Useful exercises for fine motor skills of the hands. Development of fine motor skills in a child: games, exercises and gymnastics for fine motor skills Exercises to improve motor skills

Every day we use our hands at home and at work, while relaxing or exercising. And few people pay attention to their condition and health. Naturally, this will return with unpleasant tension and discomfort in the hands, cracking joints and other problems. Special exercises help prevent all this.

How to get rid of fatigue in your hands?

Do you work on the computer a lot? Do you fill out a lot of documents manually? This means that you are probably familiar with the situation when discomfort and weakness appear in your arms/hands. We bring to your attention simple exercises for fingers. By doing them daily, you can maintain healthy joints, maintain youthful skin and get rid of pain after long working hours.

  1. Squeeze your hands into fists and rotate them in different directions. Repeat the exercise ten to twenty times.
  2. Clench your fist as hard as you can and hold it in this state for half a minute. Unclench. Give your hands a rest (up to a minute) and repeat the exercise.
  3. Place your hands on a table (any other hard surface will do). Raise your fingers one at a time, keep the others pressed down.
  4. Make a fist. Extend and straighten your fingers one at a time. Remember that everyone else not involved in the exercise must remain motionless.

This simplest workout will serve as an excellent prevention of joint diseases. It will also relieve fatigue from your hands after a working day. The main advantage of the classes is that you can do exercises for the joints of your fingers even at work, giving yourself a short break.

Training program to improve finger strength

For many people (athletes, climbers), not only health matters, but also finger strength. Special exercises help improve it.

  1. Hanging on your fingers. We find a horizontal bar, a strong tree branch or another suitable object. We hang for 15-20 seconds, do several approaches. It is recommended to train with gloves. If there are none, place a cloth under your fingers to avoid damaging your fingers and avoid the appearance of calluses.
  2. Wrist rotation using weights. Dumbbells or other heavy but small objects that are comfortable to hold in your hand will do. Place your hand on a horizontal surface, take a weight and start the exercise. The standard program is 3-4 sets of 20 rotations, but you are guided by your physical capabilities.
  3. Training with an expander. You can buy it at any sports store. Select the model, number of sets and repetitions individually.
  4. Barbell finger curls. We use an underhand grip. This workout helps strengthen the muscles of the forearm. Starting position - forearms are on a flat horizontal surface. The hands grip the bar and hang normally over the edge. Smoothly and carefully raise and lower the barbell.
  5. Push-ups on fingers. You can do push-ups from the floor with 5, 4, 3, 2 and even 1 finger. Naturally, such finger training is designed for more prepared athletes. Beginners should start small.

You may find it difficult at first. If you have recently started a set of exercises to develop finger strength, try simply standing on your toes, gradually increasing the duration of the exercises, and try doing push-ups.

Follow the technique. Remember a simple rule - it is better to perform exercises for finger strength slowly but accurately!

How to improve fine motor skills?

Research shows that finger motor exercises for adults and children improve alertness, speech, coordination and even memory. We offer several simple and effective options for motor skills training.

  1. Beads. We hold it in our hand and sort through the beads.
  2. Constructor. Great option for children.
  3. Mosaics and puzzles with small and large parts. Additionally improves attentiveness.
  4. Sorting of bulk products. For example, mix rice and buckwheat, and then separate the grains from each other.

Keep in mind that exercises to improve fine motor skills It is advisable to carry out regularly. At least 1-2 times a day.

Finger training after a stroke

Stroke is a serious illness that affects people of any gender and age. Recovering from it is long and difficult. Everyday life and the patient’s habits change dramatically. The only way to regain a normal lifestyle is physical therapy. Even if the disease has not affected the motor activity of the hands, training will improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system. This is an important element of successful rehabilitation.

Of course, exercises for fingers after a stroke, at first glance, seem very easy. But it can be difficult for a person who has suffered from this disease to perform them on their own. Therefore, patients will need help from their relatives during the rehabilitation period. Doctors advise following the following program:

  1. Preparation. We work out the hand and fingers, rubbing and massaging each for fifteen to twenty seconds.
  2. Lie on your back and place your palms on your chest. Take turns spreading and raising your fingers. Then turn your palm and repeat the exercise.
  3. Raise your fingers one by one, do circular rotations.
  4. Clench and unclench your fingers into a fist.
  5. Join your hands in a lock, lift and move your fingers (all at once and one by one).
  6. Sorting various items (cereals, multi-colored beads, etc.). Another exercise to improve motor skills.
  7. Solving a Rubik's cube.

These are the simplest finger training exercises that you can do at home. The main thing is to do them often, carefully and patiently.

Exercises for fingers after a fracture

A fracture is a common injury that many experience. Of course, this injury cannot be called life-threatening. But patients still shouldn’t leave rehabilitation to chance. After a fracture, you need to spend more time developing the damaged finger. There are many techniques and options to promote speedy recovery.

A doctor should be involved in drawing up a rehabilitation program. Often, the patient will be prescribed massage and physiotherapy. But you shouldn’t abandon treatment at home either. Here you can do simple exercises for your fingers, which will allow you to develop your injured limb.

Place your hands on the table. Smoothly raise and lower your finger. Perform circular rotations. Try to draw a picture in the air or write your name. Try to move not the hand, but the tip of the phalanx: this will make it easier to restore the flexibility of the fingers after a fracture.

Finger flexibility exercises for musicians

Do you want to learn to play the guitar or piano? It is always difficult for beginners to coordinate their finger movements correctly. Therefore, let's consider good exercise for fingers for playing musical instruments.

  1. Place your hands on a flat surface. With one, slowly and carefully pat the table, and with the other, draw circles. Then change hands.
  2. Just touching the surface with your palms, draw geometric shapes on the table. Do it with both hands at the same time. It is recommended to perform this exercise with a metronome.

Activities for the little ones

Finger motor skills exercises for children are not only useful, but are also considered mandatory for normal development. They stimulate brain function, improve attentiveness, memory and imagination.

For babies from one to five years old best workout will be modeling from plasticine or putting together puzzles. For older children, a Rubik's cube is suitable. As for effective and simple exercises, we offer the following options:

  1. Kneading the dough. The child needs to imitate kneading the dough with his hands. This workout qualitatively develops the hands and fingers.
  2. Clenching/unclenching a fist. The baby needs to alternately straighten his palms, spread his fingers, squeeze and unclench them.

To make games with fingers interesting for children, it is advisable to accompany them with funny stories or do it all in a playful way (for example, a speed competition with parents).

There are many options for exercises to develop fine motor skills.

Exercises for developing fine motor skills without speech accompaniment

1. Tip thumb the right hand alternately touches the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers (“fingers say hello”).

2. The same exercise is performed with the fingers of the left hand.

3. The same exercise is performed simultaneously with the fingers of the right and left hands.

4. The fingers of the right hand touch the fingers of the left hand in turn (“say hello”): first the thumb with the thumb, then the index finger with the index finger, etc.

5. The fingers of the right hand all simultaneously “hello” the fingers of the left hand.

6. Straighten the index finger of your right hand and rotate it (“wasp”).

7. The same movements are made with the index finger of the left hand.

8. The same movements are simultaneously made by the index fingers of both hands (“wasps”).

9. The index and middle fingers of the right hand “run” across the table (“little man”).

10. The same movements are made with the fingers of the left hand.

11. The same movements are simultaneously made by the fingers of both hands (“Children are running a race”).

12. Extend the index finger to the little finger of the right hand (“Goat”).

13. The same exercise is performed simultaneously with the fingers of both hands (“Kids”).

14. The same exercise is performed with the fingers of the left hand.

15. Form two circles from the thumb and index fingers of both hands, connecting them (“Glasses”).

16. Extend the index and middle fingers of your right hand upward, and connect the tip of the ring and little fingers to the seal of the thumb (“bunny”).

