Abstract: Cycling and health. Conversation cycling Summary on the topic cycling


Bicycle, from the Latin velox - fast and pes - leg. A non-motorized wheeled vehicle driven by a rider - a cyclist, and intended for movement over long distances, active recreation and sports competitions. It is a two-wheeled or three-wheeled vehicle for transportation, driven by 2 pedals through chain transmission. There are road bicycles for adults, teenagers, children, including folding, sports, including tandems, special ones - cargo, circus, bicycle strollers and others. A bicycle with an internal combustion engine is called a moped.
Velodrome comes from two words - bicycle and the Greek dromos - running, a place for running. This sports facility - open or indoor, for training and competitions in cycling, consists of a track with stands and auxiliary premises.
Cycling sports include track racing, road racing, cross-country racing, mountain biking, figure riding competitions and bicycle ball games - bicycle polo and bicycle ball. The main goal of cycling is to cover the competitive distance on bicycles as quickly as possible.
This sport originated in Europe in the 1860s.
The first major international competition was a 120 km race, held in 1869 in France along the Paris-Rouen route, in which participants competed on wooden bicycles.
It has been included in the Olympic Games program since 1896 among men, and since 1984 among women - at first only men competed, and women were allowed to participate in road racing in 1984, in track racing since 1988. On Olympic Games In the period from 1896 to 1924, the program of Olympic competitions was compiled arbitrarily: in a number of cases, races were included only on the track - 1900 and 1904, or only on the road - 1912.
The competition program began to be determined in 1928 and changed little until 1992. The program on the track included a standing round of 1000 m - this is where records are recorded, as well as a sprint race, individual and team pursuit races of 4000 m, group and team road races. Tandem track races were held between 1908 and 1972. Each national team could be represented by 15 riders, each declared athlete had the right to compete in any discipline. However, the competition regulations limited the number of starters: in the standing round, sprint race and individual track pursuit - one athlete each, in the group road race - four, in the 100 km team road race and team track pursuit - one team each four people
Team and group road racing have been held separately since 1960. Previously, in the team race, the sum of the results shown by the athletes of each of the participating countries in these competitions was counted. In the 1912 competition, the sum of four results was taken into account, and in the period from 1920 to 1956, the sum of three results was taken into account.
The program of the 1996 Olympic Games included new types of races for men and women - individual race on road and cross, and team road racing is excluded. Thus, 14 sets of medals were played at the Olympic Games:
group road race for men and women;
individual time trial for men and women;
on the track - 1000 m standing round for men;
sprint race for men and women;
individual pursuit for men and women;
men's team pursuit;
points race for men and women;
mountain biking - cross-country for men and women.
The admission system for the 1996 Olympic Games has changed: the total number of athletes is determined by the qualifying competition system and for road racing should be no more than 200 men and 60 women; on the track - 186 athletes for men and women, mountain biking - 50 men and 30 women.
World track racing championships have been held since 1893. World road racing championships have been held since 1921, and indoor racing since 1929.
The first world track cycling championships took place in 1893 in Chicago, USA, and the first road cycling championships took place in 1921 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Cyclocross World Championships have been held since 1950. European Championships have been held only in indoor racing since 1930. The International Cycling Union (UCI) was founded in 1900. As of 1999, it included 167 countries. Until 1992, it included the International Amateur Cycling Federation - FIAC, which was founded in 1965, as well as the International Federation of Professional Cycling - FICP. Since 1993, the division into amateur and professional federations has been recognized as inappropriate, and a single International Cycling Union has now been formed.

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Teacher:, GOU secondary school No. 000 South of Moscow

Lesson objectives: consolidate students' knowledge of the rules traffic, skills safe behavior on the city streets, expand students’ knowledge about bicycles, foster culture safe riding ride a bike, explore road signs related to the topic of the lesson, practice practical skills in traffic rules, develop a “Young Cyclist” memo

Equipment: textbook-notebook part 2 “Road Safety”, demonstration and handouts on the topic of the lesson, drawings, musical recording of a song based on the verses of P. Vatnik, music by L. Pilate “The Cyclist’s Song”

During the classes:

1. Greetings

2. Motivation for learning activities.

Now I will read you a poem by the poet E. Semernin, you listen carefully and help me add words that are appropriate in meaning.

