Hoop training. Effective hula hoop exercises for a slim waist. Positive aspects of losing weight with hoops

By going to any free classifieds site, you can find a large number of offers for the sale of hula hoops; many women’s forums discuss the possibility of losing weight with the help of a massage hoop or hula hoop. A reasonable question arises here: how many species are there of these same massage hoops or is it the same hoop, named differently and what is actually the effectiveness of its use.

In fact, there are several types of massage hoops, but they all have the same purpose and methods of use. Many trainers advise using them in the fight against extra centimeters in order of increasing mass of the hoop and decreasing the diameter of the projectile. So:

The most common types of hoops

  • light simple hoop has been familiar to us since childhood and has a simple device that allows even the most unprepared to twist it;
  • weighted simple models provide a more noticeable load and can be used in more complex workouts;
  • collapsible versions of simple hoops allow them to be weighted by pouring sand inside. This gives you more training opportunities. Collapsible hoops have another advantage: they are easy to store. After finishing classes, they are easily folded and hidden in a box;
  • massage hoops Already by their name they make it clear that they are needed for massage in the fight against extra centimeters. They usually have rubber protrusions on the inside or built-in balls, often with a soft coating, which provide massage to the waist and hips. They are also called hula hoops;
  • massage collapsible hula hoops have an advantage over their counterparts, which allows them to increase loads by adding sand inside the structure. Sand helps enhance the effect of massage rollers, which will make training more effective;
  • gymnastic circles Gymnasts use them in their performances and training. They have standard sizes and weight;
  • rubber hoop, it can be pumped up, it is soft and flexible, it can be used as an expander or for other exercises.

All types of hula hoops (except the last one) can be divided, according to the type of material from which they are made, into plastic and metal. And even today on sale you can find copies equipped with magnetic attachments or mini-computers that count calories burned, centimeters reduced, and even the number of revolutions made.

The benefits of exercises with a hoop

Now let's go back to possible benefits from practicing with hula hoop. Many are confident that hoop training will help you lose weight, but there are also skeptics who say the opposite.

It has been scientifically proven that such training has a tangible effect on the body and helps burn excess calories.

When practicing with hula hoop:

  • the abdominal, back and gluteal muscles, calves, thighs are trained;
  • blood flow improves in places where the hoop comes into contact with the body, which helps burn fat and reduce waist inches;
  • training the cardiovascular system, breathing, vestibular apparatus, coordination of movements;
  • moderate loads on the leg muscles is a good prevention of varicose veins;
  • the skin of problem areas looks much better.

Enthusiasts who have many years of constant training under their belt claim that the exercises contribute to the formation of a beautiful waistline, elasticity of the hips, and strengthen the abdominal and leg muscles.

This is also confirmed by qualified fitness trainers, and they all call hula hoop twirling a good mood workout and advise practicing while listening to music or while watching your favorite movie.

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Contraindications for exercise

Hardly anyone would call hoop training a type of exercise with an increased risk of injury. Due to their relative ease of implementation and wide range of possible loads, they can be considered almost universal. Women with medical conditions should only avoid them internal organs, elderly people, pregnant women, as well as all representatives of the fairer sex during their menstrual periods.

In some cases, to be on the safe side, it is better to consult a therapist.

Positive aspects of losing weight with hoops

All the positive aspects can be sorted into categories:

  • A big advantage of the classes is that they do not require a specially designated room;
  • in many cases, additional space for storing equipment will not be required;
  • not required to start classes special training, almost everyone knows how to spin a hoop;
  • While doing exercises, you can simultaneously do other things, for example, watch TV or read a book;
  • Regular hula hoop classes allow you to get lasting and guaranteed results of weight loss and figure correction at minimal cost, and as a bonus - good mood after classes.

Optimal hoop weight for the waist

One of the conditions for successful training and obtaining significant results should be considered correct selection hula hoop by weight. The weight of all hoop models ranges from 0.5 kg to 3 kg.

