White camels dream book. Rudyard Kipling: How the camel got its hump Rudyard Kipling, fairy tale "Where the camel got its hump"

Rudyard Kipling

How the camel got its hump

In this tale I will tell you how the camel got its hump.

At the beginning of centuries, when the world had just emerged and animals were just beginning to work for humans, there lived a camel. He lived in the Howling Desert because he did not want to work and was also a howler himself. He ate leaves, thorns, thorns, milkweed and was recklessly lazy. Whenever anyone spoke to him, he would snort, “frr...”, and nothing else.

On Monday morning a horse came to him with a saddle on its back and a bit in its mouth. She said:

- A camel, a camel! Come and drive with us.

“Frr...” answered the camel.

The horse left and told the man about it.

Then a dog appeared with a stick in its teeth and said:

- A camel, a camel! Come serve and carry with us.

“Frr...” answered the camel.

The dog left and told the man about it.

Then an ox appeared with a yoke around his neck and said:

- A camel, a camel! Come plow the land with us.

“Frr...” answered the camel. The ox left and told the man about it. At the end of the day, the man called his horse, dog and ox to him and said to them:

– You know, I’m very sorry for you. A camel in the desert does not want to work, well, he's a fool! But instead you have to work twice as hard.

This decision greatly angered the three hardworking animals, and they gathered for a meeting somewhere on the edge of the desert. There a camel approached them, chewing milkweed, and began to laugh at them. Then he said “frr...” and left.

Following this, the ruler of all deserts, the Djinn, appeared in a whole cloud of dust (Djinns, being wizards, always travel in this way). He stopped, listening to the meeting of the three.

“Tell us, Lord of the deserts, Genie,” asked the horse, “is it fair for someone to be lazy and not want to work?”

“Of course not,” answered the Genie.

This picture shows the Genie beginning a spell that gave the camel a hump. First of all, he drew a line in the air with his finger, and it hardened. Then he made a cloud and finally an egg. You can see all this at the bottom of the picture. Using a small pump, the Genie produced a white flame, which turned into a charm. After that, he took his magic fan and began to fan the flames. It was a completely harmless witchcraft, and the camel received the hump rightly, as he was lazy. And the Jinn, the ruler of the deserts, was one of the kindest Jinns and never did harm to anyone.

“So,” the horse continued, “in the depths of your Howling Desert lives an animal with a long neck and long legs, a howler himself.” He hasn't done anything since Monday morning. He doesn't want to work at all.

“Phew!..” the Genie whistled. - Yes, this is my camel, I swear by all the gold of Arabia! What is he saying?

“He says “frr...” the dog answered, “and doesn’t want to serve or wear.”

– What else does he say?

“Only “frr...” and doesn’t want to plow,” answered the ox.

“Okay,” said the Genie, “I’ll teach him a lesson, wait here a minute.”

The genie wrapped himself in his cloud again and raced across the desert. He soon found the camel, which was doing nothing and looking at its own reflection in a puddle of water.

This is an image of the Genie, ruler of the deserts, as he casts a spell with his magic fan. The camel chews an acacia branch and, as usual, says “frr...”. No wonder the Genie told him that he snorts too much. The tall flame, as if emerging from an onion, represents an enchantment and carries a hump that is just the size of the flat back of a camel. The camel himself admires his reflection in the puddle so much that he does not notice the impending disaster.

Below the picture is a piece of primeval land: two smoking volcanoes, several mountains and boulders, a lake, a black island, a winding river, various other things, as well as Noah’s Ark. I could not draw all the deserts that the Genie ruled, and I drew only one, but the most desolate desert.

- Hey, buddy! - said the Genie. – I heard that you don’t want to work. Is this true?

“Frr...” answered the camel.

The genie sat down, resting his chin on his hand, and began to come up with a great spell, while the camel kept looking at his reflection in a puddle of water.

“Thanks to your laziness, three animals have been forced to work for you since Monday morning,” said the Genie and continued to think about the spell, resting his chin on his hand.

“Frr...” answered the camel.

“You shouldn’t snort,” said the Genie. -You snort too much. But I’ll tell you what: go to work.

