Exercises with a bench. Using exercises with a gymnastic bench to increase the physical and volitional readiness of students in physical education lessons. tasks using gymnastic benches in games, attractions, relay races

Gymnastic bench Gymnastic benches are used to equip gyms, mainly in schools. Their construction is reinforced, they are designed to withstand the weight of many children, as well as for exercises such as......

Abdominal bench exercise machine: how to do it. Bench exercise

Gymnastic bench

Gymnastic benches are used to equip gyms, mainly in schools. They are reinforced in design and designed to support the weight of many children and can be used for exercise both on and off a bench. The height of the samya is 40 - 60 centimeters, it is enough for a child to crawl under it, so this apparatus can be used in relay races. A bench can either be bought or made in a furniture workshop or even in a school workshop. It is used for warming up and general physical training, so its scope is wide - volleyball, basketball, Athletics and other sports.

  1. Grab your partner over your shoulder and carry them over the bench.

  2. Lock and jump off the bench holding hands, partners stand on both sides of the bench.

  3. Standing on a bench, students (two or more) take each other by the belt and jump off the apparatus, legs apart, gradually moving straight.

  4. The student sits, the second holds the feet, pumps the abs, leaning back.

  5. One student lies on his hips, the second holds his feet so that they are in the air. We pump our abs, touching our head to the floor and bending forward. Your hands should be behind your head, you can turn your body from right to left.

  6. Competitions - standing opposite each other, push the opponent, or pull them together, if the starting position is holding hands.

Group exercises with a bench in hand

The following exercises are designed for several students, from 7 to 10 people. The gymnastic bench acts as a power apparatus that must be held together in the hands.


Classes are not only exercises, but also competitions, which are held in the form of relay races, when two benches are installed and team members take turns to complete the game exercise as best as possible and as quickly as possible:

  • jump over a bench, run along it;

  • two benches in length, they compete to see who and their team can quickly cross an impromptu crossing and lose as few players as possible;

  • two benches in length - the team runs over one, pulls it forward without standing on the floor, and so covers the required distance;

  • if height allows, crawl under the bench.

By doing exercises with a bench, children not only develop, but also have an interesting time. You just need to take into account that this sports furniture is heavy and angular, so serious injuries can occur if it hits it or if it falls on a student from a height.


using a gymnastic bench

Using exercises on a gymnastic bench helps solve the following problems: increasing interest in exercise, working on improving balance, developing physical qualities, formation of collective action skills.

This group of exercises is divided into actual exercises with a bench (when the bench is used as a weight when group actions) and exercises on a bench (when it is used as a support).

Methodological features:

Exercises with a bench are performed by two, three, four or more, in a line and column.

Participants are selected according to height.

Depending on the content, the exercises are performed simultaneously or alternately.

Benches are placed before the start of classes and can be pre-used when performing exercises in walking, running, and jumping.

When recording and conducting exercises, the position of the participants relative to the apparatus should be taken into account. The position in which the shoulder axis is parallel to the bench is called longitudinal, and in which the shoulders are across the bench - transverse.

When performing exercises, it is necessary to indicate the place of the exercisers relative to the apparatus (side, face, back) and the features of holding (grip) the apparatus.

An approximate outdoor switchgear complex with a gymnastic bench

I.p. – stand, hold the bench with an underhand grip, below in front of you.

1 – raise the bench with your hands

3 – the same, keeping the bench in front

I.p. – standing on the side, grab the edges of the bench from below.

1 – raise the bench up.

2 – put it on the other side of you.

3 – 4 – the same in the opposite direction.

1 – 2 – tilt to the right

5 – 8 – the same in the other direction.

I.p. – stand with legs apart, bench at the top on straight arms.

1 – 2 – bend forward with the bench lowered onto your back.

I.p. – sit on your heels, facing the bench, holding the near edge with an underhand grip.

1 – 2 – lift the bench up, look up.

3 – 4 – silently place the bench in IP.

I.p. – sitting, bench with straight arms at the top.

1 – 2 – bench forward.

I.p. – sit on your heels facing the bench, holding the near edge with an overhand grip.

1 – 2 – lifting the bench up, kneel down, bending back, looking up.

3 – 4 – return to i.p.

I.p. – stand, bench at the top with straight arms.

1 – bending your arms, lower the bench onto your right shoulder.

I.p. – lying on your back, gripping the near edge of the bench with straight hands.

1 – 2 – without bending your arms, raise the bench.

3 – 4 – lower into i.p.

I.p. – sitting, bench at the top on straight arms.

1 – leaning back a little, sitting at an angle.

I.p. – stand, bench in front on straight arms with an underhand grip on the near edge.

1 – bend your arms while turning the bench.

2 – straightening your arms, in i.p.

I.p. – stand with your legs apart, holding the bench below on straight arms. For each count of swinging the bench to the sides. Maximum amplitude.

An approximate outdoor switchgear complex on a gymnastics bench..

I.p. – standing on one leg with your back to the bench, the other leaning on the bench

1-3 – springy tilts back

Repeat the same, changing legs

I.p. – standing on one leg, the other on the bench

1 – tilt back, arms up

Repeat the same, changing legs

I.p. – standing sideways to the bench, one leg on the bench, hands on the belt

1 – tilt to the left

3 – tilt to the right

Repeat the same after changing legs.

I.p. – sit your legs apart, bench between your legs, arms to the sides

1-3 – springy slopes to the right

I.p. – sit back position, feet on a bench

1-2 – support lying behind

I.p. – emphasis lying sideways on your right hand, left hand on the belt, legs on the bench

1 – bend the torso to the side

Repeat the same in the other direction

I.p. – standing on one leg one step from the bench, the other on the bench, hands on the belt

1-3 – slow squats

Repeat the same on the other leg

I.p. – crouching, hands on the bench, right side to the bench

On each count, jump over the bench, raising your pelvis high

I.p. – lying on your stomach on a bench, arms up

1-2 – bend over, look forward

3-4 – return to I.p., relax the back muscles

I.p. – lying position, feet on the bench

1 – bend your arms, left back

3 bend your arms, right back

I.p. – sit at an angle, holding onto the bench from below

For each count of movement of straight legs forward, backward and to the sides

I.p. – standing sideways to the bench

Jump over the bench for every count

Methodological features of outdoor switchgear

on the gym wall

The methodological features of the exercises on the gymnastic wall are such that they allow you to solve the problems of all parts of the lesson, accurately record the initial and final positions of the body and its individual links, and therefore, dose the load in accordance with the individual capabilities of the students. Exercises can be performed in simple and mixed hangs, in mixed supports individually and with a partner. In addition, additional support with your hands on the wall makes it easier to perform a number of exercises (balance, squatting), which is important when practicing with beginners. When performing flexibility exercises (elderly people), the pace of movements should be slow; The main attention should be paid to the correct execution of the exercises.

Exercises on the gymnastic wall are used in the form of complexes in which hanging exercises are alternated with exercises in support and mixed hangings to give rest to the muscles of the hands and avoid injuries. Exercises involving large groups muscles, you need to do it at a slow pace for complete contraction and relaxation.

In recording the starting positions on the gymnastic wall, the position relative to it and the characteristics of the grip are indicated. In the name “gymnastic wall” the word “gymnastic” is omitted.

An approximate outdoor switchgear complex on a gymnastics wall

Organizational and methodological instructions

I.p. – stand facing the wall, grab the rail at chest level.

1 – 3 – bending in hip joints, springy tilts of the body.

I.p. – standing position, grab the bar at shoulder level, alternately swing your legs back. Same to the sides.

I.p. – standing close to the wall, hold your grip at the level of the pelvis.

1 – 2 – standing position, bending over from behind.

3 – 4 – return to i.p.

The same exercise can be performed with one leg bent, with a straight leg swing, with a lunge, and also while holding a bar at shoulder or head level.

I.p. – hanging face to the wall with a grip on the rail at head level.

1 – turn the torso to the sides with abduction of the arm to the side.

3 – 4 – the same in the other direction.

I.p. – stand at a distance of a step, grab the rail at chest level.

