or dinners, eating in front of the TV or during work, when the feeling of hunger is satisfied with a chocolate bar, a pie, or a cup of coffee, delays the goal of losing weight.

It is much healthier to satisfy your hunger with yogurt, eat more fruits and vegetables - carrots, radishes, vegetable salad with the addition of cold-pressed oil. Eat cottage cheese, drink tea. Obviously, these foods will not make you fat, since they contain few calories. They effectively satisfy the feeling of hunger, help avoid discomfort and at the same time lose weight.

Strict diets designed to get rid of excess weight, significantly harm the body. Refusal of certain foods and a sharp decrease in energy value food allow quickly, but disrupt metabolism. That is why, after returning to the usual diet, there is a rapid increase in body weight, digestive problems and systemic disruptions in the functioning of the body. In addition, long malnutrition leads to a deficiency of vital microelements and vitamins. To lose weight correctly, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Eat a varied diet. The diet must contain both proteins and fats with carbohydrates, as this will help maintain a balance of macro- and micronutrients. At the same time, the daily energy value of food should not exceed 1200 and 1600 kcal for women and men, respectively.
  • Maintain the correct proportions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, while simultaneously increasing the consumption of vegetables (both fresh and thermally processed). This group of foods gives the body a lot of vitamins and fiber, which not only normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also cleanses it.
  • Reduce the share to a minimum fast carbohydrates on the daily menu. They are the ones who ensure the growth of fatty deposits and provoke. Sugar, various desserts and sweets must be replaced with fruits.
  • Limit your fat intake. It is not advisable to completely abandon them, since both vegetable oil and butter contain various valuable micronutrients. However, it is better to replace fatty meats with lean ones.
  • Consume enough fermented milk products. They are rich in calcium necessary for the body and contain a lot of protein, but you need to choose kefir and cottage cheese with a low fat content.
  • Follow the regime. Rare and heavy meals lead to a slowdown in metabolism. To speed up your metabolism and activate the process, you need to eat small portions every 3-4 hours. This will also reduce the volume of the stomach and speed up the onset of the feeling of fullness.
  • Reduce the amount of salt you consume. There is already enough of it in food, and excess sodium chloride leads to many diseases.
  • Cook correctly. That is, completely abandon frying foods in favor of stewing and steaming.
  • Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is a source of “empty” calories, especially if you combine libations with large meals.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Priority should be given to clean water, tea and coffee without sugar, as well as natural juices and berry compotes. In the latter case, sugar should be replaced with artificial sweeteners.

The listed principles must be adhered to constantly, then the excess weight will quickly go away and is guaranteed not to return. Diet restrictions do not mean a complete renunciation of gastronomic pleasures. The sample menu with recipes below allows you to eat very varied and tasty.

How to plan your menu correctly

First of all, you need to pay attention to calorie content of foods. The article provides a sample weekly menu, the daily energy value of which does not exceed the recommended norm. When making your own diet, stick to the restrictions.

In addition, you need to eat enough daily different types food. A large proportion of the diet should be fruits and vegetables. They replenish the body's vitamin and mineral reserves and are rich in fiber, which gives a feeling of fullness.

Near quarters healthy daily menu is squirrels. It is optimal to use dairy products as their source, as well as lean fish and meat.

You need to eat about the same amount cereals and legumes. They saturate the body with energy because they are absorbed slowly. Besides, complex carbohydrates are not deposited under the skin as fat.

The last point is the importance of fractional meals. A sample menu for the week consists of: 4 meals, however, between them it is useful to eat an apple or a small handful of dried fruits. This will prevent hunger and activate your metabolism.

Sample menu for one week with recipes

Below are several recipes for delicious and very healthy dishes for weight loss. In the event that an exact description of the finished product is not given, you need to eat the amount of food recommended by nutritionists. For porridge as a side dish or an independent dish is it 150 g, for soup – 250 ml, for fish and meat – no more than 120. You can eat about 200 ml(a glass of kefir, for example). Concerning vegetables, then they can be used practically in unlimited quantities.


On prepare an unusual omelet with vegetables and cottage cheese:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 grams of spinach and low-fat cottage cheese;
  • spoon of oil (vegetable).

