Step by step children's fitness. Children's fitness - sports are needed not only by adults. Contraindications for children to engage in fitness

What is the first thing a person who does sports aerobics needs? Strength, physical fitness, endurance - some will say. Beauty, precision of movements, grace - others will add. But the truth is that both physical and aesthetic components are equally necessary for this sport, because they are harmoniously combined with each other.

In many children's and youth sports schools(Youth Sports School), clubs, specialized centers, girls and boys of our city can master this type of aerobics. Perhaps for many such activities will become a path to big sport and to future great victories and achievements. Competent and experienced craftsmen will contribute in every possible way to this.

Harmonious development of body and spirit, excellent physical shape, correct posture, development of coordination, endurance, flexibility - all this becomes possible thanks to sports aerobics: an activity that has earned enormous popularity and love of many modern preschoolers and schoolchildren and their parents who are interested in their children growing up healthy and strong.

Rhythmics and aerobics: “sisters” or different disciplines?

It would seem that both rhythm and aerobics are almost identical activities in which physical activity occurs to the accompaniment of dynamic music. But in fact, it is important to place emphasis: for example, in rhythm it is important to learn to hear and understand music and “synchronize” the body to it, developing coordination, and the meaning of aerobics lies in the technique of execution and a greater focus on external changes in the figure.

Sports aerobics - an activity for children and adults

Aerobics is suitable for all representatives of the fair sex, regardless of age. Young ladies can engage in sports aerobics from 5-7 years old. Almost all children are flexible and plastic, so if there are no contraindications and there is a desire to train, it’s definitely worth a try. Constant training will help smooth out children's hyperactivity. The child’s energy will be directed not to pampering, but to physical training and health promotion. Aerobics classes are not easy, so you should not assume that your child will be able to quickly achieve the desired results. A set of exercises is selected taking into account the age and level of training of the beginning athlete. A basic complex with a minimum load that suits everyone is called Low impact. More complex exercises in terms of load are called High Impact. Sports aerobics classes include elements such as muscle warming, walking and running, jumping and movements to train the arms and legs.

Justified severity: about the appearance of those who engage in sports aerobics

Almost every sports discipline puts forward special requirements regarding appearance athlete. Thus, at sports aerobics competitions, participants must wear white sneakers and white socks so that the judges pay attention to them. There is also a “ban on loose hair”: it must be securely secured close to the head. Also, details of the suit and clothing are secured, and the wearing of jewelry is prohibited. Aerobics does not involve the use of body paint - only a moderate amount of cosmetics for women.

Zvyagina Svetlana
Aerobics for kids

Purpose of the program: creating conditions for the development of the child’s creative, physical, artistic and aesthetic qualities through dance classes aerobics.

Objectives 1st year

Teaching to introduce children to the elements of drill training;

teach children rhythmic exercises to develop mobility of the arms, legs, and neck;

Developmental to develop the initial physical data of children (posture, flexibility);

develop a sense of rhythm and musicality

Fostering interest in regular activities;

cultivate discipline, accuracy, and politeness.

Educational activities last for one year. It provides theoretical, physical, technical, choreographic training. The age of children participating in this additional educational program is 3 to 4 years old. Duration of classes is 15-20 minutes. Children study in a group of up to 15 people.

The main form of organization of activity is group lesson. In order to avoid the monotony of the educational process and to achieve optimal results in the classroom, various work with pupils:


Work in pairs, trios, small groups


And such forms of activity How:

Circuit training

Relay races

Outdoor games

In the process of implementing the program, other forms of organizing the activities of students are used, such How:

Competitive performances

Demonstration performances

Implementing this educational program, the following results are expected.

