We're going to the gym for the first time. What to take with you to the fitness club? Get in shape or what to wear to the gym (gym). What to wear to the gym for a man for running, cycling, barbells How to dress for the gym

Some time ago I wrote an article about how to take the first step and decide on.
We will assume that you have made up your mind, but now the question arises - What do you need to go to the gym (besides motivation and goals)?

Sportswear, of course. We'll talk about it today.

Everything seems simple and there are no strict requirements for clothing, however There are characters, looking at whom it is difficult not to smile. I've often seen men who don't care how they look in the gym. These, in my opinion, can be found in any rocking chair.

They are wearing:

  • An old, holey T-shirt that you “don’t mind.”
  • Tights of unknown year of birth.
  • Slides with a killer foot odor.

This list can be continued, but that’s not what we’re here for.

What to wear to the gym (gym)?

Sportswear comes first should be comfortable. And comfort is high-quality material and freedom of movement during exercise.

Here is a set of sports uniforms, which, in my opinion, is optimal.


When choosing a T-shirt for the gym, place the main emphasis on the material. The T-shirt must be breathable so that the body “breathes” during physical activity. Cotton T-shirts are perfect for sports.


Personally, I like shorts much better than tights. They don’t cling to exercise equipment, you feel more free in them, and they don’t stick to your feet during intense workouts.

Another tip: buy shorts that come above the knee. Long shorts constantly catch on your knees during barbell squats and other similar exercises. This is terribly infuriating. And it’s so hard, but there’s still something constantly clinging to it. 🙂


Modern gyms have long introduced the rule of visiting the establishment only in sports shoes. And it is right. After all, an accidental fall of a weight plate or dumbbell onto an open foot can deprive you of the ability to move normally for a long time. It is better to choose well-known sports companies Nike or Adidas.

Running shoes– this is what is most suitable for a beginner. In addition, running is an excellent warm-up. By running a little before lifting weights, you will warm up your body, pump blood through your veins and prepare your heart for the upcoming loads.


For me, this is a must-have attribute of the gym and here’s why: gloves protect hands from calluses, which will certainly appear on your hands from the barbell and dumbbells.

If you think calloused male hands are cool, then ask your girlfriend about this. With such hands you can easily leave scratches on her delicate skin. You don’t want her to avoid your touch?!

I hope it’s now clear what to wear to the gym. However, there is something else What it is advisable to take with you to the gym:

A bottle of water. During intense sports, the body dehydrates, the blood thickens, blood circulation deteriorates with all the consequences. Therefore, drink, drink and drink water again.
A small towel. It's no secret that you will sweat a lot while pumping. Therefore, a small towel on hand will be very useful. Let others wipe the sweat from their faces with the edges of their already soaked T-shirts.
Shower accessories. Everything is clear here.

With this equipment you can move mountains in the gym. The main thing is the attitude and desire to change yourself. You will change, your environment will change, everything will change.

When it comes to training, motivation plays a big role in achieving success. But what you wear is also important. Baggy tracksuits and cotton T-shirts may be comfortable, but they are also harmful to your body. Let's look at what things are most suitable for fitness.

Is your fitness wardrobe in need of a change?

Proper workout clothing, on the other hand, should wick sweat, show movement clearly, and protect sensitive skin. Consider yourself a veteran at the gym? Don't think you're safe. Experienced athletes and novices alike are at risk of falling prey to these tracksuit criminals. So before you jump into your favorite sneakers or sports bra, here's what you should never wear to the gym:

100% Cotton Clothes

Avoid 100% cotton workout clothes. This fabric may look good and comfortable, but because cotton absorbs moisture and dries slowly, your sweat literally stays with you. Instead of dripping down, your damp cotton clothes can cause colds and skin irritation or infection and increase friction in rubbing areas.

Remember: Swap cotton clothing for quick-drying synthetics or lightweight wicking fabrics that are specifically designed to wick moisture away from the skin for optimal evaporation.

Advice: No matter what type of fabric you are wearing, discard it if it begins to absorb odors. Trainer Joe Gonzales, general manager of Barry's Bootcamp in New York City, says there is a lifespan for fabric if it continually absorbs sweat.

