Yoga movements for two. Yoga challenge - what is it, benefits and harms, how to take part? Video - Visual aid to pair yoga for beginners

This is a whole philosophy, a symbiosis of actions and principles to achieve physical and psychological balance. Although it comes from distant India, yoga has taken root well here and is becoming increasingly popular. One of the areas of this extensive teaching is the “yoga challenge”, which is intended. Poses for exercises vary in complexity and technique, so each couple can choose ones that they can do.

What is a yoga challenge for two

Unlike traditional practice, in the “yoga challenge” all exercises, or rather “asanas”, are designed for two. Regular classes help partners acquire spiritual and physical harmony.

For maximum relaxation, it would be a good idea to select a light relaxing one in advance - for example, classical works or sounds of nature. Another option for maximum relaxation is to read together while .

Examples of exercises

There are a huge number various exercises, designed for paired execution. There are asanas for both beginners and yoga gurus. You need to comprehend this philosophy step by step and measuredly, complicating the assigned tasks during each.

You should not choose difficult exercises if your body and mind are not ready for it. Also, if the level of training of one of you is higher, and the other partner is slightly weaker, start with easy asanas and improve together.

For beginners

If you are just starting to learn the “yoga challenge” for two, let’s look at some easy poses that are suitable for your first workouts.

1. “Couple breathing”

Partners sit facing each other, then turn around and position themselves back to back. It is very important to relax and feel your body, listen first to your breathing, and then to the breathing of your partner.

Then, as one participant inhales, the other exhales and vice versa. “Antibreathing” must be continued for 3-5 minutes.

2. "Twisting around your partner"

The couple sits in the lotus position back to back. Within a few minutes, you need to listen to your breathing and tune in to further contact. Synchronously stretch upward as you exhale.

Then you need to smoothly turn over your right shoulder and place your right palm on your partner’s left knee, and your left palm on your right. The second participant performs the pose in a mirror image.

Stay in this position for 3-5 breathing cycles, smoothly return to the starting position and repeat the asana, now in the other direction.

3. “Standing Forward Bend”

Stand with your back to each other and smoothly bend down, hug your partner by the shoulders, and he hugs you, stay in the pose for 3-5 minutes.

4. "Double Downward Facing Dog"

Stand with your partner in front of you, bend down and keep your arms straight. Then the participant who stands in front alternately and smoothly places his feet on his partner.

Maintain the position for 2-4 minutes. Return to the starting position, breathe and switch places.

5. "Inverted Triangle"

Partners stand with their backs to each other. It is necessary to spread your legs as wide as possible, preferably at a distance of 1 m.

Stretch right hand to your left leg, and place your palm on the floor behind your foot, and raise your left straight arm up, look at it and fixate. Your arms should form a straight line.

6. Tree Pose

Stand sideways and hold hands, lean on each other's palms. Shift your weight to one leg, and bend the other at the knee, pointing it as far as possible to the side, the bent leg resting on the inner part hips.

Hold for 2-5 minutes. Rest and switch sides.

7. “Tilt towards the feet”

Starting position - back to back. Gently bend down, touch your feet with your hands, then hug your partner's knees.

8. "Dancing Shiva"

Partners stand facing each other. Bring your palms together at chest level. Then lift one bent leg and cross it with the bent leg of the second participant, remain in this position for 2-4 breathing cycles.

Do this with the other leg as well.

Did you know?Many people mistakenly believe that the various fruits of progress only fill the human mind and prevent them from comprehending their inner world. This is absolutely not true, because it was thanks to the World Wide Web that yoga became practically accessible to everyone. In 2016, 36,000,000 people practiced yoga in the United States alone.

For those who play sports

Regular “yoga challenge” training for two allows you to quickly tone your body. If you are also doing something else, you should pay attention to more complex asanas.

1. “Seated Leg Bend” or “Paschimottanasana”

One of the partners sits on the mat and stretches his legs. Then he leans forward so that his stomach touches his thighs. The second partner lies on the back of the first, while the legs should remain straight and the feet should touch the floor. Arms extended above head.

In this position, you need to carry out 4-6 breathing cycles.

2. “Boat” or “Navasana”

Partners sit opposite and put their feet together, clasp their partner’s right hand with their left hand, and their left hand with their right hand. Next, you need to synchronously raise your legs as high as possible without bending them at the knees.

3. “Tilt towards the feet”

Sit on the mat facing each other. Connect your feet with your partner's. Gently bend over, keeping your back straight, and grab your hands. Try to straighten your legs as much as possible.

4. Butterfly Pose

Sit with your backs to each other. Each participant puts their feet together in front of them, legs bent, knees pointing in different directions. Place your hands on your partner's hips. Enjoy the fact that your loved one is nearby, listen to his breathing.

