T tap exercises. T-Tapp exercises: an effective system for losing weight. Losing weight with T-tapp

Your body is a machine, treat it like one! These are the words that serve as the motto of Teresa Tapp, who is a health specialist, coach, sports physiologist, and nutritionist. Teresa claims to know how a woman's body functions after 30, as she has been observing her body for 15 years and collecting information from hundreds of clients. As a result, she created a new approach to women's health and exercise.

Teresa Tapp claims that she will help any woman, at any age, achieve stunning results - achieve a beautiful female body! Teresa Tapp claims that there are no analogues of her system in the world, it is unique! Teresa Tapp herself is a living example of the fact that a woman’s body after forty can be a slender, well-oiled and harmoniously functioning machine without any need to spend hours training in a sports club. Many, Those who listened to Teresa Tapp and followed her advice at the age of 50 had a body that they could only dream of, a body that they did not have at the age of 30.

Teresa Tapp has developed a training program, exercises can be done at home, so T-Tapp is available to all women today!

The T-Tapp system is comprehensive, as it helps to reduce fat reserves, lose extra pounds of weight and reduce body volume, as well as it improves a woman's overall health and her level of physical fitness and vigor.

T-Tapp is a physical therapy approach to fitness because it increases muscle density, not volume. If your knees or hip joints hurt, your lower back hurts, your upper back hurts, your shoulders hurt – then T-Tapp is for you! The movements only look simple from the outside, but in fact they are very complex in structure, since the exercises involve both ends of the muscle into work, while other systems involve only one end of the muscle and the belly of the muscle.

T-Tapp - a system of high aerobic exercise without barbells and dumbbells. Note: The stronger you become, the less you need to exercise to maintain results! In other systems, you will need to increase the number of repetitions, loads in order to move to a higher level of fitness or lose more weight. With the T-Tapp system, you will never rely on dumbbells or repeat an exercise more than 8 times.

Do you have a sedentary job? T-Tapp will suit you. Do you have to walk more than sit? And then T-Tapp will suit you. The methods in the system allow you to achieve maximum muscle movement and fatigue, regardless of who you are - an athlete, a pensioner, or a housewife. As a result of clinical tests, it was determined that fat burning begins after 7-10 minutes after the start of exercise. So you can easily lose weight with this exercise system.

T-Tapp improves cognitive function of the brain, enhances neurokinetic current, increases the rate of resting glucose utilization, improves digestion, food absorption, bowel function, increases energy levels, helps burn calories, and lose weight quickly.

T-Tapp focuses on reducing body size rather than reducing weight. During exercise, a rapid reduction in body volume occurs due to the fact that T-Tapp forces the muscles to work. The development of muscle density allows them to tighten, shrink, and sculpt new body contours. In one week you will reduce the size of your waist, abdomen, hips by 3 cm. You may not limit yourself in nutrition, but By doing T-Tapp in a month you will switch to a smaller clothing size. The goal of the first thirty days is to repair the metabolism so that the human body can lose weight, while you can lose weight without dieting and intense training.

T-Tapp trains the right and left hemispheres of the brain, body and mind. This system helps both children who have problems with learning and older people whose cognitive functions of the brain slow down.

T-Tapp allows you to improve posture, increase bone density, reducing the risk of injury. This training system places particular emphasis on stimulating lymphatic flow. This allows you to speed up your metabolism and helps the immune system work. Thanks to this system, you will be able to get sick much less often, you will never have to deal with chronic fatigue!

T-Tapp helps lower blood glucose levels and keep them at normal levels. Complex muscle movement is combined with isometric contractions and lymph pumping, while glucose in the blood is burned very quickly. Many people with type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes have complete control over their blood sugar, and there have even been cases where they were cured of diabetes in 3-6 months, thanks to T-Tapp!

T-Tapp helps the body maintain hormonal balance. Many women have significantly improved their menstrual cycle and menopause experience. Thanks to T-Tapp, you will not be afraid of swelling, you will no longer suffer from pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, hot flashes, and mood swings.

The T-Tapp system will help you not only lose extra pounds, but also rejuvenate, be Healthy and Beautiful!

Thursday, November 11, 2010 11:55 + to quote book

T-Tapp is a physical therapy approach to fitness because it increases muscle density rather than volume. T-Tapp is an excellent recovery tool for people with sore knees and hips or low back pain; it is also good for upper back, neck and shoulder pain.

