Effective start: how to start playing sports at home from scratch. Let's play for good. Choosing the right activities for your child by age Complex for beginners at home

Sports activities improve health and allow a person to feel attractive, strong and resilient.

Many people do not have experience in fitness training, so they do not know how to properly begin to engage in physical activity.

To work on own body from scratch you can without exercise equipment or anything else sports equipment, organizing trainings at home.

A person who decides to play sports on his own without a coach first needs to assess his health.

Where to start training for a beginner

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, autoimmune diseases during exacerbation, recovery period after surgery, acute viral and infectious diseases are contraindications to physical activity.

If a person suffers from obesity and wants to solve the problem through exercise, then lose excess weight It is necessary under the supervision of specialists - a nutritionist and a personal trainer.

Before starting fitness classes at home, a person should plan a rough workout schedule.

The key to the productivity of sports training is its regularity.

To lose weight, build muscle and build endurance, you need to exercise at least 2 times a week.

If a person who wants to fully train leads a sedentary lifestyle, then he cannot immediately begin intensive training. Several weeks should be devoted to preparing the muscles for power loads. To do this, you can spend half an hour daily running, walking at a fast pace, dancing, or cycling. Cardio training cardiovascular system and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Important! It is important to combine exercise with a healthy diet, which will contribute to the loss of extra pounds and maintaining a normal metabolic rate.

Optimal exercises at home for beginners

When choosing suitable fitness techniques to perform at home, you need to focus on the expected results. It is also worth considering gender, since there are separate optimal fitness techniques for both men and women.


The following fitness techniques are suitable for beginner girls:

  1. Complicated squats: legs stand shoulder-width apart shoulder girdle, and the toes of the feet are placed apart. The posture is straight and the chin is slightly raised. As you exhale, bring your pelvis as close to the floor as possible, but at the same time your posture remains level. To avoid overstressing your joints, you should try to keep your buttocks in line with your knees when squatting.
  2. Standing Dumbbell Press: One arm is used to perform the set. The feet are placed shoulder-width apart, the back is straight, and the knee joints are slightly bent. You need to take a dumbbell in your hand, and place the second limb on your waist. After inhaling, lift the dumbbell up and, after pausing for a few seconds at the maximum point, exhale.
  3. Lunges without weights in the hands: stand straight and lift your chin. Step forward with your right foot, fixing your body in the new position. The knee joint should form a right angle, acting as a support for the entire body. The second leg stands behind, but its knee joint is directed perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Crunches on the floor: lie on your back, but then return to a semi-sitting position with your legs out in front of you. It is necessary to control that the limbs bent at the knees are parallel to the floor. Alternately stretch one leg in front of you, staying in this position for a couple of seconds. The hands should be placed along the body.
  5. Bicycle: lie on a straight back, and place your clasped hands under the back of your head. The legs are straightened, raising them 10 cm from the floor surface. Alternately, the knee is pulled towards the opposite elbow, trying to keep your back straight. The shoulder blades are spread apart when performing a fitness move.


It is optimal for men to start with power loads with an emphasis on arms, abs and legs. Simple sports equipment, for example, dumbbells, will help you train correctly.

What you can do yourself:

  1. Push-ups: you need to lie on the floor, and then rise parallel to its level on straight arms and toes. The pelvis is in line with the back. As you exhale, bend your arms at the elbows, tilting chest to the floor. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  2. Dynamic lunges without sports equipment: legs are placed parallel. The body weight is transferred to the working leg, and the other leg is taken a wide step back, placing it on the toe. Both legs are bent at the knees, trying to make a deep squat. When extending the knees, the left leg is placed next to the right, after which the weight is transferred to the left.
  3. Dumbbell Incline Row: Choose a dumbbell weight that is comfortable for you. The right knee is placed on horizontal bench for bench press. In this case, you need to lean on it with your right hand. Angle in hip joint aligned to 90 degrees, while the back remains straight. Left leg moves slightly to the side. The head is parallel to the floor. The bar of the projectile should be parallel to the line of the body. The weight is pulled to the lower back, trying to bring the elbow to the top point. You need to stay at the peak point for a second while lowering the dumbbell.
  4. Glute bridge: you need to lie on the floor and place your arms along your body. With your feet fully on the floor, place them shoulder-width apart, bending your limbs in knee joints. As you exhale, tensing the muscles of your shoulder blades and calves, lift your butt off the floor and hold it in the highest possible position for several seconds. As you inhale, lower the pelvic area to the floor.

