Lanterns for illuminating the fisherman's workplace. The best flashlights for night fishing. "Fireflies" from a phosphorescent nipple

The idea of ​​artificially “illuminating” the hole at night and during the day winter fishing at depths is by no means new. If you dig deep into the fishing “archives” of the past, you will find many “artifacts” of grandfather’s experience from Soviet (and maybe even pre-Soviet) times on this topic.

Article about how in a simple way organize illumination of bait during night and winter fishing at depth.

A lot of devices and underwater “lights” were offered. The essence of the method is to lure fish. It is based on the natural “love” of the underwater inhabitant and his curiosity about the light source located at the bottom and beckoning under the darkness of the ice. The night bream, which is distinguished by both caution and curiosity at the same time, especially suffered from underwater “lanterns”.

The meaning of “highlighting” is to lower a burning light bulb to the bottom through the hole, which should lure the fish from afar to the baited place and, accordingly, to the jig. When the same bream comes to light, it will inevitably bite.

The most, how to put it, optimal, we thought was a “device” consisting of a light bulb or LED with a battery and a sealed test tube. Of course, this was true in those ancient times, when there was tension in the country with Chinese or just small lanterns.

We, in the absence of a test tube, and the reluctance to look for one, “fiddled around” a little with a small LED flashlight, fortunately, China put a lot of different ones on our market. First, we achieve tightness. It's easy to do.

The simplest way is to wrap the flashlight in several layers of sausage film. Well, the one, you know - the thin polyethylene one that they use to package sausages or cheese in stores. It “sticks” well and does not let water in.

It was a little more difficult to silicone the loosening parts with the appropriate sealant. Next, we tie the “light bulb” to the fishing line, weigh it down if necessary, and now the flashlight is ready to “immerse” in the hole. At a depth of up to 5 m, if you bend down to the hole, you can even “steer” the light in the right direction, i.e. on the jig.

The only inconvenience for the ice fisherman is the presence of both the flashlight line and the fishing line in the hole. Therefore, in order to avoid “hooks” when fishing, we drill a couple of holes - we catch in one, and “drown” the lantern in the other. Cheap and easy. You can even drill three holes, two of which will be “working” and one will be illuminated.

Which flashlight to choose for night fishing?

There are hundreds of options, thousands of opinions, millions of results.

The correct answer is none. Night fishing uses natural light - light reflected from the Moon, followed by reflection from the water. And if there is no Moon, we turn on all our senses, it activates hidden reserves human body.

Well, if you don’t know how to do that, then you still have to choose a flashlight.

We won’t talk about the fact that the flashlight must have a number of characteristics for protection from dirt, dust, water, that it must be convenient, and blah blah.

How fish perceive objects

How does a fish see?

For the most part, fish see well only at close distances - from 1 to 1.5 m; beyond 10-12 m they cannot see anything at all. To detect light, fish have rod- and cone-shaped visual cells on the retina.

In diurnal fish, cones predominate; they are less sensitive to light, but allow them to distinguish color. Nocturnal fish are dominated by rods, which function in low light. Moreover, the difference in the number of rods and cones in diurnal and nocturnal fish can be quite significant ~ 20 times.

In the light, the state of the retina changes: the cones move towards the light, and at dusk the rods move towards the light.

All that the fish sees is light reflected from the object, i.e. A flat image is formed on the retina of the fish’s eye, which is perceived and recognized by the visual area of ​​the brain.

Thus, the fish is quite capable of recognizing objects both under water and on the surface of the water and outside the water.

Everything else - the angle of vision, the side eye and even the blind spot are no longer interesting and there is no point in considering them.

