Average speed of a skater. What is the speed of skating? And how fast can you accelerate? Fastest speed skater in the world

Achievements of men in speed skating

Jeremy Lee Wotherspoon. Canadian athlete. Four-time champion peace. 1998 Olympics in Nagano - silver. Author of many world-class records at distances of 500 and 1,000 m.

On November 9, 2007, in Salt Lake City (USA), Wotherspoon covered the 500 m distance in 34:03 seconds. Already on March 15 of the next year at the World Cup in Calgary, Canada, 500 m x 2 - 68.31 seconds.

Shani Davis. USA. Two gold olympic medals at 1,000 m and two silver at a distance of 1,500 m in 2006 and 2010. Multiple world champion.

Records were set in 2009 in Salt Lake City:

Sven Kramer. Netherlands. Three-time Olympic champion. Six-time European champion. Multiple world champion. A fast-moving legend at distances of 5 and 10 thousand meters. Maximum speed speed skater's world record, which no one has yet overcome.

On March 10, 2007, in Salt Lake City, Sven Kramer literally flew the 10,000 m distance in just 12 minutes and 41.69 seconds. The very next day this unique person puts new record in the team race: 8 laps completed in 3 minutes and 37.80 seconds.

In Calgary on November 17, 2007, he accomplishes the impossible: two world records. Kramer covered the 5,000 m distance in 6:03.32, and the 3,000 m in 3:37.15.

Women's speed skating records

In America, at the 2013 World Championships in Salt Lake City, miracles of speed were shown:

South Korean two-time Olympic champion Lee Sang-hwa ran 500m in 36.36 seconds (November 16);

The 1,500 m record was set by Canadian Cindy Klassen, also in Salt Lake City, only back in 2005, on November 20. Her time is 1:51.79. The beauty is an Olympic champion, four-time world champion and the author of 13 world records. Her achievement at 3,000 m is 3:53.34 (Calgary, March 18, 2006) so far no one has disputed.

The 5,000 m record was 6:42.66 in Salt Lake City by Czech Martina Sablikova. She became three times Olympic champion, is a multiple European and world champion.

Skating(English: speed skating - “speed skating”) is a sport in which participants in the competition must cover a distance in a closed circle at the maximum possible speed. ice stadium. According to archaeologists, speed skating is one of the most ancient sports - the skates discovered during excavations are 3,200 years old and most likely belonged to the Cimmerians (one of the nomadic tribes that lived in the Northern Black Sea region).

Ice skating was often reflected in paintings - one of these paintings dates back to 1380. There are also mentions of skates in some written sources, the first of which, placed in the “English-Dutch Dictionary” of Gemakh, is dated 1648.

The world's first speed skating club was organized in Great Britain in 1742, and official competitions in this sport were held in January 1763 in the same country. Also in England in 1772, the first book of speed skating rules was published, including practical recommendations speed skaters and figure skaters. In Russia, a book of this kind was called " Winter fun and the art of figure skating" was published in 1839.

Speed ​​skating began to develop in the 50-60s of the 19th century: in 1830 a skating club was organized in Glasgow, in 1849 in Philadelphia, in 1863 in New York and Norway. Over the next 5 years, skating clubs appeared in many countries: in 1864 - in Russia, in 1865 - in France, in 1867 - in Austria, in 1868 - in Germany, in 1869 - in Hungary.

On December 8, 1879, the first national speed skating championship was organized in England for the first time in the world. In the middle of the 19th century, first in London, and then in other cities of Europe and America, flood skating rinks appeared - before that, athletes used them for competitions in speed skating and figure skating only natural bodies of water.

The first world championship in this sport took place in 1889 in Amsterdam (Netherlands). These competitions were announced International Union professional speed skaters.

In 1892, the International Skating Union (ISU) was created; it now includes more than 60 national federations different countries peace. It was at the ISU Congress in Copenhagen (1895) that the Unified Rules for Speed ​​Skating were approved.

