Route m 58. Federal highway M58 "Amur". Putin's abandoned road

The federal highway M-58 Chita - Khabarovsk connected the Far East and Western regions of our country. Now the M58 motorway is part of a huge, longest route in the world - St. Petersburg - Moscow - Vladivostok. The importance of the M-58 Amur highway is difficult to overestimate for our state.

Before the construction of this route, only the West Siberian Railway and the recently opened Baikal-Amur Railway connected the center of Russia with this region. Now any resident of the Far East will be able to reach the Western borders of Russia on their wheels. In addition, the M58 Amur highway is part of the Asian route AN 30.

The M-58 highway began its history at the beginning of the 20th century, and only the 1917 revolution prevented the road from being built to completion. Even now it is often called the Old Moscow Highway.

The total length of the route is approximately 2165 km. It connects the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Amur Region, the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region.

The M58 highway passes through flat, forested and mountainous forested areas.

The road surface is asphalt concrete, the width of the roadway is 7 meters.

The temperature regime is not uniform. The climate varies from dry, sharply continental to humid, temperate continental. Along the entire route, large temperature changes are possible, from -40 in winter to +40 in summer.

Along the route there are approaches to the city of Blagoveshchensk and the port of Vanino.

Since the M58 Amur highway is new, it bypasses many populated areas, so cafes and hotels are not often found along the way. Traffic police posts and traffic cop ambushes are even less common.

Peculiarity new route The problem is that it took a very long time to build, and if the new sections leave no complaints, the sections that have already been deformed by trucks for several years. For example, in the Londoko area (1840 - 1922 km of the M58 highway), the road surface has subsided, and driving resembles rocking on sea waves. The speed on this section is no more than 60 km/h. And in the Shimansk area, a small layer of asphalt was broken by heavy vehicles.

In general, the M-58 Amur highway leaves a favorable impression. Particularly pleasing are the large, equipped rest areas, where there are overpasses, toilets and tables with canopies. In addition, the beautiful view from the observation decks allows you to fully enjoy the Far Eastern landscapes.

Useful materials:

general information
  • Regions: Trans-Baikal Territory, Amur Region, Jewish Autonomous Okrug, Khabarovsk Territory
  • Control: Rosavtodor
  • Length: 2100 km
  • Start: Chita
  • End: Khabarovsk

At the end of May this year I took a car ride from Vladivostok to Bratsk. Last year I also posted a big report on my website about driving a car and about the Chita-Khabarovsk highway. Over the course of the year, many people came to my site from search engines, interested in the condition of the Chita-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok road. There was even one such request in search engine, which led to my website “Is it true that after Putin’s passage the asphalt was removed on the Chita-Khabarovsk highway?” Therefore, I think that the report on the state of the road for 2013 will be relevant.

We left Vladivostok at about 11 am; in the city itself it was very sunny and hot, although all the previous days there had been drizzle and horizontal rain. We left the city as usual along the old bypass road (via Shchitovaya and Rybachy), stopped for a while in one of the bays near this road to look at the ocean, which was interesting: along the coast and several hundred meters inland the sky was not visible due to thick clouds , and literally a kilometer from the coast the sky was clear and it was hot.

The road to the airport ring, built for the APEC summit, is still in perfect condition as it was a year ago; on the way to Ussuriysk there was a small piece of dirt road, this section is undergoing major repairs. I missed the turnoff on the Ussuriysk bypass road again, and once again I couldn’t see this new bypass road; I had to drive through the city as always. After Ussuriysk and all the way to Khabarovsk, the road is in good condition; there were three sections where large-scale road reconstruction work was carried out: the old asphalt was removed, the road was re-paved and enlarged roadway

We drove through Khabarovsk when it was already dark, and at that time it was raining. On the 60th Anniversary of October Avenue, due to poor visibility, I ran into some kind of large hole, the steering wheel began to beat, as it turned out, the disc was bent, the next day at a tire shop in Novobureysk they fixed this breakdown using a sledgehammer (they bent the disc back), after which the steering wheel stopped beating. We passed the Khabarovsky Bridge in almost complete darkness; for some reason not a single lamp on the bridge was on.

We crossed the bridge, the Khabarovsk-Chita highway began, the Khabarovsk Territory ended, and we entered the Jewish Autonomous Region. The road to the planned overnight stay (Pit Stop camping) is ideal; we arrived at the Pit Stop after midnight. This time, before renting a room, I checked whether there was a mosquito net on the windows, so as not to be eaten by insects like last year.

