Training in parts. Exercises for problem areas. Effective exercises for problem areas Simple exercises for problem areas

Did you get the breeches on your hips? Can't button your jeans? Does a heavy butt poison your existence? Do not give up! “Problem areas” are not hopeless! The main thing is to know. Which side should you take them from?

"breeches"? As easy as pie!

Where do "breeches" come from? The solution is simple. Fat molecules are like sand in the bloodstream. Where the “flow” is fast, the bottom of the bloodstream is clean. Well, there. Where blood stagnates, fat molecules precipitate. Here you go body fat! You make all movements with your legs back and forth. Blood circulates vigorously in the same direction. Because on the front surface of the legs, above the knees, there is no trace of fat. There’s no way he can resist here! But the “sides” of your hips are a quiet whirlpool. The blood stagnates and fatty molecules settle out like sludge. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to understand what the solution is. Right! It is necessary to direct the blood into these same “breeches” and thoroughly rinse the tissues from fatty deposits! Traditional leg exercises are not suitable. This is again a back and forth movement. What then? Here's what!

Has your stomach fallen out? Pull it in!

The talk that “I trained my abs with all my might, but I just don’t have a six-pack” is a lie! Means. I didn’t train enough! World fitness experience says: you get as much as you work! If you're serious about getting a flat stomach, get ready to do some killer work! First, remember, this is work from home. You go to the fitness club two or three times a week, but that’s not enough for your abs. The press needs daily loads! Well, this is only possible at home. But! Never train your abs in the morning! The ligaments in the spine have softened overnight, and an unfortunate injury is possible. Best time- in the evening, an hour and a half after dinner. Second - without training ball there's no way around it! I'll have to buy it.


And further. Immediately after sleep, stand in front of the mirror and do “vacuumization”. Place your hands on your sides as if you are about to squat and draw in your stomach. Very very! Let go. Do this 50-100 times. Then switch to delays: pull in and hold until the count of ten! Do this exercise throughout the day. We need to get up to 600 “vacuumizations”!

The editors of the women's portal site have selected the best and most effective fitness video lessons. We bring to your attention online sets of effective exercises for reducing the volume of the hips, losing weight in the legs, getting rid of cellulite, giving relief to the muscles of the chest, arms, abdomen and the appearance of the abs.

Many women have problems in these areas, but getting rid of them is not so easy. Fitness for problem areas is the ideal solution for getting rid of fat and cellulite in short term. The exercises are aimed at working specific muscle groups, for example, the inner, outer, back or front of the thighs, the area above the knees, various abdominal muscles, and triceps.

Each complex is designed for 5-15 minutes, does not take much time and effort. You can watch fitness lessons and choose the exercises that you need most, combine them, doing 2-4 sets daily. This approach will allow you to train different groups muscles, using different approaches, which is always the most effective.

Fitness exercises help in a short time to work out the abs, the “breeches” area, remove the “ears” on the hips, etc. Perform a set of these simple exercises daily with a fitness instructor, and you will notice how in a couple of months your figure will become toned and slimness, and small women's problems will disappear.. The workouts load very quickly, and you can choose different complexes every day, so we recommend adding this page to your Bookmarks.

Exercises for problem areas: thighs and buttocks

Fitness for problem areas: abs + arms + getting rid of cellulite (Part 1)

Fitness for problem areas: abs + arms + getting rid of cellulite (Part 2)

Fitness for problem areas: abs + arms + getting rid of cellulite (Part 3)

Fitness against cellulite on the knees

Exercises against “ears” on the thighs

Exercises to reduce hip size

Fitness for arms with dumbbells (triceps)

Exercises for weight loss

Exercises for the muscles of the back of the thighs

Exercises for the muscles of the inner thigh

Exercises for muscles outside hips

Exercises for hips "breeches"

Exercises against

This exercise is easy to perform and specifically targets the gluteal muscle.

