The cobra exercise treats gynecological diseases. Exercise for the muscles of the spine. Coming out of cobra pose

Appearance person, his gait, the way he moves can say a lot about health. When the spine is healthy, a person walks easily, freely, and does not feel his body. If alignment is disturbed, then this affects other functions of the body: the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, and excretory systems suffer. Many people suffer from headaches, they take medications to no avail, and the reason often lies in osteochondrosis cervical spine spine when the arteries of the cervical vertebrae are further compressed and the brain is less well supplied with blood. By the way, vision also suffers from poor circulation.

Only physical exercise will help strengthen and improve the overall health of the spine. When the vertebrae are normally stretched, nerve endings are not compressed, the passage of nerve impulses to various organs and tissue nutrition improves. By performing these exercises, the spine lengthens and the muscles that support it in an already stretched state are strengthened. It’s not for nothing that they say: if you lengthen your spine, you lengthen your youth.

I would like to present to you the 5 most useful exercises for the spine, regularly performing which you will be able to work out and train all parts of the spine in a variety of ways - cervical, thoracic, and lumbar, strengthen the ligaments and muscles that support it. As a result, your posture will improve, your internal organs will become stronger, and you will begin to breathe correctly. In order for the process of healing the spine and all its parts to take place, these 5 exercises must be done regularly - daily or at least every other day. The floor surface should be flat and hard; for exercise you will need a mat, thin mattress or terry towel.

1 Exercise. Rifles.

I.p. – sitting on the floor, pull your legs towards your body, your feet should be pressed against each other. Wrap your hands around your legs at the ankles, pressing your chin to your knees. In this position, the back of the head, neck and back form one arc. Roll back onto your back and return to the starting position. Roll on your back 10 to 20 times, breathing randomly. Important: rolls should only be performed on a flat floor, so as not to displace the vertebrae.

Effect: this is a very beneficial exercise for the spine - it strengthens the spine and develops flexibility, and thereby helps in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatism, brain diseases, and in addition, the exercise strengthens memory.

After the exercise, relax a little and move on to the next one.

2 Exercise. Cobra.

I.p. - lying on your stomach, face down, heels and toes connected, chin resting on the mat.
Place your hands on the floor and lift top part the torso as high as possible, while the lower half of the abdomen does not come off all the way to the navel. Throw your head back as far as you can, your eyes looking up. You need to breathe through your nose, randomly, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

For those who can already easily do this exercise, here is a more complex version:

Perform all the movements as described above - bend up and back, and then turn your head over your right shoulder so that you can see the heel of your left foot. It is important that the arms and legs remain in place and the lower abdomen does not come off. Slowly turn your head forward and do the same, but turning your head over your left shoulder to see the heel of your right foot. Then bend up again, slowly throw your head back and return to the starting position, lower yourself down. Repeat the exercise, but following a different sequence of movements - up, left, right, up, down.

When performing this exercise, it is important to make smooth movements, stay in each position for half a minute, for this you can slowly count to yourself to 30.

Effect: the spine becomes more flexible, stoop and other curvatures of the spine are eliminated, and beautiful posture, the functioning of the entire digestive tract improves, in particular, intestinal motility increases, and this also good gymnastics for eyes. With this exercise you can cure radiculitis.

3. Exercise. Triangle.

I.p. – standing on the floor, spread your legs wide enough, the distance between your legs is about a meter. Stretch your arms to the sides, palms down. Slowly lean to the left until you feel tension in your right side. Try to reach your left foot with your left hand, right hand stretched horizontally above your head, do not bend your legs! Stay in this pose for 5-8 seconds and then return to the starting position. Do the same in the other direction - to the right. Perform 3-5 bends in each direction.

For the more advanced - a more complicated option, but very useful for the spine, as it strengthens lumbar region and thereby treats radiculitis:

Take the same starting position as described above. Slowly bend down while rotating at the waist, with your right hand moving towards your right leg until it touches it, your left hand raised up. The gaze is directed to the fingertips of the hand raised vertically upward. It is important to keep your legs and back straight during the exercise! Hold this pose for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.

Repeat the bends in both directions at least 3 times.

As you can see, in this exercise in the lumbar region there is not only stretching, but also twisting, the vertebrae move more and this helps to relax the intervertebral discs. The lumbar region is better developed and at the same time strengthened.

Effect: The exercise strengthens the muscles that support the spine, its flexibility develops, in the first option the lateral surfaces of the body are stretched, which is good for the waist, and in the second option the lumbar spine is well worked out and strengthened.

