In what order should you perform the exercises? What is the right thing to train with? In what sequence to pump muscles

This concept refers to some exercises from the world of bodybuilding and powerlifting. Basic exercises include those exercises that have a targeted effect on large muscle groups and are the most effective for developing strength and muscle mass.

As in any sport, bodybuilding training has certain features. Each athlete sets certain goals before training, and, depending on them, creates his own program. And to make the exercises even more effective, many athletes actively use those that are considered basic in their training. There are four basic principles that allow us to call the exercise basic:

  1. With the exception of push-ups and pull-ups, all basic exercises are performed with a barbell
  2. Impact falls on large muscle groups
  3. When performing the exercise, at least two joints are set in motion
  4. The starting position in the exercise is the most convenient for developing greater effort from an anatomical point of view

The benefits of basic exercises

The main effect is the development of strength and muscle mass. If you set these goals for yourself, then basic exercises should be the basis of your training. During their execution, the muscles receive maximum load, in addition, most of them are actively involved in the work. muscle fibers. One more positive effect has a powerful effect on the nervous system.

All body systems receive maximum training impact during basic exercises. Thanks to this, a maximum response is caused on their part, which leads to the greatest increase in strength and muscle mass.

There are also isolated exercises, which are in addition to the basic ones. They are used when they want to more fully work out a particular muscle group.

Basic exercises in bodybuilding and strength sports

Today there are nine basic exercises:

  1. Standing or seated barbell press
  2. Bench press lying on a horizontal or incline bench
  3. Close grip bench press
  4. Dips (possibly using weights)
  5. Deadlift
  6. Overhand rows or pull-ups on the bar with any grip
  7. Bent-over barbell row
  8. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders
  9. Front Squats

These exercises are considered the basis for developing strength and mass.

In weightlifting, exercises such as the snatch and clean and jerk are actively used. As for bodybuilding, there are several non-basic exercises that also have an effective effect on arm strength. The most famous of these exercises are French press and standing barbell curls.

Effective workouts at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym and train with a heavy barbell or use special racks for squats and presses. But they shouldn’t be upset; with the right approach to home training, you can achieve equally impressive results. Performance correct exercises with heavy dumbbells, the effectiveness is almost as good as basic exercises with a barbell. Exercises such as dumbbell presses in a lying or seated position can develop strength and mass well.

In addition, to perform some basic exercises you don’t need or need to come to the gym. You can do push-ups from the floor without leaving your room; pull-up bars and push-up bars are available in almost every room. sports ground. In terms of their effectiveness, these exercises are in no way inferior to exercises with a barbell; they are also basic.

The most important thing in home training– drawing up the right training program. It is necessary to select the most best exercises, which allow maximum load on the muscles. The training itself must be carried out carefully and wisely, then you will achieve impressive results. There are many athletes who have been able to develop amazing strength and gain significant muscle mass by training at home.

Is it possible to do only three exercises?

Some athletes claim that there are only three effective basic exercises - back squats, deadlift and bench press. They say with complete confidence that you need to do only these three exercises and that’s it, you don’t need to do any others. Most of those who think this way are involved in powerlifting (powerlifting).

This is a completely wrong view of strength sports, it is too “limited”.

The reason why many powerlifters hold this opinion is understandable, because these are the three lifts that are competitive. The goal of each of them is to lift maximum weight, which is why misconceptions arise in this regard.

By the way, during the preparatory period these same athletes use a fairly wide range of different exercises. But some time before the competition itself, they discard everything “unnecessary” and focus entirely on basic training.

The effect of training only competitive exercises will only be if we are talking about a professional athlete with harmonious developed body. As for amateur athletes, this technique is unlikely to suit them.

If you are not involved in powerlifting, but in bodybuilding or other strength sports, then limit yourself basic program Of the three exercises it’s definitely not worth it.

The human body consists of countless muscles, joints and ligaments that provide it with excellent mobility. This motor system needs to be developed, and this must be done in a variety of ways so that each link is distinguished by its strength. Take any sport represented on olympic games– only the use of a large arsenal of exercises allows athletes to achieve high results in them. An athlete's preparation should consist of both basic and auxiliary exercises.

The best way to develop strength and muscle mass is to perform basic bodybuilding exercises. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just three of them, use the entire arsenal, this is the only way you can effectively develop your body. Naturally, we are not talking about one training session, but about training program, which includes various activities. If necessary, supplement the program additional exercises. As already stated, proper training consists of performing basic exercises, with the help of which the body’s abilities are comprehensively developed, and auxiliary exercises that need to be used to work on individual muscle groups. These could be exercises that help further work out the abs, lumbar region and any other lagging muscles.

It is necessary to distribute all exercises according to individual workouts, each of them needs to solve certain problems.

Muscle structure and basic exercises in bodybuilding

It is necessary to very clearly know the area of ​​influence of basic exercises, which muscle groups are involved when performing them. You need to know the structure of a particular muscle group in order not to just say to yourself and others: “Yes, such and such an exercise affects such and such a muscle.” You need to have a good understanding of muscle anatomy and a clear understanding of their location on your body, then the effectiveness of your training will increase many times over. So, it’s time to move on to describing the structure of the muscles and those exercises that have the most impact on them:

1) Shoulders (shoulder girdle). Its basis is deltoids, which consist of an anterior, posterior and lateral beam. TO shoulder girdle can also be attributed to the trapezius muscle, or rather only top part trapezoids. The main exercises for the shoulders are: bench press from behind the head in a sitting position (impact on the front and side beams), bench press from the chest while sitting (front beams), raises with dumbbells while standing (the main load falls on the side beams, the secondary load on the front and rear), pulling the barbell to the chin with a narrow grip (top of the trapezius), raising the shoulders with arms down, holding the barbell or dumbbells (top of the trapezius).

2) Rib cage. Its basis is pectoral muscles and serratus muscle. Most effective exercises are: barbell press wide grip in a lying position horizontal bench(building up total mass pectoral muscles), exactly the same bench press, but on a bench inclined to the upper side (redistribution of the load on the upper part of the pectoral muscles), push-ups on the uneven bars (outer and lower parts of the pectoral muscles).

