A set of exercises for stretching the spine. Simple exercises for stretching the spine at home - how to properly stretch the spine? Abdominal stretching exercises

The back is the frame of the whole body, a complex structure that nature created to ensure the normal functioning of our body. But the strong joints of the spine can fail. Over the years, a crunch appears, there may be pain in the lower back, awkwardness in movements. These are the most common spinal problems. To prevent their occurrence or prevent chronic diseases, you need to know how to stretch the muscles of the back and spine.

Anyone who has crossed the twenty-year mark in age should undergo mandatory back decompression. It is at this age that irreversible changes in the intervertebral discs begin - they age and begin to collapse.

Why do you need to stretch your back?

The back muscles need rest, although they receive it less than others. After all, even at night the spine cannot always be at a relaxed distance.

Uncomfortable posture or the wrong pillow causes him to overwork and be bent, resulting in tense muscles at night. After such a dream, a person will feel discomfort in the neck.

Tired muscles do not allow you to move freely and simply live a full life, and this can lead to quite dangerous problems:

  • around the tired area of ​​muscles, the blood supply is disrupted, the muscles gradually “melt”;
  • the distance between the vertebrae is reduced, the intervertebral discs are destroyed and the roots of the spinal cord are irritated.

To solve these problems, you need to know how to stretch your back daily. But not everyone can afford to hire a trainer, like professional gymnasts, so doctors recommend stretching your back simply at home, in the office, or while jogging in the morning.

How to properly stretch your back?

Before you start doing any exercises, it doesn’t hurt to know some useful rules:

  • Be sure to start with a small amplitude so that physical training does not lead to injuries;
  • you need to stretch your back carefully, avoiding pain and crunching;
  • It is better to do all exercises in the evening and do this every day;
  • Maintain even and deep breathing.

5 ways to quickly and easily stretch your back at home or at work:

  1. Twists while sitting on a chair. This is a great exercise that you can do without standing up. Simply sit up straight, keep your back straight and level, and gradually turn sideways, moving your waist and shoulders to the right. After 15-20 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat turns to the left. You can also use the chair handles for convenience - just grab the edges of the chair with both hands.
  2. Shoulder turns. This exercise can be done anywhere. To perform the exercise correctly, sit upright. Start moving your shoulders back in a circle 15-20 times, then change sides and do the same exercise, only forward. Perform about 5 of these sets, twisting forward and backward. Remember to look forward while doing the exercise.
  3. Hugs. This simple movement will stretch your shoulders, top part backrests Just hug yourself with both arms, try to move your arms further away. Stay in this position for about 10 seconds, inhale deeply and exhale. This will help relieve fatigue.
  4. Stand up straight and touch your toes. Even if you can’t do this right away, it doesn’t matter, continue to stretch gently, but not to the point of pain.
  5. Stretch the upper part. Sit up straight, keep your back straight and straighten your arms forward and parallel to the ground. Clasp your palms together. Bend forward for 20-30 seconds. Your head and neck should be relaxed when you do this exercise. Repeat this process about 5 times.

5 more effective ways to stretch your back at home

  1. Rotate your hips upward. This exercise lengthens and quickly stretches the spine. Lay down on the floor left leg bend your knee and move it to right side in relation to the body. Do not change hands, leave them on the floor parallel to the body, gaze looking up or to the left. Do the same in the other direction.
  2. Stretching with a gymnastic ball. This exercise will also tone your muscles. abdominals. Straighten up, leaning firmly on the ball with your stomach and pelvis. Place your hands behind your head, as if doing squats, and begin to stretch upward. Remember to try to bend as much as possible. The gymnastic ball will provide you with support and help your spine straighten naturally as you perform.
  3. 90/90 stretch. To begin, lie on the floor and stretch out in a straight line. Then raise your knees so that your thighs are perpendicular to the ground and your shins are parallel to the floor. Keep your arms along your body. Stretch carefully and stop doing it at the slightest discomfort. This will relax your hamstrings.
  4. Sitting back turns, or “curl”. While sitting on the floor, turn your upper body to one side. Sit on the floor, feet forward. Bend your left leg and move it behind your right thigh. Stay in this position and begin to turn to the left. Lock yourself in this position, grabbing your left side with your right elbow. Hold for about 20 seconds, then switch sides.
  5. Seal pose. This pose requires preparation and good flexibility and is contraindicated for people with injuries. However, for those who do not have health problems, the seal pose will also strengthen the abdominal muscles. It is performed while sitting on the floor, legs extended, knees slightly bent. Grasp both ankles and lift your legs towards your body, while spreading your knees out to the sides.

Yoga to help lost flexibility

If you want to learn how to stretch your back like a professional gymnast, look no further than yoga.

The most effective and useful yoga poses for this:

  • Cat pose. Get on your knees, place your hands on the floor, slowly lower your head down and lift your back up, gradually and gently stretching your spine.
  • Hero Pose. Sit on your shins and heels, spread your hips slightly to the sides, feet up. Thumb the leg touches or is a few centimeters away from the hips. Hands on knees. Hero Pose will help you relax tired legs at the end of the working day. If you stay in this pose for a long time, you can take it as an alternative meditation pose.
  • Crocodile pose. To perform this pose, you need to lie on your stomach and bend your arms, placing your palms on the floor, under your shoulders. Then slowly begin to lift your chest off the floor. Hold this position. This pose will help relieve irritation and anxiety.