1) The teacher reads the poem “Prohibited-Permitted” (children add words suitable to the text); the name of the poem is not told to the children. During the analysis of the text, the children themselves determine what it is called.

“Both avenues and boulevards -

The streets are noisy everywhere

Walk along the sidewalk

Only... (on the right side)

Here to play pranks and disturb people... (Prohibited)

Be an exemplary pedestrian... (Allowed)

If you are traveling on a tram

And there are people around you,

Without pushing, without yawning,

Come quickly... (forward)

Riding like a hare, as is known,


Give the old lady a seat


If you're just walking,

Still look ahead

Through a noisy intersection

Pass carefully.

Crossing when the light is red... (Prohibited!)

When it's green, even for children... (Allowed)

What is this poem about?

2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Today in class we will once again try to figure out what is allowed and what is prohibited.

Teacher's word.

“Modern city life cannot be imagined without a huge flow of cars and other Vehicle. Roads and streets have their own strict laws and regulations. Road accident statistics show that every year about 350 thousand people die on the planet’s roads and 7 million are injured. What terrible numbers these are! The road does not forgive mistakes.

How to avoid becoming a victim of an accident and protect yourself? (Know and follow traffic rules)

Do you know these rules? I'll check it now.

3. Repetition of knowledge about traffic lights

1) The next task will be from the literary hero (show illustration) Dunno.

(Who created the books about Dunno and his friends?)

As always, he mixed everything up, you need to disassemble all his labyrinths and decipher what was written.

(The guys have handouts on their desks, using which they establish the key word:

"Respect the traffic light!")

What did Dunno want to remind you of? (Traffic on the roads is regulated by a traffic light. It allows or prohibits the movement of pedestrians and vehicles)

Teacher: The word “traffic light” came to us from the Greek language. Who knows what it means?

(Carrying Light)

How many colors does a traffic light have? (3) (Drawing up a traffic light model) (The model also appears on the board)

Explain what these colors mean? (red – dangerous – stop, yellow – attention – wait, green – safe – go)

How can you cross the road where there is no traffic light? (zebra crossing, pedestrian crossing)

2) Indicate the correct sequence of crossing the road.

(There are signs on the board: “Look to the right”, “Look to the left”, “Go to the middle” (in different order))

/Students work at the board, indicate the correct sequence and comment on their actions/

Who knows when the first traffic light was invented? (children's messages)

(In London in 1869 - it was a gas lamp with two filters: green and red. The colors were changed manually. They were controlled by a policeman. The first signal traffic light appeared in 1919 in the USA. In Moscow in 1930 - it started working at the intersection of Petrovka streets and Kuznetsky Most).

3) Game “Red-Green” (if the student agrees with the statement, then he raises a green circle, if not, a red one)

Follow the sidewalk, keeping to the right.

Do you need to stand at a yellow traffic light?

If you're late for class, do you need to quickly cross the road?

One of the dangerous places to cross is an intersection?

On the sidewalk next to roadway can I play with the ball? Where can you play?

4. Renewing students' knowledge of road signs.

What will help us find a safe place to cross the street?

- What road signs do you know? (warning, prohibiting, priority signs, etc.)

1) Quiz game “Be careful” (on the board there are models of road signs, a quiz is held, during which children install the desired sign)

You can find this sign near the school,

So you need to drive carefully!

Hey driver, don't rush

This is where the kids pass by.

The kids all know for sure:

This sign protects them.

(Warning. Be careful, children!)

Strange zebra

Doesn't eat or drink

But without food and drink he will not die.

(Prescriptive. Pedestrian crossing)

That's a sign! I don't believe my eyes

What is the battery for?

Does it help the movement?

Steam heating?

(Warning. Railway)

There's a hole under the road

Who can figure it out the fastest:

Why under it in the morning

Are people walking back and forth?

(Information and signpost. Underground passage)

Here is a white circle with a red border,

In it, a person is crossed out with a line.

The sign only means one thing...

(children in chorus: “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited!”)

Traffic signs are posted on the board; children indicate the correct one.

5. Physical exercise.

(Close your eyes, and I will remind you once again that on the road you need to be attentive and very careful. You need to be friends with the road)

6. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1) Riddle.

“I just keep on going,

If I get up, I’ll fall.” (Bicycle) – illustration on the board

Who has a bicycle at home?

Who can ride it?

So, what can we call you? (Young cyclists) I’ll check if this is really true.

