Chinese watch with heart rate monitor, pedometer and blood pressure monitor. Sports watches with heart rate monitor and pedometer, blood pressure monitor: review of the best models and reviews. Free Blood Pressure App

News healthy image life - plans for every Monday and the promise that millions make to themselves before going to bed on Sunday. And in the morning, after the first one, with muscle pain, lethargy and apathetic fatigue, this decision takes the opposite turn. There is nothing good in this way of life and there is neither desire nor need to lead it when it is so painful and unpleasant.

But the whole point is in the incorrect organization of sports training. Selecting the intensity of the load and setting the right pace so that the activity brings not only benefit, but also pleasure - tasks that must be approached with the utmost seriousness. In a world where digital technologies are deeply rooted in every sphere, sports are no exception. We bring to your attention a review of men's and women's sports watches with a heart rate monitor, stopwatch, blood pressure monitor and pedometer.

What are sports accessories for?

During training, it is impossible to objectively assess the state of the body.. Fatigue, increased heart rate and, as a result, problems with blood pressure and general fatigue cause health problems. In this regard, it is recommended to play sports using special devices that are designed to monitor the state of the body during training.

Sports watches - a new product in the world of gadgets - perform all these functions. A heart rate monitor, pedometer and tonometer, which are built into such an accessory, effectively and accurately track all vital signs and inform its owner about it. Such a device allows you to:

  1. Set the right workout pace;
  2. Define optimal time for rest and its intervals;
  3. Calculate the duration of rest, which will completely restore strength.

The use of a heart rate monitor is to determine the level of vibrations in the walls of blood vessels, which is individual for each person.

The pedometer helps to track and control the amount of distance traveled and create an individual load schedule, gradually increasing the mileage.

It is a confirmed fact that Every day to maintain vigor and health you need to take 11,000 steps. If the target is set, reset excess weight, then this figure should be increased to 13,000 - 16,000 per day.

And finally, a tonometer is a device for measuring blood pressure.

The sensor in the watch will measure the pressure in the largest artery in the body - the aorta, which is located closest to the heart and brain. In case of excessive physical activity, this indicator determines the critical point when the activity should be stopped urgently in order to prevent the occurrence of a stroke or heart attack.

Criteria for choosing a sports watch

Range sports accessories so large that it is extremely difficult to decide on a device that will suit each individual lifestyle. When choosing a sports watch, consider the following features:

  1. Operating time - the more functions they perform, the more energy they spend, which means they require frequent and long-term recharging;
  2. Synchronization - the ability to connect to mobile platforms and operating systems;
  3. The notification method is a sound signal that warns of the approaching critical point. It is better if the watch is equipped with a notification via vibration;
  4. Accuracy of displayed data;
  5. Waterproof;
  6. Impact resistance;
  7. Design.

The functionality of sports watches is not limited to devices that measure steps, pulse and blood pressure. If you wish, you can purchase a watch that will record your workout history, keep track of calories burned, determine your “fat burning zone,” as well as conduct a fitness test and determine own program training based on level physical training. It is worth remembering that a watch is only a mechanism, and the indicators it produces are purely a mathematical calculation based on numerical data.

Sports watch manufacturers

Among the huge number of manufacturers, the following have earned a reputation for quality and functionality:

    Polar is a Finnish manufacturer that has been on the market for 30 years. The watches of this company are distinguished by their relatively high cost and wide range of functions. The initial cost of such watches is 130 USD.

    Casio- versatility and innovation are the distinctive qualities of the brand's watches. It was this company that pioneered the production of sports watches with a pedometer. The cost varies from 100 USD. up to 450 USD

    Вeurer- German manufacturer of sports watches. Depending on your financial capabilities, you can purchase both the budget version PM18, which costs about 100 USD, and the more expensive and functional PM200, the price of which is 500 USD.

    Suunto is a Finnish manufacturer whose sports watches are distinguished by their versatility and quality. One of the most expensive in its segment and the purchase will cost 200 USD.

    Torneo is a Chinese company that produces very high-quality sports products at an affordable price. Sports watch with basic set functions are estimated at 125 USD.

Video review of Suunto sports watches:

The choice of a sports watch with a heart rate monitor, pedometer and blood pressure monitor should be based on the range of additional functionality. After all, sometimes basic functions are enough, and frills will only increase the cost without adding an ounce of usefulness.

