The best places in the world to practice yoga. The best places in the world to practice yoga Yoga room with a beautiful view

Zoological str., 4; Dmitrovskoe highway, 9, building 2

Opened in 2007, the yoga center set an ambitious goal to unite the best teachers of different styles under one roof, and it kept its promise. Today, Prana clubs practice 25 directions, to which more than 100 teachers are involved. Those who like to sweat have a direct route to morning classes hatha yoga to Alexander Titov, who want to develop flexibility and coordination in at a relaxed pace- to the club’s signature prana yoga course with Mikhail Galaev, and for all those who want to reduce back discomfort and make the spine more mobile - to the rather rare critical alignment yoga in Moscow with Maria Amburg.


st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 23/1

During classes at Material, you will feel like you are in a quiet oasis and on the red carpet at the same time - actresses Svetlana Ustinova, Paulina Andreeva and Dasha Charusha could easily be your neighbors on the mat. The studio is in great demand primarily thanks to its founder, Anna Lunegova, a leading teacher of jivamukti yoga in Russia (a direction created by the Americans David Life and Sharon Gannon, combining power asanas with spiritual practices). This is the place for you if you are not afraid to chant mantras, want to learn how to meditate correctly and like to practice in a flow accompanied by active music, which is played here in most classes.

Yoga house

Petrovsky lane 1/30

There are many reasons to choose this homely, cozy club, but the main one is instructor Maria Mitrofanova, who leads, perhaps, the best hatha yoga intensive in the city. It will not be possible to rest during these two hours, but it is very possible to be reborn physically and spiritually. You will find practice on the verge of strength and capabilities - strengthening the body, working with breathing and energy locks - after which the phrase “man - this sounds proud” will no longer seem like an empty phrase.


st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 34 building 4

A bright and very friendly space with a variety of yoga styles and an eco-shop where you can buy fashionable workout uniforms, mats and books on Ayurveda. Purposeful and athletic people prefer the Ashtanga yoga classes of studio founder Ksenia Trushakova, while dreamers enjoy attending Jivamukti classes from Tony Arno. If you are a follower of classical hatha, you will find happiness on the mat next to teacher Maria Nazarova. Her classes are very well balanced - you won’t get bored here, and there is zero risk of injury.


st. Innovatorov, 1

Despite the fact that Eastetica positions itself as a fitness studio with a cardio room and group classes Pilates and qigong, we go to this distant region exclusively for hatha and isvara yoga classes with instructor Ekaterina Shestak. In her classes, you really get to understand what happens to the body during yoga, and the point here is not so much in the careful adjustment of each asana, but in the correctly selected set of exercises as a whole. It all starts with breathing techniques of pranayama, then a mandatory warm-up, a cycle of asanas and a long shavasana - after this practice, lightness and vigor return to the body, and the consciousness is filled with long-awaited silence. Those who can’t afford to go to Vernadsky Avenue will enjoy Ekaterina’s classes in World Class Tverskaya intermediate and advanced level.

Yoga 108

Starosadsky lane, 6/12, building 2

Center of Mikhail Baranov and Ilya Zhuravlev, who combined in their methodology different approaches of traditional Indian schools. The choice of name is not accidental: the number 108 in yoga has a sacred meaning - there are 108 Sun Salutations (surya namaskara), 108 beads in mantra beads and 108 healing asanas in hatha. For those who are taking their first steps in understanding yogic practice and philosophy, the Primary class is suitable - classes are conducted using vinyasas (dynamic connections between basic asanas), which help to work through the entire muscle corset. A must-attend is yoga nidra - a practice developed at the Bihar School of Yoga in India, which is aimed at deep relaxation and the removal of internal blocks, which occurs through visualization of different parts of the body under the voice of the instructor.

The portal contains addresses, prices and reviews of fitness centers in Moscow that offer yoga classes. This is a great opportunity to take care of your body and achieve harmony with yourself, distracting yourself from everyday problems. The tables, convenient for comparison, show prices for yoga lessons in Moscow - choosing an option that is convenient in terms of location and cost will not be difficult! Feedback from yoga fans left by visitors to the portal will also be useful.