Worn shoes

If you don't throw away your shoes after they break down or have a hole in the toe area, you are causing harm to your feet. An unsuitable sole and arch support can create a solid base when standing on a smooth studio floor and can even harm your joints. Brett Donelson, a certified trainer and USA Triathlon coach in Vail, Colorado, says good athletic shoes promote proper alignment during training. He says that generally, you want your knees to follow your toes during a squat or bicycle exercise. If your shoes do not provide the necessary support, your knees will not follow your feet and this will lead to knee and foot pain.

Remember: Melissa Parish, a New York-based personal trainer and spokesperson for Lululemon Athletica, recommends replacing your tennis shoes every 500 miles. She says that if you run two days a week, you need a new pair once a year, but if you run six or seven days a week, you should replace your shoes every three months.

Advice: If you're shopping for a new pair of sneakers, Gonzales and Donelson recommend having your gait analyzed by a professional to ensure the shoes fit your natural inward or outward foot position. Choosing comfort over fashion is the key to a safe, effective workout. Everyone is obsessed with good looking shoes, but they need to be comfortable.

Unsupported sports bra

You can't give your best in training if you're not comfortable or embarrassed. A good bra should work to protect the ligaments and tissue of your breasts from excessive stretching or pressure so that you can lunge without unnecessary worry.

Remember: To choose the perfect bra, you need to keep in mind the level of movement of your regular workout and your body shape. Low-compression sports bras are suitable for workouts like yoga or walking, while high-compression sports bras are ideal for long workouts and intense cardio. Choose a bra made from moisture-wicking fabric with straight or flat seams to minimize sweat accumulation and chafing. Women with large breasts should choose a bra with wide straps that distribute the weight without digging into the shoulders, and wide bands at the back of the bra for maximum support.

Advice: Even if you are happy with your old friends, you should change them every six to nine months. Jessica Matthews, an exercise physiologist at the San Diego American Board of Exercise Science says that worn-out sports bras don't do their job and can lead to ligament damage. While how long you can use a bra depends on how often you wear it and wash it, she says there are some signs to look out for - lopsided cups, loose straps or protruding underwire, or if it doesn't fit properly.

Jewelry, phones and other toys

Jewelry that dangles, dangles or sticks out has no place in the gym. Anything that might get in your way or distract your thoughts from your workout should be left at home. Even a wedding ring can be uncomfortable or even dangerous during strength training, or get caught on the mat in a Yoga or Pilates class.

Remember: Leave your jewelry in your gym bag or on yourself and it's in trouble.

Loud appliances

Even if you don't use exercise accessories, you probably wear headphones to listen to music. While wearing headphones can help you stay in the zone, it will also limit your awareness of your surroundings.

Remember: Adjust the sound level so that you can hear what is happening around you. If you're working out on the machine, someone might be waiting for you, or the fire alarm will go off, you need to have all the information.

Advice: Whether you're working out in the fitness center or in the backyard, muting the beats also optimizes your ability to tune into your breathing during strength training or the treadmill monitor while running.

Baggy clothes

Loose clothes for the living room, too much material for the gym - it's dangerous. Matthews explains that if you're wearing something baggy, it can get in the way of what you're doing or get caught on something. It also makes it difficult to see your body's alignment, posture, and movement when you're not in workout clothes, which can manifest other risks: If your form is incorrect when lifting weights or Pilates, you're more likely to hurt your body than help it.

Remember: You don't have to constrict yourself in a spandex ensemble, but swapping out loose-fitting clothing for a form-fitting one is a good idea for a safer workout.

Advice: Matthews explains that while loose clothing seems appropriate, in some Yoga poses it can come off, exposing your stomach and back. Donelson encourages athletes to wear clothing that completely covers and tightly grips the hips so they can move freely. In public, it is better to defend yourself than to apologize. If you're a fan of loose workout shorts, layer another pair of tight ones underneath to avoid unwanted exposure.

Clothes are too tight

While you don't want to swim with your clothes on, finding a happy medium is key, the shape shouldn't be too constricting so you can perform the full range of exercises.

Remember: Restrictive short-sleeve tops and fabric covering the shoulders and armpits should be free enough to lift, bend and rotate the arms around. The bottom should not be so tight around the waist and crotch that it restricts bending, lunging, and squatting.

Heavy perfumes and lotions

No one wants to smell at the gym, but draw a line between deodorant and additional skin scents. The aroma of a strong perfume or cologne becomes stronger when the body begins to heat up and sweat, which can lead to headaches for you or those working nearby.