1 – 2 – bend your arms until your chest touches the wall.

3 – 4 – straighten your arms, etc.

I.p. – hanging on the wall, grip at shoulder level, flexion and extension of the arms at each count

I.p. – hang standing facing the wall at a distance of one step and keeping it at shoulder level.

1 – 2 – kneel down.

3 – 4 – return to i.p.

I.p. – hang standing facing the wall on the bottom rail with bent arms.

1 – rotation of the body with transition to hanging while standing on one arm.

3 – 4 – the same in the other direction.

I.p. – hanging face to the wall.

1 – bend your legs back to failure.

I.p. – hang standing legs apart on the wall with your arms bent, grip at shoulder level.

1 – straightening your arms, bend at the hip joints.

3 – straightening your arms, bend over.

I.p. – standing on one leg at a distance of a step from the wall, the other leg on the third or fourth rail, hands behind the head.

1 – 2 – bending the leg standing on the wall, bending forward.

Alternate change of legs.

I.p. – stand with your back to the wall, grip at the level of the pelvis.

1 – 2 – bending down.

The same exercise can be performed until your head touches your knees.

Exercises on a gymnastic bench

This group of exercises can be divided into exercises with a bench, where the bench acts as a weight, and exercises on a bench, where it is used as a support. Exercises with a bench are performed by a group of exercisers, and are mainly aimed at developing strength, accuracy of movements, and coordination of collective actions. Exercises on a bench are more common; they can be performed both in a group and individually. Typical bench exercises are outdoor exercises to develop balance and jumping exercises, For example,

walking on a bench in various directions of movement (including sideways, backwards, side steps), running on a bench;

lifting straight lines or bent legs from i.p. sitting on a bench;

bends, turns, squats from i.p. standing at the bench on the right (left) leg, the other (leg) on ​​the bench;

jumping onto the bench, deep jumping from the bench, jumping over the bench;

bending the arms while lying down, legs or arms on the bench (respectively with your back or facing the bench.

When recording exercises on a gymnastic bench, it is important to indicate the position of the student relative to the bench: longitudinally, across, face, sideways, back. Possible starting positions for bench exercises:

A) standing, sitting or lying on a bench (lengthwise or transversely),

B) When standing, sitting or lying on a bench, the bench is used as a support for the arms or legs.

We focused only on the most common types of outdoor switchgear. But they can be performed with balls of different sizes, with medicine balls, dumbbells, with shock absorbers, on exercise machines, on apparatus artistic gymnastics, in pairs, in group clutch, in motion, etc. Creating and constructing general developmental exercises is a creative and exciting process. The main thing is to determine the needs of those involved, and if the complex is being compiled for yourself, then it is important to pay attention to weak sides their development and preparedness. Think over, compose a complex of simple and effective exercises Everyone can, and this will be one of the main steps towards self-improvement and creating your own image of a modern, physically fit person.

After reviewing the data presented above, proceed to compiling your own outdoor switchgear complex. Divide the entire process into several steps.

Step 1. Determine the direction of the complex - complex hygienic gymnastics, a complex for the development of strength, jumping ability, for the formation correct posture etc. Once you have decided, write the name of the complex at the top of the sheet. If your complex involves the use of objects, mark the object in brackets (for example: a set of general developmental exercises, with a primary focus on developing flexibility (with a fitball)).

Step 2. Prepare a table in which you will enter the exercises. To facilitate the work and accuracy of recording, highlight the “initial position” line separately:

Starting position (from which position the exercise begins)

(how the exercise is performed, how to organize a group)

Main stand – o.s.

1 – half squat, hands

2 – squat, arms up,

3 – bend forward, hands on waist,

When squatting, do not rise on your toes.

Stand, legs apart

Step 3. Start compiling exercises. Mark the serial number of the exercise, in the next column - the starting position, then in the “contents of the exercise” column, write down the sequence of movements for the count. In the next column, write down the number of repetitions; in the last column, write down the features of performing the exercise. When selecting exercises, look again at the sections “Forms for recording outdoor switchgear” and “Drawing up and recording specific outdoor switchgear.”

Step 4. Having compiled a set of (10–12) exercises, check whether the sequence of exercises is written down correctly and whether exercises are included for all muscle groups. Avoid similar starting positions and exercises that duplicate each other.

Step 5. Complete the title page of your work. Mark the name of the complex, who completed it (last name, first name, institute, course, group), who checked it (full name of the teacher).

Step 6. If your complex is positively assessed, prepare to conduct your complex with the group. Please note the following. 1. Distribute students at a safe distance from each other. 2. Explain the exercise procedure clearly and loudly. First of all, indicate the starting position, then, combining with the demonstration, perform the exercise while counting, at a slow pace along with the students. Next, continue the counting, and also follow the methodological instructions to the group. Replace the last count at the end of each exercise with the command “stop!” for the convenience of stopping the group. 4. Don’t get lost; if something doesn’t work out, ask your teacher for help. Consider this task as an experience of speaking in public (even if it’s only your group for now), which will be useful to you in the future.

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Complex 1

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Exercises on gymnastic benches

Exercises on gymnastic benches

No, obviously none gym a school that would not have gymnastic benches. If they are not available, they can easily be made in a school workshop, varying the height from 40 to 60 cm. The proposed exercises on gymnastic benches are simple and accessible in organizing classes on them, the equipment is always at hand and, importantly, on modern stage training, they are almost harmless. Exercises on gymnastic benches are easy to do, accessible, and as preparatory exercises they are indispensable when solving problems of general physical training: athletics, volleyball, basketball and other sports. Exercises on gymnastic benches are available for any group of participants; only the height, number of exercises, and duration of execution time vary. The advantage of exercises on gymnastic benches is that it, allowing the whole class to be included in the work, using a group or continuous method, or a significant group of students. The exercises fit well into the circuit training method. Not least with a skillful approach are exercises on gymnastic benches and with children who have deviations in health and posture.

Complex 1

By varying the pace, methods, dosage, and selecting exercises, they can be used in any lesson, in any training session.

The exercises below are not the only ones possible. These are just the exercises that I had to use in the educational and training process and not without success. I will be very glad if my experience (45 years of teaching experience) will help in organizing and conducting the educational and training process, especially for beginning enthusiastic teachers.

1. Jumping on one or two legs (can be done for a while - 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds).

2. Jump onto the bench with both feet, jump off - legs apart, bench between the legs, performed moving forward and in place.

3. Standing on the side, with one foot on the bench, straighten up and change the position of your legs with a jump.

4. Running on a bench. The class is divided into two groups, benches are installed, or in parallel.

Teacher: “Guys, here is the crossing, the one who falls from the bench “flies into the abyss”, every 7, 10 or 15 seconds, depending on the number of students, “the enemy is firing.” During this time, your group needs to cross to the other side as quickly as possible and without mistakes.”

This can be done while transferring the victim.

5. Run along the bench from the side, stepping with one foot (left or right).

6. I.p.: stand with your toes on the board of an inverted bench, heels on the floor. Rise on your toes and lower down without touching your heels to the floor, without bending your knees.

7. Standing in a lunge on a bench, swinging one leg behind you – the supporting leg is straight.

8. Moving on a gymnastic bench with a partner carried over the shoulder.

9. Jumping – legs apart, jump onto the bench with a partner, standing facing each other, holding hands, jump down.

12. One foot on the bench, the other step forward, then back, then the position of the legs changes. Can be performed for a while (15, 20, 30 seconds), depending on the preparedness of the students.

13. Standing to the left of the bench, jump with both feet onto the bench and jump to the right.

14. Jumping over benches in a row 5–6, over two benches installed side by side in width and height.

1 = 50 cm h = 50 cm

15. Jump onto a bench with weights, legs apart and together.

Complex 2

16. Jumping with weights on two benches installed in parallel at a distance of 50–60 cm. Use dumbbells or weights as weights, depending on the preparedness of the students.

1. The partner sits, the second holds the ankles. Tilt back, the same with your hands touching the floor with a turn to the right, left. The exercise can be performed with weights, depending on the preparedness of the students.