Mix eggs with a couple of tablespoons of water, cottage cheese and spinach preheated in oil. Cover the omelette and cook until done.

For lunch eat a serving of chicken broth with vegetables and noodles.

As an afternoon snack A glass of kefir and one unsweetened fruit (for example, kiwi) will do.

Have dinner You can have fish baked in the oven without oil and salt (cooked in foil with the addition of aromatic herbs) and a portion of cabbage salad with carrots and apples.


For breakfast cook millet porridge in water or milk, drink a glass of unsweetened tea or coffee.

For lunch you can make boiled beef with a side dish of rice:

  • a piece of lean beef weighing up to 1 kg;
  • half a glass of rice;
  • spices (bay leaf and a couple of black peppercorns);
  • dill and parsley;
  • small fresh cucumber;
  • spoon of soy sauce.

You should start preparing this delicious dish the day before by soaking the rice in water and leaving it in the refrigerator overnight.

The next day beef is boiled:

  • To do this, a washed piece of meat is poured cold water, is being cooked a couple of minutes after boiling, after which the fatty broth is drained.
  • The meat, cut into several large pieces, is again placed in water with a little salt and spices.
  • After 50 minutes of boiling add a bunch of greens and (without chopping), simmer for another 10 minutes and remove the finished beef from the broth.

Parallel boil the washed rice in 1 glass of water until it boils. Add to side dish chopped cucumber and soy sauce, stir. Cut a third of the boiled meat into pieces and eat with rice, and put the rest in the refrigerator. Beef can also be used to make sandwiches and salads.

Afternoon snack today it’s fruits and mineral water.

For dinner drink a glass of kefir and eat a serving of vegetable salad.


For breakfast prepare a couple of sandwiches with yesterday's boiled beef and slices of fresh cucumber, make coffee.

Have lunch Maybe with lean cabbage soup.

For afternoon tea make dietary cheesecakes:

  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of semolina;
  • a little vegetable oil.
  • After making the dough from eggs, cottage cheese and semolina, form several small cheesecakes and fry them in oil until golden brown. You can add a spoonful of honey when serving.

    For dinner today – boiled fish and fresh vegetables.


    Breakfast– a portion of buckwheat porridge with water, tea with a sugar substitute and a piece of hard cheese.

    For lunch Soup made from dried or fresh mushrooms is perfect:

    Eating and losing weight is the dream of many girls who are in pursuit of slim figure They often experience the most restrictive diets. Of course, a couple of weeks on cucumbers alone will help you lose a few kilograms, but after such hunger strikes, those losing weight often begin to reward themselves for the suffering they endured with buns and chocolates. And, of course, the weight comes back quickly.

    In addition, such “jumps” are very harmful to the body in general and metabolism in particular. Proper nutrition for weight loss - this is by no means strict diets and not episodic fasting. This is a certain way of life. And in order to gain slimness and finally achieve the desired size, you will have to reconsider your habits and diet once and for all. However, the good news is that proper nutrition does not mean giving up delicious food and constantly feeling hungry. But there are certain rules, and those who want to lose weight should be aware of them.

    Losing weight for health benefits

    And nutritionists support this trend. In their opinion, the diet menu for weight loss should be varied so that the body receives everything in sufficient quantities. nutrients, vitamins and microelements. But it should also be tasty, because constant stress from hunger and boredom from monotonous, tasteless food are not good for either the psyche or the body.

    Principles of nutrition for weight loss

    Before you start creating a menu, you need to understand some principles of healthy eating. Let's consider the main ones:

    Eat small and often

    It is best to divide the entire daily diet into 5 meals and eat at the same time, and last time You should eat food 2-3 hours before bedtime. This system does not allow the body to starve too much - which means you will not overeat. Fractional meals indispensable for weight loss.

    Give up fast food

    This includes not only hamburgers, but also any semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, french fries, canned food, shawarma, etc. Ready-made food is extremely high in calories, contains a huge amount of preservatives, artificial colors and flavors that give it an appetizing smell and taste, as well as fatty or hot sauces. Moreover, in establishments fast food Hundreds of servings are made with the same burnt oil containing carcinogens. If you still have doubts, think about this - one standard set of a hamburger, a glass of cola and a bag of fries is 1200-1400 calories, that is, almost daily norm, but at the same time, such a lunch contains no vitamins, healthy fiber and almost no proteins. But in excess there are saturated fats and simple carbohydrates. The conclusion is obvious.