Perception of objects The fish sees light reflected from objects, forming a flat image - this is how it perceives objects. Accordingly, the more intense the light reflected from the object, and taking into account yellow-orange cornea of ​​the eye, increasing the contrast of objects, the easier it is for the fish to distinguish it from the general background. Main feature any fish is an instant fixation of any movement - moving objects,much smaller relative to its size,

Thus, any movement, precisely a change in the nature of the illumination, is a signal for any fish to action - to defend itself, huddling in a flock, or to attack, freeze, remaining motionless, until it is ready to lunge.

Many fishermen observed all of the above facts in real conditions and using real examples:

- catfish are passive during the day, but active at night, while carp feed with great pleasure in the daytime

— when approaching a school of gobies along the land, there is almost always an instant reaction, and the fish moves in the other direction relative to your movement

- the pike, until the moment of throwing, stands motionless in the thickets of grass, completely merging with it

Color perception

It has been proven that fish are able to distinguish colors or even shades of them.

And then an endlessly long debate arises about what color scares the fish?

The light stream directed into the water creates a huge moving object in the water column, which scares the fish. Therefore, no matter what flashlight or lens we use to illuminate the float, the rod or ourselves, the fish will react the same way - to defend ourselves.

How to be?

In fact, one of the above statements is not true! It is necessary to more accurately consider and agonize over the choice of color and its perception by the fish from a completely different angle.

The fish don't give a damn about the color! Fish are attracted or repelled primarily by the size of an object. I repeat once again - the fish sees a flat image of an object formed by reflected light.

So let's go back to the beginning - We turn on all our senses, activate the hidden reserves of the human body, and see in the dark.

Don't you know how? Then let's turn to physics.

Spectrum of light rays in nm (nanometers)

Penetration of light into water, depending on wavelength

Taking into account the various parametric indicators of water, the output we get is a simple and easy-to-understand answer.

The best solution for illuminating the necessary items when fishing at night is to use flashlights with a red lens and a reduced luminous flux intensity.

It is red light, it is the use of all lenses available on the market today that convert white or yellow, etc. the color in red is the best solution, capable of minimizing the risk of fish recognizing an object that can be interpreted as a threat.

By the way, the play of light and color, in terms of reflection/absorption of light by objects in the water column, depending on the characteristics of the water itself, the intensity of the light flux and its refraction, are equally important indicators when choosing the color of bait and gear, which is proven not only the above brief theoretical part, but also confirmed by many fishermen who carried out practical research about this theme.

An excellent flashlight option for night fishing - Fenix ​​HP-40H

Fenix ​​HP-40H is a headlamp from the Chinese manufacturer, the Fenix ​​company, which radically changes the perception of the overwhelming majority of ordinary people about Chinese products as a semi-basement low-quality product.

Fenix, today, is one of the leaders in the Chinese market in the production of high-quality and technically modern flashlights for various purposes, presented in a wide range (all details can be read on the website of the company’s official representative in the corresponding section).

Specifications Fenix ​​HP-40H

Review of the Fenix ​​HP-40H flashlight


- Flashlight

— External battery pack

— Batteries — 4 pcs.

— Head mounting system (transverse and longitudinal elastic straps)

— Fittings for fixing the power cable — 2 pcs.

— Warranty card

- User's Manual

Warranty: The official warranty from the manufacturer for the Fenix ​​HP40H model is provided for 5 years from the date of purchase.

Opening the package

Integrated open-loop fittings are used to attach head straps to the battery pack and flashlight.

All straps are easily adjusted to the size of the head using double-slot buckles, securing the strap well in the desired position

The battery pack and light are connected by a thick insulated cable that is weather resistant

For convenience, the cable is attached to the strap through special fasteners.

(the clips have the ability to move freely along the strap if the flashlight is not attached to the head)

The battery pack is a separate box, dimensions ~75x68x23mm, IPX6 standard (Protection from sea waves or strong water jets. Water that gets inside the case should not interfere with the operation of the device)

IPX6 - Large splashes and rain - During testing, the object is exposed to water from all angles, discharged through 12.5 mm. nozzles at a volume of 100 liters/minute at a pressure of 100 kN/square meter from a distance of 3 meters. The device must not: stop working; have poor water penetration.