1893 - the first official world championship was held in Amsterdam speed skating among men. In the same year, the European Championship in this sport was held. Women also actively mastered speed skating - since 1911, they took part in single 500-meter races and figure skating competitions.

In 1936, the World Women's Speed ​​Skating Championships were held, and representatives of the fair sex began to participate in the European Championships only in 1970. Since 1972, the World Sprint All-Around Championships (500 and 1000 m) have been held.

Speed ​​skating (distances - 500, 1500, 5000, 10000 m and all-around) for men was included in the program of the first Winter Olympic Games (Chamonix (France)) in 1924, and competitions of this kind among women athletes began to be held in 1960 year. It should be mentioned that at the II Olympics (1928, St. Moritz (Switzerland)) there were no all-around competitions and competitions at a distance of 10,000 m.

Nowadays, speed skaters compete in speed at short distances - 500, 1,000 (for men since 1976), and 1500 m, and long distances - 3,000, 5,000 (for women since 1988), and 10,000 m. Speed ​​skating competitions take place on ice tracks whose length is 400 meters, width - 10 m (as well as an additional 2 m for the safety of the competitors and the convenience of snow removal), the turning radius is 25 and 30 meters. In addition, some stadiums have indoor warm-up tracks (length - 333 meters, width - 5 meters). Since the skater walks half of the circle on the inner track and the other half on the outer track, the length of the track is equal to half the sum of the lengths of the outer and inner tracks. The distance covered by the athlete during the transition from one track to another is also taken into account. To delimit the tracks, a line (5 cm wide) is used, painted on the ice with bright paint. A snow roller (15 cm wide) is placed on top of it, the outer edge of which coincides with the outer edge of the marking line. In cases where the size of the ice field is not sufficient to create a standard track, competition organizers can reduce the turning radius or mark out a smaller track.

From each national team, 3 athletes take part in all types of speed skating competitions (until 1972, at distances of 500 and 1500 m for men - 4 athletes). All competition participants are divided into pairs and walk the distance, moving counterclockwise along the ice track. The skater with the best time wins.

Types of speed skating:
. speed skating itself is a speed skating competition held on a long running track (400 m);
. figure skating- athletes (most often accompanied by music) move along the ice field, performing additional elements of various kinds (jumps, spins, lifts, etc.);
. short track - a speed skating competition held on a short track (111.12 m).

At first, skates were made of wood. This is not entirely true. According to archaeologists, the basis for the first skates were the femurs of animals. In the period from the XIII to the XVIII centuries. the base of the skates was wooden with attached runners made of iron or bronze, and somewhat later - steel.

Speed ​​skating and figure skating are different types of speed skating. Indeed, at the end of the 19th century, a process of “specialization” began in the ranks of speed skaters - athletes appeared who preferred speed skating or figure skating. However, complete separation took place only at the beginning of the 20th century; before that, the same athletes participated in all competitions, be it figure skating or covering speed distances.

Absolute championship in all-around has never been played out in speed skating. The procedure for determining world champions and Olympic champions in this sport has changed several times. In the period from 1909 to 1915, to receive the above-mentioned title, a skater really only had to win 1-2 distances and get the fewest points in the all-around. In 1926-27, the winner was declared the athlete who scored the highest percentage in 4 distances and demonstrated at least one record result. But in the period from 1915 to 1925, in particular in 1924, at the 1st Winter Olympics (Chamonix (France)), the results demonstrated by athletes at all 4 all-around distances were summed up to determine the champion.

Speed ​​skating records began to be recorded in 1893. In 1893, the titles of European champion (Swede R. Eriksson) and world champion (Dutchman Eden) were officially awarded for the first time, but records in this sport began to be recorded back in 1890, and achievements that took place earlier were also taken into account. World records set by female athletes have been recorded since 1929, although the first world women's speed skating championship was held only in 1936. Small all-around records have been registered since 1956.

