An effective exercise for lifting the corners of the lips. Exercises for the corners of the lips. Massage movements to maintain muscle tone

To restore clear contours, tone the facial muscles and lift the drooping corners of the lips, it is necessary to select the most suitable cosmetic procedure option individually for each patient, based on the age category, severity of the defect and the cost of the procedure.

Used in cosmetology various ways eliminating drooping corners of the lips.

Plastic surgery method

The plastic surgery method is used both to transform facial expressions and to lift drooping corners of the lips. The undoubted advantage of the procedure is lifting with a permanent cosmetic effect.

The disadvantages include the fact that, despite the results achieved, the skin does not rejuvenate, returning to the state of 10-20 years ago, its protective and regenerative functions do not improve, and there is no increase in lipid and water balance.

Administration of drugs based on botulinum toxin

Botulinum toxin-based drugs are injected into the overactive muscle that depresses the angles of the mouth. According to doctors, a Botox injection cannot lift the corners; it only paralyzes the muscle area, blocking nerve impulses.

Due to the relaxation of the facial muscle, the relief of the skin is leveled, and the corners of the lips stop drooping.

When agreeing to undergo this procedure, you should remember that there is a risk of the drug spreading and freezing adjacent facial muscles, provoking changes in facial expressions and causing asymmetry in the lower part of the face when smiling or talking.

Massage and gymnastic exercises

Massage and gymnastic exercises are performed without special instructions from a cosmetologist, independently correcting the external defect of drooping corners.

To achieve the desired result, a massage session is performed before performing the exercises. Then regular training will preserve the attractiveness of the lower part of the face for a long period.

The downside of exercises is that you won’t be able to get the desired effect in short term.


Proper makeup can visually lift the drooping corners of the lips. An instant effect is achieved with the help of decorative cosmetics, although not for a short period of time.

Administration of permanent or temporary drugs

The introduction of permanent or temporary drugs allows you to obtain the desired volume of the lips, lift the corners and get rid of facial wrinkles.

Biodegradable gels based on hyaluronic acid have an inconsistent effect from 8 months to one year, followed by disintegration of the drug.

Biopolymer gels on a synthetic basis will provide the desired result for up to 5 years, but such semi-natural preparations are not always accepted by the immune system, and artificial removal of the filler from the body is almost impossible.

Lift the corners of the lips surgically. Plastic surgery

In plastic surgery, there is a set of techniques that allows you to lift the corners of the lips that look down, improving appearance.

Corner lifting

Corner lifting is an outpatient operation that includes excision of areas of skin and muscles located above the corners of the upper lip and extending 3-4 mm beyond the border. After which the muscles are sutured, allowing the natural lip line to be directed upward.

The surgical intervention is painless for the patient, as it is performed using anesthetics and lasts from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. Upon completion of the procedure, the operated person can leave the clinic within an hour.

The rehabilitation period lasts more than a week with strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician. Neglect, which will lead to the acquisition of asymmetry and defects in the operated corners of the lips, which will result in additional surgical procedures for correction.

The cost of surgical intervention to lift the corners of the lips, as a rule, depends on the severity of the cosmetic defect. You can find out the exact amount by undergoing an examination with a plastic surgeon working in the clinic.

According to plastic surgery experts, the procedure is indicated for patients in the older age category who have reached the age of 50. During this period of time, there is a need to correct the curve of the lips.

IN early age a noticeable postoperative scar remains on the skin. Therefore, corner lifting is used only in young people with congenital or acquired (physical injuries) defects of the oral area.

Resection of depressor muscle fibers

Resection (undercutting) muscle fibers depressor is similar to a corner lift. Suitable for patients of various age groups, since the incision is made on the inside of the cheek under local or general anesthesia.

The duration of the operation is no more than 40 minutes. Postoperative sutures are removed on days 5-6.

The cost of the doctor’s work and additional manipulations (anesthesia, examination, etc.) is calculated individually after examination and drawing up a surgical plan.

How to lift drooping corners of lips with filler

Lip contouring with filler, a gel-like preparation based on hyaluronic acid, is carried out only in medical institutions that have a license for cosmetology activities. Flexible needles called cannulas are used for injections.

48 hours before administering the drug, the specialist is required to conduct a skin test to detect allergic reactions. A small amount of the substance is injected under the patient's skin inconspicuous place. If after 2 days there is no side effects, the doctor begins the procedure of raising the corners of the lips.

During the procedure, the cosmetologist treats the area to be corrected with an antiseptic, after which he applies an anesthetic cream.

After 20 minutes, a drug is injected into the area of ​​the corners using a syringe, replenishing the volume of the tissues, wrinkles are smoothed out, the corners of the lips are raised, forming the mysterious smile of Mona Lisa. The procedure takes half an hour.

As a result, the curve of the lips takes on a natural shape, the effect lasts up to 15 months, after which the drug is removed from the body naturally.

The cost of filler varies from 7,500 to 17,000 rubles, depending on the brand and amount of filler chosen.

How to lift the corners of your lips with Botox

Before using Botox to lift the corners of the lips, a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary. After the examination, the patient is given an appointment for examination. Tests will show the presence or absence of individual intolerance to the components included in the drug.

Before the injection, the doctor applies lower area face cream, after which it is applied cold compress to reduce the sensitivity threshold.

