Interesting draws. Method of drawing lots. How the draw ceremony will take place


Competitions are divided into the following groups:

The main ones are championships or championships and cup competitions.

Auxiliary - classification, or qualifying, or candidates tournaments.

Propaganda-mass and demonstration meetings.

Depending on the composition of participants, competitions are held for: 1) boys and girls (13--14 years old),

boys and girls (15--16 years old, 17--18 years old),

men and women (19 years and older).

By scale, competitions are divided into: competitions within a physical education team or club (workshop, department, course, faculty and between them); regional and city; regional, regional and autonomous republics; republican; All-Union; international.

In accordance with the structure of the physical education movement, competitions can be territorial, departmental and territorial-departmental.

Teams from territorial administrative divisions participate in territorial competitions; in departmental ones - national teams of physical education groups and sports clubs departments or DSO or combined teams of territorial divisions of this department or DSO; in interdepartmental - national teams of departments or DSO (army, trade unions, Dynamo, etc.); in territorial-departmental - national teams of physical education groups and sports clubs of various departments and sports clubs represented in the territorial division, for example, “Burevestnik” (Kharkov), CSKA (Moscow), “Dynamo” (Krasnodar).

Preparation for competitions begins with drawing up regulations.


This document contains the following sections:

Goals and objectives of the competition.

Place and dates.

Management of the competition.

Participating organizations and competition participants.

Draw methods, evaluation of results, identification of winners.

6. Conditions for filing and procedure for considering protests. 7. The procedure for awarding winning teams and competition participants.

Conditions for receiving commands.

Forms and deadlines for submitting applications, time and place of the draw.


The main purpose of the draw is to assign certain numbers to the team. Before the draw, it is announced which table will be used to draw up the game calendar. A general draw is carried out for all teams at the same time or with teams being dispersed. A general draw is needed in cases where teams play each other without dividing into subgroups. Pre-prepared numbers according to the number of participating teams are dropped into the ballot box.

Then the names of the commands and are called in turn; for each of them a number is drawn from the urn.

A draw with seeding is used when holding competitions with the division of teams into subgroups. When teams are dispersed, subgroups of approximately equal strength can be formed.

Two methods of scattering are used: scattering by lot and scattering using the “snake” method.

Teams are seeded based on their previous or previous preliminary competitions, or according to other characteristics.

The dispersal by lot is carried out as follows. After determining the principle of dispersion, the number of teams corresponding to the number of subgroups is taken, and lots are thrown between them for distribution into subgroups. Then the next group of teams is distributed in the same way, etc. Either all teams or part of the teams can be dispersed.

This is provided for by the regulations on the competition. If some of the teams are eliminated, then the remaining teams are distributed into subgroups by a pure draw.

Scattering using the “snake” method is carried out as follows.

Teams are assigned numbers in accordance with their place in previous competitions, and the teams are distributed “snake” into subgroups. When teams are scattered into two subgroups, the “snake” configuration is one, and when teams are scattered into three groups or more, it is different.

When dispersing using the “snake” method, conditional equality is created in subgroups.

Today we are increasingly turning to the experience of our ancestors, to the origins of public education, since it is there that we find answers to many difficult questions of today.

In the process of searching for new means, factors and methods of organizing training and education, preference is given to those that are multifunctional in nature, promote self-realization and personal expression, are interesting to children, and fit organically into modern educational systems.

One of these means is the folk game. It is a unique phenomenon of universal human culture, since every century, every era, every specific ethnic group, every generation has its own favorite games.

It has been noticed that children who did not play enough in childhood, in an unfavorable educational situation, suffer from a play deficit, which negatively affects the formation of many aspects of the child’s personality. Conflict in relationships with others as a consequence of deviations in the formation of children's self-awareness is manifested in inadequacy of self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, passivity, aggressiveness, isolation, and inability to subordinate personal interests to collective ones.

