How to stretch your pectoral muscles after exercise. Stretching the pectoral muscles. Chest stretching exercises

In the article, you will find a lot of useful information regarding stretching.

Briefly, I will tell you: about the types of stretches (static / dynamic), what is the difference between them, their advantages / disadvantages (which is better for a beginner, etc.), I will touch on a very topical issue that interests many beginning guys/girls: “ how to do stretching correctly” (where to start, what to do, how to do it, etc., so as not to cause harm and waste time).

Well, and finally, I’ll tell you about a set of the best (effective) exercises for stretching all the muscles of the body (neck, trapezius, shoulders, arms (biceps, triceps), chest, back, and of course legs), of course talking about the technique of performing them , everything is detailed with pictures, in general, so that no unnecessary questions arise.

Everyone has their own goals, for example:

  • do the splits;
  • improve posture,
  • improve muscle elasticity;
  • develop coordination;
  • acquire a flexible and “obedient” body that will help you easily master new sets of exercises in various directions...
  • for fighters, for example, to perform kicking techniques (for example, (kick to the head), etc.)
  • to improve *nt*m*th life, new poses are all to do =)
  • and so on. in general, there are a lot of directions.

But! Let’s not fan the air with stories about how this is useful, everyone needs it, etc.

Everyone makes their own choice, whether a person wants to study - ok, no - it’s his choice.

Always follow the simple rules below, and everything will be fine =)

1. Before performing muscle stretching (it doesn’t matter whether it’s the legs or other parts of the body (back, chest, arms, neck, etc.), be sure to Warm up before your workout.

This is vitally important so that you do not harm yourself or get injured (sprain or something else), because the body is “cold”, and muscles and ligaments stretch on a cold body very poorly, therefore injuries are inevitable. Do you need it?...

If you are doing anaerobic training ( Gym, training with iron), then stretching should be performed after training (not at the beginning, as some individuals mistakenly do, but only at the end, after strength training).

This is done specifically because stretching helps to relax and relieve tension from the muscles. Accordingly, if you put it at the beginning of the training, before strength training where mobilization of forces is required, you will only worsen your strength results.

2. Perform absolutely all stretching exercises smoothly and under control, without any sudden rash movements/jerks that can lead to injury (even to a warm muscle).

3. While performing this or that exercise, try not to strain your muscles, because relaxed muscles stretch much better (more efficiently).

4.When you do stretching exercises, always make sure that your back (namely your spine) is straight(you can’t sneer or grimace, because this way you reduce the flexibility and elasticity of muscles and ligaments).

5. Breathing should be as calm as possible and smooth ( starting position - inhale (nose), stretch - exhale (mouth)) - watch this (and in no case, do not hold your breath while performing this or that exercise, this is not permissible).

6.As a rule, the time to complete one exercise is about 60 seconds.

Well, in general, it varies depending on the flexibility of your muscles (at first, as much as you can, usually 5-10 maximum 15 seconds, however, each time (gradually) you need to try to increase it to the required minute or more depending on your fitness).

7. Make it a habit to exercise (exercise) regularly(and not whenever you feel like it/want, once a week or month... because the effect of such training is like a milk goat). I would definitely recommend starting with at least three regular workouts a week (less will not be enough), and gradually (under control, depending on how you feel) increase to daily training (if you want), no, even 3 times will be enough.

8. What else can I say... oh yes, under no circumstances should you copy someone.

Don’t try to stand out by showing off how cool I am, etc.

Always stretch in a way that suits you, not someone else.

Always consider your personal stretching limits, otherwise injury is inevitable. The game is not worth the candle...

9.If you are stretching with a partner, be very attentive and let him know how you feel. I'm not arguing that stretching together is more fun, but be very careful and speak up immediately if you feel too much, because your partner cannot sense when your thigh is about to tear...

(this is just an example, get the gist of it). 10. A very common mistake many people make is that they do not pull MUSCLES, but LIGADES!

It is quite difficult to break them, but with due diligence it is possible.

As a result, you will have to undergo long-term rehabilitation, or completely forget about training.

Therefore, always take basic precautions, namely:

  • Bend your knees slightly as you pull your hamstrings;
  • When working on stretching your legs, relieve lateral stress on your knees by turning your toes up;
  • Just be careful when stretching small arm muscles or vulnerable muscles shoulder girdle;
  • Avoid severe pain when performing flexibility exercises.

11. Many people do stretching in such a painful way that they simply cannot stand it and quit this activity. This is not the right approach!

Under no circumstances should you endure pain, because this is the direct and shortest path to a hospital bed.

However, stretching should not be too pleasant if you want to get serious results in the foreseeable future. Do you understand?

All in all, no severe pain but don’t just philander….

12. The body should be stretched symmetrically, giving equal attention to each limb or half of the body. If you stretch your right leg for 5 minutes, be kind enough to stretch and left leg as many. Nothing less.

Only in this case can you count on the benefits of stretching exercises.

13. A reasonable duration of flexibility training is considered to be at least 30-50 minutes, no less. More is possible, but not less (although I initial stage I spent 15-20 minutes, gradually reaching 30 minutes, I never do more than 30 minutes, because there is no need - those who are seriously involved in this, who want to achieve serious results, have a need).

When should you not stretch?

There are practically no contraindications for muscle stretching, so anyone can do it.