On the second day we set out at about 7 am Bratsk time (5 am local time), in some places there was morning fog over the road. The road from the Pit Stop is perfect again. Last year I wrote that there was a section where the road going through a swampy area collapsed badly in some places. This year, the areas with the sinkholes were already filled with soil and compacted; in May, equipment was already working there, so now, I think, there is already new asphalt there, and the sinkholes have been completely eliminated. Further to the “Moscow-Vladivostok” stela, which is located in the Novobureysk area, there is an ideal road. There was only a small section of the road, about 10 or 20 kilometers, where large-scale work was being carried out: somewhere, to build a road through the hills, equipment removed a huge amount of soil, but somewhere, on the contrary, an embankment several tens of meters high was poured out. The scale of the work is impressive. Despite the rain, we drove through this section easily; constantly working graders keep the dirt road in a suitable condition for driving. Problems there arose only with large trucks, which on road tires could not climb the slippery mud up the mountain; they were dragged by a bulldozer.

For three or four hours the road is again an ideal one; when driving along it, time flies almost unnoticed. In the area of ​​the city of Belogorsk, about 30 kilometers of asphalt were torn off. Apparently they say about this section that the asphalt was ripped off after Putin drove along the road. In fact, there was an old road here, which was made either in the 90s or in the 80s, now the old asphalt was removed there, the height of the embankment was increased, the roadway was widened and prepared for laying new asphalt. I think now a considerable part of this section has already been rolled into asphalt. But even the dirt road was in very good condition; we drove along it at a speed of about a hundred kilometers per hour. We reached the Zeya River. Behind the bridge, about three kilometers away, there is an excellent canteen where we had lunch. After lunch and until the night I didn’t remember anything, the road was perfect, flew by unnoticed, the speedometer needle rarely dropped below 120 kilometers per hour. As planned, the day before I arrived at the Flame Dragon motel (Znamenka village), which, although older than the Pit Stop, is much more comfortable, the only downside is that guests are allowed to smoke in the rooms.

In the morning we left a little later than planned. Two hundred and fifty kilometers to Chita is an ideal road again; the problem section was eliminated last year. After the ring to Chita, the road, although not new, is also in very good condition. On the section to the village of Ulety, there is only a small temporary dirt detour, organized due to bridge repairs. In Ulety we had lunch at the Transit cafe. Along the route between Chita and Ulan-Ude, there is a small section where the old asphalt has been removed and new asphalt is being laid, and there are about 50-80 kilometers of not very good road. There are no special potholes on it like last year, they have been filled up, but the quality of this road is very different from what it was in the previous two days. You can understand: the road is not new; this section has not been thoroughly repaired for a long time. Another major renovation was, in my opinion, in the Tarbagatai area, where new asphalt was laid on an area of ​​about 5 kilometers.

Around 9 pm we drove through Ulan-Ude and stopped for dinner at the “Rossiyanka” cafe (several tens of kilometers after Ulan-Ude). There was a section between Kabansk and Babushkin that forced us to constantly be on edge. A partner driving ahead warned that the road in this place was not very good. I deliberately drove there no more than 80 kilometers per hour and passed all possible potholes.

IN Irkutsk region I moved in after one o'clock in the morning. Inside the city of Baikalsk and a couple of kilometers before it, the road is in very poor condition; apparently there is no money in the city treasury to maintain the road. Further to Irkutsk the road was in good condition. I traveled from Vladivostok to Irkutsk, including overnight stays in motels, in less than three days.

For those who are interested, there are a lot of photographs, it is very clear that the situation with roads in Russia is improving.

July 3, 2019 On Wednesday, Avtodor opened traffic on the section of the M-11 toll road "Moscow - St. Petersburg" from Klin to Tver - this is a section of 97 -149 km (Klin - Tver). To view the site, see the site map.

In accordance with Article 36 of the Federal Law “On Highways and Road Activities in Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" establish that:

  • M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg on the section 208 km – 258 km
  • use of expressway M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg on the section 334 km - 543 km is carried out on a paid basis until July 7, 2110.

Map of toll sections of the M-11 highway “New Leningradka” motels, payment points on the map

* toll areas are highlighted in blue and light blue

Technical characteristics of the M-11 road

M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg - total length from the Moscow ring road to the ring road around St. Petersburg.
Length - 669 km.
The road bypasses all existing major settlements in Central and Northwestern federal district. The road will pass through the Novgorod, Moscow, Leningrad and Tver regions.
M-11 will run parallel to the old M-10 Rossiya highway, but in some places it will intersect with it.
road category – IA (motorway)
design speed - 150 km/h
number of lanes – 4, 6, 8, 10
lane width - 3.75 m
width of dividing strip - 6 m
highway lighting – 36 pcs.
artificial structures – 325 pcs.

The intersection points of the roads M-10 and M-11.

— 58th kilometer
— 149th kilometer
— 208th kilometer
— 258th kilometer
— 334th kilometer
— 543rd kilometer

These intersections are needed to switch traffic from the M-11 expressway to the slower M-10 highway, or, more simply put, it will allow you to make a choice about which road is better to take and at the same time reduce the possibility of bypassing the toll road.

