Where to practice callanetics. Callanetics for weight loss. What is the success of callanetics and its widespread use?

What is callanetics, what benefits does it bring and what are the contraindications? Women of all ages are trying to choose the best sport to lose weight extra pounds, restore your figure to maintain physical fitness. Many people choose fitness, aerobics, swimming or even weightlifting. Callanetics may be an ideal choice, but individual needs should be taken into account. physical features. But did you know that this technique not only corrects the figure, but also improves the health of the musculoskeletal system specifically for those who need active exercises it is contraindicated to do. An example of the success of healing is the creator of the method, Callan Pinckney. So, in this article, let’s look at the beneficial factors of the treatment system and be sure to touch on contraindications.

A set of callanetics exercises is aimed at stretching the muscles, which brings all fibers and tissues into the active phase. In this case, the exercises do not require physical stress on the spine and fast sudden movements. The principle of statics is used, that is, one movement is maintained for a certain time. But such exercise for an hour is as effective as seven-hour shaping or daily aerobics.

Callanetics has much in common with yoga and is more suitable for people who prefer calm rather than active sports. In this case, the likelihood of getting sports injury. Simultaneously with physical activity on most muscle groups, balance and coordination of movements are trained.

By doing callanetics, you are guaranteed to get the following results.

  • Restores and normalizes metabolism.
  • Eliminates excess weight And body fat in unnecessary places.
  • Strengthens muscles, ligaments, tendons, toning them.
  • Corrects spinal defects.
  • Returns mobility to joints.
  • Establishes control over the body.
  • Calms the nervous system and improves immunity.
  • It lifts your mood as the production of indarphins increases.

Callanetics consists of 29 exercises based on yoga asanas. During the complex, the most problematic areas are trained - hips, back, abs, buttocks, shoulders, forearms. People may hear another name for callanetics – “gymnastics of awkward positions.” This is due to the fact that the exercises of this complex are not typical for the usual postures for a person, which means that during their execution muscle groups are involved that, as a rule, do not work in daily physical activity.

Static callanetics exercises tone deep muscles and tighten flabby fibers. But you shouldn’t hope for an increase muscle mass, for this purpose you will have to opt for more active species sports.

Pros and cons of callanetics

Callanetics is considered by many to be an ideal gymnastics for weight loss, but also in this species physical exercise there are also negative sides.


So, the positive factors include:

  1. Restoring muscle tone, helping to nourish the spine and joints by normalizing blood circulation. A course of 10 workouts can significantly improve the condition, reduce pain or get rid of it completely for those suffering from.
  2. Ease of gait and movement appears, as flexibility increases and the body becomes younger.
  3. Changes occur not only at the level deep muscles, but the visual result will not be long in coming - the stomach becomes flat, the posture is leveled, the butt and chest are tightened, even the skin becomes smooth and beautiful.
  4. During exercise, a large number of calories are burned. In addition, after training for another 2 hours, the muscles remain in some tension and the process of burning calories continues.
  5. This type of exercise can be successfully performed at home, and visiting a gym or fitness center is not necessary.
  6. Gymnastics is available to all ages for women and men. For 45+ in menopause, this is just a godsend.
  7. Prevention of many diseases.
  8. At correct execution set of exercises, injury is excluded.


A few negative elements include the following opinions:

  • Callanetics is presented as yogic asanas, with marketing adaptations to suit modern trends. For example, advertising that callanetics is new way lose weight quickly and easily.
The callanetics course of exercises was created by the American Callan Pinkney back in the 60s of the last century, and in the 80s its popularity had already subsided. The current peak of popularity is based on a sad event - the death of the creator of the method in 2012.

Working programm

You need to take the method seriously in order to receive only positive emotions from practicing callanetics and fully experience its effectiveness. For beginners who like new sports and those who want to quickly bring their body back to normal, experts give certain advice.

