Practicing side impacts. Staging a blow: knockout, with a hand. Setting up a punch in boxing

Have you ever noticed that huge and pumped-up guys sometimes can’t knock out their opponents, but skinny and completely unsightly-looking guys suddenly send their opponents to the ground, leaving the latter drooling with their eyes rolled up?

Some chalk it up to luck, others to the health problems of the person being knocked out or, on the contrary, to the incredible strength of the opponent’s jaw, and some stubbornly insist that the jocks are simply not good for anything.

In reality, everything is much simpler. The “firepower” of any person consists of two key elements: the physiology of the striker (strength, speed, conduction of nerve impulses, etc.) and his own percussion technology. And if with the first point everything is quite obvious, and you can develop it by systematically training with iron, doing stretching and simply running, then with the second everything is much more complicated. Let's talk about him.

Striking technique, as the captain obviously tells us, is the ability to deliver good, well-placed blows that cause maximum damage to the opponent. There are two ways to learn this, simple and complex. An easy way is to sign up for the nearest section, buy and follow the instructions of the trainer. If the trainer turns out to be incompetent, or during the training process he is not satisfied with some component, even a minor one, move to the next room, if he is not satisfied again, repeat.

The method is complex - independent mastery of various technical actions. If you take this path, you will face a number of very serious problems. First of all, the inability to notice one’s own mistakes, which is characteristic of the vast majority of people. The second unpleasant aspect will be the high cost of initial purchases, because the gloves will also be added, which costs almost as much as an annual subscription to the average martial arts section, or even more. The third point, missed by many, but still playing a role, will be psychology. Not everyone can systematically force themselves to practice at home, while in the club the atmosphere itself obliges you to make every effort.

But let's move on directly to practicing strikes. It would seem worth starting with the jab, as they do in most sections, but let's be honest: a person training at home is unlikely to prepare for the official championship, and the jab is a weapon used either exclusively in the ring or cage, or by great masters, because its use on street requires significant skills.

Due to the factors described above, we will start with direct blow rear hand (right for right-handers and left, respectively, for left-handers). Take a fighting stance: the front leg is half a step forward, the knees are slightly bent, the back hand is at the chin, the front hand is extended forward and also slightly bent. The blow is delivered with the whole body: step forward with the front leg, the back leg and body twist inward, moving the body forward so that the shoulder quickly moves towards the target. The back arm straightens sharply, but remains relaxed until the moment of striking. The brush is screwed into the target. At the moment of impact, the shoulder covers the jaw, protecting it from oncoming side kicks. A good lead-in exercise is to hit the punching bag with your shoulder, simulating a straight punch without directly connecting your hands.

The side kick (aka hook) is perhaps the best thing you can do during street fight. The “collective farm” kick, as the most common cause of collisions with the ground, does not require special technique if the striker has sufficient stupidity, but it can be improved. Just as in the case of a direct blow, the whole body must work, starting from calf muscles. A sub-step with a push and a simultaneous slight squat, twisting the body and a powerful lateral movement of the arm. Pulling your shoulder back in advance can significantly strengthen the attack, but, as a rule, opponents notice such a maneuver and dodge in time. The simplest approach exercise is to throw a fitness stick over your shoulders and, placing your hands on it, imitate an attack. After some time after such exercises, you will be able to find the optimal trajectory of movements.

Last basic hit- uppercut, a powerful weapon, but just like the previous two techniques, it requires some preparation. A good uppercut, like previous punches, requires the entire body to be engaged. We sit up on our feet, twisting the body, slightly moving the beating shoulder back and straightening with a sharp movement like a spring. In a good way To deliver a strong uppercut will be practicing this blow with dumbbells.

Hello, dear men. Finally it's time for our next training session. During our close communication, what parts of the body and muscle groups were not trained: arms, legs, chest, shoulders, back - in general, the whole body. You and I gained weight and did fat burning, went on diets and much, much more. But every self-respecting man is simply obliged to have an iron blow. Do you agree? And for this, punching force training is perfect.