show the exercise technique

  1. get down on the floor (mat) and sit down, bend your right leg at the knee, rest it on the floor and clasp it with your arms
  2. try to keep your back straight
  3. straighten your left leg, pull the toe towards you and lift it above the floor
  4. holding your leg in weight, move it to the side as far as possible, and then return it to its original position
  5. Without lowering your left leg to the floor, perform the required number of repetitions, and then repeat the same with your right leg
  6. perform the required number of times
15 reps

Exercise No. 3

Push-ups with a narrow hand position are also often called “narrow” push-ups or close-grip push-ups. Regardless...

show the exercise technique

  1. lower yourself onto the mat and rest on your knees and palms
  2. place your palms approximately below shoulder level
  3. Please note that the back and buttocks should be in a straight line: do not “drop” your stomach down and do not lift your pelvis up
  4. spread your shoulders back, but do not squeeze your shoulder blades
  5. The head should remain in line with the spine: do not lower it down or throw it back
  6. direct your gaze straight ahead
  7. slowly lower yourself down, bending your arms and moving your elbows back
  8. as you exhale, straighten your arms and return to the starting position
  9. V this exercise, the load on the triceps will be greater, the closer your arms are to your body; accordingly, the closer your palms are to each other
  10. perform the exercise the required number of times
15 reps

Exercise No. 4

Arc swings are a rather unusual variation of the classic swings. The advantage of this exercise is that it...

show the exercise technique

  1. straighten your left leg and pull your toes towards you
  2. describing an arcuate trajectory, place your left leg behind your right and touch the toe to the floor
  3. after that, also “in an arc,” lift your leg and move it to the left and touch the floor with your foot, turning your toe slightly inward (this will engage the muscles of the inner thigh)
  4. make sure that your back and body are fixed and as motionless as possible
  5. try to perform the movement in the greatest possible amplitude
  6. repeat swings with a straight leg in an arc as many times as necessary
15 reps

Exercise No. 5

Bent leg swings are a classic isolation exercise for working the buttocks. It is easy to implement and does not...

show the exercise technique

  1. get down on the floor (mat) and place emphasis on your elbows and knees: your knees should be strictly under your hips, and your palms under your shoulders
  2. maintain a natural arch in the lower back, but make sure that your back is not arched down too much
  3. look down in front of you
  4. bend your left leg at the knee to an angle of 90 degrees and slightly pull the toe toward you
  5. begin to raise your leg as high as possible without changing the angle knee joint, and then lower it to the starting position
  6. make sure that your back and body as a whole are fixed and as motionless as possible, and movement occurs only in the hip joint
  7. the same exercise is performed for the right leg
15 reps

Exercise No. 6

This exercise is aimed at training the oblique abdominal muscles. In addition, it will help stretch back surface legs

show the exercise technique

  1. stand on your palms and toes: position your arms and legs slightly wider than your shoulders
  2. lift your pelvis up so that the silhouette takes the form of an inverted V
  3. touch your right foot with your left palm
  4. It is very important that while performing this movement you twist the body and, accordingly, feel the work of the oblique abdominal muscles
  5. return to the starting position and touch your left foot with your right hand in the same way
  6. try not to bend your knees too much and lower your heels as close to the floor as possible - this will stretch the back of the thigh
  7. repeat as many times as necessary
15 reps

Exercise No. 7

Lead bent leg- the simplest exercise to work the buttocks and outer thighs at the same time....

show the exercise technique

  1. get down on the floor (mat) and rest on your elbows and knees: knees under your hips, and palms slightly further than shoulder level
  2. maintain a natural arch in your lower back
  3. gaze directed downward in front of you
  4. bend your left leg at the knee to an angle of 90 degrees and pull the toe towards you
  5. move your left leg to the side, and then return it to the starting position
  6. make sure your back is as motionless as possible
  7. the same exercise is performed for the right leg
  8. perform the required number of times (for two legs)
15 reps

Exercise No. 8

Static plie squats will help significantly strengthen muscles and “tighten” inner surface hips, which is usually a girl's...

Do you want a slim and toned figure? But your busy schedule does not allow you to pay attention to your body. Don't despair, there are workouts that allow you to get in shape in 20-30 minutes a day. This time is not even enough to watch the series :) I present 3 effective workouts aimed at addressing all problem areas.