    Chew your food thoroughly

    Experiments have proven that if you chew your food about 40 times, you can lose some weight without changing your eating habits. And when combined with a healthy diet, this simple technique gives truly amazing results. Thoroughly chewed food is easier to digest, and in this case we eat much more slowly and the brain receives a signal of satiety in time, which eliminates the risk of overeating.

    Drink water

    Water is a catalyst for all life processes. Two liters of clean drinking water a day will help speed up metabolism, remove toxins in a timely manner and avoid fluid retention - that is, edema. Remember that the concept of “water” does not include tea, coffee, juices and other drinks: for example, black tea and coffee, on the contrary, dehydrate the body, and fruit juices and drinks contain sugar. This does not mean that you should not drink juice, but for the body, juice is more of a food than a liquid.

    Keep track of your balance

    For health, well-being and slimness, we need proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Approximate balance: 75 g protein: 60 g fat: 250 g carbohydrates: 30 g fiber. Protein food is necessary for building muscle tissue, fats – for proper brain function and nervous system, as well as for the skin, and carbohydrates give us energy.

    Calculation of daily calorie content of consumed foods

    To find out how many calories you need per day, you can use one of the calorie calculation formulas. The most commonly used formula is Tom Venuto. She looks like this:

    66 + (13.7? weight in kg) + (5? height in cm) - (6.8? age) – for men;

    655 + (9.6? weight in kg) + (1.8? height in cm) - (4.7? age) – for women.

    We multiply the resulting figure by the coefficient physical activity:

    1.2 – sedentary lifestyle;

    1.38 – moderate physical activity (workouts, running, swimming, long walks 1-3 times a week);

    1.56 – high physical activity (intense sports training 3-5 times a week);

    1.73 – very high physical activity (daily intense physical exercise);

    1.95 – the maximum degree of physical activity (intense daily training, heavy physical work).

    The end result will be your daily calorie intake, at which your weight will neither increase nor decrease. The diet menu for weight loss should contain fewer calories. However, doctors do not advise sharply reducing the caloric content of the diet by more than 20%, otherwise you can harm the body and slow down the metabolism. As you lose weight, your calorie intake needs to be recalculated.

    Products for weight loss

    One apple and one chocolate candy contain approximately the same amount of calories. However, from a healthy eating perspective, these are not the same thing at all. A diet for weight loss should contain foods rich in vitamins and amino acids, which also reduce hunger and speed up metabolism.


    This vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C, E, K and B vitamins, fiber, and also contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, and fluorine. With all this richness, cabbage contains few calories, but the body spends a lot of energy on its processing. In addition, you can prepare many different dishes with cabbage - salads, soups, casseroles, meatballs, cabbage rolls and much more.


    Sea fish contains polyunsaturated acids - those very important Omega-3s for the body, as well as vitamins A, D, E and K. Fish is an almost ideal protein. But frying in a large amount of oil negates the benefits, so it is better to give preference to boiled, steamed or baked fish.


    This dried and ground root was once used as a cheap coffee substitute, but last years it has found wide application in nutrition for weight loss. It contains inulin, a substance that normalizes metabolic processes. Chicory acts as a mild diuretic, removing excess fluid; it also dulls the feeling of hunger. You can drink a drink made from chicory at any time of the day - it really tastes like coffee, but there is no caffeine in it.


    Buckwheat is rich in iron, vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, P, it also contains iodine, calcium, and phosphorus. Buckwheat not only quickly fills you up, helping to keep you feeling full longer, but also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also lowers cholesterol levels. Therefore, buckwheat porridge on water is one of the favorite dishes of fashion models and ballerinas.