You should probably remember that you and I have already performed exercises to train the technique. Well, there will be a reason to repeat them. But how to ensure that the blow is truly crushing and the fist is iron - this is what our training today will focus on.


How to develop punching power? Naturally, only by training. And how to train – right now.

Let's first look at what the impact force generally depends on. There are two components that come together here:

1. Body weight;
2. Impact speed.

Therefore, if you are light, work on your speed, but if you are heavy, then take advantage of the mass of the blow.

If you have at home heavy ball, like the way boxers train, or at least basketball, then this exercise, by the way, like most today, you can do at home. Simply, with outstretched arms, lift the ball above your head, hit it on the floor with all your strength, and immediately catch it after the first bounce. Naturally, this training must be repeated time after time, doing several approaches of at least 15-20 repetitions.

Since our legs are important for us to strike strongly, we cannot do without training them. Here the well-known “jump squats” will suit us. I recommend doing it with dumbbells so that the load is greater.

But we also can’t do it without training our hands. Which muscles primarily influence the force of a blow? That's right: triceps, shoulders and back. Accordingly, strength training will consist of exercises aimed at these muscle groups.

Our first number will be pull-ups, best of all, again, with weights.

Next, push-ups on your fists - you understand perfectly well that not a single workout for fists can do without this exercise. You can replace it periodically, only with light weight. Whatever option you choose, the intensity of the training should be maximum.

Reverse push-ups are great for triceps. You know how they are made, right? Take a stool, turn your back to it, sit down a little and rest your palms on it. Lower your torso up/down. By the way, put a weight on your stomach so that push-ups don’t seem too easy to you.

When you're done, don't take the weight away. Better yet, bring a second one, because almost any exercise with them will suit our business like nothing else.

Perform a variety of arm raises, as they strengthen the hands, develop the delta, increase strength and endurance - all of which are of great importance for the correct, strong blow. Try lifting weights while standing, sitting and lying down - in general, any workout will be what you need.

Get yourself wrist expander– for developing the strength of the hand and fingers, for the forearm this is an irreplaceable thing. And the exercise with a sledgehammer! Yes, this is the training of almost any professional fighter without rules. Just remember P. Emelianenko - how in the village he hit a tractor wheel with a huge heavy sledgehammer!

By the way, today a similar simulator, if you can call it that, is present at many public sports grounds. So if you know such a place, be sure to do it this way.

Correct shot

To have for real swipe, in addition to the sharpness and speed that we developed by practicing punching techniques, it is very important to put all your weight into it. What is needed for that?

When striking, watch your feet - they should be slightly wider than the width of your shoulders. When you hit, the foot should turn after the hand, as it moves, and lift the leg correctly starting from the heel. That is, if you, for example, hit with your left hand, then your right leg should stand still, and your left should follow your hand.

Watch your knees - they should be slightly bent to make it easier to transfer your weight forward when striking. The torso should not reach behind the hand - it should turn as sharply as possible. Naturally, the fist should be clenched as tightly as possible, literally digging your nails into the palm. And you only need to beat while exhaling. Yes, and if you don’t want to warn your opponent in advance about your intentions to hit him properly, swinging, do not under any circumstances move your hand back.

But how to place a shot? You need to start with . Let's start with a fist stand. Just take the same position as the starting position before doing push-ups. It would be correct to try to place the main emphasis on the knuckles of the index and middle fingers, since it is they, first of all, that will “touch” the opponent’s face or torso. While performing the exercise, stand on one hand, then on the other. Gradually move on to finger push-ups, which, by the way, should also be done extremely intensely.

A valuable training exercise would be throwing an empty barbell out in front of you.

A huge role in setting up a strike will be practicing the technique in front of a mirror, shadowboxing, and again, bench press at an explosive pace.

We worked on all of these exercises when we were working on technique, so add them to your workout.

However, it is extremely important to have a truly iron fist.

Iron fist

What exercises for fists can best make them as hard as possible and not sensitive to pain?
All the same push-ups, stand-up. But the best training, in my opinion, is the “diamond fist” exercise, which came to us from karate.