The inner part of the block fits into the outer casing along grooves and is rigidly connected by tightening it through a metal threaded connection. At the junction of two parts, the use of waterproof gaskets is not critical, since the outer part, the cover of the indoor unit, is made of a porous, conditionally “soft” polymer, which itself well closes “possible” cracks.

External battery pack

The battery pack is divided into two parts - the outer case, made of aluminum and high-strength plastic, and the inner one, for installing batteries - 4 pcs AA

From the manufacturer's website

The Fenix ​​HP40H flashlight is equipped with 2 LEDs: red Cree XP-E2 with brightness up to 150 lumens and white Cree XP-G2 (R5) with brightness up to 450 lumens. Both semiconductor devices are characterized by great durability and are able to operate for 50,000 hours. Despite the fact that the red light is less bright, its beam is better focused, which allows illumination of an area with a radius of 105 m. The white LED, on the contrary, provides wide side illumination, creating comfortable conditions for tourists forced to walk along forest paths in the dark, as well as speleologists, cyclists and other potential users of this lighting device.

Each of the diodes is controlled separately. Red can operate in 3 brightness modes and is used in situations where it is important to preserve a person’s night vision or not to frighten animals. Data on the operating time of the flashlight are given taking into account its testing, first with alkaline batteries, and then with Ni-MH batteries.

The white light diode operates in 4 brightness modes, as well as an SOS signal mode. Data on its operation are also presented taking into account information on testing different types of batteries.

The direction of the light flux in the Fenix ​​HP40H flashlight is easily adjusted using a rotating mechanism in the head of the lighting device. It can be rotated vertically by 60°.

The Fenix ​​HP40H has an external battery pack. To more evenly distribute the weight of the device on the head, it can be attached to elastic straps on the back of the head. The battery compartment, like the head of the flashlight, is well protected from moisture and can withstand exposure to any precipitation. The Fenix ​​HP40H case is made of aluminum and high-strength plastic.

From the manufacturer's website

The operation of the flashlight is controlled by 2 separate buttons on the top surface of the head of the device. Pressing each of them for 0.5 s allows you to turn on/off the white or red LEDs, respectively. Short presses sequentially switch the brightness levels available for each diode. In addition, holding down the button that controls the white diode for 3 seconds activates the SOS alarm mode.

The flashlight body has IPX6 protection similar to the battery pack and is made of aluminum alloy with elements made of durable plastic.

The system of protection against accidental activation of the flashlight during transportation is made by partially covering both power buttons.

Head tilt up to 60°


The flashlight makes a pleasant first impression, both in terms of design, functionality, technological equipment and ease of use.

When going fishing, a person thinks about how to spend his time comfortably and not occupy his hands with additional things. That's why The most practical flashlights are headlamps, where the beam of light will always be directed to a certain point that the fisherman needs during his rest.

Which flashlight to choose for fishing?

Today, everyone can buy whatever they want, if only they had the money. The market has a huge selection of flashlights for night fishing, which operate on both batteries and rechargeable batteries.

The main characteristics of such flashlights are:

  1. Brightness. The element of long-distance lighting will be important here. For example, if the weather is bad while fishing, you will need more power from the flashlight. In this case, the choice can be made on the brightest lantern among the others lying on the counter. Depending on the weather conditions These lights have red and white LEDs that can be easily adjusted as environmental conditions change.
  2. Lighting. The bottom line is that you can choose a flashlight with diffuse lighting, so that you can see well up close, and with distant lighting, where the light will be directed into the distance at a specific object.
  3. Energy resource. If you take a flashlight with two LEDs, the red one will consume less energy, but will also illuminate a short distance. A white LED consumes significantly more energy, but gives a clear picture of the area.
  4. Ease of use. The headlamp has a special elastic band that is attached to the head and does not slip off. Its weight is practical and does not put pressure on the head.
  5. Waterproof. Flashlights for night fishing have many degrees of protection, so you need to carefully look at each of them. Some come into contact with rain easily, while others fail quickly. Flashlights can also be protected from dust and dirt and are well suited for immersion in water.
  6. Impact resistance. Cheap headlamps are made of plastic and can fail if they come into contact with asphalt. Of course, a flashlight made of an aluminum body is of high quality, but it will not be cheap. You always have to pay for quality.

