The largest catfish in Belarus. Top largest catfish in the world. Famous world records

Catfish is a freshwater fish that can be found in water bodies around the world. Surely many have heard horror stories about man-eating catfish that are just waiting for the right moment to drag their prey into the depths. Did this really happen, and what size was the caught one? big catfish? Let's figure this out.

Listed in the Book of Records

Many stories testify to the fact that catfish can reach incredibly huge sizes. Moreover, some specimens of giant catfish caught are listed in the Guinness Book of Records. In 2005, a huge catfish was caught in the Mekong River (in Thailand). The record for the size and weight of the predator has been officially registered - representatives of the Thai authorities were even invited to do this. The length of the caught catfish was 2.7 m, and it weighed 293 kg. Due to its incredible size, this predator was listed in the Red Book as the largest catfish.

This river was previously famous for the fact that it was possible to catch quite large trophies in it. However, as the reservoir became polluted, the number of catfish in it began to decrease, and then the predator disappeared altogether. Therefore, the surprise of the local residents knew no bounds when they saw such a huge catch. They decided to give this “monster” to the environmental service, where it would be monitored, but the predator did not survive.

The largest specimens according to unconfirmed data

However, large-sized catfish have been caught in many countries and at different times. For example, catfish even larger than the Mekong catfish were caught in Russia (in Lake Issyk-Kul) back in the 19th century. Most likely, this is due to the better ecology of that time - after all, catfish love clean water and are able to reproduce only in such reservoirs. The weight of the caught catfish was 347 kg. The mouth of this fish was so large that an adult could easily fit in it. In honor of this event, an arch was erected on the lake, depicting the giant jaw of the largest catfish.

Also, according to unconfirmed data, it is known that in 1830 in Germany (on the Oder River) an even larger specimen was caught - a catfish, the weight of which, according to eyewitnesses, was 400-450 kg.

A catfish was caught in Holland, the length of which is 2.3 m. He was given the nickname “Big Mommy” - now he lives in a lake, which is located in a local park. Divers who are 100 percent sure that “Big Momma” cannot cause harm love to swim in this lake. However, everything may turn out completely differently, because there have been cases when huge catfish attacked people.

Killer catfish

Since the Middle Ages, there have been rumors that human remains were found in the stomachs of huge catfish. And in our time such information passes through. A catfish was caught in eastern China, the length of which was more than three meters. When they opened this huge predator, they found human remains inside. Most likely, these were the people who were officially considered drowned, but their bodies were never found.

There was also a case in Russia - in the Khopersky Nature Reserve, a predator dragged a deer into the depths, and in front of the huntsman, biologist and forester. But it was not possible to find and catch this catfish. Experts say that if a catfish has tried human meat at least once, then it will miss its usual food (fish, frogs, birds) and will deliberately hunt people. Killer catfish come out to hunt at sunset, so you should not swim in places where catfish are found.

The largest catfish in Europe was caught in Italy in March 2011. Its weight turned out to be 114 kilograms, its length is exactly 2.5 meters. A fisherman named Robert Godey dragged the fish ashore for 50 minutes.

And not alone, but with the help of several people. As a result, the catfish became the largest freshwater fish caught in European waters. She also received the title of the largest catfish in the world that was caught.

On the day of fishing, Roberto Godi was hunting for bream, but felt a bite and went into the river. After the catch, weighing 114 kilograms, was pulled out of the water, everyone was surprised. The fisherman weighed the catfish, took a photo with it and released it back into the river.

And the previous record was recorded a little earlier. The largest European catfish weighed 111 kilograms. He was caught in the Spanish Ebro River.

Another catfish and also the holder of the title of the largest catfish in the world was caught on May 1, 2009 in the Mekong River in Thailand. Its weight was 293 kilograms, with a length of 2.7 meters. Such impressive dimensions were recorded by the Thai authorities in the presence of the head of the international WWF (World Wildlife Fund) by Zeb Hogan. This project studies the largest fish in the world. And now the Mekong catfish is the largest freshwater fish in the world.

However, large catfish were caught in different time and in different countries. For example, in the Ukrainian Dnieper (where catfish is considered the king fish), according to unconfirmed reports, a 288-kilogram catfish with a length of 4 meters was caught. In the Dniester, a catfish weighing 320 kilograms was pulled out.

And again, according to unconfirmed reports, in 1830 the largest catfish in the world was caught on the Oder. His weight was 400 kilograms.