However, carry out various exercises It is not recommended for stretching any parts of the body in the following cases:

  • Severe spinal injuries;
  • Inflamed hip joints;
  • Sore lower back;
  • For bruised legs;
  • In case of cracks in bones, especially the pelvis;
  • With high blood pressure.
  • Exercises during pregnancy, according to experts, are not prohibited, however, the physiological changes that occur in a woman’s body during this period require special attention... therefore, be vigilant (look at how you feel).
  • And also, in no case should you train stretching on a COLD BODY (without warming up), I have already talked about this in detail above.

P.s. Ideally, if you have significant health problems (especially with joints and muscles), you should consult a doctor or an experienced trainer before starting stretching exercises.

In case you were doing stretching and you experienced the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Muscle spasm
  • Unexplained crunching or clicking in the body

Then see for yourself how you feel, maybe you need to rest for 5 minutes, maybe change the exercise, maybe stop training altogether...

Types of stretch marks

There are five types of stretching:

Active— the practitioner himself makes efforts to stretch one or another part of the body.

Passive– these are movements performed with the help of a partner (work in pairs).

With this type of stretching, the amplitude is greater than with independent work, however, the training has one subtlety: if you don’t reach it, then there will be no effect from the exercise, and if you overdo it, you can get injured.

It is for this reason that you:

  • You must be absolutely confident in the competence of your partner;
  • Constantly inform him (while performing this or that exercise) about your feelings, so as not to get injured.

In my opinion, this is a kind of metamorphosis of static stretching, which is not performed under own weight, but under the influence of the partner’s efforts. That's all the differences.

Dynamic- unlike the static one, this type is performed in motion.

The simplest example is lunges with one leg forward (backward), to the side.

An increase in the range of motion is achieved by increasing the speed or intensity of the exercise.

Ballistic– in short, this type is performed with jerks and springy actions (prohibited for health stretching).

In detail, the basis of ballistic stretching is jumping, pushing and other sudden power movements that help stretch the muscles.

Please note that all exercises are performed with maximum amplitude and sharply (the only type in which the exercises are performed not smoothly, under control, but sharply), due to which a jerky traumatic stretch of muscle and connective tissue occurs.

During such a load, joints and muscles experience risky overloads, so this method is not widely used (as far as I know, it is not recommended for beginners).

Statistical This is the most effective type of stretching recommended by doctors. In this type of stretching, a certain pose is assumed in which all muscles are stretched to the maximum, after which the body position is fixed for 15-30 seconds (maximum 1 minute).

P.s. In general, the fixation time depends on the flexibility (stretch) of a particular person.

In my opinion, in essence, all these types can be divided into two types (statistical (holding) and dynamic (in motion). Why the hell reinvent the wheel, who knows.

CONCLUSION: The ballistic type of stretching is the most traumatic, because, as already mentioned, it includes various swings and springing movements with a large amplitude...

Accordingly, if your muscles and joints are not properly prepared, this can lead not to stretching, but to rupture of ligaments, muscle injuries, “knocking out” of the joint, etc....

That is why, for most people, I would recommend starting stretching training only with static smooth exercises.

In the future, as you become more trained (experience, experience, etc.), see for yourself.

The best stretches for all parts of the body

Don't forget that only after a thorough warm-up You can move on to basic exercises that develop flexibility in any part of the body.

As a rule, you need to start a stretching workout with stretching the neck muscles, then move on to the shoulders, back, arms, chest and abs, and only lastly do stretching exercises for the legs. This is just for your reference, so that you are aware)), but don’t worry, I’ve already compiled everything for you below, just start repeating.


Exercise No. 1.

  • The exercise can be performed either standing or sitting (in my opinion, standing is more convenient).
  • Head tilts are performed using the hands: the free hand is simply extended along the body (in our example, the right one), the working hand (in our example, the left one) performs a movement, namely: with your left hand, carefully pull your head down towards your shoulder.
  • After which, simply hold this position as long as you can, and then move to the other side.
  • Repeat a couple of times on each side.

Exercise No. 2.

  • Stand up straight.
  • Place both palms on the back of your head.
  • Lightly pressing them on your head, pull your chin towards your chest.
  • Stay in this position and feel the stretch rear end neck (see figure No. 1 below).

MUSCLE STRETCHING: shoulders, back, chest

Exercise No. 1.

  • The exercise is performed standing.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your right arm up.
  • Then pull it above your head close to your ear. Grab your right elbow with your left hand and gently pull your hand towards your ear. You should feel tension in your deltoids (shoulders).
  • When you feel it, stay in this position for as long as you can.
  • Repeat with the other hand.

Exercise No. 2.

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Place both arms behind your back so that your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle (see the picture above).
  • Grab your arm with your other hand as close to the elbow as you can and pull it gently across your back to your opposite shoulder.
  • Hold the stretch as long as you can, and then stretch with your other arm.


Exercise No. 1.

  • Grab a post or pole with one hand and lean back, straightening your legs, so that your back muscles stretch.
  • Hold for as long as you can, feel the stretch (burning) in this position, then repeat the exercise with the other hand (see the picture above, you will roughly understand what we are talking about).

MUSCLE STRETCHING: hands and wrists

Exercise No. 1. Stretching the triceps (and even the shoulders and back)

  • Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart (for convenience).
  • First, throw (raise) one arm (let's say the right one) back behind your back and bend it at the elbow.
  • Now we pull up the second hand (left), that is, we take the right elbow with our left hand and begin to pull it carefully, slowly, under control, as far (deeper) as possible.
  • Hold the stretch for as long as you can, and then repeat the exercise with the other arm.

