How to pump up a beautiful back for a girl. How a girl can pump up her back at home. How to pump up a girl's back at home

Not only because it will make her more beautiful and give you the opportunity to wear swimsuits and dresses with an open back without hesitation. Strong muscles your back supports your spine better, which directly affects your posture. In addition, a pumped up back gives you access to new exercises with more serious weights, which will help improve other muscle groups.

Exercises for back muscles

1. Inverted “snow angels”

An exercise that you can easily perform at home. Lie face down on the mat and place your arms along your torso. Hold a 2.5 kg barbell plate in each hand (weight may vary depending on fitness level and personal preference). With smooth movements, bring your hands together in front of you, while moving them as if parallel to the floor. Then return your hands to the starting position.

If you do the exercise with extra weight too heavy, continue without it. Your task is to complete 2 sets of 15–20 repetitions.

2. "Dolphin Kick"

Get into plank position. Your forearms should be parallel to your legs. Elbows - approximately at shoulder level. From this position, arching your back and bending your knees, bring them closer to the floor surface and straighten again.

3. "Superman"

Lie on the floor with your arms extended in front of you. Arching your back, raise your arms and legs as high as possible. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position. Perform 10–15 repetitions, then rest and do another set.

4. "Good morning"

An exercise that will strengthen your lower back and make it really strong. You can practice this exercise like this: lean your back against the wall, step back about 8–15 cm from it and, holding your hands on your stomach, arch at the waist so that your pelvis touches the wall behind you.

During this exercise, you bend your knees slightly, but the main movement comes from arching your back. When you feel that you are performing this movement well, move away from the wall a few more centimeters, increasing the range of motion. When the execution does not cause any difficulties at this distance, move away from the wall and perform the exercise without support.

5. "Swimmer"

Lying on your stomach, lift right hand And left leg, and then - the left hand and right leg. You don't need to do the exercise too quickly: your movements should be smooth, you should feel your back muscles.

6. "Bridge"

This exercise will help strengthen your lower back and lower back. Lie on your back. Place your feet on the floor as you would before performing a standard bridge. Place your arms along your body. From this position, lift your pelvis so that your hips create a straight line with your torso. Hold your pelvis at the highest point for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position.

Do not lift your shoulders off the floor while performing the exercise. Perform lifts with your back muscles, minimizing the participation of your legs. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

7. Pike push-ups

From a lying position, lift your pelvis up so that your waist forms an angle of 45–60 degrees with your legs. From this position, push up, bending your elbows with a slight amplitude. Select the number of repetitions based on individual characteristics.

Use these exercises to ensure that your back attracts only admiring glances.

Have you ever refused to wear a beautiful dress with a cutout at the back because that particular part of your body didn’t suit you? Or maybe you have noticed the habit of slouching? Or perhaps you have started to experience back pain.

Any of these signs indicates that it’s time for you to turn your attention to your back, or rather to your muscles, so in today’s article we’ll talk about how to pump up a girl’s back at home.

Why is it so important to pump up a girl’s back muscles?

IN modern world It's hard to keep track of everything. So many girls and women do not have time to monitor their posture. If you have not been taught to keep your back perfectly straight since childhood and you have not developed muscle corset, then you cannot boast of beautiful posture.

But the back is straight, long beautiful neck and a proudly raised chin are integral attributes of the ideal image of a woman for all men. It's never too late to start correcting your posture.

This will lead to stronger back and neck muscles, which will tell you Thanks a lot in future. The fact is that the back muscles are involved in almost any of our movements, be it squatting or simple walking, not to mention lifting anything.

Therefore, if you have weak back muscles, sooner or later they are overloaded from heavy bags or long walking, and the overloaded muscles hurt. In women, lower back pain is much more common than in men. Agree, not the most pleasant feeling. In addition, a well-developed back visually reduces the waist and also restores the correct proportions between the upper and lower parts of the body.

