Deep muscle training. Back workout. Back muscle spasms and how to relieve them

The back muscles control the movement of the spine, arms, legs and head. The back muscles are divided into three groups - upper, lower and deep muscles. Various back exercises in gym and develop different groups back muscles.

The lower back muscles, or psoas, work together during extension and flexion. lumbar region spine, and when moving the pelvis forward and backward. Psoas muscles participate in the formation of human posture and work in almost all movements of the upper and lower body.

The upper back muscles (teres, latissimus, and trapezius) elevate, depress, and rotate the shoulder blades, and adduct, abduct, and rotate the humerus. Basic (main) exercises for the upper back are pull-ups and lower block rows. The upper back primarily performs pulling movements.

Deep muscles (paravertebral, spinosacral) make up the so-called “ muscle corset", which is necessary to maintain the position and bends of the spine, its stability.

There is no movement in which the back muscles do not work. It follows that it is very important to train them and know what exercises there are for the back. Let's look at the exercises in pictures.

Exercises for the back. Latissimus muscles

To increase the width of your back, you should perform the following exercises:

This movement is the best for developing the latissimus dorsi muscles, large teres muscle and when we bring the shoulder blades together, the rhomboid muscles and the lower and middle parts of the trapezius are also included in the work.

This exercise targets the latissimus dorsi and teres major dorsi muscles. Also included in the work shoulder muscles and biceps.

This is an excellent exercise for adding width to the back, focusing the work on the midsection of the lats.

Traction upper block behind the neck perfectly develops the width of the back, its bottom and top, and also works well on the large round muscles.

This is an excellent exercise for developing the entire latissimus muscle and teres major muscle. The trapezius and rhomboid muscles work when bringing the shoulder blades together; the rear ones are also included in the work deltoids.

Straight arm lat pulldown engages the latissimus dorsi muscles and also engages long heads triceps and teres major muscles.

Back thickness

The following back exercises primarily work those parts of the muscles that are responsible for the thickness of the back. If you want to have a massive and thick back, then you need to do these exercises.

The lower pulley perfectly forms the thickness of the back, including the latissimus dorsi, teres major, posterior deltoids, brachioradialis and biceps muscles, and when bringing the shoulder blades together, the rhomboid and trapezius muscles.

The one-arm dumbbell row primarily targets the latissimus dorsi, teres major, rear delts, as well as the trapezius and rhomboid muscles at the end of the movement.

Bent-over barbell rows work the latissimus dorsi, teres major, posterior deltoids, biceps, and when retracting the shoulder blades, the trapezius and rhomboid muscles.

The T-bar row focuses the load on the back muscles without requiring much force to maintain body position.

This exercise primarily works the latissimus dorsi and teres major muscles.

Back exercises for trapezius muscles

Shrugs with a barbell mainly affect the upper part of the trapezius muscle - the occipito-clavicular fascicles and the scapular part.

Dumbbell shrugs are designed to work the upper part trapezius muscles.

Shrugs on the machine are an excellent exercise for the back, or rather upper parts trapezius muscles, as well as the levator scapulae muscles.

Back exercises for deep muscles

Lumbar extensions train mainly the spinal erector muscles, quadratus muscle lower back and less ischiotibial muscles and gluteal muscles, with the exception of a short bundle of the biceps femoris.

Extension of the torso on the machine works the erector spinae muscles, concentrating the load on the lower back, most of all on the sacrolumbar group of spinous muscles.

Do the back exercises listed above and you will see how it will affect your overall muscle mass.

We have described to you the most proven back exercises in the gym. Choose the ones that suit you best and use them in your training.