2. The partner lies on his hips, the other holds his legs, his legs do not touch the floor. Bend forward, bend back, the same with turning, with weights. The first and second exercises correct poor posture.

3. Bending and straightening your arms while pushing on a gymnastic bench, doing the same thing when pushing off the bench and clapping. Flexion and extension in support from behind.

4. Lying down, legs bent on the bench. Bending and extension of the arms, hands together, with clap, on fists, etc.

5. Moving with the right, left side in a lying position, in a back position, legs bent, legs straight. For those who are trained, their legs are straight; for those who are unprepared, their legs are bent.

6. Movement in a lying position with a circle turn to the left, to the right.

7. Jumping, legs apart, pushing off the bench, hands placed to push as far forward as possible.

8. Emphasis crouched, hands on the bench, legs to the left. Without lifting your hands, jump over the bench, the same with moving forward, pushing off with two hands, one.

9. Lying on a bench, crawling, pulling yourself up on your hands, the same on a bench installed at an angle. The angle of inclination depends on the level of preparedness of the students.

10. Running up a gymnastic bench, installed at an angle, to the gymnastic wall and then moving onto it.

11. Moving upward with your back forward in a crouched position, with your hands gripping the edges of the bench.

12. Two benches are installed parallel, inclined to the stairs. Moving up and down on your hands.

Complex 3

13. Moving forward in support from behind, bench between legs. Same thing back.

1. Benches on the side, on the left, on the floor. Grab the bench with both hands, lift it above your head and lower it to the right. Then do the same in the opposite direction.

2. Bench on the left shoulder, lift it above your head and lower it onto your right shoulder, the same thing, but one of the partners hangs in the middle of the bench.

3. Bench on the shoulder on the left, holding it with your right hand, move it straight to the left, lift it above your head. The same for the right hand.

4. Bench on the left shoulder, legs apart, tilt to the right, transfer the bench to the right shoulder, tilt to the left. The same goes for straight arms.

5. While lying on the floor, grab the bench behind your head with both hands, lift it and put it on your chest, then everything in the opposite direction.

6. I.p. Same. Raise your legs straight and touch the bench.

7. The bench is grabbed behind the head, in a lying position. Raise your straight legs to the corner and place them to the right (left).

8. Partners sit legs apart close to each other, bench on the left shoulder, move the bench to the right shoulder, lie down - get up and move the bench to the other shoulder.

9. Bench on your shoulder in a squat, straighten up and transfer the bench to the other shoulder 10-12 times.

Martial arts on a gymnastic bench

1. Partners stand opposite each other. It is necessary to push or unbalance your partner. The player or team remaining on the bench wins.

2. a) Partners sit facing each other, astride a gymnastic bench, holding the edges with their hands and resting their feet. It is necessary to unbalance your partner. b) The same from the emphasis on the forearms, sitting with their backs to each other.

1. a) Jumping over one, two, three benches installed in parallel, running a segment of up to 15 m. b) Running along benches installed in length.

2. “Crossing”: the whole team, at a signal, runs across behind the guide along one or two benches installed in length. The winner is the team whose players get to the other side of the “chasm” faster without losing a single player.

3. Two benches are installed end to end along their length. A team of 7-9 people runs through the first, stops at the second and pulls the first forward without stepping on the floor. Then he pulls the second one and so on until the end of the distance.

4. Crawling under the bench. The bench is non-standard, height 50–60 cm.

If you get creative, you can incorporate many of the exercises described above into bench relay races.

It is best to start learning exercises on a gymnastic bench in primary school, increasing in difficulty as they grow older. In elementary school, children are more receptive and remember for a long time.

Abdominal bench exercise machine: how to do it

Abdominal bench

Abdominal bench exercise machine: how to do it

Achieve an optimal athletic figure without not having well-developed muscles abdominals- impossible. It is a well-pumped press that forms the basis perfect figure, and therefore special attention should be paid to training this area of ​​the body. An abdominal bench machine will help solve this problem.

Abdominal bench exercise machine: the benefits of exercise

There are quite a lot special complexes exercises that allow you to tighten your abdominal muscles. However, it is generally accepted that the most effective of them are training using a special bench for the press.

This type of exercise bench is a universal sports equipment, allowing you to work out the most different groups abdominal muscles. As a rule, for greater efficiency, this apparatus has adjustable elements, with which you can select the most optimal angle of inclination, which makes it possible to train your abs in different positions. At correct use Abdominal bench strength machines allow you to create an excellent, toned figure in a fairly short time.

Abdominal bench exercise machine: how to do it

What exercises are recommended primarily for training the abs? Here are some of them that are recommended by most experts, and which should help anyone involved in quickly gaining excess weight and achieve the appearance of attractive muscle “cubes”.

1. The most simple exercise To strengthen the abs, lift the body from a lying position. To do this, you need to fix your legs by engaging with special stops, which are located in one of the parts of the bench. When performing this exercise, it is recommended to place your hands behind your head to achieve maximum effectiveness. The exercise should be performed in series of several approaches, while the ability to change the angle of inclination of the working surface of the bench increases the effectiveness of the training.

2. Another common exercise is strength training equipment Ab bench is a crunch. To do this, you need to set the bench at an angle of about 30 degrees and lie down so that your head is down and your lower back is pressed against the surface of the bench. Begin the exercise by slowly lifting your head and shoulders by using the strength of your abdominal muscles while twisting your body to the right side. Return also slowly to the starting position. Then repeat the same steps, but twisting the body into left side. Do several sets of 5-10 times depending on your physical fitness.

Abdominal bench exercise machine: how to do it

3. Another popular exercise is to train the abs on a bench machine using leg lifts. Lie on your back and grab the footrest with your hands. Raise your legs bent at the knees to your chest, and then lower them to the starting position. The exercise can be performed with straight lines, as well as lifting each leg in turn.

4. To perform another leg raise exercise, you need to lie head up on a bench previously tilted at an angle of 45 degrees. Holding the handles, slowly raise your straight legs. Make sure that your lower back does not come off incline bench. Return to the starting position. Do several reps.

5. Leg abduction exercise. Lying on your side, grab the footrest with one hand and keep the other arm bent at your waist. Legs should be straight. Then bend your upper leg at the knee and take it back. After doing this exercise several times, turn over to the other side and repeat with the other leg.

When performing exercises, watch your breathing. As you inhale, the muscles should be relaxed, and as you exhale, tense. Focus on performing the movements accurately.

Remember that classes should not be too short, otherwise the muscles will not be fully involved. It is recommended to perform at least 5 sets of 10-15 movements in each of them. The pauses between approaches should not be long - no more than 1-2 minutes, and during them it is necessary to restore breathing.

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Lesson: "Exercises with a gymnastic bench."

"Exercises with a gymnastic bench."

The functions of a gymnastic bench in a physical education lesson are truly limitless: it is a support, an obstacle, a relay stage, a weight, and a resting place. This article explains how you can use a bench to develop physical qualities and what exercises you can use to improve the technical elements of sports games.

exercises to develop strength

All exercises for developing strength using a bench can be divided into two groups:

– exercises with a gymnastic bench, in which it itself is used as a weight;

- exercises in which its upper, smooth surface is used, and the weight is the exerciser’s own weight on a gymnastic bench.

The first group is more suitable for high school boys, and the second can be recommended for absolutely all students. In the first group there are two possible locations:

1. The bench is parallel to the floor and can be moved simultaneously by two or more people.

2. When performing exercises of the second group, the bench either stands on the floor horizontally or is in an inclined position: for example, one end is on the floor, the other is on the crossbar of the gymnastic wall.