Simply put, if you have larger breasts and, which is very common, it will make your body much more proportional and attractive. We will tell you about exercises that will help any girl easily pump up her back at home. After all, not everyone has free time that you would agree to spend at the gym.

Best exercises for back muscles in the gym

The best exercises to train your back muscles at home

The main thing in women's training back - do not overdo it. It’s worth repeating all the exercises 15–20 times and ending each of them with a little stretching. This will allow you not to pump up your back before drawing out the muscles, but will tighten your muscle corset and tone your back muscles.

1. So, in order to pump up a beautiful back for a girl at home, you need to start with stretching, since it needs to be repeated most often. Exercise helps improve posture. From a position lying on your stomach, lift your torso with your arms and stretch up and slightly back.

If this comes easily to you, then you can bend your knees and try to reach your thrown back head with them.

2. The next exercise is also performed while lying on your stomach. Place your hands behind your head. Lift up top part your body as high as possible, and try not to lift your legs off the floor. At first you are unlikely to succeed, so you can ask someone to hold them or just slide your feet under the sofa, for example. Perform 10 times in 3 approaches.

3. Another posture exercise is done while sitting on the floor. Cross your legs, put your hands behind your back and lock them together. Your arms should be straight. Turn your torso left and right. So 3 sets of 25 times.

4. To strengthen your back you need to do appropriate exercises. For one of them you will need weights. Take a dumbbell in your hand. Starting position - stand straight. Lean forward as low as possible to create a 90% angle and straighten up. So repeat 10-15 times for 3 approaches.

How to pump up a girl’s back at home if she doesn’t have time to go to the gym and work under the supervision of a trainer? This question interests many women. After all, by pumping your muscles incorrectly, you can not tighten your figure, but, on the contrary, harm it.

IN sports center There are masters who will tell you and show you how to do everything correctly. But at home there is absolutely no one to advise. However, don't be upset. If you remember the following recommendations, then you can pump up your back muscles well at home.

Features of the muscular structure of the body

Before you start doing the exercises, you need to understand the anatomical features of the human body.

Types of back muscles:

  • Lat. These are the muscles that are responsible for raising the arm. If you pump them constantly, you will never have a crooked posture.
  • Trapezius muscles. Thanks to them, you can shrug your shoulders. These muscles also have a direct effect on posture.
  • Rhomboid muscles. This group plays a supporting role. They support the trapezoids.
  • The muscle that makes the spine straight.
  • Big teres muscle. It adjusts the raising of the arms in the “Back” direction. If you pump it up, your back will be wide. Men pay special attention to this muscle.

Is it possible to enlarge your breasts by pumping up your back muscles?

By pumping up your back muscles, you can increase your breast size by at least one order of magnitude. And it is quite possible to do this in just a few minutes.

When a girl's back is slouched, her beautiful breasts are hard to see. If the back is straight, then the chest is more pronounced. If you straighten your back, your breasts will immediately become more visible. Thus, visual breast enlargement is produced.

However, to consolidate this effect, you can, of course, wear a corset. But the best thing to do would be to pump your breasts regularly.

Examples of exercises

There are several exercises to strengthen your back muscles that you can do at home.

  1. Boat. This is a fairly simple exercise. It does not require special physical training. It can be safely performed by a beginner.

You need to lie with your stomach down. Raise your legs and arms up. Grab your feet with your hands. Start rocking like a boat on the waves. Do 15 swings and rest. Then repeat the exercise again. And so 3 times.

  1. Martin. This is one of universal exercises. If you do it regularly, your posture will straighten very quickly. The exercise is performed from a position on all fours. Your hands should be placed so that they are in line with your shoulders. Then extend your left arm forward and your right leg back. Hold for 5 seconds and return to all fours. Then change the arm and leg. Do the exercise again. Repeat this another 10-15 times.
  2. Bridge. This exercise is familiar to everyone since childhood. It not only strengthens the muscles of the back, but also the abdomen. First you need to lie on your back. At the same time, bend your legs at the knees. Then lift your buttocks up and hold for a few seconds. The buttocks need to be tensed. Repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times.

