Sergey share how I lost weight. Sergei Sivokho appeared in public at a new weight: Big, thinner brother. Important aspects of proper nutrition

Fans of the famous comedian Sergei Sivokho They are used to the fact that everything is always fine with their adored artist. The parodist and showman never sat idle. He constantly hosted some kind of TV show, sat on the jury of competitions, and was even once the captain of the “What? Where? When? “But recently Sergei was forced to retire.

Project " League of Laughter"was left without a champion coach because Sivokho discovered serious health problems. The actor could not even walk without crutches. Only recently did fans see Sergei again. But the way the man looked did not bring them the expected relief!

Time to lose weight...

Rumor has it that the source of all the showman's problems was excess weight. The constant “trick” of Sivokho’s previous image, according to the parodist himself, did not bother him at all.

Apparently, the situation has changed with age. Today, 49-year-old Sergei is unlikely to laugh it off, saying: “ Good man there must be a lot! »

Sivokho began gaining weight in early childhood. According to the actor himself, it all started with the fact that he was sick a lot when he was little. Chronical bronchitis with an asthmatic component was Sergei’s scourge. Fortunately, over time, the guy managed to overcome the disease, and when communicating with his peers, imperfections in his figure never caused him any problems!

Sivokho and KVN

In Donetsk, Sivokho’s hometown, KVN has always been very popular. Performances by teams from local institutes invariably took place in front of large crowds of people.

Tickets for the city final were selling like hotcakes. As soon as Sergei entered the Donetsk Polytechnic University, he immediately expressed a desire to become part of the local team. Soon the guy was already appointed lead vocal!

Film career Sivokho

Over time, Sivokho's fame spread far beyond the borders of his hometown. The leading musical parodist of the Soviet KVN, the man even became the best showman of Ostankino in 1990!

And in 1991, Sergei began acting in films. To date, the comedian’s filmography includes 13 films.

Star family

The artist’s personal life is also fine. He found his chosen one on television. Before meeting the showman, Tatyana hosted news programs.

In 2000, the couple had a son, Savva, whom Sergei calls in an interview “ common investment object with my wife». « This is our joint business, everything is invested in it", the comedian joked.

Return of Sergei

Sivokho's departure from the League of Laughter shocked fans. Concerned about the health of their favorite actor, people waited in suspense for news.

The showman's appearance at the summer cup of the humor festival came as a relief to many. Others became even more worried. The fact is that Sergei has lost a lot of weight!

Feels better than before!

Purely visually, Sivokho lost at least 30 kilograms. The man became quite haggard and began to look noticeably older than his 49 years.

But the comedian’s mood was all right. Zelensky greeted his old friend with a heartfelt speech, the hall exploded with applause, and Sergei, smiling from ear to ear, blew a kiss to the fans in response.

Yes, the parodist’s health still leaves much to be desired. But the thinner man assures that he already feels a surge of new strength!

We hope that soon the people’s favorite ex-KVN star and coach of the “League of Laughter” will return to the screen again to delight the audience issue after issue.

After his illness, he really doesn’t look so great, but the willpower of the thinner Sergei definitely deserves credit. Do you want to deal with it just as decisively? overweight? Fitness trainer Yaroslavna Danilevich has developed an effective 12-week home weight loss program for those who cannot or do not want to go to the gym and lift weights.

The author of one of the most popular blogs in our country, “Page of Virtual Travelers,” and the owner of the “Dolkabar” restaurant, Sergei Dolya, surprised everyone with his incredible transformation. Having lost 40 kilograms and replacing bad habits with healthy ones, he started life from scratch. “It has become easier to hear, easier to sleep and more pleasant to live,” says Sergei Dolya in his blog. His story turned out to be very resonant: it was difficult to believe that a person publishing lifestyle notes about travel would be able to give up such an important - gastronomic - component of his life. And yet it happened.

With the permission of the author, HELLO.RU publishes under the heading “Real weight loss” the most useful and interesting, in our opinion, excerpts from his blog. So, how did Sergei Dolya lose 40 kilograms?