Exercise No. 2. Stretch the biceps

  • Kneel on the floor and place your hands down in front of you, fingers pointing towards your knees.
  • The thighs almost touch the feet.
  • Arch your back and lean back slowly, keeping your elbows motionless and your palms on the floor under control, so that tension (stretch) occurs in the muscles we need.
  • Stay in this position (when it burns) for as long as you can.
  • Then relax for 15-20 seconds and repeat the exercise several times (depending on how you feel).


Exercise No. 1. Stretching pectoral muscles about the counter

  • Find some kind of support (vertical) such as a WALL (as shown in the picture above).
  • Go to the wall and place your hand on the wall or any other vertical surface (depending on what you find) and bend your elbow 90 degrees while leaning forward with your whole body and slightly to the side of your hand until you feel the tension in your pectoral muscles.
  • Then hold this position for as long as you can (to stretch your chest muscles), and then repeat the exercise on the other side.

Exercise No. 2.

  • Stand in a vertical position and pull your outstretched arms back, while keeping them in the lock (as shown in the figure below).
  • After which, not sharply, but with a controlled movement (if you can, of course), raise your arms to the ceiling (as long as you can, according to your health), it is important to keep your arms STRAIGHT during all this, until you feel a stretch in the pectoral muscles.

Exercise No. 1.

  • Lie on your stomach and place both hands on the floor directly in front of you (as if you were about to do push-ups).
  • P.s. Personally, I use my fists (I have a wrist injury), but you can use your hands (see for yourself).
  • Lift your head and chest off the floor, slowly and carefully arching your back. Feel the stretch in your abs and hold this position for as long as you can.
  • Then rest and repeat several times.

Exercise No. 2.

  • Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Place one hand on your waist (as shown in the picture above) and tilt your torso to that side, while reaching for your hand.
  • Then repeat on the other side.

Exercise No. 1.

  • Sit on the floor. Legs widely spaced.
  • Start tilting your torso forward as low as possible, then do springy tilts up and down.

Exercise No. 2.

  • Sit on the floor with your legs spread wide apart.
  • Bend towards your right leg as low as possible. Use your hands to hold your leg below the knee.
  • Do springy tilts up and down at least 10 times. (you can go up to 50).
  • Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Exercise No. 3.

  • Sit on the floor. The legs are shifted and extended forward.
  • We bend our torso as low as possible, trying to reach our ankles with our hands. If this is difficult, you can bend your knees slightly.
  • We make smooth springy tilts up and down at least 10 times (up to 50). Your goal is to touch your head to your knees.

Exercise No. 4. It’s like doing the splits :)

  • Move your feet apart from each other until you feel the tension in the leg muscles of the inner thighs during the stretching exercise (the final pose of the legs is in the form of an obtuse angle, approximately 120-140?).
  • Tilt your body down, place your elbows on the floor (or try to reach for it, but not jerkily, but slowly). Stay still (hold, feel the tension) for 5-10-15-30 seconds (depending on the degree of your flexibility).
  • Every day, try to place your feet further apart, increasing the time of immobility in all intermediate poses.

Exercise No. 5. to stretch the back of the leg muscles (similar to a lunge).

  • Stand on a hard surface with your body straight.
  • Move your left leg forward (and your right leg back) as far away from you as possible.
  • Bend it at the knee, lowering yourself down. Keep your back straight, feeling the stretching of the leg muscles during the exercise, stop in such a position that the angle of your bent right knee is 90 degrees.
  • Relax your core - let the weight of your body be distributed downward, increasing the pressure on your legs. We stand still for as long as we can (as usual, no more than 1 minute).
  • You can try to put your hands together in a “lock” behind your back (honestly, this is very difficult for beginners, so you can just put your hands on your hip or on the floor, or you can even hold on to the handrail with them/lean against the wall (if you can’t keep your balance).
  • Repeat everything on your left leg.

Exercise No. 6. Side Lunges

Lunge into right side, the toe of the left foot at this time is looking forward (or at a slight angle outward) and the entire foot is on the floor, the left leg is straight. Stretch (lower) feeling the tension. The same must be done to the left side.

Exercise No. 7. Forward bends

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • With your legs completely straight (don't bend your knees at all, watch this, that's the point of the movement) perform 12 springy forward bends.

Exercise No. 8. Stretching the groin, inner thighs

  • Sit on the floor, then press your feet together.
  • Hold your feet with your palms.
  • Place your elbows on your knees (see picture).
  • Begin to slowly press your elbows on your legs and at the same time tilt your torso forward (in principle, you can simply press on your legs so that they spread and keep your torso straight, see for yourself).
  • In any case, make sure that your back is straight at all times.
  • Bend over as you exhale, and, having reached the peak of tension, stay in this position for as long as you can (in the future, up to 1 minute). Then return to the starting position and repeat these bends several more times (depending on how you feel).

Exercise No. 9. Hamstring stretch

  • Sit on the floor. Straighten both legs in front of you.
  • Start to reach your toes with your hands (or even further if you can), feeling the tension in the back of your thighs and hold for as long as you can (up to 1 minute).
  • Repeat the exercise several times (depending on how you feel).