    If you don't like buckwheat, eat muesli. They are made from whole grain flakes, so they contain a lot of fiber, which causes quick satiety and improves bowel function. Sometimes nuts, seeds and dried fruits are added to muesli, which improves their taste, but adds calories. However, these muesli options are still very healthy. Breakfast cereals with a high sugar content, with added dyes, flavors, preservatives, and candied fruits should be avoided - they have nothing to do with a healthy diet. To lose weight, you need to eat muesli for breakfast, pouring 5-6 tablespoons of dry cereal with low-fat milk or natural yogurt.

    Forget about these products!

    You can't lose weight without sacrificing some bad habits. Review your menu and permanently exclude the following products from it:

    • Sausages, sausages;
    • Candies, preserves, jams (only natural dark chocolate in small quantities or jam made with sweeteners is suitable);
    • Chips, crackers and other snacks;
    • Anything fried (especially deep-fried);
    • Margarine, refined vegetable oil. If you can’t do without them, replace them with natural butter or olive oil;
    • White bread and pastries;
    • Sweet carbonated drinks and ready-made packaged juices;
    • Confectionery;
    • Lard, bacon, fatty meats;
    • Smoked meats and pickles;
    • Fatty sauces, especially mayonnaise.

    The problem of excess weight worries many people. Most often, this question arises not because of a lack of motivation or desire, but simply because a person does not know how to lose weight correctly and effectively. It seems to him that eating for weight loss is certainly accompanied by torture and deprivation, and the obligatory purchase of some complex and expensive products.

    After spending a couple of days or a week on an extreme diet, you will most likely be able to lose weight. overweight, but they will also quickly return after some time and perhaps in even greater numbers. In addition, diets based on cucumbers and water undermine your health and psychological state, your mood worsens, and your strength becomes less and less. This resembles a vicious circle and a trap.

    That is why it is important to understand the question of how to eat to lose weight at home. The menu should consist of the right products and at the same time be as varied as possible.

    What to eat to lose weight?

    First of all, you should remember what you should not eat while losing weight - flour, sweet, fatty, fried, smoked, any semi-finished products and fatty meat. The basis of the diet should be complex carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and healthy fats. Complex carbohydrates- This is oatmeal, buckwheat, millet and corn porridge. It is better to eat steamed rice, brown or red. You can also sometimes eat durum wheat pasta and baked potatoes. Naturally, all porridges are prepared without oil or other additives.

    For protein, you can add eggs, chicken or turkey fillet, lean beef, any fish, seafood, cottage cheese and low-fat kefir to your menu; you can also consume skim milk, but not every day and in moderate portions. It is advisable to include fiber in every protein meal - fresh green vegetables and herbs. Good fats are especially useful for girls when losing weight; they are found in red fish, nuts, avocados and flaxseed oil.

    By the way, regarding nuts, be sure to eat them when losing weight, about 10-12 per day.

    The diet involves including fruits and berries in your diet, as they contain vitamins and minerals. Preference should be given to fruits with a low to medium glycemic index that do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar, usually they have a sour or sweet-sour taste. These are apples, tangerines, kiwi, grapefruit, lemon, cherries, blueberries, currants, blackberries, cranberries and others. In addition, it is important to drink enough water - at least 2-3 liters per day. Drink two glasses of water immediately after waking up and a glass half an hour before each meal.

    How can you diversify your menu?

    Of course, you can lose weight quickly and effectively at home, but it’s better to do everything smoothly and gradually. The optimal weight loss during a diet is up to 1-2 kg per week; if more, then most likely it is not fat that is lost, but muscle, as a result of which the body will become flabby rather than toned. Therefore, be patient and be prepared that losing weight will take several months, and perhaps even more, since the body reacts differently to changes in diet.

    The psychological component is important in this issue, because on some boiled chicken breasts and porridge won’t last long. Proper nutrition to lose weight should be complete and varied. What other food is allowed on the menu during the diet:

    • Porridge can be replaced with Chinese noodles - rice or buckwheat. The noodles cook quickly and do not contain extra calories, and glass noodles have a minimal carbohydrate composition.
    • Seafood – great way diversify your diet. Shrimp, squid, oysters, mussels, scallops, cuttlefish are suitable foods during the diet.
    • Add flax, chia, sesame seeds, fiber, and bran to porridge and vegetable salads.
    • Based on gelatin, you can prepare dietary berry jellies, jellies, since gelatin contains no fat and contains a lot of protein.
    • An alternative to sweets can be cereal bars with nuts and dried fruits. Just not store-bought ones, but home-cooked ones without added sugar or junk food.
    • Beef and chicken chips have recently appeared on sale, they are different good composition and contain virtually no preservatives. They can be taken on the go or used as a snack.