Game ethics are learned by children with desire, without morals or dictates from adults, which allows the child to painlessly develop self-regulation skills and improve behavior with people around them.

High demands for honesty, justice and kindness are contained in all folk games Oh. It has been established for centuries and no one disputes that for dishonesty and deception of comrades, any participant in the game can be told: "You and I don't play anymore" . And here nothing can be done except to recognize the guilt and correct ourselves. Not without reason, back in the last century, K. D. Ushinsky saw the task of future pedagogy in organizing and creating folk games "an excellent and powerful educational tool" .

So, everyone has gathered, the game has been chosen. But before it starts, it is necessary to distribute the roles, so that there is no arbitrariness, so that no one becomes offended. And in this case, the function of distributing roles among the players, the decision of which everyone unquestioningly obeys, can be performed by such genres of folklore as drawing lots and counting cards, acting as a kind of game preludes. In addition to the game, drawing lots can also be used in educational activities when it is necessary to divide the class into two groups.

Draws are for those games where there are two teams. There are several options for drawing lots. Two strong and dexterous guys become drivers (commanders), choosing their team. The rest step aside in pairs and whisper in agreement which of them will be: the golden cup or the silver saucer. Each couple comes up with a plot of lots according to their taste, imagining or rhyming. Here are examples of lottery agreements:

A black horse or a daring Cossack?

Should I roll the ball or pour water?

Chest of money or gold coast?

To be at home or to sail on the sea?

A Sagittarius from the sky or a young fellow from the earth?

Couple after couple approach the drivers and ask in a sing-song voice which of them chooses whom. Depending on the answer, each of the pair stands behind their driver. (commander). So all the players are gradually divided into two teams.

"Gates" - a variant of the draw, when two drivers (adults or trained children), they secretly agree in front of each couple who will be called what: night-day, pine-fir, cornflower-daisy, cold-heat, etc. The main thing is that the names are beautiful and pleasant to the ear: no one wants to be called burdock or nettle. One by one, pairs of players come up and choose who will be who, then stand behind their driver. The process of forming two teams will be exciting for children "game before game" .

Modern children rarely use the drawing of lots, and it is a pity, because the ability to quickly construct the most witty or picturesque formula for drawing lots testifies to the level of the child’s intellectual and aesthetic level.

A more common way of distributing roles in a game is counting rhymes. The origin of the counting rhyme is associated with a special type of ancient allegorical speech - with secret counting. In ancient times, there was a ban on direct counting of hunted game or livestock offspring, so our ancestors invented a form of indirect counting.

In addition to organizing the game, educators use counting rhymes when choosing a child who will perform or lead a certain task, when many want to complete an interesting and honorable task.

The apple rolled around the garden,
Whoever takes it is the governor.

Counting rhymes will help children who have difficulty counting backwards:

9,8,7, 6, 5 - which of us will go looking for

4,3, 2, 1 - we want to play hide and seek!

There are many moments in the pedagogical process when counting rhymes will help everyone to be impartial, fair, and respect the fair rules of mutual communication.

The right to recount, according to children's unwritten laws, is not granted to everyone, but only to those in whom others are confident, who will honestly keep the score that determines the fate of the players. The counting book, thus, contributes to the development of such qualities as honesty, inflexibility, nobility.

Thus, where there is a place for games with counting rhymes and lots, there always reigns good mood, and this is the key to successful work in the process of raising and educating children. Without these genres of folklore, a child will never become the master of his native language, owning all its riches coming from folk art.

How to conduct an online draw?

This is a question poker event organizers ask from time to time. Offline, everything is quite simple: special cards are laid out face down on the table, indicating the table and position, participants choose any one they like and take the appropriate place. When it comes to sports competitions, the correctness of such a draw is checked by the chief referee or his assistants by collecting cards from the players. Sometimes a special computer program is used, then no one has any doubts about the secrecy and honesty of the procedure.

