Exercises with kettlebell 24 for shoulders. Top shoulder exercises, how to quickly pump up your deltoids. Reverse grip curls

Some of the most difficult to develop are shoulder muscles. In order to pump up broad shoulders beautiful shape it is necessary to carefully select a set of exercises in such a way as to involve all four muscle groups responsible for their formation: the anterior, middle and posterior deltoid and trapezius muscles. In this case, all exercises must be performed carefully, regularly and flawlessly. Therefore, it is very important to know how to pump up your shoulders correctly and carefully study the technique of doing the exercises so that the end result can please you. For clarity, watch the shoulder pumping video at the end of the article. You can tone your shoulder muscles, just like with special training, as in gym, and independently, using home remedies. There are enough ways to achieve this to be able to choose the appropriate option for yourself. The main exercises to help pump up your shoulders are:

  • Presses, which are basic for building muscle mass.
  • Arm swings are exercises aimed directly at the target muscle.

How to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells at home

Dumbbells are a universal sports equipment that helps tone any muscle group, and the shoulders are no exception in this case. Also, with the help of this sports equipment, everyone can pump up their shoulders at home.

Let's look at several effective exercises using these equipment:

  • Presses that work the lateral and anterior deltoid muscles. The dumbbells are picked up with an overhand grip and then slowly raised to shoulder level, then the hands are held in this position for a few seconds and the dumbbells are again raised up towards each other until they touch. Then the hands go back down.
  • Swings working over the middle deltoid muscle y. Take dumbbells in your hands and bend forward until your body becomes parallel to the floor. After which the arms with sports equipment are extended forward and pulled up to a level just above the shoulders. Then, after a 5 second delay, the dumbbells are lowered down again.
  • Swings to develop the lateral shoulder muscles. Lying on your side, put one hand under your head and take a dumbbell in the other. Then we swing our arms from the leg to the head and back.
  • Swings to develop the anterior muscle. The exercise is performed standing. Take dumbbells in both hands and swing your arms in front of your chest.

How to quickly pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar

The horizontal bar is also an excellent tool for toning the shoulder muscles. Exercises on this apparatus help strengthen both the trapezius and deltoid muscles, as well as increase the width of your shoulders.

You can work your shoulders on the horizontal bar using the following exercises:

  • We grab the bar of the horizontal bar with a narrow front grip, and bending a little in the back, we begin to do pull-ups, so that at the top point we try to touch the horizontal bar with our chest.
  • We take the crossbar of the sports equipment with a reverse medium grip and begin to perform incomplete pull-ups, while the legs should be perpendicular to the floor. Having fixed the position in this way, we raise the shoulder blades to the crossbar.

After a certain amount of training, pull-ups on the horizontal bar can be complicated and you can start tying a load to your legs. This is done to more effectively work the shoulder muscles.

We pump our shoulders with kettlebells at home

Kettlebell exercises are very effective for building mass in the deltoid muscles of the shoulders. They can be made at home. The most common presses for working these muscles are:

  • Feet are placed shoulder-width apart, weights are lifted closer to the shoulders. After which a breath is taken, and the weights smoothly rise up, linger for several seconds at the top point and also smoothly lower to their original position.
  • We sit on a chair, take a weight in one hand, bend it at the elbow so that sports equipment ended up on the shoulder, and we put the other on the belt. Then slowly raise your hand up, hold it at the top point and lower it again. We perform the exercise several times, change the position of the hands and similarly perform the exercises for the other hand.
  • We lie down on a bench, take the weights in our hands and bend them at the elbows so that the weights are at shoulder level. Then we slowly raise the weights up, and after a few seconds of stopping we bend our arms again.

How to quickly pump up your shoulders with a barbell

Exercises with a barbell give very good results; they allow you to work all muscle groups of the shoulder.

  • We sit on a low table or bench and place the barbell on our shoulders, with our hands pointing forward. As you inhale, the projectile rises above your head, and as you exhale, it descends. Exercises work the trapezius muscles and the head of the deltoid. It is very important to keep your back straight when doing the press.
  • We take the “sitting on a bench” position and place the barbell on chest, hands facing forward. As you inhale, we very smoothly lift it up, and as you exhale, slowly return it to your chest. In this way, the upper part of the trapezius muscle, the head of the deltoid and triceps are worked out.
  • We place our feet shoulder-width apart, keep our back straight, take the barbell from above with a medium overhand grip and place it to the hips. As you exhale, we lift the barbell to the chin, slowly carrying it along the torso, then smoothly return the sports equipment to the hips. This exercise is in addition to the deltoid and trapezius muscles also affects the muscles of the forearm.