The movements in the exercises look simple from the outside, but, in fact, they are very complex in structure, because each exercise involves both ends of the muscle, instead of involving only one end and the belly of the muscle.

T-Tapp relies on comprehensive and complex muscle movement in a specific sequence, taking into account the neuro-kinetic flow of energy, maintaining the correct anatomical arrangement of skeletal parts and following the principles of isometric muscle work combined with stimulation of lymphatic flow. Other forms of exercise, such as aerobics, strength training and yoga, are primarily “isotonic” (that is, they work one end of the muscle and its belly).

T-Tapp allows you to achieve high aerobic exercise And without having to jump or rely on barbells and dumbbells. With the T-Tapp system, the stronger a person becomes, the less exercise they need to do to maintain results.

In other exercise systems, the stronger a person gets, the more they need to increase the load or number of repetitions in order to reach a higher level of fitness or achieve greater weight loss. With the T-Tapp system, you will never have to rely on dumbbells or repeat a movement more than 8 times. The exercises will continue to be difficult for the body as its strength and toughness increases.

Efficiency of T-Tapp

Yes, T-Tapp is effective for both people with a sedentary lifestyle and athletes. The techniques in the T-Tapp system allow you to achieve maximum muscle movement and muscle fatigue, regardless of whether the person is a weightlifter, an aerobics instructor or a grandmother who has just started training.

Clinical testing conducted by Ph.D.s in the field of sports physiology has shown that fat burning begins 7-10 minutes after the start of T-Tapp exercises. In addition, even exceptionally trained individuals achieve 75% of their maximum heart rate during a forty-minute full T-Tapp workout for beginners and rehabilitators.

T-Tapp doesn't just burn calories and excess fat, it overhauls fundamental body functions such as neuro-kinetic flow, resting glucose utilization rate and cognitive brain function. Many people report immediate improvements in digestion, absorption and bowel function, as well as increased mental clarity and energy levels within a week of starting T-Tapp.

Main focus of T-Tapp

T-Tapp focuses on reducing body size rather than reducing weight. When exercising with T-Tapp, a rapid reduction in body volume occurs due to the way T-Tapp forces the muscles to work.

Developing muscle density allows muscles to tighten, contract, and sculpt new body contours. This type of muscle development allows you to achieve a rapid reduction in volume. Most people reduce their waist, belly or hip size by 3 cm in one week. Additionally, most people drop down to a smaller clothing size by the end of the first month of T-Tapping every other day... without restricting their diet at all.

The main goal of the first 30 days of training is “getting the human body machine moving” properly to overhaul metabolic functions so that the body can more easily lose weight and, better yet, MAINTAIN the weight loss achieved without dieting or intense exercise.

T-Tapp trains the right and left hemispheres of the brain, both the body and the mind. This training system was created with the goal of equally involving both hemispheres of the brain in cognitive work. This is very important for maintaining healthy brain function.

T-Tapp is great for both children (for example, children who have problems with learning) and older people (slows down the loss of cognitive functions that comes with age and Alzheimer's disease).

T-Tapp helps the body maintain hormonal balance . Many women have significantly improved their menstrual cycle and menopause experience thanks to T-Tapp. Women of all ages say that they no longer swell as much, no longer suffer from pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, hot flashes, mood swings and weight gain associated with female hormones.

“Treat your body like a car!” This is Teresa Tapp's motto , health specialist, trainer, sports physiologist, nutritionist and thriving business owner. Teresa knows how a woman's body functions, especially a woman's body after thirty. Over the past twenty-five years, she has been observing her own body and collecting data from hundreds of clients, allowing her to develop a new approach to women's health and exercise. Teresa has worked with many fashion agencies, including Ford Metropolitan and Paige Parkes, as a personal trainer for fashion models and as an agent for recruiting, developing models and finding new talent. Having worked for many years in the beauty industry, where perfection is so important, she knows how to achieve a beautiful female body, regardless of age or fitness level. Her exercise system T-Tapp system , is the best on the modern market! Today, Teresa openly shares her precious knowledge with women of all ages. Teresa herself is a living example of the fact that a woman’s body after forty can be a slender, well-functioning and harmoniously functioning machine without any need to spend hours training in a sports club. Many of Teresa's clients have better bodies in their fifties than they had in their thirties. Truly, T-Tapp is the most effective home workout program available to women today!