5. "Double Child"

Sit comfortably on the mat and lean your elbows on your significant other's back. Synchronously and smoothly bend towards the floor, taking the fetal position. Hold hands and focus on positive energy. Spend 3-4 minutes in this pose.

6. “Double Sandwich”

Sit opposite and bring your feet together with your partner's. Lean towards each other. Keeping your back straight, try to clasp your partner's elbows with your hands. Fix for 3-5 breathing cycles.

Important!Especially when performing complex asanas, none of the participants should experience discomfort. Constantly take an interest in each other’s well-being and sensations.

7. "Lazy Butterfly"

One of the partners sits on the mat and takes a pose. The second one leans on his back and smoothly straightens his legs and arms, stretching out into a string. Stay in this position for 3-5 breaths.

8. "Open Heart"

Stand with your backs to each other and hold hands. Legs together, straight. Begin to simultaneously and smoothly lean forward until you form a figure similar to a heart. Fix in this position for 2-3 breathing cycles.

Complex asanas

To perform complex asanas, you will need not only good and general physical fitness, but also high level trust in your partner.
Most of these exercises are based on supports of varying complexity, so it is extremely important to be absolutely confident in your other half.

If there is no such confidence, it is better to continue working with easier asanas until you both feel the strength to perform difficult elements.

1. “Handstand and dandasana”

One of the participants sits on the mat and stretches his legs forward, his toes pointing towards the ceiling. The back must certainly remain straight, and the top of the head must be directed upward. The second places his legs wide apart near his partner’s knees and clasps his ankles with his hands.

Then he lifts his legs one by one and places them on the palms of his partner, straightens his arms. The first participant raises the legs of the second until his arms are straightened. As a result, the couple must build a figure resembling a square from their bodies.

2. "Flying Bow"

The man lies on his back on the mat and lifts bent legs up. The partner stands with her back and smoothly bends her knees to sit on her partner’s feet. After this, the man straightens his legs, lifting his partner.

It is important that the girl is able to maintain balance and relax, feeling a pleasant stretch. If this doesn’t work out the first time, it is permissible to secure your partner by the shoulders.

3. "Double Bridge"

Both participants sit on the mat opposite each other. One of them takes the “Plow” pose, throwing his straight legs behind his head. The second one lies with his knees bent, then begins to smoothly raise his hips, taking a bridge pose.

The first at this moment places his feet on his knees, forming a double bridge. After 3-4 inhalations and exhalations, you need to take the starting position and change places.

Did you know?In some countries, yoga classes are included in the training program for military personnel, astronauts, submariners, reconnaissance officers and rescuers.

4. “Adho mukha svanasana and dhanurasana”

One of the partners becomes in. The second one lies on the back of the first one and clasps the shins of his legs with his hands, the head and neck are relaxed, the spine is adjacent to the partner’s back.

5. "Rising Cobra"

One of the participants lies on his stomach, the second stands so that his feet are along the partner’s hips, and takes the first by the hands. Both participants must bend as far as possible lumbar region and stay in this position for a few minutes.

6. “Seated Angle”

Partners sit on the splits facing each other and align their feet. Then each of the participants reaches with his right hand to the partner’s right foot, touches the toe, and both freeze in this position for several exhalations and inhalations.

Important!If complex asanas are performed for the first time, it is advisable to have another person nearby who can support you and your partner.

7. "Airplane"

He lies on his back and raises his bent legs up, the partner comes up and lies with her stomach on his feet. After this, the partner straightens his legs, and the partner stretches out her arms and tries to stretch out like a string, while maintaining balance.

8. "Double Dancer"

The couple stands face to face at a distance of 60 cm. The partners join their right hands, straighten them and point upward. Both participants need to transfer the weight to the right leg, and clasp the left leg, bent at the knee, with the left hand and lift it as high as possible.

Fix in this position for a while and change sides.

Any one is useful for the whole; it not only develops a person physically, but also helps to find mental balance. A challenge for two is a great opportunity to improve your body and at the same time strengthen your relationship with a loved one.
Of course, any activity should be approached seriously and safely, but despite this, leave a little smile for joint training. Be sure to turn any mistake or incorrectly performed asana into a joke.

Enjoy communication and intimacy with your partner, and be sure that during this exercise your relationship will take a new direction and move to the next level.

Yoga is considered ancient practice, harmoniously combining physical activity with emotional cleansing and spiritual fulfillment. Yoga relieves muscle fatigue, develops flexibility of the body and mind, brings calm to tense nerves and evens out the mood. Residents of large cities are recommended to practice these exercises to restore balance. Recently, couples yoga has been gaining popularity. It is this variety that allows for a more complete emotional exchange and expansion of one’s physical capabilities. Couple yoga exercises often contain various types of supports and grips, which complicate the traditional poses of this practice.