The exercises of the second group, in turn, can also be divided into three subgroups:

a) students move in a lying position by pulling up along the upper plane or with the help of partners. These exercises are very dynamic, emotional and are very popular among primary and secondary school students. It is advisable to use them in relay races, as well as as preparatory training for learning pull-ups and rope climbing. On the other hand, it is much more difficult to selectively influence one or another muscle group;

b) one end of the bench is fixed, and the student moves the opposite. The fixed end can stand on the floor or be placed on the crossbar of the wall bars, which will protect the hall floor from damage and increase the load. To do this, on the edge of the lower surface of the bench at the end it is necessary to fasten a bar or hook with which it will cling to the crossbar. Additional load can be created either by changing the height of the fixed edge, or by weighting on the upper edge of the bench. The weight of a partner can be used as a weight, who can stand in different parts of the bench, performing various static exercises: for example, in a sitting position, arms behind, holding your legs at an angle;

c) children and the bench do not move relative to each other, except for a number of exercises for the leg muscles - the bench is used as a support or obstacle.

exercises for arm muscles and shoulder girdle

1. I.p. – standing in a column; if two people perform the exercise, then it is better to stand facing each other, holding an inverted bench by the edges above your head with outstretched arms. Simultaneously lower and raise the bench onto the right (left) shoulder or, if there are two people doing it and they are facing each other, holding the bench by the ends, on the chest.

2. I.p. - standing in a line, holding the bench by the edge in your lowered hands. Raising the bench so that the upper surface is parallel to the floor, without bending your arms at the elbow joints, and returning to the starting position. Option: students hold the bench raised with a wrist movement to a position parallel to the floor for several seconds motionless, and then slowly lower it to its original position.

3. The same due to flexion and extension of the arms at the elbow joints. Exercise develops deltoids. Option: bend your arms with a bench to a right angle at the elbows and hold in this position for a while, then slowly lower. Exercise develops biceps muscles shoulder

4. I.p. – standing in a line, holding the bench by the edge at the top with straight arms. Lowering the bench behind your head without changing the position of your elbows, and returning to the starting position - “ French press" The exercise develops the triceps muscles of the shoulder.

5. I.p. - standing facing the bench and holding it by the top edge at the very end at chest level, the other end on the floor. Press – raising the edge of the bench until your arms are fully straightened. Well-prepared students can perform movements with one hand alternately. This exercise Intended only for boys in grades 10–11. This exercise develops the triceps and pectoralis major muscles.

6. I.p. – standing in an inclined position, holding the bench by the side edges of the top board at the end with straight arms lowered down, the other end of the bench rests on the floor. Chest row – raising and lowering the upper edge of the bench to the starting position. The exercise develops the biceps, lats and trapezius muscles backs.

7. I.p. – lying on a bench lengthwise on your chest, head forward. Sliding along the bench, pulling yourself up with both hands simultaneously or alternately.

8. I.p. - lying on your back along the bench. Slide along the bench feet first, pulling yourself up with both hands at the same time. This exercise is performed only on a horizontal bench.

9. The same, moving head forward.

10. I.p. - the same, but a rope is stretched over the bench at a small height, the front end of which is rigidly fixed, for example, tied to a gymnastics wall, and the rear end is held suspended by a partner. The bench can stand both horizontally and inclined. Simulation of rope climbing. The exercise is a preparatory exercise for learning rope climbing. Option: the same without the help of legs.

11. I.p. - lying on a bench lengthwise on your chest, holding a gymnastic stick in your hands. Two partners use the ends of the stick to move it by sliding it along the bench, moving in parallel.

12. I.p. – lying position, hands on the bench. Flexion and extension of the arms.

13. The same in a lying position, legs on the bench, hands on the floor.

14. I.p. – lying on the back on a bench, legs straight. Flexion and extension of the arms. The load can be increased by placing your feet on a support - another parallel bench - or by placing additional weights on your hips, such as a medicine ball.

This exercise prepares you very well for dips. Exercises designed for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, under certain conditions, allow you to simultaneously load other muscle groups. For example, when performing a chest slide, keeping your knees slightly bent and your hips off the bench will require engaging your back and abdominal muscles. When sliding on your back, your legs can be raised, keeping them straight or bent, with your head and shoulders raised. This also engages the abdominal muscles. This exercise is not recommended to be included in the lesson program if it is used in relay races, when schoolchildren, carried away by the excitement, forget about the correct execution of the exercise.

exercises for the torso and abdominal muscles

1. I.p. – standing in a line, holding the bench by the edge in your lowered hands. Bend the torso forward.

2. I.p. – standing in a line with legs apart, holding an inverted bench by the edges with outstretched arms above your head. Bend the torso to the sides.

3. I.p. – standing facing the bench and holding it by the side edges of the upper edge at the very end with straight arms lowered in a stance with legs apart, the other end on the floor. Bend the torso forward.

4. I.p. - standing sideways to the bench, holding it by the end with one hand, the other end resting on the floor. Tilt the torso towards the bench. The same with the other hand.

5. I.p. – lying across the bench face down, leaning on it top part hips, hands behind the head, partner fixes the legs. Raising and lowering the body.

6. I.p. - sitting across the bench. The partner fixes straight legs. Bend the torso back and return to the starting position.

7. I.p. – lying on a bench lengthwise on your back, holding the edges with your hands at head level. Raising and lowering straight legs. The load can be increased by stopping them during lowering a few centimeters from the bench.

8. The same on an inclined bench, head higher than feet.

9. I.p. – lying on an inclined bench on your back, hands behind your head or crossed on your chest, legs above your head, secured to the crossbar of a wall bars. Raising and lowering the body.

exercises for leg muscles

1. I.p. - standing in a line, holding the bench by the edge in your lowered hands. Calf raises.

2. Performed in pairs. I.p. – standing facing each other, holding an inverted bench by the ends at chest level. Squats. When performing exercises in a group, you need to select students of approximately the same height, and also keep in mind that in this case the load of each individual student is sort of leveled, and it is impossible to select it individually.

3. I.p. – standing facing the bench, holding the bench by the side edges at the top edge, the bottom edge rests on the floor. Calf raises.

4. The same on the right (left) leg.

5. I.p. - Same. Squats. Most of the above exercises are more effective if performed at a slow pace.

6. I.p. - lying on a bench on your back. A rope is stretched over the bench at a small height, the front end of which is rigidly fixed, for example tied to a gymnastics wall, and the rear end is held suspended by a partner. Simulates hands-free rope climbing. At first glance this seems impossible, but in fact it is quite doable. This exercise helps in teaching proper footwork when climbing a rope.

7. I.p. - lying on a bench on your back. Sliding by pushing off with your feet. It is necessary to ensure that the sole is non-slip.

8. I.p. – standing facing the bench at a distance of a step from it, hands on your belt. Place one foot on the bench, the other remains in place. Squats until the knee of the back leg touches the floor. Changing the position of the legs - by jumping or stepping. High school boys can perform this exercise with weights on their shoulders, such as a light barbell.

9. I.p. – standing facing the bench. Jumping on a bench.

10. The same on the right (left) leg.

11. I.p. – standing sideways to the bench. Jumping over a bench and back on two legs.

12. The same on the right (left) leg. Exercises 11 and 12 can be performed moving forward.

13. Walking on an inclined bench from bottom to top on your toes.

14. I.p. - standing facing the benches, standing parallel to each other at a distance of 0.7–1.0 m, - there should be no more than four of them. Jumping over benches on two legs forward.

This exercise should only be offered to well-prepared students. Exercises 9–14 can be used to develop the speed-strength abilities of the leg muscles.

Many of the above exercises can be included in circuit training. In this case, it is advisable to combine two or more exercises together and perform one after the other. In athletics, such techniques are called “superset” if two exercises are combined, and “triset” if three.

1. The student performs a bench press on the free edge of a bench that is inclined and secured to the crossbar of a wall bars, and then moves along it in a position lying on his chest, pulling himself up with simultaneous movements of his arms.

2. On adjacent spans of the gymnastic wall, two benches are fixed at an angle at the same level. The student walks along the right up on his toes to the end (an exercise for the leg muscles), moves along wall bars onto another bench and slide down while lying on your back, helping yourself with your hands and keeping your legs straight (an exercise for the abdominal muscles).

3. The student performs straight leg lifts while lying on a bench on his back, holding its edges with his hands, and then moves in the same position, pushing off the bench with his feet.