3) Back. Consists of the latissimus muscles (wings), the extensor muscles of the spine and the lower part trapezius muscle. Basic exercises: wide-grip rear pull-ups (widening the top of the wings), bent-over barbell rows with a close and medium grip (outer part of the latissimus muscles), one-arm bent-over dumbbell rows (working the lats), seated pull-downs with a close grip to the stomach (bottom of lats and general development spinal muscles) and deadlift (spinal extensor muscles).

4)Hands. Their structure is known to every athlete; they consist of the forearm, biceps and triceps. The main exercises: close-grip barbell press on a horizontal bench (triceps), dips (triceps), French press (triceps), seated dumbbell curls (biceps) and standing curls with a barbell or dumbbells (biceps).

5) Legs. Much more complex in structure than hands. They consist of the quadriceps femoris (quadriceps), biceps femoris (biceps), calves and calf muscles. Key exercises: squats (quadriceps), deadlifts (thigh development), and calf raises (calves).

6) Press. The press itself is the rectus abdominis muscle, which can be divided into two sections: upper and lower. In addition, the abs are made up of oblique muscles. Key Exercises: Supine Curl (Upper Abs), Roman Chair Curls (Upper Abs), Leg Raises (Lower Abs), Flat Tucks (all rectus) and Crunches with Torso Curls or Leg Raises (Obliques) muscles).

Basic exercises in bodybuilding: Newbie mistakes

Many of those who are just starting their journey in bodybuilding make the same mistake, namely, they almost completely ignore basic exercises and focus all their attention on isolated exercises. Moreover, almost all of them have only some general and rather vague idea of ​​what isolated exercises are. Such athletes come to training and spend all their time moving from one auxiliary exercise to another. Naturally, they think that I’m doing everything right and expect results. But the only result in this case can only be the complete destruction of one’s own muscles.

And some newcomers, having seen in some specialized magazine training methodology professionals, they immediately begin to practice it. But we must understand that he is on entry level development, and the described training plan belongs to professionals, and only a few will be able to withstand it. Most beginner athletes understand this only over time and begin to look for other ways. Sooner or later, they all come to the realization that basic exercises are the basis of any training.


Due to the fact that while performing basic exercises in bodybuilding or other power types sports - several joints are involved in the work at once, and as a result, more testosterone is produced.

The term testosterone does not mean various stimulants, but the fact that naturally produced by our body. Testosterone– a male hormone, almost all athletes consider it the main muscle builder. In other words, the more hormone our body produces, the better good muscle mass is built. In addition, the amount of fat in the body is significantly reduced.

Research has revealed a number of important factors that need to be taken into account during training in order to achieve the production of more testosterone. First of all, it is produced while working with weights. Its amount depends on the intensity of training and the volume of muscle mass that was stimulated. That is, lifting a lot of weight in itself will not do anything. For active testosterone production, workouts must be varied and muscles must be influenced different methods, and not just by lifting heavy iron. As already mentioned, the main factor is gaining muscle mass; let’s dwell on this point in more detail.

There is a very simple relationship: if during training, muscle mass is stimulated to a considerable extent, then testosterone will be produced in increased quantities. It is for this reason that basic exercises naturally stimulate an increase in hormone levels, since they affect several joints at once. A special study was conducted in which participants performed bench press and squats with a barbell. Testosterone levels increased in both cases, but more high level development was recorded during squats, since several muscle groups are stimulated in this exercise.

A very successful example can be given - weightlifters competing at the Olympics. They produce simply gigantic amounts of the hormone. Therefore, beginners should spend more time on deadlifts, squats and other basic exercises, rather than spending almost the entire workout on isolated biceps or leg muscles.

The most active production of testosterone occurs in the first 45 minutes of weight training, after which its level decreases sharply. So athletes who spend hours doing one exercise after another should think about the productivity of this method.

Another important factor is intensity, that is, the number of repetitions in 60 seconds. One of the studies involved two groups. The first performed exercises to increase muscle volume according to the following scheme: 10 repetitions were performed per minute, the break between approaches was also exactly one minute. Participants in the second group developed strength qualities, performing 5 repetitions per minute and taking a three-minute break between sets. According to the study results, higher testosterone levels were recorded in participants in the first group. However, participants in the second group also experienced a significant increase in the level of hormone produced.

So, one main conclusion can be summed up: if the basis of your training is compound exercises, then you do not have to worry about the fact that your body will secrete too little testosterone. Everything will happen exactly the opposite.

During classes at gym pay attention only to yourself. You don’t have to think about the fact that someone training next to you is looking at you and evaluating how you train. The most optimal training duration is considered to be 40-50, including warm-up; you should not spend more than this time in the gym. Between approaches you need to rest 1-2 minutes, more long breaks may be harmful to the body. You need to exercise several times a week, it is best to train 3 times a week, but no more. And don’t forget: the growth of strength and mass does not occur during exercise, but during rest and sleep.

The number of approaches and repetitions in them depends on your goal. If you want toned muscles, then do 4-6 sets of 7-13 repetitions. Do not do more than that, this is too much stress for the muscles, and as a result you can simply burn them. The working weight should be such that during the last repetitions you apply maximum effort.

Exercises such as squats and deadlifts are best performed with a regular bar, without weight, in the beginning. This will help you get used to the correct technique. Any discomfort during the exercise can only mean one thing - you are doing something technically incorrect. Without doing the basic exercises, your progress will be very slow and minimal.

Do you need muscle, or do you want to get lean and get rid of fat? If you came to the gym for muscle mass, then your diet should mainly consist of high-calorie foods. Some fat is burned on its own during exercise, but exercise alone is not enough to completely get rid of it.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to approach any experienced athlete in the gym and ask them. Most bodybuilders are open people who are happy to advise and explain to beginners all controversial issues.

A different opinion about basic bodybuilding exercises

As already mentioned, most athletes are well aware of the need to take basic exercises as the basis of their training. But there are also those who openly declare that the base is a matter of taste, an alternative for which, if desired, you can easily find a replacement. And we are not talking about amateur athletes, but rather experienced bodybuilders. Of course, such a point of view seems absurd, but not everything is so simple.