Alternative route

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2269-r dated November 14, 2014
Alternative route: highway public use of federal significance M-10 "Russia" - on the section km 250 + 867 - km 323 + 856.

Description of sections of the M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg road

1. 15 – 58 km in the Khimki and Solnechnogorsk districts of the Moscow region.
Bypass of Khimki
The site was commissioned on December 23, 2014.
Paid section

2. 58 – 97 km in Solnechnogorsk and Klin districts of the Moscow region. The section was opened to traffic on September 1, 2018, on the same day charging for travel around the site.
97km – 149 km Completion of construction of this section is planned for 2019.

3. 208 — 258 km in the Torzhok district of the Tver region.
Bypass of Torzhok.
The site has been completed and is open to traffic.

4. 258 – 334 km in Torzhoksky, Spirovsky and Vyshnevolotsky districts of the Tver region.
Bypass of Vyshny Volochok.
The section was commissioned and opened to traffic on November 28, 2014.
Paid section is already working and charges a fee for passing the route.

5. 334 – 543 km in the Vyshnevolotsky and Bologovsky districts of the Tver region, Okulovsky, Malovishersky and Novgorodsky districts of the Novgorod region.
Bypassing the settlements of Bologoye, Uglovka and Okulovka.
The movement was opened on June 6, 2018.

6. 543 – 684 km in the Novgorod and Chudov districts of the Novgorod region, Tosnensky district Leningrad region.
Bypass of Chudovo, Tosny
The deadline is 2019.

For the convenience of truckers and motorists, the owners of the road offer to buy a transponder, which will help the driver save time on paying the fare and get a discount, but as experienced people say, each section of this route will have a separate transponder, which will cause a lot of inconvenience for those who do not use it very often expensive once a week for example, this transponder is only needed if you don’t want to leave the cab, the situation with the discount is a little sadder because it will practically not exist.

List of intersections with other roads

Section of the M-11 highway 208 km - 258 km

  • km 209+675 – transport interchange with the M-10 highway
    "Russia" and the Kulitskoye - Mednoye highway;
  • km 213+417 - intersection at different levels with car
    road "Moscow - St. Petersburg - Likhoslavl";
  • km 214+420 – transport interchange with the highway
    "Moscow - St. Petersburg - Likhoslavl";
  • km 221+258 - intersection at different levels with the highway
    dear “Maryino - Shchekino”;
  • km 225+771 - intersection at different levels with the highway
    road "Selikhovo - Konstantinovo";
  • km 229+076 - intersection at different levels with the highway
    road "Mirny - Tereshkino - B. Petrovo";
  • km 243+782 - intersection at different levels with the highway
    expensive "Torzhok - Kalashnikovo";
  • km 257+474 – transport interchange with the M-10 highway

Section of the M-11 highway 334 km - 543 km

List of intersections with other roads and
junctions of other highways:

  • km 329+947 - transport interchange at different levels with
    federal highway M-10 “Russia”;
  • km 335+763 - intersection with the Khotilovo-Savino highway;
  • km 348+303 - transport interchange at different levels with
    highway "Bologoye - Kuzhenkino";
  • km 353+569 - intersection with the Bologoe -
    Guzyatino - Ilyatino";
  • km 362+170 - intersection with the Guzyatino -
  • km 364+439 - intersection with the Anisimovo -
  • km 366+873 - intersection with the Anisimovo -
    Molchanovo - Vypolzovo";
  • km 377+722 - intersection with the Korykhnovo -
  • km 385+267 - intersection with the Ustyuzhino -
  • km 396+435 - intersection with the Sukhoe -
  • km 401+294 - intersection with the Uglovka -
  • km 403+250 - transport interchange at different levels with
    highway "Dolgiye Borody - Uglovka";
  • km 415+300 - intersection with the Yablonovka -
  • km 422+573 - intersection with the Okulovka -
    Puzyrevo - Mountains";
  • km 434+222 - intersection with the Kresttsy -
    Okulovka - Borovichi - Plant - Lyadchino";
  • km 441+700 - intersection with the Podol - Maly highway
  • km 443+662 - transport interchange at different levels with
    highway "Kresttsy - Okulovka - Borovichi";
  • km 451+077 - intersection with the Kresttsy -
    Okulovka - Borovichi - Zarechye";
  • km 456+491 - intersection with the Bolshoi highway
    Zapolek - Korpovo";
  • km 461+033 - intersection with the Chernetsko -
  • km 464+905 - intersection with the Naronovo -
    ur. Marat";
  • km 468+603 - intersection with the Sutoki -
    ur. Lekalovo";
  • km 478+961 - intersection with the Dubki -
  • km 479+623 - intersection with the Burga - Karpina highway
    Mountain - Lapoten";
  • km 489+889 - intersection with the Burga -
  • km 498+386 - intersection with the Dvorishchi -
  • km 506+129 - intersection with the Lyubitovo -
  • km 524+100 - transport interchange at different levels with
    highway "Novoselitsy - Paportno";
  • km 538+481 - intersection with the Savino -
  • km 545+788 – transport interchange with the M-10 highway

Tariffs - Cost of travel on the M-11 toll road Moscow - St. Petersburg.

