Tankred mele tightrope walker. The famous French tightrope walker died while trying to walk along a rope stretched between balloons. The trailer for the new Charlie's Angels with Kristen Stewart splits the audience

The French daredevil fell from a height of 30 meters while practicing a trick involving walking on a rope stretched between two balloons.

Mele is an adrenaline junkie, tightrope walker, jumper, skyliner and wingsuiter. He surprised with his tightrope walks high altitude and skydiving in a wing suit.

As a participant in a new project fraught with risks, Tancred moved along a tightrope stretched between two balloons on the ground. According to witness testimony, one of the balls suddenly began to gain altitude. Mele caught the edge of the basket and hung on it with outstretched arms.

When the ball gained a height of about 30 meters, the rope walker fell down. The tragedy occurred in Drome, France.

Mele was one of the members of a stunt group called the Flying Frenchies. This same group is known as the "Skyliners". Participants have become famous for their deadly tightrope walks over mountain peaks and skyscrapers around the world.

One of the Flying Frenchies wrote on his Facebook page: "Amazingly loving life, Tancred Mele amazed everyone when he left us too early."

“He left behind wonderful memories, a taste of freedom and moments full of aspiration.”

Tancred Mele was born in Meurthe-et-Moselle and grew up in Herault, but found the source of his joy in the mountains of the Verdon Canyon.

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The Frenchman performed most of his stunts on the mountains and hills in Haute Provence. According to the Flying Frenchies website, Mele left his engineering profession four years ago to begin his "adventure in search of freedom."

The website said: "His motto is: try everything at least once. Tancred loved to think outside the box and combined his various skills to achieve aesthetic results."

The passion for conquering heights determined the future of Mele, who began to be invited to appear in advertisements and videos. Among other things, the French daredevil took part in concerts and lectures.

“All my condolences and thoughts go to his family,” wrote Pascal Cornet.

"He did what he loved. He lived with passion. He lived."

"Farewell, my friend. I want to thank you for giving us dreams! Peace to your soul, and may your heart continue to soar as high as ever."

Tancred left behind his beloved, Tiffany Breye, and a young daughter.

Famous French tightrope walker died in a fall from a 30-meter height

“Takred Mele was someone the world looked up to extreme sports. He was one of the best in highline, base jumping, and wingsuit. He was a highly skilled athlete and climber,” Flying Frenchies wrote on Facebook.
From the Flying Frenchies message, it became clear that Tancred Mele wanted to once again walk along a rope stretched between two balloons hanging in the air, but this time the stunt for the famous French tightrope walker ended in tragedy. Preparations for this stunt took place in the Drôme department. The tragedy occurred as a result of an accident when Tancred Mele was on the ground, together with his colleagues, preparing the balloon for flight.

Suddenly one of balloons, necessary for the trick, began to rise into the air - Mele caught his hands on the basket of the balloon, and together with it he rose to a height of about 30 meters. According to French media, at this height Mele fell and the man died at 32 years old.

Tancred Mele crashed while practicing a difficult trick.

An acrobat was trying to walk on a rope from one balloon to another. He used a circus umbrella as balance. Mele performed the stunt without a safety net. At some point, the extreme sportsman was blown away by a sharp gust of wind, and he fell down.

Tancred Mele, 32, was known in the extreme sports world for his amazing BASE jumps and wingsuit flights.

Tancred Mele | Last news today, video, photo...

A similar situation was discussed in the article "Dean Potter. Extreme Game with Death"

The purpose of this article is to find out how the death of the French tightrope walker TANKRED MELE from a fall from a height is included in his FULL NAME code.

Watch "Logicology - about the fate of man" in advance.

Let's look at the FULL NAME code tables. \If there is a shift in numbers and letters on your screen, adjust the image scale\.

Take the double code of the FULL NAME:

19 20 34 45 62 68 73 86 92 104 110 129 130 144 155 172 178 183 196 202 214 220
T A N K R E D M E L E + T A N K R E D M E L E
220 201 200 186 175 158 152 147 134 128 116 110 91 90 76 65 48 42 37 24 18 6

13 19 31 37 56 57 71 82 99 105 110 123 129 141 147 166 167 181 192 209 215 220
M E L E T A N K R E D + M E L E T A N K R E D
220 207 201 189 183 164 163 149 138 121 115 110 97 91 79 73 54 53 39 28 11 5

TANKRED MELE = 110 = 73-BREAKING + 37-SME\ mercury \ = END OF LIFE\ and \.

220 = 105-\63-DEATH + 42-FALL(S)\ + 115-\63-DEATH + 52-FALL(S)\.




220 = 149-DIED FROM IMPACT ON... + 71-EARTH.


220 = 129-INJURY + 91-DYING.

220 = 167-FATAL + 53-INJURY\a\.

220 = 172-LETHAL + 48-NOME\p\.

172 = DEADLY

172 - 65 = 107 = SUDDEN FALL, BEATS.

Of course, the advanced reader understands that this decryption is a kind of author’s technique. In fact, there are no such assumptions in the FULL NAME codes... (which is why many articles, to some extent, can be taken critically...)