Where can you buy fishing lights?

Due to the large selection of different hand and headlamps to the common man difficult to do right choice. You can buy them both in online stores and in any stores that sell hunting and fishing equipment.

Some of the famous brands of fishing lights are:

  1. Led Lenser. Has gold-plated contacts that are not subject to corrosion. Maximum length beam 260 meters, works for more than two days.
  2. Zebralight. It is highly waterproof. Light output reaches 1000 lumens.
  3. Boruit. Works in strobe mode. The range of the light beam reaches up to 1 km. However, the operating time is minimal - only 8-9 hours.
  4. Phoenix. Made from stainless steel. Maximum light output 900 lumens.

Battery or batteries?

Anyone who intends to use the flashlight every day should definitely choose a rechargeable battery charger. More experienced fishermen even use two batteries at once: one is used in a flashlight, and the other is taken as a fire emergency if the first one fails.

Batteries will cost a significant amount of money, unlike a battery, which will be easy to charge at home from an outlet, and its energy will last for a long time.

In any case, everything will depend on the owner of the lantern, who will use it for his own purposes.

Moisture protection and durability

When choosing a flashlight, any angler or ordinary user should pay attention to two important indicators:

  • waterproof;
  • impact resistance.

Unforeseen circumstances can arise while fishing, and choosing a good flashlight can make a big difference during your vacation. Regardless of the climate and weather, the lighting device must work effectively both in rain and when hitting the ground.

By paying attention to the mixed degree of protection of headlamps, you can choose the one that suits your needs. fishing in unpredictable conditions. It will protect against splashes, rain, dust and dirt.

If accidentally hit, the lantern may break, and then you will have to wait until dawn to see something while fishing at night. It is not difficult to choose a flashlight with the maximum degree of protection. By calculating the approximate parameters of the height from which a flashlight can fall and the impact energy, you can calculate its impact resistance.

Those who are not good at these calculations can always consult with the seller of a fishing equipment store.

Compactness of flashlights

For a thing to be compact, it must weigh little. The best, of course, is a headlamp, since your hands remain free, and on your head it is not a hindrance at all. Having secured it on your forehead in a vertical or horizontal position, you can do your usual things.

Compact headlamps include the following:

  • "Led Lenser H6R". The operating principle of such a flashlight lies in its main modes:
    • high beam;
    • diffused light.

It has a power regulator that allows you to smoothly change the direction of the light. Maximum light output 350 lumens.

  • "Era". Has high impact resistance. Regardless of the low cost of the flashlight, its quality does not suffer.
  • "Bright Ray". They are used in any extreme conditions, and the affordable price and high-quality assembly make it a leader in the domestic market.

Lighting brightness modes

For fishing, many brightness modes are not required so that finding the right button does not make it difficult to relax.

There are three main lighting options:

  1. Energy saving.
  2. Maximum.
  3. Signal.

A flashlight with a lighting mode of at least 150 lumens is best for night fishing.

Professional fishermen know two main categories of flashlights:

  • with a red LED that provides a comfortable perception of light on long distance;
  • with a blue LED, which will not scare the fish, but is tiring to human vision.

To figure out which flashlight brightness is best for fishing, you need to know What categories are headlamps divided into:

Of course, it would be best to choose a flashlight with an illumination level of more than 150 lumens.

Headlamps have the following lighting modes:

  • flooding to see his camp in diffused light;
  • narrow focus to focus on distant objects.