Basic rules of use

In order for a sports watch to correctly display the necessary data, you must adhere to the rules and operating instructions. Individual recommendations have been developed for each model, but there are also common ones for all.

In the 21st century, it has become fashionable to monitor your health, eat right and exercise regularly. Global companies engaged in the production of various equipment and electronics are trying to make life easier for adherents of a healthy lifestyle and produce smart gadgets, for example, fitness watches.

Sports smart watches (bracelets) are a smart accessory that performs tasks that were previously only available to medical equipment. With their help, an experienced athlete or an insecure beginner will be able to measure their pulse, heart rate and other indicators. Such gadgets contribute to more effective and useful training.

Fitness watch with heart rate monitor

If you choose a fitness watch to regularly exercise, pay attention to the presence of a heart rate monitor. Pulse is an important indicator during physical activity. It demonstrates in what mode our body works at a particular moment.

Measuring your pulse by eye during intense workouts is not recommended. This can lead to serious consequences. For example, overloading the body or acquiring serious heart diseases. A fitness watch with a heart rate monitor can accurately measure your heart rate and show you when to take a break and when to continue exercising.

Sports smart watch with pedometer

If you visit gym If you don’t have the time or money, then, in addition to training at home, you can take long walks. Walking is known to be an effective and natural way physical activity. If you cover a distance of 10 thousand steps every day, you will notice positive changes in your body within a month. This is how the leg muscles are trained, the body’s endurance develops, the complexion improves from being in the fresh air and, most importantly, it is carried out effective prevention physical inactivity.

Urbanized modern man, unfortunately, does not fulfill even half of the established norm, preferring to travel by car or public transport. Also, work for the majority of the population involves constantly sitting on office chairs in front of computers. As a result, all physical activity consists of small runs from the car to the office and back.

If you decide that you will cover the required distance on your own, walking to work, walking in parks on weekends, or walking your four-legged friend, you will need an assistant. A fitness watch with a pedometer measures the exact number of steps taken. Their work is based on receiving vibrations of the human body.

Smartwatch features

Smart watches (fitness), in addition to monitoring the general condition of the body during training, are equipped with other useful functions. Actually, the prefix “smart” speaks for itself.

First of all, a fitness watch fulfills its main role - it shows the time, so with it you will know exactly how many hours you devoted to training. They are often equipped with an alarm clock and a stopwatch.

In addition, they can be built in:

  • calorie counter;
  • step counting function;
  • physical activity indicator;
  • thermometer;
  • compass;
  • cards;
  • sleep tracking function;
  • “watch search” function if you lose it.

All models of sports watches and fitness bracelets can be synchronized with your device via Bluetooth. Special applications have been developed for watches that support iOS and Android platforms that expand their capabilities. This way you can create your training schedule for several weeks in advance, read messages, receive emails, use your calendar and other applications.

Smart watches and fitness bracelets must have not only broad functionality, but also a number of properties, such as water resistance and shock resistance.

Fitness watches, the price of which usually depends on their functionality, will help everyone who wants to start leading a healthy lifestyle, and will help professional athletes or those who like to sweat in the gym to carry out training effectively and correctly.

Xiaomi Mi Band fitness bracelet review

Photo: Xiaomi mi band and Xiaomi mi band 2

The Chinese company Xiaomi, which relatively recently appeared on the domestic market, knows how to attract the attention of consumers and win their favor. So the Xiaomi Mi Band fitness bracelet was released at an attractive price at 1290 rubles.

However, low cost in this case does not mean poor quality. Let's be clear: this is a classic fitness bracelet, not a watch. Because it doesn't have a screen. The Xiaomi Mi Band fitness bracelet is in no way inferior to its expensive counterparts, and in some ways even better. For example, not all fitness watch manufacturers can boast such a bright and stylish design. Xiaomi Mi Band comes in a wide variety of colors: from classic black to bright pink.

Concerning technical characteristics, then, first of all, it is worth noting that the Xiaomi Mi Band fitness bracelet does not have a display (but the second version of this model, which went on sale in 2016, already has a display, read the details). Therefore, without connecting to a smartphone through a special application, they are simply useless. To fully operate the device, you need a smartphone running Android version 4.3 or IOS, as well as Bluetooth version 4.0.

