Side bends on the block. Ab crunches on the upper block. Double twist technique

This exercise, with a large number of repetitions (50-100 or more), performed at a fast pace, helps burn fat and reduce the volume of such problem areas, like a “lifebuoy” around the waist and just below. However, it is worth remembering that the exercise only works when it is used as a complement to, for example, crunches, barbell or dumbbell rows, squats, lunges, plies. That is, you must first seriously load and warm up your muscles, and then, while doing bends, proceed directly to fat burning.

What muscles work?

During bending, the oblique abdominal muscles actively work, the rectus abdominis muscle and a number of deep muscles housings. Please note that the oblique abdominal muscles easily increase volume, so exercises on them - if you do not want to expand in width - should be done only in a fat-burning mode: perform many repetitions with light weights or without them at all.

Basic technique

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your belt (or take a dumbbell in your hand), and turn your shoulders. Now be sure to pull in your stomach, tighten your buttocks and slightly twist your tailbone forward and up. Without changing the position of the pelvis and abdomen, fixing them with muscle tension, bend strictly to the side, directing the shoulder to the knee. Legs may be slightly bent. Perform the required number of inclines and repeat the exercise on the other side, taking the dumbbell in the other hand.

Basic mistakes

  1. Relax your abdominal muscles, do not twist your tailbone forward. Correct position coccyx and abdominal tension protect the lumbar spine from injury. If you don't do this, the load will shift from the oblique abdominal muscles to the vertebrae, which will damage the spine and will not help remove fat from the waist.
  2. Rotating the body instead of bending or while performing a movement: this contributes to abrasion of the discs and pinched nerves in the lumbar region spine. The mistake will have a particularly negative impact on the health of an adult and not very sports man. Therefore, turning and bending forward should be avoided. Make sure that the body moves only in one plane to the sides, and the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen are tense.
  3. Take heavy dumbbells, the weight of which will not allow you to perform many repetitions. To burn fat around the waist, it is better to do many sets without weights than to take them too early and build up unnecessary volume.

Execution options

For beginners. At the beginning of your studies, the most important thing for you should be to master basic technology and tracking the position of the body: it is necessary to bend so that the body does not rotate. To avoid turning your torso, during the exercise, raise your arm opposite the side of the bend and try to look only at it.

For the experienced. If you've been training for a long time, add loads by picking up dumbbells. The easiest option is to lower your arms along your body; the more difficult option is to stretch your arm with the dumbbell to the side. To make the exercise even more effective, when bending, bend and lift the leg in which direction you are leaning 20-30 cm from the floor. When placing it on the floor, do not forget to check the position of the pelvis and the tension of the abs. Raising the leg helps massage problem areas of the abdomen and engages the muscles that stabilize the body.

Performing exercises on a block machine allows you to diversify your training program and improve progress in building muscle volume. The peculiarity of such classes is that they are radically different from training with free weights.

The blocks in the simulator can be pulled back and forth, to the sides, down and up. Free weights do not provide such flexibility, and muscles do not receive such comprehensive development. The muscles are worked out completely differently when the athlete trains on a block machine.

Lifting the barbell for biceps and performing crossover curls while standing have some differences in the technique of movement, and, consequently, in the impact on the muscles. This also applies to bent over arms, which are done in the simulator, which differs from the usual exercise with dumbbells, since the upper pectoral muscles work somewhat differently.

The variability of positions that block simulators provide is the main and main advantage of this sports equipment. Block exercises allow you to stimulate muscle growth. Athletes who previously worked only with free weights achieve especially high results.

They represent a selection of the most effective exercises, which for one reason or another, disclosed in the presented description of each, should be included in the main training program for increasing muscle mass.

It is a multi-joint exercise that is aimed at training the back using several muscle groups, allowing you to use fairly heavy weights. It, unlike a single-joint one, stimulates the production of much more testosterone and growth hormone in the body of athletes. This has positive effect for muscle growth. You can work with both the lower and upper grip, as well as with a narrow and wide grip.

It is best to perform this exercise at the end of a workout to develop your back muscles. First you need to work with heavy weights, performing deadlifts, bent-over rows with a barbell, supplementing, if possible, with T-bar rows. Expanding the range of motion is achieved by performing the exercise with one hand.