One of the enough effective ways Treatment of osteochondrosis and back pain is therapeutic exercises, consisting of exercises for the deep muscles of the spine. A specially selected set of exercises allows you to relieve muscle spasms, increase blood supply to one or another part of the spine and intervertebral discs and, as a result, relieve pain. Also, it is worth paying attention to the fact that poor development of the back muscles is one of the reasons for the appearance of herniated intervertebral discs. Since a poorly developed muscle corset is not able to withstand the loads to which the spine is exposed, this load is transferred to the intervertebral discs, which have their own specific resource and shock-absorbing ability. If the load on the disc is exceeded, a protusion and subsequently a disc herniation may occur. Thus, performing a set of exercises for the back and spinal muscles is not only a means of treating back pain, but also has a further preventive effect.
To select the optimal set of exercises, the best solution would be to contact a physical therapy specialist. It is he who will be able to select exercises for the desired part of the spine and those back muscles that you need to work on. If you do not have such an opportunity, you can follow teaching materials and already developed complexes therapeutic exercises, but very carefully and following some rules.
Before outlining some rules, it is worth paying attention to the functions that the back muscles perform. Basically, this is just straightening and twisting the back and neck, maintaining the spine in an upright position and other actions in which the intervertebral discs are involved. That is why exercises for the spine must be done as carefully as possible and without stress on the spine, at least at first, since excessive stress on the spine with weak muscles can cause a hernia and only complicate the situation.
Thus, if you already have back pain, it is advisable to choose the most gentle set of exercises that are done while lying down, which minimizes the load on the spine. It is optimal to combine exercises with stretching the back muscles. It is also recommended not to make sudden movements when performing exercises and not to try to rush. The entire complex of therapeutic exercises should be aimed at developing the back muscles with minimal load on the intervertebral discs and with minimal risk of getting a complication in the form of protrusion or disc herniation.

Don't leave a single one unattended, even the smallest one. muscle. The success of your training depends on this.

Training the deep muscles, you develop balance

What does a typical powerhouse consist of? complex most women? From crunches For press, lunges and squats For hips and buttocks, bench presses For shoulders, etc. But all these exercises involve mainly large superficial muscles, while small internal ones remain out of work. If you want to get really strong and beautiful body, you can’t do without loading them.

To get to the very deep muscle layers, it is necessary to perform static exercises which force you to maintain balance and form the basis of any “slow” types of fitness, such as yoga, Pilates, callanetics. Such movements are also good because they do not require any special equipment.

Fitness is an area where it is very useful to be small

The only thing you might need is a balance board: due to its extreme instability, you will strain yourself even more stabilizer muscles. Such equipment is available in almost any fitness club today. And home workout lovers can purchase it at sports store.


PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION. Since it takes a lot of effort to coordinate your movements and maintain balance, you can be sure that no corner of your body will be left untouched. You will strengthen not only each and every group muscles, but you will also develop flexibility and burn a lot of extra calories.

Walk in place for 2-3 minutes. Then do lunges, wall push-ups, and squats 8-10 times. Finish your warm-up with stretching exercises

and body rotations.
SCHEDULE. Perform the exercises in the specified order 3-4 times a week, every other day. Do 2 sets of 8-20 repetitions of each exercise. If you are a beginner or have not been involved in fitness for the last 3 months, initially train 2 times a week. Start with 1 set of 8-10 repetitions.

Advanced level. Try these exercises on a balance board. muscles HITCH. At the end pull all groups

, holding each stretch for 15-30 seconds. CARDIO. On days free from strength training
, write it down for yourself muscles 20-60 minutes of cardio activity. Domestic Those types of fitness that involve minimal contact with the floor are best developed, such as rock climbing, dancing,.

martial arts

EXERCISES Strengthens quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, erectors muscles backs. Lower into a lunge: right leg forward, knee not over toe, left heel raised. Raise your arms to shoulder level and bend your elbows, fingers almost touching. Tighten your abs.

Straightening your right leg, bring your left knee forward to hip level. At the same time, turn your body to the left. Return to the starting position. Perform all repetitions first in one direction, then in the other direction.

Complicated option. Before starting the exercise, place your right foot on the balance board.

2. Swallow. Strengthens quads, hamstrings, glutes, abs and erectors muscles backs. Take a stance on your right foot, left toe touching the floor behind your right heel, knee bent. Arms crossed on chest.