1st year of study:

The child should know What:

You must arrive to classes on time, in a clean, neat uniform, with neatly combed hair;

When entering the hall, you need to say hello and ask permission; at the end - say goodbye to the teacher and other children;

The child must be able to:

Correctly perform rhythmic exercises to develop mobility of the arms, legs, and neck;

Coping with tasks that develop posture and flexibility;

Distinguish between the nature of music, tempo, rhythm;

Year of study: __1___

: ___1___ once a week

Publications on the topic:

Step aerobics is not just a fashion Health and physical development children are a priority in our work kindergarten. In the preschool educational institution, targeted education is carried out.

"In the grass Grasshopper sat". Aerobics for preschool children (4–5 years old) Lyrics of the song 1. A grasshopper was sitting in the grass, A grasshopper was sitting in the grass, Just like a green cucumber he was. 1. CHORUS: Imagine, imagine.

Look at the fitball - it's round and bouncy. Every day I take it, I go to class. So that I don’t get sick, I don’t need to look at him. I sit down.

Personalization for kids According to one of the principles of preschool education implemented in the Federal State Educational Standard, it is the construction educational activities on an individual basis.

Goal: To promote the development in children of a sense of rhythm, ear for music, memory, attention, and the ability to coordinate movements with music. Shape.

Summary of direct educational activities “Step aerobics” Objectives: 1. Propaganda national species sports; 2. Formation physical qualities, increase motor activity in extreme conditions.

All parents want their child to grow up strong and healthy. For this, it is very important to accustom a child to physical education and sports from early childhood. After all, this is not only a guarantee of health, but also confidence that the child will grow up purposeful, successful, with well-developed strong-willed and leadership qualities. It is very important in early childhood to lay the right foundation for the formation physical health which will ensure a long and healthy life in the future.

There are a huge variety of sports sections and clubs that offer classes in various interesting views sports. Last years Children's sports aerobics is becoming increasingly popular. This is a sport where athletes perform elements of acrobatics, as well as artistic and artistic gymnastics to beautiful, rhythmic music.

Sports aerobics for children combines sports exercises and dance elements. Children really like these classes and attend them with pleasure.

In the 60s of the last century, Kenneth Cooper, a doctor from the USA, came to the conclusion that aerobic exercise is very beneficial for human body. He showed that running, walking, skiing and skating strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. During these exercises, more oxygen is released into the body's tissues and reactions occur faster, during which energy is generated and “building material” for cells is synthesized.

And American actress Jane Fonda approached this issue creatively. She turned on music during her sports activities and thus combined sports and dance exercises. Later, aerobics was added with elements of yoga, as well as oriental and other martial arts. As a result, aerobics was divided into 3 types: recreational, sports and applied. In the 90s, the first amateur world championship in sports aerobics was held in San Diego.

Sports aerobics includes elements such as jumps, swings, turns, elements that are aimed at developing balance, static and dynamic forces. All these elements must be included in the demonstrative composition.

The composition combines the combination and alternation of various elements and exercises. They are connected to each other by ligaments, and the “background” of the composition is decorated with harmonious swinging movements of the arms. All actions are clear, dynamic and performed to the beat of the music at a very high tempo.

Since the exercises are performed to music, great importance is given to artistry and choreography. The composition is performed by a team of 3, 6 or 8 people, solo or in a male-female pair.

To the power and dynamic exercises include push-ups, types of push-ups, slow power movements from one position to another, and lifts. Use gymnastic elements- circles with legs, push-offs with hands while lying down, as well as elements of acrobatics - pick-ups, rolls and supports.

Sports aerobics uses elements of classical, modern and folk dance, different kinds steps, paths, lunges. This develops correct and graceful posture in children.

Walking, running, breathing exercises and exercises to develop speed and accuracy. These physical exercise develop various motor skills in children, improve the function of the musculoskeletal system, form concentration and creative thinking. Children become strong, flexible, resilient.

Sports aerobics for children develops and improves independence, coordination of movements, stability, speed, orientation in music and space. Children are recommended to engage in sports aerobics from the age of 4 years.