The easiest and most enjoyable way to stretch your back is to simply sign up for a pool and swim for fun in your free time. Water perfectly relaxes and allows you to keep the muscles of your whole body in good shape, especially if intense training is contraindicated for you.

The spine is the support of the entire body. Stretching the spine at home helps maintain its health, prevent the development of diseases, improve well-being and strengthen the body as a whole.

The spine is a complex system. Main parts:

  • Vertebrae.
  • Intervertebral discs are cartilage that serve as shock absorbers.
  • A muscle that allows flexion and extension of the back.

Discs wear out over time and lose their elasticity. The back muscles are constantly working. Due to a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work, muscle tension increases.

Why do you need stretching?

To function properly and maintain a healthy back, muscles must rest. But often, even at night, an uncomfortable pillow or incorrect posture do not allow the back muscles to rest. A man wakes up with pain in his neck and back.

Tired muscles cannot effectively cope with their functions. Therefore, it is important to take care of them. One of the simplest and effective ways Relaxing the back muscles is stretching the spine.

Stretching is a form of exercise that everyone can do. Anyone, regardless of size or age, can stretch. These are low-intensity exercises that, if performed correctly, are unlikely to significantly increase blood pressure or cause excessive fatigue.

When should you not stretch your spine?

There are cases when stretching the spine at home is contraindicated, at least without consulting a doctor. Contraindications to stretching are:

  • Diseases of the spine and joints (arthritis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis).
  • Heart disease, hypertension, vascular disease.
  • Thrombosis.

You need to limit your activities during the following periods:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Menses.
  • Colds, viral diseases.
  • Weakness.

Spinal stretching is part of physical therapy, so it is very important to follow its main rule: do not overexert yourself. You need to do the exercises not through force, but only in accordance with your capabilities.

In addition, you need to follow a number of other rules:

Over time, the exercises will become easier and easier to perform, back and neck pain will disappear, and your health will improve.

Basic exercises

To help your back muscles and spine, you can do yoga, or you can perform simple exercises, many of which are familiar from childhood:

These simple exercises, performed every day, will soon bring relief and help your spine stay healthy.

Before doing the exercises physical therapy and after their completion, exercise therapy doctors recommend stretching the spine. This stimulates blood flow to its damaged structures, and, therefore, their restoration. Stretching can be done on a thick mat, using a crossbar, horizontal bar, Evminov simulator or Glisson loop.

What is back stretching?

Spinal stretching is a set of exercises to improve the condition of the back muscles, increasing their strength and at the same time elasticity. Its implementation has a general strengthening, tonic effect on the skeletal muscles of the entire musculoskeletal system. Stretching, or traction of the spine at home, is an important part of the treatment of diseases, including,. Strong muscles reliably stabilize discs and vertebrae and prevent their displacement.

What are the benefits of stretching for the spine?

Many spinal pathologies cannot yet be completely cured. So that the patient does not suffer from stiffness, he is prescribed. But with long-term use of drugs, their pronounced effects appear. side effects. Therefore, doctors recommend that patients radically solve the problem by stretching the spine:

  • eliminate all symptoms;
  • stop the spread of the disease to healthy tissue.

Stretching increases the spaces between the discs and vertebrae. They stop squeezing blood vessels and spinal roots. And the resulting bone growths () no longer injure soft tissues, provoking the development of inflammation.

Indications for exercises

Stretching the back muscles can be recommended both for and for complications that have already developed - or intervertebral hernia. And, carried out by chiropractors, often allows one to avoid surgical intervention. In what cases is stretching the back muscles therapeutically effective:

  • with, pressing, pulling, arising after physical activity, hypothermia, weather changes;
  • with, disappearing only after 30-40 minutes;
  • when becoming more frequent, indicating developing.

Regular stretching of the spinal muscles is necessary to prevent osteochondrosis for people at risk. The disease develops due to excess weight, long stay in one body position, excessive stress on the spine.

General rules for stretching

Most stretching exercises are static. This means that you do not need to make intense movements when performing them. However, a preliminary warm-up is necessary to prepare the muscles for the upcoming loads. Exercise therapy doctors advise walking around the room, raising your knees high, bending forward, backward, and turning in both directions. The following rules should also be observed:

  • movements should be slightly slow;
  • if painful sensations appear, training should be stopped and continued only after rest;
  • When performing exercises, you should stay in the stretching position for 10-20 seconds;
  • breathing should be even, deep, rhythmic.

It is not necessary to perform all the exercises at once - the load should be increased gradually. If any movement causes pleasant sensations in the back muscles, then it can be repeated in 2-3 approaches.

Exercise equipment and devices

Rehabilitation centers are equipped with the most modern spinal traction machines. But there are devices that can be purchased in specialized stores for training at home.

Horizontal bar

Hanging on the horizontal bar is indicated for patients with protrusions or intervertebral and thoracic areas. This type of stretching is not used due to the high risk of muscle strain and deterioration in well-being. You need to hang on the horizontal bar for several minutes 3-4 times a day.

