Girls biceps. Do girls need to pump up their arms? Beautiful posture without effort: shoulder exercises for every day

For some reason, many girls forget to work on their arm muscles, but in vain. Biceps exercises will help you remove excess fat from this area, gaining a small and beautiful arm shape. Read in our material special exercises biceps for girls.

Hollywood actress Eva Longoria is beautiful and graceful under any circumstances. She looks equally feminine in everything she wears: a floor-length evening dress or a tracksuit. And her refined figure plays an important role in this. Few people know that Eva Longoria has a degree in kinesology (the science of muscle movement) and worked as a fitness instructor early in her career. The actress has always had an excellent figure. With a height of 157 cm, her weight never exceeded 44 kilograms.

As practice shows, pumping up the arms is one of the most difficult tasks for women. So, we can easily pump up our butt, legs, abs and chest, but training our arms brings a lot of discomfort. Experts say it's natural. However, this is not a reason to refuse training. Agree, a girl with a toned butt, legs and tummy will look funny against the backdrop of flabby arms.

Important: Remember, with age, the shape of the muscles in women’s arms begins to sag, and only with the help of exercise can this fate be avoided.

Dumbbell Curls

Take dumbbells that suit you. Stand up straight, dumbbells lowered in your hands. As you inhale, bend your arm at the elbow, with your palm facing your face. That is, during the exercise you turn your hand over. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

During the exercise, make sure that your elbow is pressed to your body. You can raise both hands at once, or one at a time - as is more convenient for you.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps - option two

Get into the starting position as in the first exercise. As you inhale, bend your arm at the elbow, with your palm facing down. The hand does not turn. On exit, return to the starting position.

Perform 3 sets of 10 times. The exercise is performed slowly.

Hammer curls with dumbbells

Stand up straight and take the dumbbells that suit you. Dumbbells should be in lowered hands, palms facing each other. As you exhale, lift the dumbbell toward your shoulder, bending your elbow. Slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position.

Perform 3 sets of 10 times.

Important: This exercise makes your biceps strong. However, you should not do it more than 3 times a week.

Chair push-ups

Sit on a chair, rest your hands on back chair. At the exit, lift your body up with your arms, then slowly lower yourself down. Most important point, do it slowly, using the strength of your arms.

This exercise works all the arm muscles and helps reduce body fat.

Interesting: many girls are afraid to pump up their arms, for fear of turning them into Arnold Schwarzenegger in a skirt. In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of: the female body is designed in such a way that we are not threatened by large and sculpted muscles. The female limit without the use of pharmacology is a very slight outline of a particular muscle group.

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Hollywood actress Eva Longoria is beautiful and graceful under any circumstances. She looks equally feminine in everything she wears: a floor-length evening dress or a tracksuit. And her refined figure plays an important role in this. Few people know that Eva Longoria has a degree in kinesology (the science of muscle movement) and worked as a fitness instructor early in her career. The actress has always had an excellent figure. With a height of 157 cm, her weight never exceeded 44 kilograms.

How to properly pump a girl’s biceps: exercise technique

4 5 1 Many girls doubt whether they need to pay due attention to working out their hands. The answer to this question is clear - of course, yes. After all, toned arms look very attractive and sexy. How to properly pump your biceps - read and look in our material. Unfortunately, girls often do not pay due attention to working on their arms, and as a result, this negatively affects their figure, because in beautiful body harmonium

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What four exercises will make your arms lose weight?

Four exercises for beautiful hands

Beautiful hands- a mandatory attribute of a slim figure. What exercises will help your arms lose weight, and also create muscle relief on them, read in our material. Very often you can see a picture when a girl has - a slim body, however, the condition of the upper arms leaves much to be desired. It is noteworthy that there is a body type in which this area is the first to suffer at the slightest change in weight. And visually it doesn’t look entirely aesthetically pleasing.

Hands are one of the parts of the body that are almost always visible. But, unfortunately, she does not always look so that you want to look at her and admire her.

Many women have some problems with the muscles in their arms. But you really want to open your hands, especially in the warm season. Before you start reading the article, we recommend that you read the article “”.

Therefore, in today’s article we will talk about how to pump up a girl’s biceps and triceps at home without going to the gym.

Why should girls train biceps and triceps?

Have you ever noticed that the part of your arm above the elbow has sagged a little and doesn't look as good as it could? The fact is that women practically do not strain this part of the arm, and therefore the muscles atrophy.