Aimed at working out the shoulder girdle. Is one of the best ways engaging and training the middle fascicle of the deltoid muscle group. Gives the greatest effect when wide grip. Maximum isolation is achieved by occupying one of three positions - standing with cables (two), on the floor, sitting. Performing with a bar that has rotating handles allows you to relieve the stress on your wrists.

This exercise is best done before single-joint deltoids and after heavy overhead presses. It is often used as a closing dropset when they want to work out the middle beams to the maximum deltoid muscles.

Working with free weights involves moving your arms perpendicular to your body. In this back exercise with a block machine, the amplitude is much greater. In addition, the athlete has the opportunity to experiment with different grips and types of bar, which is also an undeniable advantage.

Many athletes perform this exercise as a warm-up for the shoulder girdle, since it has a high range of motion. And if regular pull-ups make it difficult to increase the load, then doing heavy approaches on blocks is much easier. Pulling blocks to the chest can also be done after free weight exercises that follow the warm-up.

This is perhaps one of the best variations of biceps development in such a simulator as a crossover. Its high efficiency is due to the ability to change the height of both the block itself and the position own body. This exercise is an excellent choice for those athletes who have a shoulder injury, as it provides the joint with almost complete freedom of movement.

The exercise is not characterized by a high load; it is great for performing in those moments when there is a need to reduce the intensity. It can also be done using fairly heavy weights. The main thing is achieving muscle failure, be sure that the inertia of movement is not involved.

The latter is due to the fact that due to cheating the execution technique is disrupted. This results in an increased risk of injury. Workouts with sets of six or eight repetitions are recommended to be performed with both arms, either a barbell or an EZ bar.

Unlike many other chest exercises, it allows you to easily change the angle of resistance. If it is necessary to work the lower part of the pectoral muscles, the blocks are placed upward, and if the emphasis is on top part, then, on the contrary, the blocks are placed at the bottom. Similarly, a change in the point of bringing the hands together is required.

It is made the penultimate or final one in training. When two isolation chest exercises are performed at once during a class, the muscles should be worked from different angles. Otherwise, the loads will be unidirectional, which is not effective.

It is a work on the deltas, which involves swinging to the sides and raising the arms in an inclined position. Recommended for inclusion in training, since block exercise machines were designed specifically for single-joint exercises.

The triset allows you to develop literally every fascicle of the delta, holding the handle and not releasing it. You can spread your arms while standing or bending over, raise them in front of you or swing them to the sides.

This triset usually completes the workout. In what part of the lesson to do this exercise is not of paramount importance. The main thing is to make sure that the work on each beam is the same and not different.

Differs from similar exercises performed with own weight, the ability to conduct training with an unlimited number of repetitions, the number of which depends on the goal set for the athlete, as well as adjustment of maximum loads. Crunches can be performed on the knees, with emphasis on the upper part abdominals, and standing, if it is necessary to work the oblique muscles.

The crossover exercise is done either first or second in training to work the abdominal muscles. Taking no heavy weight By increasing the number of repetitions, you can do crunches closer to the end of the lesson.

Reason for inclusion this exercise to the list of the best is that it allows you to work out as efficiently as possible long head triceps. This is due to the fact that it is much easier to return to the original position in a crossover than when using an EZ bar or dumbbells. This extension can be diversified in several ways, if you stand on your knees or perform it using one hand.

Athletes who work their triceps through multi-joint exercises can do this exercise absolutely at any time during training, after the previous ones have been completed.

Some athletes believe that performing rotator cuff exercises is purely a waste of time. This erroneous opinion. This group of muscles and tendons, which together with the deltoids, provide maximum stability shoulder joints, and also reduces the risk of injury.

It is the lack of exercises that allow you to work the rotator cuff, when the rest of the deltoids are given increased attention, and becomes the main cause of problems. This creates an imbalance in muscle development, which leads to negative consequences and negatively affects the health of the shoulder girdle. To perform abduction and adduction not in a crossover, but with a dumbbell, this must be done either standing or lying down.

You should do arm abduction and abduction with light weights for five repetitions in each approach as a warm-up.

No. 10 Lower pulley between the legs

The number of leg exercises that can be done on a crossover are limited and ineffective. Rowing with a lower block between the legs is an exception that allows you to get maximum benefit. She looks like Romanian deadlift, which allows you to work the posterior chain, including the buttocks, lower back, and upper thighs. To get the greatest effect, you need to keep your back straight, your knees bent, and not stretch your shoulders, keeping them to a minimum. Correct technique involves performing all movements exclusively with the hips.

