Rhythmic gymnastics tournament “Russian Winter. Rhythmic gymnastics tournament “Russian winter Russian winter rhythmic gymnastics

On December 23, on the eve of the New Year, the traditional All-Russian rhythmic gymnastics tournament for the prizes of Olympic champion Maria Netosova “Melody of Winter” took place.

Young athletes from 5 to 15 years old from Smolensk, Cherepovets, Vitebsk, Roslavl, Sosnovy Bor, Shakhovskaya urban district, Kazan, Bishkek, St. Petersburg, Moscow and other regions of Russia took part in the competition.

The Sports Development Center named after Olympic champions Elena Shalamova and Maria Netosova held the tournament for the fifth time and, according to the tournament organizers Maria Netosova and Elena Shalamova, the participants have seen rapid professional growth compared to previous years. The sporting character, discipline and cleaner execution of the numbers become noticeable.

The gymnasts demonstrated to the audience and judges their skill, grace, accumulated experience and great desire to win.

The competition was not without New Year's surprises from the organizers and participants. Young athletes showed their best individual performances to those present, and one of the most memorable was the performance of students from the Sports Development Center.

Winners of the V All-Russian tournament “Melody of Winter” in age groups:

Ekaterina Matraeva from Vitebsk (born in 2003) – 21,650;
Victoria Zueva from Smolensk (born 2004) – 26,650;
Anastasia Tarasenkova from Smolensk (born in 2005) – 28,600;
Polina Orlova from Smolensk (born in 2006) – 26,450;
Ulyana Korotchenko from Vitebsk (born in 2007) – 21,400;
Arina Makarova from Smolensk (born in 2008) – 26,000;
Ekaterina Zakrzhevskaya from Kazan (born in 2009) – 14,450;
Evdokia Sorokina from Moscow (born in 2010) – 12,500;
Victoria Dautova from Chekhov (born in 2011) – 14,050;
Daria Popova from Ramenskoye (born in 2012) – 12,750.

Rhythmic gymnastics tournament “Russian Winter” with the support of R.O.C.S. ended in New Moscow.

The competitions, which have already become traditional, are held with the aim of popularizing rhythmic gymnastics and identifying talented youth. At the end of December 2017, the “Russian Winter” rhythmic gymnastics tournament was held at the Desna health complex near Moscow. For two days, young athletes aged 6 to 14 years competed in rhythmic gymnastics in an individual program, as well as in all-around. The tournament ended with demonstration performances and a bright gala show by students of the School of Amina Zaripova, World Champion, Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics and Olympic coach. Honorary guests of the competition - Olympic champions Margarita Mamun, Ulyana Donskova, and World Champion Yana Lukonina - came to support the young athletes and take part in the award ceremony.

All tournament participants from each age category were awarded cups and medals, and also received pleasant gifts from the Russian brand R.O.C.S. – one of the leaders in the production of oral hygiene products. The winners of the tournament received sets with smart toothpastes, brushes and a unique remineralizing gel R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals.

The brand philosophy is R.O.C.S. is a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, so the company is always happy to support sporting events. The basis of R.O.C.S. products The principle of effectiveness and safety, as well as compliance with the physiological characteristics of the human body at different age periods, is laid down. The purpose of R.O.C.S. – to prove that it is possible to raise an entire generation without caries!