17. The same exercise is performed with the fingers of the left hand.

18. The same - simultaneously with the fingers of both hands (“hares”).

19. Raise both hands, palms facing you, fingers spread wide (“trees”).

20. Use the fingers of both hands, raised with the back of them towards you, to move up and down (“birds are flying, flapping their wings”).

21. Bend the fingers of your right hand one by one, starting with the thumb.

22. Perform the same exercises, only bend your fingers, starting with the little finger.

23. Perform the two previous exercises with the fingers of your left hand.

24. Bend the fingers of your right hand into a fist, straighten them one by one, starting with the thumb.

25. Perform the same exercise, only straighten your fingers, starting with the little finger.

26. Perform the two previous exercises with the fingers of your left hand.

27. Connect all fingers except the thumb together, extend the thumb upward (“flag”).

28. Bend both hands into fists, thumbs pull up, bring them closer (“two people are talking”).

29. Clench your right hand into a fist, and lean your left hand vertically (“stream” - “chair”).

30. Clench your right hand into a fist and place it horizontally on top left hand("table").

31. Bend the fingers of your left hand into a fist, leaving a hole on top, leaving a hole on top (“a barrel of water”).

32. Left hand in the same left position, insert the index finger of the right hand into the hole from above (“the bird is drinking water”).

33. Bend the fingers of both hands slightly and apply them to each other (“bowl” - “nest”).

34. Both hands are in the same position as in the previous exercise, and the thumbs are down inside (“bird’s nest with eggs”).

35. Holding your fingers up, connect the tips of the middle and ring fingers of both hands, raise your thumbs up or extend them horizontally inward (“gate”, “door”).

36. Connect the fingertips of your right and left hands at an angle (“roof”, “tower”, “house”).

37. Hands in the same position as in the previous exercise, only place the index fingers horizontally in front of the “roof”.

38. The fingers are in the same position as in the previous two exercises, only the thumbs are on both sides of the “counter” (represented by the index fingers located horizontally) and “talk” to each other.

39. Raise your hands up with your palms facing each other, place your fingers horizontally, connect the tips of the middle and ring fingers of both hands (“bridge”, “road”, “house”).

40. Hands in a vertical position, press the palms of both hands together, then slightly spread them, rounding the fingers (“cup”, “flower”).

41. Press your hands with the backs of each other, lower your fingers down (“plant roots”).

42. Extend the index finger of the right hand, the remaining fingers “run along the table” (“the dog is running”, “the horse is running”).

43. The fingers of the right hand are in the same position as in the previous exercise, but spread the index and middle fingers of the virgin hand (they represent the “rider”), place the “rider” on the “horse” - the index finger of the right hand.

44. Place your right hand on the table, raise your index and middle fingers, spread them (“snail with antennae”).

45. Right hand - as in the previous exercise, and put the reconciliation (“snail shell”) with your left hand.

46. ​​Press the middle and ring fingers of the right hand with the thumb into the palm, bend the index finger and little finger, raise the hand up (“cat”).

47. Connect the thumb, middle and ring fingers of the right hand, index finger and little finger, bending slightly, lift up (“cat”, “dog”).

48. Bend your left hand into a fist, raise your thumb up, wrap it around the fingers of your right hand (“bird in the nest”).

49. Point the ends of your fingers forward, press your hands with your palms to each other, open them slightly (“boat”).

50. Cross your fingers, raise your hands up, spread your fingers (“sun rays”).

51. Press the back sides together, cross your fingers, lift them (“Christmas tree”, “branches”).

52. Cross the fingers of both hands, the backs of the hands facing upward. Lower the middle finger of your right hand down and rotate it freely (“bell”).

53. Crossed fingers pointing down, the backs of the hands pointing up, thumbs extended upward (“passengers on the bus”).

54. Rolling plastic balls.

55. Tearing paper into small pieces.

56. Stringing rings, large buttons, beads.

57. Fastening buttons.

58. Untying and tying knots.

59. Lacing boots.

6C. Folding pyramids, houses, etc.

61. Game "mailbox".

62. Modeling, drawing, shading, working with mosaics, sticks, construction sets, etc.

63. Finger games (“white-sided magpie”, “Indian ladder”).

64. Shadow theater.

Exercises to correct stereognosis

Stereognosis (stereo + Greek gnosis cognition) is the ability to recognize objects by feeling them.

a) determining the texture of various objects with closed eyes, first with the “best” then with the “worst” hand;

b) developing the ability to determine the shape of various objects by touch, first with the “best” hand, then with the “worst” hand;

c) determining the shape of various geometric bodies by size, thickness, etc.;

d) determining the texture of the fabric by touch;

e) identification of three-dimensional numbers and letters by touch;

f) sorting 2 and 3 types of objects by touch.

Exercises to develop fine motor skills of the fingers

What are fine motor skills of the fingers? This is what scientists call the movements of the small muscles of the hands and fingers and believe that improving these movements improves attention, memory, coordination and speech. At least for children. We adults don’t play with Legos often, and we sculpt with plasticine even less often, but we still need fine motor skills. Because warming up, which helps get rid of fatigue in the fingers, returns youth to the hands, the fingers acquire an elegant shape from the exercises, and the skin, thanks to improved blood circulation, becomes more elastic and fewer wrinkles appear on it.

If you do exercises to develop fine motor skills of your fingers regularly, at least once a day, take a minute break while working, put down your pen or move your computer keyboard to the side, you will feel cheerful and energetic as the owner of flexible and beautiful fingers. You need to pay no less attention to your hands than to everything else... And recently it was discovered that those who work with their fingers have nails that grow faster.

Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the fingers No. 1. "Fingers together"

This exercise is a record holder in the fight against wrinkles in the areas of the finger joints, and also good stretch for hands that do monotonous work.

Place your elbows on the table, fold your fingers as shown in the photo. Now spread your tense fingers to the sides as far as possible, without removing one hand from the other. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the fingers No. 2. "Point-by-point question"

That is, we do not pose any questions bluntly. On the contrary, we try to reduce tension in our hands and fingers, and at the same time calm down.

One hand is positioned horizontally, palm up. Lightly tap it with the edge of your other palm for 30 seconds. Keep the fingers of the upper hand relaxed. We change hands and massage the phalanges of the fingers for another half a minute.

Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the fingers No. 3. "Here's a Turn"

And now an exercise that helps strengthen the joints and muscles of the wrists. It will be especially useful for those whose hands work in a suspended position, for example over a computer keyboard.

Clasp your arms and, bending them at the wrists, slowly begin to rotate them in a circle, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. You can change the rhythm and rotate either slower or faster within a minute.

Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the fingers No. 4. "Flexibility - 90 degrees"

Fold your arms as shown in the picture, placing them horizontally at chest level. Place the palm of your right hand on the back of your left hand and push, but not too hard. Switch hands. Repeat 5 times. The exercise trains and stretches the muscles and ligaments of the wrist, and, by the way, strengthens the chest muscles.

Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the fingers No. 5. "On the Pillows"

We use the desktop as a simulator without leaving our seats. Grab the table top and, resting your fingertips on the bottom surface of the table top, try to lift the table. Pectoral muscles do not turn it on, otherwise you may accidentally knock it over... Repeat 5 times.

Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the fingers No. 6. "Hand Comb"

The fingers of one hand are straightened and spread, the fingers of the other are bent in the “comb” position. We place our hands on the table and, with the bent fingers of one hand, make “combing” movements from the tips to the base of the straightened fingers of the other. This good massage, which improves blood circulation and prevents salt deposition. Move up and down and change the position of your hands.

Everyone can master these simple exercises for developing fine motor skills of the fingers; do them regularly to achieve the desired effect. Be healthy.

Development and restoration of fine motor skills

"There are no incurable diseases, there is a lack of knowledge."

Fine motor skills are a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, in combination with the visual system, to make small, precise movements of the hands and fingers and toes.

In everyday life, a person every minute needs to perform some kind of fine motor activity, from primitive gestures to very small movements.

Well-developed fine motor skills actively interact with attention, thinking, coordination, observation, imagination, memory (visual and motor). And is it really good in itself? developed hand brings little benefit? After all, it is thanks to it that a person does so many necessary things throughout his life: writes, draws, buttons up buttons and ties shoelaces, and, finally, works on the same computer, therefore, his quality of life directly depends on its development.

Fine motor skills develop naturally starting in infancy based on gross motor skills. First, the child learns to grab an object, then the skills of shifting from hand to hand, the so-called “tweezer grip,” etc. appear; by the age of two, he is already able to draw and hold a brush and spoon correctly. In preschool and early school age, motor skills become more diverse and complex. The proportion of actions requiring coordinated actions of both hands is increasing.

The development of fine motor skills can be accelerated in the following ways:

  • Exercises with small objects - puzzles, mosaics, beads, beads, etc.
  • Massage of hands and fingers
  • Modeling

In the human brain, the centers responsible for speech and finger movements are very close. And the size of the projection of the hand, located in the cerebral cortex, occupies about a third of the entire motor projection. It is these two scientifically proven facts that allow us to consider the hand as an “organ of speech” along with the articulatory apparatus. That is why the development of finger movements is simply necessary for the development of memory, attention, thinking and speech, which was proven at one time Russian physiologist V.M. Vekhterev. In his works, he proved that simple hand movements also help relieve mental fatigue. The development of fine motor skills is carried out in combination with finger massage, training of attention, memory, observation, logical thinking. First of all, it is necessary to remember that the development of fine motor skills is interconnected with tactile sensations: the more different materials a person (child) touches, the more sensitive the fingertips are. The level of development of speech and communication skills directly depends on the degree of development of fine motor skills of the hands. It needs to be developed at any age - both children and adults!

Chinese scientists, in the 2nd century BC, knew about the influence of hand action on the development of the human brain. The ancient Chinese claimed that exercises involving the hands and finger massage harmonize the body and mind and have a positive effect on brain activity. Each finger of the hand has a fairly extensive meaning in the cerebral cortex. The development of fine movements of the fingers precedes the appearance of syllable articulation.

Thanks to the development of fingers, a projection of the “human body diagram” is formed in the brain, and speech reactions are directly dependent on the fitness of the fingers. Fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the human central nervous system. By massaging certain points, you can influence internal organs, which are connected to these points.

Massaging the thumb increases brain activity. The index is connected to the stomach. By massaging the middle finger, you have an effect on the intestines, and on the ring finger, you have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. By massaging your little finger, you help your heart function. Hand massage has a positive effect on internal organs, a tonic, immunostimulating effect, and stimulates mental functions and speech.

Of course, first of all, the above is important for the development of children, but in the age of widespread physical inactivity and brain atrophy, it also becomes relevant for adults. For which even the most ordinary writing of text, especially with pen devices, is extremely useful. Unfortunately, tapping on a computer keyboard does not give a similar effect.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills not only have a stimulating effect on the development of speech, but are also a powerful means of maintaining the tone and performance of the cerebral cortex, a means of its interaction with subordinate structures. As well as memory, thinking, attention and observation. The movements of a person’s hand are formed in the process of education and training, as a result of associative connections that arise during the work of the visual, auditory and speech motor analyzers.

All cases of speech disorders, when a person with normal mental abilities and normal hearing suffers from suppressed speech organization (cannot correctly organize the sound and/or semantic structure of his speech), are called speech disorders.

The main reasons due to which speech impairment develops are:

  • trauma during childbirth;
  • previous physical (somatic) illnesses that last for a long time;
  • unfavorable speech environment;
  • pedagogical neglect;
  • lack of attention, lack of love and communication.

In severe cases of speech disorders, a person not only cannot speak clearly and clearly himself, but he poorly perceives and assimilates someone else’s spoken speech, has difficulty constructing phrases and sentences, and has a limited vocabulary.

This applies to both active vocabulary (words meaningfully used in speech) and passive (words of other people’s speech, perceived by ear). If proper measures are not taken in a timely manner to correct speech, a person will experience serious communication problems and, as a result, the development of all kinds of complexes that impede interpersonal communication and the development of mental and creative potential.

As a rule, a person with impaired speech is very critical of his pathology, but one of the main dangers that speech disorders pose is the inhibition of intellectual development, because speech is one of the main intellectual tools.

Normalization of intellect development occurs as speech difficulties are eliminated and normal word pronunciation is formed. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to finger massage and exercises to develop and restore fine motor skills.

“The hand is the brain leaking out!” (Kant)

One of the most effective influences on the speech-motor projection in our head is needlework: beadwork, bead embroidery, simple embroidery, macrame, etc.

And the more high-precision movements required from you, the better. This not only develops memory and thinking, but also relieves nervous tension.

Separately, it is necessary to note the modeling. And it doesn’t matter whether the material is clay, plasticine or dough! Not a single point on our palms, not a single muscle of the hand will remain unused!

The most common hobby for men, which also develops motor skills, is making all kinds of models of airplanes, tanks, sailboats, wood carving, and jewelry making. Adults need this kind of games no less than children. Because for a deep understanding of oneself and one’s worldview, every adult needs, at least sometimes, to return to childhood!

Let us dwell in more detail on the method of restoring and developing fine motor skills and, as a result, restoring speech and communication in general - Bead embroidery.

The tactile perception of hard, small glass beads (beads) by the fingertips, combined with the need to perform precise movements to attach them to the fabric base (canvas), causes hyperstimulation of the motor projection of the brain. At the same time, concentrating our vision on the small details of the design and on the bright colors of the beads, we restore associative connections with the result of our own motor activity, which in turn leads to the development of fine motor skills. One of the important ways to control the process of restoring the communication system and a way to enhance the effectiveness of exercises to restore fine motor skills is to involve the patient in a conversation or describe the result of actions, visualize the perception of colors and the picture as a whole, and move to a positive worldview.

It is necessary to start the exercises with small objects, with simple information content and no more than five colors of beads.

For this purpose, it is advisable to use specialized diagrams or sets with a color diagram already applied to the canvas. At the stage of describing an exercise or setting a task, it is necessary to explain and then monitor the implementation of the primary rules of embroidery:

  • the beads must be sewn evenly and at the same angle;
  • the element of the main design should be in the center of the embroidery and stand out with its finishing;
  • the size of the beads must be the same size;
  • The embroidery fabric must be stretched very tightly, so tapestry frames or hoops are used;
  • use synthetic and reinforced threads, you can use fishing line;
  • the color of the thread must match the color of the canvas;
  • Embroidery is done in rows along the canvas;
  • the length of the thread per row should be 4-5 times longer than the width of the embroidery;
  • the number of beads in a row should be equal to the number of cells in a row of the diagram.

As you master the embroidery technique and verbal description, it is necessary to complicate the embroidery patterns, selecting options with a large number of bead and thread colors used and their color preferences, increasing the size and complexity of the composition.

