Summary of a physical education lesson in the second junior group (3–4 years). Summary of a physical education lesson in the junior group Physical education lesson in the 2nd junior group

Rice. 3

As a rule, when performing exercises on an elevated support (board, bench), it is not recommended to jump off the bench; it is better to take a step forward - down (Fig. 3). Childcare insurance is required. As they master balance exercises, you can offer children jumping from a bench, but always on a soft support - a rug or mat.

When performing exercises in balance, the teacher stays next to the children all the time, helps, encourages, and provides insurance. The position of the hands can be different, for example, hands on the belt, but mostly to the sides for balancing.

One of the difficult tasks is walking on a cord laid straight and in a circle, placing the heel of one foot against the toe of the other, as well as walking on a board laid obliquely (height 25–30 cm) and on a log.

Balance exercises are carried out in a continuous manner in a column, one or two columns at a time (depending on the objectives of the lesson and the availability of aids). They contribute to the development of courage, confidence, dexterity, and orientation in unexpected situations.

Jumping exercises

Children 3–4 years old have access to different types of jumps; they can jump in place and moving forward a certain distance; jump from a small height; standing long jump; jump over objects (cubes, cords) (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4

When jumping on the spot, children make frequent and low jumps, happily imitating bunnies, squirrels, etc. Usually the teacher first shows how to do the exercise. Sets the rhythm and tempo of jumping by hitting a tambourine, rhythmically saying or using musical accompaniment. The teacher performs several jumps with the children, then the children jump on their own.

Jumping forward gives a high motor load. Not all children cope well with the task: they do not bend their knees enough, which leads to landing on straight legs, while their arms participate little in the movement. However, some babies have clear coordination of arms and legs when jumping forward, which indicates good innate coordination of movements.

In the second quarter, a significant place is given to jumps from low heights. The main task is to land on your toes, bending your knees (preferably on a rubber track or mat). Exercises in jumping from low heights are carried out with small groups, since it is important for the teacher to see the main mistakes of the children, correct them, and, if possible, provide assistance and insurance if necessary. It is also advisable to use game tasks - “sparrows jumping from a fence”, “bunnies jumping from tree stumps”, etc.

Standing long jumps - over a stream, a ditch. The width of the stream and groove is small - 15–20 cm, since children 3–4 years old do not yet have the skill in this type of jumping. The main attention is paid to the correct starting position - it is necessary that before the jump, children bend their knees well and land simultaneously on both half-bent legs, further straightening them and maintaining a stable balance. The movements of the children's hands are still inconsistent.

Program exercises are distributed taking into account gradual complication. From lesson to lesson, children gain motor experience, which allows them to master individual elements of technology in a certain sequence. The requirements for performing jumping exercises for children of the second younger group are still low, in accordance with their skills.

Throwing exercises

Children 3–4 years old enjoy playing with a ball if exercises with it do not require complex actions and are simple in structure and tasks. The simplest and most accessible tasks are rolling balls in a straight direction, towards each other, into the goal, and throwing balls to the teacher. More complex exercises are throwing the ball on the ground, up and catching it with both hands. The most difficult ones are throwing balls at a target and at a distance. All these exercises develop dexterity, speed, and eye.

Rolling balls in a straight direction and each other are the simplest exercises, but to perform them the child must push the ball with a certain force and in the right direction. In addition, when conducting exercises, difficulties arise in organizing children. For example, children should be located at a distance of 1.5–2 meters in two lines - one opposite the other. To indicate the starting position, you can use slats, cords and other objects, which are then quickly and easily removed. Children master rolling balls to each other, between objects, not without difficulty. The teacher repeats these exercises so that the children develop muscle sensations that contribute to the formation of the necessary skills.

Children 3–4 years old learn to throw a ball to the teacher and catch it back. The main mistakes when performing this exercise are a weak throw, uncertain movements, and lack of initiative. Sometimes the child does not dare to throw the ball, and the teacher has to tell the child several times: “Throw it!”

When catching a ball, children, as a rule, prepare their hands in advance, putting them forward and pressing the ball to their chest. After repeated repetitions and individual lessons, the children cope better with the task. The throw is more confident, sometimes quite strong, the direction of movement is maintained and overall coordination improves, but the exercise requires frequent repetition, since the skill is not yet stable. Usually the exercises are repeated outside of class, during a walk.

