Analysis of the Lee Haney deadlift - we train our shoulders with a barbell or dumbbells. A small range of exercises for the rear delta. Posterior deltoids are difficult to isolate

Target muscles: Shoulders
Equipment: barbell

The exercise can be performed with either a barbell or dumbbells. The technique of execution is identical to shrugs, but the barbell is located behind the back, and the elbows, in addition to the shoulder, also bend when lifting the projectile. You need to get used to the exercise, as the buttock muscles often interfere with lifting. In this case, you can start with the Smith machine.
Grasp the barbell behind your back with an overhand grip shoulder-width apart and stand straight. In the starting position, the back is straight and slightly arched in the lower back, the chest is in a “wheel”, the shoulders are straightened, the arms are straightened at the elbows, the bar of the bar touches the bottom of the buttocks.
Inhale and, holding your breath, tighten your trapezius and deltoids. Pull the barbell up, above your lower back, until you can’t move it another millimeter.
When you pull your elbows up, the barbell should slide in a vertical plane along the body from the hips to the top of the lower back. do not arch your back. Keep your body and neck straight and your chin horizontal. At the top point, the elbows are raised as high as possible.
Having reached the top point, exhale, pause and tighten your trapezius and deltoids even more.
After this, smoothly lower the weight and immediately proceed to the next repetition.

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Well, today we will return with you to another forgotten, but extremely effective exercise.
Traction Lee-Haney draws and sharpens the shape of the trapezius, increases the mass of the rear deltoids
Grasp the barbell behind your back with an overhand grip shoulder-width apart and stand straight.

In the starting position, the back is straight and slightly arched in the lower back, the chest is in a “wheel”, the shoulders are straightened, the arms are straightened at the elbows, the bar of the bar touches the bottom of the buttocks.

Inhale and, holding your breath, tighten your trapezius and deltoids. Pull the barbell up, above your lower back, until you can’t move it even a millimeter.

When you pull your elbows up, the barbell should slide along a vertical plane along the body from the hips to the top of the lower back. do not arch your back. Keep your body and neck straight and your chin horizontal.

At the top point, the elbows are raised as high as possible.

Having reached the top point, exhale, pause and tighten your trapezius and deltoids even more.
After this, smoothly lower the weight and immediately proceed to the next repetition.

If you want to work more on the middle of your back, then the grip should be 5 cm wider than your shoulders on each side.

If your goal is to develop the upper trapezius muscles and dorsal deltoids, maintain a shoulder-width grip.

Published the article to the main page (author Peex). I just find it remarkable that many top bodybuilders have almost the same back program. This includes Ronnie Coleman, Denis Wolfe, Kai Greene, all of whom have amazing backs, and all of whom focus on basic lifts with maximum weights. Has the truth been found in back training? © Do4a

Lee Haney is one of the most prominent bodybuilders in the history of bodybuilding. He devoted 25 years of his life to this dispute. 8 Mr. Olympia titles (1984-1991) is Lee’s record, which has not yet been broken.


Every champion stands out from the others in some way, but Lee is remembered for his latissimus dorsi muscles. During his entire professional career, he did not receive a single serious injury, although he worked with enormous weights. The fact is that he used the pyramid system, which was invented by Joe Weider, i.e. you start with a light weight and then increase the weight with each set. This allows muscles, ligaments and joints to better adapt to critical load.

Quote by Lee Haney: « The goal of the training is to stimulate muscle growth, and not tear your lats. Well, this will definitely happen if you grab an excessive weight in the first set. No, you need to increase your weight gradually. Maybe you don’t need a pyramid for biceps curls, but when you’re lifting 100-pound weights, it’s a must.”
Lee Haney's back training system:

He divided the exercises into “rhythmic” and for gaining strength. The former improve the adaptation of muscles to work, and the latter increase mass. So, Lee recommends alternating these exercises in order to reduce the likelihood of injury, and using a “rhythmic” exercise to restore and prepare the muscle for a heavy basic exercise.

Lee classifies pull-downs on a block and rows to the stomach while sitting as rhythmic ones. For “meat-packing” exercises - one-arm dumbbell rows, T-bar rows and bent-over dumbbell/barbell rows. However, the most best exercise for the back, Lee Haney, following Arnold, calls pull-ups. But, according to him, you can only give one hundred percent in pull-ups on an already “warmed up” back. That’s why Lee’s pull-ups were always number two.

Advice for beginners from eight-time Mr. Olympia: “If you don't do pull-ups, start doing them immediately - don't waste time. Pull-ups are the best basic exercise for widening your back! At first, while you don’t yet have real strength, do them every other time - at every second “back” workout. At the same time, “lean” into the row on the block to your chest - it greatly increases the strength in pull-ups.”