At this stage, it is necessary to introduce additional motivation by describing bead embroidery as an art with deep historical roots. Bead embroidery has been known since ancient times. Since ancient times, Russian craftswomen have admired their magnificent embroidery skills, first with pearls, then in the mid-17th century with colored glass beads. Bugle beads were used to decorate clothes, and embroidered paintings depicting various landscapes, churches, icons, etc. Elements made of beads are used to decorate clothes, which gives them an original and elegant look.

Many styles in modern fashion cannot do without beaded jewelry. Modern needlewomen not only successfully decorate clothes, but also shoes, wallets, mobile phone cases and handbags. For many women, bead embroidery has become a favorite hobby. A great mood and developed imagination play a huge role.

This type of creativity requires special skills, patience, dexterity and accuracy, which are gradually mastered as you progress through the method of restoring fine motor skills and verbal communication.

Particular attention must be paid to completing each exercise. At the stage of unfinished embroidery, this is an encouraging conversation with a summary of intermediate results. And upon completion of each of the works, this is their design with a frame or baguette and joint determination of it in a certain gallery with exhibition to third parties and a joint discussion of the merits of the composition.

Also, an important point is to improve the ergonomics of embroidery devices as the exercise becomes more complex.

Selection correct size hoop and mounting stand, as well as containers for beads, are very important, since this allows you to focus on the main process and provides convenience, and, consequently, the necessary duration of the exercises.

One of the main criteria for assessing the success and completion of the technique can be considered the patient’s sustained manifestation of a positive perception of the world around him, his inclusion in free verbal communication in the reference group, the absence of difficulties with visualizing mental images and their correct description.

Specialized stores sell a variety of bead embroidery kits. Beginners are recommended to purchase this set. It contains everything you need: beads, canvas, diagram, and most importantly - a guide to embroidery.

Bead embroidery will turn your leisure hours into exciting and useful activity. This activity is for those who want, by investing a piece of their warmth and a spark of creativity, to create works that will breathe comfort, joy and beauty into their home. For those who love to create unique, unique products, who are looking for new inspiration, who strive to master original ideas and unfamiliar technical techniques.

Colorful handmade jewelry will highlight your individuality. You can create any shape and type of accessories, from a simple bracelet and an intricate necklace, to a formal tie and an elegant cell phone case.

Fine motor skills. About the importance of development

Hello, reader of! Today we have a somewhat unusual article, the topic of which is fine motor skills. There will be a lot of exclamation and question marks - I will swear. Mainly for psychologists, but you will probably get it too. I will scold psychologists for their attitude to the issue under consideration, namely the development of fine motor skills. Parents will get it for using the principle of sufficiency in raising their children.

Fine motor skills

Fine motor skills are a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system in making small and precise movements of the hands and fingers and toes.

Psychologists attach particular importance to the development of fine motor skills in children and at the same time connect the development of fine motor skills precisely with the development of speech. The fact is that in the brain the areas responsible for the projection of the hands are located next to the area responsible for speech skills. Here, as a rule, they mean Broca’s area, which is responsible for speech, or more precisely, for articulation. This is the official opinion of psychologists. Big psychologists teach this to small psychologists at institutes, and they write about it in all the books for parents, but I have a number of questions...

Firstly, in addition to Broca's area, Wernicke's area is also located nearby, which is responsible for understanding speech. But this is not so important. What interests me most is where did the other areas in the brains of psychologists go?! It feels like the light has converged like a wedge for psychologists in Broca’s area. You can teach your child to speak on time simply by constantly talking to him. This also works very well. But in my life I have met excellent talkers. They spoke very well and quickly, but by and large it was complete nonsense. An excellent example: the girl is a nanny from the cartoon “Super Family”.

Let's return to our sheep... There are many more zones in the brain around the representation of the hands than psychologists convince. Areas responsible for attention and concentration, for imaginative and spatial thinking, memory, etc. Simply put, fine motor skills of the hands pull all the intellect with them! And it seems to me that the presence of speech skills in a child cannot be an indicator of overall development.

Next... Broca's and Wernicke's areas are located in the dominant hemisphere of the brain. For right-handers in the left, for left-handers in the right. And again the question. Why do psychologists always talk only about the development of the dominant hemisphere? It feels like we are raising one-sided children. What about the second hemisphere, responsible for creative thinking and processing novelty? We seem to be developing the motor skills of both hands, not just one. Therefore, the development of fine motor skills also develops the child’s creative abilities.

The lag principle

One more thing... I am concerned about the very peculiar approach of psychologists to the use of techniques for the development of fine motor skills. The same applies to parents! In general, it looks like this: parents give birth to a child. He grows in his crib, plays with rattles, laughs. Cheerful and healthy toddler. But time passes, and the child does not speak. More time passes, he is already three years old, but he speaks very poorly. And then the parents realize: “Oh my God. Something went wrong!". They take him to a psychologist, and the psychologist says: “Your child is developmentally delayed (otherwise we didn’t realize it ourselves). We will develop it” And he begins to develop his fine motor skills, specially training him. They developed their speech - and it was excellent. We watch further, and he holds the pencil like a shovel... “Oh my God. Let’s learn how to hold a pencil urgently!” Next... “Oh my God. He doesn’t know how to fasten buttons!” Well, etc. Question: Why do psychologists and parents expect deviations in the child’s development? Wouldn't it have been easier to work with him from birth?!

The principle of sufficiency

But this already smacks of a conspiracy :) It’s generally not clear why psychologists and parents develop skills in children to the level where they can normally exist and interact with others, i.e. to the statistical average. And that's where it all stops. It seems that psychologists don’t like people who are too smart. And who set these standards anyway? What general standards can there be in the development of intelligence?! And it is completely unclear why all of the above suits parents? Is it really because psychologists tell you so? 🙂 It seems to me that every parent wants to raise at least a genius. So why doesn't anyone do this?!

I suggest that all parents use the principle of insufficiency in the development of their children. That is, the achieved result is good only at the time of its achievement, and then it is again not good enough. You must understand that the foundation for a child’s further development is laid in early childhood. And how effectively this period is passed, the rest of your life can be successful. Not a fact, of course, but the chances will increase many times over. So don't wait! Start working with your child from the first months of life. And advice... Only constant systematic exercise will give you a positive, tangible result.

Here I will not describe ways to develop fine motor skills in children, because there is enough information on this matter on the Internet without me. Just type in the search engine “Development of fine motor skills” and you will get where you need to go. And my site is not about children, but about adults.

And again, the position of psychologists is completely incomprehensible to me. Everything related to the development of fine motor skills is dedicated to children. Well, the child has grown up - so what? Development has come to a standstill. The brain remains the same, the number of neurons in it remains the same, the number of connections between neurons has noticeably decreased (this is the specificity, I will explain another time), so why not further develop fine motor skills? Adults will receive all the same benefits from developing fine motor skills as children. Speech skills are unlikely to improve noticeably, but thought processes - very much so. This is a must do!

There is a small snag in the development methods. After all, the fine motor skills of adults are already sufficiently developed. We already have all the basic skills. So something else is needed.

Learning to play a musical instrument is perfect for developing fine motor skills in adults. I would choose something popular. For example, a guitar. In general, I chose it :) In addition to its practical purpose (development of fine motor skills), you can always play the guitar for your wife. Or not your wife :) And besides fine motor skills, learning to play a musical instrument will greatly improve your brain. Whole new system is formed in your brain, and this is a very valuable bonus.