  • Don't try to master all the exercises at once. The muscles need to get used to it gradually; the first few workouts should consist only of those poses that are performed without harm to health (without discomfort).
  • Hoping for an instant result, you can only be disappointed. In order for your weight to begin to decrease and your body to become more toned, you will need a certain amount of training and, of course, patience.
  • During training, it is important to breathe correctly - breathing should be deep and calm. Movements should be smooth, not abrupt.
  • Conduct classes 2 hours after eating, also refrain for 2-3 hours after. Establish a wholesome, healthy diet.

To notice the result, you need to train for an hour at least 3 times a week. At this rate, in 2 weeks it will be positive effect. Over time, the frequency of training can be reduced - 2 times a week, again until positive changes occur. Subsequently, to maintain body tone, do it once every 7 days. It is allowed to divide gymnastics into several approaches during the day, 15-20-30 minutes each.

Watch the video of the classes and start studying with Tatyana Rogatina, assessing your capabilities

Depending on the desired result, training may consist of a certain set of exercises. To begin with, you can limit yourself to poses that stretch certain muscle groups and promote fat burning. Exercises are gradually added to strengthen the muscles of the whole body.

The founder of the method initially intended the exercises not for figure correction, but for health improvement musculoskeletal system. All the unexpected results of body beauty, skin and plastic surgery turned out to be a pleasant bonus.

Before you start performing static exercises on your own, if you have the opportunity, it is advisable to conduct several classes under the supervision of a trainer, who will draw up a program of necessary poses and correct movements.


So useful and effective gymnastics, like callanetics, just like any kind of sport or physical activity, there are some contraindications for its implementation.

  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Impaired visual acuity.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases during exacerbation.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Heart pathologies.
  • Hemorrhoids (in the small pelvis, with prolonged static conditions, blood circulation increases, the nodes increase).
  • Diseases of the blood vessels (varicose veins).
  • Weakened body (after a serious illness).
  • Wandering kidney.
  • Postoperative period (after some operations, e.g. C-section, any physical activity is prohibited for 1-1.5 years).

Before seriously starting training, people with problems are advised to consult a doctor or warn a trainer about their health status and possible pathological processes in the body. It's better to start with a brisk walk. Great workout every day the cardiovascular system and not only.

But in general, this method of exercise is brilliant to bring your body into decent condition. physical fitness and at the same time not bring yourself to exhaustion with long strength exercises. Even a course of squats or pumping up the abs takes quite a lot of time. Although I respect squats.

Callanetics training is a kind of graceful sport that is accessible both to people with good physical characteristics and to those who are just embarking on the path of recovery and weight loss.

What is callanetics, we have sorted it out. It’s worth including this type of exercise in your home training system, at least trying it.

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Callanetics is a type of fitness that allows you to work on deep-seated muscles and strengthen various parts of the body - arms, hips, buttocks or shoulders - by applying static load to them. Range of services modern fitness clubs Moscow includes exercise programs based on the famous Callan Pinckney system. By doing callanetics, you develop and strengthen your muscles, straighten your posture, and restore blood circulation.

Callanetics helps reduce weight, get rid of cellulite, strengthen muscles throughout the body and correct posture. You can do this type of gymnastics at home, but it’s better to start with joint classes with professionals. In specialized fitness centers and halls they can pick up individual complex exercises. All fitness centers in Moscow are on the website, with addresses, photos and ratings based on customer reviews.

Benefits of callanetics

The main difference between callanetics and other types of gymnastics is that it, being static, allows you to use almost all the muscles of the body. One hour of exercise using this system can replace up to 24 hours of regular aerobics; the effect of such exercises is very noticeable.

In such cases, it makes sense to become more familiar with the innovative technique - callanetics, which is increasingly used in modern world For .

Introduction to callanetics

By the way, many elements of callanetics were borrowed from them. After her eleventh year around the world, when Callan Pinkney returned to New York, she learned that the weight of the backpack, and the heavy load on her, played a role.

Very soon she was very surprised at how strong her body had become, and the pain had gone away. Based on her own experience, she created a whole set of exercises called “Callanetics”, which is great for both people who are used to physical exercise and for beginner athletes. In the 80s of the last century, people started talking about this technique all over the world.

