Exercises to stretch the gluteal muscles. Stretching: Exercises for the gluteal muscles that will get rid of cellulite and fat deposits Stretching for the gluteal muscles

    Friends, we have prepared for you some very useful exercises for stretching gluteal muscles. Stretching before and after training is very beneficial and should not be neglected. There are activities for the buttocks that are suitable for people of any age. You need to choose those that are not difficult to perform, but at the same time provide noticeable tension.

    Important! For classes you should wear comfortable clothes. It is better if it is made from natural fabrics. You need to start classes slowly, without sudden movements.

    Let's look at the most popular and effective exercises to stretch the gluteal muscles:

    Lying stretch

    Lie on your back and raise your legs bent at the knees. Place the toe of one foot on the knee of the other. And with this knee, press on the toe, increasing the stretch. Also repeat with the other leg.

    On knees

    You need to get on all fours and place the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other. Push your entire body back, increasing the stretch. Do the same with the other leg.

    Stretch while sitting

    Sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. Grab one of your legs by the shin with both hands, bending it at the knee and pressing it to your chest. The hands should cover one another. Feel the tension. Repeat with the other leg.

    "Pigeon Pose"

    You need to sit on the floor so that one leg is turned out and stretched back, and the other is forward and bent at the knee. The arms hang straight at your sides, with your fingers resting on the floor. Now you need to bend forward and place your elbows on the floor in front of your legs, clasping your fingers.

    Lying quadriceps stretch

    You need to lie face down. Raise your head, move your hand back and wrap it around your ankle. Pull your leg towards your buttock, leaving the thigh of your leg on the floor. Do the same with the other leg.

    You need to stand on your knee and put your hand on it, and with the other hand grab the sock and pull it towards the buttock. The more tension in the glutes, the greater the tension. Same with the other leg.

    Hip flexor stretch

    You need to kneel down and put your hands behind your back. Stay straight. Tightening your buttocks, move your pelvis forward.

This set of muscle stretching exercises will help tone your muscles into working condition, after which you can easily begin training and games. Muscle stretching exercises have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

The set of exercises consists of: bending, lunging, bending forward with crossing the legs, stretching the groin muscles, pulling the knee to the chest, stretching the hamstrings, cross stretching, stretching the muscles of the front of the thigh, stretching the calf muscle.

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Now we will analyze each of these muscle stretching exercises.

Exercise No. 1.


Muscle groups stretched: biceps femoris, gluteus femoris, erector spinae, hip adductors.

Position: knees slightly bent, toes apart (see picture).

  • Tilts left and right. Slowly bend at the waist towards the knee, keeping your back straight. Bend until you feel tension in the biceps of the thigh, freeze in this position and hold it for 15 seconds, repeat twice on each knee; Lean forward. Slowly bend forward at the waist until your hands touch the base (floor), keeping your back straight. Bend until you feel tension in the biceps of the thigh, freeze in this position and hold it for 15 seconds, repeat twice Note:
  • freezing in a pose for at least 15 seconds, more is possible;
  • touching the base with your hands can be done with your fingers, palms, elbows, depending on the preparation;
the back is always straight when performing the exercise

Exercise No. 1. Tilts

Exercise No. 2.

Lunges left and right

Muscle groups stretched: hip adductors, biceps femoris.

Position: legs apart, body slightly brought forward (see picture).

Slow lunge to the side, back straight, toes apart, foot of the extended leg looking up. Stay in the pose for 15 seconds, then change the position of the lunge in the opposite direction, repeat on each leg twice Note: When lunging onto the supporting leg (bending at the knee), do not allow the knee to move beyond the foot, vertically.

Exercise No. 3.

Lean forward with legs crossed

Muscle groups stretched: gluteus, biceps femoris, erector spinae, tensor fasciae lata.

Exercise No. 4.

Stretching the groin muscles

Muscle groups stretched: hip adductors.

Position: sitting, soles of feet together, knees apart.

Use your elbows to press your knees to the floor, spread your knees until you feel tension in the groin area. You hold at the end point for 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise twice.

Exercise No. 4. Stretching the groin muscles

Exercise No. 5.