If you already play a musical instrument, then learn to play another one. Move from strings to keys or wind instruments. But you can try something else. For example, you can master the ten-finger typing method. From life observations I can say that all those who have the ten-finger typing method have very high speed thinking and outstanding intelligence. One day, while thinking about this relationship, I thought it might be a coincidence, so I conducted a small and unobtrusive survey among friends and relatives. And this relationship was confirmed.

There are many different tutorials for learning to play musical instruments. It's worth searching on the Internet. And to teach the ten-finger typing method, I personally use the online keyboard simulator “Klavogonki”. A very original idea for a keyboard trainer. Register on the website, read everything carefully and start training. And remember that only regular, systematic exercise will give tangible, lasting results.


This is the innate or developed ability to use the non-dominant hand in the same way as the dominant one. The point is this. The ease with which you use your dominant hand roughly reflects the maturity of your psyche and cognitive skills. Do the following exercise: write down any sentence with your dominant hand. Rate how easy it was. Next, write down the same sentence with your non-dominant hand and evaluate how difficult it was. The difference in the ease of writing with your dominant and non-dominant hand is approximately equal to the potential dormant within you. Surely, after this simple exercise, many will be amazed at this huge difference.

Another advantage of ambidexterity. To solve the problems of some epileptics, neurosurgeons have to take countermeasures - they dissect the brain of epileptics. The hemispheres are separated from each other. The patients were then observed for some time, and these observations led to the following discovery. The activity of the dominant hemisphere increases while the non-dominant hemisphere practically ceases its activity. What is the conclusion here? A poorly developed non-dominant hemisphere, due to its underdevelopment, slows down the dominant hemisphere of the brain, preventing it from revealing its full potential. This is very easy to check.

Do the exercise that I described above, but after you write down a sentence with your non-dominant hand, write the same sentence again with your dominant hand and evaluate how much faster, easier and smoother your previous handwriting has become. This happens literally instantly. The effect will be stronger if you write with your non-dominant hand for longer. Development of the non-dominant hand is very important point in developing your abilities. So practice.

By the way, the world-famous genius Leonardo Da Vinci developed his use of his non-dominant hand to perfection, which I wish for you too :)

Adults and Children

Development of fine motor skills in adults

We – adults – very often read about the need to develop fine motor skills of the hands and feet in children. (Read more “The importance of exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands and feet”) We try to properly develop our children, while forgetting about ourselves. We remember that adults also have small muscles of the arms and legs only when it is no longer possible not to remember this. Most often this occurs after suffering a serious illness, such as a paralyzing stroke, or injury, such as a fracture.

All muscles human body, regardless of their functional significance, name and location in the human body, require constant training. (Read more in “The importance of movement for the human body”) What is not trained atrophies, and, therefore, loses its functional significance and entails consequences that prevent us from living: a weakening of the strength of processes in the human brain, loss, so called muscle corset, poor joint mobility and so on.

The development of fine, as well as gross, motor skills is a necessary condition for human life.(More details in the article “What are fine and gross motor skills?”)

Training fine motor skills of the hands and feet is just as necessary for an adult as it is for the growing body of a child. How to develop it? Yes, exactly the same as in a child, especially if you have already noticed inactivity of your fingers. Be sure to get a massage (See “Divine Hand Massage”, “Foot Massage” and “Fun Massage”), various exercises with and without objects, as well as using massagers and expanders. It is easier for an adult to take care of himself in the sense that, having realized the goal, the adult can independently move towards it. It’s more difficult with a child, because he still needs to be encouraged to do this or that exercise. This is why there are game exercises for children in poetry and music. (See “Exercises for developing fine and gross motor skills of the arms and legs.”) An adult can easily use the same children’s exercises to develop his arms and legs. They are interesting. They can be found in different places: on different websites, in different books and magazines, grouped and arranged into a single system according to complexity just for you and carried out.

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Useful exercises for fine motor skills of the hands

Fine motor skills physical process based on the totality of actions of the body’s musculoskeletal system and psychological control. Responsible for the implementation of this work nervous system, connecting the limbs to the brain center. The use of fine motor skills of the hands sometimes occurs unnoticed, at the level of the use of gestures during verbal communication. The development of motor skills is directly related to the development of speech; these sectors touch in the cerebral cortex.

Development of fine motor skills in children

With the birth of a child, mastery of the surrounding world and one’s own body begins. To stimulate the development of the baby, special toys are used. Suspended and floor attributes can be touched and tested for strength. By doing this, the child unconsciously trains his motor skills. Tactile sensations of roughness and softness of surfaces help improve the perception of the environment.

From the age of one, for a small motorboat you can use:

  • Cereals are poured onto the table, sorting through peas, and transferring small objects from one vessel to another will improve coordination.
  • Plasticine and dough are all involved in the modeling process nerve endings finger pads.
  • Parents carry out hand and palm massages on their own, reciting poems about the magpie-crow and finger games.

Working on motor skills as an adult

In adulthood, the apparatus of motor functions must continue to be developed; stagnation of this activity leads to atrophy of brain cells. Everyday actions bring a beneficial effect, among them: writing with a pen, pen, drawing. Working at a computer does not apply to this load. Good memory and good speech can also be trained by hand massage.

Activities that promote stimulation and motor development:

  1. Various types of needlework simultaneously stimulate both limbs and brain activity, focusing on small details. In the old days, all women were engaged in textile work and knitting, which helped maintain clarity of movements in old age. Bead embroidery and weaving stimulate the development of memory.
  2. To activate the necessary zones, men can turn to modeling technical objects (ships, cars, airplanes).
  3. A universal massage item is clay. The flexible structure affects the entire arm, involving the muscles of the wrist and hand.
  4. During the working day, you can do a number of exercises to strengthen motor skills by drawing in a notebook or notebook. The main rule for drawing exercises is orderliness. A series of repeating loops, oblique lines, will be reminiscent of a lesson in cursive in elementary school, will have a huge impact positive effect for fine motor skills.
  5. Finger gymnastics. A set of exercises for the phalanx of the fingers consists of flexion and extension. You can do this activity even on public transport. It is not necessary to select a specific sequence. To stretch your fingers, you can click your thumb on your middle finger, cross one after the other, or simply clench your fist.
  6. Universal warm-up product hand expander. This device has a round shape and fits easily in the palm of your hand. To use it, it is enough to periodically strain your fingers so that the ring shrinks.

Restoring hand motor skills after a stroke

Any injuries not only of a local nature, but also to the brain area cause harm to the entire body. A stroke attack has the same effect. The nerve connections of the human body stop working smoothly, the impulse is lost and does not always reach the intended place. People who have suffered from similar diseases suffer from difficulties in perceiving and reconstructing information, and impaired motor skills of the body, including the hands.

Rehabilitation centers help people with limited mobility recover. To perform a set of exercises, it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists, including:

  • Gymnastic exercises. Unlike regular training, the recovery process is all about control. The limbs stop listening and may not respond to brain signals. Therefore, the main principle of training is to closely monitor the manipulations being performed, controlling them.
  • Creative activities. As in classic versions drawing, repeating lines, stucco molding are very productive for the development of motor skills. In addition to this, the psychological aspect becomes important for a stroke survivor. Immersion in inner nature. Expressing your self through art.
  • Exercise with a ball. This technique is used in kindergartens and special institutions. Balls of different shapes help train dexterity by fixing an object with your hands. The ball is transferred from hand to hand and rolled on the table. There is self-massage with a sword, which will allow you to use several parts of the cerebral cortex at once, which are responsible for perception and execution of actions. Balls should be used from different materials: fabric, rubber, pimples.
  • Improvised means. For gymnastic exercises Take a few nuts and sort them in your palms. Everyday activities stimulate motor skills well and bring the brain into working order. A lamp, a TV remote control, an elevator button require concentration of thoughts.
  • High concentration will be required to sort through and collect small parts such as puzzles and mosaics. Working with them will constantly improve dexterity, memory, and fine motor skills of the hands.

