Arm wrestling is the best way for beginners to fight. You have to be able to lose. Principle of priority static stresses

Learn to arm wrestle like arm wrestling professionals. Learn secret training techniques from the best athletes world level.

Principles of training in arm wrestling

Principle of working angle and amplitude

Arm wrestling is a static sports discipline. During competitions, most muscles do not change their length, thereby fixing parts of the arm in a certain position. They are usually called working angles. Almost all movements in arm wrestling are single-phase in nature and can only be performed in a certain amplitude, called working.

Both of these indicators are individual in nature and largely depend on the structure of the hands, wrestling technique, etc. When you work with free weights, you need to make sure that most of the load falls on the working angles. To achieve this, you should always place the working (bending) part of your arm at a right angle to the load vector.

If during training you can accurately select the weight to work on working angles, then amplitude training may cause some difficulties. This is due to the fact that at the moment of dynamic flexion of the arm, the load largely affects only one point of a given amplitude. This leads to uneven pumping of the target muscle. This problem can be eliminated by special simulators that distribute the load over the entire amplitude.

Let's say, when you bend your wrist with dumbbells or a barbell on a bench parallel to the ground, then at the beginning of the movement the maximum load will be only at the beginning of the movement. Then it will begin to decrease and the maximum force will appear in the middle and final phases of the amplitude.

Often, athletes who train their arms only on a horizontal bench have difficulty bending the wrist and holding it in place. bent position. To work out the working amplitude as effectively as possible, you need to divide it into three angles: initial, final and middle. We have just talked about training the initial angle, and now we will focus on the development of the other two.

To get the most out of the middle working angle, you should change the angle of the bench so that at the middle working angle, your hand is parallel to the ground. To train the final working angle, the forearm should be positioned at right angles to the ground. Also, when working on the working amplitude, you can use a static load.

Working direction principle

This principle is based on the fact that the same muscle can have different strengths not only in length, but also in width. For example, the flexor muscles of the hand can bend it in the direction of any finger. Each bundle of muscle fibers that performs these movements can have different strength indicators and be trained separately.

To achieve maximum results, you should strictly specialize in the direction you need. They are called workers and depend on the athlete’s wrestling style.

Having decided on the working direction, it is necessary to position the bendable part of the arm so that the working direction is opposite to the vector of gravity. To do this, you need to expand the body, forearms and hands.

If you specialize in only one area of ​​work, your results will quickly begin to increase. At the same time, having one or two more fighting styles in reserve can be very useful.

Principle of priority static stresses

At the moment of a fight, athletes are more dominated by static muscle tension. To increase the effectiveness of training, it is necessary to transfer the ratio of static and dynamic tension to training. This applies equally to free weight exercises and machine work.

It should be noted that it is customary to distinguish two types static load: active and passive (hold). The hold is most often used during free weight training, while the active one is used at a table.

The principle of micro-temporal influence

This principle is based on the ability of muscles to withstand enormous loads for a short period of time, measured in fractions of a second. Voltage muscle fibers at this moment it can reach up to 140 percent of the maximum that is used by the athlete during training. With the help of such loads, muscle strength can rapidly increase, and ligaments and joints will also be strengthened. It is customary to distinguish between two types of loads of this type:
  • Passive (shocks).
  • Active (jerks).
Passive loads are used when holding. Their essence is that the weight of the projectile with which the athlete works should increase sharply. Let's say you can hold dumbbells that weigh between 70 and 80 percent of your maximum. At this moment, your comrade should deal 5 to 6 blows to sports equipment top down. This will increase the weight of the projectile by forty percent, and the working angle will remain unchanged.

Active loading means that maximum force must be applied to a fixed point in the shortest possible period of time. To do this, you can perform five or six jerking movements at the command of a friend. It is important to note here that this exercise should be performed by experienced athletes. Also, to reduce the risk of injury, it is necessary to ensure that the point of application of the force has a slight shock absorption.

The correct arm wrestling technique will not only make any man a real winner in this sport, but also pump up his biceps. Healthy image life always benefits the body; in fact, any exercise, regardless of which muscles it is aimed at, only helps strengthen the immune system and improve appearance. Of course, if you do everything right.

Probably, every boy since childhood dreams of having the same ones as bodybuilders. And arm wrestling will help make this dream come true.

