What does a toned inner thigh look like? Exercises for beautiful inner thighs. Standing leg adduction

The inner thigh is one of the most problematic areas of the female figure. in winter appearance our legs don’t really bother us, and you don’t think about how to pump them up. But closer to summer, when we begin to understand that we’ll soon put on a swimsuit and go to the beach, panic arises when we see the reflection in the mirror. You can correct the situation if, without waiting for summer, you start getting your legs in order.

If you don’t know how to pump up, then use the exercises given in this article. Perform this complex about 4 times a week. But don’t try to do it every day, as the muscles need to recover after physical activity. The recovery period takes on average 48 hours, so the “every other day” option is most suitable for training.

So, let's begin to answer the question “how to pump up the inner thigh?” Lie on your left side, resting on your forearm, bend your right leg at the knee and place your foot in front of your left leg. Exhale and lift left leg above the floor, pull it towards you with your toe. Do not hold your breath, try to strain as much as possible. Hold your leg in the air for about 30 seconds, then, while inhaling, lower it and relax. Rest a little and perform 2 more sets of this exercise. If this is similar to you exercise stress is small, then do not rush to roll over to the other side. Let's see how to pump up the inner thighs with a greater load. Let’s complicate the task a little: when lifting your left leg up, perform a “spring” - small rocking up and down. The number of swings depends on your If the first few workouts you find it difficult to perform a lot of springs, then do at least 24, then gradually increase to 50 approaches. It’s good if you gradually increase the number of repetitions to 100 - 150 times. Do exercises on your right leg.

Sit down, while inhaling, lean your body back, lean on your forearms, lift your legs bent at the knees up. Inhale and spread your legs to the sides, pointing your toes towards you. Perform small springing movements for 3 minutes. Then complicate the exercise a little: spread and connect your legs completely. This option will take about 2 more minutes to complete. Now we’ll tell you how to pump up the inner thighs if such a load is small for you. Lower yourself completely onto your back, lift your straight legs up. As you inhale, spread your legs, and as you exhale, bring them together. Continue doing these movements for 4 minutes. Then lower your legs and rest for 30 seconds.

Sit down, bend your knees and place your feet together, placing your palms on your inner thighs. As you exhale, begin to press your palms on your legs and at the same time try to bring your knees together. Due to such counteraction, you will strain as much as possible. Inhale, remove the tension from your arms and legs, rest for 2 - 4 seconds. Perform 10 to 30 sets of this exercise.

Let's look at another exercise. For this you will need a medium sized ball. Lie on your back, bend your legs, place a ball between your knees. As you exhale, press your knees onto the ball, trying to squeeze it as much as possible. As you inhale, relax your muscles. Perform this alternating tension for 2 minutes. Then make the exercise a little more difficult. Place the ball closer to the center of the inner thighs, straighten your legs completely, and lift them up. Also, as you exhale, squeeze the ball with your feet, hold the tension in the muscles for 3 - 5 seconds, and then relax your legs. Perform at least 30 approaches.

We looked at several of the most effective exercises. This article will be very useful for those who are thinking about how to pump up their inner thighs. To achieve success in this matter, the main thing is not to give up, be persistent in doing the exercises. However, keep in mind that if you are just starting to train, and have not worked out for a long time, then perform a slightly smaller number of approaches at first, gradually gaining momentum.

The question of how to pump up the inner thighs is quite complex and controversial. IN different time opinions about which exercises really help were different opinion. At the moment, experts agree that exercises for bringing and spreading the legs, which were popular for a long time, are not really very effective. The most effective exercises for the inner side of the thigh turned out to be quite unexpected.

How to pump up the inner thigh?

To achieve results, it is important to perform exercises for the inner thigh muscles regularly, every other day or every day, depending on how you feel. In addition, it is important to perform them correctly, otherwise they simply will not give the desired effect.

In fact, you can pump up your inner thighs by doing just one exercise - but doing it correctly. This magic exercise– squats with a barbell, but not in their usual form, but in a slightly modified form. However, an integrated approach, as in any matter, gives more quick results, so if you add a few more approaches of other exercises to it, you will notice the effect much earlier.

How to pump up the inner thigh muscles: squats with a barbell

Let us examine in detail how to perform this basic exercise, which will quickly make your legs toned and beautiful.

