Balls are big and small. Drawing lesson for children of the younger group: “Balls big and small. Sorting balls by size

Lesson notes for the second junior group "Big and small balls"
(subject application)

Goals : familiarization with round shape and size; training in gluing techniques on the base.

Tasks : teach children to correctly stick circles on a strip, alternate images of different sizes; consolidate ideas about the different sizes of objects, knowledge about round shapes.

Material : a toy for playing with, balls of different sizes and colors, strips of white paper (14 × 6 cm), circles of different colors with a diameter of 3 cm and 2 cm, a teacher’s sample, a glue stick, napkins for hands, oilcloths for the table

Preliminary work: Reading by S. Ya. Marshak"Ball"

My cheerful one,

ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue,

Can't keep up with you! I smacked you with my palm.

You jumped and stomped loudly.

You fifteen times in a row

Jumped into the corner and back.

And then you rolled

And he didn’t turn back.

Rolled into the garden

Got to the gate

rolled under the gate,

I reached the turn.

Got there

Under the wheel.


Slammed -

That's all!

organized activities

1. Introductory word from the teacher. Game motivation.

A fairy-tale character (bunny, bear, dog, etc.) came to the children. Playing out the situation. Offer to look at the balls and play with them. Reading a poem about a ball.

2. Conversation with children.

Conversation with children about sports and its benefits for the human body. Showing big and small balls. The teacher clarifies the children's ideas about the size and shape of the balls and offers to help the fairy-tale character stick the balls onto the strip.

3. Practical part.

Invite the children to stick circles on a strip of paper as if large and small balls were laid out in turn on a shelf.

Mastering the technique of working on an application:

First, we arrange all the balls (circles) in order (large - small).

We check how the circles are laid out on the paper strip.

Gently coat the mold on the back side with glue, then turn it over, carefully pick it up with your finger and press it onto the strip with a napkin.

4. Independent work.

Children take blank circles, place them on strips, the teacher checks that the task is completed correctly and allows them to stick it on.

Physical education minute Balls"

Girls and boys
jumping like balls
Hands clap
They stomp their feet,
They blink their eyes,
Afterwards they rest.

5. Summary (reflection).

Analysis of finished works. Ball games. Organization of an exhibition of children's works “My Ball”.

Educational area: cognitive development

Integration of educational areas:“Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”.

Goals: to develop the ability to examine objects, highlighting the value, including hand movements on the object in the process of getting to know it.


OO Social-communicative

1. Cultivate a desire to listen to poems, accompany the reading of short poetic works with playful actions.

OO Cognitive development 1. Develop the ability to distinguish the number of objects: many - one (one - many). 2. Exercise in establishing the similarities and differences between objects that have the same name (big ball - small ball).

OO Speech development

1.Develop the ability to name the properties of objects; big small.

2. Develop the ability to answer questions and repeat simple phrases.

OO Physical development

1. To develop in children a desire to play simple outdoor games together with the teacher.

Planned results.

1. Distinguishes between one and many objects.

2. Can form a group of homogeneous objects.

3. Communicates in dialogue with an adult.

4. Listens to poems that are accessible in content.

5. Emotionally responds to the game proposed by an adult, imitates his actions, accepts the game task.

6. Able to walk and run without bumping into other children.

Working methods: a game; artistic word; showing and explaining how to perform an action; help; questions; display of toys; the child repeats words and phrases after the teacher; encouragement; turning on the movement of hands on an object; outdoor games; independent execution of actions.

Materials: a basket with large and small balls (for each child); two boxes of different sizes (large and small); musical accompaniment; sound reproducing equipment.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher reads a poem and hits the ball off the floor.

Educator. We hit the ball with our palm

Friendly, fun together.

Ball, ball, my friend,

Voiced, sonorous, sonorous side.

Hit the ball with your palm

Friendly, fun together.

I throw the ball and catch it.

I like to play with the ball.

E. Zheleznova

(Shows the children the ball.) Children, what is this? (Children's answers.) How many balls do I have?

(The teacher shows the children large and small balls lying in the basket).

Educator. Look what's in the basket? (Children's answers.) Are there many or few balls in the basket?

Individual and choral responses of children.

Educator. Look, the balls in the basket are big and small.