The higher the lumens, the further you can see in the distance. Every angler with a properly selected flashlight will be able to fish for his own pleasure and not scare away the fish with the brightness of the flashlight. And to choose the right bait, the low-light mode for closer objects will do.

Types of flashlights for fishing

Flashlights are divided into two types:

  1. manual, thanks to which you can direct a beam of light to any point;
  2. forehead– allow you to free your hands, but reduce the ability to control the light flux. However, they are the most popular on the market for those who go on vacation or travel.

Based technical characteristics two types of lanterns and paying attention to its lighting, energy resource, water resistance, compactness and strength, You can opt for the following brands of lighting gadgets:

  1. Phoenix HP25. It has high power and illuminates a space up to 150 meters. It has a dual lighting system, is ergonomic and reliable.
  2. Boruit RJ 3000. A versatile, waterproof flashlight made of aircraft-grade aluminum that can serve its owner for a very long time.
  3. Armytek Wizard famous among fishermen all over the world. The weight of such a headlamp is light, and the additional strap prevents the gadget from sliding over the owner’s eyes. It has several lighting modes, including SOS mode.
  4. Acebeam H10. Its brightness reaches almost 2000 lumens, and is adjustable using a rotary ring. It costs a little more than other flashlights.
  5. Armytek Predator Pro. The hand-held flashlight model has an LED and a reflector. Thanks to this design, you can achieve high illumination without exceeding the brightness, which will quickly use up the flashlight's energy reserve. Used as a pocket flashlight.

There are many other types and brands of flashlights that are suitable not only for fishing, but also for sports, travel, repairs, etc. A person can choose a suitable flashlight for himself at a price that suits him. It should only be noted that any flashlight for night fishing has an average cost of 2,000 to 7,000 rubles.

Headlamp for fishing

The fisherman himself has the right to choose the fishing that is suitable for himself, let it be summer or winter. However, he will always need a gadget for night fishing. And in this case, headlamps that leave your hands free are very popular all over the world.

To choose a suitable flashlight, you need to consider the following indicators:

  • degree of comfort;
  • moisture resistance;
  • energy saving.

The criteria are:

  1. power reserve, which will be useful if the fishing lasts for several days;
  2. convenience. What is important here is that the flashlight is fixed on the head and that it can be easily removed;
  3. lighting level. In this case, a narrow beam for distant objects is suitable.

Among the technical and operational qualities of headlamps, the following are distinguished:

  • power supplied by batteries or accumulator;
  • lighting brightness in multiple LED mode;
  • operating modes.

Among the most popular headlamps, the following types can also be described:

  • Fenix ​​HL55 XM-L2. Suitable for long fishing trips that last for several days. Waterproof, has several brightness modes. Its weight is a little more than 100 grams, and the cost is about 3,000 rubles.
  • Eagle Tac Sportac DH10LC2. Multifunctional and used in two forms at once:
    • manual;
    • forehead

Its wide light beam allows you to see up to 1 kilometer away. It runs on batteries, weighs less than 50 grams, and costs about 4,500 rubles.

  • Streamlight Enduro Camo. It is one of the budget headlamps. It is waterproof, has a 90-degree rotation angle, is battery-powered, and has a very low light level for a price of just over 1,000 rubles.

In conclusion, we can say that any angler has a large selection of the most popular handheld and headlamps. Having understood the main characteristics of these gadgets, you can find the most suitable and inexpensive flashlight for yourself, and then night fishing will be bright and memorable.

The evening dawn is ending. It's getting dark. Most anglers pack up their gear and head home or retreat to cozy fires and tents to continue fishing in the morning. Meanwhile, night fishing is an activity no less interesting and rewarding than daytime fishing.