4. A group of students, standing in a line, holds a bench with their straight arms lowered, and on command, performs first raises on their toes, and then lifts the bench by bending their arms at the elbow joints or with straight arms.

5. Two students, standing facing each other and holding an inverted bench at chest level by the edges, perform bench lifts, and then squats or calf raises.

The bench must be sufficiently stable, its fasteners - nuts, screws - must be fully tightened. A gymnastic mat is placed on the floor under an inclined bench. If several students move the bench at the same time, then all movements are performed strictly on command. The bench should be lowered carefully and silently. The top plane must be absolutely flat and smooth. Exercises that create a direct compressive load on the spinal column can only be offered to boys in grades 10–11 and, with minimal load, to middle school boys. When moving around the bench, it is important to maintain distance between students.

Development of coordination abilities

1. Walking on a bench; can be performed with a gymnastic stick on the shoulders.

2. The same with high raising of straight legs and clapping under them.

3. The same on the socks.

4. The same with stepping over obstacles - placed on a bench medicine balls.

5. Moving along the bench with side steps on the right (left) side.

6. Along the bench near it on the floor there are various objects - cubes, medicine balls, weights, dumbbells - depending on age and level physical fitness students. When moving along the bench, the student bends down and transfers objects one by one to the other side of the bench.

7. I.p. – standing in two columns at the ends of the bench. The guide of one column walks along the bench and places 2-4 objects along it on the floor. When he finishes and jumps off the bench, the guide of the other column, who goes in the opposite direction, collects the items one by one and passes them to the next participant, etc.

8. I.p. – standing on a bench with straight legs, arms to the sides. Turns on toes 180°.

9. Balance on one leg - “swallow”.

11. I.p. – two students stand on a bench at opposite ends and pass the ball to each other. Students in grades 5–9 pass volleyball, 10–11th – printed.

12. Walking on a bench, stepping over obstacles - medicine balls - and passing a small object - a cube, a tennis ball, a baton - from hand to hand in a squat between the upper and lower bars of the bench.

13. Two students move along the bench towards each other: one crouches, and the other steps over him.

14. Pupils, when moving along the bench in a squat, roll the ball in front of them: 1st–4th graders – volleyball, 5th–9th grades – basketball, 10th–11th graders – medicine ball.

15. When moving along a bench in a squat, a student rolls the ball along the floor parallel to the bench.

These exercises can be performed on an upright or inverted bench. The width of its lower bar corresponds to the width of the gymnastic beam, and therefore the proposed exercises can be considered leading to exercises on the balance beam. It makes sense to first perform the proposed exercises on the floor according to the markings, then on the wide side of the bench, and then on the inverted one: first with support on your partner’s hand, then without it. It is necessary to draw the attention of schoolchildren to maintaining correct posture, remind them that haste interferes with correct execution exercises. When moving along the bench, it is necessary to require students to have a correct, competent dismount at the end - this should be taught to them in the very first lessons.

Gymnastic mats are placed along the bench close to it. It is important to ensure that a safe distance is maintained, following the principle of “from simple to complex.” The teacher must provide constant supervision for students who perform exercises unsurely.

1. Moving on a straight bench in a squat and leading basketball on the floor next to her.

2. The same on an inverted bench.

3. Performed in pairs. The first number stands at the end of the bench, the second - on the floor to the right (left) of it. Passing the ball to each other from the chest. The second number after each pass steps or jumps over to the other side of the bench.

4. Same thing, but both students stand on the floor to the side of the bench and jump over the bench after each pass.

5. The student stands on an inverted bench 3–5 m from the ring, receives a pass from the p

A gymnastic bench is an auxiliary gymnastic apparatus; its length is 4 m, width – 24 cm, height – 30 cm.

To perform exercises, gymnastic benches are placed in the hall in different ways, for example: along the hall in two rows of 2 - 3 benches, parallel to one another across the hall, in a cross, a star, a rectangle. It is advisable to change the arrangement of benches periodically. On each bench, 5 to 7 students can perform exercises at the same time. You can use the gymnastics bench in any part of the lesson.

Bench layout options

I.p. – sitting astride a bench, hands to shoulders. Circular movements with arms bent at the elbows.

I.p. - sitting on a bench, hands behind your head. Tilts to the right and left with the elbow touching the thigh.

I.p. – sitting on a bench, legs spread wide. Springy bends alternately to one and the other leg. Touch your toes with your fingers.

I.p. – sitting on a bench, arms down, feet on the floor. Group yourself, pull your knees to your chest and, clasping your shins with your hands, fix this position. Then, slowly straightening your legs, return to the I.P.

I.p. – sitting on a bench and holding it with your hands, raise your legs straight. Quickly cross your legs - bring your right foot over your left, then your left foot over your right, etc. ("scissors").

I.p. – squat on a bench, holding the edge with your hands. Straighten your legs, arch your back, then return to the standing position.

I.p. – sitting at the back, feet on the bench. Raise your pelvis, bend over and return to the I.P.

I.p. – standing facing the bench, arms down. Place your hands on the bench (hold on to its edge). Push off and jump onto the bench. Jump off the scam

make-up ahead.

Exercises with objects

Exercises with objects (ball, gymnastic stick, jump rope, hoop, etc.) develop and improve students’ attention, speed of motor reaction, coordination abilities, improve their emotional state.

Depending on the objectives of the lesson exercises with objects can be included in the preparatory, main and final parts.

Basic positions and movements with the ball

For exercises and games, children of primary school age can use large rubber balls (diameter 18 - 20 cm), small rubber (or tennis) balls, inflatable balls (volleyball, football, basketball), as well as medicine balls weighing 0.5 - 1. 5 kg.

Before you begin the exercises, you should practice the basic movements with the ball.

Ball down. Basic stance, ball in hand (in hand) below.

Ball up. Basic stance (or legs apart), ball in hands (in hand) at the top. Arms straight.

Ball forward. Basic stance, ball in hand(s), extended forward at shoulder level. Hold a small ball in your palm facing down.

The ball is to the side. Basic stance, straight arm with the ball extended to the side at shoulder level, palm down.

Ball in front of chest. Standing, legs apart, ball in hands in front of chest. Elbows apart or down.

Lean forward, ball down. When bending over, your arms and legs are straight. Do not lift your heels off the floor.

Squat, ball forward. Perform the squat on your toes. Straight arms - at shoulder level. Keep your back straight.

Squat, ball down. Perform the squat on your toes. Keep your back straight.

Kneeling position, ball up. Arms straight. Ball over head. Keep your back straight.

Exercises with the ball in place

I.p. – standing, legs together, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand; 1 – 2 – rise on your toes, ball up in both hands; 3 – 4 – lower yourself onto your feet, arms to the sides, ball in your left hand.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball in hands below; 1 – 2 – ball up, rise on your toes and stretch; 3 – 4 – i.p. When the ball is up, look at it.

I.p. – standing, legs apart, ball below; 1 – lean forward, bend over, ball forward; 2 – i.p. When tilting, look at the ball, legs straight.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball in hands below; 1 – ball on the chest; 2 – ball up, stretch; 3 – ball on the chest; 4 – ball down. When the ball is up, look at it.

I.p. – standing, legs together, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand; 1 – swing the right foot forward, the ball in the left hand under the foot; 2 – IP, ball in left hand; 3 – 4 – the same on the other leg.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball below; 1 – squat, ball up; 2 – i.p.

I.p. – standing, legs apart, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand; 1 – 2 – turn the body to the left, the ball in the left hand; 3 – 4 – IP, ball in left hand; 5 – 8 – the same in the other direction.

When turning, the hand holding the ball

motionless. Do not move your legs.

I.p. – standing, legs apart, ball at the top; 1 – lean forward, ball down; 2 – i.p. When bending your legs, do not bend your knees.

I.p. – standing, legs apart, ball at the top; 1 – lean forward, put the ball behind your feet; 2 – straighten up, arms up; 3 – lean forward, take the ball; 4 – i.p.

I.p. – standing, legs apart, ball behind your back; 1 – lean forward, bend over, ball as high as possible. When bending, do not lower your head, look forward; 2 – i.p.