Evminov's simulator

The Evminov simulator is a wide, fairly flexible pine board, equipped with several brackets or handles for holding the limbs. Typically, the exercises are performed in a lying position, face down or up. The person rests his feet on the floor and smoothly moves his body first up and then down.

Gleason loop

The Gleason loop, or traction loop, is designed to increase the distance between vertebrae and strengthen the muscles of the upper body. The device is most in demand for osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, and intervertebral hernias. The Glisson loop is a frame for housing the head with a complex system of straps and fasteners. It is attached with a cable at a certain height. When the load, the weight of which is calculated by the doctor, is displaced, the spinal muscles are stretched.

Gymnastics for stretching the back and spine

Complex gymnastic exercises amounts to physical therapy doctor taking into account the type of disease, the severity of its course, and the general health of the patient. He conducts the first classes, shows how to correctly perform movements and dose the loads on the back muscles. After 1-2 weeks, you can successfully train at home.

"Camel Cat"

Get on all fours, straighten your shoulders, sway a little from side to side. Slowly bend your lower back, imitating the stretching of a cat, and then arch it, rounding it. You should hold each position for 10 seconds. The number of approaches is arbitrary.

Crossing your legs

Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body or place them under your head. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Extend your right leg and throw your left knee over it, trying to touch the surface of the mat. Repeat the exercise 7 times, and then perform it in the other direction.

Turn your back on a chair in different directions

Sit on a chair or stool, grab the seat with your hands. Slowly turn the body, first in one direction, then in the other, holding this position for 20 minutes. Repeat movements 10-15 times. At correct execution exercise puts the strain on the muscles shoulder girdle.

Squat bends

Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart so that your toes point slightly to the sides, not inward. Sit down, touching your hands to the floors, and then straighten your legs without lifting your heels and palms from the floor. The number of approaches is 5-10.


Sit on the mat, place your knees bent to your right, holding them with your right hand. Stretch your left arm up and tilt it to the right until you feel maximum tension in the left lateral back muscles. Stay in this position for 20 seconds and smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercises 5 times in each direction.

Seated forward bends

Sit on the floor, straighten your legs, place your arms randomly. As you exhale, bend your body forward and touch your palms to your feet. Sway smoothly, trying to bring your stomach closer to your legs. After 20 seconds, straighten up, relax and perform the exercise 7 more times.

Leg turns

Lie on your back, bend your knees, press your feet to the mat, spread your arms to the side with your palms facing down. As you exhale, tilt your knees first to one side, then to the other, trying to touch them to the floor. Hold your legs in this position for 20 seconds. The number of approaches is 5-10.

Stretch against the wall

Stand up, lean your shoulders, back, buttocks, ankles, and heels firmly against the wall. Stretch your arms up, trying not to displace other parts of the body. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds, slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Sitting back turns

Sit down, stretch your legs, rest on your arms extended back. Bend your right knee and cross it over your left thigh. With your right hand, lightly press on your knee to bring it as close as possible to the floor surface. Repeat the exercise in each direction 5 times.

Using a fitness ball

Get on your knees, bend over, placing a fitness ball under your chest. Reach forward, sliding along the ball until your hands touch the floor. Hold this position for 15 seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat sliding on the ball 7 times.

Pose "Seal"

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands behind your back, squeezing your shoulder blades together, clasping your fingers. Exhale and bend forward, stretching your arms as far as possible. The legs should remain straight, and the chest and stomach should be directed towards them at right angles. Hang your head down, relax your neck muscles. Stay in this position for 20 seconds, slowly return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 5-10.

Back stretch at work

After spending a long time at a computer or desk, you feel heaviness and tension in your back. By the end of the working day, mild aching pain often occurs, disappearing only after a long rest. To prevent this condition, you should spend a few minutes stretching during your lunch break.

Seated twist

Move the chair a little away from the table, sit up straight, stretch your arms in front of you, and rest your heels on the floor. Turn your body first in one direction, then in the other, without lifting your feet. Bend with your arms raised to the left and right. Repeat all exercises 5-10 times.

Scrolling the shoulder joints

Sit down, spread your legs slightly, place your arms randomly. Do 5 at a time circular rotations first with one, then with the other shoulder. When performing the exercise correctly, the load should fall on the muscles of the shoulder girdle, not the neck. At the final stage, rotate both shoulders back and forth.


In a sitting position, clasp your body, place your hands on rear surfaces forearms. Reach out, as if trying to touch your palms to each other. Stay in this position for 15 seconds, straining your back muscles, and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Foot hugs

Move to the edge of the chair, bend over and clasp your ankles with your fingers. Stretch, straining the muscles of the neck, legs, back, buttocks. Number of tilts - up to 10.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend forward, touching your hands to the floor. Stay in this position for 10 seconds and straighten up. Then alternately bend over 5 times to the left leg and to the right leg alternately.