It is recommended to do this row as a complement to the main bends, since they force knee joints move. The inclusion of this exercise in training depends on how the athlete practices. If an athlete is working the back of the thighs with quadriceps, then before a single-joint exercise you need to squat and do hyperextension.

Summing up

Exercising on block exercise machines is useful not only for experienced athletes, but also for beginner athletes who have just started attending gym. Exercises performed with blocks are considered one of the most effective and best ways to prepare joints, ligaments, and muscles for upcoming increasing loads.


A classic way to strengthen your abdominal muscles is to regularly perform crunches. One variation of this exercise is crunches on the top block of a cable machine. They allow you to work out your muscles as effectively as possible and remove unnecessary stress from the lumbar region.

Muscle work

When performing crunches on a block, absolutely all abdominal muscles work in a complex manner. This is the main advantage of this exercise. Abdominal muscles working during the exercise.

More specifically, the movement involves:

  • rectus abdominis muscle;
  • oblique muscles (external and internal);
  • transverse muscles (located under the internal obliques).

The undoubted advantage of crunches on a block is that their implementation does not create a load on the lower back. The exercise is quite comfortable and suitable for those people who have suffered injuries to the lower back and spine.

Of course an important condition The safety and effectiveness of the exercise is compliance with the movement technique. We will talk about it further.

Execution technique

Cable crunches are performed on a cable machine. If you have been going to the gym for a long time, you will be familiar with a machine with an upper block from training your back and arm muscles.

First you need to set up the simulator and take the starting position:

  1. Attach a rope handle to the cable. Of course, you can perform exercises with a straight handle, but it is not as convenient and effective.
  2. Set up a small weight (too much weight will pull you up and prevent you from following the technique).
  3. Stand facing the machine and grab the handle by the ends so that both palms are facing inward. If you do decide to use a straight handle, use an overhand grip.
  4. Step back 1 step. Don't go too far. The maximum allowable distance is 1.5 m. Pull the handle towards you, bending your elbows, and carefully lower yourself to your knees.
  5. Pull the handle towards your head and round your body. The back should not straighten and the abs relax throughout the entire movement.


  1. As you exhale, twist your body forward, lowering your head almost to the floor. Make sure that your back is rounded and not straightened, and that your torso does not sway to the sides. Contract your abdominal muscles as much as possible and pull your ribs inward.
  2. As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Repeat 20-25 times without stopping and take a short break. Do 1-2 more approaches.

The main mistake that beginners make when performing cable crunches is that they confuse this exercise with bending. Bends practically do not affect the abdominal muscles, transferring the main tension to other muscles. This makes crunches useless.

  • When you do crunches, be sure to round your back from your lower back to your shoulders. At the same time, avoid the formation of deflection in lower section backs. If you do the exercise with a straight back, the entire load from the press will be transferred to the back muscles.
  • Do not pause too long or linger at any point in the amplitude. One repetition should follow another until the very end of the exercise. Rest is only necessary between sets.
  • At the lowest point of the amplitude, the elbows should approach the knees, but you should not pull the weight down with your hands. The arms are simply a “coupling” between you and the machine; only the abdominal muscles make the effort. Many people try to bend down too low, literally touching their forehead to the floor. In fact, excessive bending not only does not make the exercise more effective, but, on the contrary, does not allow the muscles to work correctly.
  • Try to keep your abdominal tension throughout the entire exercise.
  • Keep your torso in one position. Rocking your body will result in some of the load going to your hips.
  • Don't use heavy weights. Blocks that are too heavy can cause strain in your arm muscles, injure your elbow joints, and simply pull you up, preventing you from completing the exercise fully. To prevent this, choose the optimal weight.

Like other abdominal exercises, cable crunches should be performed at the end of your workout. The session should end with stretching.

Twisting on the upper block effectively affects the superficial and deep abdominal muscles. Regularly performing this exercise will allow you to achieve the desired six-pack, reduce your waist and give you a fuller belly. perfect shape. It is perfect for both beginners and advanced athletes.

Let's discuss harmful, but extremely popular exercises that an incredible bunch of people perform every day. We want to remind you for the thousandth time that you should make a decision: to perform certain exercises based on how they affect your health! Not by the size of the butt, not by the growth of the rear deltoid, but by assessing what the chance of getting injured is.

