Sizes of giant catfish. The largest catfish in the world. Where does catfish live and its habits

Catfish is freshwater fish which can be found in bodies of water different countries peace. Surely many have heard horror stories about man-eating catfish that are just waiting for the right moment to drag their prey into the depths. But did this really happen, and what size was the largest catfish caught? Let's figure this out.

Listed in the Book of Records

The fact that catfish can reach incredibly huge sizes is evidenced by many stories. Moreover, some specimens of giant catfish caught are listed in the Guinness Book of Records. In 2005, a huge catfish was caught in the Mekong River (in Thailand). The record for the size and weight of the predator has been officially registered - representatives of the Thai authorities were even invited to do this. The length of the caught catfish was 2.7 m, and it weighed 293 kg. Due to its incredible size, this predator was listed in the Red Book as the largest catfish.

This river was previously famous for the fact that it was possible to catch quite large trophies in it. However, as the reservoir became polluted, the number of catfish in it began to decrease, and then the predator disappeared altogether. Therefore, the surprise of the local residents knew no bounds when they saw such a huge catch. They decided to give this “monster” to the environmental service, where it would be monitored, but the predator did not survive.

The largest specimens according to unconfirmed data

However, large-sized catfish have been caught in many countries and at different times. For example, catfish even larger than the Mekong catfish were caught in Russia (in Lake Issyk-Kul) back in the 19th century. Most likely, this is due to the better ecology of that time - after all, catfish love clean water and are able to reproduce only in such reservoirs. The weight of the caught catfish was 347 kg. The mouth of this fish was so large that an adult could easily fit in it. In honor of this event, an arch was erected on the lake, depicting the giant jaw of the largest catfish.

Also, according to unconfirmed data, it is known that in 1830 in Germany (on the Oder River) an even larger specimen was caught - a catfish, the weight of which, according to eyewitnesses, was 400-450 kg.

A catfish was caught in Holland, the length of which is 2.3 m. He was given the nickname “Big Mommy” - now he lives in a lake, which is located in a local park. Divers who are 100 percent sure that “Big Momma” cannot cause harm love to swim in this lake. However, everything may turn out completely differently, because there have been cases when huge catfish attacked people.

Killer catfish

Since the Middle Ages, there have been rumors that human remains were found in the stomachs of huge catfish. And in our time such information passes through. A catfish was caught in eastern China, the length of which was more than three meters. When they opened this huge predator, they found human remains inside. Most likely, these were the people who were officially considered drowned, but their bodies were never found.

There was also a case in Russia - in the Khopersky Nature Reserve, a predator dragged a deer into the depths, and in front of the huntsman, biologist and forester. But it was not possible to find and catch this catfish. Experts say that if a catfish has tried human meat at least once, then it will miss its usual food (fish, frogs, birds) and will deliberately hunt people. Killer catfish go out hunting at sunset, so you should not swim in places where catfish are found.

If you are passionate about fishing, then, from time to time, you probably dream of catching a catfish that would be sooo big. Also, we are sure that you would not mind reading about the largest catfish in the world, as well as watching their photos and videos.

Probably, many people have heard stories from talkative fishermen when they caught catfish weighing 100 kilograms or more, but in reality these turned out to be nothing more than beautiful stories.

In reality, it usually turns out that the caught catfish weighed about 20 kilograms. Otherwise, they would tear off the fishing lines, bend and break the hooks, because in order to pull a hundred-kilogram fish out of the water, special equipment is required.

However, all fishermen remain incorrigible dreamers: each of them is sure that their record catfish is already waiting for them somewhere. But let's now turn our attention to the luckier fishermen who have already caught their largest catfish on earth and are now happy to brag about it to the whole world.

So, the most big catfish in the world.

Catfish weighing 114 kilograms

A catfish weighing 114 kilograms was caught by Robert Godi in Italy on the Po River. The length of the catfish reached 2.5 meters.

By the way, looking at such a catfish, you really begin to believe in fairy tales that giant catfish can drag people into the water and eat them there. Of course, such a catfish will not be able to swallow a person, but drowning it in water and drowning there is quite possible. But this is the case if the fisherman gives the wrong answer to the almost Hamlet-like question “To live or to catfish?!”

But, we go further and look at the terrible monster: the weight of the next presented catfish is more than 200 kilograms. And it’s interesting that it was not a fisherman who caught him, but a hunter. Yes, such a catfish was shot by a hunter! Of course, not forest, but underwater.

Catfish weighing 216 kilograms

A catfish weighing 216 kilograms was caught in the Seim River. If you look at this river on the map, it is actually a small river, which means that you can catch such catfish in small rivers too! However, it is very interesting how the underwater hunter held this giant immediately after the shot, because such a “catfish” can drag a person wherever you want.

