2nd junior group applique large small balls. Notes on the application nodes in the second junior group “b” “big and small balls”. Modeling “Balls red and blue”


Summary of GCD for application in the second younger group"Big and small balls"

Target: knows how to select large and small round objects; paste the image onto a landscape sheet.

Priority educational area: artistic and aesthetic development in the integration of educational areas: “cognitive development”, “speech development”, “ physical development»

Technologies, methods, techniques: person-oriented technologies: communicative communication; technology to ensure the emotional well-being of a child.

Materials: album sheets, colored paper, paste, brushes, napkins, boards.

Preliminary work: ball games, reading the poem “My cheerful ringing ball»

Developing the ability to select large and small round objects.

Forming in children the ability to apply glue with a brush to a form and smear it over the entire surface, applying glue to paper not with colored paper, but with reverse side, carefully stick the image onto a landscape sheet, pressing it with a napkin.

Consolidating the idea of ​​round objects, their differences in size.

Fostering respect for materials.

Brief progress of OOD

Problem situation:

The gnome Vasya came to visit us. Are you ready to help and be friends with our new friend? Then sit down at the tables, close your eyes, and like in a fairy tale, the gnome Vasya will come to each of you. Turn over the sheet that lies in front of you. Do you see our new friend Vasya there? The gnome Vasya loves to have fun and roll different balls along the paths. But it seems to me that our new friend is a little sad. Why do you think? (The gnome has no balls, he has nothing to play with)

What do we do? How to cheer him up? (give him balls).

You have balls on your trays. What size are they? Take them and put them on the path: first the big one, then the smaller ones and the smallest one. Suddenly the wind blew and the balls rolled off the path into the grass. What to do, since it is inconvenient for a gnome to play in the grass? What can be done to prevent balls from rolling off the path and onto the grass? (You need to glue the balls onto the track)

2.- Let's help the gnome Vasya and stick balls on the track. Take the largest ball and place its white side on the board. Take a brush, dip the tip in glue and coat the white side of the ball with glue like this - from the middle to the edges. Then place the brush on the stand. Take the ball with your fingers and glue it to the track. Blot off excess glue with a napkin. While working, do not swing the brush around, otherwise you may hurt your friend. If you get glue on your fingers while working, do not put them in your mouth, but wipe them with a napkin. After work, hands should be washed with soap. Now stick the remaining balls onto the track yourself.

During the children’s independent work, the teacher ensures that the children use the appliqué equipment correctly; If necessary, helps those children who have difficulties in work.

3. Reflection.

Who did you meet today? What does Vasya like to play? What balls did you give to the gnome? What did you like most?

Abstract directly - educational activities children in a group early age on the topic "Big and small balls"

Integration of educational areas“Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”
Target: To develop in children the ability to depict round objects using stamps.
Educational: Develop in children the ability to draw with stamps, continue to develop the ability to place an image on a sheet of paper. To form in children ideas about the image of round objects on a sheet of paper.
Educational: To develop children's attention, active speech, perseverance, imagination, sensory skills, fine motor skills.
Educational: To instill in children accuracy when working with paints and independence.
Equipment: large box, balls different sizes and colors, illustrations of a ball, cube, pyramid.
Handout: album sheets in A4 format, stamps - large and small bottle caps, plates with diluted paint of several colors.
Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation, examination of objects and illustrations, dramatization of a poem, display, pedagogical model, productive activity, physical education “Girls and Boys”, summing up.

A teacher's assistant enters the group with a box in his hands and says that it was delivered for the children from a toy store.
The teacher takes the box in his hands:
- Now we'll see what the toy store sent us.
While moving toward the children with a box in his hands, the teacher pretends to stumble, the box turns over and balls of different sizes and colors fall out of it.
Children rush to collect balls.
Educator:- What is this, guys? (balls)
Children put balls in a box, the teacher asks each child:
- Do you have a big ball or a small one, Dima?
- What kind of ball do you have, Vika?
- Kirill, what color is your ball? etc.
Educator:- The toy store sent us balls - large and small, red, green, blue, yellow. And what kind of balls? (round)
- And we know a poem about a ball.
Dramatization of S. Marshak’s poem “My merry ringing ball”:
My cheerful, ringing ball, (imitation - we hit the ball with our hand)
Where did you run off to?
Yellow, Red, Blue,
Can't keep up with you!
I smacked you with my palm.
You jumped and stomped loudly.
You fifteen times in a row
Jumped into the corner and back.
And then you rolled (imitation - running with your feet)
And he didn’t turn back.
Rolled into the garden
Got to the gate
rolled under the gate,
I reached the turn.
There I got under a wheel. (hands showing the shape of the wheel)
It burst, popped - that's all! (clap your hands, spread your arms to the sides)