There is no need to talk about what is “better” or “worse”, it doesn’t matter. We will consider exercises exclusively from the point of view of two factors: benefit and injury risk to understand whether you will get a profit from them or stay the same, or maybe lose. The benefit of the exercise cannot be taken into account alone; the likelihood of injury is equally important in this context.

Lateral bends

I constantly watch how girls in the gym do these exercises with dumbbells, and with a barbell on their shoulders (it looks more than impressive), and on a hyperextension machine, and on a fitball against the wall (it looks more than comical). The exercises are performed, apparently, with the goal of tightening the lateral abdominal muscles, strengthening the spine, pumping up the oblique abdominal muscles, and making the waist (x) narrower. It is not surprising that many people do them, simply trusting the trainer or the media, or based on simple logic: “what I pump, I lose weight.” Let's look at these exercises and what results they lead to in reality.

Side bends are quite popular in gyms and this is not surprising; it’s hard to imagine an easier exercise than this! According to legend, side bends are an excellent workout for the oblique abdominal muscles. Now for some classic nerdiness. The anatomical movement in this exercise is called lateral flexion of the spine in the frontal plane or tilting the spinal column to the side.

The main muscles that are responsible for the movement of the spine:

1) Quadratus lumborum muscle
2) Intercostal muscles
3) Muscles between the transverse processes

As we see, oblique abdominal muscles do not work when bending over. You will not be able to “pump up your side press” with this exercise, because... oblique muscles are not involved.

The waist will also not become thinner. By bending to the side you will achieve one thing: you will make yourself visually squarer. When performing this exercise with weights, the quadratus lumborum muscles are tightened and enlarged. They are located so that when they develop excessively (with hypertrophy), they expand the waist, resting on the sides from the inside, expanding the oblique abdominal muscles, which are responsible for the narrow waist. We will look at the oblique abdominal muscles and some exercises for them below.

And in general, we will not deceive you and say that you can make an hourglass from a “rectangle” and never believe those who convince you of this, seriously! The waist, like the shape of the buttocks, is either there or not. You need to work in the conditions that exist and achieve maximum results!

Moreover, this exercise is also dangerous for people with problematic or weak backs, as quadratus muscle the lower back, together with the intertransverse ones, are spinal stabilizers that strengthen the physical therapy without burdens, in order to restore their work after some kind of injury, illness, or prevention. When working with weights, these muscles hold the spine relative to the pelvis and strongly “squeeze” the vertebrae together, creating a dangerous load and preconditions for vertebral instability. These weight-bearing exercises can even worsen spinal osteochondrosis, which many people have, including teenagers.

With an incorrect approach and use of these exercises, the result is:
once: dangerous load on the spine,
two: we strengthen the existing osteochondrosis,
three: we expand the waist in defiance of the generally accepted stereotypes of some fitness “gurus” that are widespread among the masses.

Remove this exercise from training plan or do it only at the beginning joint gymnastics, How .

How to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles: exercises

External oblique muscles abdomen begin on the anterior lateral margins of the lower eight ribs and are inserted into the iliac crest, pubic tubercle, and rectus abdominis aponeurosis.

Internal oblique muscles abdomen begin on the iliac crest and thoracolumbar fascia, and are attached to the cartilages of the last three ribs and the aponeurosis of the rectus abdominis muscle.

Boring again, the highest level 😂:


- flexion during bilateral contraction, as assistants to the rectus abdominis muscle,
- lateral flexion along with rotation of the spine during unilateral work.
- stabilization of the spine along with the rectus abdominis and transverse muscles.

IMPORTANT: during flexion and rotation of the torso from a lying position to the left, the external obliques work with right side and internal obliques on the left side - this is due to their structure and location of the fibers.

- well-developed oblique abdominal muscles, along with transverse muscle form a frame that tightens the waist area and makes it thin, unless the quadratus lumborum muscle is hypertrophied.

Remember that good result can only be achieved through a set of exercises, i.e. include both statics and dynamics!

1) Dynamic operating mode.

But what happens when you do leg extensions in the machine? In the bent position of our legs we have no load at all, but in the extended position there is a maximum load, which means that the thinnest part receives all the work. This is absolutely not physiological and dangerous. In fact, the question of your injury is only a matter of weight and time.

Also, when performing seated leg extensions, the anterior cruciate ligament receives constant tension. There is also an increased risk of lateral deviation of the kneecap and increased stress against shear forces.