What are the goals of playing sports?

How a person will start playing sports from scratch depends on his goals.

A set of exercises for weight loss

To lose excess fat deposits, the following complex is suitable:

  • Cardio warm-up – 5 minutes of slow jumping rope;
  • squats with dumbbells (can be replaced with lunges) – 15 times in 3 sets;
  • lunges without weights – similar;
  • push-ups – 10 times, 4 sets;
  • gluteal bridge – 15 times, 3 cycles.

You can practice according to the principle circuit training– performing a set of each exercise one after another. Then after a half-minute break the circle is repeated.

Strength program

For development physical endurance The following training program is suitable:

  • squats with dumbbells – 20 times, 3 sets;
  • dumbbell incline press - similar;
  • push-ups – 15 times, 3 sets;
  • twisting on the floor - just that;
  • hyperextension on the floor – 10 times, 3 cycles.

There are practically no breaks between each fitness session. To build endurance, you need to train at a fast pace.

Muscle pumping complex

Exercises for a pumped-up body effect:

  • swinging the press with crunches (on the floor) at a fast pace - 20 times in 2 approaches;
  • deep squats – 10 times, 4 cycles;
  • lunges with dumbbells - similar;
  • standing dumbbell press – 15 times, 3 sets;
  • reverse push-ups – 15 times in 3 sets;
  • Bent-over dumbbell rows – similar;
  • plank – 1 minute.

Try to increase the number of repetitions with each workout.

How to train correctly to achieve success

Correct technique for performing selected fitness techniques is not the only condition for a productive workout. There are other components to success in playing sports from scratch.


Any person who decides to join fitness must clearly know what he wants to achieve through his efforts. The trainee should know that it takes at least a month to get the expected result. regular classes, combined with a healthy diet.


To train your body and improve your figure, you need to create a training regimen and stick to it. Doing exercises 2-3 times a week, the remaining days should be devoted to half-hour dynamic loads. This could be running, cycling, skiing and other types of active pastime, depending on the season.

To normalize your metabolism, you must also follow healthy regime day, avoiding overwork.


Muscles after exercise require rest from training, since during the recovery period they increase in volume. Therefore, trainings are organized at intervals of 1-2 days.

Bodybuilding, fitness and healthy lifestyle experts will tell you what to consider for those people who want to start productive training.

Semenikhin Denis, bodybuilder

Sports activities begin gradually, starting to organize trainings from 2 times a week. Changes in diet should also be introduced smoothly. A sudden change in habits will entail quick loss motivation.

Marika Matesovich, fitness trainer, author of a video channel dedicated to fitness

A warm-up with an emphasis on cardio will help you get into your training pace. This approach to organizing classes helps not only warm up your muscles and speed up your metabolism, but also psychologically prepare you for fitness.

Stich Evgeniy, fitness blogger

For beginners who want to pump up their muscles, I recommend starting the complex with push-ups. This is a good warm-up exercise that also helps build physical endurance.

Useful video

Main conclusions

  1. Getting started sports training from scratch you need to take into account your ultimate goals, as well as your gender.
  2. In training, you need to combine strength and cardio loads, without ignoring the warm-up at the beginning of the complex.
  3. You need to exercise 2-3 times a week, giving your muscles time to recover after training.
  4. Fitness combined with proper nutrition, maintaining a regime of activity and rest, as well as a dynamic lifestyle.

We hope that while sitting on the couch and eating a donut, you are thinking about where to start training at home and looking for exercises for beginners to start a new life not after the New Year, but right now.

Of course, you can remove the coffee table to free up space. Make sure you can get up 15 minutes early and find time to do some beginner exercises before work. And you can definitely stock up on barbells and dumbbells for exercise in your new home gym. But what next? With our help, your first steps towards good physical fitness will not become more confident and for this we have prepared a set of exercises for training at home.