This is a workout that is aimed at strengthening your core. Posture is corrected, endurance, balance and flexibility increase. A nice bonus is that it is suitable for all fitness levels.

Pilates is one of the best and most... simple workouts for newbies. All you need is a mat or large towel. The video is only 23 minutes long and is a classic for the basics.

I like that during the lesson the instructor explains in detail how to perform the exercises. And you don’t have to constantly look at the monitor, straining only your neck. Watch the video until the end and start practicing today! Don't put this off until Monday 😉

High Interval Training

One of the new fitness classes is HIIT training. A variety is tabata. I recommend stretching thoroughly before class and doing some stretching afterwards. And then head into the shower to massage problem areas.
Experts say vigorous exercise burns fat, increases metabolism and improves health. cardiovascular system. They are ideal for those who have little time, but want to work on their body.

Here's a fantastic workout video for beginners. Each exercise lasts 25 seconds and 10 seconds rest. Watch the video and start practicing the exercises right away.

Yoga for weight loss

How would you feel about the fact that yoga is one of the most... simple ways lose weight? If not, then you may not have heard about the effectiveness of such activities. And one of them is power yoga. It improves not only the flexibility of the body, but also helps in relieving stress. All you need is a mat and a little patience. Believe me, in 2 months you won’t recognize yourself. Well, if of course you don’t shirk.

I have already written a lot of subtleties about yoga for weight loss. Now watch and repeat the workout of the most famous yoga trainer Denise Austin. She modified classical classes with modern exercises. Don't think that you will lie down in one position. She squeezes out all the juices to the fullest :)

Practice every other day and you will soon be able to see results. Check out the power of such activities for yourself.

Whatever workout you choose, stick to it for at least 2 months. This way you will practice the exercises, increase your flexibility and endurance. And naturally you will see results from investing just 20-30 minutes a day in exercise. And then write me your results. What have you achieved and what motivated you.

Your thighs and abs will feel like slices of bread in a toaster during these exercises: toasted on all sides!

Training plan: Perform the exercises one after another without rest between them. Rest 1 minute and repeat the entire set 2 more times.

You will need: dumbbells weighing 3-4 kg

"Kalinka Malinka"

The abdominal muscles and oblique abdominal muscles work.

Lie face up on the mat, bend your knees slightly and place your feet on the floor, crossing your arms in front of you at chest level. Perform a twist and at the same time twist your body to the left and pull your left knee towards your chest. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Perform 18 repetitions, alternating sides.


The muscles of the buttocks, thighs and legs work.

Stand with your right side to the wall, place your feet shoulder-width apart, rest your right hand on the wall at shoulder level (you can also use a chair as support). Left hand extend to the side in line with the shoulder, palm down. Bend your left knee to a 90-degree angle and bring it behind you. Lower yourself into a half squat. Return to starting position and repeat. After completing 18 repetitions, switch sides.

Plie with balance work

The muscles of the abs, thighs and buttocks work.

Stand straight, bring your heels together, and spread your toes to the sides. Take a dumbbell and hold it horizontally with both hands on the floor in front of you, in line with your hips. Rise up onto your toes, then bend your knees to 90 degrees and lower into a plié without letting your heels hit the floor! Perform 18 repetitions.

Squats with rotation

The muscles of the abs, buttocks and thighs work.

Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand, bend your elbows and bring the weight toward your shoulders, palms facing each other. Lower yourself into a squat, lean forward from the hip, and twist your torso to the right, bringing your left elbow toward your right knee. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Perform 18 repetitions, alternating sides.


The abdominal muscles, obliques, and hip flexors work.

Lie face up on the floor. Bend your knees slightly and place your feet on the floor. Raise your body 45 degrees from the floor, resting on your forearms. Raise your legs straight up in front of you to a height of approximately 45 degrees from the floor. “Draw” with your feet first a large circle counterclockwise, then clockwise. This will amount to 1 repetition. Perform 18 repetitions.