One of the difficult exercises for children of the fourth year of life is throwing a ball up and on the ground and catching it. It is difficult for kids to throw the ball to the required height, such that it is easy to catch, and they throw it much higher. When throwing a ball on the ground, children also cannot differentiate muscle efforts, and an insufficiently developed eye does not allow them to make an accurate throw near their feet (at their toes). To help children, visual reference points are offered - flat hoops with a small diameter (25–30 cm), colored squares, etc.

In the summer, a significant place is given to exercises in throwing balls, bags, cones into the distance, at a horizontal target.

Climbing exercises

A variety of climbing exercises develop strength, agility, and coordination of movements; strengthen small large muscle groups. In children 3–4 years old, these qualities are still poorly developed.

In the first quarter, crawling exercises are performed on all fours, mainly supported on the palms and knees. At first, children crawl forward at will, and some children pull up both legs. If a child does not succeed in an exercise, the teacher works with him separately. Usually, after several repetitions individually, children cope better with the task.

To perform crawling under the arc of the cord, the teacher draws the children’s attention not only to the correct starting position, but also to the designated line (starting line) from which to begin the exercise. The guide can be cords, slats, colored stripes, etc.

Children climb onto the inclined ladder at will. The main attention is paid to the correct grip of the hands on the rail - thumb on the bottom, the rest on top and foot placement (in the middle). In this case, the teacher must provide insurance. Exercises in crawling and climbing are carried out in a continuous and frontal manner; climbing on an inclined ladder and a gymnastic wall is carried out in small groups. At this time, the rest of the children can play with balls, being in the field of view of the teacher.

Approximate content of physical education classes


Lesson 1

Tasks. Develop orientation in space when walking in different directions; teach walking on a reduced area of ​​support while maintaining balance.

Part 1. Walking and running in small groups in a straight direction behind the teacher. The guys enter the hall together with the teacher, without formation - in a “flock”. There are chairs placed on both sides of the hall (according to the number of children). The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs and occupy their “houses”. The game "Let's go for a visit" is played. The teacher approaches the first group of children, invites them to stand up and go “visiting” with her. Approaching the second group of children, the kids say hello and show their palms. To the words: “It’s raining!” – children run to their “houses” and take any places.

Then the teacher invites the children of the second group to “visit”. The game is repeated.

Part 2. Walking between two lines (distance 25 cm). The teacher lays out two paths 2.5–3 m long from cords (slats) along the hall, parallel to one another. The distance between tracks is at least 3 meters (Fig. 5).

Larisa Polskova
Summary of a physical education lesson in the second junior group (3–4 years)

Krasnodar city

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 77"

Polskova Larisa Alexandrovna

Target: To create a desire for physical activity in children junior preschool age.


1. To develop motor activity and dexterity.

2. Develop the ability to navigate in space.

3. Create interest in doing it physical exercises using artistic words.

4. Develop children's emotional responsiveness.

5. Develop children's fine motor skills through games.

6. Develop attention.

Material: ball, hoop, gymnastic bench, bags.

I. Formation in a line.

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears (shows).

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws (shows

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump (jumping on 2 legs like bunnies).

The red fox is a trickster,

Cunning and dexterous. (walking in circles on tiptoes).

Misha the bear waddles

For raspberries and honey.

He loves sweets very much. (walking on the outside of the foot in a bearish fashion).

ORU with the ball.

1. "Ball Up". I. p. legs slightly apart, ball below, 1-2 - rising on toes, lift the ball up; 3-4 - return to I. p. 7 times.

2. "Turn to the sides". I. p. feet shoulder-width apart, ball in front of the chest with outstretched arms. 1.3 – turn to the right; 2.4 - return to I. p. 7 times.

3. "Put the ball down". I. p. feet shoulder-width apart, ball below. 1-2 lean forward, put (take) ball. 3-4 – I. p. 7 times.

4. "Springs" I. p. legs - heels together, toes apart, ball in front. Sit down slightly 3 times, 4 – I. p. 7 times

5. "Ball to Chest". IP sitting, legs apart. 1 – bend your arms with the ball at your elbows, 2- I. p. 7 times

6. "Look at the ball". I.p. lying on your back, ball at your chest 1-2 - slowly lift up, look. 3-4 – I. p. 7 times

7. "Jumping around the ball". I.p.o. With. hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs around the ball in both directions. There is a short pause before jumping in the other direction.

Physical exercise "Monkeys"

(children repeat everything what is said in the poem)

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We all stomp our feet,

We all clap our hands,

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes.

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Put your finger to your temple

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's open our mouths wider,

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say word three?

Everyone freeze with grimaces.

One two Three!