Teresa believes that there is no need to pay attention to the scales. Let's face the facts, ladies and gentlemen, it's the sizes that matter, not the kilograms! Mannequins are measured rather than weighed because no matter how much they weigh, if their hips are too big to model clothes, they won't get the job. Teresa guarantees you a loss of 2-3 centimeters in your waist or hips in a week. Most women become one dress size slimmer in 30 days. Since Teresa stopped working in modeling houses, she has helped hundreds of women approaching menopause achieve the same results as fashion models: increased energy levels, vigor, hormonal balance and body-level knowledge of how to get results quickly ! Now you can do it too! Exercises in the T-Tapp system give maximum results with minimal effort, all the while maintaining the body in the correct anatomical arrangement of its parts. The movements created by Teresa “repair” the body and restore it after injury; They look simple from the outside, but will give you a completely unique workout, unlike anything you've experienced before. Just ask any of her past or current clients and they will tell you that it is, in fact, comparable to the intense workload given to army recruits at camp.

While Teresa loved her fast-paced lifestyle and work in the beauty industry, nothing compares to the satisfaction she gets from hearing the success stories of real, everyday women, especially those over 35. Her proven methods are unique and cutting-edge, yet At the same time, they are affordable and accessible to all women of all ages. Teresa's thorough understanding of the female body and its specific nutritional needs allowed her to create a program that suits all women. She likes that her program is simple and she clearly explains to us how and why our body works like a machine. This way, we understand the meaning of each movement or training method Teresa creates and how it affects our body machine. Today, thanks to videotapes, audiotapes, and Teresa's forthcoming book, these secrets are available to everyone, so that all people, not just fashion models, can get into perfect shape and find harmony: harmony of body, mind, spirit and soul.

To be continued...


Thursday, November 11, 2010 12:03 + to quote book

This information is for those who really want to concentrate on t-tapp training and a healthy, balanced diet.
The God made/Man made diet plan will improve your results while allowing you to enjoy the foods you love.

Teresa Tapp's "God Made, Man Made" diet plan will help your body process Man Made Carbohydrates while keeping your weight under control. With this diet plan, you don't have to count calories. Teresa has worked with thousands of people over the years and this diet plan has proven to be effective. Teresa believes in medical research from Johns Hopkins, which states that women need to consume 55% carbohydrates to avoid bone depletion. His research confirms that we should not completely eliminate carbohydrates from our diet. If we completely eliminate carbohydrates from our diet, our metabolism changes and as soon as we start consuming carbohydrates again, the previous weight returns along with the extra pounds. In addition, carbohydrates are a source of energy. That's why Teresa suggests following this pattern of 55% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 15% fat per day.
Did you know that for every gram of carbohydrates we consume, our body retains 3 grams of water? This is why all low-carb diets help you lose weight quickly, although in fact we are losing water.


These carbohydrates help us gain weight not only because the body easily converts them into glucose (the excess of which is stored as fat), but because they contain chemical calories. Chemical calories (artificial additives, colors, flavors) hinder the body's ability to process food. Plus, as we said before, a large percentage of glucose is stored as fat in fat cells. Unfortunately, we cannot reduce the number of fat cells - all we can do is empty them.
Man-made carbohydrates include: bread, pasta, cookies, candy, pastries and cakes, chips, crackers, most cereals, muesli that we eat for breakfast.

These carbohydrates do not lead to weight gain, if only because they are balanced by nature without the addition of various chemicals. They contain balanced vitamins and minerals. But some of them can still cause weight gain, for example potatoes, due to their high glycemic index (that is, we classify potatoes as days when we eat man-made carbohydrates). Intakes of God's Created Carbohydrates: Vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

When doing t-tapping, you should eat a little of everything, that is, maintain proportions. Don't worry or think about very strict diets. Teresa says you shouldn't cut out your favorite foods from your diet.

1. Reduce your intake of Man-made carbohydrates. That is, consume them every third day.
2. For 2 days, consume only carbohydrates created by God. For example, vegetables, soup, salad. This is what we call "clean eating."
3. On the third day, relax and enjoy the food you love, created by man. Learn to listen to your body. Be that as it may, don’t overdo it on this day.

That is, for 2 days we eat carbohydrates created by God, which make up 55% of our daily diet, and one day we eat carbohydrates created by man, then again 2 days created by God and one day by man, etc..