Sergey Dolya

Lost weight by 40 kg (from 127 to 87 kg)

Remember the joke? A woman stands in front of a mirror: “Oh, what kind of beautiful hands! Oh, what a sexy belly I have! Oh, what kind of ones do I have? Beautiful legs! But, God, why is all this hidden under a thick layer of fat?" So, probably, for the majority fat people. At least, I always perceived myself as slim and athletic, despite the fact that for the last 20 years of my life I hid my real body under 40 kilograms of excess weight. Today, looking back, I can say with confidence: losing 40 kilograms is simple, easy and pleasant if you approach this issue calmly and gradually.

How it all began

In my youth, until I was 25, I was the skinniest in my class and could “hide behind a mop.” With my height of 182 centimeters, I weighed 60 kilograms. I could eat 10 Snickers at a time, and it had no effect on my weight. At 25, I was diagnosed with an ulcer. I had to eat a lot and often, and I got hooked on creamy yoghurts. In six months I cured the ulcer, but gained 30 kilograms - the scales began to show 90. When a couple of years later the scales showed 110, I realized that I needed to lose weight.

The first attempt was quite extreme. I ate 2 times a day (morning and evening) and only tuna salad (canned tuna and chopped cucumber). In 2 months I lost 20 kilograms, but then I lost it and gained back everything I had lost. Then there were several more attempts to lose weight, including on Dukan. On his program, I lost 16 kilograms, but I lost my health. I tried another method - carbohydrate diet, still lost weight. But after a while the weight returned. So, at the beginning of 2015, I weighed 127 kilograms.

Sergei Dolya's weight loss step by step

Why I decided: I need to lose weight

Everything happened suddenly. I was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. Under full anesthesia, my heart was stopped and then restarted with a defibrillator. The endocrinologist on duty, who also happened to be one of the best nutritionists in Moscow, came into the ward where I was lying and said with a sigh: “Make an appointment with me after you are discharged.” I signed up and it changed my life.

It turned out that my obesity was also related to medical problems. I have always had very high blood sugar. All the past years they told me: a little more, and diabetes. And here, in addition to sugar, I also donated insulin. At a rate of 2.1 to 22 µIU/ml, my level is 42.7 (!) Insulin affects almost all metabolic processes in the body - this is the reason for my obesity. And I was always surprised: I never eat sweets and bread at all, in restaurants I order less than many, but at the same time I am much fatter than them. Now everything has fallen into place.

Sergey Dolya

Role model

My life is a kaleidoscope of trips, often non-stop. I like good restaurants. Lobster, foie gras, deflope - it can be very difficult to deny yourself. The endocrinologist said: “Look at Vladimir Putin. He has much more opportunities to eat anything, while he is fit and slim. Apparently, you have already tried everything possible, and it’s time to think about your health.”

This seemingly obvious idea suddenly became key for me. I realized that it’s really hard to surprise me with food. I may not have eaten the meat of some rare animals from the Red Book, but I don’t need it at all. My brain switched and I began to think differently about food.

Important aspects proper nutrition

There are several in proper nutrition basic principles. Firstly, you should completely give up alcohol. I’ve been losing weight for six months now, and during this time I haven’t taken a sip.

Another important aspect is the time of your last meal. Everyone has heard the phrase: if you want to lose weight, don’t eat after six. This is only relevant if you go to bed at 10, because main principle proper nutrition - do not eat later than four hours before bedtime.

There should be four to five meals a day. I used to snack regularly and make a few trips to the refrigerator before going to bed. Having given up this, I began to feel better.

Drinking two to three liters of water a day is quite difficult, but it is important. Water removes everything unnecessary from the body. The only caveat is that you need to drink it either 15-30 minutes before meals or an hour later. If you do this during the process, the water will dilute the gastric juice, it will become less concentrated, and the food will be less digestible.

To avoid overeating, try following two tips: eat on smaller plates, such as dessert plates; Chew gum after eating, thanks to this the receptors switch to the mint taste, and nothing reminds you of food so actively.

What do I eat

I eat mostly chicken and beef and have completely given up fatty meats.

In the “hit parade” of ideal foods, fish is definitely in the leading position. It is a source of protein, omega acids, phosphorus and vitamin D. The most useful are: pike perch, hake, cod, pink salmon, sea bass, dorado.