The procedure involves injecting Botox with a thin needle into the facial muscles responsible for the formation of deep wrinkles. The paralyzed muscle stops pulling the corners of the lips down.

After two weeks, the patient is examined for visible improvements, and if necessary, a second injection is prescribed with a reduced dose of the drug.

The first manifestations of the effect are visible immediately after the administration of Botox, and the final result is achieved 14 days after the 2nd injection.

Over time, botulinum toxin begins to be eliminated, so the effect of raised corners will last from several months to a year, which is due to the individual characteristics of the body.

Financial side The procedure depends on the cost of the injection, based on the clinic’s prices. The amount of the injection ranges from 300 to 350 rubles.

Is it possible to lift the corners of the lips with Dysport?

Dysport is a substitute for Botox. Both drugs use a substance based on botulinum toxin, which is classified as a neuroparalytic poison.

Cosmetologists who have had to deal with both fillers in practice note that Dysport has an increased ability to penetrate into adjacent areas of the facial muscles, which is the main cause of side effects.

Therefore, based on its “diffusion” properties, Dysport is common in treating the forehead and bridge of the nose, while it is preferable to use Botox to lift the corners of the lips.

How to lift the corners of your lips at home. Facebook building, exercises

In essence, face building is strengthening the facial muscles through methodical training and facial exercises that affect the contour and condition of the face.

The solution to how to raise the corners of the lips without the use of expensive services of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons is hidden in a developed training system that controls age-related changes in the perioral area.

The time required to achieve the desired effect directly depends on the person’s age category, facial structure and how severely the situation is aggravated.

Methods of gymnastic exercises for the corners of the lips

  • Relaxed lips close, first right side mouth, and then with the left one a semblance of a “half-smile” is formed. At the same time, trying to fix each position for 5 seconds. The duration of the exercise is 2 minutes.
  • The drawn-in lips are pressed together with the teeth, the corners are pulled up, forming a smile. The position is fixed for 5 seconds, after which the muscles relax. The duration of the exercise is 5 minutes.
  • Pronouncing the vowels of the alphabet 5-6 times a day, tensing and relaxing the radial muscles.
  • The lips close without straining the teeth. The muscles of the corners “tied into knots”, tightly adjacent to the teeth, alternately rise and fall, maintaining tension. The duration of the exercise is 4 minutes.
  • Closed lips alternately relax and tense, touching the teeth at least 20 times.
  • Sending an air kiss to the reflection lifts your spirits and trains the tone of your facial muscles.

To achieve results, it is important to be patient. By doing exercises individually or in combination 2-3 times a day, you can notice positive effect pretty quickly.

How to lift the corners of your lips with massage

Before the facial massage, take a steam bath for 10 minutes, or problem area a hot compress is applied. In 5 minutes, moisturizer is applied to the steamed skin.

Massage movements to maintain muscle tone:

Acupressure – acupressure to lift the corners of the mouth

The little fingers of the hands are applied to the lowered corners of the mouth, the ring fingers lie under the cheekbones, and the middle and index fingers are pressed to the middle of the facial edge of the auricle.

For 2 minutes, uniform pulsating movements are carried out, pressing on the points. When your fingers hit the active points, you will experience an unpleasant pulling and aching feeling.

Lift the corners of the lips with hyaluronic acid

With the help of hyaluronic acid injections, the youth of the skin is restored, the corners of the mouth are lifted, and lips are given volume.

Hyaluron is a polysaccharide produced by the human body. Over time, acid production decreases and skin elasticity decreases. Injections provoke additional production of hyaluron, stopping the natural aging process.

How to lift the corners of your lips with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic injections are performed clinically and take 15-30 minutes. The result is noticeable immediately and does not require rehabilitation supervision. On average, a session lasts for six months, after which an additional injection is required as the substance is absorbed and the contours of the lips return to their previous position.

The price of lip augmentation and lip shape correction depends on the manufacturer of the drug and the volume injected. On average, you will have to pay from 15,000 rubles for a beauty injection.

Raise the corners of the lips with mesothreads

Raising the drooping corners of the mouth by introducing threads consisting of polydioxanone is carried out in a hospital setting. Immediately before the introduction of mesothreads, the doctor prescribes an examination for the patient to detect contraindications to the procedure.

How to lift the corners of your lips with mesothreads

Before the main action, the problem area of ​​the face is treated with an anesthetic, then a mesothread “spring” is inserted under the skin at a marked distance with a thin, hollow and flexible needle.

For effective result The doctor will insert several threads on each side of your mouth. The lifting effect is achieved instantly and lasts for 3-5 years.

The cost of non-surgical rhinoplasty is from 1000 rubles, depending on the cosmetic problem and the number of mesothreads inserted under the skin.

Lift the corners of your lips with gel

An anti-aging cosmetic product aimed at eliminating the following problems:

Liposomal gel gently and naturally transports the active substances contained in the composition into the deep layers of the skin, slowing down the aging process, which leads to the regeneration and hydration of skin cells.

Thanks to these processes, small wrinkles in the mouth area are smoothed out and the corners are raised.

When choosing a liposomal product, you should choose tubes with a narrow neck. Gels produced in jars become rancid upon contact with air, increasing the risk of contracting a microbiological infection.