2 Most t-tapping exercises start with a BASIC STAND. :

Stand straight, legs hip-width apart, feet parallel to each other.
Light half-squat, so that your legs can spring, spread your knees to the sides (KLT position).
Pull your stomach in, tighten your buttocks and push them forward.
Rotate your shoulders back in a circle and finally lower your shoulders back and down.
Knee position KLT
KLT position is a position in which the knees are turned towards the little toes. Before turning your knees, bend them slightly, push your pelvis forward and tighten your gluteal muscles.

To be continued....


Thursday, November 11, 2010 1:17 pm + to quote book

Putting organs in place

Starting position

Lie on your back, tuck your knees, move your feet towards your buttocks. Slightly lift your pelvis and squeeze your buttocks, feel the movement of your internal organs.

First step

Keeping your buttocks tight, place your hands on the inside of your left thigh bone and press down on the abdominal cavity. Now push the organs towards the center of the abdomen. Repeat.

Second step

Keeping your buttocks tight, place your hands on the inside of your right thigh bone and press into your abdominal cavity. Now push the organs towards the center of the abdomen. Repeat.

Third step

Keep your buttocks tight and place your hands on your lower abdomen, below your bladder. Press your fingers into the abdominal cavity and in this position, pull your palms higher along the abdomen, continuing to press with your fingers. You may feel discomfort as the organs move higher towards the ribs.

Fourth step

Place your open palms on your stomach, tighten the muscles underneath them and hold in this position for a count of 8. As your strength level increases, you can count to 16, without keeping your palms on your stomach (arms along the body, relaxed). While you count to 8-16, keeping your butt in the air, move your pelvis up and down without touching the floor 20 times (a fairly fast movement). Lower your hips and rest for a count of 8. Repeat the entire exercise again. Then do the Half-Frog exercise.

Half-frog exercise

Position I:

Pull your legs towards your chest, holding your knees. Now move to the second position, as if opening up, spreading your legs and slightly lowering them.

Position II:

As you move into position 2, you will feel a stretch in your inner thighs caused by gravity. The arms are completely straight. Hold on to your kneecaps! Count to 4, then tighten your abdominal muscles, pull your butt muscles up without lifting it completely off the floor. You should feel your lower back become flat and your spine at your waist press into the floor. In this position, count to 4.

Position III:

Place your hands on your ribs. The back completely touches the floor. Knees directly above the hip bone. Now slowly lower your knees 30 degrees below your hip joint. Your back is completely on the floor.

P Position IV: Count 1 & 2

Squeeze your buttocks and tighten your abdominal muscles as you bring your knees together (not too quickly) on a count of 1. Open your knees, returning to third position on a count of 2.

Position V: Count 3

Keeping your knees apart and your hands on your ribs, slowly lift your buttocks off the floor, moving your knees toward your shoulders using your abdominal muscles (without rocking!) Slowly return to the fourth position for 4 counts.

Repeat 10 times Half-frog exercise
A more difficult option is 2 sets of 10 times.

To be continued...


T-tapp - this training system is talked about in the states; it has proven its effectiveness in the practical fight against excess weight and volume on the example of hundreds of American women. And today this program is increasingly popularized in Russia, which is quite justified, given the incredible results that can be achieved with the help of properly selected exercises.

The name T-tapp is an abbreviation for the founder of this sport, Teresa Tapp, who has been a professional aerobics trainer for many years. Teresa’s main motto is “Yes, you can!” And she confirms this with the effectiveness of her weight loss program. Imagine if you could drop one clothing size in just one week, without exhausting yourself with hours of training and strict dieting! It seems incredible, but the T-tapp allows you to achieve just such a result, so this system is suitable not only for long-term use, but also for quick figure correction when you need to fit into your favorite dress or jeans that have not been taken out of the closet for a long time.

Before creating the personal T-tapp program, for which today there are many books and video courses, Teresa was preparing for fashion models to appear on the catwalk. Before important shows, models needed to quickly get in shape so that there would be no problems with changing clothes and trying on clothes, so the training had to be as effective as possible. This became the impetus for honing the program for rapid volume reduction, and subsequently led to the emergence of T-tapp.

The main principle of training in this program is to focus on volume, not weight! The latter takes much longer, but you can disperse hated problem areas, smooth out angularities and cellulite, and tighten your shape in a shorter time. In simple terms, if you lose 2-4 cm in volume, you may not lose a single gram of weight.