When choosing a model for training, you must first buy a specimen weighing about 1.1 kg; it will provide a sufficient initial load. For practicality, it is good that this is a collapsible option, which will allow you to make it heavier in the future, continuing to reduce the desired centimeters of your waist.

When choosing a hula hoop, you should choose a circle that would be just above your waist when placed on the floor.

There is one simple rule: it is easier to spin a large circle. The smaller the diameter, the greater the load, harder to twist and more benefit.

Duration of exercises for weight loss

Second no less important aspect Successful training is the duration of training. The coaches say that any workout should last at least 40 minutes. And they explain that in the first 20 minutes glucose is broken down, and only then fat. Enthusiasts claim that 30 minutes a day is enough, and in some cases you can get by with 20 minutes of daily exercise.

Both agree that classes should be regular, daily and persistent, and they advise studying to music.

Basic technique for properly twisting a hoop

  • One more important point it is necessary to consider that You should not exercise earlier than two hours after eating and no later than an hour before.
  • You need to start with a lighter projectile, preferably weighing 1.1 - 1.2 kg.
  • The diameter of the circle should be comfortable for torsion.
  • If you purchased a model with massage elements(balls, pads), during the first lessons you should wear a warm sweater or other clothing that will prevent you from getting unnecessary injuries. Because from too intensive use of the pads, bruises may appear in the places where the hoop comes into contact with the body. Bruising in moderation is beneficial and helps burn fat, as long as you don't overdo it.
  • Gradually reducing the amount of clothing you can get additional load.
  • It is advisable to breathe evenly, rhythmically, without holding inhalation and exhalation. Better open the window.

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Hoop exercises for weight loss

To start training, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, this will allow you to train your leg muscles and not lose balance during your first workouts.

In the future, remember, the more tightly your legs are closed, the greater the load on them.

During training, it is advisable to use as much as possible more muscles, move your whole body. Many boxes that come with hula hoops contain exercises that allow you to train specific muscle groups. You can use them for your training in the future.

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Victoria Strenina, master trainer group programs Federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit:“Training with a hoop is a worthy alternative for those who decide to engage in active sports training in the usual home environment. This set of exercises has many advantages. Non-impact loading is beneficial for joints. When you work really efficiently, you use all the powerful muscle groups, so you really burn off those extra calories. The only advice: structure your workout so that not only the direction of movement changes, but also the intensity of the pace. Over time, when you understand the basics of the technique, the exercises can be complicated by transferring the rotation of the hoop to the hips.”

How to do exercises with a hoop?

Take your time. The first 2-3 hoop workouts should be test sessions and last no more than 1-2 minutes. The body must first get used to the new movements, and you must master the technique.


  • Do 20 side bends, 10 each.
  • Then perform 10 circular movements with your hips in one direction and the other, imagining that you are spinning a hoop.
  • During the warm-up, keep the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen tense: this will provide maximum support for your back and give additional stress to problem areas.

Week 1 and 2

Training phase 1: 2 minutes
Place your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the hoop at waist level. Rotate it and maintain the rotation with circular movements of your hips. This will require some skill, but very soon these movements will become completely natural for you.

Twist the hoop in a direction that is convenient for you. Later you can start rotating it in the opposite direction. Learn to hold the hoop in motion for 2 minutes. If he falls, just pick him up and keep spinning: this will also be a good workout.

Workout phase 2: 4 minutes
Periodically change the tempo of rotation, moving from fast to slow and back to fast again, keeping your arms extended forward or raised above your head. Try to give your body enough stress to sweat.

Week 3 and 4

Training phase 1: 2 minutes
Spin the hoop as usual for 1 minute. Then try changing direction and twisting the hoop in an unfamiliar direction for 1 minute.

Workout phase 2: 6 minutes

Workout phase 3: 1 minute

Do these exercises at least 3 times a week.

Week 5 and 6

Training phase 1: 2 minutes
Spin the hoop as usual for 1 minute. Then change direction and spin the hoop in an unfamiliar direction for 1 minute.