The use of this cosmetic product is possible only by following the instructions for use, applying the gel to cleansed skin with massage movements.

Many cosmetic companies produce liposomal cosmetics, but before choosing, you should first consult with a cosmetologist. The specialist, based on the patient’s skin type and condition, will give recommendations on the choice and manufacturer.

It is impossible to say unambiguously about the cost of the product, since the final price depends on the manufacturer, the concentration of biologically active substances and the volume of the tube.

Purchasing a cheap product from cosmetics manufacturers with “mass sales” can lead to a person not getting the expected effect due to the absence or low concentration of liposomes.

How to lift the corners of your lips with makeup

With the help of decorative cosmetics, the shape of the mouth can be quickly and efficiently corrected.

To hone your makeup technique, photos are taken before and after applying cosmetics, then the lipstick color for everyday use is selected by comparison.

When starting to lift the corners of the mouth, the lips are first prepared. To do this, before applying makeup, a system of mask and balm is used, which gives the lips softness and smoothness. Then apply a daytime protective cream and lightly powder it.

After the manipulations have been done, you can arm yourself with a pencil and lipstick.

How to raise the corners of your lips with a pencil

A visual correction contour pencil is chosen that is close to the lip color or 1-2 shades darker.

How to raise the corners of your lips with a pencil

Creating the correct outline:

  1. Drawing the upper lip begins with modeling a V-shaped area, not reaching the edge, as if cutting off the corners of the mouth;
  2. Then the outline is drawn lower lip s, starting from the middle, the lip is painted over completely, while slightly raising the corners, connecting the outlined lines;
  3. The portion of the border remaining outside the drawn line is masked with foundation or corrector.

How to lift the corners of your lips with lipstick

It is recommended to use lipstick using a special brush, ensuring uniform application within the contour. After that, the colored lips are blotted with a paper napkin, and a layer of light or colorless gloss is applied to the center, which will distract the eye from the corners of the mouth.

To correct the curve of your lips, you should choose lipsticks in natural shades, avoiding bright and saturated colors.

How to raise the corners of your lips if your facial expression is not associated with a bad mood - smile more often, showing positive emotions, because sincere laughter and a friendly smile are no less effective than a specially designed set of exercises for the face.

Useful video materials on how to lift the corners of your lips

How to lift the corners of your lips: a set of exercises from a cosmetologist:

Correction of drooping corners of the lips using a cosmetic pencil:

Every woman dreams of perfect shape lips, but with age the skin becomes less elastic, the facial muscles lose tone. As a result, the corners of the lips droop and the face takes on a dissatisfied or sad expression.

Cosmetology and plastic surgery offer a large number of procedures to correct this defect - injections, surgical techniques, exercises, special makeup and more.

The criterion for choosing a method will be the patient’s age, severity of the defect and cost of the procedures. Surgical methods are considered the most effective, but they involve surgery. You need to weigh the pros and cons of each method to make the right decision.


With the help of injections, you can lift the drooping corners of your lips for a long time. Various fillers are used for this.


Botox (botulinum toxin) is a waste product of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which is the causative agent of botulism.

When they enter the human body, toxins paralyze muscle activity. After introducing the drug under the skin, its effect lasts about six months, then toxins are eliminated naturally.

Thanks to Botox, the fibers of facial wrinkles relax, and the patient cannot frown. Typically, botulinum toxin is injected into those areas of the face that are prone to the early appearance of wrinkles - the area around the mouth, between the eyebrows, and around the eyes.

Before the procedure, the patient is carefully examined by a cosmetologist to determine those areas of the face where it is necessary to insert a needle with Botox.

The skin is treated with an antiseptic solution, and an anesthetic is first injected into areas of increased sensitivity. After this, injections are carried out with ultra-thin needles that leave no marks.

Like any other methods, Botox injections have their contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute and chronic infections;
  • skin diseases at injection sites.

Despite the fact that Botox injections are usually well tolerated by patients, sometimes side effects in the form of headaches, swelling at the injection site, subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance produced by the body to maintain the elasticity of its tissues. In cosmetology, it is actively used to quickly rejuvenate the skin by moisturizing it.

As a result of the impact of hyaluronic acid injections on the perioral area, fine wrinkles and folds are removed. The effect lasts for a year.

The advantage of fillers with hyaluronic acid is that the gel, which has a medium degree of viscosity, is not rejected by the body and is evenly distributed, filling the areas under the folds in the corners of the mouth. Thus, the active substance pushes the folds outward and the corners of the lips are raised.

Fillers based on hyaluron are produced, which have several lines of their own products. The most popular of them are:

  1. Juvederm– this product has a large number of varieties used for injection into different areas of the face.

    Some Juvederm products contain lidocaine to reduce sensitivity at injection sites. This filler is evenly distributed under the skin.

    Unlike other drugs, its effect lasts up to a year. However, there is also side effects- swelling, pain and burning at the injection sites, development of allergic skin reactions.

  2. Surgiderm– this filler is based on hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. That is why it does not cause allergic reactions.

    The composition is resistant to both high and low temperatures. The filler is distinguished by its plasticity and delicate structure, which allows injections to be made quickly and painlessly. The duration of the cosmetic effect lasts from 9 to 12 months, then the drug is eliminated naturally.