We swing our shoulders on the uneven bars

It is believed that it is quite difficult to pump up your shoulders on the uneven bars. Actually this is not true. With the right technique some special exercises You can also get beautiful, toned shoulders as a result of training. The only disadvantage of the exercise is that it does not help increase shoulder width.

  • We grab the bars from above and place emphasis on them, while our arms should be straight and pressed to the body.
  • We bend forward slightly and very slowly bend our arms at the elbows and spread them to the sides. At the moment of strong tension in the pectoral muscles, we freeze for a few seconds.
  • Then we bring our elbows together, simultaneously slowly straightening them, and return to their original position.

This exercise allows you to work on muscle elasticity and, if desired, can be performed with additional weight that is attached to the belt.

Before any workout, it is very important not to forget to do a warm-up warm-up, which prepares the muscles for the load and makes the exercises more effective. For beginners, the number of exercises should be minimal and calculated as many times as endurance allows. And only after a certain amount of training can you begin to increase the load and strive to do at least 6 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.

Video: how to pump up your shoulders at home

It so happens that a manly figure means broad shoulders. This looks really good, man. On the one hand, you look stronger. On the other hand, the waist seems narrower, and a narrow waist and wide shoulders are a suitable man’s silhouette. And in general, being a weakling is not the greatest pleasure. Therefore, today we will tell you about the best shoulder exercises. To begin with - a little general recommendations.

Refusal of exercises on isolated muscle groups

For some reason, all fitness enthusiasts are convinced that exercises on individual muscles do not bring any benefit. Yes, in many ways I share this belief: indeed, muscles should be trained all together, this is more effective, but exercises for specific muscles should also be present in competent training. Shoulders generally have three parts: front, side and back, and it’s difficult to touch on all of them at once. Therefore, when working on shoulder strength and size, include in your training isolated exercises, aimed at specific muscles.

Concentrate on exercise

This is some kind of bro-science: many fitness pros say that the connection between your mind and muscles is very important. That is, you need not just to do the exercises, but to focus on them, feel your shoulders and the tension in them. Feel the muscles tense and relax. It is important.

The most effective exercises

Below I have made a selection of ten shoulder exercises. I hasten to note: there are hundreds and hundreds of them in nature, and each of them is effective and worthy of inclusion in training. But these are my personal favorites, which turned out to be very effective and thus pleased me.

1. Barbell press for rapid muscle growth

Why: The barbell press is considered the most effective shoulder exercise. If you compare it with other exercises, it grows muscles the fastest.

How to do: take the barbell (hands shoulder-width apart, under the chin) and lift. Raise straight above your head until your elbows are completely straight. Pause, and then slowly return the bar to its starting position. The number of repetitions and sets depends on your preparedness.

2. Seated dumbbell shoulder press

Why: It’s the same as with the barbell press: it’s time-tested and effective exercise, thanks to which muscles grow and bones do not suffer.

How to do: Take a pair of dumbbells and sit on a bench. Straighten your back. Hold dumbbells at shoulder height, palms facing your face. When performing this exercise, the back and abdominal muscles are strengthened - a nice bonus. Raise your arms until your elbows are fully extended, then pause and lower them again. Slowly, no need to rush. It's the same story with repetitions and sets.

3. Exercise from Arnold

Why: The exercise became popular thanks to the same Arnold Schwarzenegger and has firmly established itself in the hearts of many fitness enthusiasts. If performed correctly, the tension in the shoulders will be constant, and the range of motion is very favorable for building muscle mass.

How to do: Start as in the previous exercise: sit on a bench and take a pair of dumbbells. Now they need to be held at shoulder height, palms facing each other. Now straighten your arms, raising them above your head until your elbows are fully extended. Pause, and then lower the dumbbells until your elbows are bent 90 degrees. In this position, turn your hands so that your palms are facing you. And back to the starting position!

4. Klokov press

Why: The exercise is named after our outstanding weightlifter Dmitry Klokov. A very worthwhile thing. When done correctly, it is an absolute thrill for the deltoids, long and medial heads triceps. Needless to say, it is good for both beauty and health.

How to do: Place the barbell on your back. Grasp the bar very tightly wide grip and lift the bar straight above your head until your elbows are fully extended. Pause, then return to the starting position.

5. Seated dumbbell press

Why: Possibly the most underrated shoulder exercise that targets both the front and back. back shoulder In addition to increasing muscle strength and size, it is also beneficial for healthy musculoskeletal function.