The largest cannibal catfish

Hungry catfish are pretty scary. There are known facts when fish attacked rotten rags and even snatched linen from the hands of women who were rinsing their clothes in ponds. Catfish have the strength to capsize a boat, and if they want, they can tear a fishing net and take the fish with them. Catfish is the largest river predator. Its weight can reach 230 kilograms with a length of 3 meters. However, fish can grow large sizes

. For example, American zoologist David Wheeler mentions in his book “Killer Fish” a catfish weighing 500 kilograms and 6.3 meters.

Catfish live in almost all large reservoirs of Russia and the CIS countries. They are also common in Europe, but not in northern countries. Can be found in the USA, Canada and Latin America.

Experts say that catfish can attack any living creature that is on the surface of the water. A predator always swallows its prey whole. It cannot tear off pieces like a shark because it does not have teeth as such. The small teeth are more like a brush. At the same time, catfish, which can live up to 100 years, are sometimes unable to provide themselves with a regular breakfast. Therefore, it is easier for him to find prey on the surface: ducks, birds, dogs and even people.


Every year, swimmers mysteriously disappeared in one of the Chinese reservoirs. The mystery of the disappearances has already been revealed. It turned out that in the reservoir there was a three-meter catfish with a head more than a meter. Human remains were found inside the fish.

Catching big catfish


In Kazakhstan, the authorities initially kept silent about the following incident, and then it became public.

In the reservoir on the banks of the Ilek River near the city of Aktobe there are man-eating fish. Therefore, swimming there is prohibited. In 2009, a huge catfish scared the residents of a Kazakh city. Three people drowned in the water area near Zhilgorodsky beach. Local residents claim that the catfish is to blame for everything. One of the residents saw a huge fish basking on the surface.


Near Khortitsa several years ago, a missing tugboat was found at a depth of 15 meters. A hole was found on board, and a 5-meter catfish was stuck in it. When the fish carcass was pulled out and the stomach was opened, everyone gasped. Inside were the remains of 3 wanted Polish tourists. They escaped from the ship in distress, but never made it to the shore. Local residents say that they can remember more than a dozen attacks by killer catfish on sailing and motor boats. There are also cases of disappearances of fishermen.


In the Khopersky Nature Reserve, a catfish attacked a young deer in the presence of rangers, a forester and a biologist. The predator, in front of people, dragged the animal to the bottom of the lake. And here old-timers assure that this is not the only case.

It was not possible to find and catch the killer catfish. A special commission came to the conclusion that the fish behaves so unusually due to a tectonic fault and the unusual state of the earth’s crust in the area of ​​the reserve. The aggression could have been a consequence of an energy release in the fault zone.

And in the summer of 1996, in the same Voronezh region, in the village of Kulakovo, a woman and a boy became victims of a voracious catfish.

Experts say that if the prey for the catfish is large, then it can leave it at the bottom until the corpse begins to decompose and becomes soft. Only then does he begin to suck in pieces of flesh. Killer catfish go hunting at sunset and continue until dawn. Therefore, swimming in the evening where catfish are found is not recommended. A real giant catfish A famous ichthyologist named Richiuti talks about a number of historical cases when people fell into the mouth of a catfish. For example, in 1613 in the area of ​​​​present Pressburg
river predator

Fans of world records will be interested to know about the size of the largest catfish ever caught by a person, because it is no secret that this river inhabitant is second in size only to such a representative of the sturgeon as the beluga, which is also found in Russian reservoirs. At the same time, the mustachioed predator can be found not only in large rivers and lakes of the Eurasian continent, but also in almost all other regions of the planet, albeit not on such a scale.

In terms of size, the catfish is second only to the beluga

Habitat and potential threat

The favorite habitat of fish with large mustaches is warm waters, so its largest populations can be observed in the central and southern parts of Eurasia. A seemingly completely harmless river resident, catfish is not as simple as it seems and, unfortunately, there are often situations when it is not people who hunt this fish, which has tasty white meat, but vice versa.

Scientists have been observing this unique animal for a long time, as a result of which they were able to compile a rather entertaining selection of the most interesting facts about them:

At the same time, you should not rush to get catfish with bare hands, underestimating the threat that this freshwater monster brings with it, because you can hear many terrible stories from real life, in which the catfish became the main participant.

The danger of large representatives

It must be admitted that small specimens of these fish do not pose a serious danger to humans, like representatives of the catfish family, which are of medium size. However, this cannot be said about huge catfish, whose mass exceeds 100 kilograms.

Very large individuals can pose a danger to humans

For example, in a small Turkish settlement back in 1970, fishermen managed to catch a two-meter monster, in whose womb it was not a small fish, but the corpse of a woman who had disappeared several days before. After some time, two more people disappeared in the same area, and residents of nearby villages rushed to blame the giant catfish living at the bottom of the reservoir for the incident.