  3. Belotero- a preparation containing, in addition to sodium hyaluronate, buffer phosphate, which promotes greater moisture retention and the fastest processes of hydration, and therefore rejuvenation of the skin.

    The product evenly penetrates all layers of the skin, triggers elastin synthesis processes and provides a deep lifting effect. The cosmetic effect lasts up to 12 months.

The advantages of fillers are the absence of allergic reactions and the ability to be used even on the most sensitive skin, quick effect - within 30 minutes, uniform distribution.

As possible side effects, manufacturers indicate local allergic reactions in the form of burning, pain and redness at the injection sites.

Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, age under 18 years, autoimmune diseases, diabetes.


This procedure is based on the injection of the patient's own adipose tissue into problem areas of the skin. It is indicated for age-related changes in the lips, their thinness, asymmetry, and drooping corners of the mouth.

Lipofilling gives the lips the desired volume. The cosmetic effect lasts for several years, since blood vessels grow into adipose tissue the very next day after the injection, while the adipose tissue does not disintegrate.

Before collecting adipose tissue, the cosmetologist examines the patient and determines donor areas, which can be the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen. An anesthetic is injected at the site where the material is taken.

Using an ultra-thin needle with a rounded end, about 7 ml of adipose tissue is taken, which is then cleaned with special devices. The patient, obtained from her fat cells, is injected along the contour of her lips. The procedure lasts about an hour.

The undoubted advantages of lipofilling are a long-lasting effect, an immediate effect and the absence of unnatural puffiness of the lips.

At the same time, the method also has disadvantages in the form of possible complications - pain, cyanosis of the lips in the injection area, and the occurrence of granulomas.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications, which include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • spicy infectious diseases;
  • elevated body temperature.

Patient pictures

Implantation of threads (thread lifting)

This procedure is carried out to tighten facial tissues that have sagged with age due to weakening muscle tone.

Thread lifting is used when there are no visible results from other procedures, and it is too early to resort to plastic surgery.

More often, the technique is used over the age of 35 when there are noticeable signs of sagging soft tissues, for example, the corners of the lips.

This procedure is contraindicated for persons suffering from allergies and oncological diseases, for chronic skin pathologies, pregnant and lactating women, as well as obese people due to lack of effect.

10 days before the expected session, the patient is injected with botulinum toxin to temporarily disable the facial muscles, as they can interfere with the insertion of the threads.

On the day of the lift, the patient is injected with a local anesthetic, then a thread is inserted through a small puncture using a needle, which is pulled under the skin in a forward and reverse direction.

Thanks to the threads, a strong frame of the facial contour is created. This minor operation lasts about an hour, the recovery period is 2 -3 days.

After the procedure, there are no marks or scars left, the face looks natural. The corners of the lips are tightened, the double chin is removed.

There are also side effects from thread lifting - pain at the injection sites, small hematomas.

After the procedure, doctors advise sleeping only on your back for 10 days, applying cold to the injection sites, not visiting baths and saunas, and avoiding the open sun.

The result lasts from one to five years, it all depends on the quality of the materials and individual characteristics.

Surgical techniques

Plastic surgery can permanently improve the appearance of your lips. In medical practice, the most common are corner lifting and resection of the depressor muscle.

Corner lifting

The operation involves excision of small areas of skin and muscle above the corners of the upper lip. This directs the corner of the lips upward.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about 40 minutes. The operation is painless, the recovery period lasts for a week.

Corner lifting is suitable for older patients, since post-operative scars may be noticeable on young skin. The cosmetic effect can last forever, which is a definite plus.

However, the method also has a number of contraindications - these are oncological and any chronic diseases, severe autoimmune diseases, allergies to pain medications, acute infectious diseases, pregnancy and lactation.

In the hope of improving your appearance, you need to choose only an experienced surgeon, otherwise a corner lift can result in long procedures for correcting the shape of your lips, their asymmetry and other defects.

Resection of the depressor muscle

Another way to correct the “mask of grief” on the face is resection of the depressor muscle. Its function is to pull the corners of the lips downward. It originates from the edge of the lower jaw bone and goes up, weaving into the skin of the lips.

The surgeon makes a small incision (about 10 mm) on the inside of the mouth and, with a special tool, cuts the muscles in the corners of the mouth and the fibers of the depressor muscle, which contracts and decreases in size. The resulting small hole is subsequently filled with adipose tissue.

The advantages of the operation are its short duration (about 30-40 minutes) and the absence of a postoperative suture, which is located on the inside of the cheek. It is removed 5-6 days after surgery.

During the first few days of the postoperative period, you should regularly rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions and avoid eating foods that require prolonged chewing.

Contraindications for this method are similar to those for corner lifting.


You can lift drooping corners of your mouth without resorting to serious and expensive cosmetic and surgical procedures.

It is enough to correctly apply daily makeup to visually correct this defect:

  1. Apply the foundation not only to the face, but also to the edge of the lower lip, then draw the line of the lips with a pencil, not painting the corners, but lifting them up. Blend the line towards the center and apply satin lipstick or lip gloss.
  2. Apply a dark contour on the upper lip, not reaching the corners, and on the lower lip, apply a contour to the very corners of the lips, lifting it slightly upward. To ensure longevity of the pencil, you should powder it a little and then apply lipstick or gloss.
  3. In order to create a smiling facial expression, you need to make the outline of the upper lip a little shorter than usual.