Many famous bodybuilders, in all their years of training, have never done basic exercises, and, nevertheless, achieved amazing muscles. They performed completely different exercises and with different equipment, for example, the barbell was replaced with heavy dumbbells, and instead of squats they trained on a machine. Thus, everyone decides for themselves how necessary these exercises are.

In order to achieve the most excellent results in training, first of all you need to perform all exercises with high quality, and only then think about quantity. It’s better to do fewer approaches, but technically correctly and with full dedication. As a rule, trainers give different loads for beginners and regular gym goers. You will get into shape gradually, depending on your goals. The trainer works individually in each case, drawing up a special training program.

As a rule, each workout is dedicated to a specific muscle group. This way, your body has time to rest and prepare for the next run. Do no more than five different exercises several visits. Exercises can be changed at each training session depending on the requirements of the trainer. If you are working out on your own, try not to overdo it. Don't try to do maximum exercises for your whole body. This is the wrong approach to exercise - first, it is fraught with excessive fatigue for the body - second.

In an ideal combination, perform several exercises in a circuit. Don't start doing difficult technical exercises without warming up. Start in the cardio zone. Experienced professionals advise running at a free pace for 15-20 minutes on a treadmill, or standing on the orbit track. Only after the body feels the load, perform more complex exercises.


Day 3: complex for legs and deltoid muscles.

Please note that there must be breaks between training days. Give your body the opportunity to rest and gain strength. Do not combine large muscle groups during training.

Informative! The largest muscle groups on the human body are located on the legs, back, and chest. You should select exercises in such a way that one large muscle group is involved during the workout.

In the article we looked at a three-day split. Also, depending on the purpose and physical training person, you can create a program of two or four splits per week.

Number of approaches

Before performing each exercise, do warm-up sets first. For example, perform the exercise at a free pace in one or two passes. Then four to five sets at maximum speed. Each workout depends on your physical fitness. Let us emphasize once again: do not try to do more than you can. Pay close attention to yourself and your body. Try to give your best in each approach, but do not push yourself to the point of exhaustion. Remember to eat at least one hour before starting your workout.

Number of exercises per muscle group

There is a special training program for every day. It's universal. For each large group muscles are given two types of exercises. Next, your trainer can change the types of exercises based on the needs of your body. Each workout has a basic exercise that should be performed in four sets. Then isolation exercises are performed. Two or three passes are enough for them. If your goal is to gain mass, it is better to perform fewer sets but more repetitions. If you want to increase strength, try to do as many sets as possible.

In ten days, a figure like a fashion model - truth or empty words? If you do weight loss exercises without mistakes, you definitely won’t waste your time! Instructor group classes​ named the top 9 mistakes that almost everyone makes on the way to losing weight.

1. If a man fights his laziness in the gym, then a woman fights nature

The next “wacky” trousers bought six months ago are again (!) too small, my husband sarcastically compares which of us has a bigger belly, and for some reason the mirrors in stores disgustingly stretch the silhouette not upward, but outwards... You understand that something needs to be done , and you begin to radically change yourself. Moreover, if such a moment has come, you are ready to do everything just to fit into those same “crazy” trousers.

Fitness director at Fitnessservice

Do not forget to take into account the physiology of our body. Slavic women (unlike southern women) have a higher amount of estrogen hormones and progesterones, which encourage the storage of adipose tissue. That’s why we gain weight in different ways and the proportion of fat tissue compared to muscle tissue in our women is higher. And this thriftiness will always haunt us, no matter how much we fight it. But many of us forget about this (or don’t know) and begin to mold ourselves into a new one completely randomly, making mistakes that often slow us down on the path to the ideal.

2. In ten days, the figure is like that of a fashion model

“Now many magazines offer magical sets of exercises that can make your figure almost perfect in 10 (maximum 14) days. Headlines like: " Slim stomach in 10 days", " 12 days for perfect buttocks ", "Legs in a week" simply did not allow me to sleep peacefully. And I decided! Yes, I did exactly everything that was recommended, but, alas, even in a month I did not become anything like Crawford. All my excitement has disappeared somewhere, and now I don’t even have enough willpower to refuse a piece of cake...”

Such advertising promises are not empty words except for women who do not have any special problems with their figure, but have slightly lost their usual shape. That is if your butt has become half a size heavier due to the accumulation of holidays(which previously suited you completely), you can easily get in shape after a set of exercises for weight loss. But if you have not been happy with everything for a long time and after a long period of sports “downtime” you want to completely get your body in order, 10 days will clearly not be enough.

The fact is that if you are not used to working out for weight loss, then first of all you will have to learn how to coordinate movements, so that exactly the right muscle is tensed. That is, first you will work on the so-called relationship between nerves and muscles. A it just takes a month! And waiting for results earlier is simply pointless.

Our body is designed this way, and you can’t fool it. Therefore, it is a big mistake for those who want to lose weight to back down only after a month of weight loss training, because the body is just “tuned” to correct itself. You just need to endure this period in order to get visible results, and for some it will even take six months or a year. To be fair, it must be said: naturally, if you start out very actively work the abdominal muscles with the goal of making yourself “cubes” in a short time - this is real, but don’t forget - you need more lose weight and lose excess belly fat! After all, “cubes” may well appear, but... under the fat layer, and no one will see them.

Personal trainer

Is it true that the most effective method lose weight - run and limit yourself in nutrition? NO! The most effective way to lose weight is to combine cardio and strength training, and also create a small calorie deficit in your diet. Running without strength exercises will lead to loss of fat along with muscle, loss of tone and slower metabolism.

3. The more training you do to lose weight, the better the effect.

“I train a lot, regularly go to all classes (shaping, exercise bikes and power loads), I spend two or three hours in the gym, severely limiting my diet. At first, everything seemed to be fine - I was glad that the weight was falling, things were getting bigger. But the euphoria quickly ended: now I see that I have lost a little weight, and lately the weight has generally seemed to be stuck in place. Moreover, I feel terrible, I constantly feel weak - I don’t have the strength to lift dumbbells ... "

Yes, playing sports, but in moderation, is healthy, but you shouldn’t push yourself through grueling workouts to the point of exhaustion. It is enough to exercise about three times a week, maximum five - after all, even professional athletes There are two days off a week! And breaks are needed in order to restore the body (this is called supercompensation), otherwise you will simply be “stuck in place.” In case of overload, the result may be very unexpected.