Below is the list for which we have selected best exercises for beginners at home, along with information on how to do them correctly and what makes them useful. Read and combine them to form individual program classes with which it will be more convenient for you to start your first home fitness classes. These include basic exercises, workouts that are accessible to every beginner, but no less effective, as well as several isolated movements to make the training safe. Good luck.


How to do the exercise?

To get into a push-up position, lie on the floor with your hands shoulder-width apart and your back straight, creating a straight line from head to toe across your buttocks. Lower your body until your chest is an inch off the floor, then quickly rise up, straightening your arms completely. Repeat.

Why do this exercise at home?

Doing push-ups maximally utilizes multiple muscle groups, making your shoulders stronger and stronger. This exercise is easy to do at home. It prepares you for further heavy shoulder loads that you will encounter during exercise, such as when performing an incline bench press.

Standing Dumbbell Press

While standing, hold two dumbbells at shoulder level, with the grip on top and your palms facing forward. Make sure your elbows are out to the sides rather than pointing forward. Raise the dumbbells above your head until your arms are completely straight. Slowly return to the starting position.

For what?

It's more safe way strengthen your shoulders than the overhead press. The beginner's goal should be to avoid sprains. shoulder joints, and also protect yourself from an injury called rotator cuff syndrome. Skipping classes so early on initial stages working with weight is especially unacceptable.

With dumbbells in each hand, stand in a “shoulder-width apart” position. Keeping your head and back straight, squat down until the dumbbells are an inch off the floor. Avoid leaning your knees against your chest or toes, and avoid bending your back or leaning forward as if you were falling. Exit, straighten your legs and return to the starting position.

For what?

Squats are an excellent exercise in all respects, one of the best for strengthening all muscle groups. Dumbbells will allow you to focus on technique and work on your range of motion with light weights. Once you learn how to do this, you can take it to the next level by squatting at the gym.

"Farmer's Walk"

Grab two heavy dumbbells for each arm—about half your body weight—and hold them at your sides. Stand tall, point your shoulders back, and walk forward in short steps as quickly as you can.

For what?

This is very simple exercise no need to worry about technology. It targets the shoulder stabilizing muscles as well as the upper trapezius muscles and front deltoids. In addition, this exercise increases grip strength, which will also be useful in future exercises with weights.

Swing dumbbells to the sides

For this standing exercise, hold a light dumbbell in each hand. Slowly lift the dumbbells, arms out to the sides, until they are at shoulder level—no higher—and resist the urge to fool yourself by simply swinging the weights. Stop, then slowly return your arms to your sides. It is slowly - only in this way, resisting the force of gravity, you will pump up your muscles more than if you allow gravity to work for you.

For what?

If you do the exercise at home, it will best demonstrate the development of your shoulder girdle. Lateral raises directly target your middle deltoids, the middle three muscles shoulder, helping to develop the width and massiveness of the shoulder girdle. All this best creates that very V-shape that you dream of.

Calf raises with dumbbells

For this standing exercise, hold a dumbbell in each hand with the balls of your toes and heels touching the floor. Rise onto your toes and hold this position as long as possible. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

For what?

Many beginners tend to skip foot work when it comes time to exercise the leg muscles. Include this exercise in your home workout to ensure that you develop your legs just as if you were going to the gym.

Bicep curls with dumbbells

While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand, keep your shoulders still, and lift your weighted arms up until the dumbbells are level with your shoulders. Concentrate on keeping your elbows in the same position and only your forearms moving. Squeeze your biceps as hard as you can, then slowly lower and repeat.

For what?

The exercise is ideal for developing those muscles that you want to see in front of the mirror. By keeping your shoulders motionless, you achieve the maximum effect of increasing the entire biceps.

Lifting the bench with dumbbells

Stand in front of a bench with dumbbells in each hand. Rise up onto it with your right leg, pushing off from your heel so that you are completely on the bench. Step down with your left leg and repeat the exercise on the other side of the apparatus.

For what?

Activation of all upper muscles legs (buttocks, quadriceps and posterior muscles hips) represents their activity throughout the whole day, achieved by one exercise. Additionally, due to its low impact, it does not lead to the knee injuries associated with higher impact exercises.

Plank exercise

Get into a push-up position, but use your forearms instead of your hands. Make sure you straighten your back and tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles. Maintain the position without allowing your hips to sag.