Lean forward, back straight. Straightening your left leg, move it back so that your body forms a straight line from the top of your head to your left heel. Slowly return to the starting position. Complete all repetitions, then switch legs.

Complicated option. In the starting position, extend your arms forward parallel to the floor and maintain them in this position throughout the entire exercise. You can also stand on a balance board.

3. Lateral support on the arm with twisting. Strengthens muscles abs, back, chest, buttocks and inner surface hips Sit on right thigh, resting your right palm on the floor, knees bent. Straighten your left leg, then your right. Left foot in front of right. Lift up left hand up: the body resembles the letter T.

Tighten your abs and twist your body to the right. At the same time, lower your left arm, bending it at the elbow. Return to the starting position. Do repetitions first on one side, then on the other.

Complicated option. Place your hand on the balance board.

4. Bridge with raised leg. Strengthens muscles buttocks, inner and front thighs, abs and back. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, arms straight along your body. Straighten your left leg perpendicular to the floor.

By effort muscles press and buttocks, lift your pelvis up. Slowly move your left leg as far to the side as possible. Return to position, lower your buttocks and left leg to the floor. Perform repetitions and switch legs.

Complicated option. Cross your arms in front of your chest or rest your head and shoulders on a balance board.

5. Raising your leg from provisions sitting. Strengthens muscles abs and backs. Sit on the floor with your knees bent. Straighten your arms in front of you, shoulder-width apart. Tighten your abs and lean back slightly

Raise your left shin to knee level. Return to the starting position. Perform all repetitions first on one leg, then on the other leg.

Complicated option. Perform this exercise while sitting on a balance board.



With the help of these unstable simulators, you will be able to better work out both superficial and deep internal muscles.

1. REEBOK CORE BOARD. Board with movable top part, which rotates and changes its angle in all directions.

2. BOSU BALANCE TRAINER. It is half a ball attached to a flat platform.


Tuberculosis is a dangerous disease that claims a huge number of human lives every year. To successfully combat tuberculosis, it is necessary to use all possible means. The main direction of treatment is drug therapy prescribed by a doctor. For additional support of the body and restoration of vitality, rational nutrition plays an important role in tuberculosis, since this disease depletes the body of a sick person. You should not neglect traditional medicine.

Description of the disease and symptoms

Tuberculosis lung infection is a disease caused by mycobacteria (rod-shaped bacteria or Koch bacilli). The pathogen is highly resistant to drugs. Infection is determined by the presence of areas of inflammation in the affected tissues, as well as the characteristic condition of the body. The tuberculosis bacillus can persist for a long period in the ground, on things, in dry sputum. It is also resistant to disinfectants.

The main way of spreading pulmonary tuberculosis is aerogenic (airborne), that is, the infection enters the body simultaneously with inhaled air. In addition to this method, there is a possibility of infection through food or contact with things contaminated with mycobacteria.

There are often cases when pulmonary tuberculosis occurs without obvious signs. Detection occurs by chance, for example, during fluorography.

The most initial symptoms of the disease are:

  • prostration;
  • poor appetite and sudden weight loss;
  • poor sleep;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • dizzy and temperature rises to 37 degrees;
  • increased size of lymph nodes.

If you do not seek medical help at the earliest stage of the disease, then over time these symptoms will be added to: cough with sputum, shortness of breath, chest pain, hemoptysis. The extreme two symptoms indicate a complicated form of the disease and require prompt treatment.

Tuberculosis also makes its own adjustments to nutrition. How to eat properly with this disease?

Take a free online TB test

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This test will help you determine whether you have tuberculosis.

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  1. No category 0%

Congratulations! The likelihood that you will develop tuberculosis is close to zero.

But don’t forget to also take care of your body and undergo regular medical examinations and you won’t be afraid of any disease!
We also recommend that you read the article on identifying tuberculosis in the early stages.

There is reason to think.

It is impossible to say with certainty that you have tuberculosis, but there is such a possibility; if it is not Koch bacilli, then there is clearly something wrong with your health. We recommend that you undergo a medical examination immediately. We also recommend that you read the article on identifying tuberculosis in the early stages.