Matthews also cautions against using greasy lotions before a workout. Oily hand or body cream can make your skin greasy and make it difficult to hold the bar or barbell, not to mention leave an unpleasant mark on the bench or handle. Moisturizer on your face can also interfere with your workout if it gets into your eyes with sweat.

Remember: Avoid toilet water with a strong odor. Matthews suggests choosing a scented, lightweight, oil-free lotion or a sports-specific sunscreen that will provide the best protection for your skin.

If theater begins with a hanger, then any training for a girl should begin with the right bra. No, even your most comfortable bra will not work: for the gym you need special underwear that will support your breasts, reduce the load on your spine and will not cause discomfort during active movements. A consultant at a sportswear store will help you choose the ideal option depending on the type of fitness you choose.

2. Sneakers

You shouldn't go to the gym in the sneakers you wear in the summer. And even more so, you shouldn’t run your first couple of kilometers in them. Remember that the right fitness sneakers should be stable, lightweight, breathable, and have a flexible sole that can accommodate a wide range of movements. Be sure to try them on before purchasing and do a few basic movements - squats, crunches, push-ups - so you can make sure that they fit snugly around the instep and ankle, which will reduce the risk of sprains.

3. T-shirt

Why do we recommend a sleeveless tank top rather than a T-shirt? Firstly, both you and the coach will see how the shoulder joint works. The second point is that nothing will hinder your movements. Thirdly, in a T-shirt you will be able to hold your back better: the straps promote correct posture. And pay attention to technological fabric like DriFIT, which will wick away moisture.

4. Leggings

“I always advise beginners to buy tight-fitting leggings, such as Nike Sculpt Tight, rather than shorts,” advises Nikita Serdyuk, Nike innovative technology specialist. “They have a compression effect, thereby preventing varicose veins, supporting muscles and allowing you to avoid injuries and carry out training with maximum efficiency.” Pay attention to how Lily is dressed: simply super!


5. Sports water bottle

During exercise, you need to drink water so that the body does not suffer from lack of moisture. It is convenient to drink water from sports bottles literally on the run; there is no need to waste time unscrewing and screwing the cap. They are made from special plastic that will last you a very long time, which means you will make your small contribution to caring for the environment.

6. Hair tie

To exercise comfortably, it is better to collect your hair. Long ones - in a braid or ponytail, short ones - under a sports elastic band on the head. Choose cute elastic bands: they don’t damage your hair, they’re easy to remove, and they look stylish!

7. Phone holder

A mobile phone can not only distract you from your workout, but also help you with it. Thus, the free Nike Running and Nike Training Club applications will help you build a training program just like a personal trainer, they will remind you of workouts and help you track progress. Special holders that securely attach the phone to your hand will definitely make your mobile your faithful ally in training.

8. Travel set of cosmetics

After training and showering, the skin needs to be moisturized. In order not to carry large volumes of creams with you, purchase a so-called travel kit: a set of cosmetics in miniature. And if you don’t have time to wash and dry your hair, dry shampoo in spray or powder will definitely save you.

9. Good antiperspirant

Pay attention to the sports lines of popular brands or to deodorants marked “super-resistant”, “48 hours” or “anti-stress”. They cope better with both sweating and unpleasant odor.

10. Gloves

The skin of the palms becomes rough from dumbbells, barbells and exercise machine handles. To protect it, exercise in special fingerless gloves: convenient and comfortable!

And most importantly: maintain a positive attitude, even if at first your successes are not impressive. Evil trolls should not stop you from reaching your goal! Take the example of Lily and Margo: no matter what, they do not lose heart! The new episode is already on air, tune in soon!

Every girl and woman who takes care of herself knows firsthand about the benefits of sports.

Regular exercise will not only make your body slim and fit, but will also improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalize metabolism, improve skin condition and give good spirits. What else do you need to always feel young and beautiful? Undoubtedly, the success of any workout depends on your desire and desire, on the intensity and time of training.

However, we should not forget about one more component of a successful workout, the correctly selected sports uniform. It is she who provides you with comfort and makes classes more convenient and enjoyable. Properly chosen clothing will prevent you from rubbing calluses, relieve diaper rash and allow your body to breathe. Thus, nothing can overshadow your activities, and you will receive not only benefits from them, but also pleasure.

Shoes for the gym 2016 what to choose fashion trends new photos

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of shoes. Here preference should be given to sports sneakers for the gym or for running.