Payment Methods:
-Bank cards - one-touch payment
— Cash
— Transporter — savings up to 70% + discounts, dedicated lane for withdrawals (this is a special electronic means for withdrawing money from your account)

Below are the prices for travel on the toll road by vehicle groups. Cost of travel on the M-11 toll road Moscow - St. Petersburg

Tariffs for travel 58 -543 km

Category I ≤2 2+

with trailer and
without them,
motorcycles with trailer
(by stroller)
and without them

II 2-2.6 2+

Freight and
passenger transport
funds with
trailer and
without them

III 2.6+ 2

and passenger transport

IV 2.6+ 3+

Freight and
passenger transport

Payment method$ With
$ With
$ With
$ With

in the Moscow region

06:00 — 01:00 20 rub.16 rub.30 rub.24 rub.30 rub.24 rub.40 rub.32 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 20 rub.16 rub.20 rub.16 rub.30 rub.24 rub.40 rub.32 rub.

in the Moscow region

06:00 — 01:00 80 rub.64 rub.90 rub.72 rub.100 rub.80 rub.130 rub.104 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 60 rub.48 rub.70 rub.56 rub.90 rub.72 rub.120 rub.96 rub.

in the Moscow region

06:00 — 01:00 100 rub.80 rub.110 rub.88 rub.130 rub.104 rub.160 rub.128 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 80 rub.64 rub.90 rub.72 rub.110 rub.88 rub.150 rub.120 rub.

in the Moscow region

(PVP 58, 124)

06:00 — 01:00 160 rub.128 rub.190 rub.152 rub.220 rub.176 rub.270 rub.216 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 130 rub.104 rub.150 rub.120 rub.190 rub.152 rub.240 rub.192 rub.

in the Moscow region

06:00 — 01:00 50 rub.40 rub.60 rub.48 rub.70 rub.56 rub.90 rub.72 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 40 rub.32 rub.50 rub.40 rub.60 rub.48 rub.80 rub.64 rub.

in the Moscow region

06:00 — 01:00 90 rub.72 rub.90 rub.72 rub.100 rub.80 rub.120 rub.96 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 60 rub.48 rub.70 rub.56 rub.90 rub.72 rub.110 rub.88 rub.

in the Moscow region

(PVP 67, 124)

06:00 — 01:00 150 rub.120 rub.160 rub.128 rub.190 rub.152 rub.230 rub.184 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 100 rub.80 rub.120 rub.96 rub.160 rub.128 rub.200 rub.160 rub.

in the Moscow region

06:00 — 01:00 20 rub.16 rub.20 rub.16 rub.30 rub.24 rub.30 rub.24 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 20 rub.16 rub.20 rub.16 rub.30 rub.24 rub.30 rub.24 rub.

in the Moscow region

(PVP 89, 124)

06:00 — 01:00 90 rub.72 rub.100 rub.80 rub.110 rub.88 rub.140 rub.112 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 60 rub.48 rub.80 rub.64 rub.100 rub.80 rub.120 rub.96 rub.

in the Moscow region

(PVP 97, 124)

06:00 — 01:00 70 rub.56 rub.80 rub.64 rub.90 rub.72 rub.110 rub.88 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 50 rub.40 rub.60 rub.48 rub.80 rub.64 rub.100 rub.80 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 214)

20 rub.16 rub.30 rub.24 rub.40 rub.32 rub.60 rub.48 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 258)

140 rub.112 rub.160 rub.128 rub.180 rub.126 rub.220 rub.154 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 330)

360 rub.252 rub.390 rub.273 rub.430 rub.258 rub.520 rub.312 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 348)

385 rub.270 rub.420 rub.294 rub.465 rub.279 rub.560 rub.336 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 402)

460 rub.322 rub.500 rub.350 rub.555 rub.333 rub.670 rub.402 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 444)

510 rub.357 rub.560 rub.392 rub.625 rub.375 rub.755 rub.453 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 524)

625 rub.438 rub.680 rub.476 rub.765 rub.459 rub.920 rub.552 rub.

in the Tver region

(VFR km 208, km 545)

660 rub.396 rub.730 rub.438 rub.820 rub.410 rub.940 rub.470 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 258)

120 rub.96 rub.140 rub.112 rub.150 rub.120 rub.180 rub.144 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 330)

340 rub.272 rub.370 rub.296 rub.400 rub.280 rub.480 rub.336 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 348)

365 rub.292 rub.400 rub.320 rub.435 rub.305 rub.520 rub.364 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 402)