Contact a specialist urgently!

The likelihood that you are affected by Koch bacilli is very high, but it is not possible to make a diagnosis remotely. You should immediately contact a qualified specialist and undergo a medical examination! We also strongly recommend that you read the article on identifying tuberculosis in the early stages.

  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

Does your lifestyle involve heavy physical activity?

  • Yes, daily
  • Sometimes
  • Seasonal (eg vegetable garden)

How often do you take a tuberculosis test (eg Mantoux)?

  • I don’t even remember when was the last time
  • Every year, without fail
  • Once every couple of years

Do you carefully observe personal hygiene (shower, hands before eating and after walking, etc.)?

  • Yes, I wash my hands all the time
  • No, I don't follow this at all
  • I try, but sometimes I forget

Do you take care of your immunity?

  • Only when sick
  • I find it difficult to answer

Have any of your relatives or family members had tuberculosis?

  • Yes, parents
  • Yes, close relatives
  • I can not say for sure

Do you live or work in an unfavorable environment (gas, smoke, chemical emissions from enterprises)?

  • Yes, I live permanently
  • Yes, I work in such conditions
  • Previously lived or worked

How often are you in damp, dusty or moldy environments?

  • Constantly
  • I'm not there
  • Previously was
  • Rarely, but it happens

How old are you?

  • Under 18
  • From 18 to 25
  • From 25 to 40
  • More than 40
  • Woman
  • Man

Have you recently felt very tired for no particular reason?

  • Very often
  • No more often than usual
  • I don't remember this

Have you been feeling physically or mentally unwell lately?

  • Yes, pronounced
  • No more than usual
  • No, that didn't happen

Have you noticed a weak appetite lately?

  • Yes, there is such a thing, although everything was fine before
  • I don't eat much in general
  • No, my appetite is fine

Have you recently noticed a sharp decline in your healthy, plentiful diet?

  • Yes, I’ve lost a lot lately, although my nutrition is fine
  • There is a little, but I wouldn’t say it’s very critical
  • I’ve lost a lot of weight lately, but this is the result of proper nutrition!
  • No, I didn’t notice this

Have you recently felt an increase in body temperature for a long time?

  • Yes, for no apparent reason
  • No, that didn't happen

Are you having trouble sleeping lately?

  • Yes, this has never happened before
  • I have trouble sleeping in general.
  • No, I sleep like a baby

Have you noticed increased sweating lately?

  • Yes, and very pronounced
  • If only a little
  • No, that didn't happen

Have you noticed yourself looking unhealthy lately?

  • Yes, he's noticeably paler
  • No, that didn't happen

General principles and objectives of nutrition, ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, daily diet

Therapeutic nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis is extremely important for a positive outcome of the patient’s treatment.

Nutrition of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis during treatment has the following tasks:

  1. Provide strengthening of the immune system.
  2. Supply the body with elements and substances that help the body fight the negative effects of bacteria, that is, heal foci of inflammation.
  3. Improve metabolism and help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Restore and replenish vitamin and mineral balance.
  5. Increase the body's defense response to intoxication.
  6. Provide the body with a complete diet in conditions of protein breakdown, poor carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and increased consumption of vitamins and minerals.

Important principles of nutrition during treatment:

  1. Nutrition involves a varied diet, adjusted for the development of the disease process and general well-being.
  2. Strict diets and restrictions can only be used for a short period (during exacerbations and complications).
  3. At all stages of therapy, fractional meals are prescribed.

It is necessary to follow the rules of qualitative and quantitative composition of the diet, based on the stage of the disease, the current state of the digestive organs, existing complications and diseases.

Special attention should be paid to the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the food consumed.

Since ancient times it has been known about beneficial properties the most ordinary food. When there were no medicines, oats with baked milk were considered the main source of protein for the patient’s body.

At the acute stage of tuberculosis with obvious signs (vomiting, fever, dizziness, nausea), it is undesirable to consume foods high in protein. In the normal course of the disease, the daily protein intake, on the contrary, should be doubled.