Lunges. An exercise is done with weights. You can take small dumbbells. You need to start the exercise from a standing position. Then you need to take a step forward with one foot. Stand in this position for 30 seconds. Return to starting position. Switch to the other leg. And do this 10 times on each leg.

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Greetings, today’s article will be mainly for girls. We will not discuss how to pump up the widest wings or how to lift a barbell, we will talk about how to make a girl in a dress with an elegant cutout on the back look the most attractive, namely, we will figure out how to pump up a girl’s back at home or in gym.

It's beautiful and useful

I have often noticed that when they come to the gym, they mainly want to pump up their abs and butt, and make their arms sculpted, to make firm breasts, but at the same time we must not forget about the back muscles. You need to devote as much time to it as you would to any other part of the body.

The fact is that this beautiful inflated back is another indicator beautiful figure, but an assistant to your body:

  • the back is the core, a key element in the musculoskeletal system;
  • helps get rid of stoop;
  • helps get rid of back pain during sedentary work;
  • keeps the spine from curvature and other diseases.

Another advantage of a pumped up back is that thanks to more broad shoulders waist imperfections are smoothed out. A V-shaped torso makes a girl look slimmer.

What muscles are involved?

It may seem quite simple to pump your back. There is a certain set of exercises that covers the entire back. Of course, there are such exercises, but in order to achieve greater results and get more benefits, you need to pump each muscle individually, and for this we will figure out exactly what muscle tissues we have on our back:

  • - your posture depends on them, whether you slouch or not. To feel what exactly is working, you just need to raise and lower your shoulders.
  • The lats are the basis of the foundations. This is the main strength of the back, and they are responsible for the work of the arms.
  • The teres major muscle is what is called the “wings” in men. Training this muscle is not so popular among girls, but by making it a little wider, you will visually reduce your waist.
  • The erector spinae muscle keeps the spine in good shape and prevents it from becoming loose, creating a so-called corset. By paying enough attention to it, you can avoid many problems and illnesses.
  • Lumbar- lower muscles. Have you ever felt discomfort in this area? It is because of weak, untrained muscles that you feel this.

Easy workout

What is the advantage of working from home with own weight and not use the gym? IN gym many simulators that pump up the smallest elements muscle tissue, this is definitely good. But thanks to exercises with your own weights, several elements are simultaneously involved, which our body really likes. So let's start with bodyweight exercises that are convenient to do at home.

1. Raises of arms and legs. Starting position: on all fours, back straight. Raise your left arm and right leg at the same time, and vice versa. To work it out even more, you can hold your limbs in the upper phase and rock up and down with a small amplitude.

2. Raising the body. Starting position: lying on your stomach, legs straight together, arms bent at the elbows and under your head. During the exercise, without raising your legs, raise your upper body. The higher the better. Remember that mainly only your back should be strained; you do not need to lift yourself up using your arms. In addition, the buttocks are well pumped here.

3. Leg raises. From the same position, lying on your stomach, arms under your head, raise your legs straight. The lower muscles are worked out, and the hips are also well worked out. Don't lift your body!

4. More difficult task. Starting position: as in the 2 previous exercises. While doing this, slightly rise on your stomach and at the same time spread your legs and arms to the sides. Try not to bend your limbs. During execution, all elements of the back are worked very effectively.