By the way, this exercise is even more dangerous for women than for men! The ligaments and tendons surrounding the knee areas are much weaker in women than in men. And therefore, any deviation of the weight load from the norm can lead to knee injuries.

Roman chair crunches

Classic: this simulator is everywhere, despite the fact that it is not very anatomically convenient, because forces a person to lift with a straight back. The fact is that the main task of our press is twist the pelvis to the body or the body to the pelvis. When you secure your feet in the bolsters below your pelvis, you make this kind of twisting more difficult. The load on the lower back, hips and iliopsoas muscles increases, and. If you add weight to this (and many manage to do this exercise with weights from a barbell), then you can easily injure your lower back.

Seated/standing overhead press. Vertical block head pull

For some reason it is believed that bench press and deadlift vertical block from behind the head are perhaps the key in training the deltoid muscles. Thinking here goes, as they say, in a straight line: the rear delts need to be trained with overhead presses or head pulls in the simulator (after all, they are performed from behind), and the front delts - with chest presses (performed in front of you). But is this right?

Let's do a little experiment. Let's take a pumped-up person and ask him to move his arm to the side, applying a certain force to it - in front, behind and above. At the same time, our muscleman has to overcome these efforts by tensing the corresponding muscle bundles. Next, holding your hand on the front deltoids, we ask him to turn his hand, thereby duplicating the starting position when performing overhead presses. It is clearly visible that the anterior deltoid is on top, just along the path of upward movement of the humerus. Next, we will ask the athlete to bring his arm forward (duplicating the starting position of traditional chest presses). The location of the beams remains unchanged - the front beam is still at the top. In this case, the role of each of the deltoid muscle bundles becomes clear:

Anterior bundle – agonist(leading beam);
Middle bundle – synergist(assistant);
Posterior bundle – antagonist(his role is not to interfere with the movement anterior beam, position - relaxed).

By the way, this fact is very easy to check by applying a force that will be directed upward (simulating overcoming the weight of the barbell from behind the head). In this case, you can feel with your hand the work of all delta bundles. It turns out that only two bundles are involved in the work - the front and middle. The back one, as relaxed as it was, remains relaxed.

Plus, don't forget that our shoulder joints are very mobile.

Thus, training task rear delts overhead presses are incapable of solving. In fact, both the chest press and the overhead press primarily work the “front” deltoids. The only difference is that the chest press is safer because it is more natural. The sitting/standing overhead press and vertical pull-down create a load that is unnatural for the shoulder joints and leads to their injury. In short, there are no advantages, but a lot of disadvantages.

Leg abduction in the simulator

Don’t believe that you can get injured in this simulator? But in vain. In the article we talk in detail about the risk of injury and the nuances of performing this exercise.

“Here I am...”

Pump up your abs correctly! Pump up your abs effectively! Get quick result, using a scientific approach and the best methodology available today.

As Shawn Ray once put it, bodybuilding is a great art of illusion. To this day, most bodybuilders take this expression too literally. The main manifestation of this attitude is to work on the muscles that are always in sight. The fashion for open tops has not yet reached men, so the abs, hidden under clothes, are given last priority during training.

How greatly mistaken are those who believe that the main purpose of the press is aesthetics. In fact, they are of primary importance for the body.

Unfortunately, many people pump such an important muscle group as the abs with crunches, just for show. Crunches - really good exercise however, it is - the main load is directed to the rectus abdominis muscle. This is exactly the muscle that pleases us with beautiful cubes when proper training. What a huge amazement there is for those who have succeeded in twisting, however, now for a long time cannot obtain the desired reliefs. Why didn't the exercise work? We'll talk about this a little later and in more detail.

For now, we'll note that even though the cubes don't appear, crunches are generally very useful. Almost everything strength exercises are performed with the assistance of the abdominal muscles, in this case they perform static work. While the athlete performs bench presses or squats, the elastic waist abs provide a rock-solid support for the core. As a result, if an athlete regularly trained the rectus abdominis muscle, this will in any case have a positive effect on overall performance: with a strong press, he will be able to do more squats, improve results in the bench press, deadlift and many others.

Reverse side twisting - monotony and isolation. As mentioned earlier, the main emphasis in crunches is on the rectus abdominis muscle, the remaining muscle groups are the external obliques and internal muscles And transverse muscles, remain out of work.