Disturbance of signal transmission as a consequence of Parkinson's disease, cervical osteochondrosis or post-stroke condition;

Impaired reception and execution of the signal - this may be caused by cerebral palsy, angioneurosis or injury upper limbs, insufficient development of motor skills since childhood.

  • how to develop fine motor skills of fingers as an adult
  • how to develop motor skills through massage in 2018
  • hand recovery after stroke

Tip 5: How to develop fine motor skills with finger games

Technique finger games easy and accessible. In order to interest your baby as much as possible, read short quatrains during the game: this will develop the baby’s auditory perception and help him concentrate.

To develop fine motor skills, it is advisable to play games daily, only after this there will be a positive result.

Game "Fingers". It is necessary to bend the child’s fingers in turn for each line of the poem.

  • Makar the big one chops wood,
  • Petka-pointer carries water,
  • Vanka the middle one to light the stove,
  • Cook porridge for Timoshka the orphan,
  • And sing songs to little Kiryushka.

    Game "Steamboat". Help your child cup his hands so that his thumbs point up. And play the game with the following words: “The steamer is sailing along the river, puffing like a stove.”

    Game "Pies". Depict the process of making pies; the child should copy the movements after you to the nursery rhyme: “At the oven, oven, oven, we will bake pies.”

    Game "Mouse". Help your child close his middle and ring fingers and hold them with his thumb. The index and little fingers are slightly bent and need to be moved. During the game, say the couplet: “A gray mouse sits in a hole and rustles a piece of paper in it.”

    Finger games

    Special games for developing fine motor skills

    Useful games

    Most kids are big fans of grabbing everything, trying it by touch, crushing it or tearing it. Many parents try to rid their child of these habits, but in vain. Translate children's desire to use their hands for good.

    In the process of finger actions, the active work of the speech centers of the child’s brain begins. Don't limit your baby. Prepare objects that you don’t mind, let the child crush and tear them with pleasure. The smaller the pieces end up, the better.

    You can play with different objects. Activities with cereals, beads, and coins are great for developing fine motor skills. Such games can be played with children over three years of age and only under adult supervision. For kids, manufacturers have already come up with a lot of special soft toys that are filled with small balls inside.

    Drawing and sculpting

    Children's plasticine is an excellent tool for developing fine motor skills. Give preference to modeling mass that is made from safe materials, kneads easily and does not dry out. Invite your child to make his favorite toy, animal, or fairy-tale character. Kids can simply knead the plasticine in their hands; any forceful actions with their fingers help form speech.

    Drawing should be unusual. Try to paint a picture together not with a regular brush, but with your fingers. This method can be done even by the smallest. Surprisingly, the drawings turn out no worse. And the benefits of such drawing are much greater.

    Toys with laces and buttons

    Buy ready-made toys equipped with threading laces and large buttons. By practicing buttoning, unbuttoning, putting a button in a buttonhole or a lace in a hole, the child, unnoticed by himself, trains his manual skills. In a playful way, the baby acquires the necessary skills, and the mother acquires some free time.

    Natural material

    Children love to collect cones, chestnuts, and acorns. When going outdoors in the fall, don’t forget to pick up a lot of forest gifts. At home, be sure to dry all the collected material, put it in an elegant box and place it in the nursery. You will be surprised, but a child can come up with many different crafts from simple things. Even simply moving forest “treasures” from place to place is of great importance.

    To develop fine motor skills, it is not at all necessary to buy special aids, which are not cheap. Available materials, used correctly, have the same effect. Use your imagination and show your child how to interact with objects around him. Your desire and curiosity guarantee the success of the child's future development.

    Tip 8: What is motor skills and why should it be developed in young children?

    Definition of motor skills

    So, let's figure out what motor skills are.

    In the large psychological dictionary, the compilers of which are V. Zinchenko, motor skills are understood as the entire sphere of motor functions. In turn, S.Yu. Golovin claims that motor skills are physical activity person. Efremova considers motor skills as a complex of various movements that are associated with various physiological and psychological manifestations. So, motor skills are movement. And without movement, as we know, it is not possible to develop fully and from various sides.

    Types of motor skills

    Motor skills are divided into two types: large and fine. Gross motor skills provide children with the ability to perform various actions with their arms, legs, and body. Allows you to maintain balance, run, jump, and walk. On the basis of gross motor skills, fine motor skills develop and improve. It serves to improve the ability to make clear and correct movements that help work with small objects. Typically, such motor skills are developed later.

    The meaning of motor skills

    The development of motor skills is a long and difficult process. Its improvement helps the child get to know and understand the world better. For development, various simple exercises are used that not only develop and improve children's motor skills, but also relax many muscles of the body. The baby’s varied movements in their combination determine proper development thinking, speaking, calculating, reading. When fine motor skills are improved, logic and intelligence improves. Games that involve hands help develop fine motor skills. For example, these could be construction sets, finger painting, etc. It follows that the development of motor skills is necessary for the harmonious and correct development of the child. Parents should pay a lot of attention to their children and engage with them. It is necessary to expand their horizons, show the world, develop the child’s talents and abilities. To summarize, I would like to note that the development of gross and fine motor skills is very important for a child’s full existence and exploration of the world around him.

    Fine motor skills of fingers in adults.

    Hello, dear readers! Surely you have all heard about fine motor skills of the fingers, that all children need to develop them. But why it is needed, why, how and who needs to develop it, is already known to a much smaller number of people. Let's try to figure it out and put our new knowledge into practice.

    So, the so-called motor zone of the brain, located in the border region between the temporal and frontal lobes of the brain, is responsible for fine motor skills of a person’s fingers. And very close are the centers responsible for speech. And the development of fine motor skills of the fingers is directly related to the level of speech development.

    Exercises for the development of motor skills cause activation of these parts of the brain, which is very useful for the brain to receive a variety of signals. However, it is necessary to develop it at any age - not only for children, but also for adults!

    What will help develop motor skills? Massage of fingers and palms, puzzles, modeling, playing the guitar and a bunch of other activities that require the work of the hands and fingers. By the way, working on a computer, or rather printing

    typing on the keyboard is also an exercise for fine motor skills of the fingers, this is also very useful. Moreover, touch typing is doubly useful.

    To my shame, I must admit that I only started learning this method the other day. I was advised to use a program called VerseQ for this. I downloaded, installed and started typing, closing the keyboard so as not to peek. The first result was very sad. 12 characters per minute.

    The program remembers which letters are difficult to come by and puts them in a variety of combinations. The result, as they say, is that the speed per hour of training increased to 92 characters. But I'm not going to stop there. After all, I want to have a young mind and a strong memory, and not suffer from insanity. Therefore, I develop fine motor skills of my fingers every day, including with the help of the VerseQ program.

  • What's happened fine motor skills of fingers ? This is what scientists call the movements of the small muscles of the hands and fingers and believe that improving these movements improves attention, memory, coordination and speech. At least for children. We adults don’t play with Legos often, and we sculpt with plasticine even less often, but we still need fine motor skills. Because warming up, which helps get rid of fatigue in the fingers, returns youth to the hands, the fingers acquire an elegant shape from the exercises, and the skin, thanks to improved blood circulation, becomes more elastic and fewer wrinkles appear on it.