Workout phase 2: 4 minutes
Change the tempo of rotation periodically, moving from fast to slow and back to fast again. Also change the position of your arms, keeping them either extended forward or raised above your head. Sweating and increased heart rate will indicate sufficient exercise.

Workout phase 3: 2 minutes
While rotating the hoop, try to walk slowly while making sure your back remains straight.

Workout phase 4: 1 minute
Turbo Spin - Spin the hoop as fast as you can.

Do these exercises at least 4 times a week.

Is it possible to avoid bruises?

  • Most people do not experience bruising on their sides from hula hoops because the skin is subjected to only a small and very gentle impact. If you do experience bruising, it may be because your hula hoop is made of a material that is too hard and heavy, which hits your skin harder than a lightweight plastic hula hoop. Swap your hula hoop for a lightweight hoop made of soft material - fortunately, there is a huge selection of them.
  • Bruising may also be due to an increased tendency to bleed and poor blood clotting. This may be caused by a lack of vitamin K and calcium. Consult a physician. Another likely cause of bruises is a lack of vitamin C in the body, which is needed for the formation of collagen - the fibers of the connective tissue of the skin. With insufficient collagen formation, blood vessels become fragile and are easily injured.
  • Try eating foods rich in vitamin C for 1-2 months ( for example, red bell peppers, oranges, kiwis, melons and black currants), calcium and vitamin K ( such as figs, almonds and soy).

To ensure that the exercises are performed regularly and as effectively as possible, try to exercise not only at home, but also in the gym: the trainer, if necessary, will adjust the exercise technique and give useful recommendations, and observing the obvious results of those who work out with you in the gym will absolutely increase your motivation.

Victoria Strenina
Master trainer of group programs of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit.
Specializes in strength training and cardio training in the X-PUMP, X-RACE, STEP FIT style.

Mariyat Mukhina, nutritionist:
“Hoop training primarily helps strengthen the muscles that are responsible for body balance. In other words, they work to maintain the spine, protecting it from injury. If you want to further strengthen this muscle group, be sure to include wild animal meat in your diet. It is especially rich in proteins and contains fewer calories compared to regular beef or pork. For many, the exotic, but no less healthy cereal crop quinoa, comparable in composition to mother's milk, is simply replete with lecithin - an invaluable building material for renewing damaged cells. Avocados contain a powerful antioxidant - glutathione, which is responsible for saturating our organs with oxygen, and potassium, which actively works to reduce muscle fiber. Pineapple, thanks to a complex of biologically active substances, stimulates digestion, improves intestinal health, and reduces blood viscosity. And don't forget about goji berries. This is a unique product in nutrition. It speeds up metabolism, normalizes sugar levels, helps reduce weight and appetite.”

To achieve the best effect from the exercise program, follow the daily diet menu from Mariyat Mukhina and the food calorie table.

Attention! Contest!

If you want to complement your home exercises with gym sessions, take part in the comment competition And win a 30% discount on an individual annual card with "freeze" from the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit or one month free classes at the nearest club of this network.
All you need is to register on the website and write comments on the menu recipes of nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina. Every week - a new menu (follow the updates in the "Recipes" section healthy life")! Read the rules of the competition!

Lose weight and win!

Project partners: federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit and Dr. Mukhina’s clinic

One of effective methods Hoop training is a great way to lose weight and reduce your waist size. Hoop twirling is very popular among those who are losing weight, as it can correct the figure and tighten the stomach and waist. According to some reviews, without any diets, only with the help of this projectile you can lose weight and improve your health in a month. But to become the owner of a wasp waist, you need to choose the right hoop and learn how to twist it.

Types of hoops and their use

Losing weight with diets is quite difficult and not everyone can do it. Many people break down after just a few days. Losing weight with the help of various fat burners is not entirely safe, since many of them have side effects. And by practicing with a hoop, you can not only lose weight, but also tighten the skin, and gain tone. The result of the lessons will be fixed and will no longer fluctuate.

There are several types of hoops:

Compared to other sports equipment, hula hoop doesn't take up much space, easy to use and improve the overall condition of the body. In 10 minutes of twisting, about 100 calories are lost. You can enhance the effect of losing weight by combining hula hoop exercises and diet.