Amateurs have a harder time. To conduct an online draw, no one will buy a special program, for which poker clubs pay a lot of money. But traditional coin tossing on the Internet is definitely not enough. This is how topics appear on poker forums with requests for help, and the organizers rack their brains for days on how to implement their plans. The main requirement is that the outcome be determined by random chance, by blind chance, and not by someone else’s decision.

You can, of course, puzzle a friend who understands software and will write a program to help. Or you can find a suitable service. Some of them, unfortunately, are in English, but it’s not that difficult to understand if you want. For example, one of the excellent sites for tasks of this kind is . There you can flip a virtual coin (Coin Flipper), throw dice (Dice Roller), shuffle cards (Playing Card Shuffler), generate random numbers, etc.

A “randomizer” is also perfect for organizing an online draw: . In the field that opens, it is enough to enter the names of the players in any order, each in a separate line (i.e., in a column). Then click “Randomize" - done. An excellent service with a lot of possibilities, almost all emulators are free and available without registration.

In order not to waste time translating from the original, you can try the Russian-language RandomPicker ( ). This random generator will help determine the winners and summarize the results of the draw. A free version is available to users, but with one requirement - it should not be for commercial use.

The principle of operation of this online service is similar, you need to copy the list of players into the form and rely on chance. In this case, the program will not require personal data, observing security principles. Different schemes can be used, it is possible to conduct a test draw, understand the nuances of the system’s operation and make sure that the result is always different, and only then proceed to the final stage.

As for the results, RandomPicker allows you to create a visual protocol. It can be published and presented as evidence of the fairness of the draw. Each participant has the right to check whether he was included in the list. Another great opportunity is the “Human Auditor” service. The draw can be carried out by a third party, which will save time. True, you will have to pay for such a bonus, but the results will not be in doubt.

Conducting a “transparent” and convenient online draw is not so easy, but it is quite possible. It is enough to choose the optimal version of the procedure, practice a little to take into account all the nuances, take care of how to present the result to the participants, and, perhaps, that’s all. Let random answer for the rest ;)

Anyone who has seen broadcasts of the draws of previous tournaments can imagine how boring and drawn-out this procedure seems. Bleacherreport reporters came up with several ways to add some flavor to today's ceremony. "RG" brings to your attention the most interesting of them.

Play the lottery

To do this, you won’t have to change the drawing procedure at all, but it will become much more exciting for the audience. First, we need to issue special bingo cards that anyone can buy for a small amount. Proceeds will go to charity.

And then, if the sequence of the drawn balls matches the one indicated on your card, you are entitled to a cash prize. Of course, this is an unprofitable enterprise for FIFA, but, on the other hand, 22 sponsors international federation football associations are quite capable of covering possible expenses.

Place a spider in one of the balls

The Brazilian wandering spider is one of the most poisonous in the world. What if a ball with such a “comrade” appears in Pot X, which will be created in order to separate European teams into groups? Adrenaline is guaranteed for the spectators and participants of such a show. Of course, the matter can end in death, but there is also a positive aspect: it is believed that the venom of the wandering spider prolongs erection.

Arrange a draw for stripping

As is known, the procedure will be carried out famous football players past years: Alcides Giggia, Geoff Hurst, Cafu, Fabio Cannavaro, Mario Kempes, Fernando Hierro, Zinedine Zidane and Lothar Matthäus. Let the participants in the draw name the country before pulling out the ball: if they guess right, the procedure continues, if not, they need to take off some of their clothes. TV ratings for such a show will be guaranteed.

Conduct a competition for accuracy

Let the players choose their groups themselves. It is necessary to make a massive screen with eight holes according to the number of groups. Next, a football player from each of the 32 teams receives the right to strike. Which group a particular team will fall into depends on the accuracy of its player. If there are already four balls in the hole, it closes. The order of kicks can be set according to the FIFA rating.