You will need two planks of approximately 20cm x 20cm, although a wooden floor will also work. Take the starting position as before push-ups. Now, pushing off the floor a little with your hands, land with your fists on the boards placed under them, or on the floor.

This exercise strengthens your knuckles so much that you can’t even imagine! Try to do 20-30 of these “jumps” at first. In fact, already sufficiently trained athletes do no more than 80 repetitions. As you jump, you can rotate your wrist, thus changing the position of your fist.

If you decide to get serious about impact power. Then you first need to acquire the minimum such as a punching bag and gloves.

That's all, actually. Watch another video that I prepared especially for our today's training. I’ll tell you for sure: train in this way for at least 2-3 months, honestly trying to complete all the exercises, and after this time your strength and iron fist will be able to cope with almost any opponent. With this I say goodbye to you until the next training session.

Every fighter, from a professional to a beginner, is eager to have a strong blow, strong enough so that the fight does not drag on for tens of minutes, but to knock out the enemy from the first seconds, which shows the level of the fighter and everyone thought about it. And even quite experienced guys who have fought many fights, due to the lack of the necessary knowledge, do not grow further in their careers, and coaches also do not know what training methods to make a blow stronger.

Any correct, strong blow is made in two stages. The first is called *disruption*, when trained, the fighter will be able to unexpectedly and quickly attack in battle. The second is called - *acceleration of the fist*.

First, let's talk about *breakdown*; to master this technique, you need complete muscle relaxation, as well as a good morale. In training, we achieve the effect of a subconscious strike, that is, the strike must be completely reflexive, without concentration, I will tell you how to achieve this later.

Stall time

In order for the initial phase of strikes to be performed as expected, it is necessary to perform certain exercises:

1 exercise

In this exercise you need to hit the sound signal. This can be either a clap or a whistle.

To improve the severity of the reaction, you need to use several types of signals. Having previously agreed on action or inaction on a certain signal. And start working.

Exercise 2

The most the right exercise in *stall* is the *touch* exercise. It consists in the fact that the athlete who is in front strikes it only after touching the partner, who should be behind his back. You can also strike in the air.

After touching the partner, it is necessary for the athlete to make a hard blow as quickly as possible. The exercise is to reduce the time between touch and impact.

Exercise 3

It is necessary to strike a newspaper approximately 30 by 30 cm, which can be hung anywhere and struck. The task is to break through the newspaper, for this the blow must be quite sharp.

Exercise 4

Training with a boxing paw. Very important exercise*breakdown*, it’s easy to work with her, the partner constantly changes the distance of the paw.

Practicing *acceleration of fist*

This type of training serves to increase the explosive power of the blow, that is, increasing its strength and speed.

To develop a strong blow:

  1. Bench press horizontal bench, the weight is selected for 12 repetitions.
  2. Push the kettlebell into fast pace. Works great on your back and legs.
  3. Push-ups at a fast pace.
  4. Push-ups with clapping from the floor.

After completing these exercises, the question of how to deliver a knockout blow disappears by itself, since the power of your blow will increase significantly. The blow will be strong enough to knock down any opponent.

Watch the video on how to deliver a knockout blow:

Knockout punch is a set of exercises for developing the speed and power of punches:

The video is posted in the public domain on a third-party resource; the blog editors are not responsible for the content of the video and its quality and do not guarantee its availability and the ability to view it in the future.

That's all for me. See you on the pages of my blog.

Or even very strong, is not always a knockout. You can hit hard, but if the blow misses or does not hit the target exactly, then there will be no knockout. In order to knock out a person, it is enough to hit the person on the chin. If you look at it, to achieve a strike that will send people to “rest” you need to train - technique, accuracy, speed, and of course strength, unfortunately, if the strike is executed correctly, but does not have sufficient strength, you will not achieve the result.