Now we can move on to the question that worries you: why twisting does not give the desired relief. A good analogy is modeling from plasticine: in order to make a ball, you crumple the plasticine from different sides, giving it a shape. A similar process occurs during the formation of convex “cubes” of the press. In order for a muscle to gain volume, it needs to be affected from different sides. This can be done using multidirectional loads and special complex exercises.

Hard press

Ball curls

The principle of training the press is as follows: take one exercise each from the series “Bending”, “Bending”, “Turning”. All three exercises should be performed without rest breaks, one after the other. Each movement should be performed in such a way that it ends with absolute “failure”. For weighted exercises, there should be 20-25 repetitions per set.

A cycle of three exercises consists of three sets - 1 set for each exercise. At the end of the cycle, rest for up to 30 seconds. The cycle is repeated 3 times.

After completing 2-3 sessions of this program, replace it with a new one by choosing other exercises. After another 2-3 sessions, change the set of exercises again. Eventually you will arrive at your original training program. By this point, you should already be doing the same exercises not under your own weight until “failure”, but with weights. With each workout, increase the resistance and reduce the number of repetitions according to the following principle: the first workout - 20-25 times, the second - 12-20 times, the third - 8-10 times. In order to create the necessary weight, you can use ankle weights, special balls, pancakes from the barbell.

Crunches with a weighted ball

To perform the exercise, lie on the floor with your back, bend your knees. With your arms straight, hold the weighted ball out in front of you. Without lifting your lower back from the floor and without changing the vertical position of your hands with the ball, raise your shoulder girdle. At the top of the movement, pause a little.

Double twist technique

Double crunches without weights and with weights

Take the starting position: back on the floor, knees bent, hands behind your head. Perform a double movement with simultaneous effort: raising your knees to your chest and lifting your shoulder girdle up. As you perform the exercise, tighten your rectus abdominis muscle as much as possible. Pause at the end point of the movement.

Double crunches with weights

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Place a weighted ball between your knees and squeeze it. Press your hands with additional weights to your chest. At first, the weight of the burden should not be more than 5 kg. At the same time, twist your body, pulling your knees towards your chest, and lifting your chest towards your knees.

Tackles with a Swiss ball

Starting position: the shins rest against the Swiss ball, the body is fully straightened, straight arms focus on the floor, the position is like push-ups. Tightening your abs, roll the Swiss ball towards you. After pausing, roll it away from you so that your hands are now resting on the floor at an angle.

Crunches with straight arms extended

Lie on your back, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Stretch your arms straight along your body and clasp your palms. Without lifting your lower back or changing the position of your arms, lift your shoulder girdle up and pause at the top point.

Knee raises on blocks

For the exercise you will need a simulator with a lower block. Connect the leg clamp to the pulley cable, secure the clamp to the ankle of your right leg. Right hand lean against your side, firmly grasp the support with your left hand. Raise the knee of your right leg as high as possible without changing the straight position of your body, and take a static pause at the top point. Switch legs and arms.

Performing crunches on a bench

Lie down on a bench so that the end of the bench is just below your shoulder blades. Hold a weight to your chest. Tightening your abs, lift your shoulder girdle up without lifting your lower back from the bench. At the end point of the movement, take a static pause.

Set of exercises “Turns”

Exercises that involve moving weight in your hands cause a change in the center of gravity. This is usually not emphasized, however, when performing power movements, we actually do not just raise and lower the barbell, but direct all our efforts to maintain balance.

Let us consider from this point of view the well-known standing biceps curls. Only people ignorant of bodybuilding can believe that the weight of the weight depends entirely on how developed the arm muscles are. But, as it turns out, the weight of your weight depends on the fitness of your abs, because it is the one that maintains the balance of the body during the exercise. Boost power characteristics press, and you will be able to lift the barbell 10% heavier than before. And this is true for other muscle groups: with a powerful press, the workload of the rest of the muscles, in general, increases by 5-10%.

Do not forget that the abdominal muscles perform work in three planes:

  • sagittal movements - direct abduction and extension of the body and legs;
  • frontal - lateral tilts of the body;
  • rotation of the body.

From the first training, train your core muscles to work harmoniously as a team. This will allow you to achieve best results in training other muscle groups. To properly develop your abdominal muscles, you will need a training program consisting of three types of movements. Three sets performed without rest are even better for this.