Educator:- I suggest you guys draw the balls that we got from the toy store. And send these drawings to sellers.
- Look at the illustration of the ball? (illustrations of a ball, pyramid, cube)
Children show the corresponding illustration.
Educator:- The ball is a circle in the picture. Bottle caps will help us draw round balls.
- Which ball should we draw with a big lid? (big)
- What kind of ball should we draw with a small lid? (small)
The teacher shows how to depict balls with stamps (bottle caps).
Educator: - We lower the large lid into a container with paint, put a print on a sheet of paper, lower the small lid into a container with a different color of paint, put the print next to it, not much backing from the large ball.
Independent activity for children - drawing large and small balls with stamps. The teacher helps children who have difficulty.
Physical education "Girls and boys".
The movements are performed as the poem progresses.
Girls and boys
They bounce like balls
They stomp their feet,
Hands clap
They nod their heads,
Everyone is relaxing together.
Review of finished works. The teacher praises everyone for their beautiful, bright balls, notes neat work and work done independently.
Educator:- What did you draw today? Which?
- Dima, show me where the big ball is in your drawing?
- Vika, what color is your little ball? etc. (asks several children)

Elizaveta Angry
Summary of GCD for application in the second junior group “Big and small balls”

Target: knows how to choose big and small round objects; paste the image onto a landscape sheet.

Priority educational region: artistic and aesthetic development in the integration of educational regions: "cognitive development", "speech development", "physical development"

Technologies, methods, techniques We: personality-oriented technologies: communicative communication; technology to ensure the emotional well-being of a child.

Material: album sheets, colored paper, paste, brushes, napkins, tablets.

Preliminary work: ball games, reading a poem "My funny ringing ball"


Formation of the ability to choose big and small round objects.

Forming in children the ability to apply glue with a brush to the form and smear it over the entire surface, applying glue to the paper not from the colored side, but from the back, carefully paste the image onto a landscape sheet, pressing it with a napkin.

Consolidating the idea of ​​round objects, their differences in size.

Fostering respect for materials.

Brief progress of OOD

Problem situation:

The gnome Vasya came to visit us. Are you ready to help and be friends with our new friend? Then sit down at the tables, close your eyes, and like in a fairy tale, the gnome Vasya will come to each of you. Turn over the sheet that lies in front of you. Do you see our new friend Vasya there? The gnome Vasya loves to have fun and ride on different paths balls. But it seems to me that our new friend is a little sad. Why do you think? (The gnome doesn't have balls, he has nothing to play with)

What do we do? How to cheer him up? (give him balls) .

You have them on your trays balls. What size are they? Take them and put them on track: at first big, then smaller and the most small. Suddenly the wind blew and balls rolled off the path into the grass. What to do, since it is inconvenient for a gnome to play in the grass? What can you do to balls didn't roll off the path into the grass? (Need to balls stick it on the track)

2.- Let's help the gnome Vasya and stick it on the path balls. Take the most big ball Place it with the white side on the board. Take a brush, dip the tip in glue and apply it to the white side ball glue like this - from the middle to the edges. Then place the brush on the stand. Take it with your fingers ball and glue it to the track. Blot off excess glue with a napkin. While working, do not swing the brush to the sides, otherwise it may cause hurt your friend. If you get glue on your fingers while working, do not put them in your mouth, but wipe them with a napkin. After work, hands should be washed with soap. Now stick the remaining ones yourself balls for the track.

During the children’s independent work, the teacher ensures that the children use the equipment correctly. appliqués; If necessary, helps those children who have difficulties in work.

3. Reflection.

Who did you meet today? What does Vasya like to play? Which you gave the balls to the gnome? What did you like most?

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Organizational information Note 1. Full name of teacher Baygildina Filyuza Ildarovna 2. Dominant educational area Cognitive.

Educational area: cognitive development

Integration of educational areas:“Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”.

Goals: to develop the ability to examine objects, highlighting the value, including hand movements on the object in the process of getting to know it.


OO Social-communicative

1. Cultivate a desire to listen to poems, accompany the reading of short poetic works with playful actions.

OO Cognitive development 1. Develop the ability to distinguish the number of objects: many - one (one - many). 2. Exercise in establishing the similarities and differences between objects that have the same name (big ball - small ball).