  1. Stand straight, legs wider than shoulder width, feet pointing towards external sides at an angle of 45 degrees, shoulders straightened, on the shoulders (but in no case on the neck!) - a barbell. The back should be perfectly flat along its entire length, including the neck (make sure that the chin is raised).
  2. Take a deep breath, slowly push your butt back as if you were trying to sit on an invisible chair, and move down, bending your knees to a 90-degree angle (your thighs should be parallel to the floor).
  3. Stay in this position for a few seconds and smoothly return to the starting position. Make sure your back remains straight and your head does not tilt down. Hold this point for two seconds and slowly return to the starting position. After this, exhale.

Such squats should be repeated in three approaches, 15-25 times each. If this is too difficult for you, start with a load of 10-12 repetitions in three sets. Since strengthening the muscles of the inner thigh with this exercise is quite simple, because it involves the most different groups muscles, you will get a double effect: squats with a barbell or body bar actively work the muscles of the buttocks, giving the body in this area an elastic and attractive appearance.

How to pump up your inner thighs: an exercise for the lazy

To achieve the look of beautiful, slender, elastic thighs, in addition to weighted squats, you should use another exercise that can be performed lying down, for example, while watching a movie.

At correct execution even these two exercises will be quite enough to give your legs beautiful shape and pump up your inner thighs.

Anatomically, the following muscles pass through the inner part of the thigh: a group of adductor muscles, sartorius and gracilis muscles, as well as partially quadriceps and hip flexors, each type of which performs a certain set of important functions assigned to it in organizing coordinated movement.

But, unfortunately, the inner thigh is a rather capricious area of ​​the body and effective work on it can be a problem for many people, and especially for those who, due to lack of financial or time resources, cannot afford regular visits to the gym.

But there is a way out! In this article, we will tell you which of the exercises aimed at pumping up the inner thigh as correctly as possible can be successfully performed in the comfort of your own home or office without the need for expensive exercise equipment.

This will definitely help you with flexibility and balance as well as gain.

How to pump up your inner thighs at home?

V - shaped stretch

Stretching inner surface thighs will help you significantly speed up the recovery period of your leg muscles after exercise.

To do this, sit on the floor and spread your legs straight out to the sides as far as possible, so that they form the letter “V”. Then straighten your back, tighten your abdominal muscles and tilt your torso forward as far as you can. Having reached the moment of greatest tension, hold for 10 - 15 seconds and return back. And remember to never stretch to the point of pain or discomfort.

Butterfly stretch

Sit on the floor, bend your knees and press your feet together. Spread your knees to the sides and place your palms on them. Using gentle pressure, press your knees toward the floor, trying to achieve full contact along the entire outer surface of your legs.

Hold for 10 – 15 seconds and release the pressure. Stop immediately if you suddenly feel pain.

Frog stretch

This exercise symmetrically lengthens your inner thighs.

To perform it, lie on your back and press your feet together. Then relax your knees and bring your feet as close to your groin as possible. Stay in this position for 10 deep breaths.

Hip stretch

This exercise stretches the hip flexors, upper and inner thighs, and torso in three directions.

To perform it, stand straight, take your right leg back, transfer your weight to your left leg and bend it at the knee. Tighten your buttocks and lower your body as far as possible. For additional resistance, you can raise both arms above your head.

Hold the position for three deep breaths and then repeat on your right leg.

Plie squats

This exercise will tighten your inner core, quadriceps, hamstrings and buttocks.

To perform it, stand straight, legs wide apart, feet turned outward at an angle of 45 C, shoulders relaxed, back straight. Extend your arms in front of you and slowly squat down until you feel a stretch in your muscles and your thigh line is parallel to the floor.

At the bottom point, squeeze your buttocks additionally and return to the starting position. Perform plie squats for one minute. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise and the payload, additionally hold a dumbbell in each hand.

Alternate leg lunges

The exercise targets the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. Stand straight, legs pressed tightly together, back straight. With your right foot, take a deep step forward, bending your leg at the knee until a right angle is formed, while your left knee should almost touch the surface of the floor.

When you feel the stretch in your leg muscles, pause for a moment and return to the starting position. Then, keeping your body balanced, perform long stride to the right, redirecting the body weight to the right leg and bending it at the knee to a right angle.

At the lowest point, squeeze your buttocks forcefully, push off with your heel and return to the original position. Repeat 10 – 14 times before starting the exercise with your left leg.

Internal hip swing

Stand at a distance of 40 - 50 cm behind the chair, grab its back and lean forward slightly. Then shift your balance to your left leg and place your right leg slightly in front of you.

Tighten your abdominal muscles and begin to perform pendulum-like movements with your right leg in front of you. Do 12 to 15 repetitions before moving on to the other leg.