We increase the load

In general, it is worth noting that any workout with your own weight can be supplemented with weights - dumbbells or water bottles, if the workouts are too easy for you in their original form. More specific exercises are best performed in the gym:

  1. . From a standing position, legs together, hands with dumbbells at your sides, begin to tilt your torso forward. Be sure to keep your back straight. Perform until the body is parallel to the floor. This exercise works the latissimus muscle perfectly. If you add raising your arms from a bent position, the trapezius will connect.
  2. Pulling your arms to your chest. We start from a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands below in front of us. We begin to pull our arms to our chest, spreading our elbows to the sides. Having fixed the new position a little, return your hands back down. You might think that this exercise only trains your arms, but in fact it benefits more than 3 back muscles. More detailed exercise.
  3. Martin. Known since childhood, it covers the entire back. It is based on balancing on one leg while the other leg is raised up until it is parallel to the floor. The body leans forward and the arms are spread to the sides. In this position, you can both perform repetitions and fixate in static position. By supplementing the exercise with weights, you make it even more effective.

As you can see, the list of exercises is quite wide.

Below I suggest watching a video where you will learn more about working out this part of the body. In conclusion, it is worth saying that the back muscles are loaded in most types of training, but you should not relax and let the fate of your “core” take its course. You have a block of exercises that will help you strengthen your muscular system.

That's all for me, don't forget to subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss important interesting news. See you!

There are no special tips on how to pump up a girl’s back in nature. Conversations about how to improve posture and not increase the volume of the latissimus dorsi muscle relate more to ballet than to strength training. So if you desperately don’t like developed muscles, and by “pump up” you mean something like improving posture or getting rid of fat, it’s better to turn to other means other than strength fitness. If relief and volume are not taboo, you can use time-tested techniques.

Back muscle exercises in the gym and at home

To pump up their backs in the gym, girls usually use approximately the following complexes:

  • pull-up on the horizontal bar;
  • traction upper block to the collarbones (or to the top of the chest);
  • bringing the lower block to the waist in a sitting position;
  • exercises with free weights - rowing barbells and dumbbells to the belt, pullovers.

At home, there are not many options left - a horizontal bar for pull-ups and all variations of bringing the barbell to the lower abdomen in an inclined position. The first movement is considered basic, and it is worth learning to perform it, even if it is not easy. Some people replace the pull-up exercise in the gravitron - it helps to work the lats and improve posture, but, unlike classic version, does not engage the center of the body, and is not a prevention of lordosis.

The principle of how to pump up back muscles in girls is not much different - you need to perform up to 12 approaches per muscle group with working weight, and add muscle fatigue. For beginners, it is easiest to use classic modes - no more than 8-12 repetitions per set.

Various tricks on the topic of “losing weight on your back and getting rid of your sides in the gym” usually end in high-repetition training. But with a sufficiently weak technique, it can be dangerous for thoracic spine, and for shoulder joints, as it is performed in a swinging manner without sufficient control. In general, it is worth abandoning experiments of this kind until the technique is developed.

Is it necessary deadlift for a girl to pump up her back? In the case where there are no health contraindications to its implementation, and the technique has been developed, it will help increase muscle mass and volume. But in this case we are talking about a classic movement with good technique, and not about the Romanian deadlift, in which the emphasis is shifted to back surface thighs and buttocks.

Important: if you have osteochondrosis or spinal curvature, a number of movements may be contraindicated. Bent-over rows are replaced with the same movements, but from a lying down position face down on a straight line or incline bench. Pull-ups are possible, but swinging and kipping should be completely excluded.

Pump up your back without pull-ups

In women's training, everything usually comes down to the beginner's inability to perform this very movement. Many consider it physiologically inaccessible, but this is not entirely true. Beginners can learn to do pull-ups and do it with a straight wide grip.

It is important to approach mastering the movement gradually. You should start with the “parallel” or “Australian” version, gradually progressing to negative and full pull-ups.

Is the upper block thrust full replacement pulling up? No, because it doesn't work transverse muscle press. However, even by working out only in simulators, you can significantly improve the shape of your muscles, gain strength, and prepare yourself for more complex movements. Participating in certain sports - tennis, swimming, exercises - will help girls pump up their backs. sports acrobatics and gymnastics.

For those exercising for health reasons, it makes sense to supplement work in the gym with at least general developmental lessons in the pool in order to achieve their goal faster and with the least amount of wasted energy.