Yoga as a spiritual practice has been around for a thousand years. Previously, believers used it to achieve the desired state of mind and cleanse the body of diseases. Now it is close to the usual system of exercises and does not imply theological knowledge. Yoga differs from other activities in that it develops all muscle groups and makes them elastic. In many asanas, internal organs are massaged, digestion improves, and health becomes stronger along with the body.

Features of training. What is the best way to structure yoga lessons?

Beginners in yoga should remember: it is very important to monitor the correct execution of the pose and listen to all the recommendations of the trainers. Several muscle groups work at once in one asana; the load should be distributed evenly. Some parts of the body are tense, some are relaxed, some are extended, others are bent. If you mix it up, you could end up with an injury or simply end up with fewer health benefits.

To be able to relax and concentrate, you need to prepare comfortable and body-fitting clothes for exercise. Feet should be bare because in some poses socks can cause you to slip. To constantly practice yoga, a thin mat is useful; it should not slip either. A set of exercises is done on an empty stomach, although there are several poses that help digestion after eating. It is important to breathe correctly and evenly, focusing on your body and sensations.

How to choose a yoga studio in Moscow?

Choosing a yoga studio for group and individual lessons depends on the professionalism of the trainers and the areas of yoga they teach. Unfortunately, there are no universities that produce masters with reliable diplomas. Because The best way choose a yoga trainer – reviews. They are easy to find on the studio website. You can identify real reviews by the fact that they are not completely admiring and are written in different styles.

A document that indicates that a person is qualified is a certificate of completion of medical courses. If it exists, then such a trainer has the knowledge to create a therapeutic set of asanas. Your own feelings too good way check if yoga is taught well. If there is no pain, and after exercise comes lightness, then you can continue to exercise. You can often rely on well-known studio networks. One example is a prana yoga center, which probably exists in every major city.

There are many different yoga courses that teach different styles. Hatha, Iyengar, Kundalini yoga and many other types are suitable for weight loss, recovery, even recovery after surgery. It is important to choose correctly, and then find a studio where this direction is taught.

Is yoga suitable for beginners?

Something better than classes It’s hard to think of yoga for beginners. They don't require high level physical fitness, suitable for pregnant women and those weakened after illness. Yoga can be practiced with osteochondrosis and even intervertebral hernias. Most complex asanas can be performed after 3-6 months of training.

Yoga courses for beginners in studios and yoga centers in Moscow include exercises that strengthen the body, develop balance and lay the foundation for mastering more complex asanas. First of all, the muscle corset develops, which keeps the spine in the correct position. Yoga schools create special courses for beginners that will help you quickly understand the essence of the direction.

Can you lose weight with yoga?

Yoga is absolutely not the type of activity that helps you create a “beach body” 2 weeks before summer. All yoga centers offer long courses to practitioners not in search of benefits. Dramatic changes in body structure occur only after months and even years of training. A person is able to lose weight through yoga, but this happens slowly, although completely healthy. What you can quickly achieve in yoga clubs is muscle strengthening and the disappearance of cellulite.

Ananda Yoga Center

From 600 rubles

Translated from Sanskrit, Ananda means “absolute happiness” or “endless bliss.” It is proposed to achieve this state in a spacious and bright studio in the very center of Moscow, two minutes from Ostozhenka. If you don't take into account the Indian embassy - it is very difficult to get to the yoga courses created there - this is one of the few places in the capital where classes are taught by representatives of the original culture.

Professional instructors from India offer a style of yoga that is a blend of the most famous classical styles, with special emphasis on stretching and breathing techniques. The class is taught on English language and lasts only 60 minutes. Pre-registration is required, regardless of whether you are attending a group lesson (no more than 10 people) or an individual lesson.

Ashtanga yoga center

Cost of a single visit: from 400 rubles

Avoiding the language of yoga, we can say that Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is a strict sequence of movements accompanied by special breathing and so-called “energy locks” - tension of certain parts of the body. In addition, at the same time, you need to concentrate your gaze on different zones of the body - thus, Ashtanga yoga exercises connect the body, breathing and attention together.