This asana is extremely difficult and requires quality physical training at least one of the partners. It is recommended to thoroughly study and try out the poses described below, and only then proceed to this one. Despite all the complexity, the asana gives a real feeling of unity and flight.

Entering the pose occurs according to the following algorithm:

  1. Partner A lies down on the mat, raises his arms and legs perpendicular to his body (it’s better to bend his knees a little).
  2. Partner B lies on top, resting on the open palms and feet of Partner B (at the first attempt, Partner B has one leg on the floor).
  3. Partners establish visual contact and stay in position for as long as possible.
  4. Partner B's hips should be higher than their shoulders.
  5. If possible, partner B grabs the feet with his palms, stretching the thigh muscles.

Inverted Triangle Pose

This asana is considered the simplest in this category of practice. It is suitable even for beginners; this pose is considered basic for mastering the technique of paired yoga.

To do the exercise:

  1. Stand facing each other at a distance of approximately 30-60 cm.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.
  3. Stretch your arms up so that they are about 10 cm from your ears.
  4. Hold the position for 30-60 seconds, feel the energy of your partner.
  5. Extend your arms at shoulder level and turn your head to the right.
  6. Stretch top part torso to the right all the way.
  7. Place your right hand next to your foot with outside(if that doesn’t work, you can put it on the inside or use a yoga cube), raise your left hand up.
  8. Look directly at your partner and hold the position for as long as possible.

The left foot can be slightly turned inward or outward while performing the asana. The muscles of the neck and shoulders should be relaxed. Keep your abs tense. The pose can be done with your backs to each other and clasping your hands in step 7.

Double Downward-Facing Dog Pose

Downward facing dog is one of the most relaxing and calming asanas. Performing a pose in pairs makes it more difficult and more energy-consuming. If you strictly follow the algorithm, entering the asana is quite simple.

The main thing is to follow these steps:

  1. Partner A places his feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.
  2. Partner A extends his arms up so that they are approximately 10 cm from his ears.
  3. Partner A reaches forward and down and places his palms on the floor at a distance of approximately 100-120 cm from his feet.
  4. Partner B places his palms approximately 30-40 cm in front of partner A's palms.
  5. Partner B places one foot on the pelvic area of ​​partner A's back.
  6. Partner B lifts the other leg and places it next to the first, forming a second level of downward-facing dog.

In this asana, partner A experiences a large load on the pelvic spine, so if there are problems in this area, it is better to refrain from the pose.

Boat pose

The “Boat” asana itself is one of the most intense, requiring maximum concentration. This is practically the only asana that is easier to perform together, since the partners hold on to each other and receive additional support.

Entry into the asana occurs according to the following algorithm:

  1. Sit on the mat opposite each other so that your feet are touching.
  2. Straighten your back, keeping your spine as tense as possible.
  3. Raise your legs (at the same time or one after another) until your torso forms a “V”.
  4. Having found optimal position, rest your feet against each other.
  5. Feel the position and muscle tension.
  6. If necessary, join hands for additional grip.

Headstand pose

The pose is suitable for people who have been practicing yoga for a long time and have significant experience in inverted asanas. Beginners are not recommended to perform this pose together to avoid injury and negative emotions.

The pose is formed based on the following stages:

  1. Stand in a downward-facing dog position with your heads facing each other at a distance of 170-190 cm.
  2. Shift your weight to top part torso and rest your head on the floor.
  3. Place your elbows towards your head, clasping it with your palms and creating more points of support.
  4. Get into a headstand with your legs fully extended.
  5. Smoothly lower one leg until it is parallel to the floor.
  6. Place your foot on your partner’s foot and hold the asana for as long as possible.

Stretch pose

The asana will be the final one in the couple yoga cycle. It will stretch your muscles, calm your heart rate and allow you to enjoy maximum intimacy with your partner.

Stretching pose - stretches muscles, calms heart rate

Entering the asana is quite simple:

  1. Sit opposite each other so that your feet are completely touching.
  2. Hold hands and begin to reach out to each other.
  3. For greater comfort, slowly reach forward, using your partner's palms and arms as support.

Yoga for two - great option for couples who seek to get to know and understand each other. Physical exercise together and joint development will lead to harmonization in a couple. In poses, partners should feel and support each other. This practice, unlike classical yoga, brings more emotions from the outside. As with any load, in yoga for two there is a list of contraindications based on physical features and the presence of diseases. It is worth remembering that paired asanas require dedication from both partners, and if one of them does not want to practice, then such yoga will bring more negativity than benefit.