Pulling the knee to the chest

Muscle groups stretched: gluteal muscles, erector spinae muscles.

Position: lying on your back, one leg slightly bent at the knee, almost straight.

Slowly pull the knee of the other leg towards your chest until you feel a stretch in the muscle or the leg cannot go any further. Hold at the end point for 15 seconds, then change legs. Repeat twice.

Exercise No. 5. Pulling the knee to the chest

Exercise No. 6.

Hamstring stretch

Muscle groups stretched: biceps femoris, gastrocnemius, gluteal muscle.

Position: lying on your back, press your leg bent at the knee to your chest and slowly straighten it.

You pull the toes of the raised leg towards you, contracting the calf muscle to do this. Hold in this position for 10 seconds, then move your toes away, relaxing the calf muscle and repeat again, holding for 10 seconds. Change legs. Repeat twice.

Exercise No. 6. Hamstring stretch

Exercise No. 7.

Cross stretch

Muscle groups stretched: gluteal muscles, obliques, abdominal muscles, tensor fascia lata, erector spinae.

Position: lying on your back, slowly cross one leg over the other leg, so that the angle of the legs is 90°C, spread your arms apart.

You bring your leg to your arm, your shoulders pressed to the base (floor), hold in this position for 15 seconds, then change legs. Repeat twice.

Exercise No. 7. Cross stretch

Exercise No. 8.

Lateral thigh stretch

Muscle groups stretched: erector spinae, gluteal muscles, abdominal muscles.

Position: While sitting, place one of your hands behind you and turn your head and shoulders in the direction of the same hand.

The opposite leg to the hand is straightened, the other leg is bent at the knee and thrown over the straightened leg so that the foot is at the knee. Rest the elbow of your other hand, with outside knees, while twisting the body in the direction support hand until you feel tension. You hold this position for 15 seconds, then change legs. Repeat twice.

Exercise No. 9. Cross stretch

Exercise No. 10.

Stepping forward

Muscle groups stretched: iliopsoas, rectus femoris.

Position: standing.

You lunge forward with one of your legs, the knee is stably fixed (does not move anywhere). You try to push your thigh forward (see picture), hold for 15 seconds, then change legs. Repeat twice.

Exercise No. 10. Stepping forward

Exercise No. 11.

Stretching the anterior thigh muscles

Muscle groups stretched: quadriceps femoris, tibialis anterior. Position: standing, lean against a wall or chair. Grasp with your left hand

left leg

behind the foot and pull it towards the gluteal muscles, as shown in the figure, pushing the right thigh forward for better stretching. Hold at the end point for 15 seconds, then change legs. Repeat twice. Note: To increase flexibility, hold the position of the leg at the end point for more than 15 seconds; when performing, never throw your leg.

Exercise No. 11. Stretching the anterior thigh muscles

Exercise No. 12.

Calf muscle stretch

Muscle groups stretched: calf muscles, soleus muscles.

Position: standing, lean on the wall with outstretched arms.

You lunge forward with one leg, press your heel to the base (floor) with the other, and keep your leg straight. You fix the position at the end point and hold it for 15 seconds, then change your leg. Repeat twice.

This is a set of gentle exercises that cannot cause harm and do not require initial physical training. You choose the degree of load yourself, while mastering simple exercises you can gradually increase the complexity of the load, developing the abilities and potential of your body.

Stretching is one of the many types of aerobics, consisting of various exercises to stretch muscles. It is suitable for all people who can engage in general physical education, and has no age or weight restrictions. For optimal results, you need to practice every day and devote at least half an hour to studying. At the same time, the list of exercises is quite wide, so you can change the exercise program for every day depending on your mood and fatigue.

Stretching exercises while sitting and lying down

The objectives of the lessons may be different:

  • therapeutic: restoration of muscle tone and performance, slowing down the aging of the body, getting rid of stress and nervous tension, increasing tone and immunity, recovery after operations and long-term illnesses;
  • aesthetic: body correction and silhouette tightening, increasing flexibility, improving posture and gait, getting rid of cellulite and fat deposits in specific areas.