From time immemorial

For a long time, arm wrestling has been considered one of the most popular methods for resolving disputes and measuring strength. A little later it became a separate species sports. Despite the somewhat static and unaesthetic nature of this struggle, in fact, one of the most popular sports competitions (both among women and men) is arm wrestling. Technique, subtleties and secrets here, as in any other sport, are very important. Even thanks to some, you can break your opponent and give yourself confidence.

Any sport (and arm wrestling is no exception) requires very high-quality and professional training. Often, beginners stop their career path long before their first amateur performances, as they were injured during the training phase. You should not trust tutorials and try to prepare yourself. The best option would be to register in a special section.

Of course, a beginner will not immediately sit down at the table, because the arm wrestling technique involves not only wrestling, but also a whole range of exercises: building up muscle mass, the use of a special nutrition system, an individual regimen for each athlete.

All workouts that are aimed at strength, development of the hand, and biceps are ideal in this case. Such exercises include working with a crossbar, etc.

Also, do not forget that reaction is important in this sport, because even a split second by which an athlete is ahead of his opponent can ultimately become decisive. But don’t forget about special techniques that allow you to win a landslide victory.


There are a lot of different techniques in this sport, but there are 3 basic ones:

  • Triceps. Immediately after the start of the fight, the athlete who decides to attack must move his shoulder towards the opponent and at this time pull his hand towards him. After this, with the force of the triceps, you need to press the opponent’s hand to the pillow.
  • Top hook. Using a standard wrist movement, but without visible pressure, so that the opponent does not suspect that the technique is being carried out, the attacker must go to the side, thereby piercing the opponent’s hand.
  • On horseback. As in the previous technique, it is necessary to pronate the hand with a classic grip, but without moving to the side.

Sports for everyone

A person of any gender and age can choose arm wrestling. An athlete’s technique will show how good he is in a fight with an equal opponent. In fact, competitions are not that frequent, approximately 95% of all time is spent on training and preparation.

It is important to consult a doctor before starting classes so that he can determine whether this sport will harm you; perhaps it is better to choose chess. If you have had injuries to your arms and shoulders, and fractures, if you are diabetic and/or hypertensive, it is not advisable for you to engage in this sport. There are also a number of other contraindications that can stop an athlete on the path to success. It’s worth asking a specialist about them.

In any case, if you do not have any health problems, and you decide to devote yourself wholeheartedly to this sport, then the first thing you need to do is study the rules.


The rules in arm wrestling are surprisingly simple. Although they will take a few minutes to learn, they must be followed without question. There is a special arm wrestling table in front of the wrestlers, where each has their own handle to hold on to, an armrest and a pillow.

In principle, the conditions of the competition are very simple. It is clear that you cannot lift your elbow from the table, and you must touch the handle with your other hand.

You can lift your legs off the floor, but helping yourself with your shoulder while fighting is prohibited.

Many athletes use not very honest (at first glance), but quite effective tactics, which are based on provoking an opponent to commit a foul. For example, some people deliberately jerk their hand before the referee’s signal to make it seem as if the opponent made a false start, etc. The most important thing is not the fighting technique itself in arm wrestling, but correct positioning starting position, which is very strictly regulated by the rules.

The torsos of the opponents must be in the same symmetrical position; nothing should be placed beyond the midline line; it is also forbidden to cross it. Phalanx thumbs hands must be visible during the grip.

Correct arm wrestling technique

So, the fight begins with planting your feet. If the athlete is right-handed, then he must put his right leg forward, it should be in the middle of the table. Arm wrestling technique and tactics are no less important than the initial body position.

After the referee gives the signal, it is necessary to make a knocking movement of the opponent's hand, while making a slight bend in the left leg. The elbow should move diagonally.

Beginners should not start their training directly with the wrestling itself, as this often leads to injury. The arm wrestling technique (more precisely, its main task) is to use as much of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus as possible during the fight. It is necessary to have a variety of techniques to become a versatile fighter. That is why you should not decide on your technique initially, because as your muscles grow and experience, it can change several times.


The arm wrestling technique involves 3 main wrestling techniques - triceps, hook and mounted. The latter, in turn, is effective when confronting a stronger opponent; in this case, it is not the pressure on his hand that plays a big role, but the correct twisting of his hand.

The best way to fight a weak opponent is with a hook. In this form, you need to pull the opponent’s hand towards you, and then, working with your forearm, crush him.

Triceps are very rarely fought, as this is the most traumatic type.

In order to win, you need to use several techniques at once, dramatically changing one after another. It is also worth adding that the fighting strategy is thought out before the start of the fight.