Catfish weighing 120 kilograms

A catfish weighing 120 kilograms was caught on the Rena River in France. Such luck went to the Belgian tourist. The length of the fish was 255 centimeters.

Catfish weighing 100 kilograms

A catfish weighing 100 kilograms was shot in the Dnepropetrovsk channels by underwater hunters.

Catfish weighing 97 kilograms

And this catfish, weighing 97 kilograms, was caught in Spain on the Ebro River by a woman.

Catfish weighing 130 kilograms

A catfish weighing 130 kilograms was caught in Kazakhstan on the Ili River. Its length was 270 centimeters.

Now let's ask ourselves, what kind of maximum weight can, in fact, reach the soma? Encyclopedias claim that record holders among catfish can be up to 5 meters long and weigh up to 500 kilograms. There is even a mention of a caught catfish weighing 430 kilograms. Such a “fish” was caught already in our time in Uzbekistan. And, in general, it is believed that catfish do not like the cold very much, therefore, the warmer the water, the more and faster they are able to gain weight.

At the end, we invite you to watch an interesting video by Jeremy Wade. In it, he talks about catfish and considers the options when a huge fish can attack a person and what will happen.

1 place

The largest catfish about which anything is known was caught in the Oder River, which flows through Germany. This happened quite a long time ago - in 1830. Witnesses claimed that the weight of the fish was more than four centners. True, this impressive record was not officially documented, but history still preserved information about it. The 430-kilogram catfish caught in Uzbekistan can also be placed on the same line.

2nd place

In the 19th century, a giant weighing 347 kilograms was caught in Lake Issyk-Kul. Its length was more than four meters, and in its open jaws an adult man could stand, almost without bending. This record was also not recorded, but in memory of it there was a monument in the form of a huge fish jaw, installed not far from the place where such an impressive catch occurred.

3rd place

Rounding out the top three is the Thai catfish, caught in 2005 on the Mekong River. This body of water has always been famous for its large inhabitants, but recently fishermen have had little reason to rejoice. Due to unfavorable ecology, catfish have almost disappeared. And here is such luck weighing almost three centners! More precisely, the weight of the fish was 292 kilograms. This result was included in the Guinness Book and is considered an official record, which no one has yet been able to surpass.

4th place

A huge catfish, 2.3 meters long, lives in a national recreation park in Holland. It is the largest fish in Europe and the largest to survive its capture. Everyone affectionately calls Catfish Big Mom. The poachers are dreaming of how to catch the national treasure in their nets, but the guards are not asleep and have so far successfully repelled all attempts to assassinate Mommy.

5th place

This line rightfully belongs to the Turkish som. There is no information about its exact size, but what is known for certain is that during an autopsy, the corpse of an unknown woman was discovered in it. This happened in 1970. A few years later, two little girls were attacked by a catfish in the same area. In general, this fish often attacks unlucky swimmers, but most people, fortunately, manage to fight back and survive.

6th place

A catfish of monstrous size was caught from the Seim River. The fish weighed more than two hundredweight. To kill the giant, the fishermen had to use a harpoon, which is actually designed for hunting large sea predators. However, such a catfish may well be comparable in strength and danger to a real shark.

7th place

Signor Antonio Frisero was very lucky here. His catch amounted to one and a half centners of live weight! The man tried to drag his prey to shore for almost an hour. When he succeeded, Antonio did not kill the giant, but only took a photo with him as a souvenir and released him into his native element.

8th place

This record also belongs to the Italians. They are lucky for soms! Before Frisero's catch, it was Robert Godey who was considered the man who managed to catch the largest catfish in the entire country. The length of the prey was about two and a half meters, and the weight was 114 kilograms.

9th place

A catfish weighing 100 kilograms was shot and dragged ashore in Dnepropetrovsk. Compared to the rest of the results, it does not look so impressive, but rest assured that the lucky fishermen were in seventh heaven. Surely they will remember this catch for the rest of their lives!

10th place

The top of the largest catfish caught by humans is closed by a specimen weighing 97 kilograms. But what’s interesting is not so much the weight of the fish, but the fact that the record belongs to a woman. Fortune smiled on a brave fisherman on the Ebro River (Spain). I wonder if she pulled out the catfish herself or if someone helped her?

Quiet! Don’t be alarmed - in our cozy backwater there is a hunt for river monsters that have received the title of the largest catfish. The Guinness Book of Records can barely keep up with the entries. Meet Big Momma and all, all, all.

Catching giants is not an easy task; there are two scenarios for the development of events: either you manage to pull the miracle Yudo onto land, or you yourself go to feed the fish (remember the saga “The Old Man and the Sea”). By the way, the average catfish weighs 50 kg; the catch can enrich a family’s diet for two to three weeks.