3) Assembling a bicycle model (models of bicycle parts are hung on the board in different orders, children assemble the model, naming its parts)

You need to remember the parts of the bike and assemble it.

Most best friend the wheels are called... (pump)

Who remembers when the bicycle was invented? (more than 200 years ago, they were wooden)

https://pandia.ru/text/78/190/images/image007_12.jpg" alt="800px-Bicycle_1865.jpg" align="left hspace=12" width="250" height="187">На доске вывешиваются иллюстрации изображения старых велосипедов. Обращается внимание на лексическое значение слова (Сложное слово, состоит из двух корней вело - быстрый, педо - нога и обозначает быстроног). Таким образом, вместе с появлением этого предмета появилось и его название.!}

5) Work from a textbook-notebook (part 2) p. 38 (Working in pairs, children give advice to those who are going to buy a bicycle. (Select according to height, wide pedals, purchase protective equipment)

There is a table on the board with various protective equipment; children indicate the necessary cycling equipment).

Push the pedals, but wisely."

Who are called reckless drivers? What about bike riders?

Surely one of you has at least once been a bike rider, trying to show off your skills. He drives with all his might and doesn’t even hold onto the steering wheel, saying: “I can do it anyway!” But the best indicator of cycling art is slow riding. After all, riding a bike slowly is much more difficult than riding a bike quickly. If you want to check it out, organize a competition.

What should you remember when riding a bicycle? (about traffic rules)

At what age can you drive on city streets? (from 14 years old)

Until you reach the age where you can ride? (at specially equipped sites, squares, parks, where it is safe)

7) Familiarization with road signs: “Bicycle path”, “No cycling” (model signs on the board)

8) Match the illustrations and signs. (Drawings with illustrations of the street and park area are hung on the board)

9) Statistics of incidents related to bicycles.

Moscow City Duma on the development of cycling.

7. Summing up the lesson.

Reading a reminder for a young cyclist.

Technological map of lesson design.

Subject – life safety

Class – 6.

Subject- "Driving a bicycle and following traffic rules."

TARGET: To form in students the conviction that it is necessary to drive a bicycle in compliance with the Rules of the Road

Planned educational results:

1. Subject :

Know at what age it is legal to drive a bicycle on the roads;

    be able to make informed decisions when driving a bicycle on the road, taking into account the actual situation and individual capabilities.

    understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;

    be able to extract the necessary information when studying the Rules of the Road;

    answer final questions and evaluate your achievements in class.

3. Personal:

    be aware of the need for a responsible attitude towards traffic rules;

    learn the rules of individual safe behavior in the event of dangers on the roads.


Lesson vocabulary:

A bicycle is a vehicle that has two wheels and is driven by human muscle power.

Lesson Resources:

Worksheets for students (for each student) (Appendix 1);

Self-assessment sheets (for each student) (Appendix 2);

Multimedia equipment: computer, projector.

Stage 1

Org. Moment

(no more

1 min)

Greetings, thanks for your readiness for the lesson (availability of textbooks, notebooks)

Self-control of preparation

Stage 2 .


(no more

2-3 min)

- Organizes a song listening session (Annex 1) .

Ask questions to the class:


what will be the topic of our lesson?

2. Owhat will our activity be today?

Formulating the topic of the lesson: (Takes a bicycle) What problem do you think our lesson will be devoted to? (slide No. 1)

Participate in the discussion;

Answer problematic questions;

Formulate the intended topic of the lesson

Stage 3 .

Updating knowledge

(no more

1-2 min)

Asks questions to determine the amount of knowledge students have on a given topic (problem)

Who has a bike? Can you drive it? (don't ride).Do I need to follow traffic rules? What are the benefits of cycling?

Remember the necessary information, make meaningful generalizations;

They remember previously studied material (concepts, facts) that are related to the formulation of the problem.

Stage 4 . Tselepol-

gane and pplanning

(No more than 1 min)

Formulating lesson goals through student activities (planned results).

Lesson Objectives : after the lesson you will be able

    define the concept of “bicycle”;

    know at what age it is legal to ride a bicycle on the roads;

    know the responsibilities of a cyclist when inspecting and preparing a bicycle for departure;

Be able to make informed decisions when driving a bicycle on the road, taking into account the actual situation and individual capabilities.