For what?

Repeated crunches put pressure on your spine, and if done incorrectly, you'll end up with your abdominal muscles in strange, stretched shapes. The plank exercise is great for your core without causing any injury. By completing it you will receive slim stomach with six pack abs.

Lying leg raise

Lie on your back, arms along your body, legs straight. Raise your legs, helping yourself with your abdominal muscles, until your legs are above your head. Keep your body still, slowly lower your legs to the floor and repeat.

For what?

By keeping your core still and not allowing your pelvis to move, you activate your rectus abdominis (your inner six pack). Choose this exercise after squats every time.

"Dead Bug"

Lie on your back, stretch your arms up above you, bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. Straighten one leg until your heel is an inch off the floor, then return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

For what?

By straightening your legs and keeping your heels off the floor, you not only work your abdominal muscles, but also stabilize your core. This means that you develop muscles that you can not only see in the mirror, but also use on the sports field.

"Side plank"

Lie on your left side, keep your legs straight and lean on your elbow. Lift your body and lift your hip until your body forms a straight line. Breathe deeply while holding this position. Turn over and repeat on the other side.

For what?

This excellent exercise targets the small muscles of the back - quadratus muscles lower back. Strengthening them is key to spinal health and will help avoid the notorious back pain for beginners. The cut obliques are a bonus.

Lie on the floor with dumbbells in your hands. Bend your elbows and hold the weight above you. Perform the press by straightening your arms up. Raise your arms to the maximum, stop and slowly return to the starting position.

For what?

By limiting the range of motion in this exercise, you will help strengthen your chest and protect yourself from the risk of shoulder injury from overuse. Consider this your springboard to showing off how great of a bench presser you are in the gym.

Triceps extension

Use your left knee and left hand, like a support on a bench, and lean forward until your chest is parallel to the floor. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, with your biceps facing your torso and your elbow close to your body. Your arm should be bent 90 degrees so that the weight hangs below you. Gradually move the dumbbell back until your arm is completely straight behind you, then slowly return to the starting position.

For what?

Push-ups using the edge of a couch instead of parallel bars place an unsafe amount of tension in the shoulders. And this exercise affects only the triceps, which gives them maximum development, without putting unnecessary pressure on the joints. And given that triceps muscles make up two-thirds of the arm, which means that the weapon can be hidden in the sleeve in less time.

How to use the complex for weight gain and weight loss?

This set of exercises for beginners at home is designed for the first 2-3 months of training from scratch. Men and women can follow it, the main difference will be the working weights; for girls you need to take less.

To dial muscle mass With this training scheme, you need to use working weights with which you can do no more than 10 repetitions in one approach.

To lose weight, you need to perform exercises as intensely as possible in the style of endurance training, more than 15 repetitions per approach. A superset scheme is also good, in which you perform exercises one after another. For example, we did 10 push-ups and immediately went to press dumbbells while standing, also 10 repetitions. We rested for a minute and a half and repeated the superset again. Do this up to 4-5 approaches, then take the second pair. The training should last no more than 1 hour, it is better to do it in 50 minutes. You can train like this 3-4 times a week, and if you have the desire and strength, you can do it more often.

(8 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Exercising at home has many benefits. By working out at home, you will not only save time that people spend on traveling to the gym, but also money for a fitness club membership. If you want to be in good shape, then take a few significant steps and start a home workout course. You will definitely see more than positive results.


Preparing for sports at home

    Set a study schedule. It will be easier for you to stick to your goal if you have a clear workout routine. Ideally, the schedule will be as stable as possible. This way, both you and your family members will take the classes seriously.

    • Choose specific days and times for arguing (for example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 7:00).
    • Choose a suitable place in the house where you feel comfortable doing your exercises. Make sure you have enough space where nothing will interfere with you.
    • Be disciplined. Don't let yourself get lazy just because you're at home.
  1. Make sure that no one and nothing distracts you. Try to do your activities when no one is home and so that you don't have to think about other things, such as washing or cooking.

    • You probably don't want to compete with your family members who will need to take care of household chores. And children generally have a tendency to sit on top of their parents doing push-ups or squats.
    • If you have thoughts about the need to do some household chores, you will probably think that this is a good reason to refuse a workout or simply finish them early.
  2. Play your part. Put on some music and put on sports-appropriate clothing before you begin your workout.