Turn your broadcast into a celebration

It must be admitted that the above proposed methods to stir up the draw are quite radical for FIFA and are unlikely to be used in the near future. But no one can stop you from having a party during the draw. For example, you can play a drinking game.

every time Blatter speaks - 1 sip

bad joke from the presenters - 2 sips

balloon that doesn't open or problems reading the country - 2 sips

mention of the words "samba" and "carnival" - 1 sip

demonstration of videos from previous ceremonies - 3 sips

retrieving your team from the basket - a deep drink


From the book: POCKET ENCYCLOPEDIA of socio-game techniques for teaching preschoolers: Reference and methodological manual for educators of senior and preparatory groups kindergarten _ (edited by V.M. Bukatov, St. Petersburg, 2008)

Driver's choice (different types drawing lots )

The implementation of many game teaching techniques recommended in socio-game pedagogy is designed for the choice of either the presenter, the captain, or the judge (or judges). Some educators find it easier and faster to prescribe them themselves at their own discretion. But this often leads to the emergence of some kind of disputes, discontent, and refusals to work.

Helping children free themselves from such reactions is the task of educators. And they can successfully complete this task using the wisdom of folk pedagogy contained in children's drawings, fortune tellers, and counting rhymes. It is they, in the conditions of the play space, that allow children to voluntarily submit to the general will, being the main means of socialization of the child, a means of introducing him to compliance with ethical standards and community rules.

Choosing a driver or captain, using, for example, counting rhymes, will help the teacher in a short period of time set the children up for business and create a playful atmosphere. Both the first and second are important components of training sessions.

When children play in their yard, they often use various drawings, which allow them to choose, without controversy, “fairly” who will drive, or to determine the order in which its participants (or teams) enter the game. “The children are comforted by the expectation of a decision not from a reasonable calculation, but from chance, from the will of fate,” the outstanding folklorist G.S. Vinogradov rightly noted back in 1930. He saw genius in resolving difficulties by “chance.” psychotherapeutic appointment folk pedagogy.

Label. An identical stick, match, or blade of grass is prepared for each player. One of them is made shorter than the others. Then they are all clamped on one side into a fist, aligning the outer ends. And they take turns drawing lots. Whoever pulls out the short one drives.
Matches and sticks can be replaced with pieces of paper (cards). Then they put a cross on one and, rolling it up, mix it in a hat (or pocket). The one who draws the mark leads.

Measure on a stick. This method is convenient when you have to choose a presenter from a few candidates. For example, among the messengers from each team or among the captains.
Take a stick (a meter or more). One of the players grabs the lower end of the stick with his right hand. Close to him, with his right hands, the second, third, etc. grab the stick. When all the participants in the draw have grabbed the stick, the first carries his right hand up, grabbing above the latter's hand. Everyone else grabs their hands behind him. And so on until someone's hand grabs the upper end of the stick. The lot falls to him.
Sometimes the last participant is left with such a small tip of the stick that disputes arise about who will get the lot - him or the previous one. In this case, there is a rule: the last player grabs the remaining tip of the stick with part of his palm and circles it around his head and shoulders. If he succeeds, then the lot remains with him. If not, then follow the previous one.

Counting tables. This method of dividing into teams, establishing a queue, and choosing a leader is still the most popular among children even of preschool age. In the book “Remember the Forgotten Games” (M., 1990), S.K. Yakub notes: “In my time, the guys knew an incredible number of all kinds of counting rhymes, some of them thirty, if not more. Therefore, not just for a day, but, almost, for a whole week, the counting rhymes were almost never repeated. Sometimes you heard something so funny and tricky that you were envious.”

So, everyone stands in a tight circle. Someone alone (who has volunteered) slowly recites a counting rhyme, pointing his finger in a circle, starting with himself, and then “along the sun” (an ancient rule of many folk games and rituals: if at any hour of the day you turn to the sun, then the beginning of his path is the east will be somewhere on the left, and the end - the west - will be on the right. Hence the counting, and many ritual movements, such as round dances, are conducted from left to right).