They answer the questions “What knowledge do you need to understand the topic of the lesson”, “What questions related to the topic of driving a bicycle and following traffic rules can be included in the lesson plan?”


1. Bicycle. Requirements for the movement of cyclists.

2. Basic requirements for the technical condition of the bicycle.

3. Preparing the bike for departure.

4. Giving signals when riding a bicycle.

Ask clarifying questions;

Find out the sequence educational activities

Stage 6 . “Discovery” of new knowledge (learning a new topic)

1 question.


no more than 3-4 minutes.

Requirements for the movement of cyclists.

no more than 5-6 minutes.

1. Working with the concept of “bicycle”

Recording in a notebook (from the presentation);

- structuring the main features of the concept into a diagram;

Discuss which definition you like best. (slide No. 2)

2. Exercise. Getting to know the memo

Adding to the list;

View the presentation (slide No. 4-6).

( Appendix 2 )

Participate in discussion, express hypotheses;

Compare answer options and draw conclusions;

They select important components of knowledge for themselves and make notes in notebooks.

Question 2.

Basic requirements for the technical condition of a bicycle.

3-4 min.

1. Organization of practical work in small groups:1) inspecting the bike and identifying faults 2) Inflating the tire 3) Balancing the wheels 3) securing the trunk

(slide No. 7)

    inspect and identify faults with bicycles

    Pumping up the tire

    check wheel balancing

    secure the trunk

Question 3.

Preparing the bike for departure.

6-8 minutes

1. Organization of individual independent work with the drawing “Cyclist’s repair kit”.

Task No. 1 p. 23 (slide No. 8)

Working with different sources of information;

searching and retrieving the necessary information;

Text analysis;

Individual work and presentation of results;

Making notes in notebooks;

Question 4

Giving signals when riding a bicycle.

3-4 minutes

1. Organization of practical work "Giving signals when riding a bicycle.”

    Studying cyclist signals

    show turns left and right;

    make a stop

Stage 7 .


5-7 min.

Organizing task completion checks (Read the story “How we went fishing"and name the mistakes the guys made.. ).

( Appendix 3 )

Work in pairs on a story;

Analyze errors;

Plan and implement educational activities from goal setting to obtaining and evaluating results;

- conduct a presentation of the results of the groups’ work, record the results of the work of other groups, and ask questions.

Stage 8. Reflection and evaluation.

2-3 min.

Organization of self-assessment or peer-assessment

Fill out the evaluation tables

Stage 9.

(1-2 min)



Appendix No. 1. Song.

Listen carefully to the excerpt from the song and try to determine:

What will be the topic of our lesson?

I only came to see you for an hour.

Hello, bonjour, hello!

I’ll sing about traffic rules now

You're very lucky.

Come on, all together...

Open your ears...

Better in a good way

Learn the rules of the road.

Turn left

Turn right

Know how to stop

Where can you slow down?


I brought you a bicycle.

Hello, bonjour, hello!

How to turn the steering wheel correctly

The traffic patrol will tell you.

Come on, all together...

Open your ears...

Let's be nice

We will answer your questions.

So what will our lesson be about today?

What problem do you think our lesson will be devoted to?

TARGET: It is necessary to drive a bicycle in compliance with the traffic rules

A cyclist often has to ride on the roads, so he needs to be able to control a bicycle, know and practice traffic rules. Let's remember some definitions from the traffic rules. Students in the traffic rules section 1 “General provisions” find the meaning of the term “bicycle”. A bicycle is a vehicle that has two or more wheels and is driven by the muscular power of the people on it. Driver is a person who drives a vehicle. Vehicle is a device designed to transport people, goods or equipment installed on it on roads. A power-driven vehicle is a vehicle, other than a moped, driven by an engine. A road participant is a person who is directly involved in the movement process as a driver, pedestrian, or passenger of a vehicle. Those. a bicycle is a vehicle, but a non-mechanical one; A cyclist is the driver of this vehicle, and therefore a participant in traffic.

Controlling a bicycle involves timely changing the speed and direction of its movement in accordance with its purpose and safety rules (recorded in notebooks).



"Requirements for the movement of cyclists."








Life safety 6th grade ______________________________________________

A bicycle is _________________________________________________________________



"Requirements for the movement of cyclists."