But despite the fact that cases of human remains being found in fish stomachs are not isolated, some scientists are quite skeptical about the theory of cannibal catfishes hunting those who decide to swim in the depths. As for the corpses in the womb of the fish, the researchers suggested that the catfish ate them as carrion, that is, in fact, we are talking about drowned people, and not at all about the victims of a river predator.

Famous world records

Despite the fact that catching a big catfish from the river is not so easy, as it may seem initially, to some professional fishermen and ordinary amateurs still managed to do it.

Top 10 river giants

Every year people manage to set new records in the unofficial ranking “The largest catfish caught.” Currently, this list includes the following ten unique specimens, which belong to the heaviest weight category:

  1. The absolute record holder today is a giant monster caught back in the 19th century in the waters of the famous Lake Issyk-Kul, which at that time was part of the property of Russian Empire. Surprisingly, the weight of the largest catfish caught in Russia was as much as 347 kilograms, while its length exceeded 4 meters. In honor of the giant, local residents decided to erect a small arch in the shape of fish jaws, of which not the slightest trace remains today.

    The largest catfish reached 4 meters in size

  2. The second in the top “The largest catfish in the world” was the giant from the Polish Lake Oder, which has the same length as the previous specimen, but one and a half times less weight, amounting to 200 kg. Besides heavy weight, this catfish attracted the attention of researchers with two more characteristic features, the first of which indicated the impressive age of the animal (over 100 years), while the second was that a corpse was discovered in its belly. However, after all the relevant tests were carried out, it was found that the deceased first choked and only then was swallowed by a huge predator.
  3. “Bronze” went to another of the largest catfish in Russia, which was pulled out of the Seim River, which stretches among the banks Kursk region. This fish also weighed 200 kilograms, but its height only slightly exceeded the 3-meter mark. The story of the capture is also surprising, because the fishermen managed to shoot the fish underwater with a harpoon, but they were unable to raise it to the surface, as a result of which they had to call a local tractor driver and his equipment for help.

    The weight of a huge catfish can reach 200 kg or more

  4. Another mustachioed giant, whose distinctive feature is its white color, was caught from the waters of the Mekong in exotic Thailand. At that time (2009), a fish weighing 275 kilos and more than two meters in length was considered the largest in the world, which allowed it to get into the famous Guinness Book of Records, however, it was not possible to save the life of this record holder, since he could not withstand the stress and died almost immediately after the measurements.
  5. In 2007, in the Kazakh Il River, local fishermen were lucky enough to catch a truly large fish weighing 130 kilograms. It is noteworthy that the length of the predator, just like that of the Mekong albino, reached 2.7 meters.
  6. Another record was set by Russian sports fishing enthusiast Yuri Grisendi, who went to explore the river waters of France. As a result, the gambling tourist managed to pull a huge fish weighing 120 kilos and more than two and a half meters long onto the bank of the Rhone River.

    A huge catfish weighing 120 kg was caught in France

  7. An Italian named Godi managed to pull out a catfish of the same length, although the weight of this animal was only 113 kilograms. It is difficult to predict how this situation could have developed if it were not for six friends of an avid fisherman who went with him to the river for bream. As in the previous case, the prey was measured, weighed, photographed and sent back to free swimming.
  8. Eighth place goes to a catfish with a unique yellow color, which no one had to catch, since we are talking about an honorary resident of the central park of one of the Dutch cities. This fish, which received the funny nickname “Big Mommy” from local residents, is protected by law and all that is known about it today is its height of 2.3 meters.
  9. In 2009, in the Spanish River Ebro, British tourist Sheffield Chris caught another albino, whose live weight reached 88 kilos. It took half an hour to pull out the monster struggling in the river waters and, most likely, the Briton would not have been able to cope with the task if not for his faithful friends.
  10. The top 10 is closed by a two-meter catfish weighing 60 kilograms, which has more modest dimensions. He was caught by a Belarusian amateur fisherman, who spent an hour ensuring that the rare catch could not escape from his nets. This time the animal did not manage to go back to the bottom and the satisfied fisherman gladly let it go for roast and cutlets.

One can only guess whether all the largest specimens are included in this rating river fish that people have ever managed to catch, because many records are simply not recorded, remaining only in the memory of happy fishermen.

Fishing for catfish

There are several useful secrets, the knowledge of which will help even a novice fisherman to pull a fairly large catfish ashore, quite suitable for preparing delicious stew and many other aromatic and rich dishes:

When going fishing for catfish, you need to remember how dangerous and uncontrollable this huge predator can be. And in order not to suffer from his actions, it is recommended to go fishing in a large group of friends and not swim to great depths, even if you want to look at the fish closer.