440 rub.352 rub.480 rub.384 rub.525 rub.368 rub.630 rub.441 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 444)

490 rub.392 rub.540 rub.432 rub.595 rub.417 rub.715 rub.501 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 524)

605 rub.484 rub.660 rub.528 rub.735 rub.515 rub.880 rub.616 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 545)

640 rub.448 rub.710 rub.497 rub.790 rub.474 rub.900 rub.540 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 258, 330)

220 rub.176 rub.230 rub.184 rub.250 rub.175 rub.300 rub.210 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 258, 348)

245 rub.196 rub.260 rub.208 rub.285 rub.200 rub.340 rub.238 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 258, 402)

320 rub.256 rub.340 rub.272 rub.375 rub.263 rub.450 rub.315 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 258, 444)

370 rub.296 rub.400 rub.320 rub.445 rub.312 rub.535 rub.375 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 258, 524)

485 rub.388 rub.520 rub.416 rub.585 rub.410 rub.700 rub.490 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 258, 545)

520 rub.364 rub.570 rub.399 rub.640 rub.384 rub.720 rub.432 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 330, 348)

25 rub.20 rub.30 rub.24 rub.35 rub.28 rub.40 rub.32 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 330, 402)

100 rub.80 rub.110 rub.88 rub.125 rub.100 rub.150 rub.120 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 330, 444)

150 rub.120 rub.170 rub.136 rub.195 rub.156 rub.235 rub.188 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 330, 524)

265 rub.212 rub.290 rub.232 rub.335 rub.268 rub.400 rub.320 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 330, 545)

300 rub.240 rub.340 rub.272 rub.390 rub.273 rub.420 rub.294 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 348, 402)

75 rub.60 rub.80 rub.64 rub.95 rub.76 rub.110 rub.88 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 348, 444)

130 rub.104 rub.145 rub.116 rub.165 rub.132 rub.200 rub.160 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 348, 524)

240 rub.192 rub.265 rub.212 rub.305 rub.244 rub.365 rub.292 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 348, 545)

270 rub.216 rub.295 rub.236 rub.340 rub.272 rub.410 rub.328 rub.

in the Novgorod region

(PVP 402, 444)

55 rub.44 rub.60 rub.48 rub.75 rub.60 rub.90 rub.72 rub.

in the Novgorod region

(PVP 402, 524)

165 rub.132 rub.180 rub.144 rub.210 rub.168 rub.255 rub.204 rub.

in the Novgorod region

(PVP 402, 545)

195 rub.156 rub.215 rub.172 rub.245 rub.196 rub.295 rub.236 rub.

in the Novgorod region

(PVP 444, 524)

110 rub.88 rub.120 rub.96 rub.140 rub.112 rub.165 rub.132 rub.

in the Novgorod region

(PVP 444, 545)

140 rub.112 rub.150 rub.120 rub.175 rub.140 rub.210 rub.168 rub.

in the Novgorod region

(PVP 524, 545)

30 rub.24 rub.35 rub.28 rub.40 rub.32 rub.45 rub.36 rub.

Cost of the toll section 15 -58 km


RouteAll daysMonday ThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
01:00-06:00 06:00-14:00 14:00-01:00* 06:00-14:00 14:00-01:00* 06:00-01:00* 06:00-14:00 14:00-01:00*
MOSCOW — SHEREMETYEVO-280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280
MOSCOW — SHEREMETYEVO-180 330 330 330 330 330 330 330
MOSCOW — ZELENOGRAD80 330 330 330 370 330 330 330
100 370 370 370 410 410 370 370
200 410 450 410 500 450 410 410
216 426 466 426 516 466 426 426
MOSCOW - KLIN (89th km)248 474 514 474 564 514 474 474
MOSCOW - YAMUGA (97th km)264 490 530 490 580 530 490 490
SHEREMETYEVO-2 - MOSCOW80 270 270 270 270 270 270 270
25 75 75 75 75 75 75 75
SHEREMETYEVO-2 — ZELENOGRAD25 120 160 120 160 120 120 120
50 160 160 160 200 160 160 160
100 240 240 240 280 240 240 240
116 256 256 256 296 256 256 256
148 304 304 304 344 304 304 304
164 320 320 320 360 320 320 320
SHEREMETYEVO-1 — MOSCOW80 330 330 330 330 330 330 330
25 75 75 75 75 75 75 75
SHEREMETYEVO-1 — ZELENOGRAD25 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
50 120 160 160 200 160 120 120
100 240 240 240 280 240 240 240
116 256 256 256 296 256 256 256
148 304 304 304 344 304 304 304
164 320 320 320 360 320 320 320
ZELENOGRAD — MOSCOW80 330 330 330 330 330 330 370
ZELENOGRAD - SHEREMETYEVO-225 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
ZELENOGRAD - SHEREMETYEVO-125 160 120 160 120 120 120 160
25 80 80 80 160 160 80 80
25 160 160 160 200 200 160 160
41 176 176 176 216 216 176 176
ZELENOGRAD - KLIN (89th km)73 224 224 224 264 264 224 224
ZELENOGRAD - YAMUGA (97th km)89 240 240 240 280 280 240 240
100 370 370 370 370 370 410 410
50 200 160 200 160 160 160 200
50 160 120 160 160 160 160 200
25 80 80 80 120 120 160 160
25 80 80 80 120 120 80 80
41 96 96 96 136 136 96 96
73 144 144 144 184 184 144 144
89 160 160 160 200 200 160 160
200 450 410 450 410 450 450 500
100 280 240 280 240 240 240 280
100 240 240 240 240 240 240 280
25 160 160 160 160 200 200 200
25 80 80 80 80 120 80 120
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
48 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
64 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