1. Persons at least _________________ years of age are allowed to ride a bicycle.

2. Cyclists and mopeds must travel only in the outer ________ lane and in a single file.

3. It is prohibited to drive on the road if there is a _____________ path nearby.

4. Bicycle and moped drivers are prohibited from riding without holding the handlebars with at least ________ hand.

5. It is prohibited to carry passengers other than children under ________ years of age.

6. The cyclist must have a working _________, handlebars and ___________ signal.

7. To ride in the dark, the bicycle must be equipped with __________ or __________.

Getting to know the memo

"Requirements for the movement of cyclists."

1. Persons at least 14 years old are allowed to drive a bicycle, and persons at least 16 years old are allowed to drive a moped.

2. Cyclists and mopeds must travel only in the far right lane and in a single file.

3. It is prohibited to drive on the road if there is a bicycle path nearby.

4. Bicycle and moped drivers are prohibited from riding without holding the handlebars with at least one hand.

5. It is prohibited to carry passengers other than children under three years of age.

6. The cyclist must have working brakes, handlebars and a horn.

7. To ride in the dark, the bicycle must be equipped with a flashlight or headlight.

How we went fishing.

How we went fishing.

Read the story and name the mistakes the guys made.

My friend Kolka and I decided to go fishing. In the evening we checked the gear, dug up worms, and inspected the bicycles. My call was malfunctioning. I took it apart, but couldn't put it back together. I wanted to ask dad, but in the confusion I forgot. We left before dawn, it was still dark, and, as luck would have it, our headlights weren’t on. We tried to fix it, but failed and drove on without light. Kolya took his brother, he is 8 years old. It was very inconvenient for him to ride on the frame, but the trunk was occupied by fishing equipment, and a 3-meter long bamboo fishing rod and a landing net attached to the frame prevented me from controlling the bike. Somehow we drove out onto the main street and drove along the middle of the roadway next to each other, discussing future fishing. Drivers of rare cars braked sharply and for some reason scolded us. We couldn't stand it and decided that it would be easier for us to drive on the sidewalk. But pedestrians on the sidewalk also scolded us. There was very little left to the river; all that was left was to cross the bridge and turn left. Having missed the moving tram, we turned left. I drove over the rails, and Kolya and his brother fell into the groove of the rail and fell off the bike. While they were coming to their senses, a traffic police inspector appeared next to us. He told us a lot of unpleasant things, and when he learned that we were only 13 years old, he took our bicycles to the impound lot and told our parents to come get them. And the inspector advised us to better study traffic rules in life safety lessons. After that, we lost the desire to fish, although we were close to the river with all the fishing gear and bait.


Rating scale:

from 0 - 3 points – “3”;

from 4 to 6 points – “4”

from 7 or more points – “5”

6th grade Self-assessment sheet__________________________ (full name) .

Rating scale:

from 0 - 3 points – “3”;

from 4 to 6 points – “4”

from 7 or more points – “5”

6th grade Self-assessment sheet__________________________ (full name) .

Rating scale:

from 0 - 3 points – “3”;

from 4 to 6 points – “4”

from 7 or more points – “5”

2. The headlight did not light up.

10. Driving on the road at 13 years old.

Evaluation of material (Appendix 3)

Read the story How We Went Fishing and name the mistakes the guys made.

Analysis of the errors described in the story: 1. The bicycle did not have a sound signal.

2. The headlight did not light up.

3. They transported a child over 7 years old on a bicycle that was not equipped for this purpose.

4. Fishing gear interfered with management.

5. The fishing rod protruded beyond the dimensions of the bicycle by more than 0.5 meters.

6. Driving in the middle of the roadway.

7. We drove next to each other, distracted by conversations.

9. Turn left if there are tram tracks.

10. Driving on the road at 13 years old.

Bicycle and health.

Riding a bicycle brings incomparable benefits to the human body. A bicycle is a colossal health and restorative tool. In terms of its effectiveness and health benefits, cycling can be compared to running, but it is incomparably more enjoyable. Cycling develops leg muscles, increases endurance, strengthens cardiovascular and respiratory system. Cycling also has great benefits nervous system. Nothing calms your nerves and relieves stress like a bike ride. Numerous exercise bikes are no substitute for riding a real bicycle. Cycling is an excellent means of preventing diseases such as varicose veins and vegetative-vascular dystonia. A bicycle helps improve your overall emotional state. Cycling is also indispensable for those who want to get rid of excess weight. You can start riding a bicycle at any age: L.N. Tolstoy began to master the bicycle after 60 years.