Exercise No. 10. Stretch the front of the thigh (quadriceps)

  • Stand up straight, bend one knee and press your heel into your buttock with one or both hands (as shown in the photo).
  • If necessary, help yourself with your opposite hand to maintain your balance.
  • Watch your knees, they should be on the same line, and internal surfaces thighs tightly squeezed.
  • Tighten up gluteal muscles and twist your pelvis a little forward and upward - this will enhance the sensations. Stay in this position for as long as you can (no more than 1 minute), feeling the tension in the front of your thigh (quadriceps).
  • Repeat all over again with the other leg.

Exercise No. 11. Stretch your hips and buttocks

  • Lie on the floor with your back down. Bend both legs at the knees.
  • The upper body is completely relaxed.
  • Raise your left leg onto your right knee (as shown in the photo).
  • Place both hands on your right knee and begin to slowly, under control, pull it toward you.
  • Change the relative positions of your legs and repeat the exercise.

Exercises No. 12. Ankle stretch (SHIN, CALVES)

  • Stand facing the wall, then press your palms against the wall.
  • Take one leg back 40–60 cm without lifting your heel from the floor (if you do tear it off, then press it to the floor to feel the tension in your ankle and calves. Otherwise (if you don’t press your heel), the exercise loses its meaning.
  • Only when the heel is pressed do you feel a burning sensation (tension), only in this case does stretching occur. In general, press your heel and stay in this position for as long as you can (up to 1 minute).

Congratulations, administrator.

Good day to all beginners and those actively continuing! Today we will get acquainted with the phenomenon of stretching and stretching exercises. After reading the article, you will learn how muscle stretching is useful, what mistakes are made when performing them, and most importantly, how to properly relax your muscles.

So, everyone is glued to the blue screens, we begin.

Stretching exercises: what, why and why

According to statistics, most people who visit gyms/fitness rooms do it unconsciously. Those. they come in, download their daily training program into their brains and complete it on autopilot. Due to the fact that the main scourge of modern society is a total lack of time, usually no time is given at all for various preludes in the form of cool-downs and muscle stretching. And really, why waste your precious time on some kind of ancillary exercises - stretching exercises, because this will definitely not make your muscles grow, and everyone knows this. This philosophy is typical for most exercisers and fitness ladies. Moreover, I constantly encounter it in my rocking chair. Whether this is correct, and what place the “utility room” should occupy, we will discuss further.

If you have ever watched professional bodybuilders training (at least through youtube), then you probably noticed that they pay a lot of attention to the correct “rolling” into training process. Those. they perform various pulling exercises, which, it would seem, have nothing to do with bodybuilding. So why is this happening? Maybe the pros know some secret, a secret? Rather yes than no.

So, stretching is a set of specialized exercises aimed at developing muscle flexibility and joint mobility.

The main types of stretching are:

  • static – stretching a muscle at a certain point and holding it in that position;
  • PNF stretching - you stretch and contract the muscles;
  • passive - the partner helps (participates) in stretching;
  • active – stretching without assistance;
  • ballistic - you use bouncing to force the muscles into deeper tension;
  • dynamic - you stretch the muscles in a controlled movement at increasing speed.


At first, use only static stretching.

Stretching Exercises: Key Benefits

The main benefits of muscle stretching include:

  • increased flexibility, muscle strength and endurance, joint mobility, range of motion, sense of body control;
  • increasing circulation by sending oxygen and blood to the muscles;
  • build-up muscle mass and strength by stretching the fascia (connective tissue covering muscle, tendon, nerve and bone).
  • reduction of injuries (accelerating their healing) And ,
  • relieving muscle and joint tension (clamps), relaxing muscles;
  • blood flow helps flush out waste products and set the muscle up for a new approach;
  • makes performing strenuous activities easier by conditioning your muscles.


Light stretching causes a slight increase in temperature muscle tissue, which, in turn, increases the fiber rupture threshold. The function of energy-generating enzymes also improves, which are very important during training, because they give the human body more energy to perform exercises.

As you can see, stretching provides many benefits, both short and long term. Intermediate conclusion: stretching exercises (done properly) are the most effective way to completely connect your mind and body (establish neuromuscular connection), and therefore must be included in the .

Stretching exercises: theory

Now let's look at the main calculations regarding stretching.

No. 1. Stretching muscles does not release growth hormone

No, it does not relate to the activity that triggers synthesis, but it prepares the entire body well for such release exercises.

No. 2. Stretching helps combat hardening of the arteries

Scientific research has shown that prolonged stretching (in the form of yoga) with moderate aerobic exercise and controlled diet, can lower cholesterol levels and significantly reverse the hardening of arteries in adults (before 20% regression) if they have a similar disease.

No. 3. New research and new rules

Many trainers say that there is no such thing as too much stretching. However, recent research shows that athletes active species sports (football, basketball, etc.) Immediately before the game, you should not perform long stretching procedures, because this temporarily slows muscle activation. Prolonged stretching (near 20 minutes) reduces strength for up to one hour after a sprain and slightly reduces muscle activation.

Now let's delve a little deeper into the science and figure out how stretching affects muscle growth?

Undoubtedly, professional bodybuilders know many secrets in building impressive volumes, and one of them is stretching. It plays an important role in the formation of muscle mass and here's why.

Every muscle in your body is encased in a special sack of tough connective tissue known as fascia. It is important for keeping the muscle in place.

Not many people know, but fascia can inhibit muscle growth. Just imagine the situation - you are actively working in the gym, you eat a lot, your muscles want to grow, but they do not have this opportunity, something is holding them back. And this something is tough fascia that does not allow the muscle to expand. This phenomenon can be compared to squeezing a large chest pillow into a small pillowcase.