GROUP 1— passenger vehicles and motorcycles: cars, multifunctional vehicles, motorcycles, vehicles with trailers less than 2 m in height.

RouteAll daysMonday ThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
01:00-06:00 06:00-14:00 14:00-01:00* 06:00-14:00 14:00-01:00* 06:00-01:00* 06:00-14:00 14:00-01:00*
MOSCOW — SHEREMETYEVO-2100 310 310 310 310 310 310 310
MOSCOW — SHEREMETYEVO-1100 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
MOSCOW — ZELENOGRAD100 400 400 400 450 400 400 400
MOSCOW – MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107)150 450 450 450 500 500 450 450
MOSCOW — Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10)250 500 550 500 600 550 500 500
MOSCOW — Solnechnogorsk-3 (67th km)270 520 570 520 620 570 520 520
MOSCOW - KLIN (89th km)310 580 630 580 680 630 580 580
MOSCOW - YAMUGA (97th km)330 600 650 600 700 650 600 600
SHEREMETYEVO-2 - MOSCOW100 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
SHEREMETYEVO-2 — SHEREMETYEVO-150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
SHEREMETYEVO-2 — ZELENOGRAD50 150 200 150 200 150 150 150
SHEREMETYEVO-2 - MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107)100 200 200 200 250 200 200 200
SHEREMETYEVO-2 - Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10)150 300 300 300 350 300 300 300
SHEREMETYEVO-2 - Solnechnogorsk-3 (67th km)170 320 320 320 370 320 320 320
SHEREMETYEVO-2 - KLIN (89th km)210 380 380 380 430 380 380 380
SHEREMETYEVO-2 - YAMUGA (97th km)230 400 400 400 450 400 400 400
SHEREMETYEVO-1 — MOSCOW100 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
SHEREMETYEVO-1 — SHEREMETYEVO-250 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
SHEREMETYEVO-1 — ZELENOGRAD50 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
SHEREMETYEVO-1 - MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107)100 150 200 200 250 200 150 150
SHEREMETYEVO-1 - Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10)150 300 300 300 350 300 300 300
SHEREMETYEVO-1 - Solnechnogorsk-3 (67th km)170 320 320 320 370 320 320 320
SHEREMETYEVO-1 - KLIN (89th km)210 380 380 380 430 380 380 380
SHEREMETYEVO-1 - YAMUGA (97th km)230 400 400 400 450 400 400 400
ZELENOGRAD — MOSCOW100 400 400 400 400 400 400 450
ZELENOGRAD - SHEREMETYEVO-250 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
ZELENOGRAD - SHEREMETYEVO-150 200 150 200 150 150 150 200
ZELENOGRAD - MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107)50 100 100 100 200 200 100 100
ZELENOGRAD - Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10)50 200 200 200 250 250 200 200
ZELENOGRAD - Solnechnogorsk-3 (67th km)70 220 220 220 270 270 220 220
ZELENOGRAD - KLIN (89th km)110 280 280 280 330 330 280 280
ZELENOGRAD - YAMUGA (97th km)130 300 300 300 350 350 300 300
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) – MOSCOW150 450 450 450 450 450 500 500
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) – SHEREMETYEVO-2100 250 200 250 200 200 200 250
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) – SHEREMETYEVO-1100 200 150 200 200 200 200 250
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) – ZELENOGRAD50 100 100 100 150 150 200 200
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) - Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10)50 100 100 100 150 150 100 100
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) - Solnechnogorsk-3 (67th km)70 120 120 120 170 170 120 120
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) – KLIN (89th km)110 180 180 180 230 230 180 180
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) – YAMUGA (97th km)130 200 200 200 250 250 200 200
from Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10)
Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10) - MOSCOW250 550 500 550 500 550 550 600
Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10) - SHEREMETYEVO-2150 350 300 350 300 300 300 350
Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10) - SHEREMETYEVO-1150 300 300 300 300 300 300 350
Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10) - ZELENOGRAD50 200 200 200 200 250 250 250
Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10) - MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107)50 100 100 100 100 150 100 150
Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10) - Solnechnogorsk-3 (67th km)20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10) – KLIN (89th km)60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Solnechnogorsk (intersection with M10) - YAMUGA (97th km)80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Federal highway M58 "Amur" is a federal highway Chita - Khabarovsk.