After 45 minute run(or other similar loads) a normal woman no longer has enough strength for a quality workout in the gym.

Why can’t you “overload” your body with exercises to lose weight?

  1. The body does not have time to recover (at least 48 hours of rest are required to restore energy).
  2. Possible injury.
  3. General feeling of fatigue, reluctance to exercise.
  4. Stopping overall progress in physical development.

As a result, you can end up with a sagging body and saggy skin. In addition, immune system proteins and blood proteins are destroyed. And if weight loss occurs due to loss of water (with which all useful substances are washed out), the water-electrolyte balance at the cellular level is disrupted, which leads to osteoporosis and heart problems. And since your main task is to maintain health, you need to approach the issue of training wisely and focus not only on total weight loss, but also on changing body composition, reducing fat and strengthening muscles.

A set of exercises for weight loss

Exercises for losing weight on your arms

  • ​Back extension on a fitball

Exercises to lose weight and strengthen your back and shoulders

Exercises for losing weight on thighs and buttocks

Exercises for losing weight and strengthening arms and shoulders, buttocks, calf muscles

Exercises for losing weight and strengthening the muscles of the neck and back

4. Go to the gym - no earlier than six months after giving birth

“During pregnancy, I gained a little weight, and naively believed that after the birth of the child I would again become “thin and ringing.” In addition, after giving birth, my desire to be attractive became terribly intensified. And when it turned out that the “extra” eight kilograms had not disappeared, I rushed to the gym as fast as I could. But my mother categorically forbade me to go to classes - she explained that I could play sports in 4-5 months at best, because my body was not ready yet, and my milk might disappear. I had to wait..."

Not entirely true. For example, in case caesarean section, indication: “no earlier than six months” is mandatory. In general, you can start getting in shape as early as six weeks after giving birth. True, provided that there are no postpartum pathologies. To do this, you need permission from a gynecologist, because not everyone has an easy birth.

However, you need to know that the hormone relaxin (it is produced during pregnancy in order to soften ligaments, tendons, so that the pelvic bones move apart) continues to act in a woman’s body for a whole year! Therefore, you should not force the load, especially for nursing mothers. The most important thing for them is to give good mood child and have the strength to raise him. But there is no need to be afraid of decreasing milk supply. On the contrary, lactation may even increase, the main thing is correct mode nutrition and sufficient fluid both before and after training.

In any case, keep in mind that the tendons are still softened, so the load should be shockless, non-jumping, give priority to:

  • stepping movements (walking, walking up stairs;
  • if on simulators, then on a bicycle, cross-country or skis),
  • It is advisable to do weight loss exercises from the starting position sitting, lying down, and if standing, then without weights.

But it’s better to hold off on aerobics and shaping for now. Since the goal of training after childbirth is to accumulate energy (after all, the baby has added stress to you) and to recover as quickly as possible, you should exercise no more than twice a week. Three or four times is too much, because all the energy will be spent on restoring the body. As a result, you can only achieve overwork and reluctance to both train and communicate with the child.

5. To “make” a beautiful belly, you need to pump up your abs every day

“After the birth of the child, I was left with quite impressive tummy. At first I was not very worried about this, but then my husband began to make fun of me about this in a very offensive way. My problem immediately turned into a complex, and I began to actively pump up my abs - not just every day, but sometimes twice a day. I seem to have lost my belly, but I can’t train anymore - my back hurts a lot, I’m going for treatment. I don’t know what to do next, I was going to abdominal exercises add and exercises for hips. And now I’m afraid.”

Working out your abs every day is wrong, and after such “one-sided” loads, back problems are not surprising. Moreover, if you pump only the abs, forgetting about everything else, especially the back, the abdominal muscles contract, and the back (which has untrained, and therefore weaker muscles) rounds in such a way that it becomes hunchbacked. Not only is it unsightly, but poor posture can lead to many health problems.

Pump up your abs for weight loss

Firstly, there must be at least one day of rest between training certain muscles, because they need 48 hours to recover. Otherwise, there will be absolutely no progress - a tired muscle will not improve.

Secondly, necessary train different muscles:

  1. If one day you train your legs.
  2. In the second - for example, the back and chest, so that there is no imbalance (these are antagonistic muscles that are located on different sides).
  3. Then give your back and chest muscles a rest, and work on your shoulders or stomach. If you do exercises for the legs once a week, then the second time - definitely for the upper body. Ideally, one muscle group should be loaded no more than twice a week. And you should completely forget about random training every day!

6. Certain exercises for weight loss can pump up your breasts.

“I just can’t find the right set of exercises for breast enlargement. After giving birth, my breasts lost their former elasticity, and in general, they seemed to become smaller. And I want everything again as it was. A friend told me what exercises I need to do to enlarge it a little (she found them in some magazine), but they don’t help me. Now I go to the gym, I try to train my chest muscles as much as possible, but it seems to me that it has only gotten worse - they (breasts) continue to shrink!”

It is a myth. You can only pump up your breasts with silicone. If after childbirth the breasts have lost their elasticity, then the problem is not in the muscles, but in the mammary glands, the basis of which is adipose tissue. The only thing you can do to help yourself is to do exercises for the pectoral muscles - they will increase slightly, which will create the appearance of volume. But you also don’t need to overdo it, because strong training “dries out” the muscle - the fat that is around it is burned. That is, the mammary gland may decrease in size, but not increase in any way. So you need to train your chest muscles without fanaticism and no more than 1-2 times a week! Better work hard on the back muscles that rotate chest, which favorably emphasizes the chest.