    • Rhythmic music will help you get in the mood for sports and will help release adrenaline.
    • If you prepare for exercise at home as carefully as you prepare for going to the gym, you will be more motivated and will definitely complete a full workout. Plus, you'll feel guilty if you dress up to exercise but sit around looking for excuses not to exercise.
  3. Drink enough water. Always keep a bottle of water near you during your workout, even if it happens at home. You shouldn't expect to be able to drink a glass of water as soon as you feel thirsty because you may lack the discipline.

    • Meanwhile, maintaining water balance during training is extremely important. It is necessary to replenish the fluid lost during training, this is the only way you will maintain your energy.
    • It's best to drink water between exercises. For example, if you do two sets of twenty squats, drink water after the first set and after the second.
  4. Balance your diet. It is very important to adhere healthy eating while playing sports. Have a healthy snack 45 minutes before your workout to give you energy and stamina.

  5. Consider whether you need stretching. Some people are of the opinion that stretching before the actual workout is great way Stretch your body muscles and prevent injury. . However, there is an opposite opinion, according to which stretching does not guarantee protection from injury.

    • If you feel that you are flexible and stretched enough to start playing sports without unnecessary preliminary warm-ups, then go ahead without stretching.
    • But if you feel like your body is “stiff” and your muscles are not flexible enough, then you should consider stretching to warm them up.

    Use what's around you

    1. Consider if there is anything in your home that could be beneficial for your cardio workout. Running isn't the only way to do this exercise, and you don't need a StairMaster if you have real stairs at home.

      • Walk or run up and down the stairs, depending on your exercise technique. You can also do platform steps using the bottom rung of a ladder.
      • Do a few rounds of feet-together, feet-apart jumping jacks or jump rope in the yard or large room.
    2. Do some strength training. You can come up with a lot of options strength exercises using what you have at home. Even walls, floors and furniture are excellent helpers in muscle development exercises. There are a lot of items suitable for use when playing sports in your home.

      • On the floor you can do push-ups, squats, and do elbow stands.
      • If you don't have enough free space on the floor, use the wall for bodyweight squats. You can also do push-ups in a standing position, standing against a wall (feet apart, shoulder-width apart and at a distance of about 15 cm from the wall), placing your palms on the wall at chest level.
    3. Use for sports activities, furniture available in your home. Pay attention to your furniture and think about which items can be used as sports equipment.

      • The fitball can be used for push-ups, crunches for abdominals or strengthening the body core.
      • The chair can be used for triceps exercises (seated push-ups).
      • Place a sturdy mop or broom between two sturdy, equally high surfaces to perform push-ups from a prone position.
    4. Do yoga. Yoga classes are easy to organize at home, as they are performed on the floor (or on a mat, if you have one). Yoga is great for normalizing heart rhythms, calming and stretching after a regular course of sports exercises. With the help of yoga, you will also harmonize your thoughts and relax your body.

      • Sun Salutations (a form of yoga) are an excellent addition to a standard set of sports exercises for a little cardio while harmonizing your thoughts.
      • The inclined dog position increases flexibility and helps strengthen the back muscles.
      • Chair pose helps develop a sense of balance and puts stress on the hips.

    Try CDs with recordings of sports exercises or games

    • Eat healthy and drink enough water to maintain energy.
    • Start small. Do not try to take on serious loads right away.
    • There is no need to go too far with your workouts, citing the fact that you are at home. If you feel like your workouts are too long, shorten them. The main thing is that they remain effective.
    • Always warm up before starting your workouts at home, and allow yourself to gradually cool down as you finish them. You should not follow the path of least resistance and ignore generally accepted rules.

Beautiful figure impossible without sports. Surely each of us at one time or another tried to start doing it, but not everyone succeeded, or if it did, it didn’t last long. In fact, the most difficult thing is to start, both from scratch and after a break, and then a person gets involved and continues to study. How to start playing sports? You need to work on yourself, including psychological work, and understand exactly why you need this.

A little about the benefits of sports

Regular physical activity- a great way to improve not only your figure, but also your health. Therefore, before you start exercising at home from scratch, you need to talk a little about the benefits of exercise.