Complex for pumping up the back from Lee Haney:

1. Pulldown on the block to the chest wide grip 4-5x8-10.
2. Pull-ups 4x6-8
3. Bent-over dumbbell row 4x6-8
4. Seated block row to the belt 4x8-10
5. T-bar row or 4x6-8 barbell row

Hello! Today let's pay attention to our shoulders. The calling card of every bodybuilder is precisely wide, pumped up shoulders. But very often you can observe the following picture in gyms - beginners place the main emphasis in their exercises on the front and middle deltoids and pay little attention to the back ones.

For the time being, I trained this way too. After all, all beginners make almost the same mistakes. The trainers who create training programs know this very well and see it every day. Beginners bench press the barbell, do barbell raises in front of them, and perform military presses, thereby overloading the front and middle deltoids.

Their back bundle almost doesn’t work. Unless at the end of the workout they swing dumbbells on their shoulders while bending over and that’s the end of the matter. Yes, this rear beam is quite difficult to feel, so you get the feeling that you are not pumping it at all, you don’t feel this pumping effect.

Because of this, asymmetry may arise and not beautiful view. In this article we will look at the most effective exercises on rear delta shoulder

Anatomy is generally an interesting thing. It’s boring, of course, but if you understand its essence and ultimate benefit, it’s still interesting. I advise you to also study the anatomy of the hands. I have a gorgeous one on my blog. But we will continue...

Deltoid muscle - forms the superficial contour of the shoulder and got its name because of its similarity with the letter of the Greek alphabet - delta, has the shape of a triangle. It includes three main bundles (or heads), each of them performs its own function:

  • FRONT BUNCH– raises the arm upward, is responsible for bending the shoulder and turning it inward.
  • MEDIUM BUNCH– is responsible for abducting the arms to the sides. With complete contraction of this beam, the limb can be abducted up to 65-75 degrees.
  • REAR BUNCH– lowers the arms down, is responsible for shoulder extension and rotation outward.

The deltoids are not the only muscles in the shoulder girdle, but they are the most effective for growth. But for many athletes, even experienced ones, the rear delta remains underdeveloped.

For example, according to research conducted by scientists in 2002, the front fascicle of bodybuilders is 5 times larger than the average person, the middle fascicle is 3 times more developed, and the rear fascicle is only 10-15%.

What is this connected with? This is due to a number of basic mistakes made by athletes.

Bodybuilder Mistakes

  1. Incorrect training structure. Many people mistakenly believe that standard exercises pump all the bundles. At the same time, only the anterior delta is mainly involved, therefore, disturbances in symmetrical muscle development occur.
  2. Neglecting basic exercises. Those who are aware of the importance of target load on the rear delta most often do this with isolated loads, forgetting about the importance of basic ones.
  3. Incorrect weight to rep ratio. Another biggest mistake most people make is to assume that the main goal is to do as many reps as possible, while the weight being used can be light. For the best effect, it is necessary to perform the most complex exercises, including exercises to failure in fewer repetitions.
  4. For maximum growth muscle mass, constant stress is necessary for the muscles. This can only be achieved by constantly increasing training loads. Working in an unchanged mode will not give results.
  5. A bodybuilder does not feel muscle tension. This is due to improper execution of exercises or insufficient working weight. With correct training, the athlete should feel a burning sensation.

Basic exercises

Before you start learning the basics of rear delts, there are a few things you need to understand. In this case, the “base” is less effective than auxiliary exercises (isolating).

This is because this muscle group is small and during basic exercises it is only partially loaded. And since the weak growth of the rear deltas is primarily due to the small load on them, it is the auxiliary exercises that will save the situation. Well, now, actually, a list of these same exercises.

BELT-UP BAR PULL. Place your feet shoulder-width apart with your knees bent. Bend forward, take the equipment in your hands with an overhand grip. Make sure your elbows don't bend. Bend your torso 30 degrees. Keep your muscles tense. Hold the barbell at knee level. Pull the barbell towards upper press, moving your elbows back as high as possible. Try to distribute the load on your back and shoulders, excluding your arms.

Scientists from Norway have proven that barbell exercises are most effective in a standing position.

DUMBBELL ROW ON THE INCLINE. Can be performed standing or sitting. The technique is the same, only in sitting position it is necessary to use less working weight. Bend forward at the pelvis, knees bent, lower back arched. The dumbbells must be lifted with the widest possible range, with your elbows slightly bent. You cannot help yourself by springing your legs, otherwise there will be no effect.

LEE HAINEY'S CRAFTS. This is a barbell (dumbbell) row behind your back. This type of exercise is called the Lee Haney deadlift, in honor of its inventor. Initially, it was performed only using a barbell, but due to the complexity of execution, many people replace it with dumbbells. When working with a barbell, it is better to use a Smith machine.