The main functions of the Xiaomi Mi Band fitness watch are a pedometer and a smart alarm clock. And if with the first function everything is more or less clear - the number of steps you have taken per day is displayed on the smartphone screen, then with the alarm clock everything is much more interesting. So, it is triggered not by the sound signal of the smartphone, but by the vibration of the watch itself. At the same time, the smart alarm clock unobtrusively wakes up the user when he is in a light phase of sleep, facilitating easy awakening.

Don't worry if your watch suddenly gets lost. In this case, you can activate the search function on your smartphone and the watch will begin to vibrate or flash indicators.

The Xiaomi Mi Band fitness watch is an excellent alternative to expensive gadgets. They are perfect for those who love to play sports, but do not consider themselves professional athletes.

What the Apple Watch Series 2 42mm smartwatch can do

Apple, having released the new iPhone, hastened to please its fans with a new version of its already beloved smart watch. So, manufacturers added new functions to the Apple Watch Series 2 42mm smartwatch, slightly changed the dimensions and made the gadget’s operation even faster and smoother.

So, among the functions of the watch it is worth noting:

  1. waterproof and swimming mode - now all users can swim with the watch in the pool or sea without fear of “killing” the gadget. However, diving or going into water deeper than 50 meters is still not recommended. The Apple Watch Series has a special mode for swimming - “Pool”, which locks the screen after its activation;
  2. heart activity sensor – you can use it to monitor your heart activity via iPhone throughout the day;
  3. “Breathing” application – in case of severe stress and nervous overstrain, the Apple Watch Series 2 42mm smart watch will help you calm down by suggesting the right breathing exercises. And “Take a minute” reminders will be useful during intense workouts;
  4. GPS – the developers decided to add a GPS module to the device. This function will be useful, for example, when jogging, when using a smartphone is not entirely convenient. The watch accurately tracks the distance covered, measures the speed and pace of movement;
  5. “Training” application – you can now select a training mode depending on the type of sport. So you can choose “Running”, “Stepper”, “Ergometer” and other modes so that the watch records your achievements more accurately and in detail.

In addition, the Apple Watch Series 2 42mm smart watch also contains iPhone functions. With them you can receive call notifications and messages, use various applications and a calendar. Now you can stay informed about what is happening even during training! The cost of Apple Watch Series 2 42mm is from 29,600 rubles.

Smartwatch Samsung Gear S2

Photo: Samsung Gear S2

The Samsung Gear S2 smartwatch attracts attention with its stylish design. Such watches can be used not only as a smart gadget, but also as a fashion accessory, especially the classic model.

However, appearance is not the most important thing. The inside of the watch is no less attractive. For a price of 14,150 rubles, the user will be able to use various functions and applications, as well as stay updated on received messages and calls.

The standard range of Samsung Gear S2 features includes:

  • pedometer;
  • heart rate monitor with continuous heart rate tracking;
  • tracking water and caffeine intake;
  • Various training modes, such as “Running” or “Cycling”.

The ingenious solution of the Samsung Gear S2 developers was the ability to control the watch not only using the touch display, but also the ring around the screen. By scrolling it in different directions, you can navigate around the device. This also allows you not to obscure the necessary information with your finger, which is especially important when reading email.

Smart watch Colmi GT08 Bluetooth 3.0

Sports watch with heart rate monitor

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity increase the likelihood cardiovascular diseases. However, excessive physical exercise may be no less harmful to the heart. This primarily applies to children, disabled people and elderly people. Sports training Only then will they be beneficial when their duration and intensity are balanced. In that great help A sports watch with a heart rate monitor will be provided.

The heart rate monitor was created to monitor and track your heart rate (HR) during sports. This device first appeared in 1977 in Finland. It was developed for the Finnish ski team by doctor Martti Karvonen. Their mass production began in 1983. At first, heart rate monitors were chest-mounted, but recently their wrist-mounted version has become increasingly popular, and this is not surprising. It is much more convenient to wear the device on your arm than on your chest. True, sensors are often still attached to chest(sometimes on the earlobe or to the finger, but this is not always convenient, and the accuracy of the readings is reduced).