There is another little trick: wrestlers use magnesium salt and magnesium lubricant to dry out their hand. You can only smear the tips of your fingers, because your opponent's hand will slip due to sweat, and he will not be able to grip tightly.

Contrary to popular belief, the key to victory in arm wrestling is not only strong biceps and strong ligaments. Cunning, experience, the ability to predict an opponent's behavior, flexible tactics, psychological superiority - without all this, even a superbly developed physically wrestler will lose to smaller, but more skillful opponents. In addition, there are various tricks “on the verge of a foul”, which, if skillfully implemented, can also show very good results.

How to defeat a stronger opponent?

For those wrestlers who do not have outstanding physical characteristics, there are two areas for development:

  • speed and reaction training;
  • strengthening hands and fingers.

Speed ​​and reaction training

An excellent reaction in this case plays almost a decisive role. The whole secret here is to, with the help of special training, hone it to such a state when the muscles will reflexively make a movement at the first sounds of the “Go” command, before the referee announces it completely.

This can be considered a kind of false start, although in essence there will be no violation of the rules here. For a weaker opponent, it is very important to react first in order to prevent the opponent from taking a comfortable position, and therefore deprive him of the advantages that strong muscles give him.

Strengthening your hands and fingers

For those arm wrestlers who have not been blessed by nature with a strong physique, it is extremely important to have very strong fingers and developed hand muscles. This will allow you to widely use such a technique as pressing on the opponent’s fingers. If the pressure is strong enough, the enemy will experience discomfort and pain, which will quickly unsettle him. True, in order to achieve the desired result, your fingers must literally become iron.

As noted above, psychological superiority also plays an important role. Here we must pay tribute to the arm wrestlers from the USA, many of whom can break the opponent’s composure even with a glance, an insult or a well-placed barb. Because of this, he is distracted, loses concentration, and his reaction speed decreases, which makes winning much easier.

Although, according to arm wrestling veterans, all tricks will be in vain if the wrestler is incapable of quickly adapting to his opponent. Adjustment allows you to find out the opponent’s preferences, his style, the technique he uses, strengths and weak sides. If everything is guessed correctly and appropriate countermeasures have been applied, we can say that half the victory is already in your pocket.

Most people believe that arm wrestling is a competition of strength, but arm wrestling champions know that working out techniques very important. This sport is dangerous; Many athletes suffer fractures during wrestling, and most often the humerus is broken. Use this knowledge wisely and it will not hurt to learn how to avoid breaking your arm during arm wrestling.

1. Place your right foot forward if you are using right hand and vice versa. Your weight will shift from the leg in front to the one in back.

2. Bend thumb. After you and your opponent join hands, place your thumb under your other fingers.

3. Stand so that your stomach is close to the table. If your right foot is in front, then your right thigh will be right in front of the table.

4. The distance between the forearm and the body should be as small as possible. In this case, the strength of the body and the arm will be used simultaneously, which is better than using only the arm strength.

5. Grab your opponent's arm high. Secure your thumb with your other fingers.

6. Raise your wrist. In turn, by bending your opponent's wrist forward, you can strengthen your grip as the opponent fights to maintain his position. If you can't do this, just keep your wrist straight.

7. Bring your opponent into the corner (while applying pressure, pull your opponent's arm toward you) to open up his arm. When the opponent's hand is down, he will have to work hard to return it to the desired position.

8. Use one of the techniques below, depending on the situation.

The hook is a useful technique if you and your opponent have equal strength in the forearm, biceps, or both.

Roll your wrist inward. This will force your opponent to tense their arm, but it will also force you to tense your biceps.

Maintain wrist contact throughout the fight so that all the tension is concentrated in the wrists and not in the hands.

Lean your entire body (especially your shoulder) onto your forearm and keep your body and forearm close to each other. Drag your opponent towards you and press down.

The top roll - this technique is more aimed at using leverage techniques than using brutal force. You put pressure on your opponent's arm, thereby forcing it open and making it more difficult for your opponent to use his muscles.

Place your elbows close to each other. As a result, the higher your hands are, the greater your advantage. Make the grab as high as possible.

As soon as you hear the command “Start!” pull your hand towards you, thereby moving your opponent's hand away from his body. This will help you get a higher grip. In this technique you need to lean back.

When the opponent's hand presses down, do a top rotation. The opponent's palm should turn towards the ceiling.

9. To deliver the finishing blow, rotate your body and shoulder in the direction you want. This way, you can use your shoulder strength and body weight to win.


Following will help you strength exercises, as they strengthen your hands.