Unlike a knockout blow, a strong punch can be developed at home or on your own, especially if you have at least some boxing knowledge ( Thai boxing), that is, you clearly understand that the force of the blow depends little on muscle strength, i.e. You know how to hit or, if you want, “you have a shot.” Impact force maybe just murderous Even a small man has an example - the Muay Thai legend Ramon Dekkers, who, according to the testimony of his opponents, had extraordinary punching power for his size.

Previously we wrote about the theoretical part of the impact force -

Do you want to develop a blow so that it causes maximum damage?

Exercises to develop punching power

Here I want to systematize methods for increasing the power of a strike, which will help you if you master its basic technique, that is, elementary footwork when striking.


1. Tire and Hammer(sledgehammer). Hitting the tire with a hammer, preferably a big one, because if you miss you will be repairing the floor of your parquet. When I was in the army, I loved to knock down doors with a 5kg hammer, which we always had with us in case of an unkind refusal by the owner to open the door (in the case of a combination of unkindness and a strong door, explosives were used). True, I hit the door as if from the side, but I advise you to use the classic boxing method from above over your head. (Above Adamek demonstrates how to do it)

A blow with a sledgehammer should be applied as straight as possible from above, avoiding twisting of the spine at the moment of impact - otherwise injury A.

Seasonal cutting of wood is basically the same except for different results from missing a hammer and an ax.

2.Bar without weight or weighted stick for fitness.Standing, take the bar and push it forward as quickly and as strongly as possible, or rather back and forth. Personally, I prefer to do this not at speed, but by jumping from foot to foot, as if on a jump rope, and throwing it forward with a sharp explosive movement.

3. Heavy bag and wall cushion. We practice a strong, penetrating blow, sharply thrown at the target. Particular attention to the correct pattern of the blow, legs and shoulders. It seems to me that it is very important to analyze your own blow, the problems of the biomechanics of the blow.

4.Medicine ball:

a) We throw with all our strength into the area of ​​the partner’s ribs and abdomen. He catches it and throws it back

b) One holds the medicine ball, the other hits one round with all the strength and speed. The one who hits tries to knock the medicine ball out of his partner’s hands, if the ball falls, the holder does push-ups 20 times. So 3 rounds in a row, with roles changing

d) Pushing the medicine ball from a lying position into the hands of a standing partner. Alternating emphasis when pushing with the left and right hand.

e) Standing - raise the medicine ball above your head, “drive it into the ground” in front of you, you can jump a little

5. Exercises with rubber expanders. We tie one end somewhere behind the back, for example to wall bars, with the other end in hand, we imitate blows.

6. 30 boxing push-ups(narrow grip and half amplitude) and immediately after that for 30 seconds - straight, as fast and strong as possible blows(do not straighten your arms completely elbow joints so as not to damage them). A minute of rest and again. 3-5 sets.

7. Eight weights in front of you (if there is no weight, replace it with a pancake). Rotations of clubs (or dumbbell bars weighted at one end)

8. Progressive combinations.

For example:

Set: 10 straight left punches. 10 double straight left punches. 10 double straight left and right punches.

You can create different sets.

9. Shadow boxing with dumbbells different weights.

10. According to Khusainov (1995) effective training accentuated and strong impact should include the following exercises (methodology from the study):

1. Three times a week, signature blows are applied to the wall cushion - 10 rounds. One blow every 3 seconds. One round - 50-60 blows, 10 rounds in total. Rest for a minute between rounds and strike with maximum force.

2. Three times a week (other days) train with a barbell.

a) Half squats-scissors with a barbell on the shoulders, barbell - 70% of your weight.. Half squats followed by straightening the legs and raising the toes - 5 sets of 20 repetitions. Rest - 1-2 minutes.

b) Torso turns with a bar - 5 sets of 20. Bar weight - 15-20 kg, depending on your own weight. Rest one to two minutes.

c) Bench press to failure - 5 sets. 1st set 70% of the maximum weight of the barbell, 2nd set - 75%; 3rd - with 80%; 4 - with 85%, 5 - with 90% weight. Rest 1-2 min.