This is achieved by including a set of milk-based products in the menu - such protein is best digested by the body.

Proteins have a positive effect on the infected organism, namely:

  • helps tighten areas of inflammation;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • Along with food enriched with proteins, vitamins, especially group B, enter the body.

There is a list of products, with the exception of dairy, with a high protein content that are necessary for the patient. This is veal, lean chicken, fish.

When choosing nutrition in the treatment of tuberculosis, the main principle is to reduce the amount of fat consumed. This negatively affects the digestive process, since the human liver is primarily subject to dangerous overloads. The amount of fat in a daily diet cannot exceed the average norm for a person (100 grams/day).

For tuberculosis, it is preferable to choose fat-containing products based on milk, since milk fat is absorbed faster and does not contribute to obesity.

These are butter, cream and sour cream.

You will definitely have to exclude lamb and pork fat. It is worth paying attention to vegetable oils, olive or sunflower, as well as fish oil.

A balanced diet for tuberculosis infection requires a sufficient carbohydrate content due to weakening of the pancreas. Its functioning must be maintained.

A fifth of the normal amount of carbohydrates can come from consuming jam, sugar and honey.

It is better to give preference to carbohydrates contained in vegetables, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley), potatoes, fruits, rather than quickly digestible carbohydrates from baked goods, bread, rice, millet and semolina porridges. First grade flour and products made from it - to a minimum.

There are so-called healing tables or diets designed for different types of diseases. Usually in hospitals patients are fed at a specific table.

The diet for pulmonary tuberculosis is therapeutic nutrition or table number 11.

The eleventh table includes the following products:

  1. Rye or wheat bread.
  2. Any fish and meat dishes, with the exception of fatty types.
  3. Milk and sour milk.
  4. Steamed, fried, hard-boiled eggs.
  5. Cereal porridge.
  6. Any fruits, vegetables, berries processed in different ways (some of them must be served raw).
  7. Limited quantities of sauces and spices.

Approximate menu for the day:

  • breakfast: fried fish and mashed potatoes, any vegetables, 20 g butter, drink;
  • lunch: low-fat cabbage soup, a little sour cream, baked meat with peas or cereal, vegetables, fruit or vegetable juice;
  • dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with a small amount of sour cream, fruit puree or jam, 20 grams of butter, drink;
  • at night: 200 ml of fermented milk drink.

In general, the diet of patients with tuberculosis should be varied and not include a large number of restrictions. But there are a number of products that can aggravate the process: hot seasonings, mustard, pepper, vinegar, horseradish. It is better not to eat foods that are too hot or too cold.

Required vitamins, traditional medicine

Therapy with anti-tuberculosis drugs negatively affects metabolic processes in the patient’s body, which negatively affects the endocrine and nervous systems. Vitamins and minerals improve drug tolerance and speed up treatment.

In addition to vitamin C (ascorbic acid), you should take vitamins of other groups (A, B, E).

With Vitamin B1 Deficiency, the patient may experience a general decrease in performance, get tired quickly, have poor appetite, and suffer from muscle pain. To replenish it, you should eat liver, meat, egg yolk, peas, and beans. To cover its deficiency, the treating doctor may prescribe medicinal vitamin complexes.

Vitamin B2 is of great importance. Its deficiency negatively affects the mucous membranes. It can be replenished both from food and using synthetic forms.

Decline muscle mass the patient may indicate a lack of vitamin B12. An increased amount of vitamin contains liver, pork or beef.

A lack of vitamin A leads to problems with vision in the dark and general poor health. Therefore, you should add egg yolk, butter, liver, apricots, and lettuce leaves to your daily food to overcome these symptoms. The worse you feel, the greater the amount of retinol you need to introduce into your diet. A TB doctor can prescribe a daily dose of up to five mg.

Of great importance is the correctness of the joint intake of products containing retinol, but having different origins, for tuberculosis. Vegetables containing retinol are usually recommended to be consumed with fats. For example, it is useful to combine carrot salad or lettuce leaves with liver or fish as side dishes. This promotes the absorption of nutrients.