When correcting drooping corners of the mouth, you need to hold the pencil correctly - with your index and thumb. The hand must rest on a hard surface.


The effect of raised corners of the mouth can be achieved by performing several simple exercises at home.

It should be remembered that this will bring the greatest effect if done regularly and correctly:

  1. Pull your lips into your mouth, pressing them to your teeth, tense your muscles, and remain in this position for 5-10 seconds.
  2. Pronounce the sound o, while tightening your rounded lips. Relax. Repeat 15-20 times.
  3. Take a deep breath through your nose, exhale intermittently through pursed lips. Repeat 15-20 times.
  4. Smile widely with clenched teeth. Take a deep breath and, without changing the position of your lips, exhale through the right and left corners of your mouth.
  5. With your lips extended like a tube, draw words in the air.
  6. Pronounce vowel sounds, stretching each of them for several seconds. In this case, it is necessary to actively work with your lips.

Such exercises, when performed regularly, will not only help solve the cosmetic effect, but will also give good mood and excellent diction.


Procedures for correcting the defect of drooping corners of the lips depend on many factors - prices for the services of a cosmetologist and plastic surgeon in different regions, cosmetical tools, anesthesia, etc.:

  1. The average price for Botox is from 800 rubles per unit.
  2. An injection with Surgiderm will cost the patient 10 thousand (per unit),
  3. Juvederm - from 9 thousand,
  4. Belotero – from 8 thousand.
  5. Prices for lipofilling vary significantly depending on the clinic where the procedure is planned. On average, its cost is from 15 to 55 thousand rubles.
  6. The cost of thread implantation will depend on the quality of the thread - from 500 to 5600 per thread.

The most expensive services are the services of a plastic surgeon. For example, a corner lift will cost the patient 45-50 thousand rubles, and resection of the depressor muscle will cost 50 thousand.

For the technique of lifting the corners of the mouth with preparations based on hyaluronic acid, see the video.

A beautiful facial expression and well-shaped lips are the dream of every person. But when you see sadness and discontent in the mirror, you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Such a problem as drooping corners of the lips is common to all ages. This is especially true for people in adulthood.

The skin of the face becomes flabby, wrinkles appear, the corners of the mouth droop, and a sad and dissatisfied expression appears. With age, the elasticity of the skin is lost, wrinkles begin to form around the mouth, and lips lose shape and volume. After all, this is familiar to many! To bring back the smile and joy on your face, it is enough to correct the corners of your lips, but how to raise the corners of your lips. What should you do for this?

This problem affects not only older people; very often there are young patients who are not satisfied with the corners of their mouths, which are directed downward. It is not time that has played a cruel joke on them, but an individual feature of their facial structure.

Methods for lifting the corners of the mouth

In order to lift the corners of your mouth up, you can use several methods:

  1. Temporary - injections.
  2. Permanent - surgical intervention.
  3. Makeup.
  4. Exercises.

1. Botox. It is possible to lift the corners of the lips with the help of botulinum toxin. At the same time, the muscle that lowers the corners of the mouth partially relaxes.

The advantages of the procedure are that the injections instantly lift the corners of the lips, reduce wrinkles and sublabial folds. The effect lasts from several months to one year, it all depends on the individuality of the organism.

Contraindications to the Botox procedure:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • blood clotting problem;
  • wounds and rashes in the mouth area.

A large video about Botox with a cosmetologist-dermatologist:

2. Filling drugs and even your own fat. You can lift the corners of your lips using gel or contouring preparations. The introduction occurs at the corners. You can also inject your own fat, which is taken from the thighs, abdomen, and so on. The material that is introduced slightly lifts the corners upward, thereby smoothing out the sublabial-maxillary folds.

The advantages of this method are that there is no rehabilitation period, and the result is noticeable immediately. A disadvantage is considered to be slight redness in the area where the product was injected. It lasts for several days.

Video about lipofilling:

3. Hyaluronic acid- another method. This effective method, as a result of which the space under the skin is filled. A kind of cushion is formed that pushes out wrinkles. With the help of this drug, which is administered using a special technique, a smile appears that resembles the smile of the Mona Lisa.

After the procedure, the facial expression becomes smiling, kind and simply looks cute. The following drugs are used for contouring. Anesthesia is sometimes used, but if the product contains lidocaine, the injections are almost imperceptible. After the procedure, slight swelling is possible. In a quarter of an hour the result will already be noticeable. The effect lasts up to one and a half years.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • somatic diseases;
  • hemophilia;
  • the presence of inflammation and implants in the correction area;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Video about the procedure:

1. Corner Lift. The essence of the operation is to excise small areas of skin and muscle above the corners of the upper lip, which extend a few millimeters beyond the outer corner, thereby directing the lip line upward. Thanks to this technique, even a horizontally elongated upper lip becomes more natural.

The operation is performed under anesthesia and lasts 30 minutes. The sutures are removed on day 3, and then on day 7. Corner Lift is ideal for older people. It is not recommended for young people to use it, as a scar will be noticeable in the corners of the mouth.

2. Cutting the muscle. The operation does not leave a scar, as an incision is made on the inside of the cheek. The method is similar to Botox, but the advantage is that the effect is permanent.