Visualize the fight in your head a minute before it starts.

As soon as you hear the word “March!” use all your strength in a short burst to shock your opponent and gain a few seconds rather than exhausting yourself over the course of a long match.

Don't show your fear to your opponent and don't say that you might lose. Otherwise, they will choose a daring behavior, which will only increase your chances of defeat.

Don't pull the cat's tail! Finish the fight like a war - less time, fewer corpses.

Intimidation. Look your opponent straight in the eye and smile.

Always think before a match that you will win, this will give you an advantage psychologically.

Act quickly using the steps above to gain an advantage. Additionally, you can focus on staying upright and tiring your opponent out. When you think your opponent is tired, quickly press your hand to the surface.

Play fair. If you lose, don't worry, next time you will definitely succeed.

Watch your opponent's hand.

Arm wrestling- this is, first of all, a type of martial arts, and, as a result, preparation here should consist not only of working with weights, but also of practicing technical techniques.

And here the task is not just to master the technique of fighting “on horseback” or in a “hook”, but to learn how to correctly apply these techniques in various situations. You need to be able to attack “on horseback” not only from the “correct” start, but also from a “deep” “hook”.

The more you train in arm wrestling, the better.

In any type of martial arts, the speed and correctness of your technical actions is limited into quantitative production them during training process. In order for your movement to be practiced until it becomes automatic, you need to do it more than one hundred times. And this applies not only to the development of the movement itself, but also to technical actions, such as attack, defense, counterattack.

Therefore, training sparring should stop being a “battle for Moscow” for you, when the only attitude towards the fight is “not a step back.” Learn to set yourself micro-tasks for each training session to practice one of the technical actions.

Let's say your opponent attacks on horseback, and you have to pull him into a hook or vice versa. In this mode, you must work out everything for yourself possible options fighting: attack with a lateral movement, attack or defense in a “hook”, attack through the “top”, etc.

If possible you should do this with different sparring partners, because the individual geometry of a wrestler’s hand also affects the technique of performing attacking and defensive actions.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel here; it is enough to simply take advantage of the rich experience of our brother fighters. You must set yourself a task: for example, today you fight only in a “hook”, or work as a “second number”, and strictly follow this setting. Here your goal is not the final place, but improving your skill.

On video:
Tsiplenkov - Pushkar 2012

Arm wrestling and competitions

During "real combat" Even the most established processes are interfered with by the emotional aspect.

It happens like this: you approach the table, realizing that you need to fight with this opponent in a “hook”, you take a hold, but then you feel the power of your opponent - and that’s it, you’re already all in your “crown” “top”. And why? Because there is no confidence, there is no tournament practice.

In addition to global starts (championships of the region, country, etc.), the armwrestler must also have: small competitions, where the level of your opponents will not be so high, and most importantly, you will not be weighed down by the burden of responsibility for the final result.

These competitions should become a training ground for practicing the skills acquired during training in “combat conditions”. You must set yourself a task: for example, today you fight only in a “hook”, or work as a “second number”, and strictly follow this setting.

Here your goal is not the final place, but improving your skill. And the referee, who prevents you from taking a comfortable grip, and the competitive jitters act as an “additional burden” that will allow you to become even stronger and more experienced. Experience should play into your hands in the truest sense of the word.

The principle of microtasks is the basis for success in arm wrestling

Usage microtask principle will allow you to achieve another important goal: you must, like a good chess player, learn to correctly and quickly analyze what is happening at the table in order to be able to make the right adjustments to the course of the match.

And in order for these processes to occur at lightning speed in the “combat operations” mode, all possible combinations must be analyzed and analyzed during training.

A case from one's life: championship in Las Vegas, the first fight of Farid Usmanov and John Brzenk. John is torn,” the wrestlers are tied with a belt, and the American confidently, “on horseback,” places Farid’s hand on the table. It seems like, here - vulnerable spot opponent found! But John is not that person, it is important for him to know that his victory is not an accident, that he is truly the strongest.

In the second fight, John already adopts Farid’s style and fights with a “hook”. The initiative passes from one to the other, but in the end luck is on Usmanov’s side.

Between them there must be decisive, third, duel. Logically, in this situation, John should go “on horseback”, because in this movement he was clearly stronger than his opponent at that time, but John approaches Farid and invites him to fight in “hooks” again! As we know, John won that fight.

“The difference in prize money was not very big, and I wanted to understand if I could beat Farid in the hooks,” this is how the American armwrestler explained his behavior.

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