Before training, you need to warm up. This will take a few minutes, but at the same time, the body will warm up and prepare for more complex loads. This will avoid muscle strain and back pain, and will also gradually increase the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle. And the cardiovascular system will be protected from sudden stress.

After the warm-up there should be an aerobic phase of the workout. It should not be ignored, if only because it is aimed at obtaining a healing effect. Here you can offer the following exercises: walking, running, jumping in combination with arm movements, flexion and extension of the torso, dance combinations, exercises for arms and shoulder girdle, exercises for legs and neck. Here you can add exercises for the abdominal and back muscles, flexion and extension of the torso, as well as squats and half-squats.

After aerobic exercise, you should slow down the pace of exercise to rest before strength exercises. And only after this should you start performing power loads.

But, sports aerobics for children is beneficial only when it does not place heavy stress on the child’s body. There are a number of diseases for which these activities are strictly prohibited. These are neuropsychiatric diseases, respiratory diseases, of cardio-vascular system, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, anemia, malignant diseases. Strength training will only make these diseases worse.

Sports aerobics for children strengthens all muscle groups, develops joint mobility, and increases the elasticity of ligaments and tendons. Classes bring children a huge psycho-emotional charge of vivacity, energy and Have a good mood. Sports aerobics is the path to health that is worth following.

Correct habits need to be instilled in children from childhood. By accustoming your child to fitness, you will thereby provide him with excellent physical fitness, which will help in physical education lessons, an excellent physique that will help avoid the appearance of complexes associated with body imperfections at a young age and, in the end, you will help your matured child avoid those problems that led many to this site: a great love of food and small interest in sports.

Children's aerobics from Denise Austin are fun and interesting activities for children aged 7 - 10 - 12 years. During the workout, kids will try lighter versions of exercises familiar to adults, such as push-ups, squats, jumping jacks and lunges.

This children's fitness program lasts only 20 minutes, but during this time your child will have time to work out all the main muscles of the body, which, with regular repetition of the set of exercises, will provide excellent muscle tone. And if you comply proper diet will help get rid of excess weight. And all this in an understandable and accessible form - a video lesson on children's fitness.

If you want to practice with your children, we recommend this video

We have all heard and know what fitness is. Most people even do it in their free time or after work. It has become an integral part of life modern man. Therefore, recently various programs have appeared for different categories of people. This is fitness for fat people, for the elderly, for pregnant ladies, children's fitness, physiotherapy and much more.

Children's fitness- this is a specially designed sport program. When developing it, the child’s physical fitness and age category are taken into account.

IN modern world Children's fitness is as popular as fitness for adults. Classes are held not only in specialized fitness centers, but also in sports clubs and dance studios.

– these are not only gymnastic events. It includes elements of choreography, aerobics, yoga, and swimming. The innovation in this matter was martial arts, which are also included in the program. The groups are not large, they consist of 12-15 people. Classes are held in a playful way, so even the most inhibited children quickly get involved in the process.

In our world, children's fitness is simply necessary. Children have forgotten what active games in the yard are and spend most, if not most, of their time on the computer, TV, tablet and phone. If previously there was no need to visit additional classes By physical culture, then now children's fitness is just a way out. It allows you to increase physical activity your child, develop basic motor skills and simply take care of your baby's health.

Many parents may say that it is enough to attend physical education classes at school or kindergarten. They will, of course, be wrong. Fitness classes will not harm your child, but on the contrary, they will only make it better. Lessons taught at school or sports section, very often they are boring and children do not like them. They visit them under duress because it is necessary. In children's fitness classes, everything looks the other way around. No boring exercises. All events are held in an interesting way and with musical accompaniment. No one evaluates the guys or scolds them for their mistakes. Each next lesson is different from the previous one. The basis of the lesson includes lessons with a speech therapist. And these classes are simply, often, necessary. And most importantly, everything is practically safe. All classes are age-appropriate. And if suddenly an injury does occur, help will be provided immediately. Because the coaches are savvy in this matter. Also, the child will not overexert and overload. And for overly active kids, such activities are doubly useful. In addition to development physical training, the guys will be able to throw out all their accumulated energy. Classes are also useful for introverted children. They will easily make friends with other children and find new friends.