I.p. – standing, legs apart, ball at the top. Side bends. Perform with large amplitude. Arms straight. Hold the ball above your head.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball below; 1 – arc the ball up to the left and tilt the body to the right, right leg to the side on the toe; 2 – straighten up, put your right foot down, arc the ball down to the left; 3 – 4 – the same in the other direction.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball below; 1 – lunge forward with your left foot, bend over, ball up; 2 – i.p.; 3 – lunge forward with the right foot, bend over, ball up; 4 – i.p.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball below; 1 – lunge with the left foot to the side, ball forward; 2 – i.p.; 3 – lunge with the right foot to the side, ball forward; 4 – i.p. When lunging to the side, keep your arms straight and look at the ball. Keep your back straight.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball below behind; 1 – lunge forward with the left foot, ball back and up; 2 – i.p.; 3 – 4 – the same on the other leg.

I.p. – kneeling position, ball in front of chest; 1 – 2 – tilt back, bend over, ball up; 3 – 4 – i.p.

I.p. – kneeling position, ball at the top; 1 – left foot to the side on the toe, tilt to the left, ball up, look at it; 2 – i.p.; 3 – 4 – the same in the other direction.

I.p. – kneeling position, ball at the top; 1 – 2 – sitting on your heels and turning your body to the right, lower the ball and touch it to the floor at your right toe; 3 – 4 – i.p.; 5 – 8 – the same in the other direction.

I.p. – sitting, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand; 1 – raise your right leg, the ball under it in your left hand; 2 – IP, ball in left hand; 3 – 4 – the same on the other leg.

I.p. – sitting position, ball between feet. Bend and straighten your legs, holding the ball with your feet.

I.p. – sit down, left hand to the side, with your right hand lean on the ball lying on the right side of the floor; 1 – 2 – raise your legs, roll the ball under your feet to the left; 3 – 4 – catch the ball with your left hand, lower your legs, right hand to the side; 5 – 8 – the same in the other direction.

I.p. – lying on your back, the ball between your feet; 1 – bend your legs, holding the ball with your feet; 2 – i.p.

I.p. – lying on your stomach, the ball in your arms outstretched forward, on the floor; 1 – 2 – ball behind your head, raise your shoulders, bend over; 3 – 4 – i.p. Raising your head and shoulders, do not lift your legs off the floor.

I.p. – lying on your back, hands with the ball up; 1 – 2 – roll to the left (right) on your stomach, extend your arms with the ball forward, bend over; 3 – 4 – i.p. When performing a roll, do not touch the floor with your hands and the ball.

I.p. – standing, legs apart, ball in hands below; 1 – 3 – lean forward and roll the ball along the floor around your left leg; 4 – i.p.; 5 – 8 – the same around the right leg. Do not bend your knees.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball below; 1 – 3 – lean forward and roll the ball on the floor around your feet; 4 – taking the ball, return to the position.

I.p. – standing, legs apart, ball below; 1 – 3 – lean forward and roll the ball on the floor around your right leg, then around your left leg (make a figure eight); 4 – i.p.

I.p. – standing, legs apart, ball in front of chest; 1 – with the body turned to the right, hit the ball on the floor behind the right leg; 2 – catch the ball and take the IP; 3 – 4 – the same in the other direction. When turning, your legs are straight, do not move them.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball below; 1 – 2 – ball up, lean back; 3 – release the ball; 4 – quickly turn around and catch the ball that bounced off the floor.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball in front of chest. Throw the ball high, crouch down and catch it at head level.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball in hands below. Throw the ball high, squat deeply, catch the ball.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball below. Throw the ball high and catch it after turning around.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball in front. Throw with force

ball down and catch it.

I.p. – standing, legs apart, ball behind your head. Lean back, throw the ball from behind your head and catch it.

I.p. – left leg in front, right behind, ball at the top. Throwing a ball at the floor and catching it after bouncing off the wall.

I.p. – standing, feet together, hands on the waist, ball on the floor in front of the feet; 1 – jump forward, legs apart on the line of the ball; 2 – jump forward, feet together in front of the ball; 3 – jump back, legs apart on the line of the ball; 4 – jump back, legs together, etc.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball in front of chest; 1 – jump legs apart, ball forward; 2 – jump into the first position; 3 – jump the legs apart and lift the ball up; 4 – jump into IP.

I.p. – standing, feet together, ball below. Walking in place while changing the position of the ball: to the chest, up, to the chest, down.

Ball throws in pairs:

with both hands from below forward and upward; i.p. – standing, legs apart and slightly bent at the knees, ball below. Straightening your torso and legs, throw the ball forward and upward to your partner. Then the partner throws the ball;

with both hands from the chest forward and upward; i.p. – standing, legs apart and slightly bent at the knees, the ball at chest level, arms bent at the elbow joints, fingers pointing forward and upward. Quickly straighten your arms and forcefully throw (push with your hands) the ball. Simultaneously with the straightening of the arms, the legs are also straightened. Having caught the ball, the partner performs the same throw;

with both hands from behind the head forward and upward; And. p. - standing, legs apart, ball at the top. Bend your arms at the elbow joints and, quickly straightening them, throw the ball forward and up. Having caught the ball, the partner performs the same throw;

one hand from the right (left) shoulder; hold the ball with one hand and support it with the other. Hand with the ball near the shoulder (hold the ball with the other hand), the ball lies on widely spread fingers. The arms are bent at the elbow joints, the torso is turned towards the hand throwing the ball, the legs are apart, one in front (when throwing with the right hand, the left leg is in front). The thrower looks in the direction of the throw. The throw is performed by turning the torso, quickly straightening the arm and pushing the wrist. At the same time, the hand supporting the ball is lowered. During the throw, the body weight is transferred to the front leg.

with both hands from behind the head through the net; i.p. – left foot in front, ball at the top. The throw is performed by quickly straightening the arms, previously bent at the elbow joints, and pushing the hands;

one hand through the net; i.p. – left foot in front, ball at the top in a bent right hand. The throw is performed by quickly extending the arm, accompanied by movement of the hand.

Catching a high flying ball. Raise your arms forward and up towards the ball, spread your fingers. After catching the ball, bend your elbows to soften the impact of the ball.

Catching a low flying ball. Lower your arms forward and down towards the ball, tilt your torso forward, legs apart and half-bent. After catching the ball, lower your arms further and tilt your torso to soften the impact of the ball.

Catching a ball flying at chest level. Put your hands forward towards the ball, spread your fingers. After catching the ball, bend your elbows so that the ball is in front of your chest.

Passing the ball: in a line to the left (right); in a circle to the left (to the right). Pass the ball holding it with both hands from the sides, fingers spread wide.

The student receiving the ball takes it like this: with the hand closest to the ball - from above, with the hand farthest to the ball - from below.

Rolling the ball back and forth. Rolling the ball from line to line is performed in a tilted position with a smooth pushing movement of both hands or one hand. You cannot hit the ball.

Exercises with the ball in motion

I.p. – standing, ball in front of chest. Walking: step with the right foot - the ball is up, step with the left foot - the ball is on the chest.

I.p. – standing, ball in front of chest. Walking: step forward with your right foot, step with your left foot – the ball in front of your chest.

I.p. – standing, ball in front of chest. Walking: step with the right foot - the ball up, step with the left foot - the ball behind the head.

I.p. – standing, ball at the top. Walking with your arms moving back every step.

I.p. – standing, ball behind your back. Walking with the ball moving back and forth with each step. Rise on your toes. Arms straight.

I.p. – standing, ball behind your back. Walking with the torso tilted forward and the ball moving back and forth with each step.

I.p. – standing, ball at the top. Walking with the torso tilted to the sides for each step.

I.p. – standing, ball in front. Walking in lunges with the torso turned to the sides (twisting).

I.p. – standing, ball in front of you. Walking with a high hip lift. Touch the ball with your knee.

(abridged version).

1. I.p - stand on the bench. Bend the torso forward. 10-20 times. Perform at a slow to medium pace. Legs in knee joints do not bend. Strive to lean forward and down more. Options: a) feet together, b) feet shoulder-width apart.