For the activity to bring results, it is necessary adhere to certain rules:

  1. It is recommended to spin the hoop twice a day. For the first week, beginners should do one lesson a day for 10-15 minutes. After the muscles get used to the load, you can hula hoop twice a day for 20-30 minutes.
  2. During exercise, you need to monitor your breathing. When the muscles tense, take a deep breath, and when they relax, exhale.
  3. When starting to hula hoop, you need to slightly tilt your body and pull in your stomach.
  4. To prevent bruises from touching the hoop on your body, it is recommended to wear an elastic weight loss belt around your waist. Dense fabric will distribute the load, and the therapeutic effect of the belt will promote fat burning.

Such hoop exercises will make your muscles work and help burn calories.

Exercises with a hoop - benefits and harms

For the female body, exercises with hula hoop not only help to lose weight, but also bring great benefits:

  • increase the flexibility of the spine;
  • develop good posture;
  • strengthen the muscles of the body;
  • train blood vessels and heart;
  • give a deep massage to the muscles and internal organs.

At the same time, twirling a hoop is contraindicated for pregnant women, during menstruation, elderly people, with abdominal diseases and problems with the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, before starting hula hoop training, it is recommended consult a specialist and undergo examination.

Hoop exercises - reviews from those losing weight

In an attempt to eliminate the consequences after pregnancy, I started training with a hoop, and to be honest, I couldn’t be happier. I bought the hoop from a polyethylene tube, which is dressed in a shock-absorbing shirt. It weighs 3.5 kg. The kit with the projectile included instructions for its use and belts of different sizes. Spin it not only at the waist, but also fastened with belts and used to train legs and arms.

The very first lesson surprised me. The hula hoop is quite heavy, so you need to tense your legs and abs to spin it. And so, when I twisted it, I simply felt how the skin and abdominal muscles were warming up! First you feel warmth, and then a burning sensation begins. On the first day I overdid it, so the next day I had impressive bruises on my sides. It was impossible to return to training. I started spinning the hoop again only three days later. After that, such problems no longer arose, and I practiced every day. As a result the effect is simply amazing! The body tightened and acquired a beautiful relief, the “ears” on the sides disappeared. Exercising with hula hoops really removes extra centimeters from your waist.

My sides and stomach have always been problematic, so I have been fighting them for a long time with various means. I think that the most effective are exercises with a hoop and Charcot's shower. Hula hoop is a good fitness activity and does a massage, breaking on the sides body fat.

After it, the muscles noticeably strengthen, and the extra centimeters quickly disappear from the sides. You need to spin the hoop in two approaches a day for 15 minutes. Longer exercise will be harmful to health. It is better to exercise after two hours of eating. To make your waist symmetrical, you need to twist in both directions for 10 minutes.

The hula hoop is heavy, so in the first days it fell on me. In order not to hurt your legs, I recommend that you spend your first classes next to the sofa or bed. To achieve a greater effect, before starting exercises, you can apply anti-cellulite cream or massage oil. And the most important secret is that you need to exercise in tight trousers or other tight-fitting clothes, over which the sides “hang”. During exercise, fat deposits will begin to rise to the top, and the hoop will massage not only the waist, but also the hips, which also have a lot of excess fat. If you want to lose weight, then you need to spin a hula hoop in combination with fitness and diet.

I never thought that twirling a hula hoop is so unhealthy! With pleasure I worked out every day for 30 minutes. Even the bruises on my waist didn’t stop me. And then, about a month later, I woke up at night from acute pain. The next morning I ran to the doctor, but for a long time they could not understand what was wrong.

According to the tests, everything is normal, but the pain in the waist area and the temperature did not go away. Neither cholecystitis, ulcers, nor pancreatitis were confirmed. A tomography of the abdominal cavity clarified everything. On abdominal muscles turned out to be purulent cysts. It turns out that the hoop also left hematomas inside the abdomen, which began to break out. Everything went away after taking antibiotics. But how much nerves, money and time were spent on various examinations! Now the hoop is just lying around the house, and I definitely won’t practice with it anymore.