Video - Visual aid to pair yoga for beginners

Yoga, which came from the East, has become a very popular healing technique. By increasing the flexibility of the body and strengthening the muscles, it simultaneously helps to relax, find harmony with oneself, and become more confident and focused. The positive effect of yoga on human body expressed in normalization blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease, improving mood and sleep. A special type of this technique is yoga for two. Pair yoga for beginners, which includes complex poses, should be performed under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

Its essence is to perform exercises with the help of a partner, which can be spouses, children or other people attending group classes.

Couple yoga photo challenge for two for beginners is aimed at harmonizing relationships between people, developing sensitivity, caring attitude towards a partner, responsibility for each other, and the ability to understand the needs of another person. For spouses, such activities will help awaken feelings and strengthen relationships. Yoga for beginners for two is suitable for those who are subject to frequent stress and have problems communicating with people. It is useful for arthrosis, articular arthritis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, problems with the spine, and work disorders internal organs . Such yoga classes will not appeal to people who prefer dynamic exercises . Despite the fact that this practice is called “lazy”, it has a number of contraindications, which include the presence of mental disorders, infectious diseases

, malignant neoplasms, traumatic brain injuries, blood diseases.

Yoga for beginners for two involves first performing simpler asanas: paschimottanasana, upavishtha konasana, ardha matsyendrasana. When performing paschimottanasana, the first partner needs to sit on a gymnastic mat. The legs should be straightened and the toes should be pulled towards you. Then lower your body and head to your knees, avoiding rounding your back. In this position, the stomach should be in contact with the upper surface of the thigh, the back muscles and leg muscles should be relaxed. The task of the second partner is to position himself so that his back is pressed against the back of the first, straightening his legs and pressing each foot to the floor, and moving his arms behind his head. In this case, full opening of the chest is achieved. After holding this position for some time, the second partner bends his legs and stands up. After this, the first one also comes out of the yoga pose for beginners for two.

After holding this yoga pose for several breathing cycles, return to the original position, change places and perform ardha matsyendrasana in the opposite direction.

Performing difficult yoga asanas

In the future, yoga for beginners for two involves the inclusion in the training process of complex asanas consisting of several elements, for example, eka pada rajakapotasana. One partner bends the left leg at the knee so that the right iliac pelvic bone is above the heel. The right leg is extended back with the ankle pressed to the floor. The second partner, turning his back to the first, performs movements in the opposite direction. The location of the pelvis for two people is on the same line. Raising your arms up and clasping your palms, both should slightly bend your chest forward. Lowering your arms, repeat the yoga asana in the other direction.

Pair yoga photo for beginners, navasana poses involve the need to sit opposite each other, stretching your arms forward and clasping your partner’s wrists. Then, touching each other with your feet, smoothly straighten your legs and lift them. At the same time, achieve relaxation of drooping shoulders and avoid lumbar deflection. After a short delay in the position of the leg, bending it slowly, lower it and release your hands.

When performing yoga asana adho mukha shvanasana, partners stand with their backs touching. Leaning forward, both place their palms shoulder-width apart on the mat. The fingers are spread out to the sides. The shoulders are relaxed, the gaze is directed to the center of the abdomen. Rise up on your toes, with the left heel of one partner resting on the right heel of the other on the mat. Both lift the other leg up and touch their toes. Holding the position, perform adho mukha svanasana in the opposite direction. After the movements done, you need to sit with your buttocks on your heels, bending your legs.

For two beginners in yoga practice, it is recommended to linger in each asana for 4 breathing cycles. Paired yoga classes give a feeling of partner support and assistance, especially when performing difficult elements. Yoga for two for beginners will help you get rid of psychological barriers when communicating with people, become more sensual and more self-confident.

Yoga for two is not only beautiful photos, but also an excellent practice for relaxation, training and strengthening relationships - what you need for a pleasant sports leisure. Eastern practices help you calm down, find contact with your partner and build deep and trusting communication. Isn't this what every couple strives for?

Most often, yoga poses for two are sought by partners who lack joint sports activities: smooth movements and positions of bodies that support each other are literally created to achieve harmony, and this is their difference from yoga poses for one. Flexibility permeates all areas of life - through yoga poses for two, people learn mutual understanding and compromise.

However, couples practices are a way to find powerful contact and intimacy between two people in any relationship. Poses for two can be done together with friends, relatives, and children. Contact is an important part of any relationship, and by working together, you can better understand your loved ones. The main difference between yoga and other effective fitness training is achieving harmony.