1. What age restrictions exist for young cyclists?

2. What are the basic requirements for the technical condition of a bicycle?

3. What should you pay attention to when preparing your bike for travel?

A cyclist is one of the most active participants in the traffic, therefore he must firmly know the rules of the road and strictly follow them, be guided by traffic lights or traffic controller signals, roadway marking lines, and obey all the requirements of police officers, public traffic inspectors, and vigilantes.

Before leaving you need to check technical condition bicycle. Particular attention should be paid to the serviceability of the brakes, steering wheel, saddle, the condition of the wheels and tires, check the sound signal and lighting fixtures.

Preparing your bike and equipment for a hike is an important factor in hiking safety. When preparing for a hike, it is necessary to carefully inspect and eliminate malfunctions and deviations in operation, especially moving parts, wipe and lubricate all rubbing parts, check wheel balancing and tire inflation, brake operation, and strengthen the trunk. Check the bike while riding.

It is necessary to select equipment taking into account the duration and complexity of the route. In addition to the usual things needed on any hike (tent, backpack, dishes, fire equipment, etc.), a tourist’s equipment must include a repair kit (set wrenches, pliers, screwdriver, rubber glue, patch rubber, scissors, Bicycle Pump, spare parts). On the leading and trailing bicycles, red flags are attached to the trunk of the back of the backpack (for vehicle drivers, they indicate the beginning and end of the column of cyclists). The leader and trailing rider must have rear-view bicycle mirrors, and the trailing rider must have a whistle for an emergency stop of the group.

Appendix 4.

"The bicycle is my friend"

Lesson on traffic rules in senior group kindergarten.

Program content:

  1. Expand your understanding of the bicycle.
  2. Learn to distinguish road signs and correctly name their purpose on a given topic.
  3. Be able to identify places to play and ride a bike.

Material: slides on this topic; road signs; bicycles.

Methodical techniques: demonstration of illustrations on slides; showing methods of action.

Preliminary work:

looking at pictures of “Bicycle”; observation while walking; conversations with children from personal experience“How I rode a bicycle”; didactic game“Assemble a road sign”, reading fiction.

Progress of the lesson:

(held in the music room, children come to the music and sit on chairs)

Guys, our city is very beautiful with its nature, people and movement. But sometimes car movements can lead to accidents. To live safely, you need to learn and be able to behave correctly in various situations. We are still small and do not have the right to drive a car. Therefore, small cars and also bicycles were created for us. It's no secret that all children love to ride a bike. Did you know that cycling has its own safety rules?

Our lesson on the topic: guess the riddle.

(2 slide)- the teacher asks a riddle:

They told me a riddle

What are these miracles?

Steering wheel, saddle and 2 pedals

2 huge wheels

The riddle has an answer

This is my … Bike.

Right! Are you interested in knowing what a bicycle is made of? Show (3 slides)children's choral responses.

Now I’ll check how you remember the parts of the bicycle, let’s play the game “Name the missing part”

Game “Name the missing part”

(slide 4, 5, 6, 7) children's individual responses to securing parts of the bicycle. Next, a game is played at the request of the teacher (who answered the questions poorly) “Who can assemble the bicycle faster” (children assemble a poster drawn from a cut 6-piece piece - a bicycle)

Well done! Do you know the history of the origin of bicycles?

Listen carefully. The first bicycles appeared in Germany in 1818 - they were called “fire shakers”. Then in Scotland in 1830 they were called “spiders” because the rear wheel was larger than the front and it was inconvenient and dangerous for cyclists to ride. 30 years later in France, 1860, the steering wheel was inconveniently positioned. And after 20 years, safer bicycles appeared. Since then it began to develop cycling (slide 8).

Interesting? So now I’ll introduce you and show you different types bicycles (slide 9).

1) circus, 2) double, 3) mountain, 4) sports.

Dunno appears (enters the music room on a bicycle backwards and sings a song).

Dunno : Hello my friends, do you recognize me? I bought a bike and want to take my friends for a ride.

Educator: Dunno, you’re doing it wrong, you’re riding a bike backwards to front. Don't you know what this part of the bicycle is for?