Forearm and shoulder stretch

Sit down, place your palms on your knees. slightly bent right hand, try to bring it as far as possible behind the left shoulder. Stretch for 15-20 seconds, feeling the tension in the muscles of the shoulders, forearms, and lower back. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

For the upper back

Sit up straight, extend your arms in front of you, crossing your fingers. Stretch forward for 10-15 seconds. At the same time, the back should be motionless, and the neck muscles should remain relaxed. The number of approaches is 5-7.


Stand up, stretch your arms forward, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Perform 10 shallow squats. The effectiveness of the exercise will be higher if, during a squat, you turn your arms first in one direction, then in the other.


Stretching the back muscles is contraindicated in case of a disease in which the likelihood of spontaneous fractures is high. Exercises are prohibited when severe forms thrombosis, during exacerbation. Relative contraindications are pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, for example, arterial hypertension, attacks of bronchial asthma.

You cannot train during respiratory, intestinal, or urogenital infections, especially during chills.

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Therapeutic stretching of the spine at home () is relevant for any modern resident of a metropolis. Poor nutrition, poor environment, sedentary work, active image life, constant stress - all this leads to discomfort and...

Our spine is very vulnerable, since it includes several separately located vertebrae that take on the entire load. Even if the functioning of one vertebra is disrupted, we immediately feel pain.

Even in ancient times, in case of any problems with the spine, folk chiropractors tried to stretch it in order to relieve pain and discomfort. Traction helps to increase the interdiscal space, which leads to a decrease in the force of pressure on the nerve and significantly reduces discomfort and pain.

Today's doctors are quite skeptical about back pain; they believe that the benefits of such a therapeutic effect are less than the harm, so as not to contact an osteopath or massage therapist again, there are special exercises, designed for stretching the spine at home.

Why do you need to stretch your spine?

Traction is a whole set of methods in orthopedics used for long-term stretching of the spine, which ultimately reduces pain.

As a result of stretching, the following positive changes occur:

  • the distance between the vertebral bodies increases;
  • the pressure on the discs is reduced, which is especially important when;
  • strengthens the back muscles;
  • a curved back straightens and posture improves;
  • blood flow in the vessels improves.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the technique

Traction has a positive effect in the following situations:

  • , or any ;
  • back muscle spasms;
  • displacements (dislocations and);
  • in a period of remission or protrusion ();
  • pain in the thoracic, cervical, lumbar or sacral regions.

Spinal traction is strictly contraindicated in patients who:

  • exacerbation of joint diseases, pain due to hernias or protrusions;
  • thrombosis;
  • hypertension;
  • menstruation;
  • age up to 16 years and after 70;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • obesity and body weight above 100 kg;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • chronic cardiovascular diseases.

Spinal stretching at home can be done for preventive purposes, but in the absence of acute pain.

Before starting traction procedures, you should definitely visit a doctor. Only a competent specialist will select a system of exercises that is suitable specifically for a particular patient. This is the only way to avoid any doubts about the safety of the chosen extraction methods.

There are many ways to stretch your back, but only some of them can be used at home.

Exercise equipment and devices

There are many tools for drawing. These are inversion boots, FlexyBack and Bestec Air Nobius exercise machines, and an inversion table.

Below we will consider those exercise machines that are available at home.

Horizontal bar - simple, useful, effective

This is the most affordable tool that allows you to stretch your spine at home.

The crossbar can be installed in the backyard or in one of the rooms of the house. 1-2 approaches to the horizontal bar per day is enough. The following exercises are effective:

This special preventative is a board with a crossbar attached on top. The upper part of the exercise machine is attached to a hook that is fixed in the wall. The patient does gymnastics, grabbing this bar. The training program is drawn up by the doctor depending on the patient’s diagnosis.

This technique is very traumatic, so for the first days the patient should do exercises only under medical supervision.

To safely stretch the spine at home, you need to use a method that is less dangerous from the point of view of injuries - this is a simple inclined board. You can make it yourself and attach it to wall bars at a slight angle. You need to start the exercises on the board at a slight inclination, gradually increasing it.

Gleason loop

This machine is used for stretching cervical spine spine. This retainer consists of a pair of fabric fastenings - for the chin and for the back of the head. The patient sits on a chair and secures the fixator on himself. The loop is attached to a stationary block, and a weight is suspended from its end.

A more modern variation is rubber, which does not require the use of a block system. The same usual clamp is used, but the cord itself is more elastic.

The video shows stretching of the spine using a Gleason loop, performed independently at home:

Exercises for therapeutic traction

Traction exercises will vary depending on the area of ​​the spine that needs to be targeted.

Lumbar extension

Exercises that will be effective for therapeutic traction lumbar region:

Working out the thoracic region

Exercises for stretching the thoracic spine to do independently at home:

  1. Sit on a chair and press your pelvis firmly against it. Look straight ahead and lean to the right and left sides in turn. When performing the exercise, spread your arms out to the sides parallel to the floor and make sure that they move evenly. Repeat the exercise several times.
  2. Place your hands together at the back of your head and sit on a flat surface. Then turn your body left and right, holding each turn for 15 seconds. During turns, you should try to turn as much as possible, feeling the stretching of all muscles.