To achieve high results in her weight loss program, Teresa developed special stances and movement rules.

T-tapp training rules

To perform all exercises in the T-Tapp program, it is important to maintain the basic position - a stance, specially designed for more effective muscle development. In order to take the correct position, stand up straight, legs slightly apart, so that your feet are exactly the width of your pelvic bones. Toes point outwards. Next, squat down, slightly bending your knees and pushing your tailbone forward, that is, your back and lower back are in the same plane and create a flat surface. Having fixed the position, move your shoulders back in a circular motion and squeeze your shoulder blades together, leaning slightly. In this case, the knees do not look exactly forward, but slightly outward. Thus, you should spread your knees until you feel that your buttocks are tightened as much as possible. You should not feel any discomfort in this pose. In fact, it is a natural position and does not create a strong load on the knees and spine, but allows you to perform the exercises suggested by Teresa with greater practical benefits for developing muscles and burning fat deposits.

Teresa also advises standing in this stance and holding it every day for one minute to train posture, prevent and treat back diseases associated with overwork, sprains, and overexertion. Before performing the selected set of training, this stance must also be held for one minute in order to develop the correct position.

Some T-Tap exercises can be performed while sitting, for example, complexes for the arms. But you also need to sit correctly. To do this, you need to fix your position on a chair or stool in a natural position - your back is straight, your shoulders and pelvic bones are in the same plane, you maintain your posture due to the internal frame, your legs are on the floor in a relaxed state, so your knees are slightly apart.

It is worth noting the fact that T-tapping is a workout for unprepared individuals, that is, if you have been involved in sports professionally and for a long time, then your muscles today are already too adapted to such loads, and training will not bring the desired result, although in This system can still be used as general strengthening exercises. The situation is different if you have not played sports for a long time - the muscles will actively react to the load they receive.

There are also some precautions. Due to the specifics of the main position, T-tapping is not recommended for pregnant girls and women in the first half of the year after childbirth.

When performing a set of exercises, do not rush and try to clearly and correctly perform each movement, conscientiously following all the recommendations, then you will be able to achieve high efficiency of your efforts.

Losing weight with T-tapp

T-Tapping is a great way to lose weight for several important reasons:

  • minimal load on the joints and spine, which will protect you from unpleasant pain and additional tension in those areas that are already overstrained during the day due to work and household chores;
  • you can and should start exercising even without the slightest experience of any physical training;
  • quick practical results;
  • deep effect of exercises - not only the main muscle groups are worked out, but also small deep muscles;
  • normalization of metabolism and blood circulation;
  • prevention of sagging skin during rapid weight loss and correction of existing sagging and folds;
  • effective fight against cellulite;
  • helps to correct the shape and appearance of the body even for mothers of many children, who often suffer from problems such as a sagging tummy, loss of shape of the breasts and buttocks.

For the exercises to be effective, it is enough to follow only two main rules:

  • correct execution of each exercise;
  • regularity of classes.

Let's look at a few basic exercises for body shaping using the T-tap.

1. Strengthening the buttocks. In the basic position, spread your arms to the sides, palms straightened, fingers extended. Start lifting your leg on the right side. Try to get your knee to chest level. Then lower your foot, lightly touching the floor, and immediately move the same leg to the side. In this case, the body weight is concentrated on the left leg. The duration of the exercise is one minute on each side. This exercise actively develops the hip joints, tightens the buttocks, shapes the hips, and also uses the oblique abdominal muscles, helping to burn fat deposits in this area.

2. Beautiful hands. In the starting position, spread your arms to the sides at shoulder level, so that your palms look up. In this case, the hand is not clamped, the fingers are straightened and closed together. Slowly bend your arms, touching your fingertips to your shoulders. Important! The elbows continue to be at the same level and do not fall down. Then return your hands to the starting position. Repeat 4-8 times. Despite the simplicity of execution, this exercise fulfills its role - this is the whole essence of the T-tapp: do it simply, but effectively.

3. Slim stomach. Sit on the floor or a special mat, stretch your legs in front of you. Straighten your back and spread your shoulder blades as in the basic stance so that your elbows reach towards each other. Keeping your back straight, pull your legs towards your chest, slightly spreading your knees and tensing your buttocks as much as possible, then slowly lower and straighten your legs forward. Lightly touch your heels to the floor and pull your legs toward your chest again. Thus, perform the exercise ten times. Rest for ten seconds and perform the entire cycle again.