Only experienced practitioners can do all this at the same time and remain in a calm, meditative state of mind after several years of regular training. An ordinary diligent student receives a stronger and stronger reward for his patience. healthy body and a calm mind. For beginners, the school provides special introductory courses and groups for beginners.

Recently, two Ashtanga yoga centers have been operating in Moscow: after 12 years of work together, the founding fathers of the Ashtanga yoga school in Moscow separated. However, fortunately, this did not affect the quality of the services offered. Both centers are a network of several rooms with certified teachers. It is worth noting that in the Ashtanga Yoga Center under the direction of Mikhail Konstantinov ( leading teachers are certified by the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute (Mysore, India). This is what gives them the right to declare the purity of the Ashtanga yoga tradition within the walls of their center.

Agapkin Yoga Station

Cost of a single visit: from 400 rubles

Certified physiotherapist, psychologist, and, more recently, TV presenter Sergei Agapkin explains the presence of his own surname in the name of the school as personal responsibility for everything that happens within the walls of the yoga station.

The center is a spacious room with skylights that give the space an unusual shape and fill it with light. The first specialized yoga therapy studio in Moscow offers, according to Agapkin, “adequate yoga for adequate people”: this yoga adapts to the needs of a modern metropolitan resident, combining traditional practices and the achievements of modern medicine. The ultimate goal of such yoga is a healthy person, resistant to the rhythm big city who knows how to be happy no matter what.

The main achievement of the center is the combination of asana practice and biomechanical stimulation. And patented technologies give amazing results: for example, mastering samakonasana ( cross twine) will require 30-60 times less time than under normal conditions. However, much more important result the use of innovative technology - a significant increase in muscle strength and endurance and an increase in their flexibility with a long-term effect. By the way, Agapkin considers “adequate” a thinking person who is not afraid to ask questions and seeks answers to them. In response to adequacy, they promise an individual approach to everyone who wishes to find happiness.

Iyengar Yoga Center

Cost of a single visit: from 400 rubles

The Iyengar Yoga Center has existed since 1993, and it is perhaps one of the oldest yoga schools in Moscow. Then, in the early 1990s, the founders of the Center and their students had to huddle in premises completely unsuitable for classes - in a theater, a recreation center, a school. Today it is a network of spacious halls throughout Moscow.

It is worth noting that all this time the school has been led by Elena Ulmasbaeva, who is certainly the most prominent follower of the Iyengar yoga traditions in the yoga community, which differs from other versions of yoga in its methodicality and gradualism.

The practice is very static: staying in a pose for a long time involves a deep and subtle effect not only on the muscles, joints and ligaments, but also on the emotional state. The obligatory precise execution of all elements creates discipline, and for those whose body is not yet flexible and soft enough, the use of wooden bricks, belts, blankets and other improvised means is provided to help them take the correct position.

Since Iyengar yoga is considered completely safe, there are no contraindications for starting classes. Perhaps that is why this is the most popular school not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Yoga Center "Prana"

Cost of a single visit: from 350 rubles

A glass door at the end of a residential building on Zoologicheskaya Street hides an unexpectedly large room, consisting of five spacious practice rooms, a vegetarian bar, a massage room and a common hall with a permanent exhibition of paintings and graphics. Here you can join the yoga of all the most famous styles - from classical Iyengar to Himalayan yoga, which emphasizes meditative practices.

It is noteworthy that every aspect of yoga in “Prana” is given equal attention: for example, the schedule includes a separate hour-long lesson “Introduction to Pranayama”, where practitioners study breathing techniques in detail and a “Yoga Nidra” class dedicated to deep relaxation body and consciousness.

Another direction of Prana’s activity, which at first glance is not related to yoga, is art therapy. The Center has a painting studio where they teach the basics of academic drawing and various painting techniques. Very often those who come to practice yoga begin to draw, but it also happens the other way around.