II. ATS (puzzles)

1. She doesn’t walk, she jumps.

In both cold and heat

Hides the child in a bag

Mom... (Kangaroo) jumping on 2 legs from hoop to hoop

2. He is not an animal, but a bird.

He is not afraid of the cold.

In the land of snow and ice

It's funny... (Penguin) walking with a ball between your knees

3. Walks calmly, slowly -

let everyone see how good she is!

Comfortable and durable shirt

in which he walks... (turtle) crawling on all fours on a gymnastic bench with a bag on your back

Well done boys! Let's play a little!

Outdoor games: "The Mother Hen and the Chicks"

Purpose of the game: teaching in a playful way the basic types of movement (walking, jumping, developing children’s imagination.

On the playground, pull the cord at a height of 40-50 cm (between two vertical posts, between two trees, etc.). Behind this cord is "house" hens and chicks.

Selected "Hen" and "Kite" from children, the rest are chickens. The "mother hen" is the first to leave "house" in yard: walks around it, and then calls the chickens to peck the grains. Chicks come out "house", crawling under the cord, run up to the hen, and then scatter around the yard (playground). They jump on two legs, squat down, and make rhythmic head tilts, pretending to peck grains. Straighten up and squat again. At the words “Kite” the chickens run into the house by the cord, and the mother “hen” tries to protect her chickens.

A game repeated several times. The teacher ensures that all children are in motion, perform jumps and bends correctly, and encourages them.

"By the bear in the forest"

Rules: A bear is chosen from the children. On one side of the site there is a house for children, on the opposite side there is a house for a bear. The bear sits in the house and pretends that he is sleeping.

Children leave their houses and slowly approach the bear with words:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries,

But the bear doesn't sleep

And he looks at us.

While the children are reading the text, they pretend to pick mushrooms and berries and put them in a basket.

As soon as they said the words “he’s looking at us,” the bear wakes up and runs to catch up with the kids. The children run away to their house, where the bear can already catch them.

Program content:

  • Teach children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; jump on two legs while moving forward; jump off gently without bending your knees; crawl along an inclined board on all fours.
  • Learn to act quickly on a signal from the teacher.
  • Cultivate attention, mutual assistance, and emotionality.

Health protection elements:

Visual aids: umbrella, bench, cubes, chairs, 20 cm wide board, gymnastic wall, “wolf” mask.

Preliminary work:


  • Breathing exercises: “Lost”, “Resting”, “Lumberjack”
  • Relaxation exercise “Hands resting”
  • Outdoor games “On a Level Path”, “Sunshine and Rain”, “Frogs”.
  • Game for developing auditory attention “Bear”
  • Game s/p. “Wolf - top”
  1. Introductory part.
  1. Outdoor game “On a level path” (2 times).
    1. On a smooth path,
      On a smooth path,
      Legs walk into the woods.
      One - two, one - two.

      (normal walking.)

      By pebbles, by pebbles,
      By pebbles, by pebbles...

      (Jumping on two legs while moving forward.)

      Into the hole - “Boom”!

      (Jump into the depths, then rise - “get out of the hole.”)

  2. Outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain” (2 times)

The sun is shining! Children walk through the clearing in front of the forest!

(Walking in all directions, jumping in all directions.)

(Children hide under the teacher’s umbrella)

The rain is over! The sun is shining!

(Walking in pairs, lightly running on toes scattered.)

It's raining! Hurry under the umbrella!

(Children run to the teacher under an umbrella)

The rain was falling, the rain was crying.
A large stream dripped,
We'll cross the bridge
And we will enter the forest dry.

(Walking on toes, arms to the sides.)

3) Breathing exercise “Lost”

If we get lost, we won't get lost -
We know how to call a friend: we will say “Aw!” scream.

I.P. feet in a narrow path, hands folded like a mouthpiece near the mouth.

1 – inhale, stretch, rise on your toes.

2 – while exhaling, slowly say “A-a-u-u”, Return to the starting position (4 times)

  1. Main part.
    1. Game “Bear” (For the development of auditory attention).
    2. Like snow on a hill, snow (Children go in a circle)

      And under the hill there is snow, snow (they expand the circle)

      Like snow on a Christmas tree, snow (narrow the circle)

      And under the tree there is snow, snow, (expand the circle)

      And a bear sleeps under the snow. (children approach the sleeping bear)

      Hush hush,

      Keep quiet! - says one of the children appointed by the teacher.

      The child, the “bear”, who is chosen before the start of the game, sitting in the center of the circle with his eyes closed, must guess who called him. The game is repeated with a new bear (2 – 3 times).