Even if you can't curl up like one of the mysterious oriental hieroglyphs, you can definitely laugh together. And this brings us closer. Well, in order to not only have fun, but also benefit, we have prepared for you brief instructions on poses for couples yoga, pictures and many useful tips. Forward!

Yoga Poses: Exercises for Beginners

Do you want to quickly get close to a new person or deepen your current relationship, bring back the spark and feel your partner again? Invite him to a yoga class for beginners, the unusual poses of which will provide you with a boost of vivacity, fun and confidence. You don't need any experience to get started - just remember to listen to your body and not make sudden movements. You should also not eat heavy food before starting exercise. The best option There will be light vegetarian dishes.

Paired breathing

Start by sitting opposite each other.

Advice: the degree of contact is a purely individual matter. Focus on your own comfort, do not try to overcome yourself and avoid pain.

  1. Relax your torso and arms, resting on your hips or knees if desired.
  2. Feel the contact with your partner, his back touching yours. You can close your eyes.
  3. Feel your companion's breathing, smooth, deep and leisurely inhalations and exhalations.
  4. Gradually get into a rhythm of “counter-breathing” with the other person: when they inhale, you exhale, and vice versa.
  5. Continue the exercise for three to five minutes.

In yoga for two, the importance of this pose for beginners is obvious - this is the simplest and most gentle way to feel each other, to find inner contact. It is recommended to start all sessions with this pose. Those who practice pranayama can bring additional elements of proper breathing.

The twisting position is a logical continuation of the first asana. You start by sitting back to back in lotus position. Next, perform the exercise as follows:

  1. Listen to each other's breathing for a few minutes, relaxing and tuning into contact.
  2. Inhale while raising your arms up and straightening your spine.
  3. As you exhale, slowly turn to the right. Place your right palm on your partner's left knee and your left palm on the outside of your right leg. The person you are working with mirrors the movement, also turning to the right.
  4. Maintain the position for three to five breaths, then exhale smoothly, returning to an even position.
  5. Repeat the movement in the other direction.

Raising your hands, imagine that the lower part of your body seems to have grown into the floor with its roots, and the upper part from the waist is like light tree branches reaching towards the sun. Don't strain your back, instead focusing your effort on your fingertips.

Twists stimulate the process of cleansing the body of toxins, so practicing this asana is especially useful during detoxification. This playful asana can also set the tone and mood of your communication with your partner for the whole day.

Couples Yoga Poses: Taking It to the Next Level

This step requires some stretching and stability, but don't be alarmed: there's nothing difficult about it. We have prepared yoga poses for two in pictures for you, so that before starting the exercises you can carefully review them and prepare for the exercises.

Stand face to face. Feet hip-width apart. This exercise is included in the list of asanas for beginners. It is done as follows:

  1. Inhale and stretch your arms up.
  2. Lean forward, bending at the hips, until your palms touch your partner.
  3. Continue the movement until you touch the entire surface of your arms from elbows to palms.
  4. Lean your weight on each other through your hands touching and relax your chest and stomach.
  5. Hold the position for five to seven breaths.
  6. Complete the exercise by slowly walking towards each other, straightening your torso and lowering your arms.

Watch your back and don't slouch while moving. Correct position body when performing this pose of paired yoga, look at the pictures. And don't forget to hug at the end!

This exercise will help you open and relax your shoulders and chest- our energy center. It is also very beneficial for the back and spine.

You will understand the name of this pose by looking at the pictures. The figures of people really become like trees with their crowns touching. Here's how to make “two trees”:

  1. Stand next to each other, facing in the same direction.
  2. Connect your right hand to your partner's left hand from elbow to palm in an inverted T shape.
  3. Slowly shift your weight to your right leg. The companion simultaneously mirrors your movements.
  4. Raise the other leg, bending it at the knee and resting on the inner thigh of the supporting limb.
  5. Maintain balance for five to seven breaths.
  6. Relax. Stand up straight again, and then repeat the exercise, switching places.

Maintain balance by keeping your center of gravity at in the right place. Namely, do not lean forward or backward, keep the center of your body above supporting leg. Learn yoga poses for two from pictures to understand how professionals maintain balance.

Balancing exercises will help you focus and also relax your hip muscles. And of course not the best simulator on trust and the ability to be a support for a partner than this pose for couples yoga!

Advanced yoga poses for two

If ordinary poses for couples already seem easy to you, and yoga poses for two in pictures have ceased to surprise you, it’s time to move on to complex exercises. Be careful and listen to your body! Advanced asanas require good stretching, but don’t immediately force yourself and try to achieve the ideal the first time. Remember, yoga is not about pain. Yoga is about relaxation and unlocking your body's full potential.