From left to right: 1. A special float for night fishing with a container antenna in which a chemical “firefly” is placed. 2. An ordinary float, which becomes “visible” at night thanks to a chemical “firefly” attached to the antenna using the silicone tube included in the “firefly” kit. 3. A special float with a replaceable plastic antenna, instead of which a chemical “firefly” is inserted at night

Alexander Gavrilov

Night fishing also has a number of obvious advantages - there are fewer people on the banks, there is no midday sun, and many very cautious and weighty representatives of the fish kingdom go hunting in the darkness of night, leaving their secluded daytime camps. In central Russia, the most popular night fishing tools are spinning rods, float rods and bottom fishing rods. Night fishing gives indescribable sensations, but also requires a certain psychological and technical training. Night fishing with a predator spinning rod, which is increasingly gaining popularity, is practiced mainly on large and medium-sized rivers.

Night predators

With the onset of darkness, pike perch, ide and other predators go out to shallow riffles, where they actively hunt for small fish. The most attractive are rocky rifts with pronounced jets (it is desirable that the jets go along or from the shore). Moreover, out of three seemingly identical places, one will work regularly, another occasionally, and in the third it is almost impossible to see a bite. Find a good place It’s not easy, but with 5-6 catchable points in stock, you can successfully fish all night.

1. A special float for night fishing with a container antenna in which a chemical “firefly” is placed. 2. A special float with a replaceable plastic antenna, instead of which a chemical “firefly” is inserted at night. 3. An ordinary float, which becomes “visible” at night thanks to a chemical firefly attached to the antenna using the silicone tube included in the firefly kit. 4. Signal indicator - plumb line. A modern alternative to the bell, but not with a sound, but with a visual effect. For different conditions (wind) it is equipped with weights of different weights. For night-time fishing, a chemical “firefly” is placed inside.

Night fishing for pike perch is considered the most exciting. It consists of periodically casting and releasing the bait a considerable distance downstream (within reasonable limits, of course, otherwise it becomes impossible to keep the bait under control) and retrieving with periodic pauses at different angles. You can make one after another casts into the middle of a school of hunting pike perch and all to no avail, but as soon as you cast a little to the side, change the trajectory and pace of the retrieve, a bite immediately follows. This is the skill of a spinning angler - to find the key to the capricious pike perch, to solve another fishing riddle.

Beach fishing

Some fish in Russian rivers lead active image life at night. First of all, this is the river giant, the European catfish, and a rarer guest on the fisherman’s hook - the eel. Other species, in particular, many representatives of the cyprinid genus (crucian carp, bream, large roach), although considered diurnal, often bite even better at night - it is at night that they come closer to the shore in search of food. Very often, the swimming pool adjacent to the beach becomes a place for active night feeding of fish, especially in stagnant reservoirs. During the day, numerous swimmers raise silt from the bottom, and with it various fish delicacies - water worms, larvae of aquatic insects, and mollusks. But as soon as the sun goes down and the beaches are empty, the feast begins in the baths. An experienced fisherman who chooses such a place for fishing is unlikely to be left without a catch. Moreover, it is at night that the most significant trophies are found.

But the most emotional way of catching night pike perch is “whisker fishing”. In the same way, night fishing for taimen or lenok occurs with an artificial mouse on top in the vastness of Siberian rivers. But no less interesting and exciting fishing awaits you on the Central Russian rivers (better in clear, quiet weather with a shallow floating wobbler or popper). The bait is led from above, so that distinct “whiskers” diverge behind it, clearly visible in moonlight. The fisherman leads the bait to the shore and notices how a wake wave appears behind it. This is a pike perch perched behind that is preparing to strike with a swift strike. With bated breath, the fisherman waits for the attack, but the wobbler rests with impunity on the coastline, and the emerging wake wave imperceptibly disappears... Another attempt or changing the bait to a wobbler with a different amplitude of movement - and, as a rule, the fisherman’s efforts are rewarded by catching several “fanged ones”.

The bell is a time-tested sound signaling device. The modern design allows you to attach it to the tip of any fishing rod, which does not interfere with either hooking or casting. Equipped with a chemical firefly mount.