12. Running time strong kick:

"10-20-10". We hit with all our strength and with maximum speed. 10 middle kicks on the pads with one leg, 20 knees, 10 middle kicks with the other leg. We do everything with high speed and maximum strength.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t do all these exercises together - you’ll easily overtrain. In addition, you need to correctly calculate and insert these exercises into your training. Also, the sledgehammer is a very tiring exercise and don't try it the day before doing heavy leg work like squats. However, punching exercises on a bag and wall pad can be extremely tiring and it will be difficult for you to work on the chest the next day.

What muscles are responsible for the force of the blow? It is important to strengthen the following muscles: triceps, forearm, shoulders, legs, chest. This is all done using typical boxing exercises such as shadow boxing, Thai jump rope, different kinds push-ups, including explosive push-ups (with a pop).

The only muscle that should NOT be particularly developed is the biceps. A well-developed biceps slows down and strengthens the blow.

Do not forget that a good, knockout blow is first a competent blow, the correct work of the legs, torso and shoulder girdle, that is, the entire chain transmitting force like a rope, which always begins in the legs, is transmitted to the pelvic area, then to shoulder girdle, which in turn throws the semi-relaxed hand towards the target.

Often a weak blow is caused by a loss of impact force in the joints. The joint transmits impact force, that is, it is necessary not to lose it in the process of transferring from the legs to the arm.

Keep in mind that a strong blow requires strong ligaments. If you hit hard while wearing gloves, this does not mean that you won’t hurt your hand on the street. Therefore, along with a strong blow, it is necessary (if for the street) to train the ligaments, for example, doing push-ups on your fists.

In addition, ask yourself why you need a “knockout (strong) blow.” I hope you are not trying to get away from the need to study fighting techniques and develop endurance, because one strong “knockout” blow will not help both for sports and for the street.

Technique for delivering a knockout blow

Any accented blow includes two phases. The first, the initial one, is the so-called "disruption". Having mastered this phase, you will be able to act unexpectedly in a fight, which is a decisive factor in the effectiveness of a knockout blow. "Disruption" requires complete muscle relaxation and corresponding psychological mood, as if “unwilling” to hit - the blow is carried out at the subconscious level.

    Strike on the "touch" signal. The athlete, standing in a fighting stance and completely relaxed, strikes the bag or the air, reacting to the touch of a partner standing behind. Touches can be made with the hand or foot at different points of the body, at different intervals, either with noticeable jolts or with light touches. Having received the signal, the student “explodes” with a sharp blow. Its task is to reduce to a minimum the time from the partner’s touch to the completion of the fist blow.

    Hit the horn. A partner standing out of sight of the athlete gives a conditioned sound signal (for example, clapping his hands), upon which the student makes a blow. To increase the severity of the reaction, it is useful to change the nature of the signal (say, a sharp shout “Hey!”), To which the athlete should not react. The task of the exercise is the same as in the first case.

    Working in pairs striking a partner to the body, which bounces on full distance contact impact. The task is to “get” your partner with a blow before he is at a safe distance. Here, an important role is played by psychological relaxation (that very “reluctance” to hit), which, through the behavior of the student, is to a large extent transmitted to the partner.

    Punches on a boxer's paw, holding which, the coach or partner either changes the distance (but not further than the contact strike distance), or sharply removes the projectile up or down.

    Hitting a piece of newspaper size 25x25 cm, which the partner holds by top corners. This exercise is from the realm of aerobatics. If you manage to not only tear the newspaper, but punch it with a blow of your bare fist, then you have a fairly “sharp” blow, delivered with a high degree of accuracy.

Before talking about the second phase of the accented strike, you should pay attention to one circumstance. Outer side the hands of an untrained person are very vulnerable. The phalanges of the fingers are quite fragile and are not protected by muscles. Any hand-to-hand fighter, and a boxer in particular, when striking, runs the risk of “getting” a noticeable injury to his hand instead of the desired early victory, if his fists have not undergone the “hardening” process.