Here we see:
220 = 172-\ 118-BREAKS + 54-DEAD(t)\ + 48-...t.

220 = 118-BREAKS + 102-DEATH.

172 = 118-BREAKS + 54-DEATH\
65 = ...RTY

105 = 63-DEATH + 42-FALLEN\ ie\
121 = 63-DEATH + 58-FALL

167 = DEADLY

167 - 54 = 113 = INJURED.

DATE OF DEATH code: 01/5/2016. This = 5 + 01 + 20 + 16 = 42 = FALLED \ = BREAKED \.

220 = 42 + 178-\ 120-END OF LIFE + 58-FALL\.

178 - 42 = 136 = 120-END OF LIFE + 16-P\adenia\.

Full code of DATE OF DEATH = 187-FIFTH OF JANUARY + 36-\20 + 16\-(code of YEAR OF DEATH) = 223.

223 = 53-FALLING + 170-BREAKING.

Number code full YEARS LIFE = 123-THIRTY + 9-TWO = 132 = DEATH.

220 = 132-THIRTY-TWO + 88-END\a\.

Let's look at the column in the top table:

104 = 73-BREAKING + 31-CM\ erth\
128 = THIRTY D\va\ = 73-BREAKING + 55-DIE

We look at the column in the lower table:

110 = 9-TWO + 101-CRASHED

220 = 19-T\ thirty...\ + 201-\ 132-THIRTY-TWO + 69-BREAK(I)\.

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Tancred Mele most likely lost his vigilance for a moment or did not calculate the strength of the wind

One of the world's most famous tightrope walkers, guru extreme species sports 32-year-old Tancred Mele crashed in the foothills of the French Alps on January 6 while preparing for his most mind-blowing stunt. Mele was about to walk on a tightrope stretched between two floating balloons, and thereby break the 35-year-old record set by his compatriot Philippe Petit, who completed a tightrope walk between the twin towers of the World Trade Center in . Why did the tragedy happen? MK asked Russian experts.

As Mele’s colleagues from the Flying Frenchies club, of which he was the founder and ideological inspirer, report, on their page in social network, the tragedy occurred in the mountains near the village of Dios. Together with his extreme sports friends, the tightrope walker (and also a mountaineer, a base jumper, a parachute jumper, and a world record holder for high-line - walking on a tight rope at high altitude) was preparing for one of his most difficult stunts. At an altitude of 30 meters, he had to walk along a cable fixed between two balloons floating in the air. The idea of ​​a chilling mountain walk originated in the mind of a rope tamer several years ago. Probably Mela was haunted by the successes of his senior colleague Philippe Petit, the conqueror of the New York Twin Towers. In 2014, the idea of ​​Tancred and his “flying French” was brought to life. Videos of Mele walking along a rope stretched at the height of a 10-story building received millions of views on the Internet.

However, this time something went wrong, and one of the balloons, which was supposed to lift the whole team up, suddenly soared into the air. Tancred's assistants managed to jump out of the basket. However, he himself was unable to unhook the safety rope from the balloon and fell down at a height of 30 meters. Mele is survived by his wife and little daughter. An investigation into the death of the tightrope walker is underway; there are no official versions of the causes of the tragedy yet.

According to Russian experts, there may be several such reasons. Among the first and foremost are the stuntman’s well-being and weather conditions.

Most likely, he lost his vigilance for a split second,” thinks tightrope walker, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Adam Visitaev. “Perhaps he felt bad.” It’s unlikely that anything distracted him, because what more height, the higher the degree of concentration of the tightrope walker. All brain cells are activated there, mobility and composure increase. The risk of falling off is much higher at low altitude.

As for the technical side, here, most likely, everything was fine. According to Visitaev, when performing passes of this category of complexity, a professional simply could not work without insurance.

The passage between balloons is much more difficult than what Philippe Petit did in his time, the artist is sure, - After all, skyscrapers are fixed to the ground, and balloons are mobile. Therefore, it had to be secured, and instead of a rope, it was necessary to use something like a thin rail made of titanium or aluminum.

Another version put forward by circus performers is an unexpected gust of wind or some kind of malfunction in the balloon itself, as well as a piloting error. However, experienced balloonists flatly reject this possibility.

It’s very difficult to put the balloon into critical flight mode, it’s not a jet plane,” says Vladimir Gladkov, president of the Aeronauts club. “Maybe he had a slippery rope or miscalculated the weather conditions.”

As Gladkov said, jumpers approached him more than once with proposals to organize dangerous stunts. But every time he refused them with great pleasure.

Such people only think about getting into the Guinness Book of Records, without thinking about the dangers, the aviator believes. They think that since they managed to attract funds and find an aircraft, then everything should work out for them right away.

At the same time, people who have devoted their entire lives to working with balloons and air navigation sincerely cannot understand what motivates fans of such extreme sports.

I can’t say that they are inadequate, but they are clearly abnormal from the point of view of the medical and flight commission,” Gladkov concluded.