Gymnastics for the cervical vertebrae

It is impossible to directly stretch the cervical vertebrae. Massaging the base of the cervical spine is performed using movements of the shoulder girdle. Place your hands on your shoulders and rotate in circles. This will warm up your muscles and stretch your neck.

After warming up the shoulder girdle, begin to carefully tilt your head to the right and left. There should be no sounds caused by the muscles. If you still hear creaking or crunching sounds, then you need to continue warming up the muscles.

Cervical spine traction is also performed using Gleason loops and an inclined board.

Traction is not safe for the cervical spine - only massage at home!

In order for spinal traction performed at home to bring benefits and not harm, the following rules must be followed:

  • Do all exercises slowly and smoothly, no sudden movements, jumps, jerks;
  • be sure to pre-warm the muscles;
  • do little by little, but on a daily basis, you can always set aside at least 5 minutes for a minimum complex to relax your back and keep your muscles in good shape;
  • if you miss one lesson, do not try to catch up the missed time the next day, slow down the pace and reduce the number of repetitions;
  • If you experience discomfort or pain in any area of ​​your back, stop training immediately and do not perform any exercises in the next week.

How does it work in practice?

Spinal traction - effective exercise or dangerous fun? Feedback from people who have experienced the traction method of therapy in practice will help you understand this.

I suffered from it for a long time. It was painful to walk and lead an active lifestyle. I have an office job, after sitting at the computer for 8 hours I was exhausted, but I put off going to the doctor in every possible way.

One day after a hard day, I got up from the table and almost fell because I could only half feel my legs! I was very scared at that moment and immediately ran to a specialist.

The doctor advised me to do traction. I expected it to be painful and unpleasant, but the sensations during the procedure were absolutely neutral.

Literally after 4 procedures I felt pain relief, and after a full traction course I completely forgot about my hernia. Now at home I regularly do exercises on the horizontal bar, starting every morning with the “cat” pose.

Alexander Nikolaev, 56 years old, patient

I have . Well, the result is frequent headaches, numbness in the arms up to the elbows, dizziness. The neurologist gave me a referral to a chiropractor.

We have already completed 2 courses on traction using Glisson loops, if I'm not mistaken. Initially, they pulled it out with a load of 3 kg, but reached 6. You lie down and rest for 10 minutes. No discomfort or pain. Plus, at home I do a neck massage - the doctor taught me how to do the exercises correctly.

I noticed that dizziness and headaches occur less frequently. Numbness in the hands also goes away faster.

Ekaterina, 48 years old, Voronezh

The ancient sages rightly argued that the spine stores the vital energy and strength of a person. This is where it is located spinal cord, responsible for the functioning of the entire organism.

It is important to take a responsible approach to the issue of spinal health - respond to any pain, monitor changes in posture, and do gymnastics. The key to success is not to be lazy and perform stretching exercises on a regular basis. But before you start spinal traction exercises, you must obtain the consent of a doctor, who will recommend exercise equipment and write out a training regimen.

Today we offer an article on the topic: “Spinal stretching: indications, effectiveness, best exercises"We tried to describe everything clearly and in detail. If you have any questions, ask at the end of the article.

Simple exercises for stretching the spine at home - for your healthy back

The spine is the frame of the human body, a complex structure created by nature to ensure the vital functions of the body. But even such a strong core can fail. Therefore, over the years, crunching, grinding, pain in the lower back, neck or thoracic region, as well as constraint in movements, appear. These are the most common symptoms of spinal problems. To prevent their occurrence, or at least prevent the chronic stages of the disease, you need to perform exercises to stretch the spine.

Contents [Show]

  • Health Benefits of Spinal Stretching
  • Contraindications for spinal stretching
  • Simple exercises for stretching the spine at home

Health Benefits of Spinal Stretching – Why is it necessary to stretch the spine?

Spinal stretching exercises provide:

  • Flexibility and freedom of movement at any age.
  • Prevention of diseases.
  • No pain or decrease pain syndrome.

The spine, as mentioned earlier, is not a simple structure. It consists of bones - vertebrae, shock absorber cartilage - intervertebral discs, and muscle corset, which bends and straightens the back. These muscles are in constant tension. Sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle add to their stress.

The back muscles need rest, but even at night our spine cannot always relax. So, an uncomfortable position or an unsuitable pillow causes it to bend, as a result of which the muscles have to work at night. After such a night, a person will suffer from back or neck pain. Stiff muscles will not allow you to move freely, work, or simply live fully.

Contraindications for spinal stretching - do not forget to consult your doctor!

All activities have their contraindications, and stretching is no exception.

  • Stretching is strictly forbidden if you have osteoporosis, arthritis and osteochondrosis.
  • It is not recommended for diseases of the heart, blood vessels and hypertension.
  • An obvious contraindication is thrombosis.
  • Medicine is careful about stretch marks during pregnancy and menstruation. You need to listen to your feelings and consult a doctor.
  • Viral diseases, colds and elevated body temperature are limitations.
  • Observe general rule physical therapy - do not overexert yourself by performing twisting and stretching with force. You should also not perform exercises during periods of general weakness.

Simple exercises for stretching the spine at home - how to properly stretch the spine?