The methods of this hardening are very diverse. Recognized as the most effective pushups lying down, but not on the palms, but on clenched fists - first on the phalanges, and then on the bent knuckles. To avoid pain, push-ups should be done first on a soft mat or on the floor of the ring, and then you can move on to the hard floor of the hall. When your hands are sufficiently hardened, you can move on to “walking” on your fists, moving in a lying position across the hall.

Second hand hardening methodworking on bags. Here it is necessary to make a retreat. You can buy a bag at a sporting goods store, pay quite a lot for it and... not get what you need. Because factory bags are mainly adapted to work with boxing gloves and are not suitable for hardening the hands of participants in hand-to-hand combat (they “work” with bare fists), and even boxers, according to by and large, Same.

Take the time and effort to make bags for your section yourself. From a double layer of tarpaulin or leatherette, sew a cylinder with a diameter of 50-60 cm, the length of a regular boxing bag. Sew the bottom to the size of the circumference of the cylinder from the bottom, and two or four straps (possibly with metal rings) on top to secure the bag to the ceiling. When the base is ready, an ordinary sugar or cereal bag is inserted inside the cylinder and filled with dry grain, preferably wheat or barley. The neck of the inner bag is tied tightly so that the grain does not “walk around”. The bag is ready and can last 10-15 years without changing grain. Its main advantage is that the grain creates a density variant close to the density of the human body, that is, the obstacle that a fighter’s hand will encounter - both in hand-to-hand combat and in boxing. The weight of the bag should range from 60-80 kg. I will add that making such a projectile will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than purchasing a store bag.

And now that your room is properly equipped, let’s move on to further classes. Second phase of impact - fist acceleration. Its effectiveness depends on the speed-strength training of the athlete. Training can be of a different nature. Some coaches, for example, exclude exercises with weights from the training of their players so as not to “slow down” the speed of the strike. This misconception. Quick Strike without a strong emphasis, it may not always be a knockout blow, especially if it is applied to the body. In terms of gaining winning points in sports karate or amateur boxing, it is effective, but this is where its tactical significance is limited. As for powerful high-speed strike, then its basis in addition to speed is also force.

    Lying barbell chest press. The weight of the apparatus should allow the athlete to perform 12 repetitions at medium speed.

    Clean and jerk two weights weighing 24-32 kg, performed at a fast pace. The muscles of the legs and back are involved in the work.

    One-arm kettlebell snatch weighing 24-32 kg. Performed at a fast pace.

    Lying push-ups (they were already discussed above):

    • at a fast pace on fists and fingers;

      lying flat with clapping of palms between push-ups;

      sitting upright, leaning on a small elevation located behind.

Working on the bag. The athlete’s imagination plays a significant role here. The “target” of the blow should not be the surface of the bag, but a certain point located in its depth. You need to strive, as experienced trainers say, to “break through the bag”:

    from a fighting stance - a powerful single blow from the striking hand, then from a modified stance. “Punch the bag” to the furthest possible depth inside;

    double blow on the bag with one or two hands, the first blow to medium depth, the second to maximum depth;

    a powerful penetrating blow towards the approaching bag.

Boxing pad work. The paw remains the most universal projectile for boxers - participants hand-to-hand combat etc., since its movements best simulate the displacement of strike targets in real combat. So:

    hit on the paw on a visual signal. Performed with a lunge from a stance with feet close together. In this case, the partner with the paw must constantly change the rhythm of the display, move the projectile up and down, left and right;

    a blow to the paw, which the partner holds at the same level, constantly moving. The attacker “hunts” for the paw, also moving and trying to strike a strong beat from the most advantageous position;

    a blow with an instant withdrawal of the fist back. The partner holds the paw motionless, but at the same time holds in the other hand a short rope or a cloth belt, with which he hits the attacker on the hand at the moment of delivering the blow. The latter's task is to perform a sharp blow and avoid a response with a rope or belt.

The techniques listed above, of course, do not exhaust all the exercises aimed at practicing a well-executed knockout blow. But even these, if you constantly use them in training, are quite enough for a formidable weapon to appear in your tactical arsenal, using which, standing over a defeated opponent, you will hear: “... nine, ten, out!”