This kind physical activity does not require jumping, running, or sudden movements, which makes it accessible to people with excess weight, poor vision and hearing, and poor coordination of movements.

This is a set of gentle exercises that cannot cause harm and do not require initial physical training.

You choose the degree of load yourself, and as you master simple exercises, you can gradually increase the complexity of the load, developing the abilities and potential of your body. This sport also involves group practice, personal training with a trainer and training at home.

Exercise 1

The exercise effectively stretches the gluteal muscles. Important points:

keep your back straight; keep your head in line with your spine, without tilting down; the knee of the bent leg should be directed upward; tilt your body strictly to the right and forward and to the left and forward; breathe evenly. Take the starting position:

sitting on the floor, the right leg is bent at the knee and placed back under itself, the left leg is bent at the knee and placed crosswise at the right hip, arms in a free position.

At the end point of the range of motion, after tilting your torso to the right and forward as low as possible, hold for 30 seconds.

Change the position of your legs and perform the exercise in the other direction.

Exercise 2

The exercise effectively stretches the gluteal muscles, the muscles of the internal and back surface thighs, and also affects the groin muscles.

Important points: keep your back straight; on initial stage when stretching, be extremely careful - do not immediately try to perform a deep forward bend; try to direct your gaze forward and not tilt your head down; breathe evenly.

keep your back straight; keep your head in line with your spine, without tilting down; the knee of the bent leg should be directed upward; tilt your body strictly to the right and forward and to the left and forward; breathe evenly. sitting on the floor, legs spread as wide apart as possible, arms in a free position.

From the starting position, bend your torso forward with the maximum amplitude possible for you. The position of the hands can be as follows:

a) rest your forearms on the floor directly in front of you;

b) arms extended forward and placed on the floor in front of you;

c) grab your ankles or heels with your hands.

Ideally, your chest should touch the floor.

Exercise 3

The exercise effectively stretches biceps muscle hips.

The exercise effectively stretches the gluteal muscles. do not bend the knee of the straightened leg lying on the floor; if you cannot do this right away, then bend your leg at the knee and perform the exercise from the starting position; Over time, as the stretch increases, perform the exercise by straightening one leg at the knee; breathe evenly.

keep your back straight; keep your head in line with your spine, without tilting down; the knee of the bent leg should be directed upward; tilt your body strictly to the right and forward and to the left and forward; breathe evenly. lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet resting on the floor, arms along the body.

From the starting position, grab the knee of your right leg with your hands and slowly pull it towards your chest. At the same time, straighten your left leg and place it on the floor. Try to press the knee of your bent right leg to your chest.

At the end point of the range of motion, hold for 30 seconds.

Relax and return to the starting position.

Exercise 4

The exercise effectively stretches the gluteal muscles. try not to lift your shoulders and lower back from the floor; do not spread your legs to the sides - try to keep your knees as close to each other as possible; for ease of execution, spread your arms to the sides and rest your palms on the floor; breathe evenly.

keep your back straight; keep your head in line with your spine, without tilting down; the knee of the bent leg should be directed upward; tilt your body strictly to the right and forward and to the left and forward; breathe evenly. lying on your back, legs straight, arms along your body.

From the starting position, bend your right leg at the knee back to the side with a grip ankle joint, press against your right buttock (as shown in the picture).

Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Relax and return to the starting position.

Perform the exercise on the other leg.

Exercise 5

This exercise effectively stretches the quadriceps femoris muscle.

The exercise effectively stretches the gluteal muscles. maintain balance by resting one hand on the floor; keep your back straight, do not lean your body forward; try to press your leg against your buttock as much as possible; breathe evenly.

keep your back straight; keep your head in line with your spine, without tilting down; the knee of the bent leg should be directed upward; tilt your body strictly to the right and forward and to the left and forward; breathe evenly. kneeling, hands resting on the floor.

From the starting position, grab right hand right leg at the ankle joint.

Then slowly press into your gluteal muscles.

Relax and return to the starting position.

Perform the exercise on the other leg.