Exercises for chest muscles

7. Running is a panacea for excess weight

“Lately I can’t look at myself in the mirror - there are so many extra pounds! I don’t feel like going to the gym, and I can’t even think about working out at home, much less do it. So my friend and I took up running, because it has long been common knowledge that running is the best way to lose weight. We started running in the evenings, but my friend is already complaining that her legs hurt, they say, she has to work all day, and then she has to run. We have already reduced the running time to 20 minutes...”

Running is a high-impact activity and is not suitable for pregnant women, the elderly and fat people . In addition, there is a version that running is not best view sports for women, because it has a negative effect on the musculoskeletal system, which creates problems with the spine, joints, and veins. And if a person is overweight, then running is generally contraindicated for him. But there is no reason to be upset, because there are many pleasant alternatives - swimming, water aerobics, fitball (exercises on big balls). Now doctors are increasingly inclined towards walking, especially uphill (for example, up stairs), but always for longer than 20 minutes. Then, as you train, you can increase and complicate the loads. Of course, you should start with 20 minutes, but do not stop at this time, and even more so, do not reduce it. Even if you are jogging rather than walking, jogging for up to 20 minutes is normal warm-up, and only then the body begins to work on burning fat. But in general, there should be variety in training. Balance exercises aimed at keeping the body in balance are very good and effective - then almost all muscle groups are tensed. Therefore, Pilates is now rapidly gaining popularity (a combination of exercises for flexibility, balance, coordination and strength, which are performed at a very slow pace - a kind of mixture of exercise therapy and ballet).

Hello everyone, the “ABC of Bodybuilding” project is in touch! Well, the long-awaited spring has arrived - the snow is melting, the birds are singing, and there is less and less clothing. There are only a few left before the beach season. 3-4 month, which means that now is the hottest time for those who decided to lose weight, bulk up and get the proportions they always wanted. Today's topic is basic exercises.

Spring can be felt not only on the street, but also in gyms and fitness rooms. In particular, if previously such establishments were empty, now there is simply nowhere for an apple to fall, wherever you spit, there are new bodies and faces everywhere. The female half simply comes in an endless stream, and newbies arrive with every training session. Of course, on the one hand, all this cannot but rejoice, however, on the other hand, it is clear that people do not know what to grab onto, how and where to start their training. This is exactly what we will be dealing with today, i.e. We will learn how to properly organize your training process, what exercises and how to perform them technically correctly. in general, let's get acquainted with the basic exercises in bodybuilding or, more simply put, work on the basics.

So, let’s get comfortable, prick up our ears and pay attention, let’s go...

Basic exercises: a guide for beginners

I am always glad to see new faces in gyms, fitness centers, and because... In the spring-pre-summer season the movement is unreal, so I’m doubly glad. A lot of green, inexperienced people come to the gym, whose eyes simply run wild from the number of exercise machines and from the fact that there is so little time ahead, and the results were needed yesterday.

I would like to say that most of those passing through are very actively involved in the work at the first stage. They rush headlong from one simulator to another, trying to fit into 1 an hour-long training session on all machines at once. What did you want, time is running out, and there’s a lot to do: develop your shoulders, get rid of your stomach, and get your abs in 6 pump up some cubes and a lot more. There is, of course, a minority who have already heard at least a little about hardware, training programs and go with their own specific goal - for example, to try out the program of some eminent athlete live.

That those of others have the same question running through their heads: “Where should I start?”, “Which exercises should I do first?” And it must be said that this question requires the most detailed answer. In order to find a solution to the problem, let's dive into the theory.

In one of our previous articles (here in) we talked about the anatomy of human muscles and muscle groups. As we remember, the human muscular frame is made up of various muscle groups (both small and large), and a specific exercise involves one or another of them. Some exercises involve two or more muscle groups.

Now the question is: “If we want a comprehensive (from head to toe) affect the whole body at once, then what exercises will help us with this? Everything is very simple: those exercises that bring into work (use) the maximum possible number of muscles will help. In bodybuilding, they received a special name - multi-joint, basic exercises or, in common parlance, the base.


From many trainers you can hear the following words addressed to beginners: “Don’t know where to start? Screw the base.”

Very often, beginners are tempted to jump on the machines and “score” the base, because... in their understanding, this is something incomprehensible, complex, and they just have thoughts - I came to the gym to pump up my biceps, and not to do some kind of base. Often, those who come to the gym think: I need to pump up my chest, otherwise it lags behind other parts and they start doing exercises specifically for the chest, but often, for beginners, all the muscles lag behind, and therefore local training is far from the most effective. So, the moral - for a beginner to start building his body with local influence on some muscle - is fundamentally wrong.

To make it completely clear, I’ll explain it popularly: exercises on simulators are isolating movements that polish our body (like icing on the cake), and multi-joint exercises are the cake itself, which you first need to knock out of your body.

So, the basis strength training any beginner - basic exercises with free weights. They simultaneously affect different muscle groups (each of which does its own job), although none of them receive full load. This puts more muscle mass into action than any isolated, single-joint exercise. This makes it possible to work with heavy loads and ensure faster growth of muscle mass.

To completely dispel all doubts regarding the usefulness of the “base” on initial stage training, here are the benefits it has:

  • These exercises are more physiological than isolating (local) exercises - i.e. movements in them correspond as closely as possible to the anatomy of the human osteoarticular system, therefore the risk factor (with proper technique) kept to a minimum;
  • When they are performed, less energy is consumed, because Several muscle groups work at once, which redistribute the load;
  • There is a rapid strengthening of the ligamentous and articular apparatus, due to the cumulatively greater load on the body, which allows for muscle mass growth to be achieved in a much shorter period of time.

It should be remembered that without the correct technique for performing basic exercises, all your efforts will come to nothing. In addition, you can easily get injured and be disconnected from the training process for a fairly long period.

Therefore, we will pay the closest attention to technology, read on.

Basic exercises: technique

A classic set of basic exercises (which, by the way, moved to bodybuilding from the discipline) The following are considered: lying on a horizontal bench, squats with a barbell on the shoulders.