    If you do Regularly, at least once a day, taking a minute break while working, putting down your pen or moving your computer keyboard to the side, you will feel cheerful and energetic as the owner of flexible and beautiful fingers. You need to pay no less attention to your hands than to everything else... And recently it was discovered that those who work with their fingers have nails that grow faster.

    Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the fingers No. 1. "Fingers together"

    This is a record-breaking exercise in the fight against wrinkles in the areas of the finger joints, and is also a good stretch for hands that do monotonous work.

    Place your elbows on the table, fold your fingers as shown in the photo. Now spread your tense fingers to the sides as far as possible, without removing one hand from the other. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

    Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the fingers No. 2. "Point-by-point question"

    That is, we do not pose any questions bluntly. On the contrary, we try to reduce tension in our hands and fingers, and at the same time calm down.

    One hand is positioned horizontally, palm up. Lightly tap it with the edge of your other palm for 30 seconds. Keep the fingers of the upper hand relaxed. We change hands and massage the phalanges of the fingers for another half a minute.

    Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the fingers No. 3. "Here's a Turn"

    And now an exercise that helps strengthen the joints and muscles of the wrists . It will be especially useful for those whose hands work in a suspended position, for example over a computer keyboard.

    Clasp your arms and, bending them at the wrists, slowly begin to rotate them in a circle, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. You can change the rhythm and rotate either slower or faster within a minute.

    Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the fingers No. 4. "Flexibility - 90 degrees"

    Fold your arms as shown in the picture, placing them horizontally at chest level. Place the palm of your right hand on the back of your left hand and push, but not too hard. Switch hands. Repeat 5 times. The exercise trains and stretches the muscles and ligaments of the wrist, and, by the way, strengthens the chest muscles.

    Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the fingers No. 5. "On the Pillows"

    We use the desktop as a simulator without leaving our seats. Grab the table top and, resting your fingertips on the bottom surface of the table top, try to lift the table. Do not engage your pectoral muscles, otherwise you may accidentally knock it over... Repeat 5 times.

    Exercise for developing fine motor skills of the fingers No. 6. "Hand Comb"

    The fingers of one hand are straightened and spread, the fingers of the other are bent in the “comb” position. We place our hands on the table and, with the bent fingers of one hand, make “combing” movements from the tips to the base of the straightened fingers of the other. This is a good massage that improves blood circulation and prevents salt deposits. Make 10-12 movements up and down and change the position of your hands.

    These aren't complicated exercises for developing fine motor skills of the fingers Everyone can do it, do them regularly to achieve the desired effect. Be healthy!!!

    If you are attentive parents, intently scanning the information space for effective methodology teaching a preschooler, then, without a doubt, we have already heard about the need to develop fine motor skills in children. However, today even those who do not particularly delve into “children’s topics” have heard a lot about fine motor skills.

    Development of fine motor skills: justified necessity or fashion trend?

    Let us remind you that thanks to active training of the small muscles of the fingers and hands, the following develop:

    • articulatory apparatus and sound recognition system;
    • attention and memory;
    • intelligence;
    • imagination.

    To develop fine motor skills, a lot of ready-made games and toys are offered. One may get the impression that an entire industry is dedicated to this area of ​​educating children in the first years of life.

    But our mothers and fathers, like their mothers and fathers, and entire generations of mothers and fathers before them, somehow raised their offspring without lacing, busy boards, sorters and other insert frames. Ordinary cubes with a pyramid were enough, and the lucky ones had a simple mosaic at home. So, maybe all these tricks and wisdom are of no use to our children? We authoritatively declare: “Why!”

    We, and especially the generations before us, were raised in completely different conditions:

    • We had shoes with laces, which we famously dealt with already in younger group kindergarten. Today, even 8-10 year olds have problems with basic shoelaces.
    • Our parents and grandparents didn't have computers or smartphones. Even TVs literally 25–30 years ago were not in every family. Families spent their leisure hours doing needlework: mothers knitted and embroidered, fathers planed and soldered. Well, of course, we adopted their passion and also tried to create something with our own hands.
    • Our parents did not have so many electronic assistants - multicookers, food processors, robotic vacuum cleaners, automatic washing machines and other delights of modern civilization. They (the generations of parents preceding us) were forced to work hard around the house, and we were forced to help them no less diligently: sorting out cereals, digging up beds, sweeping, etc.

    Nowadays, children are protected from homework for as long as possible. Their clothes have Velcro and zippers. They have fun watching cartoons or playing computer games. Where is the finger work? There is practically no place for it in the natural environment of a modern child. Therefore, it is important to consciously introduce small exercises for the development of fine motor skills into the daily routine. What exercises are suitable for this purpose? Eureka knows!

    Simple and effective exercises for developing fine motor skills

    Exercise 1: Hand massage

    Already a newborn baby can and should stretch his hands. Knead and stroke your palms, gently pinch the skin, stretch the joints and make rotational movements with them. All manipulations should be easy, without excessive zeal. You can say nursery rhymes. The most popular, of course, is the “magpie-crow”. But she is far from the only one. You can come up with simple rhymes yourself or use ready-made ones. For example:

    1. Let's stroke the hand with our hand,

    Let's rub our finger with our finger,

    Let's take a little rest,

    And then we'll start again.

    2. Little finger, where have you been?

    I went to the forest with this brother,

    I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

    I ate porridge with this brother,

    I sang songs with this brother.

    Exercise 2: Finger gymnastics

    The purpose of the lesson is to train fingers, develop hands, and learn to coordinate actions. The exercises can be anything. The very first and simplest, available to babies of 5-6 months, are “ladushki”. When saying a funny rhyme, play together with your baby: fingers are as straight as possible, pressed against each other. Palms hit each other in time with the words of the nursery rhyme:

    Okay, okay!

    Where were you? By Grandma!

    What did you eat? Porridge,

    What did you drink? Mash!

    Okay, okay,

    We're going to grandma's again!

    Let the baby tap his fists on different surfaces, bend and straighten his fingers, spread them out and stretch his palms up, “run” his fingers on the table, and make circular movements with his hands.

    Closer to three years, you can give your child a finger theater, which will give such gymnastics a new meaning.

    Exercise 3: Working with paper

    Folding paper figures without scissors and glue (origami), as well as creating pictures using glue and cut out paper elements (applique) - great way develop fine motor skills at any age from three years and older. In early childhood, the skills necessary for these creative activities are still lacking. Therefore, you can invite the baby to simply tear the paper.

    Tearing can be done as early as 7-8 months. The main thing is to explain that you can only tear up those pieces of paper that your parents give you.

    To give meaning to this activity, you can create some crafts yourself from scraps:

    • a simple postcard;
    • Christmas tree toy;
    • panel

    With an older child - one year or more - the paper can still be turned over. Children's books or glossy magazines are good for this. Make sure your baby carefully grabs the pages with his fingers, turning them over one after another. This seemingly very simple exercise causes a lot of difficulties for kids.

    Exercise 4: “Cinderella”

    Remember, in the fairy tale “Cinderella,” the evil stepmother forced the main character to sort out lentils and peas (depending on the version of the fairy tale, translation and film adaptation, the cereals may vary, but that’s not the point now). Of course, you love your child. And, unlike the malicious new wife Cinderella’s dad, it is out of love that you invite the little one to repeat the feat of the forcedly hardworking girl.

    You can sort through different items:

    • multi-colored beads: red - to the left, blue - to the right;
    • different-sized buttons: large ones - in a jar, small ones - in a box;
    • clothespins of different textures: wooden - on the table, plastic - under the table...

    Get creative and enjoy a creative approach to early development.