I eat a sufficient amount of slow carbohydrates: whole grain porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, dark rice, quinoa, fitness muesli with bran), durum wheat pasta (without cream sauce).

Instead of butter and mayonnaise, I choose vegetable oil (linseed, sunflower, olive, black cumin oil, sesame and others) as a dressing.

I don't put a taboo on dairy products, but I choose them with an “adequate” percentage of fat content: kefir up to 1%, cottage cheese up to 4-5%, cheese up to 30%, sour cream up to 15%.

Soups made with chicken or meat broth contain cholesterol, so it is better to eat vegetable or fish ones. “Top” vegetables are useful - greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, any lettuce leaves, any cabbage, zucchini, zucchini, squash, bell pepper, green beans, sprouts. In all this you can not limit yourself at all, consume it in any form (fresh, boiled, stewed, baked). Can be consumed as an independent dish, or with meat or fish. Vegetable smoothies are also very useful.

Sweets only on holidays. Avoid soda and packaged juices. You can drink freshly squeezed juices in the morning, preferably citrus fruits.

It is better to choose bran, grain or rye bread. Maximum consumption: one or two pieces per day in the first half of the day. You can replace bread with bread made from wholemeal flour (buckwheat, rice, rye).


I had to give up alcohol even before saying goodbye to delicacies and getting acquainted with sports. I can’t say that I was a chronic alcoholic, but since my life is connected with constant travel and restaurants, alcohol regularly got into my blood. I thought that it would be impossible for me to refuse a glass of cold white wine on a hot day somewhere on a yacht in Monaco or a glass of beer before the next flight. But it turned out that it was only difficult for the first couple of weeks. Then the body let go. The only thing that gets in the way is that in our country you constantly have to justify yourself if you don’t drink. I told everyone that I had “heart surgery” (which was not far from the truth), and the doctors forbade me to drink for now.

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From the very beginning of losing weight, I began to introduce a little physical activity. The first thing I did: I started walking about 10 thousand steps a day and started doing physical exercise. I started going up to the 21st floor without an elevator and doing push-ups (I started with 5 and worked my way up to 20 a day). Starting from the fourth month, I greatly increased my sports. I bought myself a bracelet that counts steps and activity, and an Apple watch. They really help! You sit at home in the evening, look at them - and see: some 100 active calories are missing from your goal. Eventually, you look up from your computer and go to the store, or throw out the trash, or just take a walk around the block.

In the fifth and sixth months of losing weight, I increased my physical activity. If earlier the loads were mainly cardio (walking and stairs), now I started to actively do push-ups. I installed a program on my phone that motivates and tells me when and what to do. I started with 50 push-ups in 5 sets, gradually increased this number, and now every morning I do 115 push-ups in 5 sets. I started climbing the stairs up to the 30th floor three times in a row. Sometimes four.

So, now every morning I start with an hour of exercise, which includes warm-up and stretching, push-ups, squats, abdominal and arm exercises.


In the seven months that I've been leading healthy image life, I lost weight from 127 to 87 kg. This is minus 40 kilograms. Nobody calls me fat anymore. When they see me, everyone's eyes widen and they don't believe it's me. They give compliments. At the same time, it’s a paradox, if before I didn’t feel fat, but rather big and powerful, now, on the contrary, I see an extra belly and seem fat. I want to lose weight and still exercise.

I stopped snoring at night and began to feel cold (when you are fat, on the contrary, you feel hot all the time). I recently visited a cardiologist and underwent a complete heart examination. During the ultrasound, my cardiologist, seeing that the size of my atrium had decreased, muttered thoughtfully: “Apparently miracles happen.” All my indicators are excellent. Doctors cannot believe that the body is recovering so quickly. The most important thing is that I see the result. This is the main motivator for further self-improvement.

How further weight loss will proceed - read in my blog.


Hello. The issue of losing weight is one that never ceases to concern overweight people. Everyone wants to get slim, and preferably in the shortest possible time. Therefore, I decided to look in detail at the question of how to lose weight by 40 kg . I have no doubt that this is possible, the main thing to understand is how quickly and for how long? And what health consequences could such a significant weight loss have?