A heart rate monitor bracelet for sports has two main elements: a chest or built-in sensor and a receiver on the wrist, a GPS navigator or a mobile phone. This device is used by people involved in the most different types sports Heart rate monitor with running watch is good choice for track and field athletes. Would be best suited for swimmers waterproof heart rate monitor for swimming. Skiers, tennis players, cyclists, and fitness athletes will also be able to choose the right model for themselves. Sports watches with a pedometer are also widely used, which can be used not only for training, but also for daily walks or hiking.

Monitors for measuring and monitoring heart rate are especially necessary for those involved in sports who have various health problems: people with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, overweight or kidney failure.

Functions of modern smart watches:

  • regular watches;
  • heart rate monitor (pulse measurement);
  • tonometer (measures blood pressure);
  • sound notification about body overload;
  • setting the desired training pace and calculating the time for rest;
  • alarm;
  • determination of average and maximum heart rate;
  • stopwatch;
  • pedometer;
  • store reports of the latest training sessions.

Multifunctional heart rate monitors good quality produced by Beurer, Garmin and Polar. Their models are equipped with shockproof and moisture-resistant coating, which also protects the display from scratches. Particularly noteworthy is the Beurer brand, which has been producing health and beauty products for almost 100 years. This company is constantly expanding its range of products that are made of high quality materials and are easy to use.

What to look for when choosing a heart rate monitor

  • Protection from external influences (mechanical damage and moisture).
  • Operating time of the device without recharging. It must be remembered that the more applications a device has, the faster energy will be consumed for its operation.
  • Accuracy and reliability of data. The duration and intensity of training depends on them.
  • Appearance of the device. In principle, it can be anything, but it is better that it is in harmony with the rest of the sports equipment.

Our specialized online store offers you to select and buy watches with a heart rate monitor. The price primarily depends on the number of applications, as well as the quality of the materials used.

Fitness bracelet Trasense SH07

Modern technology products for beauty and health

Our world is developing and today gadgets can independently clean our apartment or wash the dishes. To reduce weight and improve well-being, sports devices with heart rate monitor, which are presented in various models in the assortment of our online store.

More details about the product

Sports bracelet designed to control your heartbeat, maintain activity, optimize and build workouts. Its capabilities, depending on the model, may include:

  • Measuring the distance traveled on a bike or while jogging. Built into the bracelet GPS a sensor that tracks the path from start to finish. The position of the body in height is determined during bending and squats.
  • A sports device with a heart rate monitor monitors your heart rate during exercise, records readings on the watch mechanism screen, or transmits data through an installed program to your phone, tablet or computer.
  • Using the bracelet, you can find out the state of the body at any moment thanks to the orthostatic test.
  • Sports watches are able to configure program parameters to perform effective loads. After completing the classes, a report appears on the work done with recommendations for changing the system. Also, the results obtained by the pedometer and tonometer can be saved in the electrical equipment menu section. The memory can hold more than 80 files.
  • Heart rate monitors and wrist pedometers are made with waterproof glass, which protects from raindrops or heavy downpours, and dust that settles on the monitor.
  • Sports bracelets with a high level of moisture protection are manufactured for immersion in water, where the distance swam and the amount of energy expended are monitored.

A device with a pedometer and blood pressure monitor is not only intended for people involved in sports or power loads V gyms. A sports bracelet with a heart rate monitor is also suitable for regular walks and travel, when the body requires a fixed calorie intake. The bracelet detects spent energy and notifies the owner when the rest period should be completed. In addition to the above functions, the features of a fitness bracelet may include:

  • The sports bracelet analyzes the depth of your sleep, determines best time awakening during the set alarm period, compiles a report.
  • The pedometer menu can be displayed in different languages. The main ones are: English, French and German.

Sports devices are powered by batteries or charged from the mains via a cord. The built-in battery is replaced at the end of its service life by removing the back cover of the case.

Storage Guide

Equipment with a heart rate monitor, pedometer must be used for the intended purposes without deviations from the rules of the manual.