Looking at the yoga poses in the pictures for two, you can be convinced that the “double mountain” is not so difficult. By performing this asana you can show off effectively on the beach or in group yoga classes outdoors.

  1. Both partners start in a knee-elbow position, one behind the other.
  2. Raise your knees and elbows off the floor, resting on your palms and feet.
  3. Raise your pelvis, straightening your back and legs so that your figure takes the shape of an inverted check mark.
  4. The participant in front slowly moves backwards, resting his feet on his partner.
  5. Once you find support in the other person's lower back, freeze and relax.
  6. Maintain the position for five to seven breaths.
  7. Slowly and smoothly lower yourself to the floor.

It is better to give the role of the “base” mountain to a partner with more weight. This is especially true when you do yoga with your child.

It is important to constantly communicate with your partner while performing this couples yoga pose. The asana should be comfortable and stable. It straightens the spine, improves communication and enhances intimacy between people. After performing this complex technique, eat a couple of spoons of honey with walnuts. The treat will help you regain your strength.

This best asana for stretching at home. One of the exercises that you can’t do on your own is yoga for two. The poses in the pictures will help you figure out what the ideal result should look like, but you should work towards it gradually, especially if your lifestyle is mostly sedentary. It is worth noting that this pose is great for helping you lose weight without dieting or strenuous exercise!

This pose is done as follows:

  1. Sit opposite each other and extend your legs in a V-shape so that your knees are level and your feet are touching.
  2. Extend your hands to each other. You need to hold on not with your palms, but with your wrist in your wrist.
  3. Inhale and lengthen your spine as much as possible.
  4. As you exhale, bend forward. Your partner leans back at this time, helping you to stretch.
  5. Relax all your muscles while remaining in this asana for five to seven breaths.
  6. Release your hands and return to the starting position.
  7. Repeat, switching roles.

Tip: all movements of the asana should be done as smoothly as possible to avoid sprains or other muscle injuries.

Doing this exercise will help you calm down, as well as deepen your sense of care and responsibility for your partner.

Having overcome this rather difficult exercise, you will be rewarded with all the pleasure that yoga can bring. Poses for two in pictures will help you understand the details of this asana, and our instructions will help you do it the first time. Go!

  1. Sit comfortably opposite each other with your knees bent and your toes touching.
  2. Gently but firmly take each other's hands.
  3. Start touching your feet, gradually pulling your knees towards your chest.
  4. Using your arms as a support, reach your chest towards your partner, straightening your spine.
  5. Keeping your back straight, begin to slowly lift and straighten your legs.
  6. Hold the position for five to seven breaths.
  7. Relax and carefully lower your feet back to the floor.

If you can't lift both legs at once, try doing it sequentially. And don't lose your sense of humor! This asana works the energy base area of ​​the body.

If you wish, you and your partner can set up a challenge for yourself for a week, learning a new asana every day. At the end of the week, you will have an impressive set of asanas that you can train in a complex, finding more and more pleasure in yoga for two. Keep the poses in pictures before your eyes to perform the exercises correctly. And remember that after performing difficult asanas you need to relax thoroughly: take a bath with sea salt, listen to relaxing music.

A few more poses that will help diversify your joint activities, give an unusual load, bring you closer together and have a little fun. Spending time together will strengthen existing relationships, and training in a group with strangers can make new friends. Try to learn these interesting and very useful asanas.

Halasana - double plow

Helps get rid of back and abdominal pain. The partners lie on their backs with their heads facing each other, arms extended and clasped around each other’s shoulders. Then one of them raises his legs at a right angle, gradually rounding his spine, and points his legs towards his palms. The other one does the same, placing his legs on top. Stay in the asana for several breathing cycles, but do not cause any discomfort to your friend. If there is discomfort, carefully exit the pose. If everything is fine, then switch so that everyone can stretch better.

Dandasana and inverted dandasana

The first sits in Dandasana, and the second, standing with his back to him, puts his feet at his knees, bends down and clasps his partner’s shins with his hands. Then the lower one puts his hands up, and the other one puts his feet on his palms and straightens his arms. The first, holding his friend by the shins, stretches his arms above his head and fully straightens his arms. The one who is at the base of the figure must ensure that the partner’s position is comfortable. In case of the slightest discomfort, you must report it.


The lower, stronger partner lies on his back, raises his legs and arms perpendicular to the body. The top one places his pelvis on his feet, with the palms of his straightened arms, resting on the palms of his friend. The pose is difficult and requires some practice. It’s good if there is a third person who will back up. If you both have enough strength, then you can change places. This asana, in addition to skill, requires trust and the ability to be a support for someone who needs support, and by doing the exercise, you can learn to rely on your friend and learn to be a reliable support for your friend. In this way, married couples can learn mutual trust, which is rare today.