I have a conflicting opinion about the hoop. To get the desired effect from working with it, you should spin it every day for 30 minutes. Of these, 15 minutes in one direction, and 15 minutes in the other direction. After three weeks of such exercises, my the sides decreased by 4 cm and froze at this point. If you take a break from your workouts, everything will come back, and then only more dynamic exercises will help you lose weight again.

Spinning a hoop is very boring for me. It is heavy, so you stagger during classes and it is impossible to read. Only watching video clips helps to have fun. The first days there were bruises, but I still did the exercises. I read in reviews that hula hoop also works as cardio, but I didn’t notice this on myself. Today, so that the hoop does not sit idle, I use it to warm up before the main exercises.

I really wanted to write a rave review about the hoop and post pictures before and after practicing with it. But, unfortunately, I cannot do this! I bought a hula hoop back in the winter, but I can’t spin it for more than two minutes. I have no contraindications to its use, but because it is very heavy, I have Your sides and stomach start to hurt. I don’t know why this is, because I work out my abs and my muscles are fine. Apparently, exercises with this apparatus are not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before you buy, try to study with some friends, otherwise you may just throw money away.

Exercises with a hoop are considered beneficial not only for the waist, but also for all muscle groups, and they also have a positive effect on the process of losing weight. This miracle item was invented by the American Arthur Melin, and since then it has become extremely popular. In the 90s in Bulgaria, the hoop became the main element in circus art. It was then that they began to practice twisting several hoops simultaneously throughout the body.

In addition, gymnastics and hoop exercises contribute to effective weight loss. So if you want to tighten your waist and stomach area, and also get rid of a few extra centimeters, use some special exercises with a hoop for weight loss. In this article we will talk about a set of exercises with a hoop, and also learn about the advantages of hula hoop and its benefits.

Advantages and benefits of exercises with a hoop

One of the main benefits of hula hoop is that you can have a good time while practicing. In addition, it effectively combats overweight and promotes fast weight loss. The hula hoop is a great way to train the core muscles of your arms, legs, back and shoulders, and you can also do a variety of stretching exercises with it.

By doing hula hoop exercises around your waist for just 10 minutes a day, you will feel noticeably thinner after just a few weeks. It is also known that gymnastics and hoop exercises help develop flexibility, a sense of rhythm, strength and good coordination of movements.

During hula hoop exercises, digestion is normalized and food absorption is improved. And the ease of doing exercises with a weight loss hoop will allow you not only to lose those hated pounds, but also to tighten certain parts of your body even while watching your favorite movie.

How to do hula hoop exercises correctly?

Having convinced yourself that hula hoop exercises are extremely useful at any age, pay attention to how they need to be performed correctly. To spin the hoop correctly, take a stable position, straighten your back and legs, and distribute your body weight evenly on both legs. While tensing your abdominal and lower back muscles, try not to relax them until the very end of the workout. Make energetic circular movements pelvis, setting the rotation of the hoop around the waist, and not forgetting to breathe correctly.

Remember that it is not recommended to perform hula hoop exercises for more than 20 minutes in one workout, especially if the hoop is metal, so as not to cause bruises on the body. If desired, to achieve the maximum effect from training, you can exercise 2-3 times a day.

Regular training, unfortunately, is not enough for weight loss exercises with a hoop to work as quickly as possible. Be sure to keep it balanced proper nutrition or an appropriate diet for weight loss. After training, do not eat anything for one and a half to two hours, because the body needs time to recover and rest, otherwise all the calories spent will return.

Now let’s look directly at the set of exercises with a hoop, which will help correct your figure and strengthen your muscles.

A set of exercises with a hoop at home

To gymnastics and hoop exercises have benefited you, you need not only to know how to perform them correctly, but also to choose the optimal set of workouts for yourself. Choose a few of the exercises we'll look at below and do them daily.