Cost of a single visit: from 550 rubles

The interior of the Yoga House is notable primarily for the absence of right angles, as well as a cozy golden color scheme and muted, warm light. All this enhances the impression of a real home - with a kitchen, living room and, as a result, a relaxed homely atmosphere.

To become part of the Yoga House, it is recommended to take an introductory course of four classes, and then move on to one of the beginner groups. Next, the certified instructor will direct the practitioner to a group appropriate to his level: they mainly practice hatha yoga, there are separate classes for women and yoga therapy classes for the spine.

In the evenings and on weekends, Yogadom members gather for seminars on Vedic nutrition, cleansing and breathing practices- or just to listen to an ethnic music concert. The presence of individual classes in the schedule (4000 rubles for 1.5 hours), as well as the location - in the very center, next to the Federation Council - attracts people to Yoga House famous politicians and businessmen (perhaps the only thing that can scare off respectable clients is the lack of parking space).

Bikram yoga

Cost of a single visit: from 600 rubles

The first - and so far the only in Moscow - Bikram yoga studio opened in the summer of 2010 on Malaya Ordynka. This is a spacious hall, equipped in a special way to practice a style of yoga invented in the early 1970s by Calcutta native Bikram Chowdhury.

Choudhury’s main idea is to practice indoors, where tropical climate conditions are artificially created: temperature +37 and high humidity. The Bikram yoga complex consists of 26 asanas, borrowed by the gurus from Hatha yoga, and two breathing exercises. The point is that warmed muscles and ligaments stretch better, and due to increased sweating, toxins and waste are removed from the body.

The owner of the Moscow studio, Maria Artamonova, completed a two-month training course in Los Angeles and received a certificate directly from the hands of the master. The effect of detoxification and weight loss, as well as famous adherents of this style (among Bikram Choudhury’s students there are many Hollywood stars) contributed to the fact that Bikram yoga gained extraordinary popularity in the United States, and its creator became a multimillionaire. However, to be fair, it is worth noting that doctors do not recommend doing thermal yoga for people with cardiovascular diseases.

Cost of a single visit: from 600 rubles

“New York - Moscow Yoga” is a completely Western-style studio that lives up to its name in absolutely everything: from the interior, reminiscent of a New York loft, and internal rules calling for hygiene and showering before and after classes, to the services offered.

So far this is the only place in Moscow where Jivamukti yoga is practiced - a style invented by the Americans David Life and Sharon Gannon. This style is also called singing yoga - for the mantras chanted during practice. Singing is accompanied by the performance of vinyasas, or sequences of asanas, borrowed from Ashtanga yoga, as well as those invented by the creators of the style themselves.

During practice, Bob Marley can be heard in the room, and vinyasas can be dance-like, all so that practitioners can generate positive thoughts and positive emotions. NYM's innovation is the “Hour of Power” classes for those who cannot spend more than 60 minutes on practice. The schedule is designed in such a way that the “hour of power” can easily fit into the lunch break. In addition to Jivamukti, the studio offers traditional hatha yoga of varying levels of difficulty, yoga for pregnant women and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga.

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In the last issue there was, today we will move on to issues of health promotion.

IN last years It has become very fashionable to do yoga in Moscow. Every day there are more and more specialized yoga schools, and the prices for classes in them remain just as high. But there are also places in Moscow where you can practice yoga completely free of charge. These are exactly what we will talk about today.

Summer, fresh air, yoga

One of the most popular places in Moscow for yoga is Gorky Park. Anyone who comes here to do yoga can use the changing rooms and showers, which are located on Olive Beach. In addition, if you did not bring a yoga mat with you, then here they will provide you with it absolutely free. A huge advantage of these classes is that they are taught by experienced instructors. And after class, you can leisurely stroll through the park and enjoy the beautiful views that open from the embankment.

You can practice yoga in the nearest gym, but it is much more interesting to go to one of the world-famous schools and immerse yourself in the practice. Doing yoga away from home is very productive: you will be able to fully devote yourself to the lessons, without being distracted by work or missing seminars due to urgent matters.