  • The use of a heart rate monitor sports bracelet should be limited to areas with high temperature or humidity, unless the product is intended for swimming
  • Do not step on sports bracelets with a heart rate monitor, disassemble the case or fill it with liquids. If the monitor has been flooded with water, you must remove the device and wipe it dry with a towel. In this case, warranty service will be void.
  • The heart rate sensor of a sports gear with a heart rate monitor and pedometer should be removed from the belt after training and washed to remove sweat.
  • It is recommended to rinse the heart rate sensor belt in plain water, and clean the outer case of the watch with damp cloths without a hard cloth or adding alcohol.

Smart watch with heart rate monitor Not uncommon in 2017, almost every smartwatch manufacturer has taken care of a heart rate sensor in their device. This is not surprising; the function is really necessary, and sometimes even critically important, especially for athletes and for people with heart disease. Athletes have a unique opportunity to regulate their training, adjusting to the appropriate heart rate zone depending on the training goal.

Such a huge assortment of smart watches with a heart rate monitor on the market makes the buyer at a loss in choosing, for this, to ease the pain of choice, we have made the TOP 7 smart sports watches with a heart rate sensor.

Herzband Elegance

Editor's rating:

Average price – $70

Estimated life time: 5 days

Herzband is a brand that is confidently gaining popularity in the CIS, it has gained fame for its ability to measure pressure, or rather, calculate it based on heart rate readings. On this moment these are the best.

Design. They have a classic design, a round dial with a mechanical button on the right, a leather strap complements the classic ambience.

Functionality and characteristics. The display is monochrome and has a fairly low brightness reserve. The controls are convenient, they can be turned on by turning the wrist, but there is no voice control. Receive notifications from all messenger applications. Tracks all physical activity, like any other fitness tracker. They have a fairly low brightness reserve; in sunny weather it will be difficult to make out anything.

Our editorial testing has shown that The watch's heart rate monitor works properly.


  • pressure measurement;
  • stylish design
  • low price


  • low display brightness reserve
  • no GPS

Verdict: A good option for those looking for a budget option smart watches with a heart rate monitor with a classic design and fitness tracker functionality.

Editor's rating:

Average price – $200

Estimated life time: 25 days

Design and interface.Withings Steel HR has a truly “Swiss” watch design; it is only revealed by a small OLED display, which is designed to show all the watch’s notifications. Using a mechanical button, it switches between Withings Steel HR screens, where you can view your heart rate, steps and calories.

Functionality and characteristics. The main advantage of the watch is its record life time, which is 25 days in active mode, an incredible result for a modern smartwatch. To achieve such results, sacrifices had to be made, and this sacrifice was the display, which received a very small size. But it is worth noting that it copes with all its functions perfectly. Due to the bright backlight, all information is clearly perceived even on a small display.

Another interesting feature is the high water protection, which is 5 ATM. This allows the watch to be submerged to a depth of 50 meters. The watch is equipped with a soft silicone strap, which will allow you to dive with the watch in the pool and at sea.

The “brains” of the device are not too far behind the design and amaze with their functionality. So, they can independently determine what type of physical activity you are currently doing (paired with a connected smartphone), determine the stages of sleep, but without a smart alarm clock.
The operation of the heart rate monitor in the watch quite accurate, but during intense training the data is distorted.


  • record life time
  • stylish design
  • high degree of protection against water


  • inconvenient controls
  • no GPS
  • inconvenient charging
  • The heart rate monitor does not cope with intense workouts

Verdict: An excellent option for a smartwatch with a heart rate monitor and pedometer for those who value classic style and doesn't like charging gadgets.

Editor's rating:

Average price – $150

Estimated life time: 11 days

Xiaomi AmazFit Pace is the first smartwatch from the famous Chinese brand, which went on sale quite recently, at the beginning of 2017. They have already gained a lot of fans around the world due to their stylish design and fitness tracker capabilities. In this review, we are interested in precisely these capabilities and, in particular, the operation of the heart rate monitor.

Functionality and characteristics. Xiaomi AmazFit is not just a smart watch with a heart rate monitor, it is also a good GPS-tracker, capable of tracking your movements. This combination of functionality should be appreciated by lovers of jogging in the fresh air. It should be noted here that when GPS is turned on, battery life is reduced from 5 days to one day, and in household use manufacturer promises work up to 11 days, which is a very impressive indicator with such a display.

Another interesting feature of the watch is the presence of memory - 4 GB, where you can store music that you can listen to using a wireless headset.