Exercise 1. Perform 4-5 rotations of the hoop to the right, then stop and change direction. This is a great workout for your hips, waist and abdominal Press due to a sudden change in muscle function.

Exercise 2. Place your feet together, pressing them tightly. Rotate the hoop around your waist for a few minutes in one direction and then in the other. By doing this exercise all muscles work with increased efficiency, and you lose weight faster.

Exercise 3. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and rotate the hoop for several minutes in each direction. Then spread your legs even wider and repeat the exercise. When your legs are as wide apart as possible, your glutes get the most work, and when your legs are close together, you work your thighs better.

Exercise 4. Feet shoulder-width apart. Start spinning the hoop while standing, and then gradually squat down as low as possible without losing rotation. Once you reach the maximum bottom position, lock in and twist the hoop for a few more minutes from side to side. This exercise helps you lose weight on your thighs and buttocks, and also trains your legs and the entire lower body.

Exercise 5. With your feet shoulder-width apart, rotate the hoop while doing slow, deep squats without losing the rotation of the hoop. This helps to tighten the waist, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.

4.4 out of 5 (7 Votes)

One of the simplest, most common and effective sports equipment for training at home is a gymnastic hoop (hula hoop). To practice with it, no special skills are required, the load is moderate, and the result, subject to regular training, is noticeable. A balanced set of exercises will help you lose weight and tighten the muscles in the problem area.

From the outside, training with a hoop seems simple and boring. But to rotate it requires good coordination of movements and the ability to control your muscles. Only when correct use Hula hoop exercises will be beneficial. Let's learn how to spin the hoop correctly!

The first stage is warm-up. Before training, the muscles need to be warmed up a little. An elementary exercise - the hoop is raised above the head, the legs are spread shoulder-width apart. Make smooth tilts to the right - left, forward - back. The next thing is to make turns in different directions while holding the hula hoop in front of you.

Twisting the hoop is performed in clothes that are tight-fitting but do not restrict movement - a thick T-shirt and leggings. Wide T-shirts and sweatpants are not the most suitable clothes. It is also recommended to remove bracelets and other jewelry. It’s easy to learn how to spin a hoop – just follow the detailed instructions.

Rotation Technique Instructions:

  1. Choose the appropriate size sports equipment. It should reach the waist or at least mid-thigh. The increased diameter makes it easier for beginners - due to the slow rotation there is time to adapt to the rhythm.
  2. Stand in the center of the hoop.
  3. Grab the edges of the hoop and lift it up to your waist. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten your back.
  4. Expand your body and spin the hoop clockwise. Immediately begin to rotate your waist while maintaining the hula hoop motion. Try to find the optimal range of motion. Hold the projectile at your waist for as long as possible.

Spinning the hoop may seem difficult at first. The first few attempts it will slide off your waist and fall to the floor. Gradually you will learn to catch its movement and keep it at the same level.

When you can hula hoop for 20 minutes without falling, try making the task more difficult for yourself. To increase the effect of the exercises, speed up the tempo of rotation, lower the hula hoop onto your hips, and move it up and down.

The effectiveness of exercise depends on many factors. First of all, it is systematic training. Only daily training will give the expected result. Some useful tips will be useful to you at the stage of mastering the rotation technique.

  • At first, bruises from the hoop may often appear on the sides. Until the muscles get used to the pressure and loads, the use of a thermal belt is allowed. Alternatively, you can wear two thick T-shirts.
  • You can't exercise on a full stomach. About one and a half hours should pass after the last meal.
  • Start training with three to five minutes. Each time increase their duration, bring it to half an hour. During this time, up to 300 calories are burned!
  • Watch your posture and body position. Keep your back straight, try not to spread your legs.
  • To prevent your hands from interfering with the trajectory of the projectile, move them away - clasp them, lift them up or stretch them to the sides.
  • Make sure that only the abdominal area is mobile - rib cage remains motionless. This is the first sign correct execution exercises.
  • At first it’s easier to spin the hoop clockwise. Gradually, the direction of rotation will need to be changed to achieve maximum effect.