The sooner a person starts skating, the better. No, this statement is true for figure skating. But it’s best to start speed skating at the age of 10-11 years.

It is best to practice speed skating on well-frozen ice. This is wrong. The ice should not be too frozen, since it is in this case that the adhesion of the skate to the ice is possible, decreasing as the above-mentioned substance further hardens.

Ice of the same temperature and thickness is suitable for all types of speed skating. Misconception. The level of grip with skates, strength, possibility of chipping, etc. depend on the temperature of the ice. Because for various types sports require ice of different temperatures: in figure skating - from -3 to -5°C (good grip on the skate is ensured), in short track speed skating - up to -6°C, for hockey matches colder ice is needed - from -6 to -8°C, and on speed skating tracks the ice temperature is from -7°C (for sprinters) to -10°C (for stayer races). Ice thickness for different types speed skating is also somewhat different. For sprint and stayer races, a layer of ice 25 mm thick is sufficient, but on short track speed skating grounds the ice is somewhat thicker - about 40 mm.

The ice on artificial skating rinks is always even and smooth. Unfortunately, this is not the case, especially if the rollers are homemade. And for productive speed skating, the most flat and smooth surface is suitable, which occurs only in specially prepared ice stadiums.

It takes 2-3 days to fill a skating rink at a sports complex, but it can take a day and a half to melt the ice. Melt the ice field and arrange, say, tennis courts or additional stands can actually be built quite quickly. And according to international standards, the filling itself takes no more than 3 days. However, preparatory work on an ice field can take much longer. After all, before pouring ice, which in itself is a rather complex technological process, the concrete slab located at the base of the skating rink is carefully inspected, repaired, and polished. This process may take several weeks.

One of the athletes covers the entire distance along the outer track, the other along the inner track. Wrong opinion. To equalize the chances of winning, skaters exchange lanes in a special area. As a result, each of them runs half the circle along the outer track, the other half along the inner track.

All participants in cyclic competitions (cyclists, speed skaters, etc.) take the turn in the same way - away from the inner edge of the track. No, only athletes who use any kind of equipment to pass the distance try to stay as far as possible from the inner edge of the track on turns. vehicles(cyclists, motorcycle racers, etc.) Since in this case they will be almost perpendicular to the track surface, the friction force will be minimal, and the angle of inclination of the track surface to the horizon will be the smallest. It is this state of affairs that allows athletes to take a turn at the maximum possible speed. But skaters, on the contrary, try to stay close to the inner edge of the track, since it is in this case that the resultant of three forces (friction, gravity, ground reaction) cause centripetal acceleration, which means that the time to complete a turn is reduced to a minimum.

If an athlete falls before the finish line, he cannot be declared the winner. This is wrong. According to the main rule of speed skating, if an athlete’s skate crosses the finish line, the result will be counted for him, even if he falls.

Speed ​​skating techniques can only be mastered during training on ice. Of course, activities of this kind are extremely important. However, the importance of training that can be done at home should not be underestimated. Experts recommend that beginners first put on skates with covered blades and walk around the floor at home and do squats (both on two and one leg). To this should be added walking on the heels, toes, outside and inside of the foot, lunges, cross and goose step in combination with arm swings - exercises that develop coordination and are similar in nature to skating. In this way, a person will gain stability and confidence, which beginner skaters so lack.

The main thing is to learn to run on ice, moving your legs as quickly as possible. Wrong opinion. Professional athletes do not run, but glide, taking steps of equal length and using the acceleration of each step to the end. At the same time, they try to move smoothly and evenly, making strong pushes without jerking - this is the only way to really develop high speed. An increase in step frequency is observed only in running long distances(5000 and 1000 meters), when, as a result of increasing fatigue, the pushing force decreases, and the skater has to change running tactics. However, it should be taken into account that high-class athletes cover the entire distance without reducing speed, without changing the frequency of steps.