Before you start doing the exercises, you need to remember a few rules:

  • You need to start all exercises with a small amplitude so as not to injure the muscles.
  • You need to stretch smoothly, avoiding crunching.
  • To do exercises better evening and repeat them every day.
  • Relax your muscles as much as possible while doing the exercises.
  • Breathe evenly and deeply.

Yoga exercises satisfy all the conditions for stretching the back.

Therefore, if you are or have ever been interested in this type of physical activity, then all the exercises listed below will be familiar to you.

1. Thoracic stretch
Starting position: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart. You need to lower your head and bend at the thoracic region, while keeping your lower back straight. Stretch upward, as if you were being pulled up by invisible threads by your shoulder blades. It is very important to keep your back muscles relaxed. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds.

2. Bend forward
From a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend forward, touching your palms to the floor. Relax all the muscles in your back and legs. Additionally, the tilts can be spring-loaded.

3. Tilts 1
The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. When bending over, you need to touch your legs with your forehead and clasp your shin with your hands. Of course, not everyone will succeed this way the first time. But after some time, when sufficient flexibility has developed, you will be able to complete this exercise without any problems.

4. Tilts 2
Starting position: standing, one leg extended forward. You need to bend forward, touching your forehead to the knee of your exposed leg. Hold the body position for 30 seconds. Remember to breathe evenly and deeply and relax your muscles.

5. Downward facing dog
From a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, you need to bend over and rest your palms on the floor. Then, stepping back, set the distance between your feet and hands to 120 cm. Thus, your body should represent one large letter “L”. Stretch your tailbone up, do not lower your head and do not bend your neck. It is more convenient to spread your fingers for greater emphasis, and keep your feet parallel to each other.

6. Lock behind your back
Sitting or standing, you need to put your hands behind your back, one from above over your head, and the second from below and close them in a lock.

7. “Mantis” behind your back
To perform this exercise, you need to take your hands back behind your back and fold them in a praying position so that your palms rest on your back. thoracic region spine. Pull your elbows back to lean forward rib cage. Hold this position for 15 seconds.

8. Pull up
Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. You need to reach up with your arms raised, but do not rise on your toes.

9. Cat
Sitting on your knees, lower your pelvis onto your heels and, bending over, reach the floor in front of you with outstretched arms. It is important to relax your back and bend as much as possible, visually trying to round your spine.

10. School flexibility exercise
Starting position: sitting on the floor with straight legs. To perform this exercise, you need to bend forward, grabbing your feet with your palms, and touch your knees with your forehead. Hold the body position for 15-20 seconds.

11. Hanging on a horizontal bar or wall bars is also effective exercise spinal stretches.

12. Upward facing dog
Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows, placed at chest level. As if stretching, straighten your arms and stretch your chin up. Be sure to relax your muscles while doing this.

13. Stretching
It’s not for nothing that all animals, like children, stretch after sleep. This reflex, inherent in nature, helps to stretch the muscles not only of the back, but of the whole body. Wake up early and stretch properly in the morning.

14. Twisting the body to the right and left.

15. Swimming is very beneficial for the health of the spine. It relieves stress from the main “working” muscles human body and gives work to the “dormant” muscles that carry static load.
The ancients believed that the spine is a repository of human energy, and this is partly true. After all, the spinal column contains not only the spinal cord, but also many important neurons and blood vessels.
Therefore, the health of the spine is the health of the whole organism.

Take care of your back, and then lightness and mobility will never leave you!

Back exercises at home: what you need to know?

Back exercises at home are a great way to keep your back muscles healthy. It is important to know that this particular muscle group is responsible for the even position of the spine. Whatever the set of exercises for the back, you must always ensure that the lower back is in a level position, and all movements must be performed not by relying on your hands, but by working with your back muscles. Of course, it's very easy to go to Gym, where there are a lot of exercise machines that develop muscles, but many good tasks can also be found for home conditions.

A set of exercises for stretching the spine

In addition to the usual set of back exercises at home, which is based on warming up the muscles, you also need to do exercises to strengthen and stretch the spine. If you still decide to do exercises at home, then stretching the spine is simply necessary to avoid pinching nerve endings. You will reach good result, if you perform the complex at home every day. Here are some simple tips:

Pull-up exercises

This exercise should be done as soon as you wake up. You need to roll over onto your stomach, lower your arms at chest level. Next, we do stretches back, as far as possible, while you need to lean on your hands. The sensations should be pleasant; you will feel how each vertebra in the spine falls into place, straightening the entire spine as a whole. The exercise must be repeated 9-12 times.

Stress-relieving exercise

The following exercises for the back at home: you need to bend your knees and then try to reach them with your head. This task significantly removes tension from the back muscles.

Exercise next to the wall

You need to turn your face to the wall, the distance should be 25 cm. You need to pull your arms up, throwing your head back to look at the tips of your fingers, stretching the spine. Next, you should put your hands on the wall, your legs should be straight and straight, and your chin and chest should touch the wall. You should feel how your vertebra is stretched along its entire length. So wait 10 seconds. Then alternately touch the wall with your right and left cheeks. If there is no feeling of tension on the vertebra, it means that you are standing too close to the wall, you need to move further away.