Yoga for everyone

Both experienced students and beginners can go to practice yoga. However, if you've only seen yoga classes on TV, it's worth taking a dozen lessons - in case you don't like it at all. It’s good if you learn at least a few of the simplest asanas and get a little up to speed. On the other hand, be prepared: new school They will explain to you that you have learned a lot incorrectly, because... techniques can be very different.

People of any age practice yoga, there are special courses for children and for pregnant women, but before starting classes, do not neglect to consult a doctor; if you have any diseases, inform the teacher about them when you first meet.

Representatives of the fair sex should not forget that on certain days it is forbidden to perform certain exercises: during this time you will not be able to practice full force, so it’s worth correlating the timing of your trip with your cycle.

Preparation for the yoga tour

Traveling to practice yoga has nothing in common with an ordinary vacation. Be prepared for the fact that your entire day at school will be strictly regulated: early rise, many hours of study and meditation. Most likely, you will be offered a special diet - vegetarian food. Although, if you are picky about food and do not agree to live in spartan conditions, for a certain amount you will always find a place where all your wishes will be satisfied.

You also need to take into account the characteristics of the country you are going to. Thus, not everyone is able to tolerate the heat and unsanitary conditions prevailing in India, constantly think about safety, wash fruits and brush their teeth with bottled water.

Think about what things you should take with you. Usually, yoga centers provide mats for practicing, but if you are squeamish, and the thought of someone else’s bare feet recently standing on it will distract you from the exercises, then it is better to bring your own mat from home.

On average, a 7-10 day program in Western centers will cost 400 euros. This option is designed for tourists who cannot spend more time on vacation. If you plan to study for several months, then a week of classes will cost you much less.

Where is yoga taught?

Please note that trips to famous yoga centers should not be confused with yoga tours organized by our Russian schools. If in the first case you will study with local teachers, then in the second - these are away seminars, usually combined with recreation.

Various yoga schools can be found even in the most remote corners of the world. But there are several main centers that attract people from all over the planet.


If you practice yoga, you will probably want to visit India at least once, because it was from there that this teaching spread throughout the Western world. And therefore, many people come to local spiritual communities - ashrams - who want to join the “true yoga”.

In fact, in modern India there are completely different studios. Along the coast there are centers aimed at tourists who just want to get a little taste of the practice. Serious studies are usually carried out in the outback. Ashrams in the vicinity of Rishikesh, in the north of the country, are very popular. Indian schools are famous for their particularly attentive attitude to breathing practices and devote a lot of time to teaching proper breathing.

In centers where they practice the special Vipassana meditation technique (one of the oldest, translated as “true vision”), you do not have to pay for school accommodation and classes. However, when leaving, it is customary to donate a certain amount (if possible).


Throughout the country, modern, well-equipped yoga centers offer a wide range of practices. These include halls belonging to world-famous global chains and small private schools. Training is usually combined with meditation and visits to Buddhist temples, with fasting and body cleansing programs. And the wonderful climate allows you to conduct classes in the fresh air, which is not only pleasant, but also very useful. There are especially many schools in Bangkok, in Northern Thailand around the city of Chiang Mai and, naturally, in popular southern resorts.


Indonesia is another very famous yoga destination. Most centers are located on the island of Bali. Especially common in these places flow yoga(i.e. flow yoga, a way of conducting a group practice of hatha yoga with dynamic transitions between asanas). Those who do not want to devote all their time to yoga should consider additional Feng Shui lessons.

There are a lot of different yoga studios in New York and San Francisco, where you can always find a program to suit your taste. For Russians, American centers are also interesting because they feature yoga schools that are rarely found in our country or that we don’t have at all. Many American classes are aimed at different kinds power yoga (i.e. power yoga). Among the local unique techniques, the author’s method core fusion yoga is popular, combining elements of yoga and Pilates, based on vinyasa (the term translates as a respiratory-motor system of exercises) Jivamukti yoga (Jivamukti yoga) and integrating many systems of Ishta yoga (Ishta yoga) . Ishta is based on the traditions of tantra, hatha, raja, kundalini yoga, etc.