Those who receive the last emphasis in the counting are considered to have left (exempt from the lot) or to be included in one or another team (by agreement). They leave the circle and wait on the sidelines.

The last one left usually leads (option: the one who first left the circle leads).

A very interesting (and very useful for preschoolers) calculation option is called “ On your fists" Everyone, together with the counting person, puts their clenched fists forward. On the first stressed syllable of the counting count, the person counting lightly hits his right fist from above with his left fist. On the second stress it is the other way around. On the third, with your right fist, hit your neighbor’s right fist, then hit his left fist. In a circle, he touches each exposed fist.

A cuckoo walked past the net,
And behind her are small children,
Everyone shouted “kuku-mak!”
Push up one fist.

On whose fist the counting ends, he unclenches it and lowers his hand. The calculation is repeated. So the cams gradually lower. Whoever lowers both leaves (or leads).

Examples of children's folklore rhymes:

Glass, lemon -
Get out!

Thread, needle, ti-ti -
Fly away!

The month has emerged from the fog,
He took a knife out of his pocket:
I will cut, I will beat -
You still have to drive!

On the way to the Caucasus
An old tarantass is traveling.
There is a cat sitting in the tarantass,
His tummy hurts!

The gentleman was traveling in a tarantass.
Crushed a cockroach -
And for this adventure
Paid three and a half!

Aina, maiden,
Ricky, fakie,
Bag, erba.
He's Desmaki
Deus, deus,

Among the counting rhymes, specialists in children's folklore especially highlight counting rhymes « with choice" The most famous of them is the following:

On gold
Sitting on the porch
Tsar, prince,
King, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor.
Who are you
Will you be like this?

The one who had the last word does not immediately leave the circle, but names one of those listed. Suppose he said the word prince. Then the counting begins again, but this time with the one who chose. Now the end of the calculation will be the word prince. Whoever it falls on is the one who gets it.
Thus, in “choice” games, in order for one player to come out, you have to count twice. The first time completely, the second - up to the word that was chosen. Such counting rhymes are good for training the ability to meaningfully perceive texts by ear.

A man was driving along the road,
Broke a wheel on the threshold,
How old is he
We need nails
Speak quickly
Don't delay
Kind and honest people!

Dora, dora, tomato,
We caught a thief in the garden.
They began to think and guess,
How can a thief be punished?
We tied our hands and feet
And they let us go on our way.
The thief walked, walked, walked
And I found a basket.
In this little basket
There is lipstick and perfume,
Ribbons, laces, boots,
Anything for the soul.

One two three four five,
Six seven eight nine ten.
The white moon floats out,
And behind the month is the moon,
The boy is the girl's servant.
You, servant, bring the carriage,
And I’ll sit down and go.
I'll go to Leningrad
Buy yourself an outfit.
Red, blue, cyan,
Choose any one for yourself.

Examples counting rhymes, as well as children's nicknames, sentence, drawing lots, teasers And silent can be found in many collections and anthologies.
Let us draw special attention to educators that during classes and during walks, you can use the option of drawing lots, which encourages children to expand the volume of various and frequently used rhymes retained in their memory.

Counting relay race. At first everything goes as usual: all the children stand in a circle. One of them is counting. To the rhythm of the counting rhyme he recites, he moves his finger one by one over the participants. At the last word of the countdown, the finger freezes.

Now the differences begin. The child at whom the leader’s finger points does not drop out, but rather takes the baton and becomes the counting himself. The old one leaves the circle, and the new one starts a new one, his own counting rhyme and finds out who it will stop at, that is, he determines who to pass the baton to next in order to get out of the circle himself.

The calculation continues until there is only one person left - he will lead in the upcoming task. This option has a much better effect on the development of many children than memorizing routine “nursery” rhymes for the next holiday event.