You can’t hide flabby muscles, you can’t pull them in like your stomach. In addition, it is the area above the elbow that is one of the first to recover from overeating and a sedentary lifestyle.

But the hands can not only be too full. If you don’t have such a problem, don’t rush to rejoice. On the contrary, your arms may turn out to be too thin. It is also ugly and unaesthetic. Especially if the rest of your body has feminine, rounded shapes.

But because of such a seemingly minor problem, I don’t really want to sign up for a gym and visit it 3 times a week. You don't need this! Now we will tell you how to pump up biceps and triceps for girls, as well as how to monitor their condition at home.

Best exercises for arm muscles

Biceps exercises

So, in order for your arms to be proportional to all other parts of the body, you need to pump not only them, but also your chest, back, and shoulder girdle. You should not exercise more than 2-3 times a week. Although it is extremely difficult for a woman to build up arm muscles like bodybuilders, there is still no need to be zealous. You risk overworking your muscles and even suffering a painful injury.

Hammer style elbow curl.

This exercise is very similar to the previous one, but it is aimed at pumping the central part of your biceps and forming the so-called “bundle”. It must be done as follows:

1. Starting position - standing.

2. Press your hands lightly towards your body.

3. Palms with dumbbells facing inward (palms facing each other).

4. Bend your elbows alternately so that your palms still face inward.

5. Do 10-20 reps, then rest and repeat once or twice.

As a result, you should have a movement as if you were hitting the table with your fists.

Triceps exercises

Let's move on to triceps training for girls. The following exercises will be especially effective.

Raising hands.

1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Bend over so that your torso is parallel to the floor.

3. Keep your back straight, don't hunch.

4. Your arms should hang perpendicular to your back and the floor.

5. Take your arms back, wait a few seconds, return to the starting position.

6. This should be repeated 15-20 times in 2-3 approaches.

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Date of: 2014-10-05 Views: 22 576 Grade: 5.0 This question is purely aesthetic, since from a physiological point of view: if something can be pumped, then it needs to be pumped!)) But in general, this question needs to be asked a little more precisely: Do girls need to focus on their biceps and triceps? So, we all understand that pumped up arms do not make a girl look good. However, girls’ hands are the most difficult part of the body to pump up. Even if you really want to. Because they naturally train their lower body better than their upper body. So, my personal opinion is this:

For girls, to create a beautiful and proportional body, in most cases there is no need to specifically pump up their arms.

What does this mean? By the phrase “specifically pump” I mean exercises aimed specifically. But the triceps works indirectly in all presses and push-ups. For example, the main load should be placed on the chest, and the additional load on the triceps. And it works mainly the shoulders and additionally the triceps. The same goes for biceps. They also work in rows and pull-ups. For example, or - in addition to the back, biceps are also trained. That is, the picture that emerges is that if you remove all the exercises on the arms, then the arms will still receive a load in , and . And this will be enough to keep your arm muscles toned. But not enough for their growth. That is, if you do not have a goal to increase the volume of your arm muscles, then there is no need to pump them separately. And if you want to pump up your arms a little, then 1-2 exercises per week for biceps and triceps will be enough. Personally, I almost never use exercises for biceps (the exceptions are mainly), but I use exercises for triceps. Mostly to add variety to your workouts. And the arms visually look larger mainly due to the biceps, rather than the triceps. But I repeat once again that you don’t have to do purely triceps exercises either.


Girls do not need to pump their arms on purpose. The exception is if you are going to compete in bodybuilding or body fitness. In all other cases, you can limit yourself to exercises on the back, chest and shoulders. However, if you start to specifically pump up your arms, it will be quite difficult for you to pump them up. Therefore, if you do 1–2 biceps and triceps exercises a week, you are unlikely to pump up your arms. To make this happen, you need to try hard. And I’ll emphasize once again that I’m not saying that women should under no circumstances shake their arms! I'm just saying that in most cases this is not necessary. That is, you don’t have to do this. Good luck!

By the way, you can order yourself

We associate beautiful and pumped arms only with men, but this is as always erroneous opinion, in the same way, today you can meet beautifully formed girls who have beautiful triceps and biceps. But few people know how to do this. Although the development of both muscle groups plays a very important role for the fairer sex.
Perfectly formed hands that have fine lines and their contour fit perfectly into the overall dream figure of every girl. They will highlight femininity well not only in a tight T-shirt, but also in an elegant dress.