When running long distances, the skater feels best at the beginning, but fatigue accumulates towards the end of the race. Not necessarily. Experts say that in the 10 or 20 minutes required to cover a distance, an athlete’s well-being can either worsen or remain stable, and sometimes even improve compared to what it was at the very beginning of the race.

Skate models do not change very often; the latest invention is klap skates. Indeed, when purchasing skates, you don’t have to worry that in a couple of years you’ll have to replace them with new model. However, the klappa skates (or flapper skates, which got their name due to the fact that the spring that returns the skate to its place makes a characteristic sound when the skater moves), which appeared in the late 90s, are distinguished by the fact that the blade is attached to thumb feet, rather than to the sole of the shoe, is by no means a recent invention. In addition to them, there are models of skates with blades, the thickness of which in the front and back is about 1.1 mm, and in the middle - 0.9 mm, which allows increasing the results demonstrated by athletes during competitions. And in Russia, the development of so-called adaptive skates or “adacons” (inventor - Lev Nikolaevich Aksenov) is underway, equipped with an adjustment unit that allows you to set the position of the blade in accordance with the anatomical characteristics of a particular person. According to the inventor, such skates will significantly increase the speed of athletes, as well as prevent various problems with the musculoskeletal system caused by the fact that all modern skates have a standard blade position (on a line running from the middle of the heel to the second toe), which is not always coinciding with the line of support of the foot.

The more expensive the skating boots, the easier it will be to master the intricacies of this sport. Yes, expensive boots have some undeniable advantages. For example, if the boot is made of thermoformable plastic, you can independently fit it exactly to your foot. It is enough to heat the shoes to a temperature of 60-70º C (in a sauna or steam bath), put them on your feet, lace them up and use your hands to shape them to fit your foot, simply pressing the shoe tightly against your foot. After cooling, you will receive boots that are perfect for you. The high sides of skating boots that cover the ankle provide stability on ice. However, you should not think that without certain skills you will be able to easily coordinate your movements on the ice only thanks to branded shoes. To achieve certain results, you will need to devote a lot of time to training aimed at developing the muscles of the foot and lower leg, improving coordination of movements, sense of balance, etc.

The tighter the boots are laced, the better. This principle is most often followed by beginners, who tighten the laces at the bottom of the shoe with all their might. Professionals argue that in high-speed running the leg needs some freedom. If the laces are tightened so that it is impossible to move your fingers, your legs will quickly get tired, and on an open skating rink they will also freeze. It is recommended to lace the shoes in a cross-shaped overlap, while at the bottom the laces should not be tightened too tightly, the middle part of the shoes should be laced tighter, and the top part should be laced as loosely as possible. Only in this case will you be guaranteed comfort during a long, intense workout.

At first, used skates are quite suitable for training. Indeed, skates can be rented and it is not very expensive - about $4-5 for a couple of hours. However, it should be remembered that such skates are rarely available high quality, so it’s better to buy your own - their cost varies from $40 to $120.

Andrey Burlyaev, master of sports international class in speed skating, over the past few years he has been showing good results, performing well at the Russian championships and at the World Cup stages. But before prestigious competitions, something goes wrong...

So, two years ago, at the last moment, he did not make it into the Olympic team and was unable to go to Turin, despite the fact that he had been preparing for this for two years. Last year he performed well at the Russian Championship and was supposed to go to the European Championship. But it didn’t work out! The athlete did not have time to obtain a visa to Italy... Weaker athletes went instead of him and performed unsuccessfully, which is why the quota of participants in the European speed skating forum for Russia was reduced to two people. To get to the Old World Championship, which will be held in Kolomna from January 12 to 15, 2008, Burlyaev had to become at least second at the Russian all-around championship in December. Andrey became third...