Chita - Never - Svobodny - Arkhara - Birobidzhan - Khabarovsk. The route is part of the Asian route AH30 Chita - Khabarovsk - Ussuriysk.

Technical category - III;
The width of the roadway is 7 m;
The width of the roadbed is 12 m;
Estimated traffic intensity - 3,000 vehicles per day;
Estimated speed - 100 km/h;
Length - 2,165 km;
Number of traffic lanes: two;
Coating type: advanced lightweight.

It connects the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Amur Region, the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region.

Along the route there are approaches to the city of Blagoveshchensk and the port of Vanino.

The peculiarity of the new route is that it took a very long time to build and while the new sections leave no complaints, sections of which have already been deformed by trucks for several years. For example, in the Londoko area (1840 - 1922 km of the M58 highway), the road surface has subsided, and driving resembles rocking on sea waves. The speed on this section is no more than 60 km/h. And in the Shimansk area, a small layer of asphalt was broken by heavy vehicles.

The completion of the route was officially announced in September 2010. To commemorate the completion of the construction of the highway in Khabarovsk, on September 24, 2010, a memorial sign “Zero kilometer of the Chita-Khabarovsk Federal Highway” was installed on Lenin Square.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin held a meeting on the issue of developing the Chita-Khabarovsk highway, at which he demanded that the Amur highway be equipped with traffic police posts within a year and promised to consider increasing the staff of traffic police officers servicing the highway.



0 km Chita
294 km Chernyshevsk
586 km Mogocha
753 km Erofey Pavlovich
919 km Skovorodino
1477 km Belogorsk
1852 km Birakan
1957 km Birobidzhan
2165 km Khabarovsk

When we drove along the Chita-Khabarovsk highway in 2012. Even then it became clear that the road was “on fire.” Despite the fact that the road was richly decorated with bumpers, from time to time near the pipes laid through the streams, subsidence of the road surface began even then, which tossed cars up like on a springboard. What is happening now on the “presidential” highway, which has really greatly simplified the road to the Far East? An article about this from Gazeta.Ru by Alina Raspopova. Comments on the text are mine.

Putin's highway in Khabarovsk scared officials

Authorities discovered that sections of the new federal highway Chita - Khabarovsk are in terrible condition

The quality of the Chita-Khabarovsk federal highway, opened four years ago, shocked Amur officials. It turned out that driving along this highway poses a real threat to life. A few years after Putin’s epoch-making motor rally in a yellow Lada Kalina, the road greets motorists with countless potholes, dips and wreaths at the side of the road.

Governor of the Amur Region Oleg Kozhemyako was horrified by the state of certain sections of the Chita-Khabarovsk federal highway. He was able to evaluate their quality during a multi-day trip to the northern regions of the region.

“With a speed limit of 90 km/h, driving on such a road was a threat to life. You can’t drive on it: there’s a hole in the hole, there’s subsidence after subsidence,” Kozhemyako said at a special meeting following the inspection held on Wednesday. “No modern trauma centers along the highway will solve the problems that exist on our roads.”

The governor was especially struck by the Magdagachi-Taldan section of the federal highway, which he called “a mockery of the highway.”

As the governor noted, “the wreaths along the road spoke for themselves.”

The meeting was attended by heads of the regional prosecutor's office, the traffic police department and the regional ministry of transport. The head of the road safety department of the Federal State Institution “Interregional Directorate for Road Construction in the Far Eastern Region of Russia” Sergei Dolgiy was also invited.

“If you had asked the contractors in a timely manner and made claims against them regarding the quality of the roads for the maintenance of which they are responsible, this situation could have been avoided,” Kozhemyako addressed Sergei Dolgy as a representative of the customer for the construction of the Amur highway. “Either you are taking measures now, or we, together with the regional prosecutor’s office and the traffic police, will be forced to take them ourselves.”

Road on the edge of the country

Let us recall that the construction of the Chita-Khabarovsk highway was under the personal control of Vladimir Putin. The highway, more than 2,000 km long, passes through the territories of the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Amur Region, the Jewish Autonomous Okrug and the Khabarovsk Territory and, for the first time in the history of the country, provided end-to-end year-round automobile traffic, connecting the road network of the Far East with the core road network of Russia.

The first to test 2,097 km of the still unfinished highway in August 2010 was Vladimir Putin, who at that time held the post of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. He covered the entire route in AvtoVAZ’s then-new, canary-colored Lada Kalina.