To do this, you need to approach it with your back, grasp the neck of the instrument approximately shoulder-width apart. Raise the barbell as high as possible, being careful not to bend your elbows. As you exhale, slowly lower it into place.

When performing dumbbell rows for the rear delts, the technique is as follows:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward slightly. Keep your back straight.
  • Inhaling, raise your arms up without bending them. Exhale and lower.
  • You can do this with your hands alternately, so you will have better control over the load.

PULL-UPS. Since the rear delts perform a pulling function, when you pull yourself up, they are actively involved in the work. I just love pull-ups. Last time pulled out 30 times. How long do you do pull-ups? Don't give up on this matter. Such a simple exercise can seriously work out the muscles of the arms, back, and the same rear deltoids. Use the same

Isolation exercises

ON THE PECK-DECK TRAINER (butterfly). The butterfly exercise machine has a very effective effect on the rear delta. Let's look at a training option:

  • Adjust the position of the handles and the machine chair. Hands should be shoulder-width apart, parallel to the floor. Press your chest against the back of the Peck-Deck and place your hands on the handles.
  • Inhale, and holding your breath and bringing the muscles of the rear delta into tension, spread your arms as far as possible. Hold for a second, exhale.
  • Return to the starting position.

TRAINING IN A CROSSOVER. Install a crossover, it's better to start with light weight. Stand in the middle, put one leg slightly forward, bend the other slightly. Right hand take the left handle, and the left - the right. Stretch your arms back, keeping them at eye level. Close them in front of you.

ABDUTION OF THE ARM IN THE TILT. This exercise is similar to the dumbbell row. Place the machine on the lower block. Bend forward at the pelvis, knees bent, lower back arched. Pull the cable with your opposite hand as wide a range as possible, with your elbows slightly bent

INCLINED DUMBBELL FLIES. A very difficult exercise indeed. It has always been difficult for me to do, although I love doing it. The only difficulty, again, is that it’s difficult for you to do it well. Learning to turn off your arms and back muscles so that only the deltoids work, at first it was difficult to keep your back straight.

But to master it, you need to adhere to these golden rules. If you apply this, then everything will be OK:

  • Always start by mastering perfect technique. This is critical here. Even to the point of asking someone in the room to give their opinion from the outside on how you perform it. Don't hunch over, don't slouch, etc.
  • Always use small weights first.
  • At the top point, hold for a couple of seconds. It's difficult and you'll understand why when you try it. But this will give a good muscle contraction.
  • Try to perform swings not with 2 hands at once, but first with one hand and then with the other hand. This will help you concentrate better.
  • Don't try to bend your torso parallel to the floor (although I often do this).
  1. To work on the rear deltoid muscles, the first and most important rule is to combine basic and isolation exercises.
  2. When doing bent over sets, do not bend over more than 40-60 degrees, otherwise you will only train your back.
  3. Use drop sets during training. This implies continuous exercise, with gradual weight loss. For example, first perform one approach with 15 kg dumbbells, then, without taking time to rest, take 10 kg tools and do another approach. Next, taking a 5 kg dumbbell, do the exercise without a break until failure.
  4. Perform all exercises an average of 10-15 times in at least 3 sets. But you can vary it yourself.
  5. The rear deltoid muscles regenerate very quickly, so you can repeat training for this area up to three times a week.
  6. If back buns are yours weakness, start your workout with exercises focused on pumping them up. It is better to include them in the workout along with the pectoral muscles.

Having learned how to pump up your rear delts, you will no longer make annoying mistakes in building your training program. Don't forget about these important kids- they should be developed, like all your other muscles.

That's all for me - until we meet again. Thanks for your attention, friends!

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Good day, dear athletes. Let's talk today about lagging muscles, that is, those that spoil the proportions of your aesthetic figure. Very often you can meet guys with broad shoulders, but lagging behind them back. This is especially noticeable when viewed from the side.

But even well-developed deltas are lost against the background of underdeveloped trapezoids. So why not solve two problems at once - pump up the rear deltoids and frame it all with powerful trapezoids. And the draft of Lee Haney will help us with this.

It is named after its inventor, eight-time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney, who was looking for new ones. Perhaps it was this that helped Lee Haney become an eight-time champion.

What muscles work

Since this is a traction movement on the back, a significant part of the load falls on our trapezius muscles. They contract when you pull your elbows up. Since we move our arms back and up, the rear deltoids are also loaded.

The benefits and harms of exercise

Should you do it? If you belong to the category of advanced amateurs or bodybuilding professionals, then it’s worth a try. If you are a beginner, then such a movement is of no use to you.

In general, as a beginner, stick to the simplest and most proven exercises!