In case of tuberculosis infection, the sufficiency of vitamin E (tocopherol) is very important. There is a lot of it in vegetable oil. For this reason, doctors advise tuberculosis patients to make salad dressings with corn, soy, and peanut oils. In addition to oil, tocopherol is found in cereals and green leaves. For this reason, their consumption should be increased.

In an acute form of the disease, an increased secretion of salts may be observed, so foods rich in phosphorus, potassium, and calcium (nuts, dried apricots, sesame seeds, raisins, figs, milk and derivatives, lean meat) are introduced.

Folk remedies

Not only honey, but also other beekeeping derivatives (beebread, propolis, honey in combs, drone jelly, wax moth tincture) have a positive effect on tuberculosis. Beekeeping products have high immunostimulating properties that strengthen the body's defenses. These products are widely used as treatments for tuberculosis.

An infusion of wax moth larvae has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

The use of propolis is considered a natural antibiotic. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation for tuberculosis. The most effective are alcohol infusion or chewing. About 30 drops of tincture are added to liquid (water or milk), drunk 3-4 times a day, 1.5 hours before meals. Propolis prevents the development of inflammation and removes toxic substances from the body.

Bee bread contains potassium, due to which its use improves cardiac activity and restores metabolism. Take three drops three times a day.

Various herbal infusions, decoctions, and berry infusions are useful for tuberculosis to alleviate cough and hemoptysis.

Products that increase the body's resistance include kumiss, obtained from mare's milk. It is obtained by fermentation.

He contains:

  • milk sugar;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, C;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • lactic acid.

It must be remembered that you should not abuse grapes if you have diabetes, excess weight, or problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Features of nutrition of sick children

It is necessary to pay special attention to the diet of a child with tuberculosis.

In order not to harm the body, you should follow some rules that will allow the child’s body to better tolerate the disease and recover faster:

  1. Maintain moderation in food. Moms and dads are often mistaken in believing that eating plenty of food promotes a speedy recovery. In fact, it is necessary for the baby to eat little by little, but containing a large number of vitamins and nutrients in this small volume.
  2. Food should be well absorbed by the child's body. Taking into account that the infection destroys the immune system, it is necessary to process food in such a way that it is easier and faster to digest. This will allow you to feed a sick child several times a day, but in small portions.
  3. The diet should be enriched fresh vegetables, fruits high in vitamins. Typically, for a child with a tuberculosis infection, vitamins are more important than other nutrients consumed from food.
  4. Consumption of fish oil is beneficial. This is important for tuberculosis, as it strengthens the body and helps restore health. Recommended intake of fish oil for children from three months of age at a dosage agreed with the doctor.

A balanced, rational, well-thought-out diet will be an excellent assistant in the fight against tuberculosis. Besides proper nutrition- This is an excellent prevention of tuberculosis.

A targeted impact on the disease in all areas will speed up recovery and increase the chances of a positive treatment outcome.

The deep back muscles have three layers, which are: deep, middle and superficial. The superficial layer consists of the muscles of the neck and head, which are called the splenius, as well as the muscle that is responsible for straightening the spine. The middle layer consists of transversely - spinalis muscle. The deep layer includes: under the back of the head, interspinous, intertransverse. The strong ones include the surface layer, which is considered strong, working more statically. They are located along the entire back at the back of the neck.

These muscles have adapted a very large area of ​​the back to suit themselves, which leads to the fact that these areas of the human body develop strength very quickly. They also serve to support the spine in an upright position. The spine plays a very important role in the human body, as it serves as a support for important parts such as the insides, head, ribs, and limbs.


Why you should pay special attention to your back in the gym:

  1. The back muscles are the largest and are very important for an athlete.
  2. A well-developed back is the basis that gives rise to many exercises, which means that a back without strength does not provide volume and progress, which can also apply to working weights.
  3. Developed spinal muscles will help you maintain activity and health into old age.

The muscles of the back occupy a very large surface of the body, and are located from the neck to the pelvic area. The spinal tissues are important in creating balance by making posture and keeping the body stable by keeping the column of the spine straight.