You can also visually raise the drooping corners of your mouth at home. Properly selected and applied makeup will help you cope with this. You need to follow and follow some rules that will help you create the perfect lip contour:

  1. Let's start with the upper lip. Apply the corrective pencil so that it does not reach the edge of the mouth, that is, we do not paint the corners of the lips.
  2. Paint over the lower lip completely, but raise the corners of the mouth slightly. Apply lipstick so that the lower part of the lip is brighter than the upper.
  3. Apply a little gloss to the center; it will highlight the makeup and also help hide minor imperfections in the shape of the lips.

As sad as it sounds, with age you may notice that the corners of your mouth begin to droop. You can correct the external defect at home. To do this you need to do special exercises for face. In order to start a set of exercises, you need to wash your hands well and go to the mirror.

Exercise 1. Place the thumb of your left hand behind your right cheek, on the inner corner of the sponge. Place the rest of your fingers on the outside of your cheek so that you can feel thumb. Pull the corner of the mouth towards the central part of the face, resisting the movement of the cheek muscles. On the contrary, they pull the corner of the mouth towards the ear. For the left corner we do the same.

Exercise 2. Pull out your lips with a tube. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Repeat inhalation and exhalation ten times.

Exercise 3. Express dissatisfaction with your lips, but do not clench your jaws. Forefinger right hand put it in the middle of your lips and make movements that will be directed up and down. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

Exercise 4. We pronounce the sound “O”, while rounding our lips. During the exercise, relax and tense the radial muscle. Perform the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 5. We tense and relax our lips and at the same time press them to our teeth. Perform the complex 20 times.

Exercise 6. We pronounce the sound “U”. Tighten your lips very tightly, then relax. Repeat 20 times.

It is enough to devote a small amount of time to a set of six exercises in order to achieve the desired result. You should not expect instant results, because this is a long process that requires patience. You need to do gymnastics regularly so that the corners of your mouth and the lips themselves always look perfect and beautiful.

Drooping corners of the lips are a very unpleasant problem that women often face after 30 years of age. At the same time, the facial expression becomes unfriendly and embittered. All the charm is lost and strangers may even avoid such a person.

Of course, when the corners of your lips droop, psychologists immediately recommend reconsidering your positions in life. But the problem may lie not in psychological motivation, but in the most basic thing - age. Cosmetologists say that in our time this cosmetic defect is easily solved. You just need to be patient and be prepared for some financial costs.

How facial expressions work

There is such a thing as circular muscle fibers. They are located in the thickness of the labial tissue. These tissues do not have bones, so they can, like plasticine, change their shape. Thus, this muscle causes the mouth to narrow into a tube. Other muscle fibers are drawn to the muscle, which form the cheek. As if in a chain, the fibers of the circular muscle pull the rest of the muscles attached to it. Namely:

  • muscle that raises the angle of the mouth;
  • muscle that lowers the corner of the lips;
  • the muscle that is responsible for laughter (by the way, not everyone has this muscle);
  • a muscle that pulls the corner of the mouth upward and inward.

In principle, it is somewhat similar to a doll that is pulled by strings. Pulling one string, according to the principle of a chain reaction, pulls other strings and connecting chains. Many will ask, why do you need to know this information? But, if you do lip gymnastics, you need to correctly understand the principle itself. Which thread should you pull to raise the desired corner of your mouth?

The problem of drooping corners of the mouth can arise as a violation of blood circulation, as well as a decrease in the tone of muscle fibers. To avoid this, you need to know which muscle groups the load should be redistributed to in order to avoid such troubles as the appearance of wrinkles.

Methods to lift drooping corners of lips

So, what to do if the corners of your lips are drooping. This problem can be dealt with in several ways. Which method to give preference to is up to you. But it is recommended to do complex therapy and seek advice from a cosmetologist.

  1. Lifting the corners of the lips with cosmetics;
  2. Injection methods to solve the problem;
  3. Gymnastics and lip massage;
  4. Botox injection;
  5. Plastic surgery.

Lifting the corners of the lips with cosmetics

This is the most in a simple way to visually lift the corners of the lips. At the same time, makeup artists recommend using not too bright shades and doing it in such a way that the upper contour does not reach the edges of the lips, and painting the lower lip so that the shade covers the entire lip and, as it were, lifts it up.

You can also complement the picture with a lip pencil and preserve the integrity of the lipstick, preventing it from leaking. You can also secure the pencil by powdering its lines.

Never use matte lipsticks. Not only do they dry out the lips, but they also lay down in a thick layer, making it difficult to evenly distribute the color of the lips.

Makeup artists also recommend making a lip mask. To do this, mix honey and sugar in equal proportions. You should evenly moisten your lips with this mixture, wait until the cream is absorbed, and then apply a thin layer of semi-gloss lipstick directly on top evenly over the entire lip.

The procedure is the simplest and drooping lips are almost invisible. But this method is really a camouflage method. And so that the corners of the lips are always tightened, it is necessary to constantly paint them. The following methods allow you to lift the corners of your lips at the muscular level, without the use of “masks”.

Injection methods to solve the problem

To make your facial expression brighter, you can use fillers if the corners of your lips are drooping. Hyaluronic acid is a natural and natural wrinkle smoother. In this case, the muscles are not paralyzed as with Botox, but the effect lasts for 6 months. Up to 1 year. You can do the injections yourself, but it is better to go to specialized institutions.