How to do: Take a pair of dumbbells and sit on a bench with your back straight. Hold dumbbells in your hands, arms at your sides, palms facing back. Tightening your spine, try to shrug your shoulders as high as possible while simultaneously pulling the dumbbells up. As they reach their highest point, rotate your elbows and lift the dumbbells toward your shoulders. Pause, then lift the dumbbells overhead until your elbows are fully straight. Pause, starting position. Quite a quest, bro!

6. Exercise with inverted kettlebells

Why: Kettlebells are, in my opinion, the best equipment for shoulder exercises. For some reason, everyone thinks that weights are dangerous, but they perfectly develop the deltoid muscles and enlarge them.

How to do: Take the weight by the handle and lift it upside down. Hold the kettlebell at shoulder level with your palm facing the midline of your body. Keep your spine straight and lift the kettlebell overhead until you extend your elbow. Pause, starting position.

7. Incline Dumbbell Lateral Press

Why: This exercise is perhaps the best exercise for the lateral head of the triceps. And there aren’t that many exercises like that, man.

How to do: Take a dumbbell and lie down on incline bench(angle - approximately 30 degrees). Hold the dumbbell at arm's length so that in the starting position it hangs over top part hips. Maintain a slight bend in your elbow and lift the dumbbell until your arm is directly above your shoulder. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.

8. Raising dumbbells to the side from a sitting position

Why: A very beneficial exercise for the lateral head of the triceps. Its advantage is that the load on the spine is minimal and you can concentrate on your shoulders.

How to do: Take a pair of dumbbells and sit on a bench with your back straight. Your arms are at your sides, palms facing the midline of your body. In your hands, of course, are dumbbells. With your elbows slightly bent, lift the dumbbells to the sides until your arms are parallel to the ground. Pause, then return to the starting position.

9. The same exercise from a standing position

Why: The best exercise for maintaining proper shoulder function, especially beneficial for the rear deltoids and upper back. I highly recommend it.

How to do: Take a pair of dumbbells, stand straight, bend your elbows slightly. For added convenience, you can bury your head in something. The spine is straight, the legs are slightly bent at the knees. The chest will be almost parallel to the ground, elbows bent. Maintain the same angle at your elbows, rotate your arms outward and lift them until they are eventually parallel to the floor. Pause, starting position.

10. Chest Support Dumbbell Raises

Why: When it comes to the posterior deltoid, it's hard to find a more effective exercise. Here you have tension, stabilization, and the opportunity to focus specifically on the deltoids - an excellent option.

How to do: Take a pair of dumbbells and lie face down on an incline bench at a 30-degree angle. Bend your elbows approximately ninety degrees. Maintaining this angle, raise the dumbbells as high as possible. Pause and slowly return to the starting position.

Exercises with a kettlebell (or weights) are a very convenient option for beginners, especially if you practice at home. You can create a full set of exercises with kettlebells for all muscle groups, while for beginners one 16 kg kettlebell is enough (later you can buy 24 kg). For the “advanced”, kettlebells can provide an additional boost that will help progress in basic training.

Which kettlebells to buy for beginners?

It all depends on your level strength training. Important point in exercises - correct technique execution. It is quite easy to injure not only your wrists, but also your back. Therefore, if possible, find good coach, and if not, study the technique from the video and do not immediately take on a heavy weight, try with a very light one (in sports stores you can find weights of 2-5 kg). Then buy a 16 kg weight.

For advanced ones you will need to buy 24kg weights.

Exercises with weights for weight loss and muscle growth

A set of exercises with weights is suitable for both weight loss and muscle gain. But the main goal of training with kettlebells is to develop strength endurance. Complexes with kettlebells are a great help in training wrestlers, because... develop both agility and endurance.

If you do exercises with weights to lose weight, then the main thing is to stick to your diet () and you will lose weight. For beginners, the most important thing is regularity (with which at first not everything is clear and there are many mistakes).

But if you want to increase muscle mass, then a kettlebell (even 16 kg and 24 kg) is not the shortest way. If you are no longer new to the gym, then training with kettlebells will help improve endurance and agility, and strengthen your joints. But beginners, as a rule, want maximum muscle as quickly as possible (so that there is motivation not to quit training). Therefore, for this purpose, it is better for them to start with a barbell and dumbbells. Although, if you wish, you can do some exercises at home with a weight. Just replace the dumbbell with a kettlebell where possible (squats, deadlifts, etc.).

However, if you want to start training and you only have a 16kg kettlebell in your equipment, then start doing exercises with kettlebells. They will give you much greater results than exercises with only own weight(pull-ups/etc.) or exercises like “lying on the couch” or “sitting on a chair.”