Physical activity helps us lose weight and maintain correct weight, muscle mass, reduces the risk of numerous diseases. In addition, it has been proven that exercise improves mood, activates brain activity, and has a beneficial effect on sleep and libido. They also help maintain proper energy levels. Thus, they help us improve our lives on all fronts, improve both our figure and our health.

Types of exercises

Physical activity is represented by a huge amount various types. Here are the most common:

  • Aerobics. Typically, such exercises are the basis of any fitness program and include periods of continuous movement. This is, for example, running, swimming or dancing.
  • Power. Increases muscle strength and endurance. This is, for example, lifting weights, running short distance, plyometrics.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics. Assumes basic movements bodies performed at an average aerobic pace without exercise equipment. These are, for example, squats, lunges, pull-ups, push-ups.
  • High Intensity Interval Training. It involves alternating high-intensity exercises first, and then low-intensity exercises or rest.
  • Exercises to develop resilience. Help strengthen muscles and improve coordination of movements. These include, for example, Pilates and general strengthening exercises.
  • Exercises to develop flexibility. Helps restore muscles, improve coordination of movements and prevent injuries. These include yoga and various individual stretching exercises.

These groups of exercises can be performed both together and separately.

Sport should bring not only benefits, but also pleasure, so try to choose the type that you like. The modern sports industry offers a lot of different programs, from which everyone can choose something that suits them.

Where to begin?

It is important to start playing sports correctly - a lot depends on the start. Before you start training, keep these things in mind:

Need a health check

Starting to play sports is an important stage, and initially you need to understand that it will not harm you, and for this you need exclude the presence of contraindications, consult a specialist and undergo examination.

This condition is especially important for those who have never played sports before, have certain health conditions or are advanced in age. A specialist will help you choose the optimal load option that will only bring benefits.

Making a plan and setting goals

“I want to start playing sports - where to start?” is a fairly popular question. Initially, it is important to create a plan that includes your goals and how to achieve them. The steps should be kept as simple as possible at first, and as you improve physical training you will complicate them.

For example, if your goal is to run 5 kilometers, then first you can add several shorter distances to your plan. When you cope with them, add a certain number of meters until you have completed all the coveted 5 km. Starting with realistic, small, and achievable goals will increase your chances of success and keep you from giving up. If you immediately set an impossible bar, it may discourage you from playing sports at all.

Sports should become your habit

Another important point in how to start playing sports from scratch - making training a part of your life on an ongoing basis. They should become your habit - this way you can instill responsibility and discipline in yourself.

Choose the time you will devote to sports - in the morning, for example, or in the evening after work. Now get it into your head that this is the time you are training – without excuses or laziness.

How much do you need to practice

A competent program is where to start playing sports. It is important not to immediately burden yourself with trying to set records. According to experts, 150 moderate doses is enough for a person. aerobic exercise in Week. You can distribute this time over the days of the week yourself, as is more convenient for you. For example, you can exercise five times a week for 30 minutes or 35-40 minutes every other day.

At first, training should be moderate. Increase their intensity gradually as your training improves. It is also important to know that the body needs rest, and recovery time is no less important than the training itself.

Weekly training program

To start playing sports at home, you need to decide what your program will include. Let's give a simple example of a weekly training program, which will not require additional equipment and will be designed for 30-45 minutes a day. She will give you a rough idea of ​​how to start classes and help you create an individual program for yourself. Programs can be changed, complicated, varied. The lesson can begin with exercises of any kind.

  • Monday. 40 minutes of moderate jogging or brisk walking.
  • Tuesday. Rest.
  • Wednesday. Active walking for ten minutes, then perform a set of the following exercises (perform them with a minute break between sets, then stretch):

Three sets of ten lunges on two legs, ten push-ups, ten sit-ups.

Three sets of ten chair push-ups, ten air squats and ten stretches.

  • Thursday. Rest.
  • Friday. Half an hour cycling or jogging at a fast pace.
  • Saturday. Rest.
  • Sunday. Run or long walk for 40 minutes.

This is just an approximate simple program on how to start playing sports at home, which can be used at home. Much depends on what type of activity you choose and what your level of training is.