Also to multi-joint (not classic) can be attributed to the following: (barbell chest press), pull-ups on the horizontal bar, bent-over barbell rows, dips, and a couple of others. In general, as you already understand, these are all those exercises that involve a large number of muscle groups (from largest to smallest). Let's take a closer look at the technique of performing these three golden exercises in bodybuilding. Gold because it is on them that your entire training process will be based and the foundation for future muscle volumes will be laid.


If you think that recognized bodybuilding stars (For example, Schwarzenegger or Dorian Yates) you are not at all familiar with the basics, the technique of its implementation and you only pumped up due to your genetics and some special training programs, then you are deeply mistaken. Almost all athletes work with basic exercises, so for a beginner these exercises should be like a balm for the soul.

It depends on how well you master the technique of performing multi-joint exercises. (how well will you perform them), all further progress of training and the time period that you need to move to the next level in building your body depends.

Now about the technology itself. And we'll start with...

1. Deadlift

Despite the fact that newcomers devote too little time to the database (or not at all), that's half the trouble. The other “sex” is the absence correct technique performing the exercise. Very often in gyms you can observe rather depressing pictures - a person performs an exercise, thinks that he is doing it absolutely correctly, and then at one fine moment one of the trainers “fucks” his entire technique (and “fucks” for the cause).

And all because over time, initially incorrect execution ceases to become a habit and the body automatically repeats this programmed program every training session. As a result, we have that the person seems to be already experienced (1-1,5 went to the gym for a year), and performed the basic exercise incorrectly, thereby robbing himself during the entire training period. Therefore, in order not to step on such a rake, but to immediately set yourself up and do everything correctly and correctly, you need to study all the nuances of the execution technique.

Well, let's get started.

The first of the big three exercises is the deadlift. This is an excellent basic free weight exercise that stimulates overall muscle growth.

The main workers here are (see image):

  • Hamstrings ( 1 ) ;
  • Buttocks ( 2 ) ;
  • Spinal erectors ( 3 ) ;
  • Latissimus muscles ( 4 ) ;
  • Upper back muscles ( 5 ) ;
  • Quadriceps ( 6 ) ;
  • Adductor muscles ( 7 ) ;
  • Forearms ( 8 ) ;

Starting position (see image)

So, step by step sequence of actions (preparation for execution) as follows (see image):

  1. Come close to the bar, feet narrower than shoulders and parallel to each other ( 1 ) ;
  2. Squat down and grab the barbell with an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The arms are vertical, the shoulders are under the barbell, the gaze is directed straight up ( 2 , 3 )


There are two types of grip: power (multi-grip) - allows you to hold significantly heavy weights and classic - two hands with palms facing you.

Execution technique

After you have moved to the starting position, i.e. Having completed all the steps and stood in a stance, you can proceed to the exercise. The sequence of actions will be as follows (see image):

  1. Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, begin to pull the barbell. The separation is smooth and uniform (no jerking from the floor), the bar slides along the legs ( 1 ) ;
  2. After passing the barbell through your knees, you should straighten up completely and slightly squeeze your shoulder blades ( 2 );
  3. Return to starting position.

So, an illustrative step-by-step series will be as follows.

During a deadlift, the erector spinae muscle functions to strengthen and stabilize the spine, while the gluteal muscles and back surface hips - extend the spine in the lower back.

What to pay attention to:

  • You need to lower and raise the barbell quite slowly and smoothly;
  • The downward movement must begin by moving the pelvis back;
  • The bar should slide along your thighs throughout the entire movement;
  • The lower back should be arched;
  • After passing your knees (lower movement), you need to lightly touch the floor bar with the weights.
  • Mentally imagine that instead of lifting up, you press your feet into the floor;
  • Breathing: inhale – slowly down, exhale – up.


Because multi-joint exercises are classified as heavy, then they must be done 1 once a week. If you are a beginner, then you should not take heavy weight (hang a lot of pancakes), just practice with the weight of the bar or small weights (By 10 kg per side of the bar), to hone the technique of execution and the filigree of movement. When working with heavy weights, use weightlifting belt, in order to protect the spine from unnecessary stress.


Despite the fact that I tried to present everything in as much detail as possible and demonstrate it illustratively, the following errors very often arise: rounded back ( 1 ), hitting the bar off the floor ( 2 ), when lifting, the pelvis overtakes the torso ( 3 ) (see image).

Try to catch errors (fix your attention), performed in the process of execution, and also memorize the movement until it becomes automatic and perform everything technically correctly from the very beginning. At first, a mirror, or more precisely, your reflection in it, can become a non-illusory assistant for you. Look at yourself from the outside (in the mirror) when you deadlift, and then mistakes will be minimized, if any occur at all.

Execution options

In addition to the classic version, there are the following options. These are deadlifts: straight legged, sumo style and block pulls (we will talk about them in our next issues). It should be said that this multi-joint exercise not only develops the athlete’s strength “from head to toe,” but also causes a neuro-endocrine response in the body - the release of anabolic hormones (including testosterone). So after performing a deadlift, you feel a surge of strength, including “masculine” strength.

Actually, we're done with deadlifts, let's move on to...

Barbell bench press

This is a multi-joint free weight exercise used to develop strength and mass in the muscle groups of the upper body. We can say that the barbell press is the most beloved and most popular exercise for all times and peoples. The main load in it is received by: (see image):

  • Pectoral muscles ( 1 ) ;
  • Deltoids ( 2 ) ;
  • Triceps ( 3 )

Starting position(see image)

So, the step-by-step sequence of actions is as follows (see image):

  1. Lie down on a bench and grab the bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart; head - press tightly to the bench ( 1 ) ;
  2. Bring your shoulder blades together, bend your lower back, spread your legs wide, let your feet rest firmly on the floor ( 2 ) ;

Execution technique

(see image):

  1. Remove the barbell and bring it to your chest, then smoothly (as you inhale) lower it until it touches your lower chest ( 1 ) ;
  2. As you exhale, press the barbell up and return to the starting position. The grip width should be such that at the bottom of the movement, the forearms are vertical ( 2 ) ;
  3. During the exercise, the bar must move strictly in a vertical plane, and the elbows must be under the bar ( 3 ) ;
  4. The shoulder blades remain retracted throughout the movement, the lower back is arched. Breathing: on inhalation - slowly down, on exhalation - powerfully up.