    3. Breathing exercise “Rest” (4 times)
    4. Our children are resting
      They raise their hands up.

      I.P.: O.S., arms along the body.

      1- inhale, rise on your toes, arms up.

      2 – exhale while saying “uh”, return to the starting position.

    5. Outdoor game “Frogs” (2 times)
    6. Among the trees, in the swamp,
      The little frogs have their own home.
      Here are the frogs along the path
      They jump without sparing their legs.
      Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,
      They jump quickly along the path.

      (jumping on two legs while moving forward)

      We climbed onto a hummock,
      And we got to the fly,
      Yum - yum - yum, kwa - kwa-kwa,
      And we got to the fly.

      (they climb onto “logs, stumps” - benches, cubes, chairs.)

      They no longer want to eat,
      Jump again into your swamp.

      (jump from benches, cubes, chairs, landing softly on their toes and rolling onto their feet)

    7. Breathing exercise “Lumberjack” (4 times).
    8. IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped.

      1 – inhale, rise on your toes, raise your arms up.

      2 – exhale, say “uh”, return to the starting position.

    9. Exercise “Steep slide” (3-4 times)
    10. There's a log on the ground
      And it leads to the hole.
      Who lives inside there?
      Crawl over and take a look!

      Crawling on all fours on an inclined board attached to 2-3 crossbars of a gymnastic wall. When he crawls, the child must shout who lives in the hole.

    11. Game of average mobility “Wolf - top” (3-4 times).

Who was running through the spruce forest?
Who got into the juniper?
- This is a wolf - a top,
Wool barrel!

After these words, choose “wolf”. The child “wolf” runs between the children, and at the end of the poem he squats down behind one of the children, who becomes a new wolf.

Wolf - top, woolen barrel,
He ran through a spruce forest, got into a juniper tree,
Got caught in his tail and spent the night under a bush.

3. Final part.

Relaxation exercise “Hands resting”

IP: legs together, arms along the body.

Turn the body left and right, arms freely follow the body in the same direction.

On a flat path
Our legs walked
Our legs are tired
This is our house - this is where we live.

(normal walking.)

Notes on physical education in the junior group on the topic "Playing with a bear"

Author: Natalya Vladimirovna Kotlyarova, teacher of MBDOU No. 185 “Golden Grain, Nizhny Tagil.
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of a physical education lesson for children of the younger group (3-4 years old) on the topic “Playing with Mishka.” This material will be useful for primary care teachers and physical education teachers.
Summary of a game-based role-playing physical education lesson for children 3-4 years old.
We play with a bear.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, educational and research, musical and artistic.
Educational: teach jumping on two legs over a line; strengthen walking and running skills; the ability to maintain balance when walking in a limited area.
Educational: respectful attitude towards each child and children towards each other; discipline in completing tasks.
Educational: development of attention and observation.
Planned results: actively and kindly interact with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive problems; adequately perceives the teacher’s comments; performs running and jumping according to safety rules.
Equipment: toy bear, “stream” (2 ropes 2 m long with a distance of 50 cm between them), 6 pins, 4 flat hoops (diameter 25 cm), ball (diameter 20 cm), cones according to the number of children.
Progress of the lesson.
Children enter the hall and line up in one line.
Instructor. Guys, guess the riddle:
He sucks his paw
Ah, that's how spring will come,
Waking up from sleep