Conclusion: Muscle size will not change no matter how well you train or eat, because... The connective tissue around your muscles is tightly compressed.

The best example of this phenomenon is calf muscles. The lower leg is simply riddled with fascia, thanks to the enormous amount of walking work and heavy lifting duties. It is because of the “clogging” of the fascia that many athletes are unable to develop impressive calves. The solution to this situation is stretching exercises.

In the process of stretching (under certain conditions) You can stretch the fascia and give the muscles more room to grow. Now I will give away one of the main secrets of bodybuilders - the key to effective stretching fascia is . The best time to stretch is when your muscles are as engorged as possible. During extreme pumping, the muscles put pressure on the fascia (from the inside, as if pushing it apart). At this time, you seriously increase the pressure on the fascia, which can lead to its expansion.

Note (secret secret):

One of the main reasons that Arnold Schwarzenegger had incredibly developed chest was that he finished his workout with dumbbell flyes - an exercise that emphasizes the stretched position of the pectoral muscles. He bombed his chest in pump mode (beat her to capacity with blood), and then lay down on a horizontal bench and did fly-ups, keeping the stretch in the lower phase. This allowed him to acquire XXXL size breasts :).

Fascial stretching is slightly different from the usual one, but it is this one (the first one) that gives the most impressive results. When you stretch the fascia, you should feel a powerful pulling pain and pressure - this is the muscle working against the fascia. Make sure you don't stretch in a way that causes the muscle to tear or cause injury.

You will quickly learn to feel the difference between a good and a bad stretch. The main rule here is stable stretching, and not a feeling of acute pain. Hold each stretch for at least 20 before 30 seconds This will give you time to “touch” the fascia in the area.


Remember, if the muscles are not “pumped,” then stretching will proceed easily and calmly, otherwise stretching will be quite difficult.

Let's sum up this whole crap part: one set of stretching after each set that you do for a muscle group, in addition to the obvious benefits in developing flexibility, can have an incredible effect on the size of your muscles and their further ability to grow.

Well, it's time to move on to the practical part, namely...

How to properly stretch muscles: the best stretching exercises

I would like to start this subchapter with a visual component that clearly demonstrates the phenomenon of muscle stretching. Compare two images that show the same muscle group - biceps shoulder

As you can see, the first one is much shorter and slightly overhangs, the second one is stretched out, long biceps. It turns out that the longer it is, the more space there is for growth, so it can grow more powerful (higher, more voluminous).

Not many people know how to properly stretch muscles, and all this is due to ignorance of basic postulates and recommendations, which include:

  • warming up (increase in body temperature) before anaerobic training and stretching is a basic rule;
  • It is necessary to stretch all major muscle groups (especially those that will be worked on during training) systematically moving from one to another;
  • Stretching should be done after warm-up and after training, and if you work in the pumping style, then after each set;
  • studies have shown that best time tensile retention is a period of 30 seconds;
  • You must approach the extended position slowly and carefully, without sudden movements;
  • breathing when stretching should be slow and deep;
  • only after 4-6 weeks from the moment you start stretching, your body will agree to increase flexibility;
  • 3-5 minutes of stretching after a workout will allow you to “wash” the floors of the remaining lactic acid from the muscles and return them to normal mode for everyday activities.

As examples of stretching exercises, we will consider two types of stretching: active with weights and static. Let's start in order.

No. 1. Active stretching with weights

It consists in the fact that you carry out your usual training program, but with a small “BUT” - the muscles work only in a fully stretched position. The following visual will serve as a good example:

Dumbbell flyes on an inclined (upward angle) bench to stretch the chest muscles.

Pullover with dumbbell for lats.

Seated barbell curls (Scott bench) for biceps.

French press for triceps.

Shrugs for shoulders and trapezius.

For the hamstrings and lower back.

Lunges for quadriceps.

Calf raises for calf muscles.

Each of these exercises will allow you to lower the weight all the way down and really feel a deep stretch in your body. target muscles with every repetition. The effect of stretching can be increased by delaying (for a few seconds) in the bottom position.


Human muscles can stretch up to 150% its length.

Next in line is...

No. 2. Static stretch

A classic of the genre, familiar to most people who visit gyms/fitness rooms. You do static stretching to the point of discomfort, and then maintain the stretching state for 30 seconds Once your body gets used to this procedure, it will increase its pain threshold, allowing you to stretch deeper and longer.

Here are some exercises you can do during your workout: (before/after/during):

Pectoralis major and minor muscles (rotation of the body, failure of m / u supports, stretching with a wall bars).

Back muscles (hanging on the crossbar, tilting the body to the side while holding the support, praying on the knees).

Muscles of the neck and shoulders (side bends, horizontal adduction, lock behind the back).

Arm muscles: biceps and triceps (vertical stretch, hanging on the bar with a supinated grip, hyperextension of the arm behind the head).

Arm muscles: forearms and hands (frontal extension of the fingers, bending the fingers from the lock position, bending the fingers of the other hand).

Leg muscle group: quadriceps (knee flexion, hip flexion with knee support) and hamstrings (hip extension with knee extended).

Muscle group of the leg: calf muscles (stretching hands to legs while sitting, stretching with emphasis on the heel).

(lying hip rotation, standing hip adduction, hip flexion and internal rotation).

(hip abduction sitting/on knees, with emphasis on knees).