Among other things, the watch has standard functions for tracking sleep, steps, and calories burned. There is no smart alarm clock, there is only a regular vibration alarm clock. Heart rate monitor operation I was very pleased; a series of comparative tests with chest heart rate monitors did not reveal any serious errors.

Design and interface. Xiaomi AmazFit Pace boasts a rich display where you can easily view basic data; the brightness is adjusted automatically due to the built-in sensor. At the same time, the display has a number of control disadvantages. First, the gadget does not support voice control, and second, to activate the display you need to press the small mechanical button in the upper right corner.

Like any smartwatch, Xiaomi AmazFit Pace can receive notifications from applications. Unfortunately, this area has not been fully developed. Thus, the “Reply” and “View conversation” functions do not function. The interface is presented only in English or Chinese.


  • Availability of GPS
  • high quality display
  • long life time


  • inconvenient display activation
  • flawed notification software
  • no support for Russian language

Verdict: An excellent option for those who prefer a sporty design and do a lot of outdoor activities.

Average price – $375

Estimated shelf life: up to 4 days

Design and interface. The watch was released in two design options, which are noticeably different, but at the same time quite similar. Samsung Gear S3 Frontier is a brutal version, similar to what we see on the covers of magazines with harsh models. The Samsung Gear S3 Classic is a timeless classic design, smaller than its larger sibling and not as shock and shock resistant, while the Frontier version is MIL-810G protected.

One of the main features and the main control feature of this watch is the “bezel”, this is a rotating ring around the watch, with the help of which gadgets are controlled. This solution turned out to be very successful and simplified interaction with the device by an order of magnitude.

The watch uses a standard strap that can be easily unfastened and replaced with yours. The body is made of high quality 316L steel.

Display with the SUPER AMOLED matrix there are no complaints, all data is readable without any problems in any lighting.

Functionality and characteristics. The watch runs on its own Tizen platform, which is noticeably more convenient than Android Wear. There are fewer applications here, but they are quite enough for everyday use.

Like any fitness tracker, the watch can track steps, calories, and sleep. From interesting features You can highlight the determination of the lifting height, as well as the ability to compete with friends in the number of steps. To evaluate all the fitness capabilities of the watch, you need to use the S Health application, which is only available for the Galaxy series from Samsung. Such exclusivity is an undoubted disadvantage of the gadget.

The watch has GPS and Glonass, which can remember your route. Separately, I would like to note that there is a version with LTE, which will allow you to call directly from the watch without a smartphone. A pleasant plus The advantage of a gadget is its long operating life, taking into account the huge number of functions that require battery energy.

The third generation of guiaras has significantly improved heart rate measurements, which is why the watch is included in our TOP. The heart rate monitor works correctly even during intense movement.


  • display
  • Availability of Wi-Fi and GPS
  • convenient control
  • MIL-810G protection in Frontier version


  • Samsung's proprietary fitness app is only available for the Galaxy series

Verdict: An ideal option for everyday use at work, in the gym, on vacation, if you also have a Galaxy smartphone from Samsung.

Average price – $350

Estimated shelf life: up to 2 days

Polar is the 2nd company from this TOP, which came not from the world of technology, but from the world of sports watches. And this fact significantly influenced the Polar M600 model in terms of functionality.

Design and interface. The design of the watch is sporty and futuristic, the case is made of plastic, there are metal inserts on the sides, and the strap is made of silicone. The design is very much for everyone’s taste and will not appeal to everyone, plus the device is already quite bulky.

The main control is done via a touch screen, there are also two mechanical buttons, on the left there is a “Stop” or “Back” button, below the display there is a button responsible for starting the workout.

Display juicy and bright, but in direct sunlight it is difficult to read data.

Functionality and characteristics. The watch is based on Android Wear, which means that more than 4,000 applications for various purposes will be available to the owner. Fitness opportunities are realized through Google Fit and a special service Polar Flow, which records all the information about the training, and you can also schedule them in it. The service is very good and will appeal to many athletes.

Runners and cyclists will appreciate the presence of a full-fledged GPS. Another nice feature of the gadget is that it is waterproof and can be submerged up to 10 meters, which is more than enough for a swimming pool.

Due to the 6-LED sensor, the heart rate monitor can compete in accuracy with chest-mounted heart rate meters. During testing, the heart rate monitor did not cause any complaints.