There are different options for placing your hands - classic, or medium. Narrow - the load shifts to the sternum and requires more effort from the triceps. Wide – the load shifts to the sides of the chest, reducing the effort of the triceps. You can do the press not at full (shortened) amplitude - this allows you to load the pectoralis major muscle more, relieving tension from the triceps.


When performing a bench press, the following errors often occur: raising the head/turning it to the sides, lifting the pelvis from the bench ( 1 ), incomplete range of motion ( 2 ) (see image).

Execution options

There are different options for performing the bench press: classic ( 1 ), with an arched back ( 2 ), with legs raised and arched ( 3 ) (see image).

Although this exercise secretly the most favorite among bodybuilders, however, not all athletes can feel the work of the pectoral muscle, and therefore some simply exclude it from their training program.

That's it, the next exercise is next...

Squat with a barbell on your shoulders

This is a basic leg training exercise. It is best for increasing muscle mass and muscle strength throughout the body, but is mostly used to achieve bulging buttocks. (girls are your thing :)). The maximum impact is on (see image):

  • Quadriceps (quadriceps femoris) (1 ) ;
  • Hamstrings ( 2 ) ;
  • Buttocks ( 3 ) ;
  • Muscles of the lower back (static voltage) (4 ) .

Starting position (see image)

The step-by-step sequence of actions is as follows (see image):

  1. Go to the power rack/rack where the barbell (bar with weights) is located, take a wide grip and go under it, then put the barbell on your shoulders and bend your lower back ( 1 ) ;
  2. Remove the barbell from the racks, take a step back and place your feet shoulder-width apart, move your elbows back, squeeze your shoulder blades and tense your back muscles, look up ( 2 ) .

Execution technique

After you have taken the starting position, you can proceed to the exercise. The sequence of actions will be as follows (see image):

  1. Inhale deeply and slowly squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor (or slightly lower), and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Remember, your knees should not go beyond your toes and you should not straighten them completely at the bottom ( 1 ) ;
  2. Move your pelvis back as you move down (putting body weight on the heels and outer edge of the foot), your balance will be helped by leaning your body forward ( 2 ) ;
  3. The back is arched throughout the entire movement. Breathing: inhale – down, exhale – up. The gaze is directed ahead ( 3 ) .

So, the illustrative step-by-step series will be as follows.


There is a small trick that will help you perform the exercise better, it sounds like this: you should take the bar strictly in the center, and you need to go under it with your shoulder blades drawn together in advance. Thus, a special layer of tense muscles is created on the upper back and above the shoulder blades, which will eliminate the unpleasant sensation of the pressure of the bar on the back.


Very often the following errors occur in this exercise: round back ( 1 ), bringing the knees together ( 2 ), lifting the heels and bringing the knees forward behind the toes ( 3 ), barbell on the neck ( 4 ) (see image).

Execution options

There are various options for performing squats with a barbell, and they depend on how the legs are positioned ( 1 ) and from the location of the barbell - front squats ( 2 ) (see image).

When your feet are already shoulder width apart ( 1 ), the vastus lateralis and abductor muscles are loaded. When your feet are shoulder width apart ( 2 ), all thigh muscles are worked out as much as possible. When the stance exceeds shoulder width ( 3 ), the emphasis shifts towards greater development of the inner part of the quadriceps, sartorius and adductor muscles.

In addition to performing squats with a barbell on your back, it can also be performed with a barbell located on the collarbone (upper chest), in this case the load shifts from gluteal muscles towards the quadriceps. If you are still new to bodybuilding (experience up to 1 of the year), then performing squats in a Smith machine may be an ideal option for you. This machine will provide better control over technique and overall increase body stability.


In order to perform a barbell squat technically correctly, you must first use the “lock” technique. It consists in sequential and simultaneous execution 3 actions: inhale deeply and hold your breath, tense all abdominal muscles, bend lower section backs. All this allows you to avoid excessive tilt of the body forward and the possible negative effects of large weights on the spine.

Actually, we finished with squats, and somehow imperceptibly our article also came to its logical conclusion (what, really? finally), but before I say goodbye, I’ll give you some interesting statistics that show the value of basic exercises. A scientific experiment was conducted in which it was found that muscles grow more from hormones than from training. (see image).

Exercises that have the greatest impact on the production of testosterone and growth hormone are just these three classic, basic ones. So screw it :) base! So, as always in conclusion, some results on all of the above await you.

Basic exercises: F.A.Q.

In order to assimilate all the material as much as possible and sort it out, remember the following advantages that basic exercises will give you.

  • When performing basic exercises, the production of growth hormones and testosterone increases, which has the most beneficial effect on muscle growth;
  • By gradually honing your technique and adding weight, you can achieve constant progress in your training;
  • Maximum simultaneous involvement of a large number of muscles;
  • Enormous energy consumption will inevitably lead to the “melting” of excess subcutaneous fat;
  • All muscles will grow evenly
  • There is no need to “pound” your body with grueling approaches and huge repetitions;
  • The period of implementation of the “base” must be provided with appropriate support from.

Remember these benefits when you do your next multi-joint exercise, and progress will be obvious!


So, dear readers, today we got acquainted with the big three, or basic exercises: deadlift, squat and bench press - these basic exercises are exactly the foundation on which you will build your initial muscle frame. From this moment on, it is multi-joint exercises that are your initial task in training and the foundation for the future that will allow you to progress further, so pay close attention to the above exercises and especially the technique of performing them.

PS. Yes, I completely forgot, don’t even try to do the exercise like this...

PS2. If you have any questions, something is unclear or anything else, write in the comments, I will be happy to help.

Hi all. In today's article, I will tell you about the correct sequence of exercises in the gym for the most effective gain of muscle mass and strength.

I'll open the curtain: How your muscles will develop directly depends on the correct sequence (order) of performing exercises in the gym. And in order for them to develop as best as possible (and faster), you need the correct order (sequence) of exercises in training.