Basic Concepts

Let's now take a closer look at what cellanetics is and what it means. In the generally accepted sense - it's a system stretching exercises for all muscle groups (located deep in the body), which causes their incredible working activity.

Such slow and leisurely gymnastics has a colossal effect; just one hour of exercise in terms of load on the body and overall effectiveness is equal to 7 hours of shaping classes and 24 hours of regular aerobics. Each exercise was designed taking into account the need to simultaneously engage all muscle groups of the body.

All static exercises are aimed mainly at micro-contraction of muscles, without any jerks or sudden changes in tension in neighboring muscle groups.

Benefits of exercise

Physical activity has always been considered the basis, therefore, with a competent approach to the choice of exercises, you will not only gain a slim body, but also strengthen the basic functions of the body. This statement is also true for the above set of exercises, which has a number of advantages.

Did you know? The second “name” of callanetics is “gymnastics of awkward poses.”

When practicing callanetics, if you already know what it is, a high impact is created on, and given that it is the stomach that is problem area Most women, it is not surprising that such gymnastics can become a real panacea in the fight against.

In addition, with the help of such exercises, which simultaneously work the muscle groups in the arms and back, you will also get smooth and be able to get rid of unbearable pain in the back joints.

Callanetics also helps normalize metabolic processes in the body, strengthen its protective functions, reduce the risk of appearance. But that's not all. Regular exercise improves, strengthens muscle and nervous system, even has a positive effect on appearance skin.

Of course, all this can’t help but increase self-esteem, and with it, self-esteem. Agree, a lot positive aspects to try callanetics.

Where to start?

If you have never practiced, and your body is not accustomed to physical activity, then you should approach callanetics very carefully. If you have health problems, consulting a doctor is simply necessary, otherwise there is a risk of worsening existing problems.

Even if everything is fine with your health, you should not rush straight into complex exercises; for now, choose something easier for yourself, but do not overexert your body.

The author of the method claims that it is better to start practicing callanetics three times a week, and the training itself should not take less than an hour of your time. As soon as you see the first results (after about 2-3 weeks), the number of workouts can be reduced to two.

Before each lesson, be sure to take a good look. This could be swinging your arms, bending, inhaling and exhaling. Now about the set of exercises for beginners. In this case, the lesson usually consists of three main stages: training the back muscles, and.

To train your back, you can do the following exercise: lie on your back, put it under your head right hand, and leave the left one in place. After this, we simultaneously raise our right hand and left leg up, holding them in this position for one and a half minutes, and again return to the starting position. We do the same with the second leg and arm.

To influence gluteal muscles We stand near the chair, bring our legs together and spread our socks, after which, holding the back of the chair with both hands, you need to perform squats (in three stages). For the first two, we delay for three seconds, and for the last, the specified time can be doubled.

As for training the abdominal muscles, it is probably familiar to many: you need to lie on your back and then raise your legs at an angle of 90°. In this case, the arms are located parallel to the floor, and you need to try to pull the body towards the legs, and as soon as the minimum distance is reached, we fix the body in this position for 1-2 minutes.

This set of exercises is suitable for starting training, but each of them must be performed at least 30-40 times.

Callanetics and pregnancy

If future mom I was fond of callanetics before, then you can not stop exercising during this special period. Just give up your usual loads and choose for yourself more gentle mode.

Callan Pinkney also took care of pregnant women, specially selecting smooth and calm exercises for them, which, if performed correctly, will not harm the unborn baby.

In addition, regularly performing some of them can make the birth process easier, making it less painful.

First of all, callanetics for pregnant women includes stretching exercises. To do this, sit on the floor, cross your legs, put your hands on your shoulders, and then try to pull one of them up as high as possible. Next, a similar action must be repeated with the second hand. When performing this task, try not to sway from side to side.