To do this, an injectable drug is injected under the skin, in the area of ​​folds, which smooths out wrinkles and lifts the corners of the lips. This procedure is quite harmless. Since the fillers themselves are natural ingredients. But you should know that this drug may have contraindications:

  • severe forms of skin diseases;
  • acute diseases of internal organs;
  • any types of colds that are accompanied by an increase in temperature (respiratory infections, influenza, etc.);
  • intolerance to hyaluronic acid or some additional component;
  • scars and scars at the site of hyaluronic acid injection;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • hemophilia (incoagulability of blood);
  • the use of anti-aging procedures before the introduction of hyaluronic acid.

Before using fillers, you should consult with a specialist and pass all the necessary tests, otherwise the consequences can be very disastrous.

Exercises to tone your lips

This procedure will not take much time and will help normalize the tone of the lips, improving blood circulation and saturating the cells with oxygen.

  1. For this exercise you need to smile, but not completely, but only with the corners of your mouth. In this case, you need to make sure that the corners are pulled up and at the same time stretched to the sides. But the middle of the lips should be relaxed. Need to repeat 10 times.
  2. Using your fingertips (except the index finger), fix the entire area of ​​the nasolabial area. Raise the corners of your mouth upward and resist with your fingers. At first, this exercise should be done slowly and then (every 5 times, or every 10 times) increase the pace. Do 30 passes, and after 30 times, exhale deeply.
  3. In the next exercise you need to connect your index and ring fingers. Then the index finger is fixed with an edge on the corner of the mouth. Stretch your smile as long as possible and use your fingers to resist. And then, with a rolling motion, move your ring finger to the middle of your lips and vice versa, do not let the corners close. This exercise must be repeated 10 times.
  4. Place your hands vertically on your cheeks and use your index and ring fingers to close some of the skin on the corners of your lips. Slowly raise the folds and slowly lower them. In this case, your fingers should lightly press the tissues of both lips. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  5. Place your index and ring fingers on your lips. In this case, the index fingers are located near the corners of the lips, and the ring fingers are closer to the center. It is necessary to squeeze the tissues with your ring fingers so that the lips seem to turn out. The exercise should be repeated 10 times.
  6. This exercise can be done anywhere, as long as those around you don’t mind singing. You just need to sing the following sounds: “I”, “E”, “A”, “O”, “U”, “Y”. You need to sing with inspiration, and imagine yourself in the place of opera singers. You need to sing at least 5-6 times and do this several times a day.

Experts believe that this type of technique is effective if repeated several times a day and for several months. But you need to do these exercises regularly, without breaking the rhythm. Although experts assure that you should not expect instant results. The effect comes gradually, like in sports training.


This is a really working method, but we should not forget that Botox can be accompanied by many side effects.

Botox is an injectable method similar to hyaluronic acid. But, unlike fillers, Botox completely paralyzes nerve endings and temporarily blocks nerve impulses. Those. you won't even feel the kisses. The use of Botox should be supervised by an experienced specialist. Otherwise, the wrong dosage can distort your face so much that later you can only act in horror films. Although, with the right and competent approach, the corners of the lips actually tighten and remain in that position for a long time.

After six months, the nerve connections are completely restored.

If you decide to lift the corners of your lips with Botox, then before the procedure itself you should:

  • stop taking any medications that affect blood clotting;
  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • postpone physical exercise, do not visit fitness centers and spa centers.

To tighten the corners of the lips with Botox, the doctor first assesses the depth of the problem, the appearance of the tissue and determines the number of units that need to be injected under the skin. Then the skin is disinfected, and using a syringe, the required amount of Botox is injected under the skin into the desired points where it is necessary to block nerve impulses. After the procedure, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic and “cooled”.

Injections can be performed without anesthesia, but doctors take precautions and apply a local anesthetic cream before injections.

Plastic surgery

The most effective way to solve the problem. This option does not paralyze nerve endings, and the effect lasts for long years. But, most importantly, contraindications to plastic surgery are kept to a minimum.

To do this, the muscles that pull the corners of the lips down are carefully cut and the lips are automatically raised. To do this, an incision is made from the side of the mouth so that the seam is invisible. But if the “mask of grief” is an age-related problem, then surgeons recommend a general facelift. At the same time, modern technologies make this process painless for the patient.

Surgical plastic surgery is a big breakthrough in medicine and cosmetology. The operation allows you to significantly improve the condition of the skin without “camouflage” tricks. The effect is noticeable and does not require additional techniques.

Skin prevention

We all need constant care. If you don't pay special attention to your skin, it will fade faster. Cosmetics are good. But remember - women who are already over 30 use it. For young girls, whose skin is already toned, cosmetics are contraindicated.

If the “mask of grief” appears at a young age, this indicates an unhealthy lifestyle: alcohol, cigarettes, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle.

Doctors recommend that to maintain normal skin balance, start active image life. Run in the morning, visit gyms and fitness centers. Give up bad habits. And consult your doctor about healthy eating. After all, our skin reflects what is happening in our body.

At home, gymnastic exercises for the lips, as well as a cosmetic “marathon,” will help raise the corners of the lips.