2. IP - sit on a bench, legs straight, extended to the sides as wide as possible. Bend the torso forward. 8-12 times. Perform at an average pace. When bending, your legs are straight. After 3-5 bends, straighten up (see figure).

3. IP - lie on your back, arms straight behind your head, one leg rests with the heel on the support, the other is bent at the knee. Raise your pelvis from the floor as high as possible, return to I.p. Repeat on each leg 8-12 times. The pace of execution is average (see figure).

4. I.p - stand on one leg with your back to the gymnastic wall. The other leg rests on the kneeling partner's shoulder. When a partner stands up, the other’s swing leg rises upward until pain is felt. For each leg 10-12 times. Support leg Do not bend your knees, do not lower your pelvis down. Perform at a slow pace (see fig).

5. I.p - stand on the shoulder blades. Free alternate lowering of the legs behind the head. 8-12 times. Perform with a large amplitude of leg extension, at a slow pace (see figure).

6. IP – kneeling position. Slowly bend back until you touch the floor. 5-10 times. To make it easier, move your knees slightly to the sides. Perform at a slow pace.

To achieve the highest level of excellence in athletics, you need to do it from school age for 6-10 years. Therefore, planning the training of athletes at any stage of the long-term sports training should contribute to the optimal development of physical qualities and motor abilities.

Kornaukhov V.Yu.

Senior Lecturer of the Department sports disciplines, faculty physical culture.

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after. M.Akmully.

Using the circular method ( circuit training) - as a factor in the development of sports and motor qualities (speed, strength, agility, flexibility, endurance) in young athletes of various specializations.

Circuit training is based on three methods.

1. Continuous flow, which consists of performing exercises together (one after another), with a short rest interval. The peculiarity of this method is a gradual increase individual load by increasing the power of work (up to 60% of the maximum) and increasing the quality of exercises in one or several circles, while simultaneously reducing the time for performing exercises (up to 15-20 seconds) and increasing the duration active rest(up to 30-40 seconds).

Target– bringing the number of repetitions of the exercise to one minute. It is necessary to maintain this number of repetitions, and gradually reduce the time of performing the exercise (up to 20-30 seconds). By increasing the speed of exercise.

2. Interval-flow, is based on (20-40 sec.) performing an exercise (50% of maximum power) at each station (number) with the most effective rest (flexibility, stretching and relaxing muscles, increasing mobility in joints) for up to one minute.

Target- reduction of control lap time. For example: do 20 turns in an exercise in 30 seconds. Next - (increasing the speed of the exercise by reducing time). This regimen develops general and strength endurance, improves the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

3. Intensive-interval, used as the level of physical fitness of those involved increases (power 75% of maximum) and is achieved by increasing intensity and reducing work time.

Target- reduction of work time with its standard volume and preservation of rest time.

This mode develops maximum “explosive” force. The rest interval (30-40 sec.) contributes to an increase in results in speed and exercise exercises. strength endurance.

To conduct circuit training, you need the available inventory and equipment, but this is not the main thing, the main thing should be the power and time of performing the exercises, which determine the magnitude of the body’s shifts and the time for recovery of the body’s physical functions. An individual assessment of the body's reaction is carried out by measuring the pulse for 15 seconds after performing each exercise or series of exercises; in case of an inadequate reaction, the load on the exerciser is reduced or increased.

It is necessary to know the principle of compiling sets of circuit training exercises, namely, to take into account the period of the annual plan; age; floor; sequence of exercises performed; dosage and rest interval between exercises and series (circles).

Each set of circuit training exercises is used during a certain period of the year. curriculum training, for example: during the preparatory period, it is advisable to use the flow-interval method, which is based on 20-40 seconds. Perform exercises (50% of maximum power) at each number (station) with a minimum rest interval between exercises. This regimen develops general and strength endurance, improves the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

During the main training period, it is advisable to use the interval-intensive method. It is used with an increase in the level of physical fitness of those involved (the power of its exercises is 75% of the maximum), achieved by increasing the intensity and reducing the time of work. For example: 40 repetitions of the exercise in 40 seconds, increasing the speed of execution (40 repetitions) not in 40 seconds, but in 20-30 seconds.

This mode allows you to develop maximum “explosive” strength and contributes to an increase in speed and strength endurance. During this period, it is advisable to use more special and leading exercises for this sport in circuit training.

The number of circuit training sessions in the weekly cycle of the main period depends on the task and level of preparedness of the trainees.


( The exercise time is 20 seconds; rest between exercises – running 30-60 sec. + flexibility, muscle relaxation 30-40 sec.).

№1 .- Lying push-ups or hanging pull-ups (quickly) - 20 seconds + running (one minute) + flexibility, muscle relaxation 30-40 seconds.

№2. - Change of legs in a crouched position (running in a crouched position) - 20 sec. + running + flexibility.

№3. - Squat jumps (possible with a load) (fast) -20sec.+running+flexibility.

№4. - Snatch with two loads (fast) -20 sec.+running+flexibility.

№5. - Running against the wall (fast) (possible with a load on your legs) - 20 sec + running + flexibility.

№6. -Abdominal press (fastening the legs, lifting the torso) -20 sec.+running+flexibility.

№7. -Bending upward while lying on your stomach, securing your legs - 20 seconds + running + flexibility.

№8. - Jumping up with changing legs on a bench (higher) -20 sec.+running+flexibility.

№9. - Bench press (load) (fast) -20sec.+running+flexibility.

№10. -Rotation of the arms while standing (quickly) is possible with a load -20 sec.+running+flexibility.

№11. -Torso turns with a load (fast) -20 sec.+running+flexibility.

№12. -Throwing the legs back in a crouched position (quickly) -20 sec.+running+flexibility.

№13. -Jumping on your toes, legs straight (higher) -20 sec.+running+flexibility.

Circle training is when participants stand in numbers and, after completing the exercise, move to the next number.

Note: Each student should record the number of repetitions and each exercise in his training diary. This increases the interest of the trainees, the trainer knows the effectiveness of the results of circuit training, which allows you to coordinate the load and development of physical qualities.

The sequence of exercises in circuit training should have a certain sequence, covering all muscle groups (legs, torso, arms).

After strength and speed-strength exercises, there must be exercises to stretch the muscles and increase mobility in the joints. The number of stations (exercises) is not limited, no less than the number of participants. In circuit training, you need to rely on the development of physical qualities and the acquisition of motor skills inherent in this sport.

The coach introduces the students to the exercises for each number, the students stand in a circle on their numbers, at the coach’s command, everyone performs their exercises at the same time, at the command “stop” they stop and start running at a slow pace (recover), then do flexibility and relaxation exercises. After this, write down the number of repetitions, etc. in the diary.

Weights used.

You can use weights, barbells, barbell plates, etc. taking into account your physical development.

You can use (make it yourself for each student) sandbags weighing between 1-2 kg, which can be attached (tied) to the shin.


1. The comprehensive development of the athlete’s body, the development of physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility are the tasks of_______

a) special physical training (SPT)

b) general physical training (GPP)

V) technical training(TP)

2. Speed ​​is the deciding factor in many sports. Usually there are ________ varieties of manifestation of qualities:

a) two (speed as the maximum speed of individual movements - elements of technology; reaction speed).

b) three (speed as the maximum speed of individual movements - elements of technology; speed of reactions; speed as a necessary characteristic of the tempo of movements).

3. The age of _________ is especially favorable for developing flexibility.

a) 8 – 10 years

b) 10 – 14 years

c) 12 – 16 years old

4. Speed ​​qualities are most easily developed in young athletes in _____

a) 8 – 11 years

b) 9 – 12 years

c) 11 – 14 years old

5. Flexibility is the ability of a person to perform movements with _______ amplitude.

a) weak

b) average

c) more

6. More time should be spent developing flexibility during the ________ training period.

a) competitive

b) preparatory

c) transitional

7.To be dexterous in movements, to be able to quickly and correctly solve motor problems, you need to be_____

a) resilient and strong

b) fast and strong

c) strong, fast, resilient and have high strong-willed qualities

8 . Exercises for developing speed include _________studying and improving technique.

b) during

9 . Exercises for developing endurance, both general and special, are given place in the _________ main part of the lesson.

a) at the beginning

b) in the middle

c) at the end

10. During the training, means and methods of developing strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and agility are widely used in the form of a set of exercises___________

a) game method

b) competitive method

c) continuous, game, competitive and circular methods.