The camel again answered “frr...”, but at that time he felt that his smooth back, which he was so proud of, suddenly began to swell, swell, and finally a huge hump formed on it.

“You see,” said the Genie, “this hump grew on you because you didn’t want to work.” Today is already Wednesday, and you haven’t done anything since Monday, when work started. Now it's your turn.

- How can I work with such a thing on my back? - said the camel.

“I arranged this on purpose,” said the Genie, “since you missed three whole days.” From now on you will be able to work for three days without any food, and the hump will feed you. You have no right to complain that I didn't take care of you. Give up your desert, go to three friends and behave properly. Yes, turn around quickly!

No matter how the camel snorted, he had to get to work along with the other animals. However, he still has not yet made up for the three days that he missed from the very beginning, and he still has not yet learned to behave properly.

Many people should be familiar with the fairy tale “What gives a camel a hump,” but not everyone knows that it belongs to the pen of Rudyard Kipling, author of “The Jungle Book” and “Kim.”

Rudyard Kipling biography

Rudyard Kipling is known to the world as an English prose writer and poet.

But he was born many kilometers from England, in the Indian city of Bombay. His father was a professor at the Bombay School of Art. Rudyard's acquaintance with England occurred quite early, at the age of 5, when his parents sent him to a Southsea boarding house. There he spent 6 years. The boarding house was run by the spouses Price E. Holloway. They treated little Kipling terribly, causing him to develop insomnia, which he was never able to get rid of.

At the age of 12, Rudyard entered the Divensky School, wanting to further connect his fate with a military career, but vision problems interfered with his plans. His father helps him become a journalist. Kipling devoted a lot of time to traveling around the world and writing his works. Over time, Kipling's popularity began to decline, but the author continued to write until January 18, 1936, when a perforated ulcer ended his life.

Becoming a writer

The year 1882 is significant for the future writer - he returned to India, where his father helps him get a job as a newspaper journalist Civil and Military Gazette. At the same time, the future author of children's favorite books and the story "What makes a camel hump,” writes short stories in his free time from work. Within a year, his works will begin to go on sale.

The work of a reporter contributed to the writer's active travels. He made a working trip to Asia and the USA, while simultaneously developing his writing talent. The popularity of his work is rapidly increasing. Traveling around the world, Rudyard Kipling thoroughly studied the life, way of life, and features of the Eastern countries and Africa. Returning to England, he continues to develop his creativity, but financial difficulties force the writer to move to the USA for 4 years to live with his wife’s relatives. There, the author of “Why does a camel have a hump” actively writes and tries to improve his financial situation. Later, he and his wife returned to England, where they lived until the end of their days.

Kipling's creations

For his work, Ruddyar Kipling was not only loved among readers, but also became a Nobel Prize laureate. He wrote his first serious work, “School Lyrics,” in his youth. But this was not the author’s text, but copying the style of leading poets. Kipling would find himself as a writer a little later. Seven years of journalism have affected the author’s worldview. Based on the impressions received, “Wonderland” was written. And he reproduced his memories of his travels in his autobiography, “Something About Myself.” He wrote about everything he saw. His stories were very vivid, with specific details.

Kipling's favorite theme is the reaction of ordinary people who find themselves in extreme, unnatural conditions for them. It is at this moment that hidden character traits are revealed and the true face of a person is revealed, R. Kipling believed. “Why does a camel have a hump” - a work with a completely different theme, reveals the author as a versatile personality.

It is very popular among children. Since several generations have already grown up on Rudyard Kipling's fairy tales. Films and cartoons have been made on many of them. You can’t ignore “The Jungle Book”, “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”, “The Curious Baby Elephant”, “Why the Camel Has a Hump” and many others.

Features of creativity

Kipling's poems and stories were successful due to the unusual coloring that the writer used in describing landscapes and the main characters. In many works, the main role was given to the natives, who did not have any civil rights, and ordinary Englishmen.

Not having the opportunity to become an officer, he idealized this image in his novels, and the soldiers in them are described quite comically. This particularly contrasts with the images of officials who are not imbued with the problems of their client countries. He successfully used the knowledge acquired during his travels to the fullest.