Shoulder stretching exercise

To do this, you need to stand with your right side to the wall, leaning against it, stretch your right arm parallel to your back. Then very slowly you need to turn your body towards your right hand. There should be a feeling of tension in the muscles of the arm and shoulder. Stay in the position for 10 seconds, and then do the task for your left hand.

Final exercise

You need to take a sitting position, lower your head, put your hands down under bent knees, round your back, reach for the ceiling with your shoulder blades.

A set of exercises for the back with scoliosis

If a person has scoliosis, there are several special complexes for the back, which you can do yourself. The main ones include:

  1. You need to stand straight. You should lean down between your legs, reaching your palms to the floor. This exercise helps to relax the spine and stretch all the vertebrae. You can relax in a hanging position for 10 seconds.
  2. Very often, doctors prescribe pool sessions for scoliosis, but at home, you can easily imitate swimming movements. You should stand up straight, keeping your back straight, and do exercises with your hands as if you were swimming breaststroke.
  3. The following instruction, which serves to strengthen the muscles at home: you should stand straight, clasp your hands and raise them above your head. You need to bend in different directions 15 times each.
  4. At home, you can easily perform the "Cat's Back" task, which strengthens all the back muscles. To do this, you need to kneel down, alternately bend your spine, and then arch it up, making a round back. Do 15 repetitions for effective results.

A set of such exercises to strengthen muscles should be done every day. It is the repeatability that allows for correction of the spinal column. Exercises for muscles at home that involve lifting the body while lying on your stomach are very effective.

Prone task

The first step is to lie on your stomach, put your legs together, place your left hand on the back of your head, and extend your right hand forward. When lifting your upper body, you need to reach up with the back of your head. Do not lift your feet off the floor under any circumstances. Repeat the exercise 16 times, then pause for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Task on the floor

This task is for training at home, a little more difficult than the previous one. You need to press your feet to the floor, grab the back of your head with both hands. Next, you need to lift your body up as much as you can. Start doing 12 times, then gradually increase to 20 repetitions. These two tasks can be done in combination; there should be no break between them.

Task on all fours

Next, as you exhale, move your right knee to the opposite elbow and make your back round, then you need to extend your arm and leg to the maximum, bend your back and inhale. The task should be performed without swaying, maintaining balance. For the first lesson, 12 repetitions will be enough. Alternating legs and arms.

Lying on the bed task

You need to lie on your stomach so that the upper half of your body is on the bed, and your legs and pelvis should hang down. Leaning on the sides of the bed, you should slowly raise your legs so that the line of your body and legs becomes parallel to the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then lower your legs. Do 12 reps for effectiveness.

Why do you need to hold your head correctly?

Learning to hold your head correctly is necessary in order to do several tasks after the main set of back exercises at home. To do this you should:

  • make a special bag, weighing 300 grams, fill it with sand.
  • Next, you need to stand straight against the wall and put the resulting bag on your head.
  • then you need to go to the opposite wall and come back. You can make it more difficult for yourself by making turns while walking.
  • then you should try to sit cross-legged with the bag on your head, while keeping your back and head straight so that the bag does not fall. You need to rise with the same level posture.
  • The last task is to hold the bag on your head, stand on a bench or any other elevation, and then return back to a flat position. You need to do this exercise at least 15 times.

These few simple recommendations are needed in order to maintain an even posture after performing a complex for the back muscles. So, after a set of tasks, a person will not slouch, will not hunch, maintaining the evenness of his back.

Types of spinal traction: indications and contraindications

Spinal traction – medical term, describing traction methods. Traction involves stretching the spine under own weight the patient, additional loads or using manual influence. Traction is a traditional method of treating bone fractures. Spinal traction is used in the treatment of curvatures, osteochondrosis, hernias and rheumatoid arthritis. In the scientific community, the method causes a lot of controversy, since it is fraught with serious complications: lumbago, microtears of muscles, intervertebral hernias. In terms of the number of complications and risks, this method is second only to manual therapy. But with a careful and competent approach, traction allows you to achieve excellent results.

There are several types of spinal traction, but the essence of the technique is the same: using long-term or short-term traction, the doctor tries to reduce muscle spasm and return displaced vertebrae to their place. In the process, the spine lengthens. The course of treatment can range from 10 to 18 procedures, during the course the patient has to wear a corset. The technique is old, but in modern medicine it has undergone some changes.

Spinal traction can be vertical or horizontal, dry or underwater, with heating or vibration. Traction methods are classified separately depending on the part of the spine: general traction or local. Sometimes we are talking about hardware traction. The choice of a specific technique depends on the characteristics of the body’s condition and the course of the disease. The lion's share of complications after traction is caused by the fact that there were no indications for the procedure.

Dry spinal traction: how to avoid complications

Dry traction of the spine is carried out under the patient’s own body weight. The doctor may stretch the back manually or use additional weights. For treatment, special traction tables are used - horizontal or vertical. At home, you can imitate a primitive version of dry vertical traction of the spine by hanging on a horizontal bar for a few minutes (orthopedists recommend this exercise for patients with a stoop). The exposure time during dry traction lasts from several minutes to an hour. What diseases are indications for dry traction?