Kettlebell exercises: what muscles work?

Work the most large groups muscles: legs, back. In all exercises with weights. The abs, arms (shoulders, biceps and triceps), and chest are also included. Kettlebell training is best when you need to work all muscle groups at the same time.

How and why to train with kettlebells

Video: Exercises with a kettlebell (16 kg or 24 kg)

The video shows basic exercises with a kettlebell. Marie, bench press, clean and jerk, squats are the basis of any training complex with weights. Below is detailed description and videos for each exercise. And at the end there are three ready-made complex exercises that can be done both at home and in the gym. The main thing is that there is enough free space. Move away the TV, crawling back-eaters and curious relatives.

1 Deadlift with kettlebell


  • feet slightly wider than shoulders, moving your pelvis back, lean forward with a straight back
  • grab the handle of the weight with both hands
  • Without lifting your heels from the floor, also with a straight back, straighten up (no need to lean back)

2 Kettlebell swings


  • feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, grasp the weight with both hands
  • arch in the back
  • do kettlebell swings overhead
  • in the lower position, do not round your shoulders too much, bend your legs slightly at the knees, straight back (do not hunch), bring the weight back, behind the level of your feet
  • in the upper position, fully straighten (including your elbows)

3 Kettlebell squats (“Goblet”, “goblet”)


  • take the weight so that the handle rests on your chest (see video below)
  • perform squats: legs slightly wider than shoulders, toes turned slightly outward, when moving down, spread your knees to the sides
  • squat just below parallel with the floor, do not lift your heels off the floor
  • don’t hunch your back, don’t lean forward too much

Kettlebell squats technique (video)

4 Rising in Turkish

This kettlebell exercise will be challenging for beginners, but it is still very effective. Not only do all muscles work, from the biceps and shoulders to the calves, but coordination is also involved (more than in other exercises with a kettlebell). To avoid dropping the weight on your face and falling, first learn to do the exercise without a weight or with some small weight/dumbbell (2kg, for example).

Turkish rise with a kettlebell technique (video)

5 Standing kettlebell press with one hand


  • jerk the weight onto your shoulder, then straighten your arm and lift the weight up
  • then lower the weight back onto your shoulder
  • keep your body straight, do not lean back or forward

Standing kettlebell press with one arm technique (video)

6 Kettlebell snatch and jerk


  • the weight stands approximately 20 cm in front of the socks
  • bend over with a straight back, take the kettlebell with a lock grip, pull it between your legs by the heels
  • “accelerate” the weight until it explodes (to waist level)
  • do a kettlebell lift - stand up completely straight with the kettlebell
  • with a sharp movement, pull the hand with the weight towards you, moving your shoulder back
  • picking up the weight and fixing it at the top with a straight arm
  • dropping the weight (try to reduce the amplitude of the fall of the weight as much as possible)
  • return to starting position

Video: Kettlebell snatch and jerk technique + auxiliary exercises

A set of exercises with a kettlebell (video)

A set of exercises with kettlebells develops strength endurance, so it is often used in .

Kettlebell exercises work all muscle groups. It is very important to learn how to lift a weight not only with your back, but also with your legs, because... The legs are the strongest muscle group. And it is by distributing the load between your back and legs that you can avoid back injuries, which often occur among those who make mistakes in the technique of performing exercises with a kettlebell. All exercises work both the abs and shoulders - there is no need to look for separate exercises for these muscle groups.

So, you have a weight at home, you have a great desire to lift iron, so that these strength exercises with weights brought maximum benefit. This means you have come to the right place, and in this article I will tell you how to pump up your shoulders with kettlebells, increase overall muscle tone, increase the body’s endurance and improve appearance body, which should be lumpy with a beautiful relief, isn’t that what we all dream about?

So before you do lifting weights, let's first determine what weight we will work with. For beginners it is better to use not much heavy shells. Exercises with a 16 kg kettlebell will be just right. What is important is not the amount of iron that we will lift, but the quality of completing tasks. For those who are stronger, you can offer strength exercises with weights weighing 24 kg. Well, weights weighing 32 kg are best used only by weight lifters and this article is not for them.

We will practice according to the classical system, that is, only those types of exercises that are presented in kettlebell biathlon. There are only two of them, this kettlebell snatch and kettlebell jerk. Believe me, just two exercises and everything will appear: strength, endurance, beautiful relief. The kettlebell is a unique apparatus, exercise with which affects all muscle groups of a person. IN modern world recommend using kinesio to achieve good results in sports and effective rehabilitation after injuries.

Warm up before exercises with a 16 kg kettlebell.