Don’t think that you can’t handle heavy weights, anything is possible, you just have to strive. But the most important thing is that you need to give 150%, then and only then can you achieve the desired result. Forget about your fears of turning your body into a pile of muscles. Even the most experienced bodybuilder knows that testosterone promotes muscle growth. And there is very little of it in a woman’s body. But still, with persistent training, the result will be immediately noticeable.
Developed muscles indicate that a person has good health and a lot of vitality.

Arm training for girls is an exercise program that will help form beautiful outlines of the arm muscles.


The good news is that while performing exercises, for example, on the biceps, our arms simultaneously train the triceps, and vice versa. Which reduces the duration of exercises and their number. No matter what exercise you do, bench press or push-up, both muscle groups will be formed evenly. Even if you perform a rowing exercise using a cable machine, the biceps are also working, albeit indirectly.
When training other muscle groups (back, chest), the arm training time is reduced, since when training the muscles listed above, you are working all the same arms. But considering that triceps and biceps are not very big muscles, you shouldn’t expect anything more than a natural result.
Arm training for girls for biceps and triceps has one positive aspect - maximum effect in a minimum period of time. To achieve these results, you need to spend 30 to 45 minutes training just once a week. These trainings in combination with other groups are quite enough. And your hands will look amazing!

You need to understand that no matter what exercises you perform on the triceps and biceps, they will be closely intertwined with the main two: extension of the arms and bending them. These are the exercises that put maximum stress on your arms.
The principle of the exercises is as follows: to pump up the biceps, you need to take a counterweight (in this case a dumbbell), turn your arm with your palm facing outward and bend it in elbow joint in the direction of the face. To work with triceps, you need to perform the reverse procedure, just tilt your body forward a little, and straighten your arm back, keeping your palm parallel to your leg. And the further you pull your arm back, the stronger the triceps contracts.
But this is just one example of performing exercises; there are, of course, many more. But they all move a certain group of muscles.
What happens to the muscles?
The moment you perform a weight training exercise, the muscle fibers grow and more weight, the faster it happens. But you don't need to take too much heavy weight, it's not effective. Take just enough so that you can perform no more than 10 - 12 repetitions. Too little weight is also bad, there will be no growth, but only strengthening. But you want changes to happen, right?
Although there is a tendency to do high reps with zero weight. This is the wrong decision and there will be no results from such actions, it’s like taking a leisurely walk in the park.


Exercises for girls on biceps

This arm workout for girls is well suited for those who have not yet worked out or who have already spent some time in gym, but growth has stalled and a more refined plan is needed. Do not forget that exercises for the arm muscles are already performed with back exercises and chest exercises. Therefore, this program will be used as a work optimization. Many athletes train using the “burning out” method and the 21st method. These workouts are convenient because they use the principle of repetition for muscle growth, or in other words, hypertrophy. For this technique to work, you need to take a good weight (barbell, dumbbell), with which the final approaches will seem like a real nightmare to you. This should be the principle of implementation.


Hand training for girls should be like this:

Rest 30-60 seconds between approaches;
lifting dumbbells alternately on an incline (12 reps, 4 sets);
extension to upper block, triceps work (12 reps, 4 sets);
barbell press work for biceps (using the 21st method);
close-grip push-ups (12 reps, 4 sets);
standing EZ-bar lift, biceps work (burnout) (100 reps, 1 set);
French bench press on a lower block while standing (burnout);

First of all, you need to cope with a lot of weight in the so-called “dead” zones. Only then will the muscles become stronger. The 21st is quite an interesting technique. It is used only for training biceps. To implement it, it will be necessary to perform seven repetitions in the lower position, seven repetitions in the upper position, and also complete the execution with seven complete cycles. If you are tired, take a short break. In climbs, the main difficulty is the 1/3 phase and the final one. Having dealt with the dead zones, the muscles will rapidly begin to develop.
As for “burning out,” arm training for girls is quite interesting, but also very difficult. By curbing this part, the blood flow in the biceps will be simply enormous. The technique is very simple, you just need to short term do 100 presses. There is no need to take a lot of weight here, but the burden should be noticeable. If it is impossible to perform with one weight, reduce it and continue, and so on until the end. You should not relax too much, as it will be difficult to do the following exercises.
This option is used to severely fatigue a muscle, provided that it has already worked hard. But if it doesn't suit you, just don't use this technique in your training program.