  1. Spinal injuries. In this case, traction may be the only way to return the spine to its correct shape.
  2. Curvatures: scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis. Of these three, patients with scoliosis are most often prescribed traction.
  3. Nerve entrapment (radicular syndrome, radiculitis). If your back pain is caused by a pinched nerve, decompression may be necessary. That is, stop pressing the disc on the nerve. Traction copes with this task.

Please note: osteochondrosis in itself is not an indication for traction treatment. During the procedure, the patient's body is secured using straps, cables and bolsters. The spine is stretched in different directions, most often in a wave-like manner. The procedure is similar to sports stretching. Like stretching, it should not be accompanied by pain. While the course of treatment lasts and for some time after that, the patient needs to wear a corset. This may create discomfort, but it cannot be removed, otherwise the effectiveness of the treatment will be zero.

Dry traction - vertical or horizontal - will cause complications if, after completing the course, the patient does not strengthen the back muscles. Traction can return the vertebrae to correct position, but a joint-muscular corset holds them in this position. If the muscles are weak or, on the contrary, overstrained, the problem will return – with complications. However, spinal traction requires a gentle regime of physical activity. Sports activities are contraindicated. It is better to strengthen muscles under supervision exercise therapy instructor, resorting to therapeutic exercises, not sports equipment.

If you are prescribed a course of vertical or horizontal traction, make sure that you have no contraindications. These include:

  1. Acute stage of the disease.
  2. Any inflammatory processes in the body (this also applies to untreated dental inflammation).
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Disorders of the spinal circulation.
  5. Osteoporosis.
  6. Vertebral instability.
  7. Diseases of the heart and circulatory system.
  8. Stones in the kidneys and other organs.
  9. Epilepsy.

Underwater traction

Underwater traction is a gentle method that combines dry traction techniques with the healing effects of fresh or mineral water. The effect of warm water on the muscles allows them to relax, which reduces spasm. As a result, the pain goes away. Underwater traction can also be vertical or horizontal. For scoliosis or kyphosis, this technique is ineffective; curvatures are treated using dry traction. But when it comes to osteochondrosis and its complications, underwater traction is effective. It is also worth clarifying that if cervical traction is prescribed, then we are most likely talking about the dry method. Underwater traction is most often used to treat the thoracic and lumbococcygeal regions.

Vertical or horizontal?

With dry traction, the choice of a vertical or horizontal method depends on the degree of curvature of the spine, the characteristics of the injury, and the severity of the pain syndrome. The indications for dry horizontal and vertical traction are the same, the rest is at the discretion of the attending physician. With underwater traction things are different. The question “horizontal or vertical?” becomes of key importance.

Horizontal underwater traction is used to treat the lumbar spine. The difference between the vertical and horizontal method is significant. For vertical traction, not only special devices can be used, but also ordinary handrails. For horizontal extension, a longitudinal shield placed in a large bathtub is required.

For vertical underwater traction, a separate list of indications is provided:

  1. Herniated intervertebral discs.
  2. Lumboischalgia.
  3. Scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis.
  4. Flattening of lumbar lordosis.
  5. Radicular compression and compression radiculopathies.
  6. The initial stage of ankylosing spondylitis.
  7. Deforming spondylosis.

Along with the list of indications, it is necessary to supplement the list of contraindications focused on the vertical underwater technique. So, you cannot be treated with this method if:

  1. You recently had a laminectomy.
  2. There is a spinal fracture.
  3. You have crossed the age threshold of 60 years.
  4. Your weight exceeds 100 kg.
  5. You suffer from skin diseases.
  6. There is a predisposition to bleeding.

Hardware traction

Hardware spinal traction involves the use of technical devices for traction and strengthening of the muscle corset. Traction devices and trainers can be stationary or portable. Technically, hardware traction can be either dry or underwater. When talking about this type of traction, doctors mean that the spine will be stretched not manually or under the weight of the patient’s body, but with the help of special equipment. Why is hardware traction identified as a special type? Because it allows you to use vibration to strengthen muscles, and heating to relieve pain. Both of these factors can cause serious complications.

Vibration treatment should not be used in the following cases:

  1. During the recovery period after spinal surgery.
  2. If you have symptoms of vibration disease.
  3. In case of exacerbation of diseases of internal organs.
  4. For respiratory failure.
  5. In case of heart rhythm disturbances, angina pectoris.
  6. At coronary disease hearts.
  7. For urolithiasis.
  8. Within six months after a concussion.

Don't forget about general list contraindications to traction, given in the section on dry traction, it is equally applicable to all techniques. Traction using heating is not performed if the following contraindications are present:

  1. Vascular and heart failure.
  2. Varicose veins of any location.
  3. Mastopathy.
  4. Tumors with a predisposition to growth.
  5. Purulent skin lesions.
  6. Stones in internal organs.
  7. Tendency to bleed.

Hardware treatment has its own sphere of “work”. Unlike manual dry traction, hardware traction is prescribed for protrusions of intervertebral discs, pathological forms of lordosis and kyphosis. It can be used to relieve tension after strenuous physical activity, for example in athletes or people engaged in heavy physical labor.