Catfish is one of the largest predators inhabiting the underwater river world. With a sufficient food supply, catfish can live for hundreds of years, gaining weight up to 500 kg and growing in length up to 4-5 meters. It is indicated that the largest catfish was caught in Uzbekistan about 100 years ago. It weighed about 430 kg and was up to 5 meters long. Unfortunately, there is no official confirmation of this fact. You can find a mention that in Ukraine, in the Dnieper River, a catfish was caught, weighing 288 kg, which managed to grow up to 4 meters in length.

A catfish of this size can easily swallow an adult, as evidenced by official data. Some experts claim that there are cannibal catfish. But such statements have no scientific evidence. If human corpses are found in the belly of a river giant, it is assumed that the people were already dead. Simply put, these people drowned in due time, and only after that they were swallowed by a catfish.

Nowadays, the number of large catfish has sharply decreased due to the difficult environmental situation, as well as uncontrolled human fishing. In addition, modern gear has enormous potential in terms of catching fish. Despite this, weighty underwater predators are still occasionally encountered. In order not to be unfounded, we can present to your attention an overview of the largest catfish in the world, caught not so long ago.

In tenth place was a catfish from Belarus, whose length was 2 meters. It was caught by a local fisherman in 2011. When he and his assistants were catching fish with nets, after another cast, the nets suddenly refused to be pulled out of the water. For a whole hour, the fisherman and his comrades pulled the nets out of the water. After the catfish was pulled ashore, it was weighed and measured. With a length of two meters, its weight was 60 kg. The fishermen did not release the catfish, but let it be fried.

2 – Weighty catfish from Spain

In 2009, local fishermen caught an albino catfish in the Ebro River, which was more than two meters long and weighed 88 kg. Chris, a Briton from Sheffield, managed to catch him. He tried to pull the catfish out on his own, but he failed. Chris had to ask for help from his friends, who also came to fish with him. It took more than 30 minutes for the catfish to reach the shore. The catfish was released after Chris and his friends, who helped pull the catfish out of the water, took a photo with it.

3 – Catfish from Holland

Eighth place goes to a catfish from Holland, who lives in the Centerparcs holiday park. The park is very popular among tourists and local residents. Moreover, everyone knows that a huge catfish, up to 2.3 meters long, lives in the park’s reservoir. This huge representative of the underwater world received the nickname “Big Momma”. The river monster eats up to three birds swimming on the lake a day, as evidenced by park guards. “Big Momma” is protected by the state, so fishing here is prohibited.

4 – Catfish from Italy

At the beginning of 2011, Italian Robert Godi managed to catch one of the largest catfish. He rightfully occupies the seventh position in this rating. With a length of about 2.5 meters, its weight was 114 kg. The experienced fisherman did not even hope that he would be so lucky. It took six people to pull the catfish out for almost an hour. Robert admitted that he arrived at the pond with friends in the hope of catching bream. The fact that instead of a bream a huge catfish pecked is very rare and unexpected. But most importantly, the catfish was pulled out. After determining its size and weight, the catfish was released back into the reservoir.

5 – French som

In the Rhone River, tourist Yuri Grisendi caught the largest catfish in France. After measurements, it became known that the catfish has a length of 2.6 meters and a weight of up to 120 kilograms. The man who caught him is engaged in a targeted hunt for such giants. Moreover, he catches not only catfish, but also other large representatives of the underwater world. Therefore, the catch cannot be called accidental, as in previous cases. After another monster is caught, it is filmed as evidence and released back into the water. There is nothing strange about this, because this is the hobby of this fisherman.

6 – Som from Kazakhstan

In fifth place is a giant from Kazakhstan, which was caught on the Ili River in 2007. He was caught by local fishermen. The giant had a weight of 130 kilograms and a length of 2.7 meters. According to local residents, they have never seen such a giant in their lives.

7 – Huge catfish from Thailand

In 2005, in May, the largest catfish of these places was caught on the Mekong River. He weighed 293 kg, with a length of 2.7 meters. The reliability of the data was established by Zeb Hogan, responsible for the WWF international project. During this period, he investigated the presence of the largest fish in the world. The albino catfish that was caught is one of the largest representatives freshwater fish, which were noted by him in his work. At one time it was noted in the Guinness Book of Records. They wanted to release Soma, but unfortunately, he did not survive.