"Why does a camel have a hump" summary

The writing style of the text is uncomplicated and very simple, but the meaning is instructive not only for children. Some adults just need to get acquainted with this work.

The story takes place in ancient times, when all animals had just begun to serve humans. While everyone was doing their duties, the lazy camel went further into the desert. He didn't even talk to anyone, answering questions only with "Grb." The animals gathered a council led by a man, who explained to them that it is difficult to force an animal like a camel to work; now the others must work twice as hard for it. The angry animals complained to the chief of the desert, Jin, about such injustice.

The genie got angry, he came to the camel, trying to force him to work on an equal basis with the others. But all he kept repeating was “Hump,” and at that very moment his back swelled until it formed a terrible hump. Because of the 3 days that the camel was too lazy to work, he walks with his personal burden for hundreds of centuries and cannot repay his debt.

main idea

The meaning of the fairy tale “Why the Camel Has a Hump” was conveyed by Rudyard Kipling, at first glance, not too intricately - the lazy get what they deserve. But if you look at the text in detail, you can notice several problems at once. First of all, separation from the team and the consequences of this. Human interaction with nature, more precisely with animals, their obvious exploitation. And the belated repentance of the camel, who resigned himself to his burden and began to work hard to make up for the lost 3 days. But time cannot be turned back, and the heavy burden of the lazy camel still weighs on him.

The fairy tale “Why does a camel have a hump” is still relevant today.

When the whale had eaten all the fish, the cunning little fish described to him all the delights of the man's snack and told him where to find him, but warned him that man is a restless creature. The whale swallowed the sailor along with his raft and suspenders. In the stomach of the whale, the sailor began to run, jump and generally behave very actively, so that the whale felt unwell. When he asked his prey to crawl out of his stomach, the sailor promised to think about it if the whale would take him home to the white cliffs of Albion. Before going home, the guy inserted a lattice of raft boards and suspenders into the whale’s throat, so that he could only eat very, very small fish. And the cunning fish swam away and hid in the mud, under the threshold of the equator, because it was afraid that the whale would be angry with it.

How a hump appeared on the camel's back

When the earth was completely new, the animals that helped man came to the camel living in the middle of the vast Howling Desert and tried to attract him to active activity, but he only answered “grib” and gave up on their requests. The animals complained to the genie; when the camel told him his usual “hump,” he rewarded him with a hump so that the beast could work for 3 days without lunch breaks.

How folds appeared on the skin of a rhinoceros

A fire-worshipping Persian baked sweet bread with raisins, but a rhinoceros drove him onto a palm tree and ate all the bread. When the rhinoceros took off all his smooth skin and went for a swim, the man poured stale crumbs and burnt raisins into it. To get rid of the tingling sensation, the rhinoceros began to rub against the palm tree, but only rubbed the folds and completely erased the buttons.

How the leopard became spotted

All animals lived in the High Feldt desert, where they were easily found by hunters: humans and leopards. To protect themselves, the animals went into the forest and acquired camouflage stripes and spots. The wise Babun advised the leopard to acquire spots, and the Ethiopian, too, to make changes to his appearance. In the forest they caught a zebra and a giraffe; they showed the hunters why they can hear and smell animals, but cannot see. The Ethiopian turned black and covered the leopard with 5 fingerprints.

Elephant child

When elephants did not have a trunk, a curious baby elephant asked many questions, for which he was beaten several times. Finally, he wanted to know what the crocodile had for dinner. He turned to the crocodile with this question; he grabbed him by the nose and began to pull him into the water. The python pulled the curious baby out by its hind legs, but the baby elephant's nose remained extended. With it he could get bananas, and also beat off all those who had previously spread their paws.

Old Kangaroo's Request

The kangaroo, who at that time had a fluffy skin and short legs, asked the three gods to make him different from the others, and so that everyone would know about him by 5 pm. He annoyed one of the gods so much that he asked the dingo to chase the kangaroo. As a result, the kangaroo's hind legs extended to make it easier to jump. But he refused to thank the dingo for acquiring the kangaroo.