First spare

It’s a shame,” says Andrey. - Last year I was not allowed to perform. The results were not bad, it was possible to make a statement... In Moscow they openly stated: “Andryush, deal with the visa yourself, we’ll soon have new year holidays and holidays." I thought, okay, we’ll manage somehow at home. But here, too, no one offered help. Then they replaced me with young Muscovites. And, frankly speaking, we blew all the places. Everyone performed unsuccessfully with the exception of Vanya Skobrev, the leader of the team. And it turned out that at the European Championship, which will now be held at home, there will be two participants from Russia. I'm the first alternate. I'll fly to Kolomna. Don't run, just train.

But I’m no longer upset, I’ve gotten over it. I am 24 years old, which is quite young for my specialization. I think we will live to see Sochi. I feel that I have great potential and have room to grow. This is what I will do.

I didn't believe the numbers!

-Do you remember the first time you skated?

At about three years old, my father put me on skates. We had a family tradition - to go to the skating rink every weekend, even though no one was seriously involved in sports. At first I had these two-blade blades that were tied to felt boots... Later, a hockey rink appeared in our yard in Solnechnaya Polyana, where I skated behind my older sister, and I got white figure skates. I remember my dad demanded some kind of technique from me. You could even say that my first coach was my father. When my future coach Vladimir Bastrykin, I was in third grade. He invited me to join the section. And when the ice was filled, we were given the first skates and we went, I did better than anyone. For beginners, the ankle usually breaks and they fall. And I got on my skates and began to cut circles. The coach called me over and asked: “When did you learn to do this? That’s it, you’ll go to competitions.”

The realization that “this is mine” came at the junior age, when the first powerful victories happened. I remember how I won a competition where famous speed skaters were running and I exceeded the international level by 25 seconds. I didn’t believe the numbers I saw on the scoreboard!

You can't practice here

I don't visit Barnaul very often. We train where there are skating rinks. Now I have returned from Chelyabinsk. A modern sports complex was built there. A very good skating base in Kolomna - there is very fast ice, a luxurious palace.

- What is it like to go out on the ice in Barnaul after such ice as in Chelyabinsk or Kolomna?

Of course, not the same quality, not the same level. You can't speed up on our ice. After absolutely ideal conditions, the slightest breeze seems like an irritant. Imagine what happened four years ago, when there was not a single one in Russia ice palace for speed skaters. And this is in such a big country! There are 17 skating rinks on the territory of one small Holland!

- Is there any point in such training?

Well, you can stand on the ice and slide. You won't get any proper training here.

“I wish I could sing with Daineko”

I have a couple of friends who have already retired from the sport, and I have seen what it cost them. You spend half your life doing one thing, and then suddenly quit it and plunge into another area...

But you can't escape this. I'm preparing myself. However, I still don’t know what I will do. I would like to open my own business, some small business. Or try yourself as a lawyer in sports. This year I am graduating from the Barnaul Law Institute.

- What topic is the diploma on?

I decided to write a thesis at the department of criminology, about some robberies, robberies, thefts...

- Why such a choice?!

I'm familiar with this. I did my internship at the Central District Department of Internal Affairs. He went with the investigative team to the robbery, helped to formalize and document everything. We took fingerprints and looked for evidence. Well... that's quite interesting.

And now you’re looking at famous athletes and you are surprised. Yagudin started singing with Daineko. Have you seen the clip? I also want to surprise someone. Burn your own disc. Or at least a song.

- Can you?

Yes! At school No. 45 I was a soloist in the choir. And then he began to be torn between sports and singing. The chorus girl said: “Please make up your mind.” And so I decided.

Speed ​​skating: secret questions

- Is it true that speed skaters skate in such a strange position because it’s faster?

From the outside it seems that this is inconvenient. But no other position is suitable for our sport. You can't run far while standing. This is the specificity - you need to resist the wind, cut through the air. Our overalls are made using special technologies, they are tested on special equipment - this is a whole science.

- Is it true that speed skaters move on the ice at the speed of a car?

At a distance of 500 meters, the speed can reach 70 kilometers per hour, can you imagine?! But there are falls. Overalls are torn, skates bend just like that...

- Is it true that you have to learn to endure stress?