This is a small ball. I take it and squeeze it in my palm. The ball hid in the palm. How big is this ball? (Children's answers.) Take the ball, Lena, with both palms. Hide it in your palms! Lena has a small ball in her hands. Lena, how big is this ball? (Child’s answer.) Guys, what size ball is hidden in Lena’s palms?

Individual and choral responses of children.

Educator. Children, show with your palms how big the small ball is.

Children connect their hands in the shape of a ball. The teacher shows the children a big ball.

Educator. This is a big ball. Sveta, take it with your palms. Is there a big ball hidden in your palms? (Child’s answer.) I can’t hide the ball in my palms. The ball is big, it doesn't fit in your palms. Hug the ball with your hands. (The child takes the ball with both hands and presses it to him.) How big is this ball?

Individual and choral responses of children.

Educator. Show everyone with your hands how big the ball is.

The teacher and children join their hands in a ring in front of them, showing the size of the ball.

Sorting balls by size.

Educator. I have two boxes: large and small. How big is this box?

Children. This is a big box.

Educator. What can you say about the size of this box?

Children. This is a small box.

Educator. Let's put it in a big box big balls, and in small - small. I take a big ball and put it in a big box. What size box did I put the big ball in? (Children's answers.) Katya, take one ball. What size ball did Katya take? (Children's answers.) Put it in a box. What size box will you put the ball in? (Children's answers.)

The teacher and the children sort the balls by size, placing them in large and small boxes. It is necessary to encourage children to use the phrases “big ball”, “small ball”, “big box”, “small box” in their speech, using the children’s individual and choral responses.

When the children arrange the balls, the teacher shows an empty basket.

Educator. How many balls are in the basket? (Children's answers.) Everyone took one ball, and there was not a single ball left in the basket. We put the balls in different boxes: large balls were put in large boxes, and small balls were put in small boxes. Well done, you did well. Let's play with small balls now.

Game "Let's collect balls." The teacher points to the balls in the box, easily throws one ball over the box and reads a poem.

You catch my bright ball

And give it away, don’t hide it.

Ball, don't rush to jump

And make the kids laugh.

N. Pikuleva

The teacher says: “One! Two! Three! Catch the balls!” - and asks the children to count with her. Music is playing. The teacher throws the balls high up, they scatter throughout the room, the children collect the balls and bring them to the teacher. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

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Glushkova Olga Valerievna
Topic: “Big and small balls” (applique) open.
Group: 34 years old
Duration: 15 minutes
Venue: group room
Date: 12/01/2017
Purpose: to introduce children to the rules of sticking.
learn to lay out ready-made figures on the background and stick them on, applying glue to
paper not with colored, but with reverse side, press the part tightly to the paper;
develop practical skills and abilities, fine motor skills hand, eye;
mental processes;
cultivate accuracy in work; desire to help a friend.
Integration of educational areas: socialization, communication,
safety, cognition, physical education.
Preliminary work: playing with a ball while walking; reading the poem "My
funny ringing ball"; drawing “Big and small balls” (in free time
GCD time).
demonstration sample, display equipment, image of a gnome;
handout with background; preparing balls for work; equipment for
applications; balls according to the number of children.
Introduction to the game situation.
Foxes with a background lie on the tables in front of the children, colored side down.
Guys, do you like to play? (Yes)
Do you want to play now? (Yes)
Before we start the game, let's agree on how we will play: everyone must
participate in the game, play together, let each other have their say.
Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)
Then listen to my tale.

(Work with
didactic manual “Shall we play?”). In this fairy-tale forest there grew different
trees, flowers, lived little bunnies, bears, squirrels, birds and others
fairy-tale forest dwellers. But the most important inhabitants of this magical
forests there were little gnomes who never offended anyone, with
They worked, played and had fun with pleasure. But there was one gnome in this forest -
his name was Ai, who differed from others in that his work did not work out
In one fairy-tale country there was a small, magical forest.