As soon as you have good press, you will feel how much easier it has become to perform other exercises. By comparing the difference before and after abdominal muscle training, you will understand how much you were mistaken before when you thought that abs were only needed for aesthetics.

Pelvic rotations in a hanging position

To perform the exercise, you need to hang on the bar, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Slowly bending your knees to the side, lift your feet as high as possible. At the top phase of the exercise, a static pause is made. The next exercise is performed on the opposite side.

Performing a “lumberjack” on the top block

To take the starting position, stand sideways to the upper block, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Balance your stance with your knees slightly bent.

Holding the handle of the block with both hands, align the body in a strictly vertical position. The movement should be performed along an arc path: with straight arms, lower the handle down, simulating a chopping movement. At this moment, the body must rotate around its axis. Return to the starting position smoothly, without jerking. It is very important that during this exercise the range of motion is maximum.


This exercise is performed on the floor. You need to lie face up and straighten your legs. While simultaneously raising your straight legs and body, extend your arms towards your feet. Stay in this position and turn your body as far as possible to one side. Hands should follow the body without changing position. Make a similar movement in the opposite direction.


Starting position: lying on the floor, clasp your hands behind your head and slightly raise your extended legs. Perform a simultaneous twist and pull of the knee towards the chest. While twisting, try to touch the knee raised to your chest with your opposite elbow. Return to the starting position, and then repeat the same movement, but for the other knee and elbow.

Twist tackles

Swiss ball tackles with a turn are performed like regular tackles, with the exception that when rolling the ball, you must turn your knees to the side. The range of motion of the knees should be maximum. Turns should be done alternately for each side.

Leg rotations from a lying position

The exercise is performed on the floor, lying on your back. For convenience, stretch your arms along your body and rest your palms on the floor. Raise your straight legs perpendicular to the floor, and then slowly lower them to the side, performing a static pause at the end. Return to the starting position and do the same for the other side.

Twisting with body rotations

Take the starting position: lie on the floor face up, bend your knees, stretch the weight on your straight arms in front of your chest. Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulder girdle up. During the exercise, the lower back should not lose contact with the floor. When lifting, first turn your body to one side without bending your arms.

Samson Tilts

This exercise bears the name of its author, the strongman Samson. To perform, you need to stand straight, holding dumbbells above your head with straight arms. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Bend your body sideways as low as possible, keeping your arms and body in the same line. Returning to the starting position, repeat the exercise with an inclination in the opposite direction.

Side bends with dumbbells

To perform the exercise, you need to stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. The dumbbell is held in a straight hand at the hip. The second arm is straightened along the body. Bend slowly towards the dumbbell, bending as low as possible. Just as slowly you should return to the starting position. After completing a number of repetitions, transfer the dumbbell to the other hand and begin bending in the other direction.

Exercise "board"

In order to take the starting position, you need to lie on your side, leaning on bent arm. The second hand rests on the side. The legs are straightened, one lies on top of the other.

Slowly lift your pelvis up, straightening your body in one line. You need to hold this position for as long as possible. Repeat the exercise, changing sides.

Extended Leg Raise

To perform the exercise you need to lie on your side. The head rests on the bent arm, the other arm rests in front of you on the floor to stabilize the body. Legs should be straight.

Raise your top leg as high as possible, keeping your leg straight and in the same plane as your body. In the upper phase of the rise, a static pause is made. After completing the required number of repetitions with one leg, change your body position and switch legs.

Tilts on the block

To perform the exercise, stand sideways to lower block. Grasp the handle with the hand closest to the block. Straighten your back and then bend in the opposite direction. At the maximum point of inclination there is a static pause. Slowly straighten up. Having completed the required number of bends in one direction, change position and begin bending in the other direction.

Side twists

To take the starting position, you need to lie on the floor, turning on your side. One hand rests on the floor with a bent elbow, the second is placed behind the head. To stabilize your position, put your legs together and bend them at the knees, moving them slightly forward.

Raise your shoulder girdle as high as possible in the longitudinal projection. Having completed the necessary twists on one side, do the same on the other.

Side leg raises

Take the starting position: to do this, you need to lie on your side, place one hand behind your head, and rest your elbow on the floor with the other.

Raise your straightened legs as high as possible, the movement is carried out in the longitudinal plane of the body. At the top point of the movement, fix the position, and then smoothly lower your legs down. After completing the desired number of lifts, change legs.