Exercise 6

The exercise effectively stretches the gluteal muscles. be sure to maintain a straight back position when performing; It is better to do the bend not too much than to do the exercise with a bent back; as stretching develops, switch to performing the exercise according to a given pattern, that is, try to touch your chest with your thigh; breathe evenly.

keep your back straight; keep your head in line with your spine, without tilting down; the knee of the bent leg should be directed upward; tilt your body strictly to the right and forward and to the left and forward; breathe evenly. sitting on the floor, the left leg is straight and extended forward, the right leg is bent at the knee and the foot rests on the floor, arms in a free position.

From the starting position, bend your torso forward towards your left leg, clasp your ankle joint with your hands.

Ideally, your chest should touch your left thigh. If you cannot bend as low as possible, then grab your left leg by the middle of the shin and bend as far as possible.

Hold the bend for 30 seconds.

Then relax and return to the starting position.

Exercise 7

This exercise effectively stretches the hamstrings and tendons.

The exercise effectively stretches the gluteal muscles. keep your back straight; be sure to fully straighten the raised leg at the knee; at the initial stage of stretch development, straighten your leg forward; ideally, you will have to straighten it forward and upward; breathe evenly.

keep your back straight; keep your head in line with your spine, without tilting down; the knee of the bent leg should be directed upward; tilt your body strictly to the right and forward and to the left and forward; breathe evenly. sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet resting on the floor, arms in a free position.

From the starting position, grab your left leg by the ankle joint with your hands. Then extend your left leg forward or upward.

Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Relax and return to the starting position.

Change the position of your hands and perform the exercise on the other leg.

In the future, as the stretch increases, try to straighten your foot towards you.

Exercise 8

The exercise effectively stretches calf muscles.

The exercise effectively stretches the gluteal muscles. perform the exercise only with your feet pulled towards you; keep your back straight; breathe evenly.

keep your back straight; keep your head in line with your spine, without tilting down; the knee of the bent leg should be directed upward; tilt your body strictly to the right and forward and to the left and forward; breathe evenly. sitting on the floor, support your hands behind you, legs straightened forward.

From the starting position, place the heel of your right foot on the toe of your left foot. The feet should be pulled towards themselves.

Press until you feel a stretch in the calf muscle.

At the end point of the range of motion, hold for 30 seconds.

Relax and return to the starting position.

Change the position of your legs and perform the exercise on the other leg.

Exercise 9

This exercise effectively stretches the rectus abdominis muscle.

The exercise effectively stretches the gluteal muscles. try not to lift your hips off the floor; do not throw your head back; to increase the stretching amplitude, you can fully straighten your arms at the elbows; breathe evenly.

keep your back straight; keep your head in line with your spine, without tilting down; the knee of the bent leg should be directed upward; tilt your body strictly to the right and forward and to the left and forward; breathe evenly. lying on your stomach, emphasis on your forearms, back and shoulders relaxed.

From the starting position, lift your chin, bring your shoulder blades together and stretch upward, slightly straightening your arms.

Feel the muscle stretch abdominals and stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Relax and slowly return to the starting position.

Exercise 10

The exercise effectively stretches the gluteal muscles. maintain a straight back position and a natural arch in the lower back; try to reach forward with your hands; breathe evenly.

keep your back straight; keep your head in line with your spine, without tilting down; the knee of the bent leg should be directed upward; tilt your body strictly to the right and forward and to the left and forward; breathe evenly. sit on your heels, legs slightly apart, arms in a free position.

From the starting position, stretching your arms forward, tilt your torso down. Hands, palms resting on the floor, head down between the hands.

Feel the stretch in your back muscles and hold this position for 30 seconds.

Relax and return to the starting position.

Exercise 11

The exercise effectively stretches the back muscles.

The exercise effectively stretches the gluteal muscles. try to stretch your crown and spine upward as much as possible; do not put your feet on your heels; breathe evenly.

keep your back straight; keep your head in line with your spine, without tilting down; the knee of the bent leg should be directed upward; tilt your body strictly to the right and forward and to the left and forward; breathe evenly. sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet on toes, arms in a free position.

From the starting position, grab bent legs hands either behind the knees or under the knees.

Round your back, try to stretch up as much as possible, tilt your head forward.

Your legs should be pressed as close to you as possible.

Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Relax and return to the starting position.