They feature a comfortable wide, slightly springy sole. Sneakers - only if you are going to do yoga, Pilates, calanetics; they are not suitable for fitness and aerobics at all, because... do not support the foot, do not provide stability.

In shoes, it is important that they do not rub when you just bought them; it is better not to take them to the gym right away, but to walk around at home. Otherwise, for the first training session you need to take a patch for calluses.

What to wear to the gym 2016 fashion trends photos new items

Basically, no one really cares what you wear to the gym. But the first thing to note is that no matter how much you worry about your appearance, clothes should not distract you from your workouts.

Constantly thinking that something needs to be tightened, tied or twisted somewhere is not good and will distract from the main activity in the gym. You go to the gym to get a flawless figure, right? Then try to make sure that nothing bothers you, including unnecessary distractions from clothes.

Modern sportswear for the gym most often combines both practicality and aesthetics. Bright colors are not prohibited here; on the contrary, they are encouraged. There are no strict rules regarding styles, so you can safely choose the gym clothes that you like.

Girls, if you really want to study and not charm the opposite sex, dress comfortably. T-shirts with a cutout, which are not very comfortable when bending over, are immediately excluded. The most comfortable thing is loose sweatpants or leggings (you can stretch well in them), and a T-shirt/jacket/sweatshirt, all of your choice. I also highly recommend special gloves for the gym, since exercise equipment often causes calluses on the palms, and delicate women’s hands should always be perfect.

You can buy them at almost any sports store. It is also best to take a small towel with you to the gym to wipe off sweat and a bottle of water. You can take your player with you (if it and the music don’t bother you).

Sportswear for the gym: tips for choosing

First of all, it is worth paying considerable attention to the choice of clothing, which should be as comfortable and pleasant to the body as possible, and should not restrict movement.

To get started, you can buy inexpensive items: regular knitted leggings and cotton T-shirts. Moreover, you should not be ashamed of your shape and be afraid to buy tight leggings for working out in the gym, since you will be most comfortable in them, and you should also not give preference to wide sports trousers: they are not entirely suitable for performing exercises on the leg muscles.

If you decide to take up sports seriously and are preparing for this thoroughly, then you can think about purchasing branded clothing from brands such as Nike, Reebok, Adidas, which are designed specifically for fitness and strength training.

Sports bag for the gym trends new photos

A sports bag or a backpack - whichever is more convenient for you, but just a hint from an experienced gym regular: if you ride a bike, walk to the gym or rollerblade, then choose a backpack. It should not be too large, and not necessarily with orthopedic inserts and other bells and whistles - they only add heaviness. An athlete will not damage his back if he maintains an even posture from the first step.

For those who will travel to a sports club by car or by bus, on the contrary, a bag with a wide shoulder strap is more convenient.

Don't forget about water!

If you have been involved in physical labor, then you are well aware of how thirst overcomes you; fitness is the same work. During exercise, the body spends a lot of water, normalizing heat exchange. This is why the body literally begs us to drink any liquid. Be sure to take water with you. Its volume should not be less than half a liter, be guided by your feelings, because for some people even a one and a half liter bottle is not enough to meet the needs of the body.

You can take water in a regular bottle, or you can choose a special container for sports. For example, bottles for cyclists are perfect for training; they will never spill and are easy to use.

Shower accessories

After training, be sure to take a shower, this is no secret. This helps you tone up, wash away sweat, and also relax. Never neglect this opportunity. You will need everything you usually use: shower gel, washcloth, towel and rubber slippers. The last point is especially important for personal hygiene; even in the best fitness clubs you can pick up a fungus. It is better to buy small shower accessories so that they do not take up much space. Change of underwear: after a shower, it is imperative to change into clean clothes!

Scrunchy : You will feel enormous inconvenience if you forget this little detail, especially if you have long hair.

If the fitness club has a sauna and swimming pool, do not neglect it. For the pool, purchase a swimming cap and a swimsuit, one-piece or two-piece - at your discretion, since there are no restrictions here. The sauna, in turn, is a huge plus for both health and body. To visit it, you also need a special cap on your head, for example, made of natural sheep felt, so as not to dry out your hair, and a towel on which you will sit.

First of all, you need to understand that all your makeup and beautiful hairstyles will, alas, deteriorate after 10 minutes, and the perfume you use can acquire a completely unpleasant aroma due to the smell of sweat.