How did armadillos appear?

The jaguari told her inexperienced son about the hedgehog (it must be thrown into the water in order to turn around) and the turtle (it is better to scratch it out of its shell), but they managed to confuse the fool, who, as a result of the hunt, only painfully pricked his paw. To escape, the turtle began to learn to curl up into a ball, and the hedgehog learned to swim. As a result of training, the turtle's scutes separated, and the hedgehog's needles stuck together. The Jaguar advised her son to leave them alone and called the new animals armadillos.

How the first letter was written

A primitive man named Tegulai Bopsulaya had his spear broken. While he was repairing it, Tefi’s daughter sent a drawing with the stranger to her mother with a request to send a new spear, but she was frightened by the strange drawings and raised the whole village to beat the stranger (and his hair was smeared with clay). This is how the first thought about the need for writing appeared.

How the first alphabet was compiled

Tegumai and Tefi came up with images of letters in a few days: A is like the open mouth of a carp, U is like its tail, o is like a stone or an open mouth, etc. The letters were combined into words.

Sea crab who played with the sea

In the most ancient times, a wizard showed the animals how to play, and they began to play: beaver - beaver, cow - cow, etc. This game was too simple for an intelligent person. The sea crab decided to graze and float sideways into the sea. Only Adam's daughter noticed this. The wizard approved the deeds of all animals (for example, he made the pieces of earth that the elephant threw into the Himalayan mountains). But Adam complained about the ebb and flow of the tides; It turned out that it was the Crab who was misbehaving. The wizard made him small and strips him of his armor once a year. The little girl gave the crab her scissors so that he could dig holes and open nuts.

The man was lazy and did not want to row to the shore. To make the sea work for him twice a day, the wizard gave a command to the old man of the moon and the rat that was gnawing his net (the fisherman dragged the sea past the continents with his net).

The cat who walked by himself

A wise primitive woman tamed animals (a dog with tasty bones, a horse and a cow with fragrant hay). The cat, who walked wherever he wanted, watched all this (from the dog he even received a promise of eternal enmity for not going with her on reconnaissance); the woman promised that if she praised the cat once, he could go into the cave, two times, he could sit near the fire, three times, he could drink milk 3 times a day. The woman did not want this, but the cat, playing with her baby and catching a mouse, achieved praise three times, as evidenced by the skin that covered the entrance, the fire and the jugs of milk. But the man made an agreement with the cat: if he did not always catch mice, then the man would throw one of his five things at him (boots, a stone axe, a log and an ax), and the dog promised to chase him if he was not gentle with a child.

The moth that stomped its foot

Suleiman ibn Daoud had many grumpy wives and one beloved wife, Balkis, as well as a magic ring that summoned genies (however, Suleiman did not want to show off his strength and pacify his spouse with the help of genies). In the garden, he once saw a married couple of moths who were quarreling, and the husband claimed that all he had to do was stamp his foot and the entire palace of Suleiman would disappear. Balkin’s wife, who had taught him, dared him to stomp, and Suleiman, in cahoots with her husband, ordered the genies to carry the castle into the air. Thus, not only the moth’s wife was pacified, but also the scandalous sultanas.

A wonderful dream, foreshadowing a meeting with a young man who can become a good husband in the future. However, if the camel is black, then the romance will be fleeting, but passionate. It also promises a lot of work and trouble.