  • From an anatomical point of view, hyperextension of the shoulder is not natural for humans. Therefore, potentially dangerous.
  • Not suitable for beginners due to difficult technique.
  • Works well on the rear deltoids and trapezius.


Invented by Lee Haney, the exercise is performed standing with a barbell or dumbbells. Moreover sports equipment located behind the back. All this leads to an axial load on the spine.

In order for the bar to move freely along you need to lean back slightly. Because of this, the load on the lower back increases.

Why am I telling this? And to the fact that otherwise cravings should be avoided.

In particular, you should avoid it if you have diseases of the elbow and shoulder joints and osteochondrosis.

Execution technique and exercise options

Deadlifts, just like shrugs, can be performed with a barbell, dumbbells or in a Smith machine. The last option differs from the version with a barbell only in that it makes it easier to maintain balance. Let's consider options with free weights.

With dumbbells

The advantage of dumbbells is that they allow you to increase your range of motion. In addition, there is no need to tilt the body back.

Now for the technique:

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands and stand up straight.
  2. Move your hands with the dumbbells back so that they are behind and slightly to the side of your buttocks. The grip should be straight, that is, the palms are facing back.
  3. Pull your shoulders back. Keeping your back straight, pull your elbows up. The shoulder girdle does not rise at this moment.
  4. When lifting your arms up, bend at the elbow joint. Pay attention to your forearms, they should remain perpendicular to the floor.
  5. Pull the barbell up until it is level with your lower back.
  6. Pause at the top for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position.

The exercise can be modified by performing dumbbell rows first with one arm and then with the other. This, firstly, will increase the amplitude of movement, and secondly, it will allow you to concentrate more on the muscles being worked, which is useful when working on weight.

With a barbell

The technique with a barbell has minor differences from the version with dumbbells, as well as some disadvantages, for example, a more limited amplitude.

How to perform barbell deadlifts:

  1. If you can just sit down and pick up dumbbells, this trick won’t work with a barbell. Therefore, it must first be installed on the racks of the power frame just above the knees.
  2. Come with your back to it, squat down slightly and grab the bar with an overhand grip (palms facing back).
  3. Pull the barbell up to your lower back.

To reinforce the technique, watch a video about how pros perform deadlifts.

Example workout

The exercise can be adapted to suit any ability and can be performed even at home.

At home

If you have dumbbells or weights lying around in your closet, then everything is simple. Perform the exercise in accordance with the recommendations already given.

Place deadlifts at the end of your back workout, as large muscle groups such as the lats and erector spinae should be worked first.

  • Pull-ups on the bar - 3-4 sets of 12-6 repetitions.
  • “Boat” - 3-4 sets of 15-10 repetitions.

  • Deadlifts – 3-4 sets of 15-10 reps.

How to do deadlifts at home? Use either dumbbells or kettlebells.

In the gym

In the gym you have all three types of weights at your disposal: dumbbells, a barbell and a Smith machine.

A set of exercises might look like this:

  • Deadlift – 3-4 sets of 12-6 reps.

  • Pull-ups – 3-4 sets of 12-6 reps.
  • Smith rows – 3-4 sets of 15-10 reps.

In all exercises, strictly follow the technique!

Sets and reps

Since the exercise in question is not natural for a person, I advise using less weight and more repetitions - 10-15. For building muscle mass, this will be no less effective than 6-8 repetitions. As for the approaches, everything is standard here, 3-4 will be more than enough to work the trapezius and rear delts.

What weight to take

As I already said, there is no need for a lot of weight here. Choose a weight that will allow you to perform the exercise with perfect technique for 15 repetitions. When the weight becomes so light for you that in 3-4 working approaches you can overcome 11-12 repetitions, throw a couple of kilograms on the barbell.


To provide lumbar region greater stability, use a weightlifting belt for the last working sets.

In many pulling exercises, where the weight is held using grip strength, part of the attention involuntarily shifts to the muscles of the forearms and arms. To avoid this, use loops or wrist straps.

Common mistakes

While in the gym, I often notice how the guys try to lift as much as possible more weight in the exercise. In doing so, they make typical mistakes:

  • Bend the lower back and thoracic region spine.
  • They try to raise their elbows high. While the range shoulder joint in this section of the trajectory is limited.
  • Engage your biceps, trying to pull the barbell as close to your lower back as possible.
  • They use cheating, adding footwork.
  • Raise your shoulders up, as if performing a shrug.

By violating the technique in this way, you may be able to handle more weight, but in return you may get injured!


The Lee Haney deadlift can be used by experienced athletes, but beginners do not need it at all. In addition, the exercise has a number of contraindications related to the musculoskeletal system. .

Therefore, be careful and reasonable friends! And don't forget to subscribe to article updates. See you later!

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