Speed ​​skating is very “arable”. From the word "plowing". You need to endure a lot, step over yourself. The coach taught me this. Well, by nature there must be data. If you have sprinting white muscle fibers, then you can’t stand it or not, you won’t be able to stand it for more than 30 minutes. When you have two workouts a day for several months, fatigue accumulates like a snowball. It happens that you fall off your feet from fatigue, just to get to the sofa... This is considered normal in our country.

- Is it true that you can hate sports?

Overnight - no. Of course, everyone has temporary psychoses when something doesn’t work out. I want to break my skates and throw them away. And many people do just that! At the Olympics, you could see how one Belgian, after finishing, took his skates and began to scratch them on the asphalt. I've never done this before. Thank God, discreet.

- Is it true that before you put on your skating boots for the first time, you need to keep them in the oven?

Yes, it's true! They need to be heated. Some people manage to do it with a hairdryer, others with an iron... Who has what they have on hand. New skates are specially made narrow. It takes a lot of effort to get your foot in there! And to make this easier, the skates are heated. When the carbon (the material from which the boots are made) “fits,” you need to very quickly put on the boot, lace it tightly and wrap it with an elastic bandage. Then put your feet in a “landing” position, as before the start, and sit like this until the carbon takes the shape of your feet.

- Is it true that speed skaters make good money?

It's a shame for me to complain. Enough to live, to do repairs in the apartment. Recently, commercial starts have appeared. There are not many of them, but you can earn at least some fees. It’s just a shame that those athletes who showed such results, even higher, ten years ago, did not have such an opportunity.

No personal life!

There is one problem. Because of sports - no personal life. Today I came home for ten days, tomorrow I will go to another city for a month, the day after tomorrow to Kolomna for a week, then home for two days. And where is your personal life?

And after all, there were already serious relationships with the girls, and it already seemed that the wedding was soon, that everything would be beautiful, that there was love. But no. And I understand more than anyone else that being alone for so long is difficult, not everyone will dare to do this. The guys from the national team and I recently sat in a bathhouse and discussed this topic. We have many older athletes, and only two are family athletes.

- Do you have a girlfriend now?

Yes. We met four months ago. And three last month I wasn't at home...

The history of speed skating began in XII. Written sources have been preserved - the notes of the monk Stephanius, evidence of the first competitions in London. The opening of the first club in the discipline took place in 1604. At the end of the 18th century, a set of rules for competition participants was published. The speed skater's record speed has been officially recorded since 1890. Today, the title of champion is awarded to athletes who win three out of four distances.

A person always strives for more, develops abilities and creates auxiliary equipment to improve performance. It is difficult to determine exactly what speed speed skaters can achieve. Its development on the track depends on physical training athlete, equipment, distance, condition of the ice surface. At the skating rink, ice skating enthusiasts move at a speed of 3-5 km/h, with a maximum speed of 12 km/h. Traffic is limited by congestion on the highway. Developing greater speed is the task of professional athletes. In hockey, players can skate at speeds of up to 40 km/h. The record among hockey players was set by Maxim Afinogenov, the speed of movement was 46 km/h. The average speed among speed skaters is between 45 and 50. The figures do not refer to constant data. On straight sections, the ability to develop speed increases. Statistics determine the average speed is 5 km more.

First world record holder

Oskar Grunden wrote his name in the history of sports. He became the first record holder on short distance at 500 meters. The Norwegian athlete completed it in 50.8 seconds, but it was not long before he managed to improve his result. The sprinter's speed was recorded in 1891.

The first person in the world to receive the status three times Olympic champion on some winter games, became Claes Thunberg. The athlete from Finland began a series of victories in 1923. The young speed skater began training in the discipline at the age of 18. Over ten years of work, he managed to achieve worldwide fame and top the list of world stars. Historical event happened at the stadium of the French city of Chamonix in 1924. At the age of 28, a resident of Helsinki won his first European champion title. The next ten years became the most successful in the speed skating career. Best result brought the athlete a short track - a distance of 500 m and a track of 1.5 km.