Few girls would think of going to a fitness club not for sports, but just for fun, so it is necessary to dress in this establishment in accordance with the sports dress code, and not rely on glossy magazines and fashion trends. What are the most common mistakes girls make, how not to go to the gym, that’s what we’ll talk about today.

Misconception No. 1. Revealing outfits are always beautiful and sexy, so you can go to the gym in them

This point applies, rather, to those girls for whom visiting the club is not a desire to get their figure in order, but to demonstrate their ideal forms. However, transparent tops, seductive T-shirts with deep necklines are not at all the clothes you should wear to the gym.

  • Firstly , you will provoke representatives of the opposite sex who just came to the club to exercise, and to such an extent that this can lead to incorrect installation of the apparatus and even injury.
  • And secondly , you yourself will not be comfortable if your most prominent part of the body sways with every movement or falls out. You will be distracted, which means the quality of your classes will be out of the question.

Right choice: leggings or shorts, a T-shirt or sweatshirt with an appropriate neckline.

Misconception No. 2. The choice of underwear for the gym does not matter.

Just the opposite! During exercise, you move actively, therefore, intense sweating occurs. There is a separation of underwear.

For sports Cotton panties and bras without lace, rhinestones or other decorative elements are ideal; they fit the body and at the same time allow it to breathe. In addition, they do not interfere with movement, do not bulge under sportswear and do not spoil the overall appearance.

A set of a single color scheme is considered good form.

From a hygienic point of view It is not recommended to wear lace underwear or push-up bras to the gym. Thongs are especially harmful - they not only interfere with movement, but are also a source of spread of bacteria in the intimate area.

Misconception No. 3: You can wear both tight and wide pants to the gym.

Sports brands offer a variety of models for training in fitness clubs, but not all of them are successful. Thus, wide trousers look impressive and mask physique flaws, but working out in them is not entirely comfortable for the reason that the trouser leg can get caught on the exercise machine, and this, in turn, will lead to injury.

Preference should be given tight tights or leggings that keep your legs toned and promote good blood circulation.

Misconception No. 4. Long hair is not a hindrance to sports

Long, well-groomed hair is a source of pride for every woman, but it is they that create the main obstacle during sports activities.

Scalp sweats, which affects the condition of your curls - instead of well-groomed, smooth hair, by the end of the lesson you risk getting disheveled tow hair.

Just do not use hairpins or other sharp pins.

Misconception No. 5. Bright makeup does not interfere with sports activities.

This point echoes the previous one.

For hygienic purposes It is not recommended to wear makeup at the gym at all.

However, there are girls who cannot imagine themselves without makeup. Very often, when going to a fitness club, they apply war paint to themselves and use the entire arsenal of decorative cosmetics: a thick layer of foundation, lipstick, blush, mascara... As a result, by the end of the class, the mascara is smeared, the makeup floats and looks sloppy. It’s not surprising, because the face also sweats. In addition, there are certain rules of decency: bright makeup is appropriate for going to a disco, but is absolutely not suitable for a fitness club. Theatrical makeup looks ridiculous in the gym.

Make yourself make-up in nude style, lightly tint eyebrows and eyelashes. Use gloss instead of lipstick. Take care of a waterproof foundation and do not forget about the combination of colors of makeup and clothing, for example, pink eye shadow and a green tracksuit - bad manners. The same applies to perfume - no heavy oriental scents, it is best to use regular deodorant.

Misconception No. 6. It doesn’t matter what clothes I wear to the gym, the main thing is that I’m generally ready for this decision.

The right clothes are the key to quality activities that will truly benefit you. Agree, in old pants with elongated knees, stretched T-shirts or homemade, even cute and cute knitted pants and a T-shirt, you will feel uncomfortable, both physically and mentally, against the backdrop of girls dressed in modern, comfortable and stylish suits.

Cloth should be made of materials that allow air to pass through and absorb sweat. Today it is not only cotton, but also modern synthetic textures that meet quality standards.

Second point. You should dress according to the climatic conditions. No matter how beautiful and modern the suit is, keep in mind that you will be extremely hot in it. These sets (as in the photo) are more suitable for a morning jog than for working out in the gym.

Misconception No. 7. You can exercise in any shoes, including old ones - what's the difference?

Worn out old shoes not only look unsightly, but they also pose a potential hazard. For example, a peel-off sole does not allow you to fix your foot on the floor or exercise machine, which can cause you to slip.