Exercise 12

This exercise effectively stretches the oblique abdominal muscles.

The exercise effectively stretches the gluteal muscles. tilt exactly to the side; if you are unable to clasp your foot with your hand, try to simply stretch to the side with your outstretched arm, and over time perform the exercise according to a given pattern; the raised arm should always remain in the same plane with the body, the palm of the hand facing down; breathe evenly.

keep your back straight; keep your head in line with your spine, without tilting down; the knee of the bent leg should be directed upward; tilt your body strictly to the right and forward and to the left and forward; breathe evenly. sitting on the floor, legs spread apart with the maximum amplitude possible for you, toes pulled towards you, shins pointing inward, left arm resting with the forearm on the floor behind the left hip, right arm straight, extended upward above the head.

From this position, tilt your torso to the side and grab your left foot with your right hand.

Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Relax and return to the starting position.

Change the position of your hands and perform the exercise in the other direction. published.

Vanessa Thompson "Stretching for health and longevity"

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

IN deadlift, unlike the classical and Romanian ones, the knees practically do not bend, and the body leans strongly forward. Due to this, the main load is placed on the back of the thigh.

This basic exercise Great for those who want to work their hamstrings and glutes.

What muscles work

When you bend your knees slightly and push your pelvis back, your gluteal muscles and hamstrings stretch. When you lift the barbell off the floor, the target muscle groups contract.

Deadlift / muscleandmotion.com

Also during the exercise, the quadriceps, back extensors and trapezius muscles. They act as stabilizer muscles, tensing but not changing body position.

Quiz: Can You Do Deadlifts Correctly?

To technically perform a deadlift, you need good stretch hamstring muscles (hamstrings) and high mobility hip joint.

To determine your stretch level and ability to perform a deadlift correctly, take the following test.

Bend forward with a straight back and touch the floor with your fingers. You cannot bend your knees or round your back - movement occurs only in the hip joint.


If you cannot touch the floor with your fingers, it means that you have short biceps or insufficiently mobile hip joints. This will not allow you to save correct position spine while performing deadlifts.

Only a straight spine (in a neutral position) has maximum rigidity and is able to transfer forces to the limbs. By bending the spine in any part, you break the straight line and rigidity is lost. As a result, the spine itself is loaded, which, provided large scales negatively affects his health.

If you completed the test without any problems, you can move on to mastering the correct technique.

Deadlift technique
Initial position

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. In order not to be mistaken with the width of your hands, use the notches on the bar as a guide.

Hand position on the bar

The barbell should almost touch your shins. In this case, the feet will be located under the bar, about a third of the foot will be behind the bar.

Position of the feet under the bar

You bend your knees slightly, move your pelvis back and lean forward. The back is straight, from the tailbone to the neck - one line. The gaze is directed forward.

At the initial stage of the movement, when you lean towards the barbell with a straight back, the gluteal muscles and hamstrings - the main working muscles in this exercise - are stretched.

If you have short hamstrings, what will happen is that when you bend over, the biceps will pull on your lower back, so you won't be able to keep your back straight.

Short hamstrings / muscle&motion.com
Performing deadlifts

During lifting, the barbell is located very close to the body: the bar of the barbell practically slides along the shins (touching is not necessary, although it is possible, especially in the first stages, to get used to correct technique), and then rises higher on the hips.

When you lift the barbell off the ground, your center of gravity is aligned with the barbell's center of gravity. When you bend over, the center of gravity moves forward from the sacrum.

If you hold the barbell close to your shins, the center of gravity of the barbell coincides with your displaced center of gravity and you maintain balance. If you stand far from the bar, the centers of gravity will not coincide and the bar will pull you forward, increasing the load on your lower back.

We guide the bar along the legs. At the moment the barbell lifts off the ground (or platform), you need to tense your buttocks and thigh muscles. This must be done consciously, without waiting for tension to arise on its own.

Tightening the gluteal muscles is necessary to stabilize the hip joint. Muscle tension causes the head of the femur to rotate outward, where it is in the most advantageous position to transmit force.

Hip rotation / muscleandmotion.com

This way, you stabilize the joint and ensure a neutral spine position, which transfers the load to the buttocks and the back of the thigh.