    Exercise 5: Hide and Seek

    Play hide and seek with your baby. But it’s not you or the child who will be hiding. You need to hide any small object - a pea, a bead, a small ball, etc.

    For this game exercise Prepare several jars with screw caps. Jars can be different sizes, different colors, from different materials. The baby needs to carefully take a pea (or an alternative object) with his fingers, place it in a jar and close the jar with a lid. Believe me, a child aged 10 months and older can be captivated by this activity for a very long time.

    At first, the handles will be naughty: the pea every now and then tries to jump out and roll away, and the harmful lids just don’t want to be screwed on. But be patient and encourage your little one to try again and again.

    • Let him hide small candies from Varya’s doll - if Varenka finds a candy, she will eat it and her teeth will hurt. We need to save Varya and hide the candy.
    • You can hide the seed from Mr. Rain (draw a thundercloud and rain on a white sheet). If Mr. Rain finds a seed, he will get it wet, and the seed will not be able to grow.
    • Rich Orange is looking for little Bean to force her to work as a farm laborer, and we will save Bean. Let's hide it in the house and close the house with a lid.

    Come up with interesting stories with your child’s favorite toys and those he knows fairy-tale characters. This will make the exercise more fun, which means its effectiveness will significantly increase.

    1. Exercises to develop fine motor skills should be organically woven into the fabric of every day of a child’s life. For a newborn, you independently stretch the arms and legs. As the child grows older, he works more and more actively on his own small muscles.
    2. You may not use all of the suggested exercises. You can change the conditions of the games to develop fine motor skills. You can do several exercises daily or devote the entire class time to just one exercise. The main thing is that the child’s fingers and arms work, train, and the child himself perceives what is happening as an interesting game.
    3. Combine different areas of early development. By working on fine motor skills, you train memory and attention: your baby needs to repeat your movements, fold pieces of paper according to a pattern, or remember a fairy tale whose characters you used for a game to develop fine motor skills.
    4. During massage and gymnastics, be sure to talk to the baby, even if the baby is only a few days old. It is very important that from birth a little person is surrounded by correct speech. Speak in a soft, affectionate, emotional voice, but do not distort the words, do not imitate the non-existent “children's language”. During the massage, smile at the child and “make faces”, sing and recite rhymes. The more actively you interact with a fool, the sooner you will notice how smart and quick-witted he really is.

    Happy parenting, friends!

    Greetings, my beloved readers! Every parent knows that the more our children move, the better they develop. And you can move in different ways. Thus, scientists have proven that active movements of the fingers are directly related to the level of development of the so-called “speech” zones in children.

    And they, these movements, have a good effect on the cerebral cortex. So, exercises for the development of fine motor skills are a way to stimulate mental development and a real assistant in mastering the art of public speaking.

    If previously most of the housework was done by our mothers and children by hand - they washed the floors, washed and wrung out clothes, knitted and embroidered, sorted out cereals, now our children come to do everything ready-made.

    Two-thirds, or even more, of household work that requires the participation of fingers is done for us by equipment - combines, vacuum cleaners, washing machines. We have almost forgotten how to knit and sew, and we cook porridge from bags where everything has already been sorted out. So let's start training our speech and mind today. I propose to learn a number of simple exercises for younger schoolchildren.

    Lesson plan:


    You can roll anything you like in your hands: balls, walnuts, and hex pencils, and even my mother's curlers. The most suitable material for the hands will be the one that pricks like a hedgehog, since the “needles” will further increase the sharpness of tactile sensations and disperse the blood. So, let's do self-massage.

    Roll the pencil along the table, sandwiched between your palm and the work surface. We roll it, passing it between our fingers like an equilibrist, holding it in a certain position. We actively rub it, sandwiched between two palms.

    And now it’s the ball’s turn.

    Rolling the ball along a given path perfectly develops coordination along with motor skills. You can draw a path in the form of a labyrinth or a spiral along which a ball held between your palm and the surface of the paper will run towards a given goal.

    Great! Do you have two walnuts lying around the house that have not yet been eaten? You can use them too!

    We hold two nuts in one hand and begin to roll them, as if we were trying to polish their uneven edges.

    Lacing and mosaic

    Whose preschooler can boast that he ties his own shoelaces? But the sooner he learns this, the better.

    Lacing is one of the effective ways develop fine motor skills. Unwinding, untying, stringing - all this is good for preschoolers. And for older children there are special tasks when you need to lace according to an algorithm - a pattern, or connect the missing parts in the image using a lace.

    And in general, for our fashionable children you can find examples of unusual, beautiful lacing on shoes - let them practice if they want to be in trend!

    Mosaic is similar to lacing, which, just like the skill of stringing small beads on a thread, requires the ability to hold small parts in your fingers that need to be folded into a pattern. Everything can be used here: from buttons and beads to pasta and peas. The main thing is to use your imagination, and you will get a real work of art!


    Plasticine, salt dough, clay are excellent helpers in the development of fine motor skills in preschoolers and students primary school. There is not only speech and mental training here, there is also the “unwinding” of imagination and the creative component.

    For preschool children, this is a real lesson that instills accuracy, perseverance and hard work. So, we roll out “sausages”, roll balls, and make three-dimensional shapes from all this.

    Do you want to combine business with pleasure? Then make pies with the kids from dough: pretzel buns, puff pastry or yeast dough - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to knead, sculpt, roll out with your hands. It’s delicious for lunch and a workout for the brain.


    Anything that can be cut, painted, or folded into appliques - all this is suitable for us to train motor skills.

    Of course, origami is more valuable among paper creations. It requires both hands, so both the left and right hemispheres develop simultaneously. And what skill and ingenuity is needed to fold a simple sheet of paper into a figure. And when paper masterpieces are made from small triangles, what patience and perseverance is required!

    Among exercises with paper and pencils, teachers highly recommend shading, because it helps preschool children prepare for writing, and gives younger schoolchildren the opportunity to hone their skills by learning to draw lines without interruption. Teaches you how to hatch and draw freely with a sense of correct inclination, which is important for handwriting.

    Well, I won’t even talk about the load on the small muscles of the hands and fingers - you know about that yourself. Well, or try shading something - feel it from your own experience.

    It is also useful to cut, since wielding scissors also requires effort and is directly related to the development of motor skills. In a straight line, diagonally, circles and squares, ovals and rectangles - all these skills can be found in making... snowflakes. Yes, yes, snowflakes with a lot of elaborate lines. That's where you'll have to puff!

    Finger games

    Do you like shadow theaters, when deers or swans, dogs or cats suddenly appear on the wall from correctly folded fingers? This interesting game also develops motor skills.

    It is also useful to play a home puppet theater. So if you have puppet heroes of fairy tales gathering dust somewhere in the corner of your home, then quickly take them out and take them as assistants, stage fairy tales and plays at home.

    This game can also be used for fingers:

    On Monday I washed it with three fists touching each other,

    I swept the floor on Tuesday - we relaxed our hands and “swept” the table,

    On Wednesday I baked a kalach - we make a “pie”,

    And on Thursday I was looking for a ball - we make a “visor” with our hands, placing it one by one on the forehead,

    On Friday I wash cups of soap - we fold our left hand into a handful - a “cup”, and move our right fingers inside our “cup”,

    And on Saturday I bought a cake - we open our palms and connect our little fingers to each other, showing “cake”,

    On Sunday I called all my friends for my birthday - we wave our fingers towards ourselves.

    These are some simple techniques that you can use “in between” that will help your children become even smarter and even more eloquent! Good luck!

    Well, if we missed something, and you know others interesting ways development of small fingers, share them in the comments.

    Your “SchoolLa” :)