So, before you do any strength exercises with kettlebells.need to do a warm-up. It will help warm up the muscles, prepare the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems for subsequent stress. In addition, this is the only sure way to avoid joint injuries and muscle strains.

Doing a warm-up is no less important than the exercises themselves with weights. You can see a warm-up video from the famous weightlifter Igor Morozov at the end of this page. He describes a warm-up process in detail, especially suitable for subsequent training with weights.

From general recommendations it can be said that start warming up best from running. This could be jogging outside or on a track, an exercise bike, jumping rope, or just running in place. Within 5-10 minutes at a relaxed pace, everyone determines the time for themselves, the main task is warming up, not fatigue during execution this exercise.

Next, you must do stretching muscles and joints, I recommend starting with the head and, without skipping the key elements of our torso, make any rotational, light movements. Turns of the head, movements of the shoulders, circular rotations in the wrists, elbows. Then stretch pectoral muscles, lumbar girdle, knee joints and feet.

You should feel a pleasant warmth in all muscles, but not fatigue. If all these things are difficult to do, try starting to do general developmental non-apparatus complexes and leave the weight aside for now. Be sure to include squats,

Today I want to offer some exercises with kettlebells for the shoulder girdle. Many of these exercises are aimed not only at developing strength, but also at developing stabilizer muscles.

1. Hold a kettlebell overhead with a straight arm

This is probably not the exercise you wanted to see on this list, but it is nonetheless very important.

Hold the weight above your head with your arm straight for 60 seconds. The arm should remain fully straight during the exercise.

This exercise has 3 progressions:

  1. Down on one knee
  2. Standing
  3. Walking with a kettlebell overhead
  4. Transition from kneeling position and back
The main goal of this exercise is to strengthen the stabilizer muscles. shoulder girdle.

Once you can hold the kettlebell overhead for 60 seconds in the various positions listed above, you can move on to the next movement.

2. Mill with weights

With the next exercise we will add movement while holding the kettlebell overhead.

To do this, lift the weights above your head and reach toward the floor with your other hand to touch your ankle, keeping both legs completely straight.

Progression of this exercise:

  1. Practicing the movement without weights
  2. Keep one leg straight and the other slightly bent
The exercise should be performed slowly and under control, watching the movement of the weight as it lowers.

3. Turkish get-up with kettlebell

Perhaps one of the most best exercises with a kettlebell along with swings.

The Turkish get-up uses almost all the muscles of the body during execution, but has a greater effect on the stabilizer muscles of the shoulder girdle.

The kettlebell is held on a straight arm while the athlete rises to a standing position and lowers back to the floor.

Exercise progression:

  1. Execution without weights
  2. Performing with light weight
  3. Half raise with kettlebell
  4. Full execution of the Turkish get up

4. Kettlebell Shvung Press

Once you have mastered the previous exercises, you can be sure that your shoulders will be ready to perform any movement with a kettlebell.

The push press is an excellent exercise for developing strength in the shoulder girdle muscles. Proper execution of the exercise involves using your hips as you push.

5. Thrusters with weights

Kettlebell thrusters are a dynamic movement, the dynamics of which are developed through the execution of a squat.

Thrusters not only work your shoulders, but also challenge your leg muscles, abs, and glutes. It's just important to be able to develop momentum from the bottom of the squat.

6. Kettlebell situps

The exercise involves rising from a lying position to a sitting position while pushing the weight overhead.

Keep your legs as straight as possible, and the athlete pushes the kettlebell overhead with both hands. At the top of the exercise, all joints should be fully straightened.

7. Kettlebell Chest Raise

The next exercise in the arsenal of shoulder movements is the chest raise. This is one of the most basic exercises actively used in CrossFit training.

8. Strict Kettlebell Overhead Press

Strict bench press correct execution very effective exercise. However, it places enormous demands on the shoulder stabilizer muscles, so be careful and careful.

The movement of the kettlebell in the exercise should be as controlled as possible to avoid injury.

9. Strict Kettlebell Press While Kneeling

Once you have mastered the previous exercise, you can safely move on to this variation of the kettlebell movement.

This position of the body excludes (even involuntarily) the possibility of using the help of the legs while lifting the weight.

Please note that during execution the abs should be tense and the buttocks should be squeezed.

10. Inverted Kettlebell Press

Finally, one of the most difficult kettlebell exercises. The inverted kettlebell press requires highly developed shoulder stabilizer muscles and strength.

As you perform, be careful not to let the weight tip over and hit you in the face. At first, you can support it with your second hand.

That's all, watch the video on this article.