Nowadays, raising the corners of the lips is not a particular problem. The main thing is to decide for yourself which method to use. Each of the listed methods has its own pros and cons. And, before starting treatment, you need to weigh the pros and cons. And then decide which method to give preference to.

There are several well-defined muscles around the opening of the mouth. These muscles include orbicularis muscle mouth, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, mentalis and buccal muscles, levator labii superioris, zygomatic minor and major, levator anguli oris, and the laughter muscle.

The orbicularis oris muscle forms the muscular basis of the upper and lower lips. This muscle consists of the marginal and labial parts, the bundles of which do not have the same orientation.

Edge part(pars marginalis) is a peripheral, wider section of the muscle. This part is formed by muscle bundles that approach the upper and lower lips from the others closest to the mouth. facial muscles. The marginal part is formed by bundles of the buccal muscle; muscle that lifts the upper lip; the levator anguli oris muscle; muscle that depresses the lower lip; muscle that depresses the anguli oris, etc.

Labial part(pars labialis) lies in the thickness of the upper and lower lips. Bundles of muscle fibers extend from one corner of the mouth to the other.

Both parts (marginal and labial) of the upper and lower lips are woven into the skin and mucous membrane, and also connect with each other in the area of ​​​​the corners of the mouth and pass from the lower lip to the upper and vice versa.

Function: the orbicularis oris muscle narrows, closes the oral fissure, and is involved in the act of sucking and chewing.

Blood supply: superior and inferior labial and mental arteries.

The depressor anguli oris muscle begins at the base of the lower jaw, between the chin and the level of the first small molar. The fibers of this muscle, converging, pass upward and attach to the skin of the corner of the mouth. At the origin of the depressor anguli oris muscle, some of its bundles are intertwined with the bundles of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck.

Function: pulls the corner of the mouth downwards and laterally.

Innervation: facial nerve(VII).

Blood supply: inferior labial and mental arteries.

The muscle that lowers the lower lip (m.depressor labii inferioris) begins at the base of the lower jaw, below the mental foramen. Partially covered by the depressor anguli oris muscle. The depressor labii muscle bundles pass superiorly and medially and are attached to the skin and mucous membrane of the lower lip.

Function: pulls the lower lip down and somewhat laterally, acting together with the muscle of the same name on the opposite side, it can turn the lip outward; participates in the formation of expressions of irony, sadness, and disgust.

Innervation: facial nerve (VII).

Blood supply: inferior labial and mental arteries.

The mental muscle (m.mentalis) is represented by a cone-shaped bundle of muscle fibers, which begin on the alveolar eminences of the lateral and medial incisors of the lower jaw, pass down and medially, connect with the fibers of the muscle of the same name on the opposite side and are attached to the skin of the chin.

Function: pulls the skin of the chin upward and laterally (dimples appear on the skin); promotes protrusion of the lower lip forward.

Innervation: facial nerve (VII).

Blood supply: inferior labial and mental arteries.

The buccal muscle (m.buccinator) is thin, quadrangular in shape, and forms the muscular basis of the cheek. Begins on an oblique line on the ramus of the mandible and the outer surface of the alveolar arch upper jaw at the level of the large molars, as well as on the anterior edge of the pterygomandibular suture, which runs between the lower jaw and the pterygoid hook. The muscle bundles are directed to the corner of the mouth, partially intersect and continue into the thickness of the muscular base of the upper and lower lips. At the level of the upper molar, the muscle is pierced by the parotid duct (duct of the parotid salivary gland).

Function: pulls the corner of the mouth back; presses his cheek to his teeth.

Innervation: facial nerve (VII).

Blood supply: buccal artery.

The muscle that lifts the upper lip (m. levator labii superioris) begins along the entire infraorbital margin of the upper jaw. The muscle bundles converge downwards and are woven into the thickness of the corner of the mouth and into the wing of the nose.

Function: raises the upper lip; participates in the formation of the nasolabial groove, extending from the lateral side of the nose to the upper lip; pulls the wing of the nose upward.

Innervation: facial nerve (VII).

Blood supply: infraorbital and superior labial arteries.

The zygomaticus minor muscle (m.zygomaticus minor) begins on the zygomatic bone at the lateral edge of the levator labii superioris muscle. The bundles of the zygomatic minor muscle pass down medially and are woven into the skin of the corner of the mouth.

Function: raises the corner of the mouth.

Innervation: facial nerve (VII).

The zygomaticus major muscle (m.zygomaticus major) begins on the zygomatic bone and is attached to the corner of the mouth.

Function: pulls the corner of the mouth outward and upward, is main muscle laughter.

Innervation: facial nerve (VII).

Blood supply: infraorbital and buccal arteries.

The muscle that lifts the angle of the mouth (m.levator anguli oris) begins on the anterior surface of the upper jaw in the area of ​​the canine fossa; attached to the corner of the mouth.

Function: pulls the angle of the upper lip upward and laterally.

Innervation: facial nerve (VII).

Blood supply: infraorbital artery.

The laughter muscle (m.risorius) begins on the masticatory fascia, moves forward and medially, and attaches to the skin of the corner of the mouth. Usually weakly expressed, often absent.

Function: pulls the corner of the mouth laterally, forms a dimple on the cheek.

Innervation: facial nerve (VII).