  • a desert ship in a girl or woman’s dream is a good sign. After a series of failures, a glimmer of hope will appear;
  • For a single man, this animal promises an acquaintance with a lovely lady who may become his wife in the future. If you happen to ride a camel, you have a date ahead. If a man finds a she-camel in a dream, it means a date or an imminent wedding. They gave him a she-camel and her baby - he will marry a woman with a child. If the camel ran away or was stolen, then the man faces a quarrel or separation from his wife;
  • a dromedary camel in a young guy’s dream: your couple is strong, your love is cloudless, you will live together happily ever after. In a man's dream - temporary difficulties, thanks to which your income will not decrease, but increase;
  • a camel in a child's dream is a sign that the child is tired of studying.
  1. A dead or wounded camel symbolizes the loss of property or a reliable friend, or obstacles on your way. Or you have exhausted all your strength, so you will be forced to retreat under the pressure of life circumstances.
  2. A camel appearing in a dream foreshadows the achievement of a dream. Nursing a baby: to significant profit.
  3. A beautiful camel, just like in a picture, means fast career growth, happiness, recognition.
  4. Double-humped - good luck in all endeavors, promotion, material success.
  5. One-humped camel: good done will be returned a hundredfold. Those you helped will become your loyal friends. Selflessness is the secret of your success. Among people of art you will become famous as a philanthropist. A dromedary in a dream on Wednesday night means you have to be smart to avoid conflict with your superiors. On Sunday night - you should seek friendly help. You will accept her with dignity, and then thank her at the first opportunity.

A baby camel is a symbol of a prosperous personal life. Such a dream promises meeting a person who will become the meaning of your life.

If a woman dreams of a baby, let her prepare for courtship from a man. If a man saw a baby camel in a dream, he will soon meet a housewife who will create comfort in his home.

If in a dream there were people next to the baby camel, then soon you will receive an invitation to a wedding or other magnificent celebration.

Every dream carries some kind of message. Your task is to interpret it correctly. Even if the dream left a negative impression, it fulfilled its task - it warned. What your actions will be is up to you to decide.

Interpretation of a dream about a camel using various dream books

Freud's Dream Interpreter

The camel represents strength and hard work, power and fertility. Seeing a camel in a dream is a harbinger that in the very near future you will meet a person who is unusually strong and possesses truly monstrous love strength and power.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a camel in a dream is a very good sign. All your problems and misfortunes will be successfully resolved by you, thanks to your perseverance and hard work. If you are the owner of a camel in a dream, then big changes for the better await you at work.

If you see a whole caravan of camels, then help will come to you at the very last minute, and from where you didn’t expect it. It also portends a speedy recovery for the sick. A white camel in a dream is not just a good, but a very good sign; it tells us about happiness, good health and well-being for many years.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

A dream about a camel foreshadows long and very hard work. Various difficulties in its implementation. But upon completion, a generous reward awaits you. If you saddle a camel, then get ready for a long journey, perhaps you will be sent on a business trip.

A black camel promises major adversity, illness, loss and other sorrows. Be careful in your affairs, listen to the advice and wishes of your loved ones, they can be very useful. The white camel symbolizes prosperity and well-being for a long time.

Islamic dream book

Riding a camel in a dream, get ready for a long and difficult journey. Seeing many camels foreshadows wealth, power, influence and even reign. When you meet a camel on your way, it is unfortunate.

Many camels loaded with bales enter a city or village - a bad sign; an epidemic or other disaster may occur in that place. A black or shabby camel dreams of war, famine, and other troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Semyonova

It is a very good sign if you saw a camel in a dream. This dream foretells good luck if you show the proper perseverance and perseverance. If you saw a whole caravan, then this portends a quick solution to a difficult problem that you have already despaired of solving. For patients it means a quick recovery.

Small dream book

Usually a camel in a dream means a lot of exhausting work. If a camel spat at you, then beware that an ill-wisher will want to ruin your reputation among your friends. If the camel is black, then this is a very bad sign, foreshadowing the death of a loved one or a serious illness.

Jewish dream book

A camel seen in a dream foreshadows a difficult, but at the same time profitable business. A white camel speaks of promotion and wealth. And a black camel is not a good sign; it suggests major troubles in business, losses, illness and death.

Ukrainian dream book

If you see a camel, then you should prepare for the upcoming difficulties and work hard. Finding yourself riding a camel is a sign that a long journey is soon ahead. If you see a black camel in a dream, this is a warning about the imminent breakup of a love relationship.

English dream book

If you see a camel in a dream, then expect great and difficult work, but despite all the difficulties and problems in its implementation, success and recognition await you. A black camel promises big problems, possibly losses, illness of relatives and death.

Dream Interpretation of Apostle Simon Kanatite

Dreams associated with a camel foreshadow the commission of actions that require courage and courage, literally a feat. Difficult times await. A white camel portends help from an old friend or a speedy recovery.

