“Big city style. Beauty and Fashion Guide Lavinia Lond. We read an excerpt from Lavinia Londe’s book “Big City Style. Beauty and fashion guide Lavinia London style of the big city


29.04.17 07:00

Londoner and fashion and lifestyle blogger Lavinia Lond has released her book on beauty and style, “Big City Style. Guide to beauty and fashion." In her book, Lavinia not only shares the secrets of style and beauty, but also acts as a “myth buster,” honestly, openly and categorically telling the truth about the beauty industry. The editors of Fancy Journal publish an excerpt from Lavinia Londe's book.

Russian beauty salons and clinics offer a huge variety of procedures to preserve youth and beauty, and most of them are completely meaningless and useless. And some are simply harmful and dangerous.

"Facial Treatments"

They are offered with a variety of cosmetics, usually including massage, peeling, and mask. All this is long, expensive and unnecessary. These treatments do not have a cumulative effect, the entire effect lasts for one day. Of course, sometimes this can be useful if an important event is planned. But is it worth spending two hours to get slightly rosy skin?

If you want to look good in the evening, exercise during the day. The pulse will accelerate, the blood will rush to the face, and you will look healthy and fresh. And sport just has a cumulative effect, and what a one.

"Body treatments"

Wraps, weight loss procedures and, of course, the main thing: getting rid of cellulite! Endermologie - mechanical stimulation. Vela Shape - radiofrequency waves for alignment subcutaneous fat. Lipomassage, LPG, Velasmooth and anti-cellulite massage.

All these procedures require numerous repetitions. Who would have thought! First you must complete a course of 10 sessions, and then switch to support. The best way taking money from the population, as Ostap Bender said, receiving money for inspecting the failure.

All this salon weight loss and cellulite removal is simply getting rid of water inside the body. For a very short time. Nobody believes that the procedures will really help you lose weight? The only way to truly lose weight is to limit calories. That's all. And nothing else.

What do beauty salons sell? The illusion of taking care of yourself, without the stress needed for sports, the willpower needed for dieting, the courage needed for operations. No pain, no gain, everyone knows.

Lie down, enjoying pleasant smells, beautiful music, gentle touches, and at the same time lose weight and look younger! That would be great! I know quite a few women who fanatically visited beauty salons until a certain age. Everyone swore that it certainly helps! Usually they immediately stop throwing money at all this when real age-related changes begin. Somehow it immediately becomes clear that it is not helping.

So how to get rid of cellulite?

Eat less, exercise more strength exercises. Little fat, a lot of muscle = little cellulite. But you can’t get rid of it completely; with age, everyone will have it, and it’s completely normal, natural and not ugly.

Big city style. Beauty and Fashion Guide Lavinia London

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Title: Big city style. Beauty and Fashion Guide

About the book “Big City Style. Beauty and Fashion Guide Lavinia Lond

We present a guide to beauty and fashion from a resident of London - popular fashion and lifestyle blogger Lavinia Londe. The book talks about the features of cosmetology, the effectiveness of procedures - what really works and helps to improve oneself, how owners of curvy figures should dress, what rules to follow, what combinations to avoid. The secrets of a proper “anti-aging” wardrobe are revealed using the examples of stars.

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read online book“Big city style. Guide to beauty and fashion" by Lavinia Lond in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

We present a guide to beauty and fashion from a resident of London - popular fashion and lifestyle blogger Lavinia Londe. The book talks about the features of cosmetology, the effectiveness of procedures - what really works and helps to improve oneself, how owners of curvy figures should dress, what rules to follow, what combinations to avoid. The secrets of a proper “anti-aging” wardrobe are revealed using the examples of stars.

The work belongs to the Health and Beauty genre. It was published in 2017 by AST Publishing House. The book is part of the Runet Star series. On our website you can download the book "Big City Style. A Guide to Beauty and Fashion" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner’s online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.