Abdominal muscles: rectus/oblique (lying position on the stomach with emphasis on the elbows, side slope with support for support, bridge, bending to the side while holding the body bar).

Actually, these are all stretching exercises , which I would like to talk about, and which are enough for you to do stretches properly :).


Many people underestimate stretching and rarely use it in their training program. However, you, my dear readers, now know what its strength is, and why this tool should be in the arsenal of people who want to build good muscle volume.

That’s all for now, I’m glad that you spent this time usefully and moved one more step towards your goal - relief body your dreams!

PS. Don't forget about feedback through comments, I'm always glad to hear from you.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

We are always frightened by pain in the heart area, since their occurrence is often associated with myocardial infarction, the mortality rate from which is very high...

Problem: pain in the heart area

We are always frightened by pain in the heart area, since their occurrence is often associated with myocardial infarction, the mortality rate from which is very high.

However, in some cases these fears are unfounded.

Pain can be caused by other reasons, but only a doctor can find out.

One of the most common causes of such pain is a painful spasm of the pectoralis major and minor muscles.

Rice. 53. Pain in the heart area

When they are affected, pain similar to pain in the heart may appear in the right side of the chest.

Many patients describe the pain as dull, aching, or boring.

They occur during physical stress:push-ups, pull-ups, lifting and carrying loads, sharply moving the arm back when swinging while playing volleyball, tennis, badminton.

Due to increased pain, the movement of the arm back is usually limited.

In addition, pain can appear at rest, and sometimes at night, disturbing sleep.

In addition, pain appears in the subclavian region, the anterior surface of the shoulder and spreads to the arm, accompanied by numbness and weakness of the arm muscles.

This is explained by compression of the neurovascular bundle under the tense pectoralis minor muscle.

Few people know that when the pectoral muscles are damaged, periodic rhythm disturbances may occur without other signs of heart damage.

Main functions of the pectoral muscles:

Adduct and internally rotate the shoulder;

Raise the ribs with a fixed shoulder blade or arm during a deep breath, taking auxiliary part in breathing;

Pull the shoulder blade forward and downward.

Causes of spasm:

Osteocondritis of the spine;

Lifting and holding heavy objects in front of you without warming up;

Abrupt withdrawal of the arm when throwing a ball, serving in tennis, etc.;

Being in a draft and overcooling tired muscles;

Quick push-ups from the floor, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, pushing a barbell without prior warm-up;

Overstrain of the adductor muscles of the arms during prolonged use with a saw, wire cutters, etc.;

Persistent cough;

Prolonged compression of muscles by the strap of a heavy backpack;

Injury to the pectoral muscles;

Muscle strain when sitting for long periods of time with drooping shoulders.

How to find the affected muscle

Palpation of the pectoral muscles is carried out with the opposite hand. Typically, the site of maximum pain corresponds to the site of maximum spasm.

If you have difficulty, then moving your arm back slightly, which causes tension in the pectoral muscles, can make the search easier.

In this position, the spasmodic area becomes more sensitive to pressure and is clearly felt in the form of a compaction or cord.

As a rule, finding painful areas does not cause difficulties.

Stretching is carried out in 2 positions.

Position No. 1 (Fig. 54)

Rice. 54. Stretching the pectoralis major and minor muscles (position No. 1): a - clavicular portion; b - sternal portion; c - costal and abdominal portions

Sitting on a chair near the doorway, move the arm on the affected side to the side, bend it at the elbow, the hand and forearm should be adjacent to the doorway from behind.

Shifting the torso forward and turning it to the healthy side increases the amplitude of the stretch.


a) the upper part (clavicular portion of the pectoral muscles) facilitates the lowering of the shoulder below the horizontal level;

b) middle part (thoracic portion) - position of the shoulder at a horizontal level;

c) lower part (costal and abdominal portions) - raising the shoulder above the horizontal level.

Duration of stretching is 5-10 minutes.

Perform it daily until pain on palpation completely disappears.

Position No. 2 (Fig. 55)

Lie on your back with your head on a pillow, move your arm to the side, bend it at an angle of 90° at the elbow joint, and cover it with a pillow on top.

The amplitude of the stretch is regulated by turning the body in the healthy direction.

Rice. 55. Stretching the pectoralis major and minor muscles (position No. 2)

Stretching the upper, middle and lower portions The pectoral muscles are facilitated by abducting the shoulder towards the legs or head, similar to the stretch in position No. 1.

Prevention measures:

Perform comprehensive treatment of osteochondrosis in a timely manner;

Be sure to warm up before upcoming work involving heavy lifting and sports;

Avoid hypothermia and drafts;

When wearing a backpack, move its strap to the edge of the shoulder, and so that it does not put too much pressure, place a wide pad under it;

When sitting for a long time, create support for your elbows or use a chair with comfortable armrests;

Take timely breaks from work, rationalize your activities so that there are no conditions for overworking the adductor muscles of the arms. published .

Leontyev A.V.

If you have any questions, please ask

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

The pectoralis minor muscle is the “smaller sister” of the more massive and well-known pectoralis major muscle. However, even a muscle this small can cause serious problems.

It is located under the pectoralis major muscle, originates from the 3rd, 4th and 5th ribs, passes laterally upward and is attached to the coracoid process of the scapula. Functions of the pectoralis minor muscle: stabilization of the scapula, as well as its lowering, retraction and downward rotation.

When the shoulder blade is in a fixed position, this muscle also takes part in raising the chest. Having explained the functions of the pectoralis minor, will tell you what problems may be associated with it.