To quickly master all the subtleties of the technique, select the correct weight of the simulator. A projectile that is too light will be difficult to hold at the desired level; a projectile that is too heavy will begin to cause unpleasant or even painful sensations within five minutes. The optimal hula hoop weight for beginners is from 1 to 1.5 kg.

Optimal set of exercises

Hula hoop exercises don't have to be monotonous. To achieve a noticeable effect, you need to force as many muscles as possible to work. It is recommended to perform a set of exercises.

Exercises for the hips and waist area

Most people buy a hoop for working on problem area– reducing volume, tightening weakened muscles. They start with basic techniques and gradually switch to more complex ones. A complete workout should include the following exercises.

  1. Basic exercise. Start the lesson with the most common rotation. When the muscles warm up, move on to other exercises.
  2. Back and forth. Starting position – back straight, one leg extended forward, knees slightly bent. The rotation path is at waist level. To maintain movement, weight is transferred from the back leg to the front leg and vice versa. The position is changed by putting the other leg forward.
  3. Legs wider than shoulders. Starting position – back straight, legs wider than shoulders. The rotation is supported by the movement of the hips strictly to the sides. The movements are intense - when rotating, the hoop hits the hips. Look forward, watch your abs - keep them slightly tense.
  4. Change of direction. Perform five rotations in one direction, stop and change direction. Do several repetitions. There is an increased load on the muscles, the abs and the entire thigh area are trained perfectly. They try to place their legs as tightly as possible.
  5. With a squat. Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, shoulders back. Unwind the hoop. Without stopping the rotation, they begin to gradually squat. You need to sit down as low as possible. In this position, continue to spin the hula hoop for a few more minutes. The exercise is not easy, but it helps speed up the weight loss process and uses the muscles of the entire lower body.
  6. With offset. They begin to rotate the hula hoop at the waist. Allow it to fall a little lower, to the level of the hips, perform a few turns and lift it up again. Perform at least 10 repetitions. Change direction of movement and perform another 10 repetitions. Exercise reduces fat deposits in the abdominal area.
  7. "Arrow". Another exercise to work your abdominal muscles. Back straight, legs together. They unwind the hula hoop and rise on their tiptoes. Hands with folded palms are raised up as much as possible. The body resembles an elongated string. It is enough to do the exercise for about 10 minutes a day.
  8. Rotation with walking. Start regular spins. When the hoop spins well, step forward without letting the rotation stop. Gradually the number of steps increases. You can walk both forward and backward.

By doing these exercises with a hoop every day, in just a few weeks you will notice the first changes - your stomach will tighten, unsightly “ears” on your thighs will disappear, and flabbiness will disappear.

Additional exercises for other muscle groups

Supplement your workouts with exercises to work other muscle groups if you do not intend to use other sports equipment.

  • Rotation overhead. Place the hula hoop on the floor and grab it with your hand. Raise your outstretched arm above your head, holding the hoop parallel to the floor. Spin it once and pick it up again. Repeat several times and change hands. The second option is to rotate the hoop on one hand. They insert their second hand, pressing it close to the first. Rotate without stopping for two to five minutes. Gradually the exercise can be complicated. At the same time, squat, lunge, and try to stay on one leg.
  • Rotation in hands. Hold the hula hoop in front of you, parallel to the floor. Move it clockwise, bring it behind your back, grab it with your other hand and complete the circle. Repeat the exercise several times. Once mastered, make it more difficult by walking, squatting and lunging.
  • Jumping. Everything is simple here - use a hoop instead of a jump rope. For this exercise you need a hoop with a fairly large diameter.

Don't forget to warm up before you hula hoop. Any exercise is best done on well-warmed muscles. This will not only make your workout easier, but also increase your efficiency.

If you are expecting an immediate effect, you may be disappointed. As with any other sports equipment When working with a hoop, systematicity is important. Daily workouts of 20–40 minutes in combination with a diet will soon give long-awaited results - the body shape will become more toned, it will go away. excess weight, the skin will become elastic.