Cobra with double camber

The pose strengthens deep muscles back and abdomen. One of the couple lies on his stomach, legs together. The second one stands over him, placing his feet on either side of his hips. The person standing takes his partner by the hands and bends back, bringing him into the cobra pose. Afterwards you need to change positions. Exit the asana slowly, gradually unbending; do not throw your partner’s arms abruptly. Remember that all movements in yoga should be smooth.

Natarajasana steam room

Facing each other, the couple extends their left arms above their heads and clasp their hands together. Both raise their right legs behind their backs as high as possible and hold them with their right hands. It seems that performing the pose is very simple, but try to stand in it for a while, you will feel that not everything is so easy. An excellent asana for balance, you can support your friend, and he can support you, besides, you will strengthen your legs and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Yoga poses for two: what is important to remember for beginners

After completing any of the exercises, return to a relaxed neutral position - lying on your back. It's called Savasana, or "corpse pose." Quite an ominous name, isn't it? This position is one of the easiest and at the same time difficult in yoga. The key to performing it correctly is the absolute relaxation of each muscle. Stop thinking and focus on the present moment, using it to deepen your newfound connection with your partner.

Tip: Allow your hands to touch while you lie in Savasana. Exchange energy and simply enjoy the touch of a loved one.

Joint eastern practices will help you put aside your differences and learn to work together towards a common goal, improving your communication and being considerate of each other's bodies. Yoga poses in pictures will help you do everything right at first. And over time, you will feel enough self-confidence to practice asanas based on your own sensations. To increase the benefits of yoga for the body, drink tea with chamomile and ginger after exercise, because it is a great mood booster!

Listen to yourself and your partner, don't do things that make you or him uncomfortable, and remain open to each other. This way you will always quickly find contact even outside of class: mutual understanding is exactly what yoga brings to life together.

Paired yoga came to us from India. This is not a type of fitness; everything is much more complicated spiritually. But in the physical, it’s just the opposite. Calculated movements specifically designed to be performed in pairs, in this type of yoga, will lift your spirits, improve health, increase life expectancy, harmonize the psychological aspect of health, help improve relationships, and even act as an indirect “elixir of youth.”

And these are just the main advantages. Tempting? There are practically no restrictions, so you can safely start! The only limiting factor in beginning to comprehend the wisdom of yoga for two is the apparent complexity of the asanas (exercises). A little patience and humor, and you won’t even notice how you’ve mastered a dozen intricate poses. The main thing is to take your time, try to perform the asanas correctly and enjoy the process, without concentrating on perfection.

What is it and how will it help?

It is known that yoga is at the same time a complex physical exercise and philosophy. Everything here is justified. There is nothing superfluous. It is based on taking into account the principle of harmony between the physical and spiritual, which is the ancient secret of human health, longevity and success. Pair yoga is no exception.

If doing something is difficult, simply eliminate the problematic asana. Therefore, we can say that there are no contraindications. But there is a category of couples for whom yoga as a couple is not suitable. These are lovers of dynamics and active movement. In the process of execution, interaction, synchronicity, the ability to maintain balance, feel balance, and master support are important.

Breathing is also important. In yoga, it has a special role, so it also needs to be monitored and controlled, as recommended in the manual for performing asanas.

Know that psychologists often prescribe couples yoga as therapy during a crisis period in a relationship or marriage.

We can’t say that it’s just exercise, but you can’t call it a sport either, since there are no heavy sports loads here. In the end, this is an excellent method of “rebooting”, a remedy against the monotony of everyday life, the speed of life, and an excellent opportunity to spend time together. A joint hobby will not only improve your health, but will also allow you to once again spend time with a loved one, with whom, given our constant employment, some do not see each other as much as we would like.

Yoga poses for two

To start doing yoga together, you don’t have to be physically fit. The complex is designed in such a way that it involves execution from simple to complex. Therefore, gradually you will improve your physical fitness, coming fully prepared to perform the most difficult exercises.

    The asana is considered one of the simplest and is recommended for beginners who have just started practicing paired yoga.

    1. The partners are positioned one back to the other.

      Feet are shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.

      One arm extends upward, and the other needs to reach the floor.

      Synchrony and slow execution are important.

    Asana Two mountains.

    1. Starts from a standing position, holding hands.

      Then both kneel down, turn their bodies over and sit down.

      At the same time, the legs are extended straight, then the left leg is moved to the left, bent at the knee, placed on the floor.

      The right leg rises up and bends at the knee.

      At the same time, the hands rise up and clasp together.

    Asana Spiral.

    1. Performed on your knees, parallel to each other.

      One partner sits down, leans to the left, placing his hand in front of him.