Although fishing has long ceased to be the main source of food, for most men it is a favorite hobby, entertainment, and passion. And if you catch a catfish, there will be enough stories about the grandiose catch to last a lifetime. Surely, every year the stories will acquire new details, and the fish will gain weight.

We will not tell tales, but look the facts in the face. So, we present the top 5 impressive freshwater species.

  1. A catfish caught in the Oder River in Germany weighed more than 400 kg. This is what eyewitnesses said. It happened almost 200 years ago, more precisely in 1830, it is no longer possible to verify. A similar story happened in Uzbekistan; it seems that a 430-kilogram giant was recently caught there. But the record was not verified, and there are no documents either. Alas, as they say, without a piece of paper you are a bug.
  2. In second place is an inhabitant of Lake Issyk Kul, who weighed 347 kg before being caught. The length of the fish exceeded 4 m, and a short man could fit in its open mouth. This 19th century record is evidenced by an original monument near the lake in the shape of huge catfish jaws. The monument seems to hint: there are fish here. Well, or it was, I bet.
  3. The third largest beauty was caught in Thailand. The Mekong River has long been famous for its “fish like this,” but the reservoir began to be polluted and the fish became smaller. Therefore, the fisherman had no limits for joy: the river inhabitant weighed 292 kg. This is the largest catfish, the Guinness Book of Records has successfully recorded it in its annals. No one has yet been able to repeat the official result since 2005.
  4. The largest living catfish is Big Mom. The fish became a captive and now lives in a national park in Holland. They take care of the mother, because poachers are so eager to get her into their nets.
  5. Leeches and frogs, small fish are the standard food of catfish. But a predator from Turkey swallowed a man. The body of a woman was discovered during an autopsy of the monster in 1970.

There are also giants in our river expanses. For example, a catfish weighing 100 kg was shot near Dnepropetrovsk. It may not be the largest catfish - a Guinness record - but also a pleasant cargo.

It is gratifying that the big fish of the world lives in almost all countries of the world. Ichthyologists associate the trend towards shredding records with environmental deterioration.

Catfish, due to its prevalence and large size, is a coveted catch for many fishermen. Catfish weighing up to fifty kilograms are considered common. But large specimens cannot be lifted by one person - their mass is calculated in centners, and some representatives of this species of fish can reach three meters in length. There are quite a few cases of catching catfish of extraordinary size, but fishermen are in no hurry, usually

It is simply not possible to somehow record such a fact, so it is simply not possible to reliably determine what the largest catfish was caught and where. It must be said that there is a very large number of freshwater catfish in the world - it loves temperate and warm latitudes, but it is not found at all in the northern regions.

Officially, the Guinness record holder is a Thai resident. The giant's mass was 292 kilograms. Since the catch was recorded in the presence of witnesses, this particular one is the largest catfish in the world. Another curious fact is that almost ten years have passed since the capture of the giant, and no one has yet overcome this record.

Ichthyologists claim that giant catfish are not such a remarkable phenomenon, it’s all about the purity of the water and plentiful food. By the way, catfish are predators. The main diet is crayfish, leeches, and does not disdain carrion. Giants prefer ducks and other birds; they do not disdain squirrels and any unsightly small animal.
But, if you believe historical sources, modern catfish are small compared to their predecessors. For example, in the German Oder at the beginning of the nineteenth century, a catfish weighing from 400 to 450 kilograms was caught! This means that the modern one is the largest

Europe's catfish weighed only 150 kilograms. The lucky winner of the catch was Italian Armando Frisero.
The native expanses are also famous for their giants. The largest catfish in Russia was caught in the nineteenth century. Its weight was 347 kilograms with a length of four and a half meters! Currently, unfortunately, there are no recorded cases of catching huge Russian catfish. And the point is not that the fish have dried up - on the Volga, for example, catfish two meters in length are the most common occurrence. Most likely, the whole point is that witnessing a catch is quite a troublesome task, and fishermen do not consider it necessary to waste time on such trifles. Or maybe it’s just modesty that gets in the way. One way or another, a Russian-scale record holder currently does not officially exist.

In addition to their gigantic size, catfish can also have an unusual color. For example, in the British River Ebro there are albino catfish. The largest melanin-deficient catfish was caught by Chris Grimmer.

The albino weighed 88 kilograms.
The largest catfish is believed to be found in the Dutch lake at the Centerparcs holiday park. The giant, up to three meters long, is a local landmark and goes by the name Big Momma. By the way, this lady has a good appetite, since every day, in addition to her usual food, she snacks on two or three

Despite the fact that the catfish is not able to grab prey with its teeth due to their smallness, it bites extremely painfully. There are also known cases of catfish attacks on people. All this makes the reservoirs in which these unusual creatures live unsafe for swimming.