as good as his friends. Because of this, the gnome Ai was upset and sick. AND
then his friends decided to help him. Having learned that our group is called
“Bees” and that all the kids are very friendly and cheerful, they decided to send
Dwarf Ay, come to us to study. Dwarf Ai happily agreed and now he has
visiting us.
Say hello to the gnome Ai. (Show the image of the gnome. A little
consider a gnome with children).
Are you ready to help our new friend?
Then sit down at the tables, close your eyes, and like in a fairy tale, the gnome Ai will come to
to each of you. (Remove the gnome image)
Turn over the sheet that lies in front of you, you see our new friend there,
gnome Ay? (Yes)
Gymnastics for hands “Magic glasses”:
To see our new friend the gnome Ai as best as possible, I suggest you
make these magic glasses from your fingers and look at the gnome through them.
(Children make rings from their fingers, put them to their eyes, and look
image through “magic glasses”)
Dwarf Ai loves to have fun, walk and roll different balls along the path.
Guys, it seems to me that our new friend is a little sad. How do you think,
Why? (The gnome has no balls, he has nothing to play with)
What to do? How can we cheer him up? (Give him balls)
Motivational game with the creation of a problem situation:
You have balls on plates. What size are they?
Take them and put them on the path: first the largest one, then the smaller ones.
But suddenly the wind blew and the balls rolled off the path. What to do, after all
It is not convenient for a gnome to play on grass.
Finding a way out of a problematic situation:
We'll have to stop playing.
What can be done to prevent balls from rolling off the path and onto the grass? (Need to
stick the balls on the track)
Step-by-step work of children together with the teacher:
Let's help the gnome Ai with me and stick balls on the path.
Take the largest ball and place it with the white side up. Take
brush, dip it into a jar of glue, remove excess glue on the edge of the jar and
Apply glue to the white side of the ball like this - from the middle to the edges. Then
place the brush on the stand. Take the ball with both hands and glue it

onto the track, blot off excess glue with a napkin. This is how we glued you and me
the biggest ball on the track.
While working, do not swing the brush to the sides, otherwise it may cause
hurt your friend; If you get glue on your fingers, don't put them in your mouth.
wipe with a napkin. After work, you will need to wash your hands.
Now stick the remaining balls onto the track yourself.
Independent work of children.
In the process of children’s independent work, the teacher ensures that
children used appliqué equipment correctly; of necessity
helps those children who have difficulties in work.
Physical education minute:
I will take
The ball is big
I'll pick you up
Over your head
I'll arch my back
I'll throw the ball.
To summarize:
Who did you meet today? (With gnome Ai)
What does the gnome Ai like to play? (In balls)
What balls did you give to the gnome? (Big and small)
Did you like the game? What did you like most?
You did your best, gnome Ai says thank you and will be very glad to meet you
by you again.

Elizaveta Angrykh
Summary of GCD for application in the second junior group “Big and small balls”

Target: knows how to choose big and small round objects; paste the image onto a landscape sheet.

Priority educational region: artistic and aesthetic development in the integration of educational regions: "cognitive development", "speech development", "physical development"

Technologies, methods, techniques We: personality-oriented technologies: communicative communication; technology to ensure the emotional well-being of a child.

Material: album sheets, colored paper, paste, brushes, napkins, tablets.

Preliminary work: ball games, reading a poem "My funny ringing ball"


Formation of the ability to choose big and small round objects.

Forming in children the ability to apply glue with a brush to the form and smear it over the entire surface, applying glue to the paper not from the colored side, but from the back, carefully paste the image onto a landscape sheet, pressing it with a napkin.

Consolidating the idea of ​​round objects, their differences in size.

Fostering respect for materials.

Brief progress of OOD

Problem situation:

The gnome Vasya came to visit us. Are you ready to help and be friends with our new friend? Then sit down at the tables, close your eyes, and like in a fairy tale, the gnome Vasya will come to each of you. Turn over the sheet that lies in front of you. Do you see our new friend Vasya there? The gnome Vasya loves to have fun and ride on different paths balls. But it seems to me that our new friend is a little sad. Why do you think? (The gnome doesn't have balls, he has nothing to play with)

What do we do? How to cheer him up? (give him balls) .