Squeezing your knees

Sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight and legs bent. Squeeze your clasped hands or the ball between your knees. Tighten your muscles by squeezing your knees as hard as possible for ten seconds.

Then slowly release the pressure enough to hold the ball. Perform 2 – 3 sets of 8 – 12 repetitions.

Internal leg raises

The following exercises are effective way to focus in isolation and pump up your inner thighs.

To do this, lie on your right side, bend your left leg and cross it over your right, placing your foot in front of your knee. Right hand bend it and place it under your head, and with your left hand rest on the floor in the place where you are most comfortable. Tighten the muscles of your right leg and lift it up 10 - 15 cm. Hold for a moment and lower your leg.

A few centimeters before touching the floor surface, begin a new lift. Perform 15 – 18 repetitions and turn to the other side.


Lie on your back, tighten your abdominal muscles and press your back to the mat. Relax top part body and place your hands on the floor next to your hips, palms down. Raise your legs 45 degrees off the ground, spread them as far apart as possible, and then bring them together, crossing your left leg over your right leg.

Then spread your legs apart again, and then cross them again, but with your right leg over your left. Continue alternating crosses until 20 repetitions are completed. Just 2 – 3 sets.

Many girls, doing fitness in a club or doing exercises on their own, sooner or later face the problem of insufficient development of the inner thighs. Traditionally, most exercises for legs and hips place the emphasis on the front or back surface. If the inner part of the thigh is worked out, it is done exclusively on an additive basis.

Inner thigh exercises will help you get ready for your vacation!

We all know that if you want to get flawless legs and thighs, you need to work on all areas and develop the muscles harmoniously. Today we will correct this annoying omission and devote an entire article to training the hips from the inside, and will also provide best exercises on the inner thigh. You can use the whole complex or choose the exercises that you like.

Exercises for the inner thigh

The exercises below can be varied in weight and number of repetitions, thereby adjusting the load depending on your level of training.

Sumo squats (with or without weights)

Spread your legs wide, turn your feet so that your toes point to the sides. Slowly squat with a straight back until your knees are at a right angle. Visually, your hips should form a straight line. Also slowly return to the starting position.

If you want to increase the load, pick up a dumbbell and squat with it. As you squat, you should feel tension in your hips and glutes.

Sometimes some people have trouble maintaining balance in a squat with their legs wide apart and feet turned out. If you can’t perform the exercise smoothly, just go to a wall or table and lean on your hands.

The sumo squat is the first exercise to include in your inner thigh training program.

This inner thigh exercise should be performed in three sets of 15-20 times.

Shifting weight in a squat (rolling left and right)

This exercise can also be performed with or without weights, depending on your fitness level. Squat down on your supporting leg to a 90-degree angle at the knee. Place your other leg as far to the side as possible. Keep your body straight, palms can be rested on your hips or held in front of you.

With a smooth movement, transfer your weight from one leg to the other, as if rolling your pelvis along the floor. At the same time, your back should be straight, and your pelvis should not rise up (at one point you will want to straighten both legs). There should also be no sharp corners in the knees - this is unsafe for the joints.

Shift your weight from one leg to the other, trying to bend your knees at a right angle.

Perform rolls in three sets of 20-25 times (right-left is one time). The inner thigh will work harder in this exercise if you pick up additional weight - a dumbbell or a plate. Adjust the load according to your feelings.

Legs to the sides and together in a lying position

Lie on your back on the mat, spread your arms to the sides, palms down. Raise your legs to a right angle with the floor, feet contracted. Spread your straight legs wide and return to the starting position. Try to work without inertia, avoiding sudden jerks.

This exercise is best done with weights on your legs. Make sure your lower back is pressed to the floor.

When performing this exercise, avoid sudden jerks. Extend and lower your legs smoothly, without inertia.

Perform in three sets of 20-25 times.

Exercise "clock"

Starting position - lying on your back, legs raised perpendicular to the floor, arms spread to the sides for balance. Alternately draw a circle with each leg, as if your leg were the hand of a clock. First, lower your straight leg down and move it up through the side, trying to keep the distance to the floor as minimal as possible.

The second leg is extended upward. If you make a circle with one leg, do it with the second, while the first one is pointed at the ceiling.

Do it 10 times with each leg – change direction. Now lower your straight leg to your chest and move it down to the side. Repeat 10 times with each leg.