Unpleasant numbers on the scales

40 kg is an impressive figure and parting with it is not so easy. It’s important to decide how long you want to do this - some people dream of getting rid of extra pounds in 3 months , others are configured for a longer period, at least for 6 months.

Let's agree - I will not consider methods of losing weight in the shortest possible time, because I am sure that such experiments on your body are harmful to health and do not bring any benefit. After all, abrupt refusal of food, hunger strikes and strict mono-diets can kill your immune and hormonal systems and cause other significant harm to your body.

Read more about rapid weight loss read my article
However, there is a lot of advice on this topic on the Internet and, as a result, there is simply a huge number of diets, and it is not always possible to understand how this or that method works. Therefore, I decided to turn to the opinions of famous people, those who were overweight, were able to lose weight, and, no less important, maintain their new condition. So, let's begin.

Fragile Polina Gagarina

The singer, who has been successfully performing on the Russian pop stage for more than 10 years and even took second place at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2015, some time ago was distinguished by her very curvy figure. No, she was not fat, they say about people like her: “blood and milk.”

Decisively refuse extra pounds the artist decided after the birth of her son in 2007, when she gained more more weight. Wanting to change herself, she achieved an excellent result - she lost 40 kilograms in about six months.

The essence of the method

Diet plus exercise


Strict alternation diet:

  • first day - boiled rice,
  • the second – boiled or steamed skinless chicken fillet,
  • the third is raw or steamed non-starchy vegetables or vegetable soup.
  • Sweets
  • flour
  • carbonated drinks
  • tea and coffee
  • fruits
  • fast food
  • sausages


Physical exercise. In case of Polina Gagarina her work helped her a lot.

Currently, the singer is no longer on a diet, but builds her diet according to the rules healthy eating. And if he happens to gain unnecessary kilos, he resorts to fasting days as kefir diet. This happens, however, rarely - at her concerts the performer loses up to three kilograms per evening.

Traveler Sergey Dolya

The author of a popular blog and at the same time a restaurant owner was able to lose 40 kilograms in seven months. The most important thing, he says, is motivation. Looking at his new self in the mirror, he receives another incentive to monitor his weight.

Sergei “ate” himself 127 kg, which landed him in a hospital bed due to heart problems. There, in the hospital, the blogger met an endocrinologist, who, by luck, turned out to be one of the best nutritionists in Moscow. It was she who suggested the traveler the path to recovery and getting rid of excess weight.

The essence of the method

The very first thing is to find out the level of sugar and insulin in the blood. Both of these turned out to be greatly elevated in Sergei, which, as a consequence, affected metabolic processes in the body.

  • Eat 4 hours before bedtime (the “don’t eat after 6 pm” rule, according to Sergey, only applies if you go to bed at 10 pm).
  • Eat fractionally, in small portions (for example, from dessert plates) and 5-6 times a day.
  • Drink plenty of water (2-3 liters per day) - 15-30 minutes before meals and an hour after.


  • Alcohol
  • fat meat
  • fried foods
  • mayonnaise
  • butter
  • carbonated drinks
  • juices from packages


  1. Chicken and beef - boiled, steamed or grilled.
  2. Fish, especially cod, pink salmon, pike perch, hake, dorado, sea bass.
  3. Slow carbohydrates - whole grain porridge, it is better if there is oatmeal, buckwheat, dark rice, quinoa, muesli with bran is also useful
  4. Vegetable, olive, flaxseed, sesame oil
  5. Low-fat fermented milk products - kefir, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream
  6. Green vegetables - cabbage, cucumbers, celery, green beans, zucchini, bell peppers. Vegetable smoothies are healthy
  7. Freshly squeezed juices (preferably from citrus fruits) – you can drink in the morning
  8. Soups – vegetable or fish. Those cooked in meat broth have a lot of cholesterol.
  9. Bread - 1-2 slices before lunch - bran, rye.


Sergey Dolya I started with climbing the stairs to the 21st floor, 10 thousand steps and five push-ups a day. He gradually added loads, and now his day begins with an hour of exercise with a whole set of exercises (squats, push-ups, presses), and he climbs the stairs to the 30th floor three times in a row.