One of the unpleasant features is the short lifespan of the gadget, only 8 hours in training mode and 2 days in normal mode with Android, but with iPhone will only work for a day.


  • Availability of Wi-Fi and GPS
  • proprietary software for sports activities


  • design for everyone
  • short period of life

Verdict: Good option for professional athletes who need the most functional smartwatch.

Apple Watch Series 2

Average price – $400

Estimated life time: one day

It’s not for nothing that watches from the legendary brand are included in most reviews of smart watches and fitness trackers. Apple Watch Series 2, as a watch with a heart rate monitor, also did not disappoint.

Design and interface. The design is quite futuristic and not everyone will like it, but at the same time many will find it very attractive. It is presented in the shape of a rectangle with rounded corners. On right side There are two control buttons. The number of varieties of straps is amazing in variety; the case itself is presented in the main material options: aluminum, steel, and ceramics. The updated version now has quick access to the necessary applications via a button, which makes control quite convenient.

Display juicy and bright, all data can be read without any problems in any weather. There is an automatic brightness adjustment sensor, the operation of which can be adjusted in the settings.

Functionality and characteristics. Apple Watch Series 2 is a true all-in-one smartwatch that can do almost everything that a modern smartwatch can provide. Briefly by functions:

  • Ability to answer calls and receive messages;
  • Tracking the physical activity of the wearer;
  • Supports many additional applications from the App Store;
  • Measuring calories burned, steps taken, heart rate
  • Recording the route traveled using GPS
  • Internet access via Wi-Fi

The watch boasts not only the usual Bluetooth and GPS modules, but also a Wi-Fi module that allows you to access the Internet directly from the gadget. The gadget is waterproof, it can be used in the pool, and even a separate functionality has been created for this purpose that tracks strokes.

All the perfection of the watch is killed by its lifetime, which is one day, which is an anti-record for this top, and it’s difficult to find smart watches in 2017 who live so little.

The app for measuring heart rate is very primitive and is only suitable for amateurs active image life, but not for professionals. But it is worth noting that The heart rate monitor works flawlessly. Moreover, an independent scientific study conducted at Stanford showed the error of the heart rate monitor on an exercise bike is only 2%, which is comparable to the electrocardiogram data; for walking, the figure was slightly higher than 2.5%.


  • wide selection of applications
  • Availability of GPS and Wi-Fi module
  • juicy display


  • very short period of life
  • high price

Verdict: An excellent option for those iPhone owners who require the widest range of capabilities from a smartwatch.

Estimated life time: 9 days in watch mode, 11 hours in training mode with GPS

The ForeRunner series of watches is designed for running, as clearly evidenced by the name of the same name. The Garmin ForeRunner 235 is one of the best value for money running heart rate watches on the market. This model is suitable for both professionals and amateur runners who need much more than the functionality of a regular fitness tracker, but at the same time need a watch for everyday use.

Design and interface. The ForeRunner 235 is designed in sporty style and they won't come near formal suit to emphasize the status of the carrier. But they will fit perfectly into any other wardrobe and not just sports ones.

Display quite large and bright, all notifications and data can be read without any problems, even in the sunniest weather. Control is carried out by 5 mechanical buttons, which is quite convenient in rainy weather. The entire interface is intuitive and does not require much time to understand. Russian language is supported.

Functionality and characteristics. The watch is equipped with GPS and the GLONASS system, which made it possible to introduce a wide range of capabilities; in addition to the classic data on steps, calories and sleep, it offers a number of other options. As they run, they can show an estimated finish time based on their current momentum. They will evaluate the training effect of the session. They will predict your best result based on data already received. They will give recommendations for post-workout rest. Supports cycling training.

Also, many will find it useful to assess VO2 max to assess the effectiveness of the training process in athletics.

Additional amenities include smart notifications and music controls on your smartphone. This is also the only smartwatch with a heart rate monitor suitable for this review.

Heart rate monitor operation does not cause any complaints even with intensive training. It is possible to track heart rate zones.


  • Availability of GPS/Glonass
  • Windows Phone support
  • Advanced running features


  • not suitable for a formal suit
  • lack of app store and internal memory

Verdict: An excellent option for those who are engaged in professional running training.