The regularity of T-tapp training is 15 minutes daily or half an hour every 2 days. In this case, you choose the classes and muscle group that you will train on a given day arbitrarily, depending on your needs.

In February 2004, the founders of this site first translated the T-tapp exercise system into Russian and presented it to the audience of the Russian-speaking Internet.
When copying material, please refer to this resource.

“Treat your body like a car!” This is the motto of Teresa Tapp, a health specialist, trainer, sports physiologist, nutritionist and owner of a thriving business. Teresa knows how a woman's body functions, especially a woman's body after thirty. Over the past twenty-five years, she has been observing her own body and collecting data from hundreds of clients, allowing her to develop a new approach to women's health and exercise. Teresa has worked with many fashion agencies, including Ford Metropolitan and Paige Parkes, as a personal trainer for fashion models and as an agent for recruiting, developing models and finding new talent. Having worked for many years in the beauty industry, where perfection is so important, she knows how to achieve a beautiful female body, regardless of age or fitness level. Her exercise system, the T-Tapp System, is the best on the market today! Today, Teresa openly shares her precious knowledge with women of all ages. Teresa herself is a living example of the fact that a woman’s body after forty can be a slender, well-oiled and harmoniously functioning machine without any need to spend hours training in a sports club. Many of Teresa's clients have better bodies in their fifties than they had in their thirties. Truly, T-Tapp is the most effective home workout program available to women today!


Teresa believes that there is no need to pay attention to the scales. Let's face the facts, ladies and gentlemen, it's the sizes that matter, not the kilograms! Mannequins are measured rather than weighed because no matter how much they weigh, if their hips are too big to model clothes, they won't get the job. Teresa guarantees you a loss of 2-3 centimeters in your waist or hips in a week. Most women become one dress size slimmer in 30 days. Since Teresa stopped working in modeling houses, she has helped hundreds of women approaching menopause achieve the same results as fashion models: increased energy levels, vigor, hormonal balance and body-level knowledge of how to get results quickly!

Now you can do it too! Exercises in the T-Tapp system give maximum results with minimal effort, all the while maintaining the body in the correct anatomical arrangement of its parts. The movements created by Teresa “repair” the body and restore it after injury; They look simple from the outside, but will give you a completely unique workout, unlike anything you've experienced before. Just ask any of her past or current clients and they will tell you that it is, in fact, comparable to the intense workload given to army recruits at camp.

While Teresa loved her fast-paced lifestyle and work in the beauty industry, nothing compares to the satisfaction she gets from hearing the success stories of real, everyday women, especially those over 35. Her proven methods are unique and cutting-edge, yet At the same time, they are affordable and accessible to all women of all ages. Teresa's thorough understanding of the female body and its specific nutritional needs allowed her to create a program that suits all women. She likes that her program is simple and she clearly explains to us how and why our body works like a machine. This way, we understand the meaning of each movement or training method Teresa creates and how it affects our body machine. Today, thanks to videotapes, audiotapes, and Teresa's forthcoming book, these secrets are available to everyone, so that all people, not just fashion models, can get into perfect shape and find harmony: harmony of body, mind, spirit and soul.

T-TAPP EXERCISES will make your figure slim and beautiful (photo, video)

If you want to look irresistible in a fashionable swimsuit, start getting ready for the beach right now. At our request, the famous American fitness expert and top-class trainer Teresa Tapp has compiled mini-complexes of simple but incredibly effective exercises that will help you cope with problem areas. Spend 5 minutes a day for each complex, and the result will not be long in coming.


Balancing leg swings
Starting position. The supporting leg is bent, the buttocks are compressed, the shoulders are pulled back and are level with the hips. The outstretched arm is exactly in line with the shoulder. Before lifting the second leg, push your heel down, pull your toes up and turn your foot inward - as shown in the photo. Now lift your leg, maintaining this position of the foot.

Score 1-4. Raise your leg up for a count of 1, slowly lower it for a count of 2-3-4. Don't touch the floor with your foot. Raise your leg, keeping your heel higher than your toes. Keep your buttocks tucked in, your shoulders back, and your supporting leg bent at all times. Tighten your back muscles to maintain balance. Final position.
Do 8 swings. As you lower your working leg, continue to keep your heel higher than your toes. The knees are still bent, the buttocks are tense, and the shoulders are turned. Switch legs and do 8 repetitions with the other leg.