OO Speech development

1.Develop the ability to name the properties of objects; big small.

2. Develop the ability to answer questions and repeat simple phrases.

OO Physical development

1. To develop in children a desire to play simple outdoor games together with the teacher.

Planned results.

1. Distinguishes between one and many objects.

2. Can form a group of homogeneous objects.

3. Communicates in dialogue with an adult.

4. Listens to poems that are accessible in content.

5. Emotionally responds to the game proposed by an adult, imitates his actions, accepts the game task.

6. Able to walk and run without bumping into other children.

Working methods: a game; artistic word; showing and explaining how to perform an action; help; questions; display of toys; the child repeats words and phrases after the teacher; encouragement; turning on the movement of hands on an object; outdoor games; independent execution of actions.

Materials: a basket with large and small balls (for each child); two boxes of different sizes (large and small); musical accompaniment; sound reproducing equipment.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher reads a poem and hits the ball off the floor.

Educator. We hit the ball with our palm

Friendly, fun together.

Ball, ball, my friend,

Voiced, sonorous, sonorous side.

We hit the ball with our palm

Friendly, fun together.

I throw the ball and catch it.

I love to play with the ball.

E. Zheleznova

(Shows the children the ball.) Children, what is this? (Children's answers.) How many balls do I have?

(The teacher shows the children large and small balls lying in the basket).

Educator. Look what's in the basket? (Children's answers.) Are there many or few balls in the basket?

Individual and choral responses of children.

Educator. Look, the balls in the basket are big and small.

This is a small ball. I take it and squeeze it in my palm. The ball hid in the palm. How big is this ball? (Children's answers.) Take the ball, Lena, with both palms. Hide it in your palms! Lena has a small ball in her hands. Lena, how big is this ball? (Child’s answer.) Guys, what size ball is hidden in Lena’s palms?

Individual and choral responses of children.

Educator. Children, use your palms to show how big the small ball is.

Children connect their hands in the shape of a ball. The teacher shows the children a big ball.

Educator. This is a big ball. Sveta, take it with your palms. Is there a big ball hidden in your palms? (Child’s answer.) I can’t hide the ball in my palms. The ball is big, it doesn't fit in your palms. Hug the ball with your hands. (The child takes the ball with both hands and presses it to him.) How big is this ball?

Individual and choral responses of children.

Educator. Show everyone with your hands how big the ball is.

The teacher and children join their hands in a ring in front of them, showing the size of the ball.

Sorting balls by size.

Educator. I have two boxes: large and small. How big is this box?

Children. This is a big box.

Educator. What can you say about the size of this box?

Children. This is a small box.

Educator. Let's put it in a big box big balls, and in small - small. I take a big ball and put it in a big box. What size box did I put the big ball in? (Children's answers.) Katya, take one ball. What size ball did Katya take? (Children's answers.) Put it in a box. What size box will you put the ball in? (Children's answers.)

The teacher and the children sort the balls by size, placing them in large and small boxes. It is necessary to encourage children to use the phrases “big ball”, “small ball”, “big box”, “small box” in their speech, using the children’s individual and choral responses.

When the children arrange the balls, the teacher shows an empty basket.

Educator. How many balls are in the basket? (Children's answers.) Everyone took one ball, and there was not a single ball left in the basket. We put the balls in different boxes: large balls were put in large boxes, and small balls were put in small boxes. Well done, you did well. Let's play with small balls now.

Game "Let's collect balls." The teacher points to the balls in the box, easily throws one ball over the box and reads a poem.

You catch my bright ball

And give it away, don’t hide it.

Ball, don't rush to jump

And make the kids laugh.

N. Pikuleva

The teacher says: “One! Two! Three! Catch the balls!” - and asks the children to count with her. Music is playing. The teacher throws the balls high up, they scatter throughout the room, the children collect the balls and bring them to the teacher. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

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Form stable ideas about size (big-small), quantity (one-many), location in space (top-bottom), colors (red, blue).
Continue to teach listening and emotionally perceiving the content of poems (A. Barto “Ball”).
Develop memory, sense of rhythm, fine and gross motor skills, eye, coordination of movements.