Unratified records

At the 2007 competition in Salt Lake City, two athletes did not receive record holder status due to a judge's decision. Jeremy Wotherspoon, the Canadian representative, did not receive gold in the sprint all-around. Chiare Simionato - Italy did not count 154.777 points in the small all-around.

The last failed record holder was Denis Yuskova from Russia. At the Olympics in Calgary, the result of 3:34.37 was not counted.

The results could not be ratified due to violation of speed skating rules.

The most titled speed skaters

Athletes are multiple winners olympic gold originally from different countries of the world: Norway, the Netherlands, Russia, America, Japan, Finland. Women's world records received official recognition later than men's. The decision to begin registration was approved in 1929.

Achievements of men

Among Dutch athletes, Jaap Eden became the world champion three times. During his career, he set five world records. He managed to cover 1500 and 5000 meters as quickly as possible. Compatriot Adrianus Schendk achieved seven medals during his stay in big sport, became world champion three times. Robert Ritsma managed to surpass his comrades. He received the title of Olympic champion four times. The skater has six victories at the European Championships. Sven Kramer entered the list of the most titled speed skaters from the Netherlands in 2015-2017, receiving nine times championship title Europe. Ice running helped Norwegian athletes gain worldwide fame: Hjalmar Andersen, Johan-Olaf Koss, Michael Straxurd, Ivar Ballangrud, Oscar Mathiesen.

Russian Oleg Goncharenko is well known to the world sports community. The athlete, originally from the city of Kharkov (Ukraine), showed high results at competitions in Helsinki in 1953. The young talent won the 5,000 and 10,000 m tracks, and received silver in the 1,500 m race. The past stages of the all-around brought him first place in the results, making him the first Soviet world champion.

Women's records

In the sports discipline, the name of Yulia Lipnitskaya is well known to the world community. At the age of 15, the girl led the Russian team to victory at the 2014 competition in Sochi. Katharina Witt - East German athlete received the title of champion single skating twice, four times became first in the world and six in Europe. Oksana Baiul, originally from Ukraine, became an Olympic winner at the 1994 championship and a one-time winner of world gold in 1993. American Michelle Kwan has stood on the world podium five times. The girl is second only to Sonya Henie, the first and only three-time Olympic champion to date.

Fastest speed skater in the world

The results of female speed skating athletes can be compared at different distances. The fastest speed skater in the world is the champion on the shortest track. Today it is Pavel Kulizhnikov. The Russian showed record speed at 500 meters. In November 2015, the young man overcame the obstacle in 33.98 seconds and made no technical errors. The young man, originally from the Komi Republic, began sports activities speed skater After moving to Kolomna, his father helped Pavel find his calling and sent his son to speed skating training. Skating on ice became my life's work. After his disqualification in 2012, Kulizhnikov did not give up. After disqualification, he restored his name and showed a decent result, returning to the ice as a winner. The 24-year-old young man was the first among Russians to achieve such heights of sport.

Myths and reality

Truth and fiction have their place in every sphere of human activity. The reality does not correspond to the following statements:

  1. The speed of movement of the legs plays a role main role when sliding on ice - this is a myth. Maximum acceleration is obtained when taking almost equal steps. The best results are obtained when making smooth movements.
  2. If a skater falls before the finish line, the result is not recognized. Assumption refers to fiction. The rules confirm the victory of the participant when the athlete’s skate crosses the finish line.
  3. During long races, participants become fatigued. Medical research has proven this assumption to be false. At the end of the race professional athletes feel better than when starting the route.

Speed ​​skating is one of the most popular disciplines in the world. The development of the direction occurs annually: equipment is modernized, athletes master new elements. Every year new record holders are set, and the speed of skaters over distances becomes higher. Spectacular sports discipline ready to surprise fans.