      The right arm is moved behind the back, the head is turned to the left.

      The second partner leans to the left, continuing to kneel, the left hand is extended forward and placed on the front of the partner's body, and the right hand is placed behind the back.

    Asana Tandem.

    1. Starts from a sitting position opposite each other, legs touching at the knees.

      After this, everyone leans back, maintaining balance.

      You need to straighten your back, stay in this position, and, leaning on your left hand, proceed to lift your right leg up together.

      Without lowering their leg, each partner leans to the left, bending their left arm and transferring the center of gravity to it.

    Asana Full angle.

    1. It begins with both partners sitting in front of each other with their feet together.

      Then both should lean towards the left leg.

      In this case, everyone should grab their partner’s leg with their right hand.

      The left hand of each person either rests on the floor or is placed near the right leg.

      At the end of the asana, the partners’ right legs rise synchronously.

    Asana Butterfly refers to simple ones.

    1. The partners sit with their backs to each other, after which one of them places his hands on the hips of the other behind his back.

      After this, everyone’s left hand extends forward and rests on their left leg, which is raised at this time.

      The leg and arm are lowered, and the right arms are then raised up.

    1. It is performed on the basis of the previous asana, with the partners’ heads positioned as far away from each other as possible.

      The body weight of each person in the pair is transferred to the upper body, the head rests on the floor.

      The elbows act as a support, located next to the head, but not at a distance, but so that you can clasp your head with your palms.

      The legs alternately lower to the floor.

    Asana Double Crescent performed standing.

    1. One partner stands behind the other, movements are performed synchronously.

      You need to bend over and touch the floor with your right hand.

      The left hand should be placed on left thigh.

      Then the left leg slowly rises up.

      Try to maintain your balance as long as possible.

      There is no contact between partners in this position, only close proximity to each other.

    Asana Tilt to feet simple.

    1. It begins with the partners standing with their backs to each other.

      At the same time, you can grab your partner’s knees, that is, you need to bend over as much as possible.

      Another variation is the side tilt, but this option is not suitable for beginners.

    Asana Heron and prey.

    1. The partners face each other, their left hands rise up and join together.

      After this, both partners lower themselves, bending their knees, while the right leg of each deviates to the side behind their back.

      The legs need to be pulled back, stronger, while using the partner’s arms as support, maintaining balance.

    Asana Right angle performed lying down.

    1. Partners are positioned opposite each other, legs bent and touching.

      Place your hands behind your head, interlace your fingers, and press them to the back of your head.

      Rise up synchronously.

      At the same time, the leg of each partner (the one located on the outside) rises up, and the second remains in place.

    Asana Tilt with arching starts from a sitting position.

    1. Each of the partners, after slowly bending, turns, this is done one by one.

      One turns his back to the other and leans towards him so that the position resembles an arc.

      The legs of both partners are moved apart to a distance equal to shoulder width.

      Both arms are extended upward.

      Then each partner bends their legs and arms, and the body position should change to lying down.

    Asana Cobra and obstacle.

    1. One partner lies on his stomach, and the second stands, approximately where the back of the lying partner begins, with his legs spread. That is, over a partner.

      The lying partner lifts his body up and leans on his hands.

      The second partner kneels down, placing his hands on the first partner's shoulders.

    Asana Two caterpillars.

    1. Starts from a kneeling position.

      Then each partner simultaneously leans forward and, leaning on his hands, gradually comes to a position lying upside down.

      After this, the “fifth point” rises up until the moment when the bent legs have a right angle.

      The movements are performed synchronously.

    Asana Bow and arrow.

    1. One partner lies face down with their legs spread.

      The second one kneels in this triangle.

      The lying partner lifts his body up a little and grabs his legs with both hands, which bend at the same time.

      At this time, the second partner sits down and stretches his arms up, and then places them on the partner’s feet.

    Asana Sipping considered final and intended to calm.

    1. Partners sit facing each other in a sitting position.

      The legs are extended and the feet touch.

      After this, both arms are extended forward, the body is stretched in the same direction.

    Anyone can practice this type of yoga. There is nothing dangerous here, for example, stress on the heart, or anything else that poses a threat to health.

    You should not be overly zealous at the beginning of mastering poses for couples yoga; this will not only not bring any benefit, but may also result in unpleasant consequences. Control what is happening so as not to harm yourself, and stretching and muscle training, if they were not there at the beginning of classes, will appear over time.

    Even if you have previously only seen yoga for 2 people in photos or videos and don’t know what an exercise mat is, start with pair yoga for beginners, which includes only asanas adapted for beginners. If you both have no physical training at all, don’t let this stop you, but become an excellent motivation to achieve joint results.