The downside to these sporting events just one – these classes are quite expensive. But their cost is quite justified, because one lesson includes many different activities.

Age categories

Group 1 – children from 1.5 to 4 years old. Of course, if there are no contraindications and the child’s body is stronger and the baby is able to perform exercises. All classes take place in the presence of parents. Scrupulous mothers can watch their beloved children. The purpose of these classes is to strengthen the spine and muscle groups that are responsible for coordination and movement. Active work is being carried out to develop motor skills and classes with a speech therapist.

Group 2 – children aged 4 to 6 years. The lesson program gradually becomes more complex. The guys perform the complex various exercises(aerobic, strength and many other types of exercises). Classes must be aimed at developing the child’s speech (tongue twisters, counting rhymes, short rhymes and other exercises).

Group 3 (also called middle). It includes children from 7 to 11 years old. Coaches take into account the problems of children of this age and focus on them. For example, girls have incorrect posture, boys have increased muscle mass and muscle development. The emphasis is on the development of the child’s strong-willed qualities. Some exercises are carried out on special children's simulators.

Group 4 (senior). This age group needs to develop stamina and distract children from their favorite gadgets. Guide your child to choose sports activities, for example, teach him to love dancing. Properly develop physical state teenager.

Each age group studies at strictly allotted hours. The youngest train for no more than half an hour and only 1-2 times a week. Older children 30-35 minutes 3 times a week. But teenagers can study a little more, about 1 hour.

The hall where children's fitness classes are held is equipped with special equipment (ropes, swings, wall bars, massage mats, machines, exercise equipment, dry pools and much more).


There are no contraindications to children's fitness as such. After all sports activities useful to absolutely everyone. The program according to which the classes are held is not repeated. Everything a child needs to learn is stretched to full course. This is done so that the kids do not get overloaded during the lesson.

If a child, for some reason, cannot attend the main group, then you can go to classes in a specialized group with a minimum load or attend individual sessions. Before your first visit to a fitness club, you need to make an appointment with a pediatrician and undergo an examination. After this, the doctor will give all the necessary recommendations and permission to attend children's fitness classes. For example, if a baby suffers from asthma, then he should not overload his body and perform complex and heavy exercise. Your baby will benefit from yoga classes or you can take your child swimming.

How do children's fitness classes work?

The lesson begins with a short warm-up. All muscle groups are warmed up, after which the kids are ready to begin basic exercises. The main part of the “lesson” takes place in the form of a game. During this, various balls, ropes, ladders and other equipment are used. At the end of the lesson, everything learned is consolidated

The class is conducted by a children's fitness specialist. In specialized groups, most trainers have a medical education. The coach controls every movement of the children, prompts and corrects where necessary.

The best programs that are used in children's fitness classes

Of course, everyone sport Club study according to your own developed program. There are no strict frameworks, the coach dilutes the finished program and introduces something of his own.

The most popular are:

Logo aerobics

It's not just fitness. During classes, kids not only perform physical exercise, but they also work on speech techniques. Together with the coach they pronounce various sounds and learn small rhymes.


Classes include dance and martial arts. These elements exist together very harmoniously. Kids simply adore these activities.

Animal aerobics

Classes are held in the form of a game of “Zoo”. Children repeat the movements of animals and make sounds imitating growls. They jump, climb ropes and wall bars.

Is it possible to do children's fitness on your own?

It is not always possible to attend classes at a specialized center. You can do it yourself. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve the same results as after attending classes with a trainer. Without special education and training, you can teach your child only basic physical exercises.

The main thing to remember is that children's fitness has one important goal. It develops social skills and teaches the child to live in society without the use of gadgets. Therefore, it is better to attend classes in specialized clubs.

Good luck with your child's classes!