The famous Lada Kalina on the Chita-Khabarovsk highway ©RIA Novosti

“Until now there was no road between Chita and Khabarovsk. Finally we did it. We have to look,” the prime minister noted before the trip.

After the end of the run, the prime minister admitted that about 500 km of the road are subject to major reconstruction, and the highway itself “looks not like a federal highway, but like a good country road, nothing more.” In addition, Putin was outraged by the “lack of infrastructure on the route” - an insufficient number of roadside cafes, campsites and the lack of mobile communications. Nevertheless, three months later the highway was officially opened.

Meanwhile, Gazeta.Ru journalists previously drove along the Chita-Khabarovsk highway twice: immediately after its launch and three years later. One of the first discoveries was the complete absence of traffic police officers on the highway. After publications on this topic, Putin demanded that the highway be equipped with traffic police posts and promised to drive along it again, but recently abandoned the idea, citing lack of time.

The absence of police on the highway amazed us in 12. As if . The secret is simple - no one wants to stand in the middle of the taiga without much hope of making money

Putin's abandoned road

There is practically no infrastructure along the entire road. In the first 300 km we encountered only two makeshift gas stations. Drivers refuel here only as a last resort: the gasoline is of low quality and diluted either with water or something else. Cars after such refueling begin to choke and stall. Drivers of cars parked here can wait more than a day for help.
There is no communication here, the traffic police are not patrolling the highway yet. There is no cell phone reception along almost the entire length of the highway.
At that time, about 1,500 km of the Chita-Khabarovsk highway was superior in quality to many roads in Central Russia. However, even then more than 600 km of the Amur needed major repairs, some of which were built just a few years ago, but are now broken down.

Highway Chita - Khabarovsk in 2013

Almost three years after construction on the section of M58 in the Trans-Baikal Territory (from Chita), the two-lane winding road is quite smooth, without serious damage.
There are even bumpers on the roadsides: having driven all over Russia from Murmansk to Vladivostok, such quality of pavement far from rich metropolises can rarely be found.
True, it immediately catches your eye that there are practically no cars on the deserted Amur, just like three years ago. Unlike 2010, there is cellular communication along the entire length of the highway right up to Khabarovsk, but traffic police officers, as in 2010, have not met once over two thousand kilometers.

Towards the middle of the journey, the road gradually begins to deteriorate, and here the main problem that drivers face becomes clear. Either the designers did not take into account the climate, or the materials were not best quality, but several hundred kilometers after Chita, more and more often you come across areas with subsided soil, where the asphalt goes in waves.
Irregularities, as a rule, are marked with a corresponding sign, but the signs are not everywhere, so in front of almost all such areas you can easily notice numerous brake marks.
There are practically no gas stations on the M58 (especially on the section after Chita): the gap between the nearest ones reaches several hundred kilometers.
On the way back, due to the foppish habit of refueling at decent gas stations, we passed an insufficiently attractive one. We thought we wouldn’t make it - there could easily be 200 km between gas stations.

Prices for food and any other goods along the route are noticeably higher than the national average. The catering situation on Amur is still worse than the gas stations. There is almost no place to have a snack on the way from Chita to Khabarovsk. Standing apart is the Khutorok cafe on the 1274th km of the highway, where Vladimir Putin stopped for a snack during his motor rally.

A typical cafe on the Chita-Khabarovsk highway. It is usually held by people from the Caucasus, who are clearly ready to stand up for their business.

The closer you get to Khabarovsk, the worse the road surface becomes. A very bad site is found not far from Blagoveshchensk: asphalt was laid here earlier than in other places. In some areas, repairs are already in full swing at the beginning of March. The road here turns into a real obstacle course. In order to easily overcome unpleasant unpaved sections, the length of which sometimes reaches several kilometers, the speed has to be reduced to a minimum.

The bumps in the road are probably what I remember most. I won’t forget how the car in front of us jumped almost a meter!

The president of the association of road research organizations RODOS, Oleg Skvortsov, explained to Gazeta.Ru that the appearance of problem areas on the highway is not due to their improper operation, but to a violation of the water and thermal regime.

“There is permafrost there. After the construction of the road, in some cases, due to the disturbance of the vegetation cover and the creation of ditches, the process of thawing of this permafrost begins, explains Skvortsov. - This is where the drawdowns come from. This question has not been fully explored. Road workers in America and Canada are facing similar problems, and they also have not yet found a solution. About a year ago, Rosavtodor held a meeting on this topic, where I attended, and even then it became clear that they did not yet have solutions, as well as specialists who could deal with this.”

Video about the M58 Chita-Khabarovsk highway

The Russian Geographical Society and the My Planet channel made a film Highway M-58 "Amur" Chita-Khabarovsk from the series Eastern Russia. The film tells about the history of its construction, the sights of Nerchinsk, and the construction of the Bureyskaya hydroelectric power station. Starred in episodes Putin on a yellow Lada Kalina.