Internal tissues influence the precise movement of each vertebrae and play the most important role in the stability of the back. This group also includes the spinal extensor muscles, which completely control back and forth movements.

Innervation is provided by branches located behind, which belong to spinal nerves– lumbar, cervical and thoracic regions.

How to train the deep back muscles

Each back workout most often includes muscles that are large and noticeable. But things rarely get to the inside. And this is not correct, since they are the main corset for the spine and are the belt that creates the waist. In order for this group to receive the necessary load, there is special exercises balance, only they are capable of this.

For beginners, it is recommended to train fully a couple of times a week, and devote all other training to this complex. To maintain balance, a person overcomes the force of gravity created by the Earth. This is what helps create optimal load on the internal tissues. If you want to make the exercises more difficult and thereby increase the load, then you just need to close your eyes while doing the exercises. Since it is much more difficult to maintain balance with your eyes closed.

In a normal position, a person is not as immobile as possible, since the body all the time, at a subconscious level, tries to maintain balance, imperceptibly falling and immediately recovering. All this creates difficult work for the musculoskeletal system and for nervous system each person.

If the body is well trained, then its owner will not be tormented by frequent dizziness, and he will avoid such troubles as “seasickness” and motion sickness in transport. Exercises will help you achieve good balance after four months.

Set of exercises

The training should be done like this: if some exercise does not work out completely correctly, then you should make several attempts and continue doing the next ones. If everything works out the first time, then you can complicate the training by closing your eyes. If, as you increase complexity, problems arise with execution, then you should also make several attempts and move on.

No. 1. Starting position standing. Hands are located on the belt. The legs, from the feet to the knees, are compressed and brought together. Close your eyes for half a minute and try not to move. Did not work out? Repeat a couple more times.

No. 2. From position No. 1, so that the feet are on the same line, one leg is put forward, the heel of the one in front should be next to the toe of the back. You need to stand in this position for about twenty seconds. Change legs and repeat the exercise.

No. 3. Pose as in the first exercise. Lift your heels slightly off the floor, standing on your toes, and hold this for about half a minute.

No. 4. In pose No. 1, tilt your body down as far as possible, keeping your hands on your belt. Repeat eight times very slowly.

No. 5. Take the position as in exercise No. 2. Very smoothly, without leaving the line, tilt from side to side about eight times for each tilt. The bends should be light and not very deep. Switch legs and do the exercise again.

No. 6. Place your hands on your waist and place your feet together. Lift one leg off the floor and try to hold it for about half a minute. Change legs.

No. 7. Place your feet in a line, as in exercise No. 2. Raise your arms above your head to the sides and close them in this position. Do this movement about six times and switch legs.

No. 8. Stand on your toes with your feet together. Lift one leg off the floor and hold this position for about ten seconds. Change your legs.

No. 9. Place a newspaper on the floor. Stand on this newspaper. At the same time, make a turn around yourself, now entering the newspaper, now leaving it. Hands can be placed on the belt. Make about eight turns in one direction, then the same number in the other. If you feel dizzy, you can fix your gaze on one point while moving and reduce the number of turns. To make the exercise more difficult, you can stand on your toes and fold a newspaper.

No. 10. Stand on your toes with your feet together and your hands on your belt. Remaining in your original place, moving only your neck, turn your head in different directions, as well as up and down.

This whole complex is an excellent study for internal muscles, therefore, you should not exclude such trainings from your main training, and they will also be very useful for everyone, even those who have nothing to do with sports.


Back spasms are very common and have no age or gender restrictions. Most often, this is a warning about developing osteochondrosis. This situation can become chronic. Sometimes you can feel this condition with any movement of the upper body, and also when a person tries to lift a very heavy weight.

The reason is that with age, spinal tissues deteriorate and lose their former strength and tone, which very often leads to pain and diseases of the spine.

To restore the body’s previous functions and relax the muscles, relieving them of spasm, it is recommended to strengthen them through training and seek the help of a massage therapist.