Star of “The Voronins” Stanislav Duzhnikov

The actor constantly gains weight (for the role), then loses weight again. So, for the new season of the series in 2013, he lost 40 kg.

The essence of the method

There are no special secrets here, everything, as they say, at home . The artist says that the main thing is not to eat at night, avoid fried foods, too fatty foods, as well as salty, sweet and alcohol. It is also important to add physical exercise- in his case, it became a swimming pool, a bicycle, exercise classes and walking.

To reduce hunger before bed, Stanislav Duzhnikov uses a little trick - drinks kefir or tea with a teaspoon of honey.

Purposeful Tatyana Rybakova

The girl, whose story was widely told on television programs and articles on the Internet, managed to lose weight not only by 40 kg, but even by as much as 55.

She shares how she succeeded on her blog, inviting everyone to try her weight loss system. You can find out more at link. You can get some tips from Tanya from this video.

Following Mila's example

To these recommendations from famous people I would like to add recommendations from a girl who first lost weight herself, and now helps others do it by taking nutritionist courses. Mila Gritsenko got rid of 40 kg in five months - after giving birth, her weight was 90 kg, and this despite the fact that Mila’s height is 157 cm.

The motivation was the image in the mirror - one day Mila looked at herself as if from the outside and saw an unkempt fat woman of unknown age.

The essence of the method

Proper nutrition

How to eat - remove fats and foods containing fast carbohydrates, instead of them, the diet should contain more vegetables, fruits, you can eat lean fish, chicken, vegetable oil in salads, nuts (a little), whole grain cereals.


Cadio training, exercise equipment - Mila believes that training in a group is better than training individually - this once again motivates.

What's in the bottom line?

As you can see, there are probably tons of information on the Internet devoted to diets - you can find any kind of advice and recommendations. And, meanwhile, every now and then there is a cry for help on numerous weight loss forums: “ Help!".

How can you help yourself and lose excess weight? I believe that the following conclusions can be drawn: in order to lose weight, you need to change not just your diet for a couple of weeks or months. You need to change your lifestyle. The main thing here is not the question “For how much?” can you lose weight?”

Only by changing our habits can we gradually accustom ourselves to eating right, not overeating, and exercising regularly. Without these components, it is impossible to lose weight once and for all, I believe. What do you think?

What to remember

Three main components of successful weight loss.

  • The most important thing is motivation. Everything comes from the head.
  • Next is proper nutrition - the diet includes only healthy and, no less important, varied foods.
  • And finally - physical activity.
  • In special cases, consult with competent doctors.
  • Read books.

Well, that's all I have for today. Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss new interesting articles and share your weight loss stories in the comments!

Viewers remember him from the films and TV series “Kitchen”, “Election Day”, “Plot”, “Golden Calf”, as well as the advertisement for “Fat Man” beer. Recently, the 49-year-old actor lost 40 kilograms in a few weeks. Fans were alarmed, suspecting the artist’s illness.

Alexander reassured the audience in the TV program “The Stars Aligned”. The actor explained that the main motivation for weight loss was the reproaches of friends and health conditions:

“Colleagues started telling me that, old man, you are turning into a cartoon character, and how can I work with you now, because roles need to be written separately for you. Of course, you will scratch your head in such a situation, because this is income. I just sat down on some vegetables and fractional meals. So it took 40 kilograms.”

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Alexander Semchev before losing weight

Before the changes in diet, the artist weighed more than 180 kilograms. Alexander Lvovich went on a strict diet. Semchev fundamentally refused the recommendations of trainers and nutritionists, and independently drew up a weight loss plan. In the first two weeks of the new regime, he lost about 20 kilograms, and now weighs no more than 140 kilograms.

“I have type 2 diabetes, he got drunk. God forbid anyone should have diabetes and its consequences. Now the disease has receded, thank God, blood sugar has decreased from 17 to 7,” the artist admitted to an NTV journalist.

The actor noted that losing weight did not worsen his health. Alexander makes no secrets about his new diet: “I gave up baked goods, fried foods, and switched exclusively to healthy foods. I began to eat more often, but in small portions. I usually cook a chicken breast and a side dish the size of a fist. I get my vitamins from fresh vegetables and fruits.”