Answers: 1(b); 2(b); 3(b); 4(c); 5(c); 6(b); 7(c); 8(c); 9(c); 10(c).


1. Verkhoshansky Yu.V. Study of the laws of the processes of development of sportsmanship in connection with the problem of optimal management of long-term training (based on the material of speed-strength sports). Dr. dis.M., 1973.

2. Vilchkovsky E.S. What is what? Once again about circuit training. - Physical education at school, 1971, No. 7.

3. Vaitsekhovsky S. M. Coach’s book. M., “Physical education and sports”, 1971.312 p.

4. Gordon L.E. Sample exercises for compiling complexes performed using the circular training method by boys of grades IX - X. - Physical education at school, 1977, No. 7

5. Gurevich I.A. 1500 exercises for circuit training. - Minsk; Higher school, 1976.

6. Zhdanov L.N. Development of speed of movements in school-age children. Diss. M., 1970.

7. Zatsiorsky V.M. Physical qualities of an athlete., 1966.

8. Petrovsky V.V. Running on short distances. M.: Physical culture and sports. 1978.-80s.

9. Salchenko I.N. Motor interactions of athletes. K.: Health, 1980.-154 p.

10. Fomin V.P. Education of physical qualities in young athletes. M., FIS, 1974.

11. Farfel V.S. Movement control in sports. M., “Physical education and sports”, 1975.

12. Cherevkov M.A. Motor qualities. - Physical education at school, 1973, No. 10.

13. Syringe D.B. On the development of motor qualities in young men. - Physical education at school, 1972, No. 9.

14. Sholikh M. Circuit training: theoretical, methodological and organizational foundations of one of the modern forms of use physical exercise at school and sports training. M., 1966.

Among the various means that increase the physical and volitional preparedness of young men, exercises with weights deserve special attention. In its work as weights for general exercises physical training In class I use gymnastic benches. The main difference between these exercises and others is that the guys perform them in groups, which contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism and helping their comrades. Exercises with a gymnastic bench allow you to work on various muscle groups: arms, shoulder girdle, abdomen, back, legs, etc. They improve mobility in the joints and flexibility of the spine. Strong arguments in favor of these exercises are their accessibility, emotionality, and the need to act unitedly and in concert, which, of course, helps to improve discipline in the classroom. The use of exercises with a gymnastic bench has its own specifics - they are performed only in the frontal manner. Participants are divided into groups of 4-6 people, and it is necessary that in each group there are guys of approximately the same height and the same physical fitness. The distance between groups should be safe for simultaneous exercises. Additional insurance during exercises is provided by assistants. Before performing each exercise, I always explain the features of collective actions in it and warn what the consequences of neglecting safety rules are. When performing a series of exercises, I follow the basic didactic principles: go from simple to complex, alternate the work of some muscle groups with the rest of others. I don’t strive for too much activity density; after a few weight exercises, I give the guys breathing exercises and for relaxation. Before these exercises, a warm-up is always carried out in order to prepare the body for working with weights. Sometimes, for senior students, I give these exercises specifically against the background of fatigue - to develop volitional qualities.

Exercise 1 (Fig. 1):

I.p. - standing legs apart with your right side to the bench

1-take the bench with your left hand by the far edge with an overhand grip, with your right hand by the near edge with an underhand grip;

2-raise the bench up onto straight arms;

3 - bend your arms;

4 - straighten your arms.

Repeat 10-12 times. The exercise requires special care; your arms should not be bent completely so as not to hit your head.

Exercise 2 (Fig. 2).

3 - swing the left leg to the side;

4 - attach the left one;

5 - swing the right leg to the side;

6 - attach the right one.

Repeat 8-12 times.

Exercise 3 (Fig. 3).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - tilt to the left;

4 - straighten up;

5 - tilt to the right;

6 - straighten up.

Repeat 8-12 times. Option: when performing the exercise, you can do not one, but two or three springy inclinations.

Exercise 4 (Fig. 4).

3 - lower the bench to the left - down to waist level, hold for 3 seconds;

Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 5 (Fig. 5).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - bend your arms;

4 - hands forward;

5 - hands back;

Repeat 8-12 times.

Exercise 6 (Fig. 6).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - tilt your head forward and place the bench on your shoulders (loader position);

4 - lift the bench up onto straight arms.

Repeat 6-8 times. The exercise requires maximum synchronization of movements and precise execution of commands.

Exercise 7 (Fig. 7).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - lower the bench onto your right shoulder;

5 - lower the bench onto your left shoulder;

6 - lift the bench up onto straight arms.

Repeat 10-12 times.

Exercise 8 (Fig. 8).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in exercise. 1;

3 -sit down slowly;

4 - stand up slowly.

Repeat 10-12 times. Pay attention to the synchrony of movements.

Exercise 9 (Fig. 9).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - alternately on the command “Pull yourself up!” in each group, students numbered 3 and 4 do pull-ups from hanging while standing.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise 10.

I. p., 1, 2 the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - lower the bench from the opposite (left) side;

4 - raise the bench up onto straight arms;

5 - lower the bench on the right side;

6 - lift the bench up onto straight arms.

Repeat 4-5 times in each direction. The exercise can be performed standing on another bench.

Exercise 11 (Fig. 10).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - slowly lowering your hands, place the bench on your head;

4 - sit down;

5- walking forward in a squat 10-20 m.

Exercise 12 (Fig. 11).

Advance around the hall by walking, running with a bench on your right (left) shoulder.

Exercise 13 (Fig. 12).

I. p. - standing legs apart in front of the bench.

1,2- crouching, place your hands between the upper and lower slats of the bench with an underhand grip on the far edge;

3 - stand up, bench with straight arms;

4 - bend your arms;

5 - straighten your arms, bench with outstretched arms;

6 - bend your arms.

Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercise 14 (Fig. 13).

I. p. - lying on your back on gymnastic mats with your head towards the bench.

1- put your hands between the upper and lower slats of the bench with an overhand grip with both hands on the far edge of the bench;

2 - without lifting your feet from the floor, slowly raise the bench and smoothly lower it onto your hips;

3- Using a reverse motion, carefully place the bench on the floor.

Repeat 6-8 times. Exercise helps overcome feelings of fear. When performing the exercise, the concentration of each student and coordination of movements are especially necessary.

Exercise 15 (Fig. 14).

I. p. - lying on your back on gymnastic mats with your feet towards the bench.

1 place both legs between the upper and lower slats of the bench;

2.3 - slowly raise the bench above the floor;

4.5 - smoothly lowering your legs, place the bench on the floor.

Repeat 8-10 times. The exercise must be performed with insurance.

Outdoor switchgear on a gymnastics bench

1- sit legs apart;

2 - sitting at an angle (hold for 3-4 seconds);

3 - support lying behind (3-4 sec.);

4-sed angle;

5 - sit legs apart.

Repeat the series 3-4 times.

1 - rest your hands on a bench;

2 - flexion and extension of the arms (5-10 times);

3 - bending and bending of the body in a lying position (3-4 times);

4 - emphasis with crouched feet on the floor;

5 - lying position.

Repeat the series 2-3 times.

1 - sitting on a bench;

2 - sitting at an angle (hold for 3-4 seconds);

3 - support lying behind (hands on the bench, feet on the floor);

4 - flexion and extension of the arms in support while lying behind (3-6 times);

5 - sitting on a bench.

Repeat the series 3-4 times

1 - emphasis while lying on a bench (hold for 3-4 seconds);

2 - standing on one knee (3 sec.);

3 - the same on the other knee;

4 - lying position.

Repeat the series 2-3 times.