Try to lower your leg as low as possible so that the circle is wide (knee straight, do not bend your leg). This exercise is not only aimed at the inner thigh, it also uses other parts of the thigh and the abdominal muscles. I’ll say right away that the exercise is not the easiest, but believe me, the effect is worth it.

If you want to increase the load, put weights on your legs.

Hip adduction while lying on your side

Starting position – lying on your side on the mat. Lean on your forearm lower hand, A top hand place it in front of you at waist level or on your belt. Bend your upper leg at the knee and place your foot on the floor behind the knee of your lower leg. The lower leg is straight, the toe is directed towards you. Raise your lower leg as high as possible, trying to point your heel toward the ceiling.

Turn your heel toward the ceiling, otherwise your quadriceps will take on most of the load.

For each leg you need to do three approaches of 20-25 times.

Fitball, isotonic ring or other accessories

If you have additional fitness equipment suitable for performing inner thigh exercises, be sure to include these classes in your training program. Any exercise will become more effective if you do it while overcoming the additional resistance of the machine.

And now I’ll give you some useful and practice-tested tips that will help you make your training more effective and the results more tangible.

  1. Respect the principle of diversity. Alternate exercises and change the entire program every 2-3 months. Don't let your muscles get used to and adapt to the load.
  2. Focus on how you feel and how you perform the exercises. If you are training at home and not working out in a fitness club, do not be distracted by extraneous things.
  3. Once you are carried away by working on a specific area (in our case, the inner thigh), do not forget about training the remaining muscles.
  4. Do a short warm-up before your workout and stretch after.

Always remember why you are training and doing all these exercises. Each of us has our own motivation: some want to become slimmer and more beautiful, while others want to become stronger. And you already have enough of it, because otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article. Remember that no desire is given without the opportunity to fulfill it. Start classes right now! Your desire is enough to take action and achieve results.

Improving your physical fitness, many may have noticed that even under heavy loads inner part the hips remain insufficiently toned. The solution to this problem will be special training, during which attention is concentrated specifically on this zone. Therefore, today we offer you an overview of the Top 7 most effective exercises for the inner thigh.

There are many exercises that use your legs. However, not all of them “specialize” in restoring tone to the thigh muscles. At the same time, there are several very successful and effective exercises that help eliminate sagging and reduce the volume of the problem area for many women and men. We will talk about them further.

For those who are interested in how to pump up their thigh muscles and get their legs in order, it will be useful to know the structural features of the body. This will allow you to understand how effective one or another is.

The inner part of the thighs is designed in such a way that flexion and rotation movements are possible due to the work of the large, short and long adductor muscles, as well as the gracilis and pectineus muscles. They are the most important and extensive; they are activated when climbing or walking up stairs. At the same time, they are considered the weakest, since they are most rarely used by humans in Everyday life. And it was for them that a set of exercises was developed to restore the tone and attractiveness of the problem area. At the same time, during their execution, the muscles responsible for the excellent appearance of the legs, in particular the inner thighs and groin, are activated.

In addition, exercises designed to activate the adductors not only help strengthen muscles, but also allow you to get a lot of pleasant bonuses. Among the main benefits of such training:

  • Reducing the risk of injury, which is possible due to weakness of the thigh muscles;
  • Attractiveness and harmony of this area;
  • Improved coordination and stability while standing and while walking and moving around;
  • Attractiveness of gait;
  • Correct and beautiful posture.

You can experience all the charm and benefits of training if you approach the problem with responsibility and practice regularly at home, at outdoors or at the gym. So, let's begin.

Exercise No. 1 – Plie

On the way to ideal forms Be sure to try plie squats, also known as sumo squats. It is very simple and accessible to many, and to increase the load it can also be performed with weights.

During this exercise, it is worth monitoring the work of the muscles in the problem area. It is very important that it is the inner thighs that are pumped. To do this, you need to perform squats from the starting position - standing with your legs wide apart and your toes turned to the sides. During a squat, you need to bend your knees so that they point in the same direction as your toes.

Having taken the starting position, straighten your back and clasp your hands at chest level. Slowly lower yourself as far as you can to feel the tension in your inner thigh. After a 1-2 second pause, smoothly return to i. p. You can start by doing 10-15 squats, increasing the number of approaches and repetitions in them. “Advanced” athletes can perform 2-4 sets of 20 squats each with additional weight.