How to start eating right and exercising: useful tips

To achieve your goals, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. This is important for maintaining normal water balance in the body. When you exercise, the body actively loses fluid, and this balance needs to be replenished. You can drink water before, after and during training.
  • Optimize your nutrition. Whether you want to lose weight or gain muscle, nutrition matters a lot. It should contain enough proteins that provide energy complex carbohydrates, plant components. Try to refuse harmful products– look for a useful alternative to them.
  • You should always warm up before training. It will help significantly reduce the risk of injury during exercise, prepare the muscles, help improve results, and also prevent pain after training. As a warm-up, you can use fast walking, light jogging, swings, lunges, bends, and so on.
  • Hitch. After training, a cool-down is also important - it helps the body return to normal, restores pulse and breathing, and relaxes muscles. This is just a short pause, but it is also very important. The specifics of the cool-down will depend on the workout itself: after running it can be light walking, after resistance exercises it can be stretching.
  • Listen to your body. In the initial stages, it is especially important to be able to listen to your body and give it reasonable stress. If you feel pain or discomfort during exercise, stop and give yourself a rest. There is no need to train through pain - this can cause injury. Remember that training more and faster does not mean better.

A little about motivation

Motivation is incredibly important when playing sports. She is the one who will help you not to give up. Initially, it is important to approach training with a positive attitude and ease, and enjoy it. This will help get rid of the anxious thoughts that often plague beginning athletes. Any program can be changed and customized depending on your desires and preferences.

Those who love communication and find it difficult to study at home can train in gym, in groups for yoga, Pilates or any other sport. You can also practice with someone close to you.

As for motivation itself, here you need to understand what you are doing, why and for what purpose. A beautiful figure, improved health, elastic muscles - keep in mind the ultimate goal for which you started exercising. Remember it as soon as you feel that it is difficult for you to overcome laziness and start playing sports.

To start studying at home, for a girl or guy you can make your workouts more comfortable, while listening to your favorite music or watching an interesting program. If you don't know how to start exercising after... long break, remember what benefits sports gave you before and sincerely want to get it all back and improve your results.

Starting is not easy, but starting right is even harder. But this is precisely the stage that lays the foundation for further results. Do right choice Once again, understand that you really need it, and treat training and losing weight in general with ease and pleasure - then the results will not keep you waiting.

Independent studies exercise– a fairly common practice lately. However, when starting to exercise, some people do not even suspect that they are doing something wrong. So the topic today– independent and how to properly practice at home.

Basic rules for homework

What is independent exercise? For some it's normal morning work-out, and some conduct full-time classes in the evening. Of course, the desire to exercise is wonderful, but without knowing some basic rules, exercise can lead to disastrous consequences, such as injuries and overload.

So, what Basic Rules independent studies physical education:

  • There must be a warm-up, and it must be done from the bottom up - from the toes of the feet to the neck and head;
  • after warming up, it is best to do exercises for the legs, specifically the muscles lower limbs are the most durable;
  • after loading your legs, you need to do exercises for your arms, back and shoulders;
  • After exercising your arms and back, train your abdominal muscles.

It is very important to remember that you should not eat for about two hours before and after training. If hunger is completely tormenting you, then you can have a small snack with a banana, cucumber or apple, but not less than half an hour after.

Advice for those who decide to exercise on their own

So you've decided to switch to healthy image life and, first of all, engage in physical education. This step is already worthy of respect. If you decide to exercise at home, then best time- morning. At this time, the household members are still sleeping and no one will disturb you. However, not everyone can get out of bed and “get healthy” early in the morning. According to research, the highest physical activity is observed from 10 to 13 and from 16 to 19 hours.

Exercising should be fun for you, and classes through “I don’t want” will definitely not benefit you. Therefore, try to select activities so that you are primarily interested. If you, in principle, belong to the category of people who do not like to play sports, but understand that it is necessary, invite a friend. Firstly, it will be easier for you to study together, and secondly, it will be much more difficult to “escape” from class.

Once you start exercising, you need to clearly define the goal, which you are going to and the time in which you need to achieve it. Also remember that you must be constant, only in this case can you count on any result, and practicing from time to time will not bring you any benefit.