4 Exercise. Onion.

I.p. – lying on your stomach, legs bent at the knees, extend your arms, place them behind your back and grab your ankles – inhale. Then, at the same time, slowly raise your head, legs, and torso as high as possible from the floor, throw your head back while holding your breath. Return to the starting position - exhale.

This exercise also has a second option, for advanced ones, it is more difficult, but over time, you will be able to do it too:

Perform all the movements as described in the exercise above and then, while holding your breath, do 4-5 swings back and forth, return to the starting position, relax.

Effect: exercise strengthens the gastrointestinal tract, forms a beautiful bust in women and strengthens chest, and most importantly, it eliminates all deficiencies in the development of the spine.

5. Exercise. Fish.

The exercise consists of two parts - the first is aimed at stretching the spine, and the second part consists of vibration exercises for the spine, as a result of which the intervertebral discs are worked out, the cells are cleansed of toxins, and blood circulation is normalized.

I.p. -lying on your back, arms outstretched raised and lying behind your head, legs straightened forward, toes pulled towards you. Begin to stretch your legs one at a time, moving your heels forward a little - first the left, then the right, slowly counting to yourself to 5. Do a few of these nice, stretching movements. Then put your hands behind your head, under your neck, elbows on the floor, bring your legs together, pull your socks towards you. In this position, begin to oscillate left and right, like a fish in water. It is useful to do this exercise for 2-3 minutes in the morning and evening.

Effect: the exercise promotes the formation of individual vertebrae in their places, eliminates scoliosis and other curvatures of the spine, enhances intestinal motility, and normalizes blood circulation.

You can include these exercises in your routine. morning exercises. By regularly performing these exercises to strengthen the spine, in just a couple of weeks you will feel that its condition will improve significantly, the pain will go away, and it will become easier for you to bend and straighten when bending. In addition, you will acquire correct posture and breathing, and become more resilient.

Do not try to immediately perform the recommended number of repetitions; start small - with 2-3 repetitions of each exercise. Remember that all movements must be performed at a slow pace, fixing and holding in each position (start with 5 seconds and work up to 30 seconds) in order to make the muscles stronger and stronger, better able to support the spine. If your muscles hurt and feel tired the next day, reduce the number of repetitions, but do not stop doing the exercises. After a few sessions, muscle pain will go away as you become more trained.

Only daily work aimed at working out the main parts of the spine will help you cope with radiculitis, cervical osteochondrosis, and other spinal problems. Remember to spend at least half an hour a day to keep your spine in good condition. After all, his beautiful posture, flying gait, and the condition of everyone depend on his health. internal organs and systems in the human body.


The snake often symbolizes the forces that created life. A well-known sign of eternity is a snake biting its own tail. But there is also another meaning attached to it - danger, destruction. It is important to discover the positive side of the sign in order to turn the energy into good.

Lie on the floor, on your stomach. The chin and forehead touch the floor. The arms are bent at the elbows. The palms are pressed to the floor, located near the chest under the shoulders. The legs are straightened and compressed. The toes also need to be extended. As you inhale, slowly lift your head and move it back. Equally slowly raise your torso, taking the position of a cobra with its hood straightened. Try not to help yourself with your hands. The back muscles help here. Keep your shoulders straight. Do not lift your navel off the floor. There is no need to tilt your head back. Direct your gaze slightly upward. You will feel tension in your lower back and expansion of your chest. In addition, pressure is placed on the spine and thyroid gland.

Stay in this position for a few seconds (about 10). Then slowly (as you exhale) lower yourself to the floor. The head should touch the floor last. It is important to follow the exact reverse order of movements.

A more complex version of the asana, when only the uppermost part of the body is raised, while the lower part remains pressed to the floor. The head turns to the left to find the right heel with the eyes. After this, return to the starting position. Rest. Raise your upper body again, turn your head to the right and look for your left heel. The position must be fixed for 5 seconds.

The asana should be performed 4-5 times.

When you assume Cobra pose, you should focus on solar plexus, when you return to the lying position, the resting position, then concentrate on the spine. For a yogi, a conscious attitude to exercise is fundamental. Your brain must control what is happening so that the energy is distributed correctly and evenly.

Since the activity of the thyroid gland is stimulated when performing the asana, many of its disorders are eliminated. The entire spine is stretched. Disappears double chin. It helps get rid of constipation and has a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system. The kidneys are flushed with blood flow. It is also useful in overcoming diseases of the pulmonary system.

Positive changes are also taking place in the subtle world. Asana “Cobra” helps to gain self-confidence and promotes the development of intelligence. Remember that when performing this pose you cannot limit yourself to mechanical repetition of the order of movements. You need to focus on correcting your will. This is what achieves a positive impact.