Dunno: No, I do not know. ( shows the seats to the children - the children respond). Then Dunno shows what the steering wheel, pedals, wheels, signal are for... the children explain the meaning of the parts of the bicycle. After this, Dunno gets on his bike and rides off, but the teacher stops him and offers to sit with our kids during class.

Educator: In order for us to ride safely, we must learn the rules of the road when riding a bicycle. (slide 10).

  1. 1. Don’t ride in places where you might accidentally drive into roadway.
  2. 2. Choose the roadway, a safer road path. You can ride on the playground.
  3. 3. When rolling down a mountain, look only forward in front of you, don’t look back (slide 11).

When we go out into the street, we become pedestrians, those driving cars become drivers, and cyclists who ride a bicycle. In order to prevent accidents on the roads, we have road signs. So, there are also road signs for cyclists.

Look at them and tell the purpose of these signs (slide 12)

  1. Bike Lane
  2. Movement Prohibition
  3. intersection with a bicycle road.

Well, now, a physical education session for the mind, for the most dexterous and quick-witted...

(slide13) What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace?

(slide14) What did Uncle Fyodor’s parents give to Pechkin?

(slide15) What kind of personal transport does Baba Yaga have?

(slide16) What did old Khattabych fly on?

Well done! Do you know?

Where can you ride a bike? (slide 17).

Bike path or playground.

How to properly carry a child on an adult bike? (slide 18).

Equipped with a special seat.

The most important rule is to check it before getting on a bike. (slide 19).

Check the condition of the brakes and steering wheel. Before evening skiing, reflective reflectors are also checked.

Well done, this is the end of our lesson.

Riding bicycles on tasks in subgroups, completing tasks.

  1. Along a winding path.
  2. Who will reach the flag slower?
  3. Turn to the side.

There is a presentation for this assignment.


Abstract on the topic:



  • 1 Cycling disciplines
    • 1.1 Cycling highway
    • 1.2 Cyclocross
    • 1.3 Track cycling
    • 1.4 Mountain bike
    • 1.5 Trial
    • 1.6 BMX
  • 2 History
  • Sources


Road bike

Cycling(in the broad sense of the word) is movement on the ground using vehicles (bicycles) driven by human muscular power.

Cycling sports (cycling) includes such disciplines as track racing, road racing, cross-country racing, mountain biking, competitions in figure riding and playing ball on bicycles - bicycle polo and bicycle ball, etc. Cycling is also part of such a sport as triathlon. The main goal of racing disciplines is to cover the distance as quickly as possible.

As a sport, cycling is governed by International Union cyclists in Switzerland. In Russia, similar functions are performed by the Russian Cycling Federation.

1. Cycling disciplines

Bicycle Racer (1909)

1.1. Cycling highway

Olympic events:

  • group race
  • individual race

Non-Olympic events:

  • team race
  • stage race
  • uphill race
  • criterion

1.2. Cyclocross

  • group race
  • individual race

1.3. Cycling track

  • sprint is a race on a track for two or three laps, in which two to four riders take part. The winner in each specific race is the one who crosses the finish line first.
  • team sprint
  • individual pursuit
  • team pursuit
  • points race
  • round (individual race for 1 km, 500 m or 200 m)
  • Madison (pair race)
  • keirin
  • scratch (group race)
  • omnium (all-around)

1.4. Mountain bike

  • cross country XC
    • Olympic Cross Country: XCO
    • Marathon Cross Country: XCM
    • Cross-country distance from one point to another: XCP (from one point to another)
    • Short Circuit Cross Country: XCC (Criterium)
    • Cross Country Time Trial: XCT (Time Trial)
    • Cross Country Team Relay: XCR (Team Relay)
    • Cross Country Stage Race: XCS (Stage Race)
  • downhill
  • biker cross
  • freeride

1.5. Trial

1.6. BMX

  • BMX race
  • BMX dirt
  • BMX-vert
  • Flatland

2. History

1869 - official competitions took place for the first time. They took place in France, the distance ran between Rouen and Paris (120 km). The participants' bicycles were made of wood back then. The winner managed to achieve average speed approximately 11 km/h.

1893 - the world track championship was held for the first time (Chicago).

1921 - the world championship was held on the road for the first time (Copenhagen).

1896 - Cycling is included in the Olympic Games program.

1911-1913 - first trip around the world on a bicycle (A. Pankratov, Russia)


  • Article in TSB
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/09/11 21:02:08
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