8 – Big catfish from Russia

It’s not for nothing that this huge catfish is in third place. He was caught several years ago in Russia. This event took place on the Seim River, which flows through the Kursk region. It was certified by employees of the Kursk Fishery Supervision Authority in 2009. The weight of the catfish reached 200 kg, and its length was about 3 meters. Underwater fishermen-hunters saw him underwater absolutely by accident and managed to shoot at him with an underwater gun. The shot was successful, and the fishermen tried to pull it out on their own, but they were unable to do so. Therefore, they took the help of a rural tractor driver on a tractor.

After it was pulled ashore, local residents noted that this was the first such huge catfish that they had seen in their lives.

9 – Catfish caught in Poland

In second place is the largest catfish caught in Poland. He was caught on the Oder River. According to experts, this fish is more than 100 years old. This specimen weighed up to 200 kilograms and was 4 meters long.

A human corpse was discovered in the belly of this animal, so experts had to be invited. They concluded that the man was already dead when he was swallowed by this giant. So the rumors that the catfish could be a cannibal were again not confirmed.

10 - The giant that was caught in Russia

According to some statements, this huge fish was caught in Russia back in the 19th century. They caught him in Lake Issyk-Kul and this giant weighed 347 kg with a length of more than 4 meters. Some experts claim that at that time, at the place where this catfish was caught, an arch was built, reminiscent in appearance of the jaws of this huge underwater representative.

Unfortunately, recently there has been a sharp decline in the fish stocks of our lakes and rivers. Fish are increasingly suffering from pollution of water bodies by various chemicals that enter rivers, ponds and lakes from fields. In addition, waste from industrial enterprises is dumped into the water. Unfortunately, the state does not conduct a special fight against such pests in human form. At this rate, there is every reason to believe that humanity will soon be left without fish at all.

If you are passionate about fishing, then, from time to time, you probably dream of catching a catfish that would be sooo big. Also, we are sure that you would not mind reading about the largest catfish in the world, as well as watching their photos and videos.

Probably, many people have heard stories from talkative fishermen when they caught catfish weighing 100 kilograms or more, but in reality these turned out to be nothing more than beautiful stories.

In reality, it usually turns out that the caught catfish weighed about 20 kilograms. Otherwise, they would tear off the fishing lines, bend and break the hooks, because in order to pull a hundred-kilogram fish out of the water, special equipment is required.

However, all fishermen remain incorrigible dreamers: each of them is sure that their record catfish is already waiting for them somewhere. But let's now turn our attention to the luckier fishermen who have already caught their largest catfish on earth and are now happy to brag about it to the whole world.

So, the largest catfish in the world.

Catfish weighing 114 kilograms

A catfish weighing 114 kilograms was caught by Robert Godi in Italy on the Po River. The length of the catfish reached 2.5 meters.

By the way, looking at such a catfish, you really begin to believe in fairy tales that giant catfish can drag people into the water and eat them there. Of course, such a catfish will not be able to swallow a person, but drowning it in water and drowning there is quite possible. But this is the case if the fisherman gives the wrong answer to the almost Hamlet-like question “To live or to catfish?!”

But, we move on and look at the terrible monster: the weight of the next presented catfish is more than 200 kilograms. And it’s interesting that it was not a fisherman who caught him, but a hunter. Yes, such a catfish was shot by a hunter! Of course, not forest, but underwater.

Catfish weighing 216 kilograms

A catfish weighing 216 kilograms was caught in the Seim River. If you look at this river on the map, it is actually a small river, which means that you can catch such catfish in small rivers too! However, it is very interesting how the underwater hunter held this giant immediately after the shot, because such a “catfish” can drag a person wherever you want.

Catfish weighing 120 kilograms

A catfish weighing 120 kilograms was caught on the Rena River in France. Such luck went to the Belgian tourist. The length of the fish was 255 centimeters.

Catfish weighing 100 kilograms

A catfish weighing 100 kilograms was shot in the Dnepropetrovsk channels by underwater hunters.

Catfish weighing 97 kilograms

And this catfish, weighing 97 kilograms, was caught in Spain on the Ebro River by a woman.

Catfish weighing 130 kilograms

A catfish weighing 130 kilograms was caught in Kazakhstan on the Ili River. Its length was 270 centimeters.

Now let's ask ourselves, what kind of maximum weight can, in fact, reach the soma? Encyclopedias claim that record holders among catfish can be up to 5 meters long and weigh up to 500 kilograms. There is even a mention of a caught catfish weighing 430 kilograms. Such a “fish” was caught already in our time in Uzbekistan. And, in general, it is believed that catfish do not like the cold very much, therefore, the warmer the water, the more and faster they are able to gain weight.

At the end, we invite you to watch an interesting video by Jeremy Wade. In it, he talks about catfish and considers the options when a huge fish can attack a person and what will happen.