Speed ​​skating (speed skating) - olympic event a sport in which you need to cover a certain distance on skates faster than your opponents. Currently, speed skating competitions are held in a closed circle. Speed ​​skating competitions are held separately for men and women.

History of the emergence and development of speed skating

Speed ​​skating is one of the most ancient sports. Archaeological finds indicate that people used skate prototypes more than 3,000 years ago. For the first time in literature, skating was mentioned by the monk Stephanius in his work “Chronicle of the Noble City of London” in 1174.

In 1742, the first skating clubs began to appear in Scotland.

In 1763, the first ice skating competitions were officially recorded, but at that time there were no clearly defined rules and these were simply races.

In 1772, the first rules for speed skating appeared.

Since 1830, skating clubs began to appear in England, America and Russia. In 1879, the first national championship was organized in England.

In 1889, the first world ice skating championships took place in the Netherlands. The winner was Russian athlete Alexander Panshin.

In 1892, the International Skating Union (International Skating Federation) was founded, which awarded the 1889 competition the status of professional and similar competitions began to be held annually. The International Skating Union organizes and conducts speed skating competitions.

European Championships for men began to be held in 1893, and for women in 1970.

Speed ​​skating has been part of the Winter Olympics since its inception. Initially, the races were held at four distances - 500, 1500, 5000, 10,000 meters and all-around.

In 1967, the International Skating Union adopted short track speed skating under its auspices, competitions in which began to be held in 1981. In 1992, short track speed skating was included in the Olympic Games program.

Speed ​​skating rules

At competitions, athletes run in pairs counterclockwise. At the start, one athlete is on the outer lane and the other on the inner lane, and after each lap the skaters are required to change lanes. When changing lanes, there are situations when athletes find themselves on a straight line next to each other. If this happens, the athlete on the inner track must let the runner on the outer track pass. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disqualification. Team races and mass starts take place exclusively on the internal track.

In short track speed skating, athletes also move counterclockwise, but up to six athletes can take part in a race. Skaters are prohibited from interfering with or helping other participants in any way, as well as knocking down the markers that limit the track and putting their foot forward at the finish line, tearing the skate off the ice.

Speed ​​skating track

The speed skating track is an oval 400 or, much less frequently, 333 meters long. The internal turning radius is 25-26 meters. The straight sections of the route are approximately 100 meters long.

The speed skating track has two tracks (inner and outer). One of the straight sections is a transition section for athletes; in this section, tracks change on each lap.

The short track track is 111.12 meters long, the radius of turns is 8 meters, and the distance between curves is 28.85 meters. Typically, a short track track is marked on a hockey field.

Speed ​​skating equipment

For speed skating, special klap skates (klap skate) were invented - special skates for classical running. The blade on such skates is fixed with a special spring hinge and only on the front part of the boot. This is done specifically to increase the repulsion phase, and, therefore, allows you to achieve higher speeds.

A speed skating suit (suit) must follow the natural shape of the athlete’s body. Inserts or elements that change the shape of the body are prohibited. To protect against injury, athletes may wear shin, ankle, and knee protection under their overalls.

A protective helmet in speed skating must follow the shape of the head.

In short track speed skating, athletes additionally wear goggles, gloves, knee pads, and neck protection.


Included panel of judges international competitions include:

  • referee;
  • assistant referees;
  • starters with assistants;
  • finish judge;
  • timekeepers (manual timing);
  • timekeepers (automatic timing);
  • lap counters;
  • judges on the track - one at each turn (at the championships of the International Skating Union and at Olympic Games- 2 at each turn);
  • crossing judge;
  • necessary substitutes for judges;
  • ice technical expert.

Speed ​​skating competition

  • The Olympic Games are the most prestigious championship in speed skating, held once every four years.
  • World Speed ​​Skating Championships (WCH) - a series of sports international competitions, conducted by the International Skating Union.
  • European Speed ​​Skating Championships.
  • World Cup - winter series sports competitions in speed skating, held under the auspices International Federation speed skaters.
  • National Championships.