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is another classic yoga pose, along with Paschimottanasana and others, mentioned in ancient yoga texts. This asana was admired by Mahatma Gandhi and is considered the fourth most important.


This asana has a surprisingly strong healing effect on the entire body, especially on the kidneys. It activates the work of the endocrine glands, increases lung volume, strengthens abdominal muscles and sympathetic nerves of all internal organs and body, forms correct posture and eliminates stiffness of the spine, activates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the activity of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Bhujangasana fills the body with energy, develops intelligence, inner strength, and a sense of self-confidence.

Bhujangasana restores the position of the spinal disc when it falls out and eliminates back pain. Supports spinal health. A tight, inflexible spine interferes with the passage of nerve impulses from the brain to the body. By arching your back, you improve blood circulation in it, the nerve endings receive good stimulation, which has a positive effect on the functioning of all systems and organs of the body. It is not for nothing that in yoga so much attention is paid to the health of the spine - after all, literally everything rests on it!

The pose improves the condition of the uterus and ovaries, helps eliminate menstrual and other gynecological disorders.

It stimulates appetite, relieves constipation, and also has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs. The asana is very useful for the liver and kidneys, because... by performing Bhujangasana, these organs receive a good massage.

The adrenal glands benefit - their work improves through the practice of cobra pose.

The production of cortisone is supported, and the functioning of the thyroid gland is also normalized.

From the point of view of the subtle (pranic) body, due to the implementation of the Bhujangasana pose, there is a strong beneficial effect on all organs associated with such energy centers of the body as Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata and Vishuddhi chakra.


Peptic ulcer, vertebral hernia, intestinal tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism - for these diseases, the cobra pose should be performed under the guidance of a specialist.

Contraindications to performing Bhujangasana are pinched discs, vertebral displacement, acute stage of radiculitis, lumbago, menstruation, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, acute conditions of the abdominal organs

Execution technique

  • Lie face down on the floor with your legs extended, keeping your feet pressed together, your knees tight, and your toes pointed. Place your hands on either side of your chest with your fingers facing forward.
  • As you exhale, pressing your palms to the floor, slowly, vertebra by vertebra, lift your body until your pubis touches the floor. Make sure that your body weight rests only on your legs and palms.
  • Contract your buttocks, tense your legs and press them tightly together. Make sure that the arch of the spine is minimal.
  • Pull your sternum forward and up, moving your shoulders back and down away from your ears. Bring your elbows together a little.
  • Stay in the asana for 20-30 seconds, then bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 2-3 times.

Important: when lifting the body, the pubic bone should remain on the floor - we do not tear it off the floor at all when performing snake pose. The navel does not rise very high - a maximum of 3 centimeters. If the navel is raised too high, then the deflection will go more in the area of ​​​​the knees, rather than the back.

In the final position, your arms may or may not be fully straightened - this will depend on the flexibility of your back.

Final position of Bhujangasana pose

There are two main options:

1) Reaching the final position of the Bhujangasana pose, you linger in it as long as the feeling of comfort allows.

2) Dynamic execution: you reach the final position while inhaling, hold your breath while in the pose for a few seconds, then lower to the floor as you exhale. Repeat 3-5 times.

In the final position, make sure your shoulders are not raised; they need to be turned back and lowered, raising the chest and straightening the back.

Coming out of cobra pose

As you exhale, slowly lower your head along a path forward - down, bend your arms, lower your navel, then your chest, shoulders, and finally your forehead to the floor. Relax your back muscles, especially your lower back. This is one cycle. As mentioned above, you can perform several cycles when performing dynamic cobra pose.


Palms fully pressed to the floor at shoulder width or slightly wider.
Shoulders laid back and down.
Rib cage opened, expanded.
Neck constantly stretches and lengthens.
Legs brought together.
Knees tense.
Buttocks ultimately compressed.

Subtleties of execution and safety rules

In the initial stage of the exercise, try to lift your torso up using your back muscles, without helping yourself with your hands (your hands only prevent the reverse movement) - this protects the lumbar vertebrae from excessive compression and “turns on” the work thoracic region spine.

If you feel pain or discomfort in the lower back, perform a simplified version of Cobra Pose until the spine regains flexibility.

Throwing your head back “turns on” the thyroid gland. At the same time, try not to “throw” your neck relaxed, pinching it, but always stretch it back. You can perform part of the exercise with your head thrown back, and then lower your chin, pulling the top of your head up, increasing pressure on the lower abdomen, which activates the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Options for working with attention in Bhujangasana:

  1. Gather your attention in the area of ​​the thyroid gland, inhale and move your attention along the spine down to the tailbone, and exhale back.
  2. Concentrate your attention between the eyebrows, while simultaneously observing the condition of the whole body.