Fishing gear for night fishing with a spinning rod - the same as daytime ones, maybe just a little more powerful and coarser. But special tools are needed. First of all, it is a repellent against blood-sucking insects, the number of which increases significantly at night. The spinning rod does not need a bite alarm - the sensitive tackle perfectly transmits the bite to the hand. But a flashlight will be very useful in order to change the bait in the dark, untangle the fishing line, and even remove the prey from the hook. Fans of spin fishing value small LED headlamps - they provide enough light and leave their hands free.

Firefly float

Peaceful fish usually caught at night float rod or on the donk. The main thing here is to notice the bite in time. Previously, fishermen used floats with light bulbs and batteries. The invention of a compact disposable chemical light source (“firefly”) solved the problem of night visibility of the float. Cheapness, availability, large selection of sizes made “fireflies” the favorites of the night float fishing. Using the included silicone tube, the “firefly” can be attached to the antenna of almost any float of the appropriate shape and size. Later, floats appeared that were specially designed for firefly fishing. In some models it is inserted instead of a replaceable antenna, in others the antenna is a transparent capsule into which the “firefly” is placed. It shines all night, while its light is clearly visible at a great distance and does not scare away the fish.

The electronic alarm is the most advanced bite alarm for night fishing. It is attached instead of a flyer to the front stand of the fishing rod. The fishing line is inserted into the slot with the roller. Rotating the roller when biting causes a buzzer to sound and the LED to light up. You can adjust the volume and timbre of the sound (when using two or more alarms, they can be distinguished by their sound). The most advanced models of electronic alarms can even transmit a signal to a pager.

Fishing with bells

Another thing is fishing with a bottom fishing rod. In years past, the angler was notified of a night bite by the ringing of a bell. A reliable option still has its supporters, especially among older fishermen. The disadvantage of the bell is that it does not always ring loudly, and with a sharp bite it can even fly off the line, get lost in the grass or drown. Therefore, for safety, many fishermen tie it to the rod stand with a rope long enough so as not to interfere with hooking.

About 20 years ago, the bell was replaced by a miracle of modern engineering - an electronic bite alarm. This is a small box that is threaded onto a stand and serves as a front rod holder. The line is inserted into the slot where it contacts the roller. When the fish pulls the line, the buzzer sounds and the LED lights up. The first models of such alarms were capricious and expensive - some made them themselves. Now they have become available to most fishermen. Modern models allow you to adjust the trigger force (depending on the wave and wind strength), the volume and tone of the signal. The alarm can show a bite in progress: when a fish pulls, it “sings”, when it throws the bait, it is silent, but the diode lights up for some time, indicating that the alarm was triggered. Some models allow you to connect up to four alarms to a special pager via a radio channel, then the fisherman can relax calmly at a fair distance from the fishing rods. Many “advanced” fishermen completely turn off the sound on electronic alarms, which can irritate many in the silence of the night, and are guided only by the quiet signal of a pager that hangs on their chest or lies in their pocket.

The bell is one of the oldest and simplest bite alarms when fishing bottom fishing rod. Its ringing can be clearly heard in the silence of the night. Advantages: it is almost impossible to break it. It is attached with a clothespin to the fishing line between the rod rings. When hooked, it flies off the line and can get lost in the dark, so many people tie it with a safety thread to the rod stand.

But it happens that a fish that bites does not pull the line towards itself, but swims to the shore - and the line weakens. In order for the alarm to work in this case, a simple weight on a clamp or a more complex device - a swinger - is installed between the alarm and the coil. When the fishing line is loosened, such a load pulls the fishing line down, which ensures that the electronic alarm is triggered. Modern swingers also have a chamber that can accommodate chemical firefly, which in the dark serves as an additional bite indicator. Many anglers use various models of swingers separately from electronic alarms as a visual indicator.