Condition of the pectoralis minor muscle and postural disorders

The pectoralis minor muscle is a fairly significant factor in the formation of correct (or incorrect) posture. One of the functions of the pectoralis minor is to retract the scapula—moving it forward, away from the spine, and around the rib cage, resulting in a hunched position in the shoulders.

Unfortunately, the lives of most of us are dominated by a sedentary lifestyle - we spend the lion's share of time at computers, driving, leaning over the desk in unnatural positions, when our shoulders are rounded and tilted forward, our backs are hunched. Over time, this position inevitably leads to overstrain of the pectoralis minor muscle (the appearance of muscle knots, or clamps).

Poor posture, although a big one, is not the only problem caused by overstrain of the pectoralis minor muscle. Therefore, below will consider:

  • what symptoms and problems appear with overexertion of the pectoralis minor;
  • what is pectoralis minor syndrome?
  • how to get rid of pain caused by overexertion of the pectoralis minor muscle.

Overstrain of the pectoralis minor muscle: the starting point of serious disorders

Overloaded pectoralis minor muscle in a significant way affects the function of the shoulder joint and increases the risk of injury.

Perhaps the most common problem associated with the pectoralis minor is subacromial impingement syndrome.

In this case, the lack of space in the area between the humerus and the acromion leads to pinching of the tendons of the supraspinatus muscle and subacromial bursa, especially when raising the arm above the shoulder, as well as during rotational movements.


This lack of space may be directly related to a tight pectoralis minor muscle due to anterior tilt of the scapula and decreased subacromial arch.

In this case, patients complain of:

  • dull pain in the shoulder;
  • increased pain when raising the arm up;
  • sleep problems as a result pain syndrome, especially when lying down on the affected side;
  • a characteristic crunching or clicking sound when lowering your hand;
  • limitation of joint mobility;
  • weakness in the hand.

In addition to increasing the risk of entrapment, a tight pectoralis minor muscle along with the serratus anterior muscle moves the glenoid fossa of the scapula into a more vertical position, resulting in increased abduction, rotation, and winging of the scapula.

As the position of the scapula changes, the levator scapulae muscle and the upper fibers of the trapezius muscle begin to tighten in an attempt to stabilize its position. Ultimately, this leads to overstrain of the neck and shoulder muscles and the appearance of many trigger points in this area, which is typical for many who work at a desk (or on the couch, with a laptop on their lap).

Pectoralis minor syndrome - when nerves and blood vessels are affected

In 50% of cases, it is the pectoralis minor muscle that is the root cause of thoracic outlet compression syndrome (or simply pectoralis minor syndrome). What it is?

Pectoralis minor syndrome manifests itself as compression of the nerves and blood vessels located in the front of the shoulder and chest - the brachial nerve plexus, subclavian artery and vein. Pinched nerves and blood vessels necessarily make themselves felt, causing significant physical discomfort.

Symptoms of this syndrome vary depending on the location and degree of compression of the neurovascular bundle and can manifest as:

  • pain throughout the entire arm - from the shoulder to the little finger;
  • numbness, decreased sensitivity, tingling in the limbs;
  • weakness in the hand;
  • pallor of the upper limb;
  • decreased hand temperature;
  • increased pain during movement.

As you can see, the pectoralis minor muscle, or more precisely, its overtension, can cause problems affecting the area of ​​the shoulder joint, neck and arm. But this is only part of the whole picture: as a result of muscle compensation that follows the kinetic chain, the negative effects of overexertion of the pectoralis minor muscle can even affect the lower back and pelvic region.

How to relax the pectoralis minor muscle: stretching and trigger point massage

The figures below show the location of the trigger points of the pectoralis minor muscle and a diagram of the reflected pain when pressing these points:

Fortunately, the pectoralis minor responds well to therapy such as massage and/or stretching. However, it is worth noting that it is not so easy to cope with an overstrained pectoralis minor muscle on your own, so recommends either contacting a specialist (which, of course, is better) or asking a friend/spouse/relative for help.

Stretches to eliminate pectoralis minor trigger points:

    1. Lie down on a cylindrical object (a special cushion or a tightly rolled blanket or towel) so that it is in line with the spine. In this position, lower your shoulders down towards the floor, relax, feel the relaxation in the front of your shoulder and upper chest. In this case, your arms can first be placed along the body, and then spread at an angle of 80, 120 and 160 degrees.
    2. Sit on the floor and ask an assistant to stand behind you. Bring both arms back and ask the assistant to gently, smoothly and with little force move the arms further.

Massage of trigger points of the pectoralis minor muscle:

To massage the pectoralis minor muscle, it is better to contact a specialist who can correctly determine the location of trigger points and effectively influence them. At home, massage can be performed using a tennis ball in a lying position (placing the ball on the floor) or standing (clutching the ball between the wall and the pectoralis minor muscle):

In addition to stretching and massage, try doing exercises aimed at strengthening the antagonist muscles of the pectoralis minor muscle. Focus on the middle and lower trapezius, rhomboids, serratus anterior, infraspinatus, and dorsal deltoids.