And let's roar in the forest...
Everyone calls him... (bear).
That's right, it's a bear. A teddy bear came to visit us today and brought with him a whole basket of pine cones. We will play with him, run, jump and gallop. Let's first show the bear how we can walk beautifully. Walking one after another.
Now let's show how fast we are. Run.
And now how clever and strong we are. Everyone stand in a circle. Now the bear will give each of you a bump. And we will show him exercises with cones.
Cones fall from a pine tree,
We must raise the cone.
I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands with a bump at the bottom.
B: 1- raise your arms up, stretch, release the lump from your hand, sit down, take the lump, 4- straighten up. (repeat 4 times)
The pine cone rolled under the bush,
She lies there quietly, hidden.
IP - sitting, legs apart, hands with a teddy bear on your lap.
B: 1-2 - lean forward (try not to bend your knees), put the cone between your legs, 3-4 - straighten up, clap your hands, 5-6 - lean forward, take the cone, 7-8 - straighten up, lift the cone up. (repeat 4 times)
I need to play with the pine cone,
She's tired of lying there.
I.p. - lying on your back, a lump in both hands above your head.
B: 1-2- raise your legs up, arms up and forward, touch your feet with your cone, 3-4- i.p. (repeat 4 times)
Cones love to play
Play around and jump around.
IP - legs together, bump in one hand.
B: jumping in place (20-30 sec)
Well done boys! Bear really liked your exercises with pine cones. But you know, the bear secretly told me that he doesn’t know how to cross the road at all. Let's teach him how to cross the road correctly.
1. "Let's cross the road."
--- Look left, look right, cross the road one after another.
Walking one after another along the “stream” with the head turning left and right. (2 times)
2. "Let's run"
So we came to the park. Let's run a little.
Running one after another on tiptoes between pins placed in one line (arms to the sides) (2 times)
3. "Let's jump"
Now let’s teach the bear to jump correctly.
Jumping on 2 legs from hoop to hoop, hands on the belt. (2 times)
Mishka really liked how you did it, and now he wants to play with the ball.
Game "Roll the ball".
Children sit on the floor in a circle, legs apart. The instructor (with a teddy bear), holding a ball in his hands, stands in the center of the circle. He rolls the ball to each child in turn. Children catch the ball, then roll it to the bear (instructor). The game is repeated 2 times.
Instructor. Well, it's time for the bear to leave. Today we showed the bear how to deal with pine cones, taught him how to cross the road correctly, run on his toes and jump.
The children wave and leave the hall.

Physical education lesson in junior group 2 “Journey to the forest”


Teach children to walk on an inclined board; improve motor skills in jumping on two legs while moving forward while rolling the ball in a straight direction.

Exercise in walking and running;

Develop reaction speed and accuracy of command execution;

Cultivate interest in the activity.

Equipment: an inclined board, balls according to the number of children, a toy dog ​​or mask, a picture of a train, leaves, an audio recording of “Bird Voices”.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introductory part.

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Hello guys. Do you like to travel? In today's lesson we will go with you to the forest. Let's go and see what we're driving? (By train)

2. Warm up.

Become a train one after another, the carriages interlock with each other. Go! (Walking in a column one at a time).

The locomotive began to hum and the carriages rolled away,

Chok - chug, chug - chug, I'll rock you far.

Stop! We've arrived. Passengers got out of the train. Look who's hiding under that bush? (Bear). Let's go to "Misha" step by step.

Look, who's under the other bush? (Hare). Let's run to the hare.

To "Misha" - step.

Run to the bunny.

Guys, look how many autumn leaves autumn has scattered in our forest. Take two leaves in your hands. Stand on the red circle.

3. ORU “Autumn Leaves”.

1) I.P. – legs in a narrow path, leaves below.

1 – hands smoothly forward, look at the leaves.

2 – i.p. (6 times)

2) I.P. - legs in a narrow path, hands in front.

1 – turn right.

2 – i.p.

3 – turn left.

4 – i.p. (3 times in each direction)

3) I.P. – legs in a narrow path, arms up.

1 – bend forward, touch the leaves to the floor (leaves fall).

2 – i.p. (5 times)

4) I.P. – o.s.,

1 – sit down, put the leaves on the floor.

2 – i.p.

3 – sit down, take the leaves.

4 – i.p. (5 times)

5) Circling with leaves to the right (left) in place. (4 times)


II. Main part.

Oh, guys, look what a bridge appeared on our way. We will learn to walk on it. You need to walk carefully, go down slowly, and don’t push.

a) Walking on an inclined board.


Now let's be forest bunnies. Let's jump on two legs and move forward.

b) Jumping on two legs with forward movement (3 – 4 times).

Now guys, let's collect nuts for the squirrel. Let's take a ball, stand on this yellow ruler and roll the ball-nut in the forward direction.

c) Rolling the ball in a straight direction (frontally).

Well done! And they completed this task.

Let's go to the pink house and relax. (Children sit down on their knees.) Listen, who is that singing in the forest? (birds).

Do you want to be a bird?

d) Outdoor game “Birds”.

Here the birds were flying, the birds were not big.

Everyone was flying, everyone was flying, flapping their wings.

They sat down on the path and ate some grains.

Klu-klu-klu, klu-klu-klu

How I love grains.

The feathers were cleaned to make them cleaner

Like this, like this, so that they are cleaner.

We jump on branches to make the children stronger.

Like this, like this, so that the children can be stronger.

And the dog came running and scared all the kids away. (3 times)


III.Final part

It's time to go back to kindergarten. We get on the train. Go. (Stop at the window - line).

Did you enjoy the trip?

Shall we go to the forest again?