    Proper nutrition for weight loss

    Consumption is not a decisive factor during the diet, the main thing is to adhere to the optimal daily calorie intake. Even with the right foods, you can exceed your diet limits and slow down the weight loss process. The average daily calorie intake for girls when losing weight is 1500 kcal, and for men 2000 kcal. But you should understand that these are very approximate figures; the exact calorie content is calculated taking into account age, physical activity, weight, height and other parameters.

    *The result is not guaranteed and is individual, as it depends on many factors.

    Proper nutrition for weight loss - this topic, without exaggeration, worries millions of people. However, few people know that all the advice on healthy eating weight loss can be boiled down to 10 simple rules. Which one? This is what I am going to tell you about.

    What do we do when we want to switch to proper nutrition for weight loss? Of course, we are looking for some “fashionable” diet, stick to it for a week, and then return to our usual diet: coffee for breakfast, something from the nearest store for lunch and late dinner. As a result, we just don’t lose weight, but on the contrary, we gain extra pounds. And in addition to this, with poor nutrition, we get constipation, gastritis, cholelithiasis and other gastrointestinal diseases. How to eat right to finally lose weight?

    1.Set a meal routine

    Yes, I know that in the modern rhythm of life it is difficult to maintain a regime. But good habits are developed in three weeks. Try eating at the same time for 21 days, and you will get into the routine.

    2. Don't eat a big breakfast

    4.Limit your intake of salty and fatty foods

    No, you don’t need to give up salt completely. Sodium chloride is necessary for our body for normal brain function, the formation of gastric juice and maintaining an optimal level of water-salt balance. The same goes for fats - the most beneficial for the body are those contained in fatty sea ​​fish, olive and linseed oil.

    5.Eat more fiber

    Fiber is dietary fiber found in plant foods. These fibers can be either soluble or insoluble.

    Soluble fiber (its sources are oat bran, beans, vegetables and fruits) normalizes intestinal microflora.

    And insoluble (found in wheat, rye and rice bran, vegetables, fruits - mainly in the peel) swells in water like a sponge and removes harmful substances from the body, promoting rapid cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract and proper weight loss.

    6.Don't overeat

    How to do this is the question! Answer: Eat slowly. Proper nutrition for weight loss involves enjoying food. Don't be distracted while eating and chew every bite thoroughly. This way you will enjoy your favorite foods and lose weight faster.

    7. Forget about “fractional meals”

    All the same, you will not find a consensus on the benefits and harms of such nutrition. Most nutritionists suggest an individualized number of meals. As practice shows, eating 4-5 times a day in small portions allows you to reduce the load on the digestive system and also speeds it up, which is certainly useful for losing weight.

    8. Watch your caloric intake

    On average, a person needs 2-2.5 thousand kilocalories per day. Naturally, if you do heavy physical work or sports, then you need more.

    Plan your diet so that your daily caloric content does not exceed your needs. If you consume more than you spend, the excess will be transformed into body fat.

    9. Don’t give up baked goods completely

    No matter what supporters say, bakery products are the main source of carbohydrates. Just don't overdo it with freshly baked buns. Give preference to two-day fresh bran bread. And don't forget about cereals - they are also a source of healthy carbohydrates.

    10.Drink water

    Regular clean water. Proper nutrition for weight loss involves drinking 6 glasses of clean water per day. Naturally adjusted to the individual needs of the body.

    The benefits of drinking plenty of water for weight loss are obvious: appetite and energy levels are reduced and maintained at the proper level.

    Difficult? In my opinion, no. The most important thing is not just to switch to proper nutrition, but also to make it the norm, and not a short-term phenomenon. And if your goal is to lose weight, then following these rules will be very easy for you.

    Take care of yourself and be healthy!

    Dmitry Belov