A camel is a kind and harmless animal. The camel is also characterized by the following epithets: hardy, slow, stubbornly moving towards the goal. It is also a symbol of survival in difficult conditions, of readiness to confront the harsh realities of life.

Often a camel dreams of meeting someone who will become a close friend in the future. Appreciate your relationship with such a person, because he is not looking for benefits, but is guided by selfless motives.

  • esoteric dream book: a camel in a dream - a flight or trip to another country;
  • dream books of Tsvetkov and Hasse: warning of troubles;
  • Russian folk - the dreamer is characterized by such qualities as endurance and stubbornness;
  • the American promises to find a way to get rid of troubles and endure difficulties;
  • gypsy: good news, and the caravan means profit;
  • Solomon: feat, honor and glory;
  • Muslim: sitting on a camel in a dream - a journey awaits you. He approached you - beware of trouble. To be the owner of a herd of camels - you will begin to rule or manage;
  • old English: an unbearable load will soon fall on you, but you will steadfastly overcome all adversity and adversity;
  • old French: you are slowly but confidently moving forward. This will lead you to wealth. You will have to show modesty and moderation, but there are reliable friends nearby who are ready to help in difficult times;
  • Vedic dream book of Sivananda: warning of difficult times.


This interpreter says that changes for the better in your destiny will occur only through patient persistence. You will be able to find a way out of difficult situations thanks to your inner core.


And here is how the Islamic dream book interprets the dream:

  • entering a battle on a camel means grief or illness. Or the dreamer will start a dispute and enmity with a narrow-minded person;
  • to lead an animal by the leash along a familiar road - you have to guide the lost one to the True Path. On an unfamiliar road - the direction will be far from the truth;
  • slaughtering a camel in a dream means the desired peace and relaxation;
  • falling from an animal to the ground means poverty;
  • hear a camel cry - to successful trade relations;
  • If a girl dreams of how she sits on a camel, then she will find a spouse in life. If such a dream belongs to a married woman, the husband will return after a long separation;
  • milking a camel - to receive money;
  • two fighting animals - to conflict or war.

Denise Lynn

The camel is capable of covering long distances in the hot desert; it is distinguished by its endurance and determination. If you dream of him in difficult moments of your life, this marks a solution to the problem, a way out of a dead end.

A reward for your efforts awaits you. A camel can also be an omen of a change in occupation or status in society.

I only dreamed of a camel’s head - a meeting with something mystical, transcendental, magical was prepared. Eating camel meat in a dream means illness.

Eastern female

A loaded camel in a dream indicates that there are no insoluble problems. It is important to maintain inner strength. A caravan procession seen in the desert guarantees help in a difficult or hopeless situation.


In Freud's dream book you can find the following interpretations:

  • since the reserves of strength and vital energy of camels are very high, they dream of a date with a tireless lover;
  • riding a camel - means unplanned long sex;
  • this animal, like the horse, symbolizes strong attraction. Loving men dream about a camel before meeting passionate, liberated women. And for ladies - a rather specific sexual experience, after which a double impression will be left;
  • to see a camel wandering through the desert in a dream - to a bed acquaintance; to be riding on it - to sexual intercourse.
  • The spit of a white camel predicts a memorable date with a person of discreet appearance. We saw a black camel at a watering hole - to an unforgettable sexual adventure with a representative of a different race;
  • in one corral there are horses and camels - many sexual partners in a short period of time.

A loaded camel in a dream: colleagues often take advantage of your dedication to work and dependability.

Giving chocolate to a camel in a dream: most likely, you are envious of a friend who is lucky.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The image of a camel is a symbol of vitality, stamina, unpretentiousness, and perseverance. Friends and acquaintances consider you an independent and free-thinking person.

What does a camel do in a dream: rushes, hesitates, gallops, spits, bites...

This dream foreshadows a quarrel with a friend, and it is your fault. Perhaps due to a financial issue. Be careful and do not offend loved ones needlessly. Avoid empty arguments and don't pay attention to little things. And make a choice that short-term profit or an old faithful friend is more important to you.