From this position, you straighten up completely and then begin to move down to the starting position. It is important to lower the barbell as smoothly as you lift it, and to keep the bar very close to your hips and shins.

Important points


If you include deadlifts in your program, you should perform the following stretches after your workout.

Hamstring stretch

There are several options for stretching the hamstrings. Let's look at two of them: with an elastic band and using a barbell.

1. Sit on the floor, straighten your knees and reach for your toes with your back straight. It is convenient to perform this exercise with rubber band, however, you can do without it: just stretch your hands to your toes without bending your knees.

This easy set of stretching exercises for the hips and groin area can help prevent and treat injuries and strains of the groin, lower back, and pelvis. Watch each exercise on video!

Groin stretch

  1. Stand with your feet wide apart and knees bent.
  2. Bend your right knee to the side and lean to the right.
  3. Hold in this position for 10 - 30 seconds.

Muscles involved:
Major adductor.
Short adductor.
Adductor longus muscle.

Watch the video on how to do this exercise correctly:

Home stretching complex for the adductor muscle of the thigh

Stretching your hip muscles will help keep your hips flexible, which is important for preventing injury.

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs as far apart as possible and in full contact with the floor.
  2. Keeping your back straight, lean forward at your hips.
  3. Hold for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:
Thin muscle.
Major adductor.
Long adductor.

In the video, the instructor shows how to properly carry out this exercise from the complex:

Stretching the femoral muscle

Stretching the lateral hip muscles can be an effective part of a runner's training routine.

  1. Lie on your back on the floor.
  2. Bend your right knee and slide it over your straightened left leg.
  3. Use your left hand to pull your right knee towards you.
  4. Hold for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:
Gluteus medius.
Gluteus minimus.

Piriformis muscle - stretching

The piriformis muscle can be very troublesome and cause sciatica symptoms, including leg pain. Training this muscle, especially in combination with other exercises, will maintain its elasticity and prevent damage to the sciatic nerve.

  1. Lie with your shoulder blades on the floor.
  2. Bend your right leg and cross the ankle of your left leg over your right leg.
  3. Cross your leg over top part hips.
  4. Pull your leg as close to you as possible to increase the pressure.
  5. The exercise time is 10-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:

Try doing the same as shown in the video below:

Stretching flexor muscles

This effective complex exercises for beginners that can be done at home;This stretch is typically used on the muscles of the front of the thigh, including the rectus femoris.

  1. Kneel on one leg. The other leg should be in front with the knee bent.
  2. Shift your weight to the front of your body.
  3. Tighten your hips during the exercise for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:
Rectus femoris muscle.
Iliopsoas muscle.

Repeat after the instructor:

Gluteal stretch

Stretching the buttocks in combination with other exercises can be a factor in reducing the symptoms of sciatica.

  1. Lie on the floor on your back.
  2. Pull bent knee to the opposite shoulder.
  3. Hold for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:

Gluteus maximus muscle.

Not a difficult but effective exercise:

Another exercise option in the buttock stretching complex that can be performed at home

  1. Stand in front of a bench or high chair.
  2. Place your leg on the surface of the platform and bend it at the knee, pulling it under your stomach.
  3. Gradually lean forward, thus increasing the stretch.
  4. Perform 1 approach for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:
Gluteus maximus.
Gluteus minimus.
Gluteus medius.

The video shows how to perform this physical element:

Stretching the outer thigh

  1. Stand with one leg extended behind the other.
  2. Bend to the side, but without stretching too much.
  3. Press into your thigh and push in the opposite direction.
  4. Perform the exercise for 10-30 seconds.

Alternatively, you can use a table. Place one foot on the table, stand sideways to it and bend as far as possible.

Muscles involved:
Tensor fascia lata.
Iliotibial tract.

This exercise can also be done in sitting position

  1. To perform this exercise as part of a stretching complex for the tensor fascia lata, in a sitting position, you need to pull your knee across your body.
  2. Concentrate on the outside and inner thigh. If you feel pain, stop.
  3. Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds, rest and repeat 2-3 times.

See how to do thigh stretching correctly: