Complete disassembly and lubrication of the Shimano Biomaster C3000 reel. The design of an inertia-free coil - the structure of coils Scheme of an inertia-free coil

In the article on the inertialess coil, the material is presented in the following order:

  • principle of operation of the coil,
  • friction brake,
  • laying fishing line on the spool,
  • types of spool profiles,
  • size spinning reel,
  • rotor rotation speed,
  • reel handle,
  • video on how to choose a reel,
  • song and joke about fishing.

Principle of operation

The inertia-free coil (hereinafter referred to as BC or simply coil) is widely used in different types fishing and today it is considered the most widespread and universal in the entire fishing world. In some English-speaking countries it is called "Fixed spool reel" - fixed spool reel. The reason for this name was the fact that in working condition the BC spool remains motionless - fixed.

In confirmation of what has been said, it should be noted that when casting bait, the fishing line flies off the stationary spool and during further operation of the reel: retrieving the bait, landing fish, etc., it also remains limited from rotation.
The line is wound by a line layer rotating around the spool in one plane.
Due to the reciprocating movements of the spool, moving back and forth under the rotating stacker, the line is wound not in one place, but along the entire length of the drum.

  1. Friction brake control knob.
  2. Line roller.
  3. Line brace.
  4. Spool.
  5. Rotor.
  6. Frame.
  7. Reverse stopper.
  8. Handle.

The line guide is a device mounted on the reel rotor through a folding mechanism, consisting of a line guide bracket and a guide roller, which ensures winding of the line onto the reel spool.

The reel rotor, together with the line guide, is driven by rotation of the handle with a certain gear ratio.
The line guide bracket, rotating around a fixed spool, winds the fishing line stretched through the guide roller onto the spool, which carries out a back-and-forth reciprocating movement.
The line guide roller, which has a bearing (preferably), ensures uniform and soft sliding of the line, and the folding mechanism allows you to open and close the line handle bracket if necessary.

Such a constructive solution to “fixing the spool” saved the BC from many of the shortcomings of its predecessor - . The main one was considered to be the moment of inertia caused by the rotational movement of the spool (drum) with the fishing line, and which served as the reason for its frequent, arbitrary descents (“beards”). In order to implement this solution, the spool of the multiplier reel, which served as the prototype of the BC, had to be rotated 90 degrees, while significantly changing the design of its drive.

Friction brake

Spinning reels conditionally divided into reels with a front and rear location of the friction brake. The friction brake, using the braking force, changes the amount of force required to pull the fishing line from the spool, thereby softening the jerks and impacts when hooking and landing large fish. It also insures the reel mechanism from overloads, protecting the rod from breaking under critical loads, and the fishing line from breaking.
The location of the friction brake does not affect the functions of the BC, except that with the front brake the reel weighs less and has smoother adjustment, and with the rear brake the spool is removed faster and easier.

In a reel with a rear brake (photo 2), instead of the brake regulator handle there is a spool lock button, by pressing which it can be easily removed.

In the case of the front brake, to remove the spool it is necessary to completely loosen the clutch by unscrewing and removing its adjuster knob.

Reel spool is not always in a stationary state; its rotation is possible when a force arises that pulls the fishing line from it. In this case, it has the ability to rotate in the opposite direction. The friction brake holds the spool, blocking such rotation, and the force of pulling the line depends on how tightly it is tightened.

Some ultra-modern reels have a system that allows, even with the brake fully applied, to release the line at the maximum permissible load on it. Thereby protecting the BC, if it is used incorrectly, from overloads and damage.

When adjusting the friction brake, set the braking force so that it is one third less than the strength of the fishing line used. If a line with a weight of 6.0 kg is used, then the friction brake is adjusted to the force at which it releases the line - 4.0 kg. If this rule is observed, the BC and the rod are subjected to less stress, which allows them to prolong their service life.

Laying line on the spool

The line is laid in the BC by a line layer rotating around the spool and a spool feed mechanism that converts the rotational movement of the handle into a reciprocating movement of the spool.

A full cycle of spool movement "forward - backward" corresponds to two turns of the handle, in which in the first half of the cycle (“forward”) the line is laid in a spiral in one direction, and in the second (“back”) - the next layer of the spiral is laid crosswise on top of the first, in the opposite direction. In spinning reels, two types of spool feed mechanisms are most often used. This is a mechanism with worm or cranktransfer:
1. worm gear called "endless screw"- the kinematic precision of the worm pair contributes to a more uniform feed of the spool, thereby increasing the quality of line winding.

2. crank - connecting rod transmission using backstage called "locomotive"- some features of the mechanism do not always allow you to achieve the desired quality of line laying.

The rotational movement of the line layer and the reciprocating movement of the spool are coordinated with each other by the reel mechanism. The unit of agreement is spool feed pitch- the length of its movement during one full revolution of the rotor (turn), often called the “line laying step”. The laying pitch affects the distance between adjacent turns of the winding layer, and therefore its density and shape.

The feed pitch, which is constant throughout the “forward-backward” cycle, ensures straight, cylindrical laying of the fishing line. Changing the pitch during the feed cycle allows you to obtain a line winding shape (figure) other than a straight line.
The figure shows three types of shapes for laying fishing line on a cylindrical spool:

  • standard cylindrical, also known as straight laying,
  • laying with a straight cone,
  • reverse cone laying.

-straight (cylindrical)- has a constant laying step,allows you to get straight profile (shape) of winding, which does not exclude spontaneous removal of the fishing line , a fact that does not prevent a reel with this type of installation from being considered the most common and universal, with which You can achieve all three types of winding shapes using different spool configurations.Do not confuse the configuration of the spool with the type of line laying; in one case, the geometric shape of the spool, in the other, the shape of the line being laid fishing line on it.

- laying with a straight cone- has a laying step that increases towards the side of the spool, allows you to get tapered line winding profile. Provides the longest cast, while increasing the likelihood of the line coming off spontaneously.

- laying in reverse cone- has a step decreasing towards the side,allows you to get reverse-taper line winding profile . It completely eliminates spontaneous line loss, but at the same time the bait casting range is reduced.

To avoid the “beards” coming off, it is necessary not to wind the line to the edge of the side, leaving 1.5 - 2.0 mm. An important requirement for a spinning reel, regardless of the type of laying and feeding mechanism, is the quality of winding of the fishing line - it should lie evenly over the entire surface of the spool, excluding wavy irregularities, bumps and dips.

Types of spool profiles

All of the above line winding profiles,can be obtained by having one reel with a straight (cylindrical) type of laying, using interchangeable spools of different configurations.

In most cases, spools of the following geometric shapes are used:

- cylinder ("straight")

- cone ("conical")

- reverse cone ("reverse cone")

A reel with a cylindrical laying, thanks to a constant pitch of the spool, lays the line evenly and equally over its entire surface, reflecting the configuration of the spool on the shape of the line being wound.


Spinning Reel Size

In most cases, to indicate the size of a spinning reel, two digital signature options are used:

Option 1 - the size increases from smaller to larger numbers; from "1000" to "12000" with dimensional increments "500", those. "1000", "1500", "2000", "2500", etc. Indicated by large numbers on the reel spool. See Photo 3. For traditional fishing methods, reel sizes from “1000” to “5000” are mainly used. Large reels, from “5000” and above, are used in gear for catching large fish from the shore, in cases where it is necessary to fit many meters of thick fishing line on the spool;

Option 2- size increases from left to right; from "020", "025", "030" and higher in dimensional increments "005" .

The sizes of both options are roughly consistent with each other. Size "1000" corresponds to size "020", "1500" - "025", "2000" - "030", etc. The size value serves to represent and compare the geometric (overall) dimensions of the reel, on which the weight, line capacity and power of the reel depend. Moreover, the dimension is relative, does not have an exact standard, and serves to represent and compare coils from the same manufacturer.

For greater accuracy when comparing coils by size, it is necessary to take into account the name and the lineup coils. In Photo 3, the reel name is highlighted in red, and the model range is indicated by the letters “AH” before the digital signature “2000”.

What size reel to take; "1000" - "thousander" or "2000" - "two thousandth" depends on the you are going to use it, observing the requirement of “harmony of gear”, taking into account the general a. With light class rodsUltra - Light (UL)use "thousanders" or "one and a half thousanders", for class Light (L) recommended“one and a half thousanders” or “two thousanders”, according to the principle, the more powerful the rod, the more spacious and powerful the reel.

Reel capacity is determined by the length of the monofilament line that can fit on the spool. Depends on the geometric dimensions of the spool, its diameter, length and profile depth. Using interchangeable spools of different depths on one reel, you can manipulate its line capacity and use different fishing line.

Practically, all manufacturers of spinning reels put recommended markings on them in the format "mm/m" - line diameter/line length. For example, "0.18/240 0.20/200 0.25/140" means that the spool can be wound onto the spool 240 m fishing line with its diameter 0.18 mm. or 200 m fishing line with diameter 0.20 mm or 0.25/140 respectively.

Coil rotor speed

The rotor rotation speed is set gear ratio drive mechanism and the rate of rotation of the handle. The gear ratio is determined by the ratio of one revolution of the handle to a certain number of revolutions of the reel rotor. Indicated on the reel spool by the word “Gear ratio” and the ratio of numbers. For example: “5.0:1” means that for one revolution of the handle, the rotor makes five revolutions; “3.6:1” - for one revolution of the handle, the rotor makes three point six revolutions.

When buying a bookmaker, it is very important to take it into account gear ratio, so - as the coils produced today have a wide “range” of gear ratios, from 3.2:1 before 7.2:1 .

Despite the fact that all BCs seem to serve one common purpose - catching fish, this is done in different ways and under different fishing conditions, taking into account which you should choose a reel. In this category, bookmakers have the following classification:

- low-speed (power)- gear ratio from 3.2:1 to 4.3:1. They are used for playing and catching large (strong) fish using large and heavy baits. As a rule, they have a metal spool of large capacity, are equipped with a powerful handle and a line roller larger than usual. The mechanism parts are made of durable materials, ensuring the reliability and resistance of the BC mechanism to loads. For this type of reel, slow retrieve or trolling fishing is preferred.

- universal- gear ratio from 4.5:1 to 6.1:1. They have a wide range of applications in different types and methods of fishing (bottom, match, Bolognese, etc.), including spinning fishing. They are used for both slow and fast retrieval, with baits of different sizes and weights.

- high-speed - gear ratio from 6.2:1 to 7.2:1. used where quick reeling of fishing line is required: for some types of spinning castings, when using light and soft ones with jig heads; in fishing methods that require frequent casting of equipment and quick elimination of line slack. High-speed BCs have found sufficient application in both spinning and match fishing. When choosing a caster, it is necessary to take into account that the gear ratio of the reel determines the length of the fishing line selected (wound) for one full revolution of the handle - a characteristic that has a serious impact on the technique of wiring the bait, especially.


Most spinning reel models are equipped with push-button handle folding system, allowing it to be quickly folded by lightly pressing a button, and a screw mechanism for removing or moving the handle to the other side of the reel (photo 4). For these purposes, the bookmaker has screw head, located on the opposite side of the handle, allowing you to control the propeller without much effort.

In reels of high-speed models, a double handle is used or supplemented with a compensator (f oto 5), d To prevent vibration associated with arm imbalance.

Some models of spinning reels do not have a push-button system for folding the handle, and both functions (folding and rearranging the handle) are performed using one screw mechanism, when using which:

to fold the handle first loosen the screw, open or close the handle, then tighten it, fixing the handle in the desired position;

for rearranging the handle coil, unscrew the screw completely, move the handle to the other side of the body, then insert the screw into the hole of the polyhedron and tighten it until it stops.

Rotor backstop

Reverse motion of the spinning reel- the rotation of the rotor and handle is considered to be directed in the direction opposite to the working direction (winding the fishing line onto the spool). Almost all spinning reels have a mechanism that can prevent the rotor and handle from rotating backwards. He is called: "reverse stopper" or "anti-reverse". When turned on, it blocks the rotation of the reel handle “towards itself”, preventing the rotor from turning in reverse side, thereby preventing the consequences associated with weakening of the fishing line during operation of the reel.

The reverse stop mechanism is located inside the reel, and on the outer part of its body there is a lever that activates or disables the anti-reverse.
Many fishermen, for brevity or out of ignorance, call this “lever - flag” - the reverse stop switch - the anti-reverse itself, and assign it the loudest titles: " reverse stop", "anti-reverse stopper", "reverse lock" etc. , which misleads and confuses people mastering the fishing business.

Anti-reverse makes it possible to hook fish with one hand, which is indispensable in float fishing and very convenient in spinning fishing. Convenience of operation of the BC is not the main purpose of the reverse stopper; its main task is to protect the reel mechanism from critical loads associated with jerks during fishing, at the moment of hooking large fish, in case of a dead hook and other similar situations.

The design of the reverse stop mechanism has evolved from the “step stop” to the “instant anti-reverse”.

Stepped reverse stop, is based on a multi-tooth ratchet gear, integral with the reel rotor. The beveled gear teeth allow the spring-loaded handle lever to move along them in “one” direction and do not allow it to move in the “other” direction, resting against it during rotation.

Instant stop (anti-reverse) is an overrunning clutch made on the basis of a roller bearing. The disadvantage of the stepped stopper was the play of the handle, formed by the “free” zone between adjacent teeth of the ratchet gear. As a result, the stopper does not have the ability to operate instantly, and the handle and rotor of the reel rotate to a certain angle - the “free play angle”.
For this reason, sharp jerks when hooking a fish or hooking, which is not much different from a bite, cause serious shocks in the ratchet gear mechanism and lead to its premature failure.

The design of an instant reverse stopper based on an overrunning clutch using a needle bearing completely eliminated this drawback, which is especially noticeable when using low-stretch braided fishing line.

For spinning reels, the most common location of the reverse stop switch lever is on the upper platform of the rear part of the housing. In addition to the standard location, on some models it may be located on the lower surface of the housing, in the area adjacent to the rotor.

When purchasing a spinning reel, pay attention to:

line rollermust be made of materials that are slightly susceptible to abrasion (stainless steel, brass or bronze with a corrosion-resistant carbide coating) and preferably have a ball bearing;

stroke of the line roller - use a match or a piece of paper folded in half to imitate the movement of the fishing line along the roller, make sure that it rotates easily and that the match or piece of paper does not slip along the stationary surface of the roller;

line guide bracket– open the bracket and shake the reel sharply, simulating casting; it should not close spontaneously;

rotor stroke - spin the rotorcoils two to three quick turns of the handle and release it, pay attention to the duration of rotation of the rotor and handle without your help.By how long and freely they rotate under the influence of inertia, one can judge the progress of the rotor. If the drive mechanism is not able to continue rotating due to inertia or makes sounds of unknown origin during rotation, this indicates that the rotor is moving difficultly and it is better to refuse to purchase such a coil;

handle stroke- when the handle rotates slowly, its movement should be smooth, uniform, without jerks, impacts or extraneous sounds;

mechanism balancing - Vibration of the coil during rapid rotation of the handle is unacceptable;

spool play – Transverse play is prohibited (in the direction perpendicular to the axis of rotation);

reel handle - Its transverse play is extremely undesirable. It is necessary to check the system of folding and moving the handle to the other side of the reel ;

number of bearings– at least 5 (marked “5+1” or “6” at the bottom of the reel body, under or on the spool);

instant reverse stopper - you need to make sure that the coil reverse locking mechanism is working properly. Tightly blockedturning the handle towards you,with the stopper engaged, indicates its serviceability;

coil body- a visual examination of the reel body will help identify possible defects on it (cracks, scratches, dents).


Two fishermen communicate.
- Yesterday I caught a catfish worth 120 kg!
- I also flashed yesterday. It doesn’t matter, I only pulled out one pike worth 20 kg. He began to gut it, ripped open its belly, and there was an antique old lantern with an inscription on English language: "James Cook - 1764." I set it on fire, and it burns...
The first one scratched his head.
- Listen, I’ll lose 90 kg from my catfish, but you turn off the flashlight!

More information about fishing reels can be found in the article

Have a nice and successful fishing! It is not the result that is important, but the process itself!

  1. A body with a mechanism and a claw for attaching to a fishing rod. It is a cast composite form made of metal, plastic, or carbon fiber. A spinning reel can be called a technically complex device because of the mechanism located in the reel body.
  2. Rotor with folding arm of the line laying mechanism. The mechanism creates a rotational movement of the rotor, which is equipped with a movable line-laying arm. During casting, the bail must be folded back, which ensures that the line comes off the spool. During rewinding, the line is placed on the spool with a roller, which is mounted on a bow that is in a closed state.
  3. A line storage reel uses a fixed spool, which is usually made of metal and polymer alloys.
  4. The rotational movement of the entire mechanism is set by a handle.

The above are the basic elements of a spinning reel. All other equipment is an addition that makes operation more convenient and increases functionality.

Main characteristics of fishing reels:

  1. Gear ratio.
  2. Smooth and easy running.
  3. Type of bobbin feeder.
  4. Weight and materials of manufacture.
  5. Power.
  6. Rewind speed.
  7. The presence of a reverse stopper.
  8. Friction brake.

Cleaning and lubricating the spinning reel

All characteristics of the coil are interconnected with its elements, so we will step by step understand the components and their direct impact on the characteristics of the coil.

First, a few words about the difference between spinning reels and float fishing rods.

1. When fishing with a spinning rod, the bait, with the participation of fishing line and rod, is controlled by a reel. It follows from this that sensitivity is very important in this gear. When fishing float tackle management is carried out by the entire equipment and, ultimately, the bait itself. And the main role here is played by the rod, and not the reel.

2. High speeds are not needed in spinning because high speed does not allow for uniform wiring at high speeds. This cannot be said about the float method, where the gear ratio and reeling speed must be high for faster reeling when recasting.

3.Power or tractive effort. Depending on the class of spinning rod (from heavy to ultralight), this parameter is of great importance. The heavier the bait being thrown, the more powerful the reel mechanism should be with greater lightness, better sensitivity and smoother movement of the bait. For float gear this characteristic not so important, which is explained by lighter equipment.

It is also worth noting that the float reel is not a specially designed device, but is a spinning reel adapted for the float type of fishing.

For consideration, we will choose a simple budget Alivia reel from Shimano. Its main differences from more advanced reels are the number of additional utilities, for example, the quantity and quality of bearings, and the braking system.

  1. coil body.
  2. reel seat leg.
  3. drive mechanism.
  4. rotor.
  5. clutch
  6. reverse switch.
  7. rod for attaching the spool.
  8. line handle.
  9. line roller.
  10. gear-wheel.
  11. closing cover on the body.

Spinning reel housing

It is designed to install the entire mechanism on it, combine all the elements of the reel and ensure that the entire reel is attached to the fishing rod. The reel body must be durable and lightweight.

The materials used to manufacture reel bodies are:

  1. polymer alloys, used mainly for cheap reels;
  2. aluminum alloys and carbon fiber, used for reel bodies of the middle and upper segment of reels;
  3. titanium-magnesium alloys used for high quality premium reels.

It is difficult to find any big differences in their production technologies, except that in cheap reels the quality of the alloys and the accuracy of the mechanism installation have a very negative effect on the operation of the reel.

The ergonomics of the reel leg is a purely individual matter, but in the budget class the grip comfort is already quite good.

Rotor rotation mechanism of spinning reels

Consists of a bobbin feeder and a main pair.

The main pair transmits rotation from the handle to the rotor. It consists of the following elements:

  • drive wheel
  • driven gear on the main shaft.

There is a tetrahedral hole on the drive wheel shaft intended for a handle. By rotating the handle, we directly rotate the drive wheel. The force from it is transmitted to the driven gear of the main shaft, which rotates the rotor. The main pair is a gearbox with a specific gear ratio, which for float coils ranges from 4.6:1 to 6.5:1.

A coil's gear ratio is a direct measure of how many revolutions the coil's rotor makes per revolution of the coil.

That is, if the gear ratio is 5:1, then this means that with one revolution of the handle the rotor makes five revolutions.

Common Mistake that fishermen have to face is that many fishermen do not share such definitions as winding speed and gear ratio, meaning the same thing by them.

Rewind speed is an indicator of how much line is wound onto the reel spool in one turn of the handle. The rewinding speed also depends on the gear ratio and the diameter of the spool itself. For example, the gear ratio is 5.2:1 and the spool diameter is forty millimeters. The reeling speed in this case is 3.14×5.1×40 = 640.56 millimeters of line per revolution of the reel handle. In this case, you also need to take into account the filling of the spool with fishing line, that is, the more fishing line is wound on it, the more fishing line in one turn around the spool itself, so the diameter of the spool is not exact, but approximate, and the actual size will be different.

How larger sizes gears in the main pair, the more powerful the coil mechanism. But for simple float fishing This factor is insignificant, unlike spinning fishing. The enlarged gears in the main pair with slightly ground teeth are marked FluiDrive Gearling, and are a smoothly moving gear mechanism. Gear calculations can be done on a computer, and components are made on computer-controlled machines, and coils of this type will be labeled as Digital Gear Design.

The gear teeth in the reel can be further machined to improve grip, reducing backlash and reducing the rubbing parts of the coil. Such mechanisms are designated HaperGear (super gear).

In addition to the interaction of the handle rod with the drive gear of the tetrahedral hole in the shaft, there is also a screw connection. This solution reduces backlash and is labeled Direkt Drive Handsle.

The bobbin feeder is mechanism with reciprocating movements. There are two types of device:

  • helical gear;
  • crank gear-slide mechanism.

A device with a crank (rocker) mechanism consists of a small gear mounted on the drive wheel shaft and the parts shown in the picture “Scale”:

3 — carriage on the rod;

4 — rod for fastening and feeding the spool;

Good performance of the gear-carriage pair, high quality assembly and its grinding ensure good uniformity reciprocating movement of the rod without dips or jerks, which ensures smooth and smooth winding on the spool. Such systems are designated as:

  • Slow Oscillation;
  • Close Winding System;
  • Silentoscillation.

These systems have additional washers under the spool to regulate line winding. Therefore, when you see the indicated markings on the box, be sure to check the presence of adjusting washers.

Screw bobbin feeder— has the following elements (picture “Screw”):

2 — drive gear;

3 - screw;

4 — rod for feeding the spool;

6 - carriage.

The main pair transmits rotation to the carriage through the cam shaft of the drive gear. Many reel models use an endless screw with different pitches and cross threading. In this case, the laying of the fishing line on the spool will be cross. With different groove pitches, the speed of the spool moving back and forth is different.

This ensures that thin lines lay well and come off the spool more easily, reducing the likelihood of tangling caused by the top layer of line being buried in the bottom layer.

And finally, a few words about which system is better. But none - both are good if they are well designed and assembled. For a float fisherman, a rocker mechanism, which is simple and cheap, will be sufficient. And the reel itself will weigh less.

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Do-it-yourself spinnerbait (making and fishing)

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While it’s pouring like buckets outside again, instead of another fishing trip, I decided to spend time carefully inspecting the new toy. Many people have probably already heard about the coils of the Italian brand ALLUX. After reviews from colleagues, I also decided to get myself such a thing as a spare for a pair of my Twins. Although who knows, a couple of seasons ago I bought Katya from ABU Garcia as a spare, so now it’s in use more often than Twin and Rarenium.

Well, let's begin the actual examination of our patient. In the spacious glossy box, in addition to the reel itself in a plastic bag, there is its detailed explosion diagram and a bag with additional washers for the bobbin unit. The box contains information in the form of a table with brief performance characteristics of the unit in English and Italian and information that the product was manufactured outside the European Union, according to the barcode it belongs to Italy. Everything is fair and clear. The coil itself is made in classic style and strict, I would even say, emphatically strict design.

I immediately found out what size this reel can be classified as by Japanese standards. I got something average in size between 2500 and 3000.

"Ruthenium" has a wide, shallow match spool with a diameter of as much as 55mm. That is, we have a slight increase in casting range + a slight increase in reeling speed without increasing the gear ratio (5.1:1 in my version). On the spool there is information about the line capacity and the protection of the friction brake from moisture. Without the clutch nut, the spool weighs 44 and a half grams, with the nut 51g. For such dimensions the weight is low, the designers achieved this through powerful perforation and metal sampling. I didn’t completely disassemble the spool, since it’s new, there’s nothing to do there. Yes, by the way, there are already two clips on the spool for securing the fishing line and both are spring-loaded.

The "Ruthenium" handle is on a hexagon, with locking teeth, which eliminates backlash. There is a small sample of metal in order to facilitate the design and match the overall openwork design, the weight of the handle is 33g. The knob with an EVA surface is pleasant to the touch and easy to handle, judging by the design on two bearings. Having unscrewed the plastic plug, I saw the upper bearing, so I no longer began to completely disassemble it.