A camel in dreams does not always just stand or walk; it is capable of performing many more actions:

  • is in a hurry (perhaps running) towards you - a harbinger of events that will be the beginning of wonderful changes in your life. Good luck will smile on you;
  • sways - to sad, sad thoughts;
  • behaves aggressively - you will face serious confrontation. If you managed to subjugate it to your will - in reality, victory is yours;
  • slowly moving forward - you are on the right track. Events do not happen as quickly as you would like. The motto here is: slowly but surely;
  • carries your luggage - you dream of visiting exotic countries;
  • gallops like a horse: your attempts to compete with a stronger opponent look ridiculous and ridiculous;
  • pursues you or turns away: to sadness and longing. Same meaning if the camel doesn't listen to you.
  • bleeding - a warning about the loss of property or a protracted illness;
  • spits (hits you or not) or bites - a warning against an offer that will cause you to waste a lot of money. Another interpretation: hard work lies ahead, which will not bring either income or the expected success. You will start many things, but you will not be able to complete any of them. You may be rewarded for treating someone unfairly.

White camel

A very good sign, foreshadowing prosperity, good luck in business and meetings with old acquaintances, perhaps the best of all the options for dreams with camels. Meeting them promises a lot of useful things, in addition to pleasant memories.

White - to news from relatives. If a camel of this color chews steadily, there is no need to rush to make a decision.

Black - be extremely careful, try to do everything possible to protect yourself and your loved ones from grief. There is a chance that trouble or an enemy will sneak up unnoticed. This color also foreshadows the short duration of a love affair. A black camel is chasing you - to a melancholic mood, depression.

Camel in the apartment

If you dreamed that a camel was at your home, then expect that a good old friend, whom you have not seen for a long time, will pay you a visit and he will come with good news. Perhaps he has a good offer for you about a job that you have long wanted to change or give you useful advice.

In any case, changes for the better await you. A camel spat in your apartment, then the next family dinner could develop into a major scandal due to financial difficulties. But in the near future the situation will improve, all grievances will be forgotten.

How many camels: many, several, herd, caravan

  1. Seeing a lot of camels in a dream means that in reality you will rise up the career ladder. This dream also encourages you to look around and notice diligent, purposeful people.
  2. Two camels - your income will double. If the camels' backs were burdened with luggage, your efforts will be appreciated and rewarded.
  3. Shepherd your camel herd - you will become the owner of a successful company.
  4. The caravan represents your circle of friends. They will do everything in their power for you. This dream can also be a harbinger of love, happiness or miraculous healing.

Place of events in a dream

A camel chewing thorns among the sands of the Sahara warns that victory will be overshadowed by unfortunate news or an incident.

At the zoo, a trip to warm countries awaits you, which will enrich you with experience and knowledge. A camel in this place eats from your hands - to cordial friendship.

The dreamer's actions

Pay attention to your actions and emotions that accompanied the dream:

  • giving a camel water means freedom from worries in the near future;
  • pulling on the occasion - a conflict situation with colleagues;
  • urge to move at a faster speed - your business will be successful;
  • fighting a camel means long family scandals and discord with a person who will later become your enemy;
  • buy - to an unplanned profitable contract, accidental profit or a new position;
  • selling - to a transfer to an easier and more profitable job, from which you expect a catch;
  • sitting on horseback means promotion. This dream can also be considered a warning about the suspension or termination of an important project;
  • sit proudly - honors and glory await;
  • to load - business negotiations are coming;
  • petting or ruffling his fur - you will meet a patient and obedient person;
  • Packing a caravan on the road is a difficult project that requires a lot of time and perseverance.

Camel in the water

If you dreamed of a camel in the water, this may mean upcoming financial difficulties that will require some savings. But this will not last long, thanks to your new job, you will easily survive this unpleasant stage and soon you will not remember about them.

But the work ahead is not easy and there will be a lot of it. The main thing is not to give up or fall into despair; persistence will help with this. A black camel in the water is bad, a sign of upcoming difficulties, delays, empty troubles, and possibly even more serious problems.