When you are ready for more serious loads, you can use weights to enhance the effect of squats. When working out in the gym, you can use a kettlebell or dumbbells for these purposes, and at home you can use a bottle filled with sand. Holding the weight with both hands, perform a squat, smoothly lowering until a right angle is formed in your knees, and also smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise #2 – Scissors

one more thing is very simple, but very effective exercise, which allows you to thoroughly work out the muscles of the inner thigh - swinging your legs on an incline or simply “scissors”.

Starting position – lying on your back with straight legs and arms parallel to the body. Raising your legs approximately 45-50 cm from the floor (approximately 45⁰), spread them as far as possible, then bring them together and cross them. The next approach is the same, but when crossing, change legs. It is recommended to perform 2-3 sets and 15-20 approaches each.

This scissor variation is also useful because it uses this area well. As a result, you can improve not only the appearance of your thighs in the area between your legs, but also tighten your abs, which is very important for most girls. (Note - exercise is contraindicated if).

Exercise #3 – Side Lunges

As in the previous case, this exercise will help quickly restore elasticity to the leg muscles. It is performed from the starting position - standing straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands clasped at chest level.

Lunge with one leg to the side, keeping your knees and toes pointed in the same direction. Keeping your back straight, perform a lunge through the push with the other leg. Make sure your knees keep their correct position and did not go beyond the toe line. Such lunges will help pump up your inner thighs if you perform them for 2-3 sets and 15-20 repetitions.

Exercise No. 4 – Jumping

Jumping with legs crossed in the air is another exercise that justifiably takes its position in the TOP-7. It has brought a lot of benefits to many girls suffering from sagging and large thighs.

Starting position – standing straight with a straight back and tense abs. After jumping, lower yourself to the floor, crossing your legs so that your toes point in the same direction, but one leg is in front of the other, as shown in the photo. Next time you jump, switch legs. And repeat this 15-20 times for 2-3 sets.

It is worth noting that this exercise may also be useful for the muscles of the arms and upper shoulder girdle. In order to simultaneously tighten them, during jumps you can use the same technique to cross your arms extended in front of you.

Exercise No. 5 – Lying hip adduction

Leg raises while lying down are an equally effective exercise that activates the most deep muscles the inner thighs, helping to strengthen them. To perform it, you need to lie on your side on the floor, leaning on your elbow, as shown in the next photo.

The leg that lies on the floor must be left straight, and the other leg must be bent at the knee and placed behind. In this position, you should perform hip adduction with a delay of 2-3 seconds at the top point.

To get the maximum effect from the exercise and strengthen problem area hips, movements are best performed slowly. This will allow you to feel how each muscle group is pumped and understand whether you are reproducing the movements correctly.

Exercise No. 6 – Leg adduction with an expander

To perform this, you will need an expander, which can be purchased at any sporting goods store. Hook one end of the expander onto a stand or support at a distance of approximately 10-15 cm from the floor. Stand with your right side to the support and put the loop on your right leg. This leg will be the working leg, and the left leg will be the supporting leg.

From this position, stretching the expander, bring your working leg forward, trying to create single line With supporting leg(see photo). After completing 3 sets of 10 reps each, repeat the same with the other leg.

A similar exercise is performed by gym goers. Leg abduction in the exercise machine (crossover) is more convenient, because you have the opportunity to set and adjust the weight. Over time, the load can be increased, thereby increasing the effectiveness of training.

Exercise No. 7 – Leg abduction on the machine

another exercise that is considered a favorite among many girls who attend Gym. It is performed on a special simulator and allows you to tighten the inner thighs.

To begin, go to the machine and set the required weight. Sit on the seat and press your straight back tightly against the backrest, while grabbing the special handrails with your hands. Position your legs so that your feet are on the pads and your inner thighs are firmly pressed against the bolsters. As you exhale, bring your legs together using the muscles of your thighs. Pause at the extreme point and return your legs under control to the starting position.


These are perhaps the most effective exercises that will help many to pump up and make their leg muscles stronger, as well as. The technique for performing some of them can be learned by watching the attached video.

And in order to enjoy the result to the maximum short term, keep in mind the basic rule: every workout for the inner thigh should begin with a warm-up and end with stretching.

Before you begin the main part of your workout, do a few warm-up exercises. Such exercise can consist of jumping, bending, swinging legs, etc. And after training, gymnastics should follow, aimed at stretching the adductor muscles.

A huge advantage of exercises aimed at developing the inner thighs is that they can be performed with own weight and in any conditions - at home or outdoors. What’s even better is that this way you can increase the effectiveness of your workout by saturating your body with oxygen. Well, if you can’t exercise outdoors, try to thoroughly ventilate the room before practicing at home.