The reel body itself with the rotor weighs 166g, the material seems to be some kind of aluminum-based alloy, although it is very difficult to understand thanks to the matte black coating. The body is designed to be very compact, tightly assembled, the gaps are minimal, all the parts fit together very tightly, it looks like you can forget about the possibility of moisture getting inside. The stopper switch lever is located at the bottom, of medium size; I think it won’t be a problem to feel it, even with gloves.

Next, we remove the rotor; again, due to the coating, its material is not entirely clear, perhaps it is some kind of plastic. The design is openwork, but very durable due to the large number of stiffeners. The mass of the rotor assembled with the line handler is 61 g, which is very good for its dimensions. Meanwhile, in the housing under the removed rotor I find another bearing located according to the diagram.

The line roller assembly also did not disappoint - the design is simple and reliable, the bearing is included, there is lubricant, the roller has a golden coating, most likely titanium nitride.

I consider it inappropriate to completely disassemble a new coil that does not require lubrication and adjustment. I found the bearings I was looking for, their location corresponds to the attached diagram (8+1). There is lubrication in all components, the reel does not make any extraneous noise during operation, the operation is smooth and easy. Towards the end, after reassembly, I wound the cord onto the spool, the laying is quite decent for such a budget reel with a planetary design. The disassembly/assembly of Ruthenium itself is not difficult. You only need two Phillips screwdrivers, an 11" wrench or socket to remove the rotor, and one flat-head screwdriver to unscrew the plug on the knob.

All that remains is to test the reel on water and fish, although many have already done this before me.

We will talk about a spinning reel for feeder fishing. This unit of very impressive size comes in a glossy box, which contains all the necessary information in several languages, including a Russian, German barcode and an explosion diagram of the reel with a list of parts, as well as a bag with original Balzer stoppers for attaching the fishing line to the spool with the inside. In addition, the box contains a photo of the company’s ideological mastermind, famous champion feeder Michael Zammataro, his name is also printed on the reel itself.

The 4.8:1 gear reel is equipped with a 67mm shallow metal spool made of aluminum alloy. The cylindrical spool, judging by the markings for thin fishing lines, holds them respectively 0.08/350m, 0.10/200m, 0.12/150m. Spool weight 137g. The friction brake package consists of a set of felt and steel washers. The spool has a spring-loaded clip for attaching fishing line and a hole for tying fishing line using the included stoppers mentioned above.

The reel handle is metal, turned from aluminum alloy, with fastening on a powerful M7 thread. The knob is massive, grippy, and rotates on a bearing and a plastic bushing. The weight of this powerful handle is 75g.

The bobbin unit is designed quite simply, consisting of an easily removable package of a plastic ratchet, an M12 nut with a right-hand thread and a locking screw. After removing the ratchet, unscrewing the screw and nut, remove the rotor. It is made of plastic, rigid and durable construction. The mass of the rotor assembly is almost 131 g. On the inside of the rotor wings there is protection from the line getting into the bobbin space, in the form of strips of soft PVC or rubber.

Under the rotor we have quite standard access to the overrunning clutch mechanism. The bearing covering the trim on the rotor side can be seen without unscrewing the cover. Having unscrewed a couple of screws, remove the ring of the automatic closing mechanism of the bow; it has a special protrusion for this purpose.

The rod is made of stainless steel, its diameter is already 5 mm! It is secured to the carriage using a nut with a right-hand thread for a regular open-end wrench 5-5.5mm. Between it and the carriage there are two protective washers made of steel and plastic.

Having unscrewed two screws from the infinity carriage, we remove the protective plate, under it we see the infinity slider on a plastic sleeve - a standard solution; if desired, upgrade lovers can stick a bearing into this unit.

We pull out the mounting plate in the rear part of the housing from its socket, thereby gaining the opportunity to remove the endless screw and both of its guides. Since there is no need for complete disassembly yet, we return everything to its place, noting the presence of a bronze (or brass) bushing on the endless end (for those who like an upgrade, there is also the possibility of installing a bearing).

We check the line roller assembly; there is a bearing installed there. And we check the locking mechanism and the spring of the line handler, everything there is also standard and simple.