Breath: inhale as you lift your body; in the final position, breathe normally, or hold your breath in case of dynamic performance; exhale as you lower your torso to the floor.

Practice duration: you can perform up to 5 cycles per practice, gradually increasing the holding time of the final position (we are not talking about dynamic execution here, i.e. here you can breathe in the final position).

Possible mistakes

  • You don't open your chest
  • You are overloading and compressing your lower back
  • You are unable to perform a correct, uniform deflection

Simplifying the asana

Proceed to master the asana after you achieve perfection in Ardha Bhujangasana.

Complicating the asana

  • Perform Bhujangasana with your feet crossed, then change your crosshairs and repeat again. If you have scoliosis, the sensations will be different. In this case, it makes sense to determine which leg on top is more difficult and unusual to perform and increase the time spent in this position to achieve a therapeutic effect.
  • Twists: Perform a full version of cobra pose, inhaling and twisting your body to the right. Look at your left heel while holding your breath (do not squeeze your throat!). As you exhale, return your body to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.
  • Having completed the final version of Bhujangasana, move your chest forward and lift it even higher, increasing the arch in your chest, moving your head further back. In this case, it is important to distribute the tension evenly throughout the body - from the connected feet to the top of the head.
  • Proceed to perform Purna Bhujangasana.
  • Bhujangasana (“Cobra Pose”) + Nabhi Mudra (“Gesture of the Sky”, also the 1st stage of “Khechari Mudra” - the tip of the tongue touches the upper palate just behind the front teeth).

Asanas before and after this asana

Since Bhujangasana refers to the so-called. “basic” poses affecting the spine can be performed daily. In the sequence of asanas, the cobra pose should come either before or after forward bending poses, for example, after or before Paschimottanasana - this is how it will show its maximum benefits.

Snake pose is often performed together with Shalabhasana and Dhanurasana. This results in harmonious development of the back and a beneficial effect on the entire spine.

Other asana modifications

Cobra pose has its variations, for example, Tiryaka Bhujangasana, Ardha Bhujangasana and Purna Bhujangasana. By the way, there is another pose that can be classified as a variation within this series - Sarpasana.

Joints of the spine

For those who continue

Strengthens the spine.
Stretches the pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles and shoulders.

For lower back problems

Extensor dorsi muscle
Quadratus muscle lower back
Latissimus dorsi muscle
Gluteus maximus muscle
Gluteus medius
Big pectoral muscle
Rectus abdominis muscle
Average deltoid
Big teres muscle
Teres minor muscle

1. Lie on the floor with your stomach down, your legs should be extended behind you and slightly apart. The gaze should be directed forward, and the arms should be bent so that the hands and arms up to the elbows lie on the floor.

2. Press your palms into the floor and slowly lift your torso, starting from your chest, straightening your arms until they are straight.

3. Draw your tailbone into your pubic bone, moving your shoulders down and back. Stretch your neck and look forward.

4. Stay in this position for 15 seconds.

Return to the starting position and repeat for three sets.
The gaze should be directed forward.

Your hands should be on the floor at approximately shoulder distance.
The head should not lean back.
You should not move jerkily when you lift your torso. Instead, move slowly, controlling every movement.
The body should not rotate.

You should not stretch too much - if you arch too much, the strain on your lower back may be excessive.
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Exercise "dog". Kneel: palms shoulder-width apart, fingers forward, knees and feet shoulder-width apart, hips and arms perpendicular to the floor.
Straighten your knees, lean on your hands, try to press your heels to the floor.
Stay in the pose for 1 minute, after which you can relax and rest in child's pose.

Exercise "cobra". Lie face down on the floor, legs extended, feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed out. Place your hands on both sides of your chest, fingers forward, and press your elbows to your sides. Raise your head and chest, at first trying not to lean on your hands. Try to bend your spine as much as possible. Then lean on your palms. In this case, the shoulders should not be raised, they should be lowered, the chest should be straightened. Gluteal muscles should be relaxed. The pubis and legs should remain on the floor. You need to stay in this position for 20–30 seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the floor.

In a lighter version, you can rise with straight arms and lift your pubis off the floor. The pose is similar to a push-up in reverse. Here the abdominal and back muscles should be relaxed, and you should stand on straight arms.

Entering and exiting the pose is done very slowly, about 10 heart beats.

Contraindications for performing the exercise: pinched discs, displacement of the vertebrae; acute stage of radiculitis, lumbago; period; hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
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