Nuances. This exercise works not only on the legs, but also on the muscles of the core, especially the abdomen. It also has a rehabilitative effect on the knees, pelvis, back and shoulders. With its help, you will be able to increase your bone density, since while doing it you will be constantly balancing, giving your body a decent load even without using additional weight.


Starting position. Stand in a wide stance - but not necessarily as wide as in the photo.
The right leg is brought forward. Bend your right knee, turning your upper torso and face to the side. The left foot is pointing forward, the left knee is straight.
The right knee should be turned towards the little toe. Place your right hand on your left thigh, as shown in the photo. The left hand is below the hip.
Now move your shoulders back - they should be in line with your hips. Finally, squeeze your buttocks. Try to keep your right shoulder pointed forward toward your right hip, moving both shoulders back slightly. Push your right knee to the side as much as possible.

Score 1-4. Bend your right knee deeper, but do not lift your heel off the floor. Try to keep your shoulders back and do not bend your torso. Continue to tighten your glutes and push your right knee toward your little toe as much as possible. Don't lean forward when bending your leg.

Score 5-8. Continuing to tense your buttocks, gradually straighten your right knee. Focus on squeezing your glutes tighter, still turning your torso to the side and squeezing your thigh muscles as you straighten your leg. Do 8 repetitions, then switch legs and repeat 8 more times.

Nuances. Lunges have long been known as an excellent exercise for strengthening and tightening the thigh muscles. However, it was contraindicated for many due to knee problems. T-Tapp lunges differ from the traditional version precisely in that they not only do not harm the knee joints, but also help to rehabilitate them after various injuries.
In addition, these lunges strengthen and align the lower back. To achieve a good result, it is enough to perform only 8 repetitions for each leg 3 times a week. And most people see and feel changes within the first week.


Corset flexion Starting position.

The legs are extended, the hips are at a short distance from each other. Toes pointed forward, knees pointing outward, shoulders back. Bend your elbows and tighten your back muscles. Don't sag at the shoulders.

Count 1. Pull your knees towards your shoulders, keeping a straight knee-ankle line. Remember to point your toes forward and keep your feet together. Tighten your abdominal muscles to support your back.

Count 2. Stretch your legs and touch your feet to the floor. Don't put your feet together. Do 2 sets of this exercise, 8 sets each.

Nuances. It is known that without strong back muscles it is impossible to have strong abs, and vice versa. This simple movement will help you quickly build a muscle corset, while strengthening your back and abdominal muscles. In addition, it stimulates lymph flow and will serve as a good assistant in the fight against cellulite. By performing 8 repetitions daily, you will see results within a week.


Starting position. Lower body: feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing straight forward. The stomach is pulled in, the abdominal muscles are tense. The pelvic, knee and elbow joints are on the same line. The knees are slightly bent and directed slightly outward. Upper body: Shoulders laid back and down. Palms are straightened, fingers spread, thumbs pointing as far back as possible. The wrists are at the same level as the elbows.

Score 1-4. Slowly bend your elbows, bringing your palms toward your shoulders. At the same time, push your elbows forward. Remember to maintain a straight line from your elbows to your hip joints and from your palms to your shoulders.

Score 5-8. Slowly straighten your arms and return to the starting position. At the same time, continue to push your elbows forward, and move your palms as far back as possible. The stronger and more elastic your muscles become, the easier it will be to maintain linear alignment. Remember: keep your knees bent and pointed outward, your thighs and buttocks tight, and your stomach pulled in. Your back should remain absolutely straight throughout the entire exercise. Repeat this cycle 8 times, maintaining a slow pace.

Nuances. The secret of this exercise is the combination of complex muscle effort with additional isometric stretching of the entire body. This approach will bring results much faster and more noticeably than long exercises with dumbbells. The muscle will very quickly tighten and become dense, and the fat layer will be significantly reduced.

In addition to the triceps itself, this movement also affects the muscles of the shoulders and upper back. In fact, by performing a triceps exercise, you are simultaneously working on the beauty of your shoulders, posture and chest. This movement will also help you recover quickly from a common injury called tennis elbow.
You will get a noticeable effect by performing eight repetitions of the exercise daily for two weeks.