It is also useful to perform several exercises for the pelvis and back. They are shown starting from the second trimester and serve to straighten posture. We lie down on the floor again and bend our legs. Then, as you exhale, press your back to the floor, while simultaneously lifting your pelvis up. Next, you need to take a deep breath and relax all your muscles. This exercise is performed several times.

Important! All movements should be as smooth as possible and performed without haste.

You can also choose other similar activities for yourself, but remember that any exercise stress should be feasible for your body, especially during pregnancy.

Comparison with other complexes

Having learned what callanetics is and having familiarized yourself with the classes, you will probably notice that a lot similar exercises is present in Pilates and stretching, but this system itself also has certain differences.

For example, some experts believe that Pilates is a lighter version of callanetics and is completely unprepared people better start your own physical improvement exactly from her.

Pilates involves working on underdeveloped muscles that are not involved in callanetics in any way. In the first case, special attention is paid to the correct position of the spine and strengthening its muscles, although it does not bypass the buttocks and thighs.

As for the second option, it is more focused on working with large muscle groups and pays more attention to the hips and buttocks. TO general characteristics This includes a lack of cardio training and a more gentle regimen for losing weight and improving your health.

It is also worth protecting yourself from such activities for those who suffer from diseases of the spine, visual organs and have recently suffered from illness. In all these cases, you should consult your doctor before performing any exercises.

Callanetics classes are becoming more and more popular every year. A well-thought-out system of stretching exercises allows even deeply located muscles to work, which leads to their serious working activity. Unhurried and slow gymnastics provides very colossal static load, thanks to which in just an hour of training you can get a load equivalent to that received in a daily session of regular aerobics. Ideally thought out exercises are created in such a way that all muscles can receive a simultaneous load.

Who is callanetics training suitable for?

Classes will bring real pleasure to those who prefer thoughtful, measured and calm exercises. The features of the program help achieve the desired balance between body and mind, while allowing you to get in good physical shape without the risk of injury and learn to feel better about your own body. Callanetics classes in Moscow are an ideal option for motivated people. They will help in solving the following problems:

  • Decline total mass body, achievement ideal weight.
  • Reducing body volume in areas that need correction.
  • Restoration of metabolism, helping to maintain optimal weight.
  • Help you gain complete control over own body.
  • Strengthening muscles and achieving the necessary tone.

A well-thought-out load will allow you to quickly achieve your goal and get a toned and graceful figure.

Features of callanetics training

This type of fitness involves a complex consisting of 29 static exercises. The exercise is based on yoga asanas, which allow you to fully tense all muscles. An unusual combination of program elements helps to train all parts of the body that require improvement: arms, hips, buttocks, shoulders, forearms, back and abdominals.

During training, you will have to take quite complex poses and perform movements that are not used in Everyday life. It is with their help that you can thoroughly work out usually inaccessible muscles. Beautiful figure can only be created if all muscles are used. For example, improving breast shape will require training pectoral muscles. However, it is difficult to find a woman who uses these muscles in everyday life - accordingly, they do not strain or exercise. A similar situation with the creation thin waist. It cannot be achieved without tensing the abdominal muscles. And there are many problems like that. However, by including such muscles in your work, you can quickly achieve an attractive result and get rid of the accumulation of adipose tissue.

The main advantages of callanetics include gentle correction of the muscle corset without creating large muscle mass, which is usually characteristic of strength training. Constant training in callanetics in Moscow will allow you to carefully develop muscles and give female body beautiful and elegant forms, not spoiled by embossed excesses. This is justified by the fact that the technique does not focus on weight loss and active power training. Regular exercise helps speed up the metabolic process, which in turn helps improve muscle mass and stop the deposition of fatty tissue.

How to find a sports club with callanetics training in Moscow?

Our portal has a huge number of fitness centers, including those offering callanetics classes. Using convenient tables, you can find the most comfortable option for visiting. Additionally, prices for callanetics are presented, which can provide preliminary guidance on upcoming expenses. A pleasant bonus will be customer reviews detailing visitors’ opinions about the program, gym, coaches and other equally important nuances.