Pectoral muscles

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Smith Machine Bench PressDescription Smith Machine Bench Press. Initial position. Lying on a horizontal bench in Smith's car, legs... Smith Machine Bench Press (Negative Incline Bench)Description Smith Machine Bench Press (Negative Incline Bench). Initial position. Lying down in Smith... Smith Machine Bench Press (Positive Incline Bench)Description Smith Machine Bench Press (Positive Incline Bench). Initial position. Lying on a bench in...
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Pectoral muscles: location and functions:

The muscles located in the thoracic region of the human torso perform a lot of voluntary and involuntary functions. Let's consider their diversity, location and main tasks.

Pectoral muscles

IN human body four types of muscles of the pectoral region:

  1. The pectoralis major muscle is the most visible. This is the muscle mass of the chest that forms it appearance. It helps with breathing, brings the arm to the body, and is responsible for turning it inward.
  2. The pectoralis minor muscle is not visually visible, because it is located behind the major muscle. It is involved in the breathing process, and it is also what pulls the shoulder blades forward and down.
  3. The subclavius ​​muscle, located between the uppermost rib and the collarbone, moves the collarbone inward and downward, strengthens the sternoclavicular joint, and elevates the first pair of ribs.
  4. The serratus anterior muscle is located on the side of the chest. In terms of its location, it is the lowest pectoral muscle. Together with the rhomboid, it forms a fairly powerful muscle mass that covers the entire human torso and presses the scapula to it.

Proprietary muscles of the sternum

Don’t forget about your own chest muscles:

  1. Aperture - main muscle during the breathing process. This is the muscle-tendon septum between the thoracic and abdominal regions. It helps to increase intra-abdominal pressure, contracting together with the abdominal muscles.
  2. Subcostal muscles involved in the act of inhalation. Located on the dorsal surfaces of the lower pairs of ribs. Their bundles seem to be thrown over one rib.
  3. The external and internal intercostal muscles are participants in the “inhalation-exhalation” process. Their beginning is different costal edges.

Pectoralis major muscle: location

The paired wide Pectoralis major muscle is located in the anterosuperior region of the chest. Involves shoulder joint. Its insertion point is the flat tendon of the intertubercular groove of the humerus. Muscle location:

  1. The upper part (another name is the clavicular) - from the medial line to the anterior clavicular surface. Here it forms the clavicular fossa and the deltoid-pectoral groove.
  2. Next, the middle part of the muscle is observed - the sternocostal muscle. It begins at the anterior surface of the sternum and ends in the area of ​​the 2-7th pair of ribs.
  3. The lowest and most weakly expressed is the abdominal one. It starts from the anterior vaginal wall of the rectus abdominis muscles.

Functions of the pectoralis major muscle

This pectoral muscle performs the following tasks:

  • adduction and internal rotation of the shoulder;
  • bringing the arm raised horizontally into a sagittal position (left or right);
  • pronation - inward rotation of the limb;
  • arm flexion;
  • helping to expand the chest during the breathing process.

Location of the sternum minor muscle

The flat, triangular-shaped pair Pectoralis minor muscle is located directly under the pectoralis major muscle. It is attached to the coracoid process of the scapula by a short tendon. The pectoralis minor muscle controls the joints from the shoulder blade to the ribs. The location of this component of the muscles in the human body:

  1. The beginning is individual teeth in the area of ​​the 2-5th pair of ribs, in close proximity to the junction of their bone and cartilaginous tissue.
  2. Next, the muscle stretches upward in the lateral direction. At the same time, its bundles converge.

Functions of the pectoralis minor muscle

Tasks performed by the sternum minor muscle:

  • movement of the scapula up and down;
  • abduction (reduction) of the shoulder blades;
  • auxiliary function during breathing - with a stably strengthened scapula, the muscle raises the ribs in this process.

Location of the serratus anterior muscle

The wide flat paired Serratus anterior muscle is located in the anterolateral region of the sternum. Her top part, like the pectoralis minor muscle, is hidden under big muscle sternum. The lower one is superficial, located under the pectoral fascia.

Together, the serratus anterior muscles protect the outer costal surface and then extend under the scapula. Here it is attached to the lower corner of the scapular triangle along its medial edge.

Here, it should be noted, the most developed bundles of this muscle are located. Location - 2 starts:

  1. The outer surface of the 8-9th pair of ribs (8-9 muscle teeth).
  2. From the tendon arch passing between the 1st-11th pairs of ribs.

Functions of the serratus anterior muscle

This pectoral muscle performs the following set of functions:

  • pulling the shoulder blades away from the spinal column;
  • lateral (side) displacement of the lower angle of the scapula;
  • rotation of the scapula along the sagittal axis;
  • fixing the position of the scapula, adjoining it to chest(in tandem with the rhomboid muscle);
  • auxiliary respiratory function (during inhalation) - with the condition that the belt upper limbs remains motionless.

Location and functions of the subclavius ​​muscle

The small oblong paired Subclavius ​​muscle is almost parallel to the collarbone, located slightly below it. Its surface is hidden by the extensive large muscle of the sternum. In the lateral and vertical direction, this muscle is attached to the inferior acromial clavicular region. The subclavius ​​muscle performs the following functions and tasks in the body:

  • movement of the clavicle down and towards the medial line;
  • raising the upper pair of ribs;
  • holding the collarbone in the sternoclavicular joint;
  • auxiliary function during the respiratory process;

Thus, all four types of paired pectoral muscles (major, minor, serratus anterior and subclavian) perform a large range of functions - various movements of the limbs, shoulder blades, collarbone, participation in the respiratory process. The quality of performance of voluntary tasks, appearance (relates to the pectoralis major muscle) depends on sportsmanship this or that person.