Therefore, immediately remember the basic rule: It is imperative to start training with basic exercises (multi-joint), and finish (and this depends on the experience of a particular athlete) with isolating (single-joint) exercises.

This is not done lightly. In short, without going into detail, basic exercises (multi-joint) are heavy basic exercises that grow muscles much better than isolating (single-joint) exercises.

In addition, strength growth is very important for gaining muscle mass... in other words, these two parameters are directly proportional. Do you understand? And what kind of strength can we talk about if you first tire one of the muscles that will participate in the basic exercise with an isolating exercise? ... you simply simply won’t be able to give it your all and show the maximum result.

Example of the above: the man trained his biceps, and then went to do pull-ups, that is, to train his back. That's it, that's a gross mistake. Having tired the biceps, it will not be able to properly train the back, because when we train the back, our biceps also works on full blast . But many people don’t know this... so remember once and for all:, for example: CHEST then DELTS, BACK then BICEPS.. But not the other way around, i.e. for example, DELTS then CHEST, or BICEPS then BACK.. Do you understand? It is not right!!!

Conclusion: Absolutely always start your workout with the larger muscles. (such as: chest, back, legs, m scarlet muscles are: deltoids, biceps, triceps, abs, calves, forearm) And Absolutely always start your workout with basic exercises.

In special cases, you can start with isolation exercises

In some cases, it is really advisable to start training with an ISOLATE exercise, and not with a basic one! The main thing is that you understand why you are doing this. And you can do this for two reasons:

No. 1. To specifically (consciously) pre-tire the working muscle.

This technique is most often used only by advanced athletes (CONSCIOUSLY).

Example: a person has weak pectoral muscles and strong triceps (typical me). Consequently, such a person can specifically tire out his strong triceps (with an isolating exercise) in order to then “break through” his pecs in the basic exercise, loading them (pumping) to the maximum. COMPRENDO?

In other words, we do all this crap so that strong triceps don’t steal the load from the chest. That's all! For example, such a person does a barbell bench press on an incline bench, but his first priority is not his pecs, but his TRICEPS! As a result, they steal (steal) almost the entire load from the chest, not allowing them to grow... this is why a person can use this technique to tire out a strong breast and pump up his weak breasts)).

No. 2. To warm up/warm up the working muscles, ligaments and joints, and prepare them for more forceful work, thereby minimizing the chance of injury to the maximum.

A striking example: do an isolation exercise - with light weight, in a large number of repetitions (20-30-40), thereby warming up/warming up knee joints, and then move on to basic exercise- or .

Somehow like this. In other cases (and this is the majority), it is imperative to start training with heavy basic (multi-joint) exercises. And not everyone can finish isolating, and not everyone can finish isolating; it all depends on your training experience. In other words, beginners can concentrate only on the base, and completely eliminate any isolation. I don’t seem to be a beginner, but I still work like this)), seriously, there is no isolation at all - no!!!

More advanced (and experienced) athletes, of course, decide for themselves, however, as a rule (as practice shows) they use one, maximum 2 isolating movements at the end of the workout.

Professionals (I mean, those who are under the pharmacy) decide for themselves, but frankly speaking, between us, then for them ISOLATION can work a hundred times better than the base)). I'm serious.. but this is only for those who are on pharmaceuticals, for naturals (those who do not use anabolic steroids) this will definitely not work 100%, so they need to concentrate on the base.

Sequence of muscle groups in training

For those who don’t know, bodybuilding exists (this is the splitting of muscle groups on different days).

Well, for example:

  1. On Monday we train our LEG muscles.
  2. On Tuesday we train the CHEST muscles.
  3. On Wednesday we train our BACK muscles.
  4. On Thursday we train DELTS (shoulders).
  5. On Friday we train the muscles of our ARMs (BICEPS and TRICEPS).

Do you understand? So this is what we will talk about now, you should know about the correct sequence of muscle groups on specific days, because a lot of things depend on this too.

Well, here's an example: if on Monday we train instead of LEGS => BACK, and on Tuesday instead of CHEST => ARMS = then this is very bad, because when we trained our back (on Monday) our biceps were actively working, therefore they are already tired, and here because Because you don’t know the correct sequence of muscle groups on specific days, you are doing BICEPS training AGAIN….

Firstly, you won’t be able to fully train your biceps (I hope it’s clear why (because on Monday you trained your back, where your biceps worked to the fullest)), and secondly, if this lasts more than once, then it’s not far off. Therefore, there will be no muscle growth :)

This is just an example so you understand the main idea. But the point is that in many bodybuilding activities, not only target muscle groups are involved. Therefore, you need to take this into account. Therefore, here is a list of small muscles that work in conjunction with large ones:

  • BACK – also works – biceps, rear delta
  • CHEST – also involved – triceps and anterior delta
  • SHOULDERS – triceps

And again, an example so that you understand the essence of the correct sequence of training muscle groups on specific days, here you go training complex advanced athlete 5 days a week (This is a list of muscles in descending order):

  • Legs
  • Back
  • Breast
  • Shoulders
  • Hands

It is impossible for it to be, for example, like this: back, arms, shoulders, chest, legs... or like this: shoulders, chest, arms, back, legs... This is not correct, so you are driving yourself into severe overtraining, I’m telling you I guarantee it.

Just in case, for those people who cannot correctly create a split program for themselves (the correct sequence of exercises and muscle groups on specific days), I have compiled for you, “(this is the first article, there are only compiled training programs without explanations of what and how) , and here is the second article (in it I explain in detail what and how to do, it’s better to read it):<= переходите по ссылке и смотрите.

Muscle groups antagonists in training

Antagonists are muscles that have the opposite effect on one or another part of the body; you can read more about this in the main article: “”

Examples of muscle ligaments (antagonist groups):

  1. Chest + Back or vice versa BACK + CHEST(doesn't matter)
  2. BICEPS + TRICEPS(by the way, TRICEPS + BICEPS = will not work (bad), because when bending your arms you always have to overcome the resistance of the triceps trying to contract, as a result of which you will not be able to train your biceps with 100% efficiency).

For dessert, a video: off topic, but still great. it was cool to watch extreme stunts:

Best regards, administrator.