You have them on your trays balls. What size are they? Take them and put them on track: at first big, then smaller and the most small. Suddenly the wind blew and balls rolled off the path into the grass. What to do, since it is inconvenient for a gnome to play in the grass? What can you do to balls didn't roll off the path into the grass? (Need to balls stick it on the track)

2.- Let's help the gnome Vasya and stick it on the path balls. Take the most big ball place it with the white side on the board. Take a brush, dip the tip in glue and apply it to the white side ball glue like this - from the middle to the edges. Then place the brush on the stand. Take it with your fingers ball and glue it to the track. Blot off excess glue with a napkin. While working, do not swing the brush to the sides, otherwise it may cause hurt your friend. If you get glue on your fingers while working, do not put them in your mouth, but wipe them with a napkin. After work, hands should be washed with soap. Now stick the remaining ones yourself balls for the track.

During the children’s independent work, the teacher ensures that the children use the equipment correctly. appliqués; If necessary, helps those children who have difficulties in work.

3. Reflection.

Who did you meet today? What does Vasya like to play? Which you gave the balls to the gnome? What did you like most?

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Program content. To consolidate ideas about round objects, their differences in size and color. Develop the ability to accurately paste images.


Social and communicative development: contribute to the formation of the child’s personal attitude towards compliance with moral standards: mutual assistance, sympathy, develop emotional responsiveness.

Cognitive development: development of cognitive interest.

Speech development: promote the development of curiosity, communicate kindly with peers, replenish and activate children’s vocabulary.

Artistic and aesthetic development: solving riddles, developing the desire to beautifully and accurately paste an image, developing the skills to work to music.

Physical development: cultivate a desire to perform physical exercises, treat yourself and others with care. Develop a culture of communication and behavior. Development of the need for cleanliness and tidiness.

Methodological methods and techniques:

Verbal: guessing riddles, active dialogue, questions, explanations.

Visual: looking at the ball, a surprise moment.

Practical: Execution game exercises, applications.

Individual work: encourage to active work inactive children.

Preliminary work.

Conversation with children on the topic.

Reading poems and riddles about the ball.

Examination of color illustrations on the topic.

Didactic game “Continue the pattern.”

Board game “Collect the picture”.

Materials and equipment: stereo system, ball, cat, colored cardboard, paper circles - balls large and small, glue brushes, napkins, glue.

Planned results: knows how to maintain a conversation on a topic, express his point of view, reason; expresses positive emotions (interest, admiration); shows emotional responsiveness; actively participates in GCD and joint games.

GCD move.

Children are sitting on the carpet.

Educator. Guys, do you like to play? (Yes)

Educator. I have an object hidden under my napkin that you like to play with. But to find out what it is, you need to solve the riddle. Listen to me carefully.

They beat him, but he doesn’t cry,

It's just more fun when he jumps.

Children. Ball.

Children look at the ball.

Educator. Guys, what shape is the ball? (children's answers)

Educator. Right!

Educator. What size are the balls? (children's answers)

Educator. That's right guys, what great guys you are, you know everything!

Educator. Do we use the same ball for all games? (children's answers)

Educator. Well done! It looks like someone is crying. I'll go and have a look.

The teacher brings the cat to Murka.

Murka. - Hello guys!

Children say hello.


– What is Murke’s mood? (sad, sorrowful).

– Why do you think? (Children's answers).

And she is sad because she lost her ball. Shall we help her have fun?

(children's answers)

Educator. Let's play.

P./i is carried out. "My funny ringing ball."

Educator. Are you guys having fun? (children's answers)

Oh, Murka, everything is sad. I suggest you make a ball card for her.

Come to the tables, and let's start making a gift for our guest.

Guys, please look, you have circles of different colors on your plate and different sizes. Our task today is to arrange them on a sheet of paper in decreasing order. The way I will do it! The teacher shows the children how to glue the circles onto a sheet of paper.

Children listen to the teacher, answer questions, look at the sample.

Now guys, it's time for us to get to work!

Quiet music is playing.

While working, ask the children where they will stick the balls and how to use the glue correctly.

Educator. Guys, now come to me. Let's show and give our postcards to Murka.

Educator. What do you think Murke's mood is now?

(Cheerful, joyful).

– Yes, she smiles at us and says thank you for the postcard with beautiful, colorful balls.

Educator. Oh, what is this? (children's answers)

Educator. That's right, leaves. What are they hiding there?

Children. Ball.

Educator. Guys, you are so great. You helped Murka find her ball.

Murka thanks the children and says goodbye to them.

Educator. Were you interested in Murka? What else did you like? (children's answers)

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