Balls of different sizes and colors, including tennis, massage, fitballs.
A wonderful bag filled with small balls.
Construction material, doll, handkerchiefs.
Basket (basketball or trash).
Magnets in the form of multi-colored circles.
Musical hammers.
Corrective path, “pipe” for climbing.
Sorter ball.
Salt dough, a piece of paper with red and blue circles drawn on it.
Drawing with a clown and white circles for balls, red and blue balls made of soft cardboard, glue stick.
Semolina on trays, wine corks.
Audio recordings of songs " funny ball", "My funny ball."

Progress of the lesson:

"It's me" greeting

These are the eyes. Here. Here.
These are ears. Here. Here.
This is the nose. This is the mouth.
There's a backrest.
There's a belly here.
These are pens. Clap. Clap.
These are the legs. Top. Top.
Oh, we're tired. Let's wipe our brow.

Surprise moment “Wonderful bag”

Our wonderful bag has prepared interesting toys for you. Place your hand in the bag, take it out and find out what it is.

The children take out the balls. They examine them: lungs, ball shape, rolling.

Didactic game “Where the ball hid”

The teacher places a ball and a cube in front of the child, then covers them with handkerchiefs. Where was the ball hidden? Find him, take off his handkerchief.

Construction game “Build a gate”

In front of the children, two bars are laid out parallel to each other, and the child must place a third bar across the top, so as to form a gate.

Didactic exercise “Roll the ball into the goal”

Push the ball so that it rolls through the goal. The child pushes the ball on one side, and the parent catches it on the other. Then the parent rolls the ball, and the child tries to catch it.

Didactic exercise “Find a place for the ball”

Children place round multi-colored ball magnets at the request of the teacher on a magnetic board.
Place the ball in the middle, on the edge, at the top, at the bottom.

Dynamic pause “My funny ball”

To the song of the same name, children walk along corrective paths, climb into the “pipe,” rolling a ball in front of them.

Application "Clown with balls"

The clown lost his balls. Collect them and put them in place. Now you can coat the balls with glue and glue them to the picture.

Finished work.

Preparation for the lesson.

Didactic game “Big and small balls”

We have balls. The balls are different. Here is a big ball, and here is a small ball.
Place large balls in a large basket and small balls in a small basket.

Outdoor game “Hit the ring”

Children try to hit the ball into a low-lying basketball basket.

Dynamic pause “Girls and boys”

Girls and boys,
Clap, clap, clap.
They bounce like balls
Jump, jump, jump.
They stomp their feet:
Top, top, top!
They laugh merrily:
Ha, ha, ha!
The ball jumps up.
Who will jump the highest?
Hush, hush, the ball is tired,
The ball stopped bouncing.
The ball rolled into place
Well, we sit down at the table.

Reading and dramatization of A. Barto’s poem “Ball”

Our Tanya cries loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.

Children are invited to feel sorry for Tanya (pat her on the head, hand her their ball with the words “here”, “take”)

Sorter ball game

Children insert the figures into the corresponding holes on the sorter ball.

Palm massage “I roll circles with a ball”

I roll the ball in circles
(between palms in a circle)

I drive him back and forth,
(up and down movements)

I will stroke their palm,
And then I’ll squeeze it a little.
I'll press the ball with each finger
And I'll start with the other hand.
And now the last trick -
The ball flies between the hands
(throwing the ball from hand to hand).

Modeling “Balls red and blue”

Children make balls from red and blue salt dough and press them with their palms to form flat cakes. Circles are cut out of them with a mold and applied to cardboard with a blue and red circle drawn on them. Press with your palm on top and decorate (make impressions with the end of a pencil).

Game “We hit the ball with our palm”

We hit the ball with our palm
Friendly, fun, together.
Ball - ball, my friend
Voiced, sonorous, sonorous side.
We hit the ball with our palm
Friendly, fun, together.

The child stands in front of the adult (or sits on his lap). By humming a song, we help rhythmically “beat” the ball with your palm.

I throw and catch the ball
I like to play with the ball
Ball, mommy, don’t hide it
Throw the ball back to me
I throw and catch the ball
I love to play with the ball.
We play ball.
(toss to each other)

Drawing “Many balls”

On a tray with semolina, the teacher draws a circle-ball with a wine cork. How many balls did I draw? One ball. And you draw a lot of balls.

Breathing exercise “Blow on the ball”

Balls are different. This ball is small and light. Blow on it and it will roll. Because it's very light.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “Funny Ball”

Children listen to music and beat out the